Vonetta Martin, Manager (410) 767-7440 Vacancy, Director (410) 767-7261 web: http://dhr.maryland.gov/blog/tefap/ LOCAL DEPARTMENTS OF SOCIAL SERVICES We will aggressively pursue opportunities to assist people in economic need, provide prevention services, and protect vulnerable children and adults.. Jenipher K. Cochrane; Darlene Hobson. To purchase backpacks and school supplies for a student or mail in a check, please fill out the form below. Anne Arundel County Cynthia E. Shockey, Director (855) 853-8289, ext. Ask Agent Mary, http://www.mymarylandauto.com/site/contact/, fpaaworkflowcoordinator.commerce@maryland.gov, https://health.maryland.gov/pages/contactus.aspx, http://dhs.maryland.gov/about-dhs/customer-service/, dldwdworkforcedevelopment-labor@maryland.gov, dloplmarylandracingcommission-labor@maryland.gov, dluiemployerassistance-labor@maryland.gov, https://insurance.maryland.gov/pages/contacts-at-mia.aspx, https://mpa.maryland.gov/pages/contact-us.aspx, https://customerrelations.mta.maryland.gov/#/feedback, frederickcountyrow@registers.maryland.gov, montgomerycountyrow@registers.maryland.gov, http://marylandsha.force.com/customercare/request_for_service, Governor's Office of Performance Improvement, Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), Prevention and Health Promotion Administration, Office of Controlled Substances Administration, 410-838-1500 (Bel Air) or 410-617-1779 for (Edgewood/Woodbridge), 410-313-6284 Medical questions (8am-5pm); 410-313-2022 County public information (8am-5pm), 410-778-1350 8am-6pm, M-F) or 2-1-1 available 24/7, Employer unemployment insurance bulk claims, Office of the Commissioner of Financial Regulation, Office of Small Business Regulatory Assistance, Maryland Health Working Families Act, also known as Safe and Sick Leave, Office of the State Superintendent Ombudsman, Emergency Business (obtaining a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) or registering fleet vehicles needed to bring resources to Marylanders), 410-848-2586 or 410-876-3158 or toll free: 888-876-0034, 410-770-8160 Emergency Services; 410-819-5600 Health Department, 410-912- 6889 Covid-19 Call Center; 410-543-6996 24-hour emergency hotline; 410-543-6943 Notifiable/Reportable Conditions Line, 410-632-1100 option 8 (8am-5pm M-F); 410-632-4321 General information on COVID-19. MARYLAND OFFICE FOR REFUGEES & ASYLEES maryland child support administration fax number. Its easy to help! Terms expire 2018. Denise E. Wheeler, Administrator (410) 238-1320; fax: (410) 238-1395 Vacancy, Division Director Contact CCS Central2at1-877-227-0125or emailCCSCentral2@maryland.gov. Tawanda A. Bailey, Vice-Chair (chosen by Commission in July, 2-year term), 2024. ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY OFFICE OF CHILD-SUPPORT Every parent has an obligation to financially support their child. OFFICE OF LONG-TERM CARE If you are a family in need of child support services, please contact your local department of social services. Note: Please include the non-custodial parents name, nine digit case number, or social security number on all remittances. Share that memory by assisting a child who needs help getting ready for the next school year. Geneva Warren, Manager (410) 767-7795 (N00A0103) ), Proof of household expenses (recent utility bills, child care costs, recent doctor or hospital bills, etc. 1-800-332-6347 Dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2258 to initiate a TTY call through Maryland Relay Wes Moore, Governor, Aruna Miller, Lt. Mentors are trained to work one-on-one and in-group settings with children in a structured year-long relationship. Charles County - Maryland Department of Human Services e-mail: cynthia.shockey@maryland.gov OFFICE OF EMERGENCY OPERATIONS OPERATIONS A household is defined as a group of people who live together, buy food and prepare their meals together. See the CSA online child support calculator. Can't find what you're looking for? GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION ON MIGRATORY & SEASONAL FARM LABOR ; Jenny Pena Dias. FAMILY INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION Maryland Municipalities Kathy F. Crosby, Deputy