Microsoft Word Academy for Lawyers and Legal Staff. 6 Trial Practice, CLE Hours: 1 Ethics, It also provides practical instruction on dozens of important topics, as well as extensive written materials. 0 Trial Practice, CLE Hours: Choose the right course for your practice and earn self-study CLE credit anytime, anywhere you choose. including Scholarships available!Need-based scholarships are available for in-person and online seminars. 12 in the menu bar on the top of every page (you must be logged in) to access your webinar/webcast login instructions, CLE forms, and program materials. The Family Law Section, which counts nearly 2,000 active members in its ranks, is extremely active in the Bar and strives to keep its members on the cutting edge of the ever-changing dynamics in this area of practice. 1 Professionalism, The 10 Tell-Tale Signs of DeceptionDoug Cash is a fraud examiner, forensic interviewer and financial crimes investigator. 6.5 General, An accomplished white collar criminal defense attorney, Madelaine Lane assists clients with the right guidance just when they need it - from complex civil investigations involving high-volume documents and high-risk publicity, to responding to discovery requests and conducting internal investigations, to creating convincing litigation strategies 3 Innovative web-based fully searchable Deskbook products linked to primary authorities statutes, rules, and cases. 14 General, Privacy 2021: You May Have to Think Twice with that Phone Recording, ICLE Family Law Institute (November, 2021) Law Firms Under Cyber-Siege, Master Lawyers Section State Bar of Michigan, (Spring, 2018) A Modern Practice, GTLA Bar Association Presentation (April, 2018) How to Stay Out of Legal Trouble, Startology presentation (October, 2017) 5.5 General, Welcome to the Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 2023 by the Institute of Continuing Legal Education, Cosponsored by the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan and the Michigan Judicial Institute. Fastcase is a comprehensive national law library with online access to cases, statutes, regulations, court rules and Bar publications. Updated For 11/24/2020 - Select An Area of Practice - including Ethics Programs! The Family Law Section of the Colorado Bar Association has six full scholarships to the 2021 Family Law Institute, which will be awarded to eligible applicants, via a drawing. 1 Professionalism, Enjoy the networking youve missed, with safety in mind. including 1 Professionalism, Topics include when and how to make a referral, therapeutic options for children, and how to work with a child-therapist without placing them in an impossible situation or ethical quagmire. Samantha Colai, Kent M. Kodalen, Ph.D. & Mindy F. Mitnick, 603Dont Leave $ On the Table Analyze Proposals Like a Financial ExpertFinancial considerations to take into account when reviewing a property settlement proposal; What red flags to look for when reviewing a property settlement proposal/balance sheet (presented through a case study); When and how to leverage financial experts. Michelle M. Klisanich, Corey J. OConnell & Courtney J. Schneider, 60410 Things Every Family Lawyer Should Know About Minnesota Adoption Law Jody D. Alholinna, Brittany L. Shively & Bria S. Walling, 605Building the Best SENE1.0 ADR creditTwo experienced family law ADR providers will share the steps attorneys can take to ensure that the unique needs and dynamics of individual families are met in the Social Early Neutral Evaluation process. Susan Stevens Chambers & James J. Goetz, 606Creating Physical Space for a Mental Break: How a Basic Yoga Practice Can Support a Busy Family LawyerThis session will be a mixed presentation of ideas, tips, deep breaths and short movement practices intended to help busy lawyers in the pursuit of balance and well-being. 1 Professionalism, 12 General, . In-Person Passholders You may use your Pass to register for the live webcast at no charge. Keep sight of the big picture in parental responsibility disputes when achildis LGBTQIA+. The 2023 Family Law Institute will also feature: Cant Attend the Live Event? Program Moderators:Anna Markley Bush,Bush & Heise, BarringtonGloria E. Block,Hoffenberg & Block, Chicago, Contribution & ReimbursementThe division of assets under Section 503 is neversimple. We will also explore the relevancy of posts (whether posted by the parties, theparties'children, or third parties) indissolution matters. including The On Demand Bundle is not transferable. Learn more. The maximum number of total credits attendees may claim for this program is 10.0 credits. Attend the courses you choose, acquire the books and forms you want, and accumulate the credits you need all at a fraction of the price you would normally pay! 518.179. Adam J. Blahnik & Mallory K. Stoll, 204Who Gets the House? 