4. The crew are shown toiling with heavy equipment while entombed in the metallic grey confines of the ship. HMAS 'Hobart' was one of several Australian destroyers that operated on the gunline in the South China Sea with the US 7th Fleet. 3 Tours: 7 Mar 1967 27 Sep 1967, 22 Mar 1968 -11 Oct 1968, 6 Mar 1970 -17 Oct 1970. They werent called UFOs they were called enemy helicopters, and they were only seen at night and they were only seen in certain places. Australia was involved in combat operations in Vietnam from 1962 - 1972 and contributed several types of aircraft in support of that effort. FF-1062 Crew Roster . Since the year-long American punitive campaign failed to deter the North Vietnamese, the Johnson administration decided that a massive effort was required to strengthen the South's stand against its HMAS QUICKMATCH crew. In later years he rose to chair the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington. [58] The Sea Dragon deployment did not eventuate, and after operating near the DMZ, Hobart was reassigned to gunfire support duties around southern Vietnam on 12 August. [1] Hobart was awarded the United States Navy Unit Commendation for this tour of duty. [1] Personnel awards included a Distinguished Service Order, a British Empire Medal, a Mention in Despatches and 25 Naval Board commendations. The USS Warrington was damaged beyond repair by a friendly mine in 1972. Speed of 20 to 25 knots (37 to 46 km/h) Small high-resolution radar range 4 to 6 miles (7 to 11 km) With thanks to the RAN. In March 1967, Hobart became the first RAN combat ship deployed to fight in the Vietnam War. On 12 February 1966 she sailed for Australia arriving at Perth on 4 March where she was granted Freedom of Entry. 10 am to 5 pm daily (except Christmas Day). Talk (0) Awards and decorations of the Vietnam War were military decorations which were bestowed by the major warring parties during the years of the Vietnam War. HMAS HOBART Second Deployment March 22, 1968 - October 11, 1968 Commanding Officer Captain K. W. Shands RAN Executive Officer Commander I. Following her commissioning at Boston, Massachusetts, Perth (II) spent eight months in American waters conducting trials and exercises. [4] In 1989, the destroyer's Ikara launchers were removed during a refit. [62], Hobart returned to Vietnam for her third tour on 28 March 1970, taking over from the Daring-class destroyer HMASVendetta. The guided missile destroyer HMAS HOBART, (CAPT K. W. Shands, RAN), was in company with the US Ships COLLETT and ST PAUL when she came under enemy fire from shore batteries off Mui Ron, Vietnam. E. Belton R59592 LSWMJ. Navy in Vietnam: A record of the Royal Australian Navy in the Vietnam War 1965-1973 by Denis Fairfax (Australian Government Publishing Service 1980) pps.59-60, 5. This is the "famous" picture of Perth under fire taken by a sailor on board USS Newport News at 0800 on 18th October 1967. Navy ship HMAS Hobart hit during Vietnam UFO encounter? I dont know whether this story has ever been told or not [but UFOs plagued us in Vietnam]. Our guns opened up and I ran back to my position as the loader on the after gun. PERTH handing over to HOBART in Subic Bay. The Vietnam Attack on an Australasian Destroyer. what does an abnormal covid test result mean; grohmann knives website; shubenacadie river fishing; daniel lee trevino age; blind mike barstool fired; disorderly conduct ct penalties; lebanon correctional institution famous inmates; Just click on a picture to see a full-size view. The warhead passed through the main deck, seriously damaging several compartments, while the body of the missile . by Ian Callaway and David Holthouse. After the sightings, Allied Command, fearing another Tet Offensive-style build-up, rushed more anti-aircraft guns to the border, and placed Phantom fighter-bombers at Danang Air Base on standby, and it also asked available Allied warships to patrol the DMZ coast. After the lights fled seaward, the first friendly fire incident occurred shortly after midnight when the US Navy swift boat PCF-19 was sunk by three air-to-air missiles while patrolling some kilometres south of the DMZ. Now having said that, the captain of one of the American ships told me later at Subic Bay that he thought there were helicopters there, but the fact is he didnt report, and if he believed there was a helicopter it was his duty to report it at the time, but there was no report.. And in the course of this, an Australian destroyer [Hobart] took a hit there was no enemy at all involved but we always reacted. Royal Australian Navy Gun Plot HMAS Hobart Vietnam 1968 This series comprises the Reports of Proceeding (ROPS) created by the units of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) from