UNSOLVED Mysteries fans are convinced Jennifer Fairgate was an undercover spy - and her death was a murder, not suicide. The bullet's path indicated that she was shot while she lay on her back on the bed. It had been sold in Germany. According to Wegner, there were some other strange things about the woman and her stay at the hotel. The DNA collected, however, only confirmed she was of European heritagethough, an analysis of her teeth put her at 24 at the year of her death. However, when Jennifer's body was found, both sets of sheets were on the beds. They also did not question many witnesses at the hotel or secure the room for too long. Retired crime scene investigator Geir Skauge says that the gun is a "tough" one with a very strong recoil. Best Picture Nominee Triangle of Sadness Is Now Streaming on Hulu, Stream It or Skip It: 'Black Girl Missing' on Lifetime Casts Garcelle Beauvais as a Mother Searching for Her Daughter, When Does 'Black Girl Missing' Premiere on Lifetime? The postal code listed was incorrect. After the Israel-Palestinian peace talks, Norway was involved in many peacekeeping negotiations. Is Riley Keough Singing in Daisy Jones & The Six? He believed that if he could spread the story wide enough, someone could give him valuable information about her life that would help explain what happened to her. In other news, My Hero Academia S6 episode 22 release time, date, and trailer for Friend, Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix, /static/uploads/2020/10/656802_t_1602230917.jpg. Ruled a suicide, the case might instead by a targeted intelligence killing. Wegner says that it is a very powerful and reliable weapon. Although the street existed, the exact address did not. Oslo police informed Belgian police about Jennifers death. Dr. Torleiv Ole Rognum, Chief Pathologist at Oslo University Hospital, says that Jennifers death could have been a suicide, except for the fact that there were no blood spots on her hand. Kaldager said this might explain why no one has come forward: The families were all paid to stay quietor rather, taken care of for life because of their daughters patriotism. The Plaza Hotel was the top luxury hotel in Oslo at the time. Iversen suggested that she may have been unconscious (possibly drugged) at the time of the shooting. There were no traces left of who she was. She was discovered dead in the hotel room and police initially believed this was a suicide, but eventually realized something strange was . To speak three languages and no tags on the clothes seems strange. Isotope analysis indicated that she most likely lived in northern Germany at a young age. Warning graphic Crime scene - Vodka and Crime Society | Facebook However, Jennifer did give her a fifty kroner tip before she left (this is apparently a large tip; it was also the only cash that police have tied to her). So how did the unknown Jennifer Fairgate die? The people in the rooms around her heard nothing unusual. El enigmtico caso de Jennifer Fergate, una hermosa 'espa' hallada He took the elevator up to her floor, walked up to her door, and knocked on it. The six-digit local number exists in two different places; however, when contacted, neither person knew anything about Jennifer. On the check-in form, Jennifer was joined by another figure, Lois Fairgate, but this individual remains an anonymous figure throughout the case, although has been cited as a possible perpetrator if the case was indeed a murder rather than a suicide. All were located in the neighboring towns of Grce-Hollogne and Seraing. Assuming a margin of error, she is believed to have been born between 1970 and 1972. Oslo Police documents state a 99.9% certainty that the death was a suicide. Both bags were German, the latter being produced in the late 1980s. Communication between different countries was also poor at the time. She also gave a fake address, age, and misspelled her name twice. Jennifer Fairgate | Netflix "Not Really" an Unsolved Mystery | A Real Episode 2 of Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries takes us to Oslo, Norway, for one of its most bizarre cases yet: the apparent suicide of an unidentified woman, checked into the Plaza Hotel as ". "I worked front desk at a hotel and if I did that I would have been the first one spoken toand then promptly fired. 1,663, This story has been shared 1,438 times. What Happened To Unsolved Mysteries Jennifer Fairgate? - Refinery29 But just who was Jennifer Fairgate and what makes her mysterious death so compelling? Jennifer Fairgate | Unsolved Mysteries Wiki | Fandom What We Know, Where To Watch UFC 285: Start Time, Fight Card, UFC 285 Live Stream Info, Chris Rock Jokes About Watching Emancipation to See Will Smith Getting Whipped In Advance of Netflix Special: Report. Suspects: None known; although police have ruled Jennifer's death a suicide, some believe that she was murdered. Three days later, she was found dead in her hotel room. There was no way for someone to lock it from the outside. It appears that no one ever reported her missing. He says that the door being locked from the inside "means nothing." 