The couple will need to communicate and work towards achieving a fulfilling sexual relationship. I wonder if all these myths are sad because life is sad. My Casanova conjunction my echo conjunct my descendants. I was seeing a guy with heavy medusa in his natal chart and he played the role of Medusa just like any women would. The Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect is highly charged. A conjunction occurs when two planets are in the same place in the zodiac in the charts of two people. Love,
Synastry:Mercury-JupiterAspects Sun in Houses Synastry Meanings: 1st through 12th House. Your overall characteristics and energy levels are very similar. You feel understood, appreciated, recognized, and affirmed by one another. Synastry:SunPlutoAspects I dont know what to say ha ha. Even so, the two involved also understand each other on a deep and fundamental level. Persephone square my ASC by 32 minutes. The Sun also holds our ego and our sense of self-worth. That sounds like messed up, but what would Eros conjuncting it do? Theres two versions to the Medusa myth. They may initiate the explosive parts of the arguments because the Sun person just doesnt let up. Thank you. what does it mean if I have medusa(Gemini) conjunct Mercury(in 11th house) and Jupiter (12th house)? The two may be too much alike to be able to get along with each other. Synastry:Mercury-NeptuneAspects Would any of that explain it? Im so happy to hear I lift you up! Finally the final couple of phone calls I swear she exceeded the normal decibel capacity of a human. People with this bond are creative, courageous, intelligent, and energetic. Related: Moon Transits: How the Moon Affects You On A Daily Basis, Related: Moon-Saturn Aspects In The Synastry Chart, 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. YEA, this will come to pass in my opinion, so dont do anything you cant get out of like get married, buy a house, go into business together etc. Both partners often feel defensive, which may kill their attraction to each other. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. Please, give the poor guys a break. These are 2 different things. So I put in some asteroids and I found Lilith and Medusa conjunct the ascendent and are both in the 1st What do you think this might mean since ascendent controls appearances?? My boyfriends medusa is exactly conjunct my Moon in saggi and exactly opposite my Eros/his Psyche in Gemini. I will see someone who is flaunting her sexuality but then bites men when they respond. The mythological story of Apollo and Daphne refers to twin flames as well as soul mates. In fact, she thought I was threatening her at one point (and at that point I was trying to make clear I DIDNT want anything of the sort to happen). The Mars person is typically attracted to the Sun persons strong personality. My vertex is conjunct my female friends Medusa. Proverbs 15:31 . The Sun and Moon have vastly different influences in the chart. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. This was an error of youth more than an inherent character flaw in Medusa, in my opinion. They are both at 8 degreesmy Pluto is at 6 degrees & mercury is at 11. Also It is in Conjunction with my Midheaven in Sagittarius and North node Sagittarius? That finds no object worth its constancy? There is always a way to compromise withouteither person giving up their values or dreams, but you simply havent learned how to do this yet. How would you interpret this vertex/Medusa conjunction (exact)? The twist to the story is that Medusa turned her hatred on men. Dejanira (10th house libra) conjuncts my MC by 3 degrees. The woman feels that she is burdened with a double role: beloved wife and mother, which she may not like at all. Synastry Aspects for Soulmates in Astrology (Explained A-Z) I noticed this and would compliment her. Your relationship is dynamic and energizing. Book an appointment today! We earn from qualifying purchases. With the Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect, there is astrong physical connection. With Lie conj merc, I would wonder if it is easy for you to lie and you would have to struggle against it. The Mars person specifically feels sexually attracted to the Sun person, but there is definitely physical compatibility in general. This is a mutually beneficial relationship. I like to see asteroids conj personal parts of the chart rather than each other as the former may be generational and all people born at a certain will have it so it is of lesser importance but not of no value, as everything in the chart has value. The most important part of life is understanding ourselves, and astrology is a really great tool when it comes to self-awareness. Pay: *Commission based!! I want to be considered attractive, but who doesnt? She had it conjunct her ASC. This post may contain affiliate links. The Sun Conjunct Sun synastry combination shows a tendency to form connections which are intense and enduring. With the Sun sextile Mars synastry aspect, you must actively work to encourage each other. You always lift me up. A lot of how this aspect manifests will depend on the sign that the conjunction is in. Awww Would you like to re tell it again so we have it here, in the Medusa article? When ego wars occur between the two of you, remember that your partner is never going to be what they werent born to be. Though it