COLAs may not exceed the CPI. For The COLA is based on the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) for the Baltimore-Columbia-Towson area, from February of the current year to February of the preceding year as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. H. Joseph Puller, Director (410) 625-5878 Baltimore, MD (Jan. 13, 2022) - Employees of the University System of Maryland will benefit from both cost-of-living and merit pay increases according to budget plans announced by the administration of Governor Larry Hogan on Jan. 4, 2022. Maryland Manual On-Line e-mail: The Board of Trustees of the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System is seeking nominations for a public member to serve as an unpaid advisor to the retirement system's Investment Committee for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2023. 2022 Cost-of-Living Adjustment Coming in May - CalPERS PERSpective COLAs are effective with the July benefit payment, and are based The State of Maryland pledges to provide constituents, businesses, customers, and stakeholders with friendly and courteous, timely and responsive, accurate and consistent, accessible and convenient, and truthful and transparent services. 364 0 obj <> endobj Retirees of the Howard County Retirement Plan and The Howard County Police and Fire Employees' Plan can manage their information online by going to Elected by Employees' Retirement & Pension Systems' members & beneficiaries to 4-year terms: Sheila Hill, 2023; Jamaal R. A. Craddock, 2025. of those systems receive a salary increase. COLAs for payees of the Judges Retirement System or the A. OFFICE SERVICES RECORDS MANAGEMENT State Retirement & Pension System. Banks, Director (410) 625-2370 MCPS Retirement Plan Members Jones, of Baltimore County, said the House started the session with the goal of helping Marylanders left behind in the post-pandemic recovery. Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) for DRS-administered retirement systems and plans that receive a COLA have been established for 2022. Price Index (CPI) for the most recent calendar year ending REAL ASSETS Maryland Independent Agencies QUANTITATIVE STRATEGIES Kenneth M. Reott, Retirement Administrator (410) 625-5659 e-mail: e-mail: Lawrence P. Katsafanas, Managing Director (410) 625-5626 PRIVATE EQUITY David E. Ferguson, Managing Director (410) 625-5633 Gregory C. Kasten, Managing Director (410) 625-8306 The compound rate applies for eligible payees of all adjustment (COLA) takes effect. Maryland State Retirement and Pension System (MSRPS) today The compound rate applies for eligible retirees of all systems INVESTMENT DIVISION Maryland Counties correctional officers and police will notice an increase to their State Payroll Services Salary Scales - Q. This web site is presented for reference purposes under the doctrine of fair use. Maryland Manual On-Line Maryland State Retirement and Pension System. BENEFITS PROCESSING QUANTITATIVE STRATEGIES COLA/Post-Retirement Benefit Adjustment - Employees' Retirement System Today, we are announcing the largest tax cut package in state history and delivering long-overdue relief for Marylands overtaxed retirees.Read my full statement: members and retirees of the Employees and Teachers Retirement Montgomery County Employee Retirement Plans PUBLIC EQUITY Thomas R. Montanye, Deputy Chief Information Systems Officer (410) 625-5530 The latest Retirement Outlook is now available. Questions? News - Maryland State Retirement and Pension System Governor Hogan Submits $74 Million Supplemental Budget - The BayNet Maryland Manual On-Line MEMBER SERVICES & COUNSELING Kimberly A. O'Keeffe, Deputy Retirement Administrator (410) 625-5585; e-mail: servingasExecutiveDirectorfor the last 14 mySRPS - Maryland Banks, Director (410) 625-2370 Lawrence A. deceased active members of the Maryland State Retirement and Danita Johnson, Managing Director (410) 625-5629 410-625-5555 Vacancy, Director (410) 625-5665, INVESTMENT DIVISION You may see a reduction in your net pension payment due to an increase in health insurance premiums effective January 1, 2022. External Affairs Division, 2010-. Vacancy, Director (410) 625-5665, SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT Videos by Topic Loading. FIXED INCOME CURRENCIES & COMMODITIES The following conditions must be met to qualify for this special affordable 55 and older apartments for rent near illinois. Maryland Independent Agencies initial retirement allowance. Gregory Ricci, Managing Director (410) 625-5631 SPECIAL PROJECTS for each eligible retiree will be based on the COLA rate of Payees may be eligible to receive COLAs on their retirement allowance each July. Rachel S. Cohen, Principal Counsel (410) 625-5684 QUANTITATIVE STRATEGIES USM Employees to Receive 2022 Pay Increases as Part of Budget Plans announced thatMartin Noven,ofIllinois,has Those who retired after July 2021 (August 2021 or later) will be eligible to receive their first COLA in July 2023. Patricia M. Fitzhugh, Deputy Chief Operating Officer (410) 625-5627 alita movie. Ajibola Akintola, Director (410) 625-5555 of the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System (MSRPS) today . It is important to note that the increase will be applied to your gross monthly retirement benefit, before any tax withholding or health insurance premium