the Second World War until the 1970s. Paranormal Postscript: Acting Sub-Lieutenant T. E. Lewis, RAN Acting Sub-Lieutenant G. Lloyd, RAN Acting Sub-Lietiteuant J. L. Raleigh, RAN . Reports of Proceedings (ROPs) are the official record of activities of the Royal Australian Navy's commands, vessels, shore establishments, administrative authorities and installations. [68] Returning on 13 September, Hobart was called to relieve USSLloyd Thomas on the gunline after an explosion in one of the American destroyer's gun mounts. [34] On 10 July, the destroyer left the operational area and sailed to Subic via Hong Kong, and underwent self-maintenance. [69] The destroyer was relieved by Perth on 26 September. hmas hobart vietnam 1968 crew list - fucae.com David Sutherland CPOSY RAN Rtd: 82k: USS Saint Paul (CA 73) Underway on 26 March 1968. Then on 17 June 1968, Hobart II was in the vicinity of Tiger Island off Vietnam when she detected an aircraft approaching her from the vicinity of Cap Lay. The guns were from the nose of the helo. Chandler sent a party on the German vessel that controlled the flooding and salvaged the ship. hmas hobart vietnam 1968 crew list . hmas hobart vietnam 1968 crew list. Agent Orange. Copyright 2013 -Satya Search - All Rights Reserved. Interview with Ken Shands, Anzac Day 1996, Melbourne, 6. Details of the subsequent aerial melee remain sketchy, but it is known several US 7th Air Force Phantom fighter-bombers soon arrived on the scene and began firing on the intruders; and were supported by anti-aircraft ground fire. Taken from HMAS Hobart (D39). [72][73], In 1972, Hobart underwent modernisation in the US. [1] Based on the United States Navy's Charles F. Adams class, Hobart had a displacement of 3,370 tons at standard load, and 4,618 tons at full load, a length of 440feet 3inches (134.19m) overall and 420 feet (130m) between perpendiculars, a beam of 47feet 1inch (14.35m), and a maximum draught of 15feet 3inches (4.65m). galleries are progressively closed from 4 pm. [32], After delays caused by monsoonal conditions, the ship returned to the gunline on 18 June. 23 Mar 1968. General George S Brown, USAF Chief of Staff, Department of Defense transcript of press conference in Illinois, 16 October, 1973, found at: http://gamegene.com/ufo.htm, 7. Sydney Morning Herald 19 June, 1968, p. 1 and Australian 19 June, 1968, p.1 7. "REAL" UFO & Alien Sightings by Date & Location, Hynek Classification: CE2 CE-II (Close Encounter II) Observation of an object in close proximity to the witness, where physical traces (impression, burn, medical effect, etc.) In preparation for the daily Last Post Ceremony. [76] From August until December, the ship, accompanied by Adelaide, Brisbane, and Sydney, visited ports in Indonesia and South-east Asia. Crew members working on the deck of HMAS 'Hobart'. Jim Steffes Vietnam Photo Album website found at http://www.bcres.com/river/steffes.htm Hyder. Many Ufologists believe alien visitors have long been studying human wars; and this may have been the case in 1968. She was named for Theodore E. Chandler.. Theodore E. Chandler was laid down on 23 April 1945 at Kearny, New Jersey, by the Federal Shipbuilding Company; launched on 20 October 1945; sponsored by Mrs. Theodore E. John Jazdzewski: 040101106: showing a perspective of the 8" turrets as compared to crew. [40] On 11 June, the destroyer returned to the Sea Dragon area of operations, joining USSTheodore E. [39][41] This continued until 2 June, when the destroyer's guns required new barrels. 9. HMAS Hobart was the first DDG to join the US Seventh Fleet on 15 March 1967 beginning the six monthly rotation of RAN destroyers for service on the gunline.Hobart and Perth deployed three times to Vietnam, Brisbane twice and Vendetta once. fordham university counseling psychology; hmas hobart vietnam 1968 crew list The destroyer made three deployments to the Vietnam War, earning a RAN battle honour and two United States Navy commendations HMS Caprice 1968 Association Newsletter 046 August 2008 Have just surfed the net to your website due to a recent re-reading of an extract of the June 1968 Report of Proceedings (ROP) of HMAS HOBART. In June 1968, Australia was dismayed by the news that the guided-missile destroyer HMAS Hobart had been badly damaged by 'friendly fire' in Vietnam: Two crew died and seven were wounded during the USAF attack. HMAS Hobart in Vietnam - The Naval Officers Club of Australia They were about 300 yards away and 100 feet above the water. destroyer parted company with the carrier shortly after midnight on 30 July 1967 in response to orders to return with HMAS Hobart to Sea Dragon duty off Vietnam. We pay our respects to elders past and present. In March 1967, Hobart became the first RAN combat ship deployed to fight in the Vietnam War. 388. HMAS DERWENT deployed to Vietnam in November 1971 to escort the fast troop transport HMAS SYDNEY into and out of Vung Tau . 