can be a positive transit, it highlights our areas of self awareness we need to work on such as overconfidence and extreme egotistical behavior. The Sun also holds our ego and our sense of self-worth. The Sun conjunct Venus in synastry is an extremely positive aspect. Medusa is not politically correct. You stimulate, vitalize, motivate, and believe in each other in an overall sense. However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. Squares create energy, so there may actually be a stronger magnetic pull with this Sun square Mars synastry aspect than with others, like the sextile. This can be quite a draining aspect in a long-term relationship. I mean, its fun until I get it, and then I lose interest. And I dont understand why I act and feel like this. The Sun conjunct Sun can also be tricky to interpret in synastry because it usually involves a complex entanglement between Mercury and Venus in the two charts are well. Much depends on other aspects which can show whether the attraction will be long-term or temporary. Is this as bad as it sounds? Think about your best friend or your soulmate. The key to handling these relationships is to avoid becoming haughty and self-righteous with one another. The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. You can easily find hobbies or things to do that you both appreciate. My hair is very curly ringlets just like medusa i also have a very dark type of gaze. You two make wonderful travel companions. Synastry:MoonMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Usually, there is a level of competition between the partners, but there is a strong attraction even through this competitive energy. Jupiter is generous and trusting towards the Sun person, and the Sun person vitalizes the Jupiter person. Sun Conjunct Sun is a major Natal/Birth transit that occurs once per year. They feel threatened. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. The Sun conjunct the Sun is a complex aspect in synastry. With the Sun conjunct Moon synastry aspect, the conscious wants of the Sun person's are aligned with the subconscious needs of the Moon person. You can gain a deeper understanding of your self-identity and purpose in life when you understand the workings of meaningful relationships. There is the potential for a passionate relationship with the Sun opposition Mars synastry aspect, but there is also a lot of competition or challenges. Sun opposition Mars synastry denotes conflict and power struggles. 2023, part of the Hopnetic network. It can help a relationship, but it can also get in the way. It also determines what we like and who we are attracted to. Become proficient and have an understanding of how solar works. Many people dont! Quintile is a good aspect so you could use Medusa for good in some way like write about her or use her to help yourself or others in some way. The timing in the relationship might feel off. It is highly unlikely that these people can match each other in temperament, as well as in basic life principles and worldview. Each partner is forced to face the figures of anima (for a man) and an animus (for a woman). Synastry:SunJupiterAspects Synastry:Mercury-VenusAspects 5 Key Things to Know About Sun Conjunct Venus in Synastry The Lunar considers the Solar insensitive and unbearable while the Solar considers the Lunar easily changeable, gloomy, and lazy. At the same time, by accepting the role of his own mother, he discovers great happiness in his family life. sun conjunct sun synastry - Astrology Anonymous medusa conjunct my venus with a 2 degree in my 5th house. This woman was vain.She was not a bad person at all. In Synastry (with an acquaintance) I have it exactly conjunct their Sun and their Medusa is conjunct my moon (2 deg orb). Ive also read with the Medusa energy, people keep touching their hair. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Where Athena cursed Medusa, for either breaking her vow of celibacy, or because she was raped. Beware of appearing haughty, judgmental, or self-righteous with each other when really the argument is about differences in basic temperaments. The roots of the disagreements are often emotional (this is especially true for the Lunar). Synastry:Mars-MarsAspects Tease men and then are angry at them for responding lol. If other favorable factors are present in the synastry chart, this aspect can push romantic suitability to a place of commitment. Although your goals dont always jive, you nevertheless feel supported by your partner. Under the Sun square the Moon synastry, the energy principle is in conflict with the family principle, and the severity of these differences depends on other aspects. Synastry:Mercury-PlutoAspects Recommend extreme caution if this turns up in synastry. Increased verve comes with an increase in responsibilities. The bullying I experienced in elementary was horrible. In marriage, the Solar can be inattentive and ignore, hurt, and annoy the Lunar, usually unintentionally. Hi lovely Ami! All things considered, Medusa has the potential to be cataclysmic. Sun Conjunct Ascendant Synastry: Validation and Soulful Connection. In this is the case, Sun opposite Moon synastry affects the emotional side of the relationship well stimulating the partners to harmonize the moral climate in the house. Thank you. In intimate relationships of such partners, the Sun conjunct the