Most of the military grade stuff comes from South America and can be traced to US and Soviet shipments to a few countries back in the late 80's. They were used to set up or. Instead, the ATF lost 1,400 (or more!) Well, crap. It was run by brothers Jorge Luis, Juan David, and Fabio Ochoa Vasquez; Pablo Escobar; Carlos Lehder; George Jung; and Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez. Man, how awful am I gonna feel if one of these guys gets plugged with a weapon I sold? The problem isnt cartels sneaking (civilian) guns from the U.S. The Bureau Of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), despite sounding like the most fun bureau in history, generally frowns on that kind of thing. American firearms power a brutal conflict that has claimed more than 100,000 lives. Or is it because the CA border is not a barrier to trafficking contraband? Fake News. Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company. WASHINGTON Convicted gun smuggler John Phillip Hernandez of Houston was likely not the kind of customer that Bushmaster Firearms International had in mind when he purchased 14 of the company's .223 caliber AR-15s at Houston area gun shops in 2006 and 2007. Havent you heard anyone who comes to the US and gets a magic piece of paper is just as American and you and I. Exactly, if America had adopted Mexican-style gun control, it probably wouldve had as many mass shootings as Mexico has had in the past 30 years. Century Arms Draco 7.62X39mm pistol: Another Romanian import. Viewers see this group of teenagers create their own drug organization. For thecartels, the M82 has also become a status symbol. SHARE AK-47 favorite gun of cartels WASHINGTON Convicted gun smuggler John Phillip Hernandez of Houston was likely not the kind of customer that Bushmaster Firearms International had in mind when he purchased 14 of the company's .223 caliber AR-15s at Houston area gun shops in 2006 and 2007. I do like tacos though. The majority of U.S. states allow citizens to buy .50-caliber weapons, something Mexico reserves for its military. it would help a great deal if the U.S. had much tighter gun control and drug enforcement.. Andrea Waguespack is a features digital producer for the Houston Chronicle. He likes tacos. It weighs around 30 pounds and costs as much as a damn car. Drug cartels have been using monster type armored cars for about 15 Top ATF officials have said in congressional testimony that 90 percent of the guns submitted for tracing by Mexican authorities are from the United States. Mexico is suing US gun makers, arguing that millions of American guns have illegally flowed across the border and fueled homicide rates. Latin American criminal gangs have embraced social media and messaging platforms to spread narco culture and sell drugs. Where do Mexican drug cartels get their guns? Often, the United States American guns are ok, and many of the gun companies from the above countries have some US manufacturing. Drug cartels have been using monster type armored cars for about 15 years these recent photos clashes in tamaulipas between cdn and cdg they use m82 m017 barrets also m2 machine guns and 40mm grenades this doesn't happen very far from egle pass texas or mcallen texas . American and Mexican law enforcement officials say nearly all of the gun violence in Mexico is fueled by the illicit import and sale of U.S. firearms. I hear Chinese AK-74 types a. Sept. 7, 2010 -- A shocking new report obtained by ABC News says that as many as three out of four guns used in crimes in Mexico and recovered and capable of being traced can be traced to gun . For more insider perspectives, check out 5 Insane Things I Learned About Drugs As An Undercover Agent and 6 Ways Life In Cartel-Run Mexico Is Nothing Like You Imagine. What kind of weapons do the cartels typically use? Is it really - Quora The cartel can trace its roots to the 1960s and '70s, when farming families entered the marijuana business. A Washington man drove to a U.S. border crossing last year in his teal Ford pickup truck loadedwith a hidden arsenal bound for a Mexican cartel war zone. Tell you what, you let me have what the Cartels are able to get from the Mexican Military and Ill let you have what I have now. One exhibit features weapons seized from cartel members. floating around in pictures. A museum in Mexico City has dozens of seized paraphilia on display. The Chicago study proved guns used in crime were often at least 11 years old and had passed through many hands making it impossible to trace them to the person that used them in a crime. "Operation Fast And Furious," the one you've actually heard about, launched in 2009. The Hearst survey of court cases found