3,116, This story has been shared 3,060 times. An ironing board and iron were also found in the room. 2,085, This story has been shared 1,663 times. Katherine J. Igoe Contributor Katherine's a Boston-based contributor at Marie Claire who covers fashion,. Journalist Lars Christian Wegner, interviewed for the docuseries, covered the case in Norway at the time. Props to the man searching for answers years later. The door was double-locked from the inside; only security can enter when the room is locked this way. Police are currently looking into it and are planning to conduct a comprehensive study of DNA in criminal cases. She placed it in the closet. All of the other registration information seemed to be false as well. He then closed the door and ordered his colleagues to call the police. This meant that she either died on Friday night or ate her meal almost twenty-four hours after it was delivered. One of the few documents police and reporters were able to use was a registration the woman signed while checking in. 2,922, This story has been shared 2,437 times. An unidentified fingerprint was on it. According to Unsolved Mysteries, Jennifer Fairgate was last seen alive on Friday, June 2, 1995. ", A third added: "Why didn't they found out who's the receptionist who got Jennifer Fairgate's info when she checked in? In fact, Wegner's investigation reveals that Jennifer left the hotel for approximately 20 hours at one point. Lagast showed the sketch to several others in the town; a few people recognized her as a resident's sister-in-law. Fairgate was discovered at the Plaza Hotel three days after she checked in, dead in her room with the door double locked on the inside. They also believe she has a "working knowledge" of Belgium. 'Unsolved Mysteries' Volume 2: Every Theory About Jennifer Fairgate's Others were not convinced. Documents shown in the documentary reveal Oslo police concluded with 99.9% certainty that Fairgates death was a suicide. I just remember they asked me. Is 'Daisy Jones & The Six' Based on a True Story? She changed her arrival date to that evening. There was a briefcase in the room with 25 rounds of ammunition. card, not even a passport. Officer Kristiansen says that they did not find any kind of I.D. In Jennifer's room, a newspaper bag was found with the newspaper USA Today in it. jennifer fairgate solved - mohanvilla.com Although the woman's real identity is unknown, she is referred to as "Jennifer" throughout most of this write-up. And since its already been 25 years since Fairgates death, some answers may lie buried forever. Why would Mr. F know about her murder before her body was found? StreamUnsolved Mysteries (2020)on Netflix, This story has been shared 10,551 times. Several country leaders and "influential" people had stayed there. The episode details the case of a woman who died in room 2805 at the prestigious Plaza Hotel in Oslo. Investigators believe it was most likely sold to her at a discount store or shopping center. We have you covered 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, Unsolved Mysteries fans have spotted a major oversight in the death of Jennifer Fairgate, Jennifer had checked in to an Oslo hotel in 1995 with no ID and was later found dead in her room from a gunshot wound, Viewers want to know why key hotel staff weren't questioned, Netflix releases trailer for Unsolved Mysteries new episodes, Unsolved Mysteries fans rage at major oversight with hotel staff in missing Jennifer Fairgate case, Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry claims she'll have an 'open dialogue' about sex with her four sons after she got pregnant at 17. Because she did not enter her room too often, police theorized that she spent most of her time there, preparing for her suicide. He says that she must have had friends, classmates, lovers, boyfriends, etc. Druid says that during the Cold War, between 1955 and 1963, there were above-ground nuclear test bomb detonations across the globe. He said that he remembered being asked by one of the hotel desk operators about her death. The gun itself also seemed suspect. One reddit user questioned why she would have been at the hotel in Oslo in 1995, wondering, Was she a prostitute that did work at the hotel? And asking, Why did this woman come to Oslo? They showed him a sketch of Jennifer and asked if he recognized her. Primero, los policas coincidieron en que se trataba de un suicidio, pues la mujer estaba sola en la habitacin y la puerta estaba . Police looked for fingerprints in the room; they only found ones belonging to Jennifer. True Crime Storytime | What Unsolved Mysteries Didn'T Tell You About However, she never showed up at the front desk to pay. The prints were run through Interpol. Realizing something might be wrong, Eva contacted hotel security. Unsolved Mysteries: The Bizarre Murder Of Jennifer Fairgate She did not use her card after that. 1,438, This story has been shared 1,397 times. The hotel was favored by country leaders and influential people. Her autopsy indicated that she was 5'2". Details: At 10:44pm on the evening of Wednesday, May 31, 1995, a young woman, stylishly dressed in black, checked in at the Plaza Hotel in Oslo, Norway. From my point of view this is a very well carried out intelligence operation, he said. He noted the oddity of the clothing as well as the documented events of her coming and going from the hotel room. . No prints were found on the gun; however, according to police, it is difficult to get prints off of a weapon. He was described as 6'1" and