font-size: 1.2em; color: #6db24f; overflow-x: auto; color:white; News Around Town: Thursday afternoon Mark Harris (R) testified before the State Board of Elections and agreed the November 2018 election was tainted by election fraud. } Matthews Board of Commissioners Issues Mask Mandate Listing for: Novant Health. Font Size: +- . That is wrong. $('#candidate-connection-twitter-132932').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-twitter'); });

} FEBRUARY 13, 2023 - 5:30 PM . We have a gift guide for the smallest of businesses at the best of prices: $15! position: absolute; and the responses were across the board: two (40%) people said yes, one person (20%) said no, one (20%) person said they didnt know about it, and another (20%) said not yet, but theyd like to. background-color: #f9d334; We also need to be fiscally responsible by keeping property taxes low. font-size: 12px; } To increase good paying jobs in our town so that people that live here can work here. I welcome more community conversations around this topic and believe that we need to work tirelessly and make our best effort to address this issue. As a Matthews native, I want to serve the community I love. RBPs stated mission has been to promote the awareness of Downtown Matthews, the businesses and citizens that comprise the downtown area as a destination for residents and tourists. There is presently no public list of Red Brick Partnership members. News About Town: The Board of Commissioners typically holds council meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of every month. Tagged: matthews, downtown matthews, appreciatetheslowlane, kidfriendly, matthews nc, Matthewsnc, locallyowned, local, townofmatthews, Food Truck Friday, Matthews, localfood, community, board of commissioners, parks and rec, local economy, towncouncil, Nonprofit, 28105, Food, matthews beacon, NC. .key-messages li:last-child { margin-bottom: 0px;} letter-spacing: .03em; We received a very small sample of responses (high five to those of you who participated!) Purchase a tee shirt to support the build here. Board of Commissioners Contacts & Bios | Chatham County, NC On October 1, 2018 the speed limit will be reduced from 45 to 35. padding-bottom: 8px; Also, I've urged the current council for the past year to work toward integrating moderate density development that keeps in scale with Matthews' charm. Mecklenburg County Salaries - North Carolina One Fun Thing:Get those obliques working by belly dancing with Nayna tonight and every Wednesday at Rhythm Dance, 120 W Matthews Street in downtown Matthews. News About Town:During last nights council meeting the Board looked at and discussed the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resource Advisory Committees recommended annual tourism grants. } } .inner_percentage.Libertarian { margin-bottom: .75em; } } Box 1000 Manteo, NC 27954. } If you're unfamiliar with the website, it can feel buried. } background-color: green; I believe that the people of Matthews must have better access to the decision-making process. .votebox_legend { max-width: 75px; Red Brick Partnership filed as a separate entity in 2016, prior to the separation they received $250 in donations. Tagged: town council, board of commissioners, matthews nc, town of matthews, small town, local government. Matthews has a lower vacancy rate of available housing than surrounding communities and part of the solution should be to increase the amount of available housing to help alleviate the cost burden. width: 350px; Corrected: Town of Matthews Police Department Case Closure Rates and Crime Reporting from 2018-2022 Zoning Application 2021-740/Stone: to change the zoning from R-20 to B-1(CD) on that certain property located at 400 Matthews-Mint Hill Road and further designated as Tax Parcel 215-011-02: 9. . top: 0px; } left: 0; If its going to be stormy like the current prediction, just stare at these perennial sunflowers in that brilliant sky. In an effort to encourage public participation, the Dare County Board of Commissioners accepts public comments from two locations: the Dare County Board of Commissioners meeting room in Manteo as well as through an interactive video link at the Fessenden Center Annex in Buxton. MINT HILL, NC - The Mint Hill Board of Commissioners held their monthly meeting recently at the Town Hall to discuss various business items on the agenda that will have an impact on the community. News About Town: The Board of Commissioners will meet at 5:30 with Glenn Harbeck, Community Planning Director for Wilmington, NC, for a special meeting to discuss the draft vision statement for the Town. It is unclear if RBP has filed annual taxes as a business with income. A broader understanding of a particular building's use and lifespan provides context for construction needs. Chair: Karen Howard (District 1) Mailing Address: P. O.