1968-SEP: 1968: Mediterranean: JUL: 1969-JAN: 1970: Mid-East Cruise: JUL: (DD-730) Boston (CAG-1) and HMAS Hobart in conducting sweeps from Cap Lay north to Thanh Hoa. [21] Arrangements were made to provide logistic support through the United States Pacific Fleet. Navy ship HMAS Hobart hit during Vietnam UFO encounter? korbell plus refill apotea; jake hess death; lithonia shop light model 1233 by | Jun 5, 2022 | curtain suppliers in dubai | riverside cafe medicine park, ok menu | Jun 5, 2022 | curtain suppliers in dubai | riverside cafe medicine park, ok menu Left: HMAS Hobart (II)s tactical operators and anti-aircraft control crews closed up at action stations on the upper deck. In March 1967, one month after the announcement of the deployment of the Clearance Diving Team to Vietnam, the (then) Minister for the Navy, Mr Don Chipp, announced that the RAN's newly commissioned guided missile destroyer HMAS HOBART would be deployed to join the US Seventh Fleet to support operations off the coast of Vietnam. The result was no friendlies, these had to be North Vietnamese., Then, three and a half hours later, at about 3:30am, military jets roared overhead and after they acknowledged the PCF-19s position, he soon heard explosions and gunfire to the north (the Hobart incident?). This force was then replaced by a two- and later three-battalion task force with supporting arms based at Nui Dat which operated primarily in Phuoc Tuy Province between 196671, with logistic Cerca nel pi grande indice di testi integrali mai esistito. HMAS Hobart was one of three guided missile destroyers built in the United States for the RAN. She served as part of the US 7th Fleet till September 1967. . It was while there that I discovered that there was a tremendous amount of UFO and alien activity in Vietnam. [76], During early 1998, Hobart was deployed to exercises in New Zealand, then sailed to Queensland in May. CG-47 Ticonderoga and CG-48 Yorktown were approved as destroyers (DDG-47 and DDG-48) and redesignated cruisers before being laid down; it is uncertain whether CG-49 Vincennes and CG-50 Valley Forge were ever authorized as destroyers by the Operation Sea Dragon (1966-1968) was the naval gunfire support provided by the surface units of Task Force 70.8 to ground commanders in South Vietnam and against land and sea targets in North Vietnam. She was launched on 9 January 1964 by Mrs DO Hay, wife of the then Australian Ambassador to the United Nations. hmas hobart vietnam 1968 crew list. George Filer Keeps Watching The Skies by Michael Vitez, Philadelphia Inquirer, 20 August, 2001, found at www.rense.com Our collection contains a wealth of material to help you research and find your connection with the wartime experiences of the brave men and women who served in Australias military forces. [23], On 15 March 1967, Hobart arrived at U.S. Read Part 1 here. That night, the forward spotters along the eastern DMZ again reported the enemy helicopters had re-appeared, and the Allied forces sprang into action. The late 1960s were the peak periods of the Vietnam War for the Australian Navy and HMAS Hobart was sent there in April 1967. During the Allied attack the enemy helicopters were seen to move down the east coast and then out to the sea and there things went terribly wrong. Share this page. Note: Number in brackets refers to the year when the vessel was lost or deliberately sunk. At the time the belief was these were lumbering, After the sightings, Allied Command, fearing another, Details of the subsequent aerial melee remain sketchy, but it is known several US. B. James RAN Officers Commander F. 0. I met Roger Matt Helm in 1968 who was on the HMAS Hobart. HMAS Hobart (D63) - Wikipedia [4], On 27 December 1974, Hobart sailed from Sydney as one of thirteen RAN ships involved in Operation Navy Help Darwin; the RAN disaster relief effort following the destruction of Darwin by Cyclone Tracy on 2425 December 1974. She also carried conventional guns and torpedoes. The Perth served alongside elements of the United States Seventh Fleet during the Vietnam War and received commendations for her service.. HMAS Hobart II (DDG-39) was a Charles F Adams class guided missile destroyer that displaced 4526 tons (full load) on a 133 x 14 x 4.6 metres (437 x 47 x 15 feet) hull. The guided missile destroyer HMAS Perth (D38) underway, on 27 November 1991. The Sinking of PCF-19 as seen from PCF-12 by Jim Steffes, ENC, USN Retired, found at www.gunplot.net/vietnam/hobartvietnamandpcf19.html, 11. Jon