between thirty-five and forty (in 1995). There was no toothbrush, hairbrush, cosmetics, or toiletries. The case of Jennifer Fairgate in episode 2 has proven to be . jennifer fairgate solved - snapstory.org On the night of June 3, a security guard went up to 20th floor to check on the guest after it was discovered that she had not provided payment info for the room. Lars Wegner, the VG journalist, tried to contact Mr. F, but he would not respond to his questions about the Oslo hotel. You Can Stream Every 'Rocky' Movie Right Now, 'WoF' Fans Say This Is the 'Biggest Choke' on Show, Daisy Jones & the Six Is a Rock Epic in 10 Parts, See Mariska Hargitays Emotional Tribute on IG. Triangle of Sadness Ending Explained: Does Abigail Kill Yaya? Wegner has several theories as to why Jennifer was in Oslo: she may have been involved in drug smuggling; she may have been a flight attendant (she matched the general description of the ones that stayed at the hotel); she may have been a "top-class" prostitute; she may have been a secret agent for another country's intelligence service; or she may have been an assassin. Its possible then that neither Fairgate nor her murderer were Norwegian. The woman had sweaters, trench coats, jackets, and many other clothes for her upper body. Police discovered that two bullets had been fired from the woman's gun. Fairgate could have been drugged and then killed by someone kneeling on top of herwhich might explain the lack of blood on her own hand. That name was also written on the registration card. Redditors are on the case. One of Unsolved Mysteries most perplexing cases this season has reddit sleuths digging into a crime that happened over 20 years ago, with no leads in sight. As a result, no one knows who was staying in room 2816 or if they had anything to do with the case. He left the hallway, returning fifteen minutes later with other security. It is not known if he even existed in the first place. She signed the register using a false name (Jennifer Fairgate), a false address, and a false phone number, the latter two of which were Belgian. JenniferFairgate - reddit One thing that police did not collect at the time was Jennifers DNA; DNA testing was not commonly used by Norwegian police at the time. He hoped that missing persons reports could help identify her. From my point of view this is a very well carried out intelligence operation, he said. Even more confusing, she was holding the gun at an odd angle, had no blood on her hands, and the weapons serial number had been removed with acid. However, at the time of Jennifer's death, there were no political meetings being held there. Who Was Jennifer Fairgate From Netflix's 'Unsolved Mysteries'? How was Fairgate able to check into the hotel without presenting ID or credit card information? No matches were found. One expert claims that the gun was not an authentic Browning pistol, but was instead a Hungarian copy from the 1960s or 1970s that was made of parts from several weapons. In 1996, Wegner wrote a story about Jennifer which was released in a local newspaper. An inscription indicated that the battery was replaced in March 1995. Unsolved Mysteries 'Death in Oslo' Episode: Jennifer Fairgate Theories Joshua St Clair is an Assistant Editor at Men's Health Magazine. When housekeepers were in her room, they were surprised at how tidy it was, as if no one was staying there. They also searched birth records for the town; they found that no one was born there on her alleged date of birth. He had a two-way radio, but he did not want to announce the shooting to the whole staff. As a result, the only way to get her DNA was to exhume her body. 2" checked into an Oslo hotel room in 1995 and never. He thinks that homicide cannot be excluded in her case. Police learned that she had called two numbers in Belgium from her hotel room. He says it was an easy one to draw because Jennifers key card registered every time she used it to enter the room. A strange "acrid" smell permeated the air. The hotel pays a huge role in solving the IsraeliPalestinian conflict and the secret negotiations of 1993 Oslos agreements. Unsolved Mysteries: Who Was Jennifer Fairgate? Theories | POPSUGAR By the time of Wegner's investigation, the hotel no longer had its registration from 1995. He claimed to have heard about it when he checked out of the hotel on Saturday morning, but the hotel didnt find her body until Saturday night. It wasnt uncommon for powerful people to stay there. She had an opposite one, with the thumb on the trigger and her fingers on the other side of the handle. Wegner hoped that something would be found that would help lead to her identity. It is very hard to find out if someone manipulated the door; they are very good at hiding it. F, he was at the hotel in the room right next door, staying there the night she died. Police confirmed that the door was double-locked from inside. She spoke fluent German and English. The 'Jennifer Fairgate' Episode of 'Unsolved Mysteries' Will Send You Down a Rabbit Hole In its most open-ended episode yet, Netflix's true crime reboot doubles-down on speculation about an . Over the next twenty years, from time to time, he would take the story out because it was an intriguing one. Its possible, experts noted in the docuseries, that someone could have knelt over her and