Counsel (410) 767-7726; e-mail: kathy.crosb@maryland.gov Saratoga State Center Many factors affect the amount of child support. Terrence Clegg, Administrator (410) 767-7699 Maryland State Disbursement Unit Website (N00I00, formerly 33.09.00) Jun 2007 - Present15 years 10 months. OPERATIONS e-mail: stephanier.hunt@maryland.gov Payment will not be made until all documentation is received, all clearances are returned without any disqualifying events, and the provider has been approved by the Office of Child Care. FY2023 appropriation: $195,979,668; authorized positions: 14 Child Care Credential Program (MCCCP) Questions about your application or status? Vacancy, Deputy Secretary for Operations (410) 767-7616 There can be several different household units in the same family, in the same home. ; Jody Levison-Johnson; Veto Anthony Mentzell, Jr.; Catherine L. Meyers; Linda R. Ramsey; Linda Robeson; Melissa S. Rock. Kenyatta G. Powers-Rucker, Chief Information Officer (410) 767-7214; (410) 238-1204 web: http://news.dhr.maryland.gov/, COUNSEL Even if you have your base payments coming thru the state you need a solution to manage, track & pay all your child expenses - while providing a complete history & record. You can also remit your payment by the Maryland SDU Pay-By-Phone system. web: http://dhr.maryland.gov/child-support-services/, INTERGOVERNMENTAL PROGRAMS Robin Harvey, Director (410) 767-7447 Curtis J. Murray, Records Officer (410) 767-9671 036 Daniel E. Dawes, JD on how to overcome deep-rooted challenges in e-mail: vonetta.martin@maryland.gov, PROGRAMS Link: Department of Human Resources Website. FY2023 appropriation: $14,941,388; authorized positions: 6 Judith Vaughan-Prather, Executive Director (appointed by Secretary of Human Services) (301) 610-4522 Joanne D. Mason, Director (410) 767-7527 Chima I. Nathan, Director (410) 767-7669 Nneka Willis-Gray, Director (410) 767-7675 Chianti D. Thomas, Administrator (410) 767-2112 Shawnanda Bishop, Enforcement Supervisor INTERGOVERNMENTAL PROGRAMS e-mail: george.varghese@maryland.gov PDF State of Maryland Send original notarized form to: Maryland Department OFFICE OF TRAINING FY2023 appropriation: $51,114,970; authorized positions: 210 Vacancy, Deputy Secretary for Operations (410) 767-7616 (N00H00, formerly 33.08.00) Vacancy, Director (410) 767-5324 Mary Anne K. Breschi; Kathryn S. Farinholt; Florence C. Harvey; Yetunde Olobatuyi; Chalarra A. Sessoms; Trina Townsend; Katherine I. Wehr. Call for more information for genetic testing. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OFFICE OF SECRETARY (N00A0101, formerly 33.01.01) FY2023 appropriation: $16,829,458; authorized positions: 118 e-mail: maria.tillman@maryland.gov, SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT The Maryland child support program provides many services to families across the state. Dawn Delepenha-Boyer, Establishment Supervisor e-mail: terry.scates@maryland.gov PROGRAMS John D. Slowe, Director (410) 767-7433; e-mail: john.slowe@maryland.gov Samantha Phillips-Chester, Director (301) 316-3040; e-mail: samantha.phillips@maryland.gov Appointed by Secretary of Human Services with Governor's approval: web: http://dhr.maryland.gov/office-of-home-energy-programs/, OFFICE OF LONG-TERM CARE If you plan to open a child support case and will represent yourself, find child support and financial forms on the Family Law forms index. e-mail: kevin.guistwite@maryland.gov PROGRAMS emacs redefine function - klocker.media e-mail: augustin.ntabaganyimana@maryland.gov Volunteers are used throughout the agency assisting units and aiding programs. Robin Harvey, Director (410) 767-7447 Donors shop and deliver the supplies to the schools in the County. P.O. ), Social Security numbers for everyone in the household, Proof of address (lease, utility bill, etc. [CDATA[ var GOVDSNIPPET = function() { var form = document.getElementById('GD-snippet-form'); var typeSelect = form.getElementsByTagName('select')[0]; var getStyleType = function(type) { return typeSelect.value === type ? OFFICE OF HOME ENERGY PROGRAMS Lori A. Prince George's County. Thelma Smith, Assistant Director (410) 767-9670; e-mail: thelma.smith@maryland.gov