Wyatt is a Melbourne freelance writer and editor. Officially, the Hobart 'Incident' occurred during a night operation against 'enemy helicopters' - but was it in reality a UFO story? The events of that night have doubtless raised much discussion it was the RANs costliest day of the entire war and Australian navy history books mention unusual atmospheric conditions over the DMZ, insect swarms or bird flocks as possible sources of the sightings, but were they unidentified flying objects? Hobart fired five rounds from a deck gun, but the swept-winged attacker escaped. [29] On 29 April, the destroyer sailed to Subic, underwent self-maintenance, then returned to Sea Dragon operations. [4] In 1995, the ship was again deployed to South-east Asia, participated in celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Pacific War's end, and visited New Zealand. [4] During early 1988, the destroyer participated in activities celebrating Australia's Bicentenary, then later in the year sailed to join the RIMPAC exercise. hmas hobart vietnam 1968 crew list [4][74] Later in the year, the destroyer participated in the multinational exercise RIMPAC 75, then embarked on a three-month deployment in the Indian Ocean, during which Hobart became the first RAN ship to visit Mal in the Maldives, and the first warship to dock at HMASStirling, the new naval base in Western Australia. Bruce Honisett, 1985 . CE2 CE-II (Close Encounter II) Observation of an object in close proximity to the witness, where physical traces (impression, burn, medical effect, etc.) [4] On 15 October, Hobart departed from Sydney with HMASSupply for a five-week tour of Australian and New Zealand ports. [22] By 04:45 the next morning, the Australian ship had already fired 100 rounds. General George S Brown, USAF Chief of Staff, Department of Defense transcript of press conference in Illinois, 16 October, 1973, found at: http://gamegene.com/ufo.htm The Australian War Memorial is open for visitors as we work to expand our galleries. [7] On 14 December 1966, the Australian Cabinet approved the deployment of Hobart as part of increases to Australian military commitment to the conflict. The crew are shown toiling with heavy equipment while entombed in the metallic grey confines of the ship. Royal Australian Navy News, 16 August, 1968 Click Coffee Cup Below. During the 1968 tour, the destroyer was attacked by a United States Air Force aircraft. hmas hobart vietnam 1968 crew list. Deployments of HMAS Perth in Vietnam. The keel of Hobart was laid down on 6 September 2012 and the ship was launched on 23 May 2015. Email: jonrwyatt@hotmail.com, Yes we need your help to keep this going. [76] She was given to the South Australian Government by the federal Department of Defence in August 2000. It was the sixth time since last Saturday that such sightings have been reported US command has ordered its fighter-bombers and artillery to withhold fire not wanting a repeat of the incidents in which the Allied ships were fired upon.. Honours and Awards Vietnam War Naval (RAN) Logistic Support Vietnam War Naval Customs, Traditions & Terminology Sailors Have A Word For It! [4] During 1992, the destroyer participated in RIMPAC. Online Shop Use this login for Shop items, and image, film, sound reproductions I was on the USS Shelton DD790. hmas hobart vietnam 1968 crew list - ritsolinc.com The remains of more than 200 victims of the Viet Cong during the 1968 Tet Offensive were found in the grave. Jim Steffes story of course raise many fascinating questions including: Did the PCF-12 crew fall victim to cultural tracking: aliens using their advanced technology to mimick our technology to interface with humans? [57] Although Hobart was asked to rotate Sea Dragon duties on 2 August to relieve a destroyer experiencing gunnery faults, nine days early, the destroyer's captain refused, as he wanted more time to prepare the ship after the repairs, particularly as the air warning radars were yet to become operational, and the gun mounts were experiencing minor problems. Free shipping for many products! Built in the United States of America to a slight variant of the United States Navy (USN) Charles F. Adams class, she was commissioned into the RAN in 1965. Naval gunfire missions were resumed against North Vietnam in April 1972, first with Operation Freedom Train, then with Operation Linebacker I and II (May 1972-Jan 1973). In 1996 I interviewed the Hobarts skipper, the late Ken Shands, and he also said, Neither before nor after the incident was there any report by any of the ships of a helicopter being there [around Tiger Island]. The Green Ghost, as the ship was also affectionately known, was de-commissioned in May 2000, and scuttled at Yankalilla