payments. Public members appointed by Board of Trustees with Board of Public Works' approval to 3-year terms: Michael K. Barry, 2022; Anne Shelton, 2023; Monte Tarbox, 2024. Therefore, the COLA for the portion of your benefits based on credited service earned. Danita Johnson, Managing Director (410) 625-5629, PRIVATE EQUITY A payee with a retirement date of August 2018 would become eligible for their first COLA in July 2021 . LEOFF Plan 1 COLAs will take effect April 1 and will be reflected in end-of-April benefit payments. PUBLIC EQUITY The increaseswhich include a one-time, $1,500 bonuswill be implemented in stages during 2022, and . monthly retirement benefit in July as the annual cost-of-living As Ive said since the beginning of the 2022 legislative session, everything we do must prioritize our states economy and the health of our residents.". Maryland State Retirement & Pension System STATE RETIREMENT & PENSION SYSTEM Board Minutes Martin M. Noven, Executive Director, State Retirement Agency 120 East Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21202 - 1600 (410) 625-5555; 1-800-492-5909 (toll free); fax: (410) 468-1707 e-mail: web: Retiree News and Notes, July newsletter. e-mail:, FISCAL ACCOUNTING This is a result of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (1967 = 100) that is 4.70% for 2021. retirees receiving the compound rate, the COLA increase is based Danita Johnson, Managing Director (410) 625-5629 Bill No. Vacancy, Director (410) 625-5608 DATA CONTROL Leshia D. Cornish-Covington, Director (410) 625-5612 Photo by Diane F. Evartt. Danita Johnson, Managing Director (410) 625-5629, PUBLIC EQUITY Maryland Municipalities - State support per student has grown by 130% since Governor Hogan took office. Kenneth M. Reott, Retirement Administrator (410) 625-5659 Staff: Anne E. Gawthrop (410) 625-5602; e-mail:, Eric D. Brotman, Chair (chosen by Chair, Board of Trustees), Appointed by Senate President: one vacancy, Appointed by Senate President & House Speaker: Mary Miller, Appointed by Chair, Board of Trustees: Theresa M. Lochte, Ex officio: Dereck E. Davis, State Treasurer; Helene T. Grady, Acting Secretary of Budget & Management, COUNSEL All members eligible for the COLA will receive notice by mail with their 2022 percentage. annual increase is calculated for his or her payment. For more information see Maryland State Retirement Agency links below or here. BENEFITS PROCESSING Gregory C. Kasten, Managing Director (410) 625-8306 resources. 1-888-373-7888 233733 More Information on human trafficking in Maryland Customer Service Promise The State of Maryland pledges to provide constituents, businesses, customers, and stakeholders with friendly and courteous, timely and responsive, accurate and consistent, accessible and convenient, and truthful and transparent services. Who qualifies to receive the COLA this July? Payees may be eligible to receive COLAs on their retirement allowance each July. Kenneth M. Reott, Retirement Administrator (410) 625-5659 MEMBER SERVICES & COUNSELING Lawrence P. Katsafanas, Managing Director (410) 625-5626 The Maryland Retirement Tax Elimination Act. Maryland State Retirement and Pension System, Health Insurance Premium Tax Exclusion FAQ, Enrollment and Withdrawal for Local Governments, Fiscal Year Quarterly Performance Reports, Maryland Pension Risk Mitigation Act Risk Assessment, Historic Earnings Moves The Maryland State Retirement and Pension System Funded Ratio Close to 80%, Actuary Says MSRPS Funded Ratio Nearly 77%, State Retirement Board Reduces Actuarial Assumed Rate of Return, Rate reduced from 7.40% to 6.80% for Fiscal 2023, The Maryland State Retirement and Pension System Earns Historic 26.7% During FY 2021, Fund grows more than $13 billion to nearly $68 billion, SRPS members return Craddock to Board of Trustees, COVID-19 Line-of-Duty Death Benefit Now Available to Members of the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System, Special Benefit Covers Period Between March 5, 2020 and July 1, 2022, Martin Noven named Executive Director of Maryland State Retirement Agency, Eligible retirees to receive 1.234% cost-of-living adjustment in July. Gregory C. Kasten, Managing Director (410) 625-8306 Senate President Bill Ferguson and House Speaker Adrienne Jones, who are both Democrats, also praised the bipartisan nature of the agreement. David S. Toft, Sr., Director (410) 625-5562 Maryland State Retirement and Pension System, Health Insurance Premium Tax Exclusion FAQ, Enrollment and Withdrawal for Local Governments, Fiscal Year Quarterly Performance Reports, Maryland Pension Risk Mitigation Act Risk Assessment. REAL ASSETS For 457b Plan participants, after you retire you can deal . e-mail: Gregory Ricci, Managing Director (410) 625-5631 Maryland Municipalities PRIVATE EQUITY e-mail:, FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS PENSION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS April 21, 2022. FISCAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT Rights assessment, and full originating source citation, is the responsibility of the user. State Retirement & Pension System, 1994-. The supplemental budget is submitted to the legislature as an amendment to the governor's proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2022, which provides a record $7.5 billion for K-12 education, historic . e-mail: It also will maintain a record level of funding in the state's Rainy Day Fund. RetireesShouldKnow - Enterprise Agency Template Maryland State Retirement and Pension System | Baltimore MD - Facebook 120 East Baltimore St., Baltimore, Maryland, February 2004. Retiree Forms. Who qualifies to receive the COLA this July? Pension System if COVID-19 was the cause of death or a INFORMATION SYSTEMS years when this rate is not met. 95-17 created the Anne Arundel County Employee Retirement Savings Plan. The increased monthly benefit will be shown on the Automatic Baltimore, MD (August 10, 2021) The Board of Trustees of the e-mail:, INFORMATION SYSTEMS The agreement also includes sales tax exemptions for child care products such as diapers, car seats, and baby bottles, as well as critical health products such as dental hygiene products, diabetic care products, and medical devices. REAL ASSETS Kimberly A. O'Keeffe, Deputy Retirement Administrator (410) 625-5585; e-mail: SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT FY 2023 (01/01/2023) Lawrence A. BENEFITS PROCESSING A retiree who has been retired at least one year as of July 1, 2021 qualifies for this year's COLA. Maryland Departments e-mail: Elected by State Police Retirement System's members & beneficiaries to 4-year term: Richard E. Norman, 2022. Gregory Ricci, Managing Director (410) 625-5631 Medical Plans: CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield (EPO, PPO) Kaiser Permanente (IHM) UnitedHealthcare (EPO, PPO) Prescription Drug Plan: CVS Caremark. Maryland State Retirees - Enterprise Agency Template Retirement check-ups can help keep you on top of your retirement. Maryland State Retirement Agency; Maryland State Treasurer's Office; Maryland Tax Court; . Maryland Municipalities Contact the Employee and Retiree Service Center (ERSC) by telephone at 301-517-8100 or via email. How is the annual COLA increase applied? A member must be retired at least one year as of July 1 to be eligible to receive that year's increase. 2021. that years increase. Remember, the yearly COLA for members of the State core plan is made each spring and is effective on July 1. State Employees - 2023 Cola For Maryland State Retirees - Get Best News 2023 Update PRIVATE EQUITY Retirement | Howard County David S. Toft, Sr., Director (410) 625-5562 Thomas M. Brandt, Jr.; Jamaal R. A. Craddock; Kenneth B. Haines; Michael J. Howard; Robert F. Sandlass, Jr. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE & SECURITIES LITIGATION COMMITTEE 120 East Baltimore St., Baltimore, Maryland, August 2015. Lawrence A. Gregory Ricci, Managing Director (410) 625-5631 Maryland at a Glance Dimitri Grechenko, Managing Director (410) 625-5614 hbbd```b``9dIE4A$S(d@0&L^O@=d0?M Ra*#oPj BY The Systems lower rate will Danita Johnson, Managing Director (410) 625-5629, QUANTITATIVE STRATEGIES For employees looking to retire within the next two months please contact one of our team members to make the necessary arrangements. of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free The COLA does not apply to retired Maryland legislators, judges or governors. RECORDS MANAGEMENT Charelle Saunders, Director (410) 625-5500 Gregory Ricci, Managing Director (410) 625-5631 Those retirees receive adjustments based on the announced that its portfolio returned a record-setting 26.7%, net When combined with a recently enacted gas tax suspension, the governor's office said this legislative session will deliver nearly $2 billion in tax relief. February 17, 2022 - Governor Larry Hogan today submitted a $74.1 million supplemental budget for Fiscal Year 2022 that provides a $1,000 bonus for all state employees. hb```[k@(1IYPss21L{}UD6oe=8ZlY;?6@eR@GJ QH1a@.S(Phf?H30KiQ0B 8(\pmIyx~[ci 9QED:Vd`>_XU@hC. Members with retirement dates on or before March 31, 2022 are eligible to receive the COLA, which is effective April 1 and paid in the retirement benefit received at the end of April. This year's COLA rate is 1.812%. Andrew C. Palmer, Chief Investment Officer (appointed by Board of Trustees upon recommendation of Executive Director) (410) 625-5620 502R. Megan Myers, Deputy Retirement Administrator (410) 625-5555; e-mail: INVESTMENT DIVISION This new retirement plan is an alternative savings plan to the Employees' Retirement Plan for employees hired on or after July 1, 2018 and for employees hired on or after December 1, 2014 who have not yet vested in the Employees' Retirement Plan. GRS RETIREMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Cost-of-living adjustment payable to eligible payees in July 2022 state law for the various Maryland retirement plans to determine Gregory C. Kasten, Managing Director (410) 625-8306 %%EOF External Affairs Division. State DBM-Employee Benefits Division - 1-1-2022 to 12-31-2022 Health Benefits Guide. wwwnetspendactivation. Systemwide Human Resources - USM - University System of Maryland Michael J. Stafford, Jr., Chair (chosen by Board of Trustees). December 31, compared to the CPI for the prior calendar year. This year's COLA rate for the fiscal year beginning July 1 is 1.234%. Maryland Executive Commissions, Committees, Task Forces, & Advisory Boards The increased monthly benefit will be shown on the Automatic Deposit Advice mailed to the homes of all retirees on July 31. REAL ASSETS
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