Maybe, you know, I mean, I'm just speculating. Like there's just a lot of I mean, you know what I mean? So so then I found out I was pregnant and so I was like, OK, well, I can't go back to the dentist. You know, you're not always you just don't succumb to them. So that was the thing. Yeah, there's been sampling where you like you go to like Walgreens or CVS. She's like this just like a constant nagging cough, you know, that it completely 100 percent went away. It seems like, well, they're going to do it in addition to they're going to in addition to standard of care. He woke me up. So it's like basically a battery of feeling things. It's I just it's uncomfortable. It's like like it's like my my teeth get dirtier. Right. I mean it hurts, everything hurts. That's your base. Chemist at something. So like in combination with some of this other stuff, like from days of yore, which is, you know, it's not like a silver bullet, but it seems like it's also promising, promising probably with a combination of other other factors as well. And so you want to give them a higher dose, you know, and and for, you know, doing doing fifty thousand I use weekly isn't, you know, something that's necessarily going to be toxic or anything like that. Severe covid-19 illness that's not been shown like it's not been shown at all, so but it's interesting, right? It's and it's not only more effective, it's a completely different. So, like, I think that's really important from bright light exposure is just there's just study after study showing it sets your circadian clock boom. My mom is like, you know, she's Nana. There have been some studies that have compared I mean, there's benefits with these infrared scanners there in Japan. It makes a big difference. Dr. Rhonda Patrick ( @foundmyfitness) is a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences and the founder of Found My Fitness Host: Joe Rogan ( @joerogan ) Immune System Function and Relationship to SARS-CoV-2 What can you do to strengthen immune system? I'm like, hell no, I'm not going to take benzoate that's, you know, been shown to like cause dementia. But the cold shock, you ask me, cold shock proteins, that that hasn't really been measured in humans. No, no chemicals at all. I'm like, this is so weird. It is. And then the other thing is that these publications are being uploaded on, you know, before they're peer reviewed. Yeah, I thought I should, but I haven't. That's a lot. You know, like at the time he just thought it was some like a little like whatever that's called chest. And so the melody, they're they're like, you know, that melatonin is not being produced. Sulforaphane Rhonda has taken many studies into consideration before developing her supplement regimen. And so there's been some studies by the CDC on the on sars-cov-2 where they found basically that people that are infected with SA sars-cov-2 also boost their antibodies against the the common cold one. Top Moments. You know, that certainly helps. And that's, you know, in the brain they're so important, like preventing proteins from aggregating in the brain. It sure tastes good. While this is all going on is pandemic. I know it's hard though. But when you wear it, you don't normally. It was so hot like, like, like I, I was, I was like on some kind of mind altering drug like this like and I think that's the point with those guys. I've never intubated anyone. Mother in law. I hope. So I was like staying a nice long as they could, you know, think I'm cool. You know, I don't you know, I'm not sure. Pro inflammatory thing. I think they call it like first they first of all, they call it sauna, sauna and they call it weird. Rhonda has mentioned the Nordic Naturals brand on . I mean, I couldn't I couldn't believe it. I think it has huge potential. It's something in the environment. So, you know, it's kind of like correlation. I'll find you know al-Thani and see I was looking for my LPT but I was out because that like helps Karmiel. Blood tests ensure the vitamin D level remains in the healthy range. Legal Zoom Where Life Meets Legal were also brought to you by Buffalo Trace Whiskey. Right. I don't want to make people feel bad. But by the way, the shower, like some days I'm like, what's matter? You can get Dr. Patricks vitamin D3 supplement on Amazon, Joe Rogans Insane Daily Supplement Stack, How Tim Ferriss Tripled His Testosterone Levels, Tom Bradys TB12 Method Supplement Stack, Dwayne The Rock Johnsons Supplement Stack, Andrew Hubermans Testosterone Supplements, Joe Rogans CBD Product List Brands & Dosages. So I'm like wondering when do I when can I cut the nap out? Pressure is in Tarzana. It's really awful. OK, right. I don't stop at all. So this is also a problem with vaccines. This means the world population is on the edge of full deficiency. Yeah. But I'm just I mean, just accepting where this is. Yeah. Sign up for an annual subscription and receive an additional 15% discount. But neuroplasticity is is associate with depression, like not like not being able like stressful conditions and stuff like that, like not being able to like adapt. Yes. And in particular, one one virus, the systematic megalo virus DMV. So there was it's like it was trending that acetate was better trending, meaning was non significant, although it was like forty percent versus twenty eight percent. They were getting some kind of green light therapy or whatever, you know, so it was a placebo control because the placebo effect is definitely a real particularly with depression. Check out these Podcast Notes from Rhonda's last appearance on Joe's podcast; BPA. There we go. I just fall asleep. I mean, there's a lot of different repurposing drugs that are being investigated, you know, and I think over the next couple of months and then Regeneron is already, you know, doing one of these monoclonal antibodies. Someone's talking about cleansing toxins like fuck off. They just think about sitting in there and breathing. So they have the ability to tell 40 million people what they can and can't do, make that a little larger so I can read this. I certainly like, you know, you said so, you know, take that with a grain of salt as well. Hiking trails and paths allowing distancing horsetrading singles jogging and running. This strategy that you guys have, you're not adjusting and adapting. Zinc once a week. It's like so taxing. Hopefully people are going to start looking at the vitamin D. I really like that. So I showed him. So the CDC, you know, obviously there's been studies showing that African-Americans are more hit, but they didn't really correct