these weapons among the top 10: The Belgian-made FN Herstal Five-SeveN: Some versions of this pistol hold 10 rounds; others have a 20-round capacity. "It's hard to pinpoint exactly where we think a particular load (of guns) we seized was going,"Lestrange said. DEA agents say the cartel was trying to instill fear in its enemies and woo new members. An estimated 19% came from California, 15%from Arizona and 25% from other states. Why havent you established large numbers of military personnel inspecting every truck, train, cargo ship, private boat and aircraft entering the country? How U.S. Puerto Vallarta, a tourist mecca now in the hands of the Narcos Mexican drug cartels armed with sniper rifles that can take down Authorities seize drugs, guns, cash from Sinaloa drug cartel - Yahoo News Gun Companies The lawsuit over drug cartel violence could be part of a bigger change on guns. (Hollie McKay/Fox News) Moreover, a total of 28,741 recovered weapons . South Carolina: Cartel drug trafficking investigation Some are Russian, some Cuban made. In Michoacn, the global powerhouse Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin, or CJNG, has been engaged in a long and deadly battle with Sinaloa and other rival cartels. Cartels exploiting border chaos to smuggle fentanyl into US - New York Post I tend to like Belgian, Swiss, German, Austrian, and Italian guns. Ioan Grillo's "Blood Gun Money": U.S. fuels Mexican drug war - Los Now its used by more than 70 security agencies across the world, according to Barrett. Its compactness makes it easy to conceal and some versions can hold a 30-round magazine, made of lightweight polymer. He sent in the federal police along with army units in an attempt to eliminate high value . Once inside the U.S., Century Arms converts the rifles into military-style AK-47s capable of holding 30-round magazines. You took their 4473 and transcribed all that, then it asked what type of transaction it was, how many 100s, how many 50s, how many 10s, ones. Eighty-seven percent of traceable firearms seized by the Mexican government have been traced back to the U.S. We've inadvertently "gifted" Mexico with more than 64,000 firearms over the last five years. So, the ATF was like, "We'll show you! The article, titled, "The U.S. Must Defeat Mexico's Drug Cartels", . The M82 can easily penetrate bulletproof vests, concrete walls and even tanks, says its manufacturer Barrett Firearms. The customized gold-plated handgun of Jaime Gonzalez Duran, aka "Hummer", founder of a group of hitmen called the "Zetas", shown to the press at the hangar of the Federal Police in Mexico City, on November 7, 2008. Mexico's drug war fought with drones, human shields, gunships Evening roundup with our editors' favorite stories of the day . M53 gun truck "LIL SURESHOT", outfitted with a forward fighting box . "Project Gunrunner" (at least they were honest with the name) kicked off in 2006. Dear Mexico: clean up your own house before telling us how to take care of ours. Just look at the numbers for their drug war: [most of his city is north of the border so that shouldnt be a surprise. Drug cartels have the flashiest of weapons in their arsenal. Pass a domestic terrorism bill.. The Model 70 receivers were not even heat treated rather they were made from straight bar stock unlike the double heat treated Mausers. Of course, thats not primary the message Newsweek and the mainstream media (not to mention Mexican officials) want readers to take away from their report. Guns and munitions confiscated to alleged Mexican drug dealers Alberto Sanchez Hinojosa aka "El Tony", Francisco Arteaga Espino and Leonel Cruz Hernandez are displayed to the press in Mexico City on September 7, 2008. Majority all arms used in Mexico, where gun control laws are very strict, are bought in the U.S . RELATED:Documents allege Texas DPS spying on Mexico. ", Well, worry not, James, because the victims were mostly-, "And it's not gonna feel any better if I hear about some village in Mexico getting wiped out.". What i believe is that If i want to sale you ballons ,i give you a good price nd you will greatly say my ballons are the best .. quoteTijuanas Director of Public Safety, Marco Antonio Sotomayor, says most of the guns flowing into his city come from north of the border.quote. Operation Without a Trace works in sync with efforts by ATF, which targetsstraw purchasers, and the DEA, whose agents piece together conspiracy cases by identifying drug networks and their links to specific cartels. Yet, none of that is relevant, history is often forgotten. He didn't know much about it beside the fact that he wanted it.". Mexican Cartels Are Arming Themselves to the Teeth With Powerful