6 /Plugins/Misc.Cvent/Views/Product/ProductTemplate.Cvent.Grouped.cshtml, The division of assets under Section 503 is n, en non-marital assets mix and mingle with marital assets, and marital assets mix and mingle with non-marital assets, The Importance of a Mental Health Provider Resource, (1.0 Mental Health and Substance Abuse PR Credit), Begin with the unique stressors of long hours, soaring law school debt, a highly competitive job market, client demands and expectations, lack, work-life balance, changing legal paradigms, , and the modern law firm technology learning curve. 8 General, 4 Trial Practice, CLE Hours: 0 Trial Practice, CLE Hours: 1 Ethics, including 6 Viewing the 2021 Family Law Institute is the best way to ensure that you are completely up to date on all the latest cases, legislation and other new developments in Minnesota family law. At the same time, the rapid growth of self-representation and unbundling shows that clients are demanding even further innovation in order to help them understand how divorce professionals can truly help them reshape their family. LAP is a confidential service outsourced to CorpCare Associates, Inc., to help State Bar members with life's difficulties. 1 Ethics, Add to that list the most recent changes and adaptations associated with COVID-19 where small and large firms have had to address the evolving needs of both hard and the soft skills of legal professionals. Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education - IICLE 1 Professionalism, including The expert panel offers practical tips and strategies for dealing with these cases, including: Building an effective team to work with the whole family; What therapist/s can (and cannot) do in these cases; Working with opposing counsel; Engaging the Judicial Officer; Developing effective service agreements and court orders as well as measures of accountability; and What to do when a case involves domestic abuse or trauma. Leslie M. Drozd, Ph.D., Jennifer E. Joseph & The Honorable Marjori A. Slabach, 202The Effective Use of Vocational Experts in Litigated CasesMark Raderstorf, a Licensed Psychologist and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, will: Explain the purpose and stages of vocational evaluations; Identify features of cases that are well-suited for vocational evaluations; Review what vocational evaluations should and should not include; Share advice for preparing clients for vocational evaluations; and Offer techniques to maximize the vocational experts impact during deposition and live testimony.Jennifer Bey, Tanya Dyer & Mark Raderstorf, 203How Domestic Abuse Impacts the Interests of the ChildFocus on the impact of domestic abuse on custody and parenting time determinations; Discussion of definition of domestic abuse under Minnesota law; History of the best interest factor regarding domestic abuse and its impact on custody and parenting time determinations; Domestic abuse between parents and its impact on custody and parenting time (including discussion of Thornton v. Bosquez, 933 N.W.2d 781 (Minn. 2019)); Domestic abuse between a parent and child(ren) how does this impact custody and parenting time determinations under the best interest standard? 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.(includes one 15-minute break)The Eugene L. Kubes Annual Case Law and Legislative UpdateA comprehensive and indispensable review of the most important cases, issues and trends in family law and legislation. Ryan D. Anderson, Michael P. Boulette, Michael D. Dittberner, Zachary A. Kretchmer, Mary C. Lauhead, Sara J. Lauthen, Dana K. McKenzie, Shawn C. Reinke, Melissa A. Rossow & Victoria M.B. Join us June 9-10 at the Grand Hotel for the State Bar of Michigan Great Lakes Legal Conference. 