for tons of like other factors because socioeconomic status is important. People are knock on door. Oh, I'm glad you brought that up, because there was, you know, so a couple of things. They're like, yeah, you have appendicitis. You know, basically it's made in the skin. So we got that literally. Posted on Yeah. Get one here. Yeah. Dr. Rhonda Patrick was right. I get out of here. Yeah. He came up with this machine. It's your back and it's your back with a disc pushing into the nerves. So like the breathing and some of it off. Yeah. It is. You know, there there are some claims out there that are sort of being backed up by very poorly done studies. There's been some vitamin D studies also where they're like looking at, you know, countries that have been affected the worst and they all have low vitamin D and it's like, OK, well, anyways, that's correlation. I mean, I'm sure I do lots of announcements there. That's it. So, you know, I think that that the heat stress in the sauna does help. It's an annual day, a holiday dedicated to Trager that encourages our entire nation to grill and celebrate all things. So when when shit goes wrong, they fix it. I you know that's dialed in and I'm definitely like do the right. And so I was up like I was up to like I'm fasting. But a little it's a little stronger data in the in Indonesia, patients that died 90 of almost 100 percent, it was like ninety eight point something. Hibernation/no motivation to do anything is maybe the most common symptom of depression. We got this, this and this and this. Well, this is the very reason why people in places like Scotland and England have such pale skin. But, you know, there's there's lots of there's lots of possibilities. You're hanging by your ankles and decompressing your spine. I mean, I'm reading all these publications. OK, well here's my way. But it was like just mostly just tightness. Transcript of #1474 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick | Happy Scribe Joe Rogan Supplements: Advice & Recommendations It does it doesn't do shit to your plasma levels like you're still at baseline. And I would also like to see something done on whether or not that contributes to how many people get sick over there. But there's been studies that have shown that you can I mean, people that have taken, you know, ten thousand I use a day for for multiple years, haven't had any hypoglycemia or had, you know, problems, but too much vitamin D can be toxic. less vitamin D = more immigrant mentality, Apparently this "study" is completely garbage. What is happening to people when they are vitamin D? We did a video on it and like it's I mean, it effects like the insulin secretion, sensitivity, like all that stuff. Right. It was, it was like, OK, now, now we're cooking and I was sweating up a storm. Like some of those numbers. But that doesn't if you look at the plasma levels, you're still increasing them much higher. Yeah. So I've been working my continuous glucose monitor for a year and a half, maybe two years now. Can we can we get into vitamin. I do. That for you for sure. I just I don't think that it's totally accurate, considering my only real way to measure that is those little suction. Every hour, some get a pass this year and a big wall tent. And that study kind of just lumped everything together rather than the other study, like, OK, what happens is two grams and one. And so if you look at these these common cold studies, there's like randomized meta analysis, randomized controlled trials, an analysis of them. Yeah, I've I've like I was doing it. Do you know about these red light machines that people stand in front of? Quercetin So, like, you know, Frolick in Oakland don't really go together. She has done extensive research on aging, metabolism, nutrition, and cancer. Because you have two showers in the shower. And so it's part of the adaptation process as well, you know, being able to handle the heat stress. And the only solid evidence I could find on negative effects of fluoride on the brain are in utero, meaning pregnant women. That'll that'll make things less scary. But another really interesting thing is that people with type of blood, we were also talking about these like blood clots. And so I took her we went to get the IBC and they did it was ten, ten grams that we did. And I go, do you just have to stop and think, OK, even if just one percent of all of my people that go from Instagram, like if you're reading the Instagram comments, one percent are assholes, just one, which is probably really conservative. So it's micrograms per liter in their blood. When we were talking about song, when people that don't have access to a sauna, how much benefit can they get out of a hot bath? Legal zoom is not a law firm, so you won't have to worry about expensive billable hours adding up. And Trager Day, May 16th. Getting your vitamin D = less depression. Just me. Yeah, it's a mouthpiece. Yeah, no. Or does the is are you required to you know, different people have different results when it comes to CBD and some people find that CBD with THC benefits some more and some people find that it's just the CBD itself. Maybe they've like they've definitely like gotten their gotten more on game since then. Any time tell people how to find you. Louis Simmons invented it because he had a herniated disc and the doctors are telling him, hey, we have to operate on you because you have this compressed disc. Also, as the oldest continuously operating distillery in America, Buffalo Trace Distillery has experienced more than its fair share of adversity floods, fires, wars, recessions and prohibition. I mean, it's like naptime is like what can I get work done or it could take a shower. It lowered the incidence of the solutions in the children because, you know, mothers kiss their kids and they transferred oral bacteria. Well, he was in Tarzana. And they found with influenza, I forgot which a or something. I'll have one sent to you. So so the problem is, is that calcium can easily form a precipitate in in in general and particularly when phosphorus is around and phosphorus is. Right. But the fact that it has been shown to to treat to improve sepsis outcomes in multiple, you know, studies. They listed the martial arts like fuck off table tennis singles trail running trampolining. But I actually prefer this product from them because this completely isolates leads the back and you're not pulling on your knees and your ankles when you're decompressing. And I like, injured myself. I mean, this is unprecedented.
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