US Its a weapon of war, added the official. We know theyre being illegally trafficked through California into Tijuana.. The indigenous people of Mexico do arm themselves and fight the government. Guns and munitions confiscated from alleged Mexican drug dealers Alberto Sanchez Hinojosa aka "El Tony", Francisco Arteaga Espino and Leonel Cruz Hernandez are displayed to the press in Mexico City on September 7, 2008, after they were detained in Villahermosa, Tabasco state. Violence in Mexico has claimed nearly 40,000 lives since President Felipe Calderon began a military offensive aimed at overpowering drug cartels. Drug Cartels Are All Over Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok Our source and his manager didn't call the authorities immediately -- buying a fancy gun with cash isn't illegal; otherwise, how would we have rap videos? Agents launched 534 investigations, seized $29 million and intercepted more than 1,200 guns, 4,700 magazines for semi-automatic and automatic weapons and 700,000 rounds of ammunition headed to. They want the firearms only in the hands they want so that they can execute their plan. Photo gallery: The top ten favorite guns of the Mexican drug cartels American guns help arm Mexican drug cartels, including CJNG - USA Today We sat down with "James," who worked at one of the gun stores the ATF ordered to sell firearms to drug cartels. What ARE you waiting on? While they had been gun-running since 2006, a 2011 report by the inspector general criticized the agency for dedicating too many resources to busting straw purchasers and not enough at busting the cartel guys doing the buying. "As a result of the continued use and possession of many of these guns, residents of Mexico will continue to be killed and injured by these guns, and the public will continue to fear for their health, safety, and welfare," Americanattorneys wrote in the suit on behalf of Mexico. Obama supplied guns to mexican gangs, and were also used in Paris France terrorist attack. CDC reinstates mask recommendation for planes, trains, While U.S. hits new job quitting record, this man set his own record 84 years at the same company, The U.S. housing market is historically overvalued. Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to . [see the above; Israel, China, Brazil, and many other big arms makers also chip in plenty. Also FN57 pistols but, the Barretts were the big one. Damn Democrat Pipeline! An admirer of Colombian crime boss Pablo Escobar places flowers on his . Theyre American-made guns, Sotomayor told the Union-Tribune. As of 2018 you have lost 395 servicemen killed and 137 missing, presumed killed by over 100,000 cartel fighters. We know theyre being illegally trafficked through California into Tijuana. [Theres no way for people to buy guns like those in California, either; they are not ban compliant], In 2018, the homicide rate in Mexico hit a record high of 35,964, spiking 12 percent from the year before, according to the countrys National Institute of Statistics and Geography. 2. It costs between $8,000 and $10,000, and it can literally put a bullet through most light tanks. Pass a domestic terrorism bill. The underground trade of weapons to Mexico is worth hundreds of millions of dollars annuallywith American guns used to kill tens of thousands of Mexicans each year. The weapons are sold legally but the purchasers must sign a U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives document saying they are buying the guns for themselves. They only wanted a couple of us dealing with it fill out this form, have the money counted, so we can bring drug dogs in to check the bills for drugs. Are insane ticket costs pricing Astros fans out of Opening Day? It is cheaper at gun outlets in the U.S. Beretta 9mm. The raw power of therifle, which weighs about 31 lb and is 4.9 feet long, was on show in mid-2020 during a military-style assassination attempt on Mexico Cityspolicechief that was captured by surveillance cameras. At one point, it was probably four to five of these rifles a week. The recent California shooting was done by a maniac who drove for almost 12 hours to commit crime. A recent report reveals 60 percent of all confiscated weapons in Mexico are seized in the three states of Tamaulipas, Guerrero, and Jalisco, with 7 out of 10 weapons confiscated coming from the United States. Somehow, gum made out of tree bark is still softer than Bazooka. Oh. This is how the cartels get the vast majority of their arsenal. A handgun covered with gold and money sized to alleged financial agent of the drug "Cartel del Golfo", Manuel Alquisires Garcia, aka "El Meme" and also know as Agustin Sanchez Morua, are shown during his