fired the gun at point blank while she was unconscious. He says it is very unlikely that Jennifer's death was a suicide. Jennifer Fairgate is the name the victim used when checking in at Oslos Plaza Hotel. The woman died as a result of a gunshot wound to the head, which appeared to be self-inflicted. It appeared that she did not want to be disturbed. While immediate. She was young and elegant, wearing all black and had a very expensive Citizen Aqualand model CQ-1021-50 watch. Crime scene photo from Jennifer Fairgate's murder in "Unsolved Mysteries, " "A Death in Oslo." Courtesy of Netflix. Once there, he told the security chief about the incident and also called the police. However, investigations showed that her name is almost certainly fake. Unsolved Mysteries fans have spotted a major oversight in the death of Jennifer Fairgate Credit: Handout Jennifer was found in room 2805 of the Oslo Plaza Hotel with a bullet wound to the head, but what initially appeared to be suicide soon turned into something more sinister. Strangely, she had brought nothing extra to wear from the waist down (such as trousers, skirts, or dresses). Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The labels on her clothes were removed. Unsure of what to do, he hid behind a small protrusion in the corridor for a few minutes. They had been taken from the room's mini-bar on Friday and Saturday. The best guess at her identity are only these descriptors: a woman born in 1971 and likely from East Germany. When this discrepancy was brought up, he said, "I dont know anything about that. Interestingly, she did look a lot like Jennifer. Nationally renowned cold case expert Ken Mains gives his opinion on the Netflix, episode 2 of Unsolved Mysteries. These detonations created an increase in the C-14 levels in the atmosphere. My Hero Academia S6 episode 22 release time, date, and trailer for Friend, {{#media.media_details}} {{#media.focal_point}}. Secret negotiations between Israel and Palestinian authorities were held there as well. The food was delivered at 8:23 p.m. She paid shift supervisor. And when investigators looked through her hotel room, they found a collection of clothes with the labels removed, and no bottoms, only tops. On Friday morning, a hotel employee witnessed Jennifer entering her room and placing the "Do Not Disturb" sign on her door. Have something to tell us about this article? Just two months after the burial, the chief of police ordered the disposal of evidence collected during the investigation, including: Jennifer's personal items (her clothing and bags), the room's bedspread, the gun, and skin samples taken from her hands (no other samples were taken from her body). If you have information about this woman, alias "Jennifer Fairgate," visit unsolved.com. Date of Birth: 1960 - 1974 (approx.) Oslos Plaza Hotel was noted as a common location for foreign conferences, and it was not uncommon for powerful players to stay there. The chief used his security key card to open the door. Nicknames: Jennifer Fairgate, Jennifer Fergate He is certain that there are people out there who know who she is. The police theory is that Jennifer might have been depressed and wanted to take her own life. This might suggest that Fairgate was an enemy to the state and so a target Norways E14. Her real identity remains unknown. One of the front desk operators remembered seeing a dark-haired man standing beside Jennifer either when she checked in or when she went to the desk to exchange currency later that evening. split screen cold war not working. She was wearing eye makeup. A gun was in her right hand, which was resting on her chest. 6,231, This story has been shared 4,536 times. Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 is now out on Netflix, and the case that has received the most social media traction among true-crime fans is that of 'Jennifer Fairgate,' a woman found dead in an. Henrik Druid, a Swedish professor and forensic expert, told him that there was another way of determining her age. In 1996, they closed the case and decided that they had to bury her. Several international top political meetings had been held there. Three empty soda bottles and an opened bag of chips were found on a counter. Wegner says that Jennifer was very successful at hiding her identity. Known only by the alias "Jennifer Fairgate," the mysterious woman covered in the second episode of Netflix's "Unsolved Mysteries Vol. Who Is 'Jennifer Fairgate,' The Unidentified Woman From Netflix's 5 min read Photo credit: Courtesy of Netflix From Women's Health. Professionals, such as intelligence agents, would know how deep to go to remove it. While in the room, one of the maids also noticed a nice pair of shoes that Jennifer had. Still, people like Wegner remain determined to give Fairgate an identity. He had lived in the area all of his life. Wegner asked why she would not have fought back, noting that there were no signs of struggle in the room. Jennifer Fairgate Was Killed By "Mr. F" One theory points to another hotel guest who was staying at the Plaza during the same time as Fairgate. It was found embedded in the floor, only a few centimeters away from the one that killed her. Audun Kristiansen of the Oslo Police department told Netflix they had found no traces of other persons in the room. On November 16, 