Moon synastry is most likely to result in a strong mutual attraction, especially if the Solar is a man and the Lunar is a woman. She was vain about it, but she was young and didnt know any better than to flaunt her beauty in front of an older woman, whose beauty was waning. General notes about Sun-Sun contacts in synastry: With the hard aspects, there is generally a strong reaction to one another, whether its attraction or dislike. The Sun person helps the Ascendant person in practical ways and vice versa. Usually, there is a level of competition between the partners, but there is a strong attraction even through this competitive energy. Synastry aspects can work very well to help people get to know each other and learn about each other. With the Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect, both people probably get energy just from being around each other, but too much energy can be a bad thing. What do you think? Do men find my way of talking both sexy and disturbing? When arguing, the Sun person might come off as self-righteous or as a bit of a know-it-all. Synastry:MoonPlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts I think you are a natural astrologer, Tina. It just feels natural. The timing in this relationship is always off. while the other is content to stay home. I would definitely like for you to do my complete chart one day when I can save up enough. The Sun conjunct Pluto synastry is very similar to the Sun-Mars combination, differing from it mainly by the depth of the produced effects. If you watch the charts of woman who marry powerful men, the Sun of the woman will conjunct the MC of the man. Sun-Mars Synastry: Square, Trine, Sextile, Opposite, Conjunct This is one of them. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. However, the Sun square the Moon synastry does not lead to serious conflicts because the disagreements mainly have to do with different temperaments and can be resolved relatively easily, allowing the partners to achieve harmony. The Sun conjunct Sun in synastry is easy to spot, but it can be complicated to interpret. Synastry:Venus-UranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Its actually one of the reasons I feel the urge to relocate as soon as possible. Medusa is a really vicious tease and she would hurt the Sun person but this is just one aspect so we would need to see the whole chart to see what would happen. This type of the Sun opposite the Moon synastry emphasizes the need to break through past parenting issues. Venus conjunct the Sun makes you popular and sociable. What is your opinion on this? Sun-Saturn Aspects In Synastry | Tea & Rosemary For some people this might also indicate becoming more involved with religious faiths or spiritual beliefs. Friends generally do not share close quarters with each other, and competition is not as damaging between friends as it is between romantic partners. The Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect is a karmic placement. I have my Medusa in libra conjunct my crush moon and part of fortune in Libra and my mars in Libra conjunct his sun and vesta in Libra too. It is only later on that the lack of balance will start to become an issue. The couple will likely be diplomatic, attractive, charming, and well adorned. Synastry:VenusJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts I've heard that it can "turn people to stone" when it conjuncts one of their personal planet. If you believe in past lives, Ive intuitively/psychically picked up we know each other from a past life. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Mars-Sun aspects will dictate how much you can feel each others physical presences. What does this mean? I have medusa in my first house making no major aspects yet i feel like i embody this asteroid. Twin flames have banded together in order to blaze a trail of freedom, paving the way for other souls to do the same. The Sun opposition Mars synastry aspect means that these partnerscan have a passionate sexual relationship, but ego clashes can get in the way of this. I think you may be in denial that you urge men on and then reject them. Meeting with the Sun positions in synastry indicates people who enjoy life, who are able to achieve what they wish as long as they are willing to work with determination for their dreams. As discussed above, signs tend to run in families. The Sun sextile the Moon synastry is especially good for family relationships and business partnerships. Synastry:VenuswithAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts i read a confusing article which made me think it could be about facing a lot of opposition in my career where i need to defend myself? k. You are a bad tease, Dudette. It can easily lean towards a love-hate relationship: you love and respect each other when you are able to complement each other, and you hate each other when you fail to understand and appreciate your differences. You may be the kind of person who teases me, lures them and then exacts revenge on them for being attracted to you. In a reversed situation, the psychological superiority of the woman becomes a direct threat to the mans pride. Sun Conjunct Venus Synastry: Relationships and Friendships Explained Athena turned Medusa into a monster. This aspect is easier in friendships than it is in romantic relationships. Synastry:MoonJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Politically