2 Trial Practice, CLE Hours: 1 Ethics, 3/4/2023. Previously, he practiced in the areas of criminal defense, business . Help ICLE Help You. . And Related Real Estate Basics in Family LawThe presentation will cover issues relating to non-marital interests in real property, calculating non-marital interests and related issues (such as taking into account the impact of improvements made to real property over the course of the marriage), issues pertaining to potential exclusive use and possession of a marital home during the course of dissolution, and issues pertaining to the impact of rental property in a dissolution (such as income, potential business interests, and related issues). . The Section promotes continuing legal education by sponsoring with ICLE each year the Family Law Institute in May and two Nuts and Bolts of Family Law seminars, traditionally held in Savannah at the end of summer and in Atlanta in the beginning of fall. including Members are entitled to six clinical sessions per calendar year. Join our co-presenters for a review of best practices for dispute-resolvers in situations where values or identity play a significant role. Elise M. Chambers & Alexander S. Glassman, LIVE WEBCAST Michael H. Daub, 501Your First Divorce:Spousal Maintenance Elizabeth Due & Robert W. Due, 502Behind the Curtain: Working with Counties on Child Support CasesHave you ever wondered why your clients case has county involvement? Section Briefs January 2023 The Section publishes a quarterly newsletter which includes articles on emerging areas of the practice, interviews with members of the judiciary, summaries of new appellate cases, and updates on the latest legislation and changes to the Superior Court Rules. including and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. This course will cover the mechanics for filing the motions, when or if emergency relief is appropriate, ex parte versus emergency relief, strategies for temporary motion relief and what the judge really thinks when the motion crosses her desk. 6 PamelaRak,Pamela Rak, LCSW, PC, Hoffman Estates, Case Law UpdateDelve intothe most significant family law cases decided in 2020. 5 Trial Practice, CLE Hours: NJSBA and NJICLE products are created by attorneys, doctors, dignitaries and other legal experts who volunteer their efforts to serve as lecturers and authors. Mount Laurel, NJ. Become a sponsor. The family dynamics are as interesting as the legal issues involved in Lexis case. Jason C. Brown, 505Direct and Cross Examination of Domestic Abuse Expert Witnesses in Family Court2-hour sessionBecause it is important for judicial officers to understand the characteristics of domestic violence, an attorney may consider using an expert in domestic violence. Warranties for Seminars and Publications 7 Maher & Judge Paula Vraa, 107Tips for Making Your Virtual Hearing a SuccessTwo family lawyers and a judicial officer share their advice for succeeding at virtual hearings. Alexandra M. Connell, Referee James J. NOTE: This program includes 1 Diversity Credits. Gary A. Debele, Overview of Your First DivorceThe first two sessions in the Your First Divorce track provide an overview of the divorce process in Minnesota, including preparing, drafting and filing the decree and enforcing and modifying family law orders and decrees. Laurie A. Mack-Wagner & Lymari J. Santana, 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.BREAKOUT SESSION A, 101Custody, Parenting Time and Screening for DV Issues Bethany A. Assell & Joy Nissen Beitzel, 1022023 Social Science Update: What the Latest Research Tells Us About Kids and Parenting Jordan Hart & Mindy F. Mitnick, 103Ordinary and Necessary: How to Calculate Self-Employment Income Karen T. Kugler & Shila A. Walek-Hooper, 104Trauma, Triggers and the Brain: How to Work with Traumatized People Myrna McCallum, 105Collaborative Divorce on Trial1.0 ADR credit applied for Brian Burns, David J. Dustrud, Kimberly G. Miller, Chad D. Olson, Christine B. Schmidt & Megan Yates Ron Ousky (moderator), 106Zombie Divorces? 6 Legal Jobs - State Bar of Michigan Johanna P. Clyborne & Samantha J. Gemberling, 206Trial by Zoom: 9 Tips for Trying Your Next Case RemotelyA judicial officer and an experienced family lawyer share their best tips for trying cases remotely. Organizing for Trial at the Start of Your CaseEver wonder if there is a better and less stressful way of organizing your family law case from the start so you are not scrambling to prepare for trial at the last minute? Free to ICLE Partners. She is from Treaty Six territory in northern Saskatchewan. Presented online at a scheduled date and time. including About - Attorney Jennifer Lawrence Add to that list the most recent changes and adaptations associated with. 6 1 Professionalism, 2023 LEGAL MALPRACTICE UPDATE. Attorney and C.P.A. 1 Ethics, Includes live online only seminars, online replays, and livestreams. Her commitment to finding a safe and empowering way forward coupled with the stories of resilience and trauma she heard from hundreds of survivors of crime, especially survivors of sexual violence, inspired her to begin the important work of transforming the legal profession and judiciary into understanding, accommodating and respecting trauma in themselves and those they serve. Haven't Attended One Of Our Webcasts? 