union board of elections november 2, 2021 municipal elections contest name / . Harmony Church Road and further designated as Tax Parcel 215-123-07, Motion 2021-3/text: to amend the existing UDO text regarding public improvement standards, including Transportation Impact Analysis, accessibility standards, compliance with other adopted transportation plans and further aspects of the physical development of the Town, Eastern Gateway Small Area Plan: an area approximately 120 acres bounded by I-485, Idlewild Road and the Windrow neighborhood. The Town does not have a process to determine whether donations to RBP have resulted in a positive return on investment through higher spending at local establishments or an increase in visitors to downtown businesses. background-color: #f9d334; padding-left: 0; Take our word for it, get your tickets now. Angela Wokatsch Matthews joins Iredell County Board of Commissioners race If you participate in Singletasking Day you cannot participate in other national day celebrations. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { Based on the Newbery Honor-winning book of the same name, The Hundred Dresses tells a tale of Wanda Petronski, a girl who has one faded blue dress but claims to have a hundred dresses at home. Mr. Urban did not respond to Mr. Clemmons public comment directly. .widget-row.Democratic { padding-left: 10px; General Admission tickets are $15 and are available here for Saturday and here for Sunday. With $12,515 in expenditures, the Town used $1,915 of the $20,000 approved by council to cover the difference. overflow-y: hidden; $('.hideResponses').hide(); } font-size: .9em; .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { We must work with CATS for more efficient bus routes. Polls will be open at the Matthews Library for early voting, but the Matthews location is currently short-staffed. Got something that would make a great gift? When proposals came back Alta Design, the best qualified firm estimated $81,221 for the preliminary design work. What is the biggest quality-of-life issue facing residents of your town and how will you address it? Board of Commissioners - Matthews NC I have the needed experience and I enjoy helping people. position: relative; var nTimer = setInterval(function() { background-color: green; The cost of land in our area is high due to popularity and a high desire to live in Matthews. These gatherings are a great way to bend an ear of our local leaders and get the firsthand scoop on things going on with the Town of Matthews. We have writers and photographers ready but we need your monetary support. 7:30-8:30 PM, $20 per class or $60 for a four week session. font-size: 16px; .clearfix { 2019 Election: Matthews Board Of Commissioners - WFAE Hopefully pretty skies again tomorrow, but temps will still be in the low 90s. This number represented 13.5% of all 5,138 candidates Ballotpedia covered in 2021. 100% remote. We are working to divert Traffic around instead of thru Matthews by extending McKee Road from Pleasant Plains to John Street, and by the addition of the Weddington Road interchange at 485. The Planning Conference is a three-day public meeting where the board discusses a broad array of items relevant to Matthews (see Meeting Packet pages 22-24). margin-top: 1em; Message us or email Norah about advertising in our Hyperlocal Holiday Gift Guide. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL MEETING . Temperatures will get up to 82 and things look likely to be overcast. During this time, you can let your voice be heard by speaking directly to the entire Dare County Board of Commissioners for up to five minutes on any topic or item of concern. The Board will review the emergency services responses to Hurricane Florence for successes and opportunities for improvement. Job specializations: Healthcare. The process may take several months. PDF Union Board of Elections Candidate Detail List }) Only one incumbent has filed in that contest. Box 1368 Newton NC, 28658 In the summary, Town Staff makes several suggestions for solutions, such as prohibiting commercial activity or offering a commercial permit for purchase by the hour. The Plan will examine existing conditions and infrastructure and provide recommendations to help guide future land use decisions, Consider Public Improvement Variance - 9508 Northeast Parkway, Consider Site Plan 9508 Northeast Parkway & 1939 Rice Road, Consider Revised Timeline for Disposition of Town-Owned Property 122 Matthews Station Street, Approve October 25, 2021 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes, Cancel December 27, 2021 Board of Commissioners Meeting, Approve Bylaw Revisions for Transportation Advisory Committee, Accept Zoning Application 2021-741; Kinger Homes; 2318 Williams Road; R-15 to R-VS; and Set Public Hearing for January 10, 2022. padding-left: 10px; .widget-key { .indicate_scroll { Bland, Miller not seeking reelection on Matthews Board of Commissioners } Since the last election, three pedestrians have died in Matthews. News Above Town: If humid and sticky is your thing then youre in luck this week. Doctor/Physician. Commissioners are elected for two year terms. Approve November 8, 2021 Regular and November 15, 2021 Special Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes: B. Approve October 25, 2021 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes: B. color: white; 11. It has high end homes, townhouses to starter homes, this is a great example of mixed use. .widget-row.value-only { We must lower the amount of kids in classrooms to ease the burden on teacher as well as improve the quality of education that the child receives. News Around Town: While were on the subject of the weekend, this Friday is the last Food Truck Friday of the season. Matthews Commissioner Larry Whitley and his congregation at Mt. I believe you shouldnt have to earn a six figure salary to live here. I have experienced challenges with communication between our town's leaders and its citizens. width: 57%; font-size: 12px; Angela Wokatsch Matthews (Republican Party) ran for election to the Iredell County Board of Commissioners in North Carolina. During this period Town staff managed and approved all funds going into and out of RBP. } It will be a long term and costly goal to reach, but it would be my primary focus to make this town truly one that protects and improves its tree canopy and provides walkways and bicycle paths for all of its citizens.especially that with physical disabilities. However, research performed by Matthews resident Gordon Clemmons uncovered that Red Brick Partnership filed for incorporation with the NC Secretary of State but never applied for nonprofit status with the IRS. .external_links_table { width: auto !important; } Second, we should also pay attention to the type of housing to promote variety, including smaller, more affordable options. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Senior Health Insurance Information Program, State of the County - Caring for Our Community. Together, we can initiate responsible and sensible growth, maintain a strong budget that works for all, improve town infrastructure, and re-establish a positive relationship with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Receive Project Updates from Developers Regarding Town-Owned Property at 122 Matthews Station Street: B. font-weight: bold; Go to the Town of Matthews website:, Click on Departments in the top, horizontal menu bar. Recess Regular Meeting for Public Hearing on Application to Amend the Unified Development Ordinance and Land Use Map of the Town of Matthews as Follows. Using therapy, education and prevention-based care, in 2017 Thompson served 12,811 clients and provided 225 full-time jobs. 9467 NC Hwy 305. and the allowable density. Mecklenburg County, North Carolina - Wikipedia Address Office Location: Charlotte Mecklenburg Government Center 600 East 4th Street Charlotte NC 28202 Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Total investment of town tax dollars has been $50,115 thus far, with RBP managing $38,393.10 without oversight from Town staff.In July 2018, the Board of Commissioners approved an additional contribution to RBP of $20,000 to be disbursed later this year. Cold Coffee with Mark Tofano Candidate for Town of Matthews Board of As such, RBP has yet to file a 990, if annual donations and in-kind contributions exceeded $50,000 or a 990-N for nonprofits with less income. .outer_percentage { (function() { Click Agendas and Minutes., Or click on the dark green circle at the bottom for Agendas and Minutes.. They do keep saying cloudy skies and I keep seeing gorgeous Carolina blues dotted with happy clouds. display: inline-block; .widget-row.Republican { The biggest challenge is traffic, which brings both heavy use of Matthews roads as commuting thoroughfares between communities south of Matthews and Charlotte and a threat to the walkability of our town. margin-bottom: -2px !important; Manteo, NC 27954, Front Row:Vice Chairman Wally Overman, Chairman Robert Woodard Sr., Commissioner Steve House display: block; I am a candidate for Commissioner in the town of Matthews in order to provide the citizens of Matthews with a more transparent government, to make all information about the town's finances, elected officials campaign reports, and possible conflicts of interest immediately accessible on the town's web site, real time. .widget-row.heading { VP of Government Affairs Salary in Matthews, NC | .contact_entity {font-size: 1.0em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em; margin-right: 0.5em;} Contact Board of Elections 704-336-2133 Send an Email Key Initiatives Work and Performance Plan Approve Bylaw Revisions for Economic Development Advisory Committee: C. . } } Greenways are beautiful but are not an answer for someone who needs to get to a bus stop at 8 am. margin: 0; The primary approach to this issue is to route thru-traffic around Matthews, rather than through it. The town has relied instead on the Town Council representative on the RBP board currently Mr. Urban and the representative from town staff currently Assistant Town Manager Becky Hawke to ensure town funds are being used appropriately. Theyre also posting updates as they practice and prepare, so follow them on Instagram @charlottecityballet #charlottecityballet. June 17, 2022 . I have been a strong voice for transparency in our government. float: left; width: 50%; Coyotes are fairly common to the area, so watch out for your indoor-outdoor pets; mating season means the wild canines will need more calories than other times in the year. Founded in 1886 as an orphanage, Thompson now serves at-risk children and families from four campuses. If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, 