correct women dont like how the Asteroid myths portray women. Much depends on how these planets are aspected for each partner in their natal charts. They may have the same goal but, due to past experiences, each has a different idea of how to get there. by Ryan Hart | Updated on October 1, 2022 | Post may contain affiliate links. This type of Sun conjunct Moon synastry is great for bringing out the natural shine in the man as the woman is susceptible to it. I do not have any main planets on my ascendent or in the 1st house. The Mars person will be both defensive and angry. Thank you for your feedback. It helps iron out other differences. Oh no! The "Solar" constantly seeks to influence the "Lunar", dominating the emotional aspect of the relationships. Synastry:MoonVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts There may be a bit of friendly competition with this aspect. Work to express this aspect in a motivational or sexual way rather than through anger or aggression. In the beginning of the relationship, these people were probably very attracted to each other physically. True communication can manifest itself on many levels as each partner has the necessary qualities to balance the other. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. 1. Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Synastry: Sun - Sun Aspects Between Two Charts - Cafe Astrology If Medusa applies to you, I am sure it does, my Friend! Yes, she was my first. That is a whole lot. It can also cause some conflicts and problems if not understood. This version of the Sun opposite the Moon synastry brings out childhood memories of the mans relationship with his mother. Synastry:MoonUranusAspects Do I affect him or does he affect me? Appointments are a (Pay per Set =$25.) The individuals tend to boost each others energy levels, or, at the very least, allow each other to function efficiently without draining energy from each other. Their inability to see through a persons character is a turn off for me and that would make me want to kinda look down on them. This is complicated with the Sun conjunct the Sun. Gottcha Janay. Although the two of you have many basic differences in your personalities, you are, nevertheless, attracted to each other and intrigued by each other. In other cases, the Lunar may feel in danger. The Sun conjunct Venus synastry relationships are considered ideal in the field of business, especially if the business is related to art. Mutual striving for creative activity allows them to successfully join forces in solving various problems. You may try to tease men and make them like you and then hurt them but this turns out to be a lot of pain for you and maybe even physical illness from it. Also, Medusa has a despising of the attention of men and wanting to get back at them and at the same time attract them. Hi gorgeous Ami Maybe the trine is why I see it as a humbling experience? It is also difficult in the sign of Aquarius. I did not want to tease them, but at the same time, it was like a compulsion I could not refuse. The Solar actively takes the initiative and the role of a leader, if other aspects do not contradict this. Its so wonderful to have found such a caring and wonderful soul like yourself . And ever changing, like a joyless eye Opposites attract! The parental residue in subconscious memories, which is part of the relationship, adds flavor, flair, direction, and meaning to what is already an excellent partnership. I do have to work on relationships. The Sun square the Moon synastry characterizes a rather complex relationship in matters of love, family, and marriage. I can suppress those traits. The Lunar gladly absorbs the energy of creative self-expression of the solar who, in turn, receives the positive potential of the practical possibilities of the Lunar. Medusa has a story that people want to change. Whether this is expressed through liberal compliments between the two, or boasting about ones partner to friends and family, or both, there exists a mutual respect and pride in the relationship. This can be a challenging aspect in a romantic relationship. The Sun conjunct the Moon synastry embodies a natural principle of polarity between creative and perceptual factors. It will generally mean that two people are alikealmost too much alike. Synastry:MoonMarsAspects Synastry:SunPartofFortuneAspects Somehow after they split we got together. This variation of the Sun square the Moon synastry causes difficulties in perception and understanding. I am not attracted to abusive men, but I have definitely attracted them. Sun-Mars synastry is an exciting, strong aspect. I get bored after getting men. They express themselves harmoniously . HmmmChiron is at the midpoint of my IC and mercury, all in my 4th house with Chiron opposite uranus by 1 degree in my 10th house. There can be distinct ego wars between you, especially if you are around each other often. It is easy for you to be together because you do not have to explain yourselves to one another. You respond to each others needs automatically, whether these needs are physical or emotional. The Sun is the ego and the Moon is the emotions. I am not proud of it, particularly considering where it led later. That is why you dont feel them. This means that it will be hard for them to balance each other. Mans Sun opposite