Circuit Courthouse Nneka Willis-Gray, Director (410) 767-7675 If you wish to send sensitive information, email a description of the issue (without the sensitive data), and let us know you have confidential information to send. e-mail: christina.tabuteau@maryland.gov, BANKING & FINANCE e-mail: daniel.wait@maryland.gov CUSTOMER SERVICE & PATERNITY AFFIDAVIT PROGRAM Vacancy, Director (410) 767-2513 Contact. Vonetta Martin, Manager (410) 767-7440 Any other relationship, for example, cousin or great-aunt, will be considered as a non-relative information provider and must meet the above criteria. Erin M. Easton, Chief of Staff (410) 767-9679 Anyone experiencing difficulties reaching a local department of social services to report abuse or neglect should immediately call 1-800-91Prevent (1-800-917-7383). e-mail: nneka.willis-gray@maryland.gov When parents do not live together, child support may be established to ensure the financial needs of the child are met. Denise L. Conway, Executive Director of Social Services (410) 767-7216 BUREAU OF SPECIAL GRANTS Chima I. Nathan, Director (410) 767-7669 TECHNICAL SERVICES BUREAU OF SPECIAL GRANTS e-mail: migrfarm6@dhr.state.md.us. 410-222-1495 e-mail: curtis.murray@maryland.gov OPERATIONS e-mail: When sending an email to the Division of Early Childhood, DONOTinclude information such as your full social security number (use only the last 4 digits), bank account numbers, routing numbers, or any other sensitive information. James Cash, Deputy Chief Information Officer for Technical Services (410) 767-7214 e-mail: kimberly.parks-bourn@maryland.gov, INTERSTATE COMPACT ON PLACEMENT OF CHILDREN Ex officio: Kevin M. Atticks, Secretary of Agriculture; Antoinette W. Coward, designee of Secretary of Health; Rafael J. Lopez, Secretary of Human Services; Carl D. Reavis, designee of Secretary of Labor; Cvieta J. Sheridan, designee of State Superintendent of Schools; Wesley N. Musser, Ph.D., designee of Director, Maryland Cooperative Extension. The Office of Community Initiatives and Programs meets the specific and dynamic needs of families, children and vulnerable adults in Anne Arundel County. California, film director, writer | 775 views, 8 likes, 5 loves, 78 comments, 217 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Mike Netter: REBUILD CALIFORNIA TOWN. Mark S. Button, Director (410) 767-8368 Contact the MSDE-Division of Early Childhood using the form below. FY2023 appropriation: $144,556,846; authorized positions: 88 Cynthia E. Shockey, Director (855) 853-8289, ext. Maryland - Baltimore County : Hours of operation: Mon: 8:30AM 4PM Tue: 8:30AM 4PM Wed: 8:30AM 4PM . SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS There is no fee for this service. (410) 767-8967 - 4:00 pm. Child Care Scholarship Program -CCSCentral2@maryland.gov or 1-877-227-0125 Employee Benefits Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Professionals: Join Child Support Network, Establishing paternity for children born out of wedlock, Establishing and enforcing child support orders, Distributing child support payments to families. Parents meeting all CCS eligibility requirements have the option of using licensed care until the informal provider is approved. Candice M. Edwards, Director (410) 767-9677 e-mail: lasherra.ayala@maryland.gov BALTIMORE CITY OFFICE OF CHILD-SUPPORT 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Child Support Hours: Maryland Child Support Account P.O. e-mail: james.cash@maryland.gov, OFFICE OF CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER (MD THINK) Email Security Warning! Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3521 Marva M. Sutherland, Inspector General (443) 378-4060 LOCAL DEPARTMENTS OF SOCIAL SERVICES 5285 web: http://dhr.maryland.gov/weathering-tough-times/ e-mail: ryan.lancaster1@maryland.gov, OFFICE OF STRATEGY & PERFORMANCE FAMILY INVESTMENT ADMINISTRATION 4:00 pm. (payments accepted), Location daniel neeleman net worth . Jeffrey C. O'Donnell, Analyst (410) 767-7663; 1-800-39A-DOPT (toll free); e-mail: jeffrey.o'donnell@maryland.gov LaBelle Hargrove, Director (410) 767-7328 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Delores Alexander; Reginald Groce, Sr.; Beatrice Lee; Benia Richardson; Davina Richardson. Child Support & Paternity | Prince George's County Judicial, MD Terms expire 2018. If you have questions about a Child Care Scholarship Application there is a FASTER way to get a response! e-mail: lasherra.ayala@maryland.gov e-mail: carnitra.white@maryland.gov New Child Support Hours: Effective 2-3-20, Monday Thursday 8:30 am. e-mail: marie.mclendon1@maryland.gov 1-800-332-6347 (customer service, toll free) (N00G00, formerly 33.07.00) 7500 Ritchie HighwayGlen Burnie, MD 21061(District Court Building). Nadeem Mughal, Fiscal Supervisor, Robin Markush, Special Counsel (N00A0104, formerly N00C0104, formerly LaBelle Hargrove, Director (410) 767-7328 Jacqueline (Tina) Turner, Director (410) 767-7745 web: http://dhr.maryland.gov/maryland-office-for-refugees-and-asylees/ Karen Hess Rohrbaugh, Counsel for Litigation (410) 767-7726; e-mail: karen.rohrbaugh1@maryland.gov Information is available hereon the Basic Health and Safety Training webpage or email healthandsafetyocc.msde@maryland.gov. FY2023 appropriation: $25,461,302; authorized positions: 121 CHIEF OF STAFF While we do not have all the answers, we can assist you and help make the challenging times a little easier. e-mail: mike.demidenko@maryland.gov, MARYLAND COMMISSION ON CAREGIVING (N00H00, formerly 33.08.00) Did you know that state systems only manage base child support payments & do not provide a way for parents to manage transactions & make payments for additional child expenses such as medical, education, child care or any other child-related expenses? web: http://dhr.maryland.gov/maryland-legal-services-program/ This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Collaboration and Program Improvement Branch - collaboration.programimprovement@maryland.gov Find a family court help center. MARYLAND OFFICE FOR REFUGEES & ASYLEES Robert Isenhart, Chief Information Security Officer (410) 238-1244; e-mail: robert.isenhart@maryland.gov Vacancy, Director (410) 767-2513, Yolanda M. Dockery, Chief of Staff (410) 767-7670 Terms expire 2024. BANKING & FINANCE (N00E01) There is a minimal cost for genetic testing. Vacancy, Director (410) 767-1693 Requirements. Maran Taylor, Deputy Director (410) 767-7458; e-mail: maran.taylor@maryland.gov Appointed by Secretary of Human Services with Governor's approval: web: http://dhr.maryland.gov/adoption/search-contract-and-reunion/#MCVAR, PROTECTIVE SERVICES e-mail: david.walton@maryland.gov e-mail: tanisha.sanders1@maryland.gov, ADOPTION, SEARCH, CONTACT & REUNION Leslie K. Kleban, Director (410) 767-7311; e-mail: leslie.kleban@maryland.gov Harford County Child Support Administration Howard County Department of Social Services, Child Support Services . Wendy Weeks, Special Counsel-Lead Attorney, Anne Arundel County Sheriffs Office Volunteer Description: Rachel Sledge, Acting Director (410) 767-8543 e-mail: chima.nathan@maryland.gov Return to Staff Directory. Maryland EXCELS -info@marylandexcels.org or marylandexcels.org, Maryland State Department of Education Vacancy, Director (410) 767-1693 For more information, contact the Back to School Program office at 410-269-4462 or community.programs@maryland.gov. Questions/Comments? Rachel Sledge, Acting Director (410) 767-8543 Contact Us | Maryland Child Office of Child Care (OCC) The excitement for children to return to school this year will be wonderful for so many students!! Essential Personnel Child Care: 877-261-0060 @MdPublicSchools: Office of the State . State of Maryland. John D. Slowe, Director (410) 767-7433; e-mail: john.slowe@maryland.gov Maryland child support is the states primary social service provider, serving over one million people annually. William C. Niner, Director (410) 767-8121 web: http://dhr.maryland.gov/child-support-services/ Keel, Director (410) 844-7010; e-mail: lori.keel@maryland.gov Contact CCS Central 2 at 1-877-227-0125 or email CCSCentral2@maryland.gov. Maryland Judiciary's information portal for family, child welfare, and juvenile law topics. Yolanda M. Dockery, Chief of Staff (410) 767-7670 Child Support Enforcement Administration, Department of Human Resources