2016, Jennifers body was exhumed from her grave. And he thinks her family deserves to know what happened to her. There was no funeral, priest, headstone, or mourners; just a coffin and the pallbearers. Wegner believes that this has brought them closer to the solution of this mystery. It was also noted that investigators never checked Fairgate for anything other than alcohol. He was in Oslo for a business trip. What We Know About Her Continued 'Today Show' Absence, 'Wheel of Fortune' Gets Awkward as Pat Sajak Snaps at Contestant for Grabbing Wheel: "Don't Touch That", Joy Behar Scolds Co-Hosts for Texting 'The View' EP With Their Problems: "He's a Producer, Not a Gynecologist". the Jennifer Fairgate Case. Jennifer also filled in a Belgian address on the check-in form, stating that she lived in the tiny village of Verlaine, but when investigators travelled to the village, none of the residents knew her and the house where she claimed to live didnt exist. The phone number was a fake. The other one went through her pillow, mattress, and bed, apparently done as a "test firing." However, they believe that she had some connection to the village, since she knew about the street "Rue De La Station." It is like "following a ghost." The food was delivered at 8:23 p.m, she paid shift supervisor Kristin Andersen with a 50-kroner note, which was an unusually generous tip. A burn mark on it showed that she had flipped it over after she fired the shot. Kaldager says that it is "more or less impossible" to shoot yourself in the head in the way that Jennifer allegedly did. She may have wanted to die alone and did not want anyone to find her. Valuable items, such as her ring, earring, and watch, were sold at auction. When her body was discovered, the meal she ordered was found in the room, half-eaten. Weight: 147 lbs. The weapon used was a 9-millimeter semi-automatic Browning pistol. However, a woman staying in the room next to 2816 did call police after Jennifer's death to report a "suspicious" foreign couple and sounds of banging coming from a nearby room. Could she have simply been a depressed woman wanting to anonymously commit suicide? At the time, it was the top luxury hotel in the city. Who Was Mallory Beach in 'Murdaugh Murders'? Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. When filling in the check-in form, Jennifer gave her date of birth as August 28th, 1973, which would have made her 21 years old, although reports suggest she is estimated to have been around 30 years old. The window was open, fluttering the curtain. Was she a sex worker with a violent client? But like every other theory, we still cant know for sure. Who Killed Jennifer Fairgate? - Reddit Theories on the Oslo Hotel One of the most bizarre unsolved murder cases started on May 31, 1995, when a woman who went by the name Jennifer Fairgate checked into Room 2805 of the Oslo Plaza Hotel in Norway. At the time, Jennifer was wearing a long skirt and had a suitcase; both were missing from her room after her death. When a person fires the gun, the recoil pushes it back. So, she might have been from East Germany or at least lived there for some part of her life. They received many tips and information; however, nothing has helped them solve the case yet. Why did she die, and what is the meaning behind all of the puzzling clues left behind at the crime scene? The so called "Plaza Woman's" death at the Oslo Plaza in Norway in 1995 was ruled a suicide,. His section mainly worked in areas with war and crisis, such as the Middle East, Balkans, and Africa. Who is Jennifer Fairgate/Fergate truly?. She had expensive dental work done in gold and porcelain; this type of work is widely used in the United States, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and Germany. She contacted housekeeping and learned that no one had cleaned it since Thursday. 4,175, This story has been shared 3,116 times. He believes that every life matters. Who Is Jennifer Fairgate? 'Unsolved Mysteries' Season 2 - Bustle The area code she listed is wrong for Verlaine, but is used in another area. While immediate . On June 26, she was buried in a pauper's grave in Vestre Gravlund, a cemetery in Oslo. Wegner traveled to Verlaine, Belgium - the village listed on the registration card - in hopes of finding some trace of Jennifer there. However, no evidence has been found to support these theories. Kaldager says that removing labels from clothing is a normal procedure in the intelligence service. Wegner became involved in Jennifers story after he started doing a series on missing persons and unidentified bodies in Norway. Thats all I know." What actually happened there is very hard to say, but I have a feeling that she was executed., Kaldager pointed out that the registration number was removed from the gun in a professional way. Removing clothing tags, he noted, was also common for agents in the field. Wegner wondered if they could determine her age more precisely. At the autopsy, the doctor determined that she was about thirty, plus or minus five years. Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 is available to stream now on Netlfix after releasing on October 19th, 2020. What happened in room 2805? Fortunately, police were able to get a full DNA profile from her remains.
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