presentation to the press on September 12, 2011 in Mexico City. Mexican Drug Cartels Agree: American-Made Guns Are the Best To lose that many military, cops, politicians and citizens murdered by gangsters is phenomenal. Mexican cartels and their weapons | SOFREP - SOFREP | Military Culture Utah woman sentenced for selling weapons to Mexican drug cartel - KSTU Sorry, man -- at least 150 Mexican civilians have been hurt or killed by weapons the ATF let enter Mexico. In the absence of sane border security policies, Guerra said, drug cartels decide who crosses, and people in their organizations use the children to enter the U.S. So, the ATF was like, "We'll show you! Those Ma Dueces & full auto Norinco Type 56 carbines arent coming from America, duh], In addition to weapons from the States working better, Mexico cartels view firearms as status symbols, retired DEA agent Jack Riley told The San Diego Union-Tribune: It is really important to these criminal organizations, who stay in business by the threat of violence and through the use of violence; and the tools that they prefer to do that with are American-made guns. [whats the status symbol aspect have to do with anything? No way the Democrats would support increasing the numbers of guns in the world. The English actor found the good side of being bad, Bad news that cult recovery group just might be a cult. ), We want USA to be majority white! The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration blames CJNG and the Sinaloa Cartel for the bulk of America's illicit fentanyl, the top killer during the deadliest drug epidemic in U.S. history. Your selective quoting left out California being the source of Tijuanas American weapons (which is but a small minority of total weapons used down there, not that the article mentions that relevant fact). I think thats pretty fair. [nearly all the guns they bother to trace through the ATFwhich is basically those with US markings on them, duh], The underground trade of weapons to Mexico is worth hundreds of millions of dollars annuallywith American guns used to kill tens of thousands of Mexicans each year. Do it.' Why Mexican Cartels Use American Guns | The War On Drugs And that region continues struggling with. ", "The ATF said, 'Don't refuse 'em, just let 'em go. Of theguns used in crimes in Mexico and traced back to the United States, about 41% camefrom Texas, he said. Gunmen battled on a beach near Puerto Morelos as tourists scrambled into a Hyatt . A straw purchase is when someone buys a gun legally, but then hands it over illegally to another person. Follow reporter Beth Warrenon Twitter: @BethWarrenCJ. Officers foundthree rifles, eight pistols, several magazines and more than 4,700 rounds, including a bag of bullets under Vasquez's seat and more ammunition wrapped in tape and plastic and tucked inside a hidden compartment between the exterior and interior paneling. Blood Gun Money: How America Arms Gangs and Cartels. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ", Your elite government task force in action, everybody: "Guess we just gave the bad guys a buncha weapons." Try again Jethro your out of your league. Officers found all of those brands, except Century Arms,in the shipments smuggled by Diaz, court records show. In any case, "the trace itself doesn't tell you anything,"' said Lawrence Keane, general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the Newtown, Conn.-based firearms industry trade group. Two of those weapons were tracked to the murder of a U.S. Border Patrol agent: The whole mess immediately became an embarrassment for the Obama administration. Colt Super .38 pistol: Colt, based in West Hartford, Conn., is the corporate legacy of Samuel Colt, who popularized the revolver in the years before the Civil War. And then paperwork started. Agents launched 534investigations, seized $29 million and intercepted more than 1,200 guns,4,700 magazines for semi-automatic and automatic weaponsand 700,000 rounds of ammunition headed to Mexico, Lestrange told The Courier Journalthis month. And he didn't want any ammo for it or any optics for it. ReporterKarolSurez contributed to this story. We know theyre being illegally trafficked through California into Tijuana. Central District of California | Indictment Names Six in Scheme to We were a large store you meet these border patrol agents coming to pick up extra stuff. According to prosecutors, the weapons are believed to belong to the Valencia gang, allies of the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel, and most of the 31 pistols found in the raid had gold or silver-plated grips or glittered with diamonds.
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