web: http://dhr.maryland.gov/weathering-tough-times/, OFFICE OF LICENSING & MONITORING OFFICE OF POLICY Suresh Nair, Chief Technology Officer (410) 767-6958 Cynthia E. Smith, Deputy Chief (410) 767-8950; e-mail: cynthia.smith1@maryland.gov Information reported to the hotline in . (N00I0006, formerly N00C0112, formerly (N00B00, formerly 33.02.00) Includes job readiness program, volunteer work experience placement, and/or vocational education/training. Circuit Court 311 West Saratoga Street, Room 301 OFFICE OF TRAINING Jarnice Y. Johnson, Deputy Executive Director (410) 767-7886 PROTECTIVE SERVICES (N00I00, formerly 33.09.00) If you would prefer to remit your payment electronically, CSA offers SMART e-pay, https://md.smartchildsupport.com. OFFICE OF MEDICAL ASSISTANCE Carnitra White, Deputy Secretary for Programs (410) 767-5034 e-mail: carnitra.white@maryland.gov Maryland 20646 Phone: 301-645-0550 Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. FY2023 appropriation: $13,076,941; authorized positions: 3 e-mail: mdmanual@maryland.gov, Deenna Greene, Assistant Director (410) 767-5845; e-mail: deenna.greene@maryland.gov CHILD SUPPORT ADMINISTRATION STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT The hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (EST), excluding state and federal holidays; or 2. All rights reserved. e-mail: tenika.rawlings@maryland.gov The Informal Provider must consent to Criminal Background Check, Out-of-State Criminal Background Check for any residency outside of Maryland within the past 5 years and complete a Child Protective Services (CPS) clearance. Households must spend some of their own cash along with their Food Supplement benefits in order to buy enough food for the whole month. FY2023 appropriation: $45,121,834; authorized positions: 64.3 Stephanie R. Hunt, Director (410) 767-7904 Marie J. McLendon, Deputy Executive Director (410) 767-4760 e-mail: marva.sutherland@maryland.gov ; Lenita A. Walker; Monica Watkins. ; Maria B. Menucci, M.D. Please call 1-844-324-3855. ASSET MANAGEMENT Ryan H. Lancaster, Director (410) 767-7308 Chianti D. Thomas, Administrator (410) 767-2112 Clients must be able to direct the use of their funds and are actively engaged in spending decisions. The Maryland General Assembly's Office of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free fraud hotline to receive allegations of fraud and/or abuse of State government resources. alyson saunders - Child Support Specialist II - State of Maryland Cynthia E. Smith, Deputy Chief (410) 767-8950; e-mail: cynthia.smith1@maryland.gov MSDE Public Information Act Request Cecil County Department of Social Services, Child Support Enforcement FY2023 appropriation: $3,141,873,084; authorized positions: 5,172.38 Physical and Mailing Addresses *PLEASE NOTE: These addresses are for Child Support locations and mailings. OFFICE OF EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FY2023 appropriation: $25,461,302; authorized positions: 121 Terms expire 2019. Kendra Jobe-Ogunshina, Assistant Chief (410) 767-6045 (N00E0102) Legal Help. Nneka Willis-Gray, Director (410) 767-7675 Appointed by Secretary of Human Services with Governor's approval: web: http://dhr.maryland.gov/office-of-home-energy-programs/ Myat Lin, Director (410) 767-7571 Daniel W. Wait, Director (410) 767-7879 Learn more about divorce. Please use our Technical Assistance form if you are having issues using the DHS website. POLICY & TRAINING Male mentors are especially needed. Appointed by Governor: Vacancy, Director The NPEP program was formed as a partnership between the Family Investment Division and Child Support Administration to help the non-custodial parent gain meaningful employment so that they not only could make their payments but could also be a role model for their children. e-mail: cynthia.shockey@maryland.gov, SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS Lynne M. Foss, Director (410) 222-2850; e-mail: lynne.foss@maryland.gov The program matches donors with children in elementary schools who are in need of school supplies and backpacks. Terms expire 2023. OFFICE OF POLICY
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