6,087 candidates completed the survey in 2022. As a third-generation resident of Matthews, my roots run deep. As the town grows, we must confront transportation issues head-on. Due to both the property revaluation and the construction of larger, more expensive homes, the land value has also increased. He maintains that the missed IRS filing was a simple error and was brought to his attention a few months ago. Interested in advertising? School districts | Elections General election General election for Iredell County Board of Commissioners (3 seats) Mailing Address Livestream Meetings on any Device -Meetings are also livestreamed onDare County's YouTube channel. Thirty two Matthews Police officers are participating in No Shave November. margin: 0px 10px; News About Town: The Board of Commissioners Agenda for the Monday, February 25 meeting was posted yesterday. display: block; margin-top: 0px; It is possible to have high-quality, well-designed, and well-built structures at a lower construction price point. background-color: #6db24f; .votebox-results-cell--check { The draft vision statement is a summary of the Desired Future and Unwanted Future residents listed at the Vision for Matthews community discussion this past April. Tagged: boardofcommissioners, local government, localgovernment, local economy, NC, Matthewsnc, matthews board of commissioners, 28105, Matthews, business, community, matthews, matthews NC, local business, ncpol, board of commissioners, Matthews NC, local, Nonprofit, downtown matthews, town council. .results_text { On the Pending & Zoning Developent page, notice the first two columns: Application and Location. The most recently submitted application is on the top row of the table. } } Who fills out Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey? Second Row: Commissioner Danny Couch, Commissioner Ervin Bateman, Commissioner Rob Ross,Commissioner Jim Tobin. Ballot measures, Who represents me? Catawba County - Catawba County Government margin-bottom: 1px; Board of Commissioners. These data and map visualizations highlight . The full information packet can be found here. 90.7 Charlotte 93.7 Southern Pines margin: auto; Consider dinner taken care of. Commissioner elections are also nonpartisan and all seats are at-large. View VP of Government Affairs Salary in Matthews, NC, and get a free salary report with salary range, bonus, and benefits information. Modifications to the zoning ordinance to enhance reuse of current housing stock and provide incentives for more diverse housing types would be a start. Closed Session Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 143 -318.11(a)(4), to Consider Economic Development, and . More details to volunteer are here. Candidates from 36 states completed the survey. .infobox p { Mr. Urban did not respond to Mr. Clemmons public comment directly. margin: 8px auto; The Town does not have a process to determine whether donations to RBP have resulted in a positive return on investment through higher spending at local establishments or an increase in visitors to downtown businesses. width: 100%; } Ancillary housing could provide rental income for homeowners and fill a price gap with housing in Matthews. width: 35px !important; Tagged: boardofcommissioners, local government, localgovernment, local economy, NC, Matthewsnc, matthews board of commissioners, 28105, Matthews, business, community, matthews, matthews NC, local business, ncpol, board of commissioners, Matthews NC, local, Nonprofit, downtown matthews, town council. .results_table_container { $('.pastResponses').hide(); At the opposite end of the spectrum, 10 Republicans and one Democrat have filed to run for three seats on the Iredell County Board of Commissioners. Find the version labeled current.. Video is also available on the Towns YouTube page. text-align: center; Photos Courtesy of Charles Lybrand unless noted| Design by DesignShine Creative, Copyright 2018 The Matthews Beacon, LLC | Town of Matthews, NC, Planning Conference for the Board of Commissioners, full information packet can be found here, North Carolina League of Municipalities Town and State events, Navigating the Town Website: Rezoning Requests, created a tutorial for finding those as well, Losing Canopy, Gaining Density: Trees in Matthews, Dulce Bravo: One of Matthews' Newest Firefighters, Rezoning: Bainbridge Matthews (Matthews-Mint Hill Road), Navigating the Town Website: Looking for Council Agendas, Chief Clark Pennington: Year One Leading the Matthews Police, Take Me To Your Leaders: Meet the Assistant Town Manager, Morning Minute: Friday, February 22, 2019, businesses operating primarily out of town parks, Morning Minute: Tuesday, February 9, 2022, Morning Minute: Thursday, February 3, 2022, Morning Minute: Tuesday, February 1, 2022, Morning Minute: Thursday, February 21, 2019, Morning Minute: Wednesday, February 20, 2019, Morning Minute: Tuesday, February 19, 2019, Morning Minute: Friday, December 21, 2018, Red Brick Partnership Under Scrutiny by Matthews Residents, Board of Commissioners will meet at 5:30 with Glenn Harbeck, Matthews Morning Minute: September 28, 2018, Matthews Morning Minute: September 27, 2018, Matthews Morning Minute: September 26, 2018, favorite over in the comments on the giveaway post on Facebook, September 24 Board of Commissioners Meeting.

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