To answer the OT, The Hound is not a Ser. Her latest punishment set her at odds with her family and coworkers: Sansa left the North to go rescue the Riverlands that were being drowned by floods never before seen on record. Or, Sansa fakes an engagement so that Arya can debut and marry the man she loves. The Stark who drove a piece of a weirwood into her belly and dragonglass into her Heart and ultimately helped turn the tide of war against the Others.) A Lannister. The weather was always uncertain, today he was someone and tomorrow no longer. The cruel king's dreadful stare never left Sansa, even as he shouted commands, but still, her eyes frantically searched from one end of her chambers to the other. Sansa is an overworked and underappreciated executive assistant to one of the hot shot editors in town, Jon Snow. However, such a path was not a walk in the park, and the prince had to fight his way through his enemies, and at times, his own family, in order to get there.Quentyn Martell SI. Two, when they killed her father. Includes Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow, Jaime Lannister, Theon Greyjoy, Bran Stark, Bronn, Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane Podrick Payne, Tormund Giantsbane, Joffrey Baratheon, Grey Worm, Grenn, Robb Stark, Ramsay Bolton/Snow, Daario Naharis, Tommen Baratheon. Im going to sit for you and Im going to draw., Smells delicious. But, beneath its charming veneer, this place hides something wicked. The long night is lost, Bran sends Sansa back in time to stop the extinction of dragons. I have been searching for a trail to follow again'. If Brienne could give Tormund a chance, he would give her the world. the hound and sansa fanfiction. Queen Sansa Stark - Works | Archive of Our Own I mean, I know that communication over-land on the King's Road sucks, but this is getting seriously ridiculous. She lost what little tolerance that remained and venomously spat, "Maybe my brother will give me yours!" The revelation was a powerful tempestuous force within Sansa, and she could do nothing, nor desired to contain the words bursting from within her. They had failed. Work Search: She finds escape in an unexpected ally, the beastly and terrifying, Sandor Gl. Never one to run from the truth, Sandor has to face two that cut him to the core.Firstly, that he is a coward. A collection of 31 different AU-drabbles starring Jon Snow and Sansa Stark. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin. A perfectly medicated omega. Sansa Stark is neither- an outcast in her own family, no matter how hard she prays. "He was a traitor. When Cersei dies giving birth to a stillborn Tommen; King Robert Baratheon decides to ride North and claim the Stark bride he'd thus far been denied. Circumstances beyond her control separate her family and takes her out of her beloved home. hound and sansa fanfictionasbury park press classifieds. Jaime makes an off-colour joke to Gendry during the family visits to Winterfell and his little daughter, Joanna hears it. I will continue to publish as works in a series while I work on this transition, in order to keep track of existing storylines. 3. This earned her another strike from Ser Meryn, and then another when Joffrey was not satisfied by the first. Queen Sansa Stark must learn who to trust. Instead, she gets sent back in time, right to the prelude of the Dance of the Dragons. Can Sandor keep his little wolf safe as the blood spatter settles? Starkcest. hound and sansa fanfiction. One of the things I love about comic books and fanfics is the ability to take well-established characters and/or stories and provide fascinating alternatives. Haunted by memories, and having to deal with the sudden loss of Sansa and her son, she has to navigate a game far more dangerous than the Nights Watch. Ramsay Bolton. Written for the SanSan Writer Guild Prompt: "One year, a while back, Sansa and Sandor gave each other incredible gifts for Valentines Day completely by accident. best tattoo shops in orange county / nepal covid restrictions / hound and sansa fanfiction. Work Search: El tiempo siempre era incierto, hoy era alguien y maana ya no. Reviews for The North Remembers | FanFiction Who could have guessed, that a man so brutal, could one day share the same ardour as someone like Loras tyrell. Please do not post to other sites, copy or translate this work. In this story taking place after the events in A Storm of Swords, Sandor Clegane travels to the Eyrie where he meets Sansa Stark living by another name. Now letters are showing up at his door from a shadowy entity called the Watchers Council. ", Sansa is put on bed rest and decides to go outside to the courtyard but a certain someone does not want that. Only then had Sansa realized that Joffrey and she were not alone in her chambers. What if the old gods decided to gift the Starks with their house symbol several years prior to Jon Arryn's death? Sansa knew as king, Joffrey could force her to look at whatever he wished, but she made a promise to herself that he would not make her see. Sansa saw country fields and dense forests beyond the walls. Her father announces her betrothal one day just as she always knew he would and she plans to do her duty just as she has always been taught to do. Conquer kingdoms, kill dragons, love dragons, be born here and there. This was her fault. Work Search: Sansa Stories - Wattpad They accidentally go back in time to the day when everything went to fiery hell in a handheld basket. Shes settled in beautifully, finally happy, finally free. Desperation forged Cregan and Sansa's alliance, and now Sansa seeks to play the game she was taught so well in an effort to save the North by going south. Joffrey X Sansa - Quotev After Lord Baelish had made Aunt Lysa fly from the Moondoor, Sansa had fled to Sweetrobin. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", 1. He runs away from knighthood, thusly running away from AGOT. Charlotte was born a royal, a princess. Friendship?, Ah. Having forged an alliance with one another, Jaime Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen have made the journey north with what military forces they can, answering the call for aid from Jon Stark, the King in the North. Lyarra Stark, twin sister of Robb Stark, wants nothing more than to live the rest of her life in Winterfell. He calls them demons. Ever since her mother died giving birth to her younger brother, she has felt like a shadow at court. When the king dies and Joffrey becomes king Larrisa's life becomes hell. Each step was a struggle, and the further she walked the more steps there seemed to be. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2022 Game of Thrones Complete Series Vol. i have toothache from just coming up with these ideas, Reek would make a lovely nursemaid im sure, Sansa Stark and Sandor Clegane - Relationship, Tormund Giantsbane/Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Elinore Clegane -infant of Sansa and Sandor, Selmund Giantsbane- son of Brienne and Tormund, Brienne and Tormund destined for each other, Brienne comes to terms with Jaime leaving her, Brienne comes to terms with Jaimes death, Parents Brienne of Tarth/Tormund Giantsbane, Married Brienne of Tarth/Tormund Giantsbane, Ramsay's Dogs are DEFINETLY their own warning, Basically fixing D&D's HUGE mistakes and their fuck up, it's a Slow Burn/Courtship between Stannis and Sansa because our girl was hurt in the worst way, very short ramsey and littlefinger mention but you miss it if you blink. Each heavy-footed step pierced through suffocating silence, a warning louder to her than even the seven bells tolling from the Great Sept of Baelor. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. By her side the man who used to be known as the Kingslayer. How Long Has It Been. She knew what it was to lose a beloved parent, and now, just like her, her little cousin was without any parents at all. Next, Joffrey spoke of her brother and how he would present his head as a wedding present for Sansa. "Stannis finally sees the lengths both Melisandre and Selyse will go to ensure him a victory. A very little bird, knowing better than to peck the lion but still wishing she had the courage. 2 #13 The Hound Protects Sansa Stark at the best online prices at eBay! There Is Gold On The Mountains Of the North, Robert's Rebellion is called Eddard's Rebellion, N Plus A Equals L | Ashara Dayne and Ned Stark are Lyarra Sand's Parents, Alternate Universe - A Song of Ice and Fire Fusion, Fusion of Star Wars Legends and Disney Canon, Otto Hightower is still a terrible father, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault (trigger warnings provided in specific chapters notes), Bloodstone Emperor (A Song of Ice and Fire), R Plus L Does Not Equal J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Not Jon Snow's Parents, mentions of incest within the canon world, Sansa is precious and will be protected by the Lannister brothers. hound and sansa fanfiction. The 31 lives of JonSa by Anna Nette. He approached her, Ser Meryn and Sandor a few paces behind their king, and spoke in a soft tone one might have mistaken as gentle and affectionate had someone never met Joffrey, "You look much better my lady. Why are there so many fanfiction about Sansa? : TheCitadel - reddit Since then, the children of House Stark have traditionally been born as wargs, or skinchangers. They walked through the Red Keep and to the outside areas of the castle. Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen find themselves spending a very intimate evening together. Other times she tried to conceal herself amongst the shadows. As they take and lose power, they are drawn to each other, and must fight side by side against their common enemies. While; Lyarra Snow, the bastard of Winterfell, finds herself in the cold bitter lands of the far North. hound and sansa fanfiction - The threat of the White Walkers has never been so great. Now while taking his role as the New Hand, Ned Stark brings his brood, including his newly knighted son with plenty of experience from the capital, to King's Landing with him and Westeros and Ned himself will be changed forever. Sansa stopped carrying, rather following the Hound's advice and being a little bird in a red cage. Joffrey makes them do it - again, and again, and again. Your comment will not appear until it has been approved by the creator. hound and sansa fanfiction. And he sees a red haired ghost sitting in its branches. NOTE: Rewrite of Marked from Beneath the Weirwood Tree Part 2 of Soulmarks and Weirwoods Language: English Words: 39,378 Notes: Hello everyone, I appreciate you taking time out of your day to check out this story. I finally have the opportunity to return and am excited to share. The strike from Ser Meryn that followed her statement let her know that she had made her third mistake of the morning. Sansa Stark, back in the restored Winterfell after the War of the Five Kings. Harlon Stark knows that his grandparents had five children. Determined to be part of her community, she has visited all her new neighbours except one. That is until her parents find out. "- Octavio Paz. Joffrey's attention was fixated on a very pale and nervous-looking tavern singer, so her arrival went unnoticed by her betrothed. Walk with me.". Sansa was a beautiful flower that had livened up the darkened halls of King's Landing. Ill sit, she said, but only if youll sit for me.. The last thing she remembers is stabbing the Night King, his icy blue hands wrapped tight around her throat, and then he exploded. # 3. Submission for SanSan Russian Roulette Summer 2021. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1702), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (3314), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (1405), Minor or Background Relationship(s) (108), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (1078), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (406), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Angst with a Happy Endingi think (IDK i'm still writing), Alternate Universe - Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fusion, About half the story takes place in a bar of some sort, Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Helaena Targaryen, if i don't tag praise the ghost of pbm from 3 yrs ago materializes to tell me ive been a bad girl, appropriate use of toys and inappropriate use of food, Ghost of High Heart (A Song of Ice and Fire), Morna White Mask (A Song of Ice and Fire), Sandor might be the Alpha but Sansa will be in charge. Press J to jump to the feed. The Old Gods gives her her sister, her savior, and her sovereignty. It's a chance that Stannis will not take for granted again and in the process, rescues his future wife. "Get up! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Having fled the battle which should have seen him imprisoned or killed, Euron Greyjoy moves North with a handful of loyal men, a horn which can bind dragons to his will and powers which can match those of Brandon Stark, the Three-Eyed Raven. Whrend der Reise haben beide Seiten Vertrauen gefasst, sich aneinander gewhnt. Along the way she will confront many challenges in her quest to protect her younger sisters. Things can only go up from here, right? Youyou promised to be merciful! Prompt: warning: dubcon. laurence tribe famous students the hound and sansa fanfiction. There were many heads left on display, though she could not recognize any that Joffrey had pointed out. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". All three of them have the traditional Stark look. Wylla Snow did not misunderstand her place in life. It's the same old romantic story - boy meets girl, boy and girl become friends, boy falls hopelessly in love and then finds out that she's pregnant with his baby using that sperm donation he made that one time - you know that 'old chestnut'. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (20), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (21), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (10), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (5), One by One the Walls Give Way (but do not hide your face), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, a castle full of OCs as Winterfell's personnel, total and utter disregard for most of season 8, a corset in a world where corsets don't exist, i'm a fire and i'll keep your brittle heart warm, and when he doesn't pick up on it she has to be a little more clear for sweet oblivious Jon, Redamancy (n.) - the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full, well as slow as it can get with sansa already being preggo with jon's baby, but they don't know that for quite some time. Please consider turning it on! Her panic subsided slightly when she realized her nighttime tormenter was not present. She is round with child now, new life growing beneath the brocade of her dress and the silk of her fine shift. Even as a mysterious champion races north ahead of them with motivations unknown. Ned Stark never expected for his life to change from a falling star. Sansan Stories - Wattpad Non-Canon AU set in Westeros with some tweaks. Also serving in the new North the man previously known as the Hound, and the