womans Moon is more difficult for marriage as the natural harmony required in a relationship is overshadowed by the need to get over early childhood experiences. Related:Venus-Pluto Aspects In The Natal Chart. Something else i find interesting is i am the only person who has darkish curly hair in my family!!! This version of the Sun trine the Moon synastry allows the woman to express herself easily. Jeez. But Pluto is such a slow-mover that if - for example - your birth Venus is 2 Aquarius, the Transit Pluto conjunction wouldn't show up in a report for the next 12 months. The Mars person in particular can get defensive if they feel that the Sun person is too judgmental or condescending. They each feel like they must sacrifice a core part of themselves to stay in the relationship. However, as with most things in astrology, there is a downside to this pairing of luminaries. Shes alluring, and theres something slightly provocative about her not by the way she dresses or anything like that, but theres a way about her that tells other that she cant be trifled with. Ive read that the challenging aspects to Medusa, in a womens chart, can actually make other women envious, and seek to attack the native with the challenging Medusa aspect. The Sun and the Sun share a comfortable and enjoyable relationship. The Sun in the partner's first house of a synastry overlay creates a familiar feeling between the two of you. That is probably what you are talking about when you say I urged them on. It also trines Uranus (Aquarius in 8th house) and opposite Chiron (sag in 6th house)? They show you energize and support each other. You may struggle with the things of the Medusa myth i.e jealousy from women due to your beauty and may have had some bad things happen as a result. Sun conjunct, sextile or trine Jupiter. You are so sweet Tina! Under the Sun conjunct Venus synastry, a strong emotional-intuitive connection is possible since Venus exalts in Pisces. I had to tell him that I did not know how it would work in a mans chart. Synastry:Venus-VenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts How to Tell if a Pisces Man is Falling in Love with You? I dont want to hurt anybody. It can be positive, negative, or neutral based on the planets that are involved. I have no idea if she still has my info and Id rather not be around to find out if it goes that direction. They will also need alot of communication surrounding their sex life in a way that doesnt make the other feel defensive. I am no way a tease. Sun-Venus Synastry: Opposite, Square, Conjunct, Trine, Sextile. Synastry:SunNorthNodeAspects The Sun opposition Mars synastry aspect is astrong indicator of sexual attraction. 15.7k. The reason for this is that the ultimate goal of all people on Earth is to find happiness, joy and fulfillment and like-mindedness creates the foundation for very powerful feelings of unity with that other person. (See instead: Sun overlays in 8th-12th houses.) Hi i really need help with this! I have Medusa square Sun. Thanks. These two people have a lot in common, which leads to empathy and understanding. let me ask you this, do you kind of resent them that they are attracted to you, like scorn them? When I checked in my chart, Medusa was conjunct my Saturn at the distance of about 2.5 degrees. The Sun Conjunct Sun synastry aspect reveals an important connection between the people it joins, one that can inform you about how they work together. Back to Medusa. You Might Also Like: How to Get a Taurus Woman to Chase You - 10 Tips. A good 'Sun Conjunct Sun' synastry aspect indicates that a couple is on the same pageyou and your partner understand one another on a more personal level. What do you think of medusa, asteroid lilith, dark moon lilith and chiron conjunct mercury (scorpio, in 4th house)? Exact and orb 1. The Pluto in Aquarius Poster - Mystic Medusa Astrology Can Medusa on Asc give femme fatale look for women?Also can this on Acs give magnetic and hypnotic eyes?What about look and physical appearance? Sun Conjunct Venus: Synastry, Natal, and Transit Meaning Asking for a friend ; P Also, how do you think it would be in a mans natal chart conjuncting his own personal planets? Required fields are marked *. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. They are less than 5 degrees conjunct my MC. If that is the case, the two become even more alike. You may also motivate each other and work well as a team when starting a new business venture. xoxo. I thought this men chaser in me was attributed to my Eros in Aries. If so, just try to deal with it as best as you can and be as kind as you can. Each partner may be motivated to do slightly different things, but they are able to respect each others interests. Asteroid Medusa in Synastry?! - Astrologers' Community To succeed in this relationship, the couple needs to workhard to find balance and get both of their needs filled. I do charts for the people who want them. Book an appointment today! I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. However, you share the same flaws and weaknesses as well as the positive qualities, and you may find it difficult to be with someone who so clearly exhibits the very things you like least about yourself. Synastry:MoonNorthNodeAspects My Venus is in house 8, Neptune in house 2, and Mars in house 4.
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