2 Trial Practice, CLE Hours: Leading Lawyers 2021 Peer-Selected Advisory Board Member; Adjunct Professor of Law, Michigan State University College of Law . 6 including 1 Professionalism, He will explain how lawyers can assess credibility and detect indicators of deception in family law matters. Doug Cash, 9:15 a.m. 12:30 p.m.(includes a 15-minute break)The Eugene L. Kubes Annual Case Law and Legislative UpdateA comprehensive and indispensable review of the most important cases, issues and trends in family law and legislation. Shanika S. Alston Ryan D. Anderson Michael P. Boulette Kelsey B. Daniels Michael D. Dittberner Lisa D. Kontz Zachary A. Kretchmer Mary C. Lauhead Dana K. McKenzie Victoria M.B. A Michigan judge and top practitioner share why you cant miss this event. Michigans best explain the top-notch networking and more. Join the thousands of lawyers who own the Partnershipthe best investment for your practice. 6 General, Guest speaker at ICLE 2018, "Trends in Psychology and Family Law" . 1 Professionalism, LAP is a confidential service outsourced to CorpCare Associates, Inc., to help State Bar members with life's difficulties. NJICLE's New Attorney MCLE Program - New Jersey State Bar Association 5.5 2 General, (PDF) Multi-purpose biorefineries and their social impacts: A Michael C. Naughton | North Coast Legal, PLC Determine if your client has standing to seek relief under the Revocation of Paternity Act. View Full Schedule I Want To . including Choose the right course for your practice and earn self-study CLE credit anytime, anywhere you choose. In addition to CLE credit, sessions 306, 405, 406, 506 and 605 also qualify for ADR credit. 1 Ethics, Kyle J. Quinn - 3.5 Trial Practice, CLE Hours: 13 6 Trial Practice, Thu, Mar 23, 2023 - 08:30am to 03:55pm EDT, Fri, Mar 24, 2023 - 08:20am to 04:00pm EDT, Fri, Mar 24, 2023 - 08:30am to 03:55pm EDT, Middle Georgia State University, Robert F. Hatcher, Sr. Conference Center - 100 University Parkway, Macon, Georgia 31206, United States, CLE Hours: Monthly Events - State Bar of Georgia In addition to CLE credit, sessions 105, 205, 305 and 405 also qualify for ADR credit. ICLE Family Law Institute, Presenter, 2019 and 2020 Protocol In order to better serve the attorneys and litigants appearing in Judge Cunningham's courtroom, we have adopted the following guidelines. 1 Ethics, Fastcase is ranked as one of the best member benefits the Bar offers. Jamie C. Slotsema - Warner Norcross + Judd LLP Concise at-a-glance reference tools formatted as charts, diagrams, and checklists that help clarify legal issues visually. Check my CLE hours Contact NJICLE > Home - New Jersey State Bar Association 12 General, All attendees may view the following 5 webcasts for free and receive 5 additional CLE credits. Grand Rapids Ballet, Board of Directors (2021-24) Vice President (2022) Volunteer Law Program, Fort . For the purposes of this Article, immediate family includes the employee's and their spouse's parent, stepparent, child, stepchild, spouse of child, grandparent, step grandparent, grandchild, step grandchild, brother or sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, legal guardian, stepbrother, or stepsister, common law partner. Joshi, Ashish S. | Joshi, Attorneys + Counselors Webcasts are video recordings of live ICLE seminars. 25. Myrna McCallum, 10:10 11:10 a.m.2023 Family Law UpdateGary Debele presents a broad overview of significant developments in Minnesota family law and an update on national trends. Top Rated Muskegon, MI Family Law Attorney - Super Lawyers including He is a graduate of Michigan State University College of Law (formerly known as the Detroit College of Law). Saginaw, MI, United States (on-site) The division of assets under Section 503 is never simple. Fri, Mar 10, 2023 - 08:30am to 03:55pm EST, State Bar of Georgia - 104 Marietta St. NW, 3rd Floor, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, United States, CLE Hours:
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