warrior maid always proudly bearing the name Brienne of Tarth. The True Gods. :D Takes place after Ramsay had killed his father and Walda, but before the battle of the bastards. Sansa Stark, Queen in the North, makes a request of her loyal Hound. Sansa STILL doesn't know that Jon is kinda-sorta alive, and this chapter would have been a good one in which to break that news, so that Sansa and Aegon find out about what has happened in the North, together. After her father's execution, Queen Rose Stark is crowned by her bannermen and faces war against King Joffrey. Sansa Stark and Sandor Clegane take their first big trip together, but their connecting flight gets canceled and they have to spend the night in a practically empty airport. Not at the expense of his daughter and heir. Sansa Stark . Instead, Joffrey was accompanied by his sworn shield Sandor Clegane, and Ser Meryn Trant of the Kingsguard. Not with me, Sansa corrected him, though she knew he hadnt misheard, For me. Sansa was staring at her mother, Robb, Arya, Jon, Brann, Rickon and her father's severed heads. As the shaking singer finished Joffrey laughed and called the entire thing amusing with a smile that never left his face. Mostly artistic narrative over the what would have happened after Jon is force to take the black again. So, none of them has thought that Littlefinger has been behind all this. I won't have a filthy sniveling girl as a wife. Can Brienne open her heart to him, and take the chance to love someone again? Follow/FavI'm your hound, Sansa And you're my bird By:Bittersweet-sandor Sandor clegane, she rolled the word on her tongue. He throws a snowball at her and she makes all his food taste like dirt for a moon. ?what the fuck??? It's a question asked many times: What if King Robert Baratheon's trueborn son had survived his illness? Written for the Sansan Season of Love 2023. Brothers Atravesar un muro, cruzar un mar, viajar por todo un continente. She shuddered with sadness at the thought that this wall would be the closest she would ever come to home. Catelyn Stark instead of giving birth to one child in Riverun, gives birth to three. She thinks she understands Petyr Baelish more now than ever, after her treatment at Ramsay's hands. Title from "Storm I" from the musical The Secret Garden by Lucy Simon and Marsha Norman. Fighting the enemy of the realm will not be simple though. No different than a beta. Three, when they told her she would marry Joffrey.Fourth and fifth could come together: both times she have slept with men. . And the only thing Jon says is a loud and sincere, from the bottom of his heart oh, fuck. Ser Meryn Trant simply did not care. the hound and sansa fanfiction - As Sansa pushed away from the sweet memories of home and family she felt the change in her body as it stiffened to stone. "The Hound's Reward" unabridged by Mrs. Rasputin (2013) was very inspired by the YouTuber Supercuts. Her grief had festered and carried its own odor. Fanfiction Fantasy Romance Imagines for Game of Thrones characters. Only Jon, who keeps the secret of his own magic, comes close to understanding. Arya and Sandor meet again. Married Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark. In Westeros, each noble house is known to have an affinity for a particular type of magic. hound and sansa fanfiction - Day 2 of the 31 days of Jonsa challenge -- pregnancy. Tyrion is slashed across the face by Ser Mandon, who is killed by Tyrion's squire, Podrick Payne. The Hound is a big asshole and says a lot of horrible, threatening shit. Also serving in the new North the man previously known as the Hound, and the warrior maid always proudly bearing the name Brienne of Tarth. From Winterfell, Sansa Stark rules as Queen of the North. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. It was just a really, really bad dream. Tyrion's men defeat the surprised Baratheon forces before facing a larger group of Stannis's men. ~Ice and Fire~ 100/200/300-word snapshots from the domestic life of modern-day assassins Mr & Mrs No One, + ~What's west of Westeros?~ embarrassingly short drabbles I'm ashamed to even call drabbles I wrote while GoT season 8 aired [chapter 9 SanSan, warning major character death], ++ ~Wlaqarys!~ more embarrassingly short scribbles and edits, also featuring a certain German actor when he is not Jaqen H'ghar [chapter 43 Dmitri, warning graphic depictions of fluff], UPDATE chapters 40-48: some tumblr reposts (including The Princess Bride AU) and a new Ice and Fire drabble (Valentine's Day Lovers' Day special!). Warg Sansa Stark - Works | Archive of Our Own Sauted baby spinach with garlic, Sansa responded, eyeing him carefully. For thousands of years, House Stark was stronger than all of them- holding the north with mages who could command winter herself. Sansa stays longer than expected, and eventually a familiar face arrives. The foulness even seeped into the blankets, and the entirety of her chambers seemed to burn from her caustic stench. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled.
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