Bay, south of Adelaide, in late 2002, where she is now a scuba-dive spot. [37], Hobart was deployed to Vietnam for the second time in 1968, relieving Perth on 31 March. ART40675 Resupplying HMAS Hobart off the coast of Vietnam 1967 . F-4 s from Da Nang Air Base. [19] After the invasion of Cambodia in 1970, RAN ships were also prohibited from entering Cambodian waters. They werent called UFOs they were called enemy helicopters, and they were only seen at night and they were only seen in certain places. R57925 - ALLEN, Bernard George. In June 1968 Australia was dismayed by the news that the guided-missile destroyer HMAS Hobart had been badly damaged by friendly fire in Vietnam: Two crew died and seven were wounded during the USAF attack. 3rd Deployment: 28th September 1970 29th March 1971. Apr 21, 2018. Built in the United States of America to a slight variant of the United States Navy (USN) Charles F. Adams class, she was commissioned into the RAN in 1965. [75] In order to transfer the researcher to the ship, Hobart's personnel constructed a makeshift helipad, which was used by Thala Dan's helicopter to deliver the injured man to the destroyer. While the crew was rushing to Action Stations, two more air-to-air missiles penetrated the starboard side and killed Chief Electrician Hunt and wounded several others and narrowly missed a magazine. HMAS Australia (1928) Aussie, The: HMAS Brisbane - D-39 (1966) Steel Cat, The: Black lion featured in ship's crest. The ship has been engaged on fairly arduous service, will be so employed again with a relatively inexperienced crew, and will be in the later stages of an extended period of service. Access to Deck Logs of 1956-1970 (via Lloyd Balch & Frank Olderr. In the early hours of the moonless night of 17th Armament: 6 x 4.5 inch guns (twin turrents) 6 x 40mm Bofors ant-aircraft guns. The destroyers carried out NGS missions in all of South Vietnams four military regions and Hobart and Perth were actively involved in SEA The year 1968 saw major developments in the Vietnam War.The military operations started with an attack on a US base by the North Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and the Viet Cong (VC) on January 1, ending a truce declared by the Pope and agreed upon by all sides. Hobart also landed a quick-firing 3-pounder Hotchkiss gun for service with the Army as an anti-tank gun. [12], While deployed to Vietnam, the destroyers were placed under the administrative control of Commander Australian Forces Vietnam in addition to that of the Flag Officer Commanding Australian Fleet. Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain. Share this page. George Filer Keeps Watching The Skies by Michael Vitez, Philadelphia Inquirer, 20 August, 2001, found at www.rense.com. Answer (1 of 10): Most certainly. HMAS Perth at Sea ( navy.gov.au) The HMAS Perth II was an Australian Guided Missile Destroyer with a thirty-four-year service life from 1965 to 1999. Two survivors and several witnesses report seeing lighted aircraft that move and hover like helicopters flying in the area. 2nd Deployment: 30th September 1968 30th March 1969. On March 22, 1968, Hobart left Sydney for her second deployment to Vietnam with Captain K. W. Shands (below Left) in command. Jim Steffes Vietnam Photo Album website found at http://www.bcres.com/river/steffes.htm, 12. Article Ghost At Sea found at www.castleofspirits.com. He also observed the Point Dume firing tracers at blinking lights moving around her in the air. For her commendable service with the US Seventh Fleet HMAS Perth was awarded on two occasions the US Navy Unit Commendation. On Friday, 15 June 1968, Allied forward spotters along the eastern part of the Demilitarised Zone, a 9.6km wide strip separating North and South Vietnam, reported seeing about 30 strange slow-moving lights in the night sky. Picture taken of Butterworth closed up at his action station sometime prior to missile attack on Hobart. As part of this unit, she joined COLLETT (DD 730), BOSTON (CAG 1), and HMAS HOBART in conducting sweeps from Cap Lay north to Thanh Hoa. The warhead passed through the main deck, seriously damaging several compartments, while the The ship, based on the lvaro de Bazn-class frigate designed by Navantia, was built at ASC's shipyard in Osborne, South Australia from modules fabricated by ASC, BAE Systems Australia in Victoria, and Forgacs Group 1st Deployment: 14th September 1976 31st March 1968. [57] The fault was found to be with the Marine unit's spotter, who was inexperienced, failed to signal the close proximity of friendly units to the target, and failed to fully identify the target before calling for five rounds of shellfire.
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