Eric S. Monty, Attorney Complete 'Laurie List' of N.H. cops released | New Hampshire Public Radio of Veterans Affairs, Governor Chris Sununu Emergency Order #61, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Exhibit M to Emergency Order #29, Governor's COVID-19 Equity Response Team Issues Report and Recommendations, New Hampshire Secures 400,000 Gowns for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Executive Order 2020-15, Governor Chris Sununu Letter to President Trump Requesting Extension of Title 32 Status, Additional Healthcare System Relief Fund Awardees Announced, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order #57, #58, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Executive Order 2020-14, Emergency Order, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order #53, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order #52, Governor Chris Sununu Releases Additional Reopening Guidelines, Announces Expiration of Stay at Home Order, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order #51, New Hampshire Marks 100 Days in the Fight Against COVID-19, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order 50, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Executive Order 2020-10, Legislators Lawsuit: Court Denies Reconsideration of Preliminary Injunction, Finds Legislators Unlikely to Succeed on the Merits, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order #49, Governor Chris Sununu Statement Following Extension of Title 32 Status, Governor Chris Sununu Letters to Administration, Governor Chris Sununu Forms COVID-19 Equity Response Team, State of New Hampshire Phases Out Most Clinical Surge Flex Facilities, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order 48, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Two Emergency Orders, Exhibit I to Emergency Order 29, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Exhibit H to Emergency Order #29, Governor Sununu Releases Additional Reopening Guidance, Issues Emergency Orders 44, 45, Governor Chris Sununu Announces $595 Million in COVID-19 Recovery Funds, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order #43, Exhibit G to Emergency Order #29, Governor Chris Sununu Letter to Attorney General MacDonald Approving Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program Grant Applications, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order #42, Governor Chris Sununu Letter to Senator Rosenwald, Representative Campion Regarding Emergency Health Care System Relief Fund, Governor Chris Sununu Letter to David Simon, CEO and President of Simon Property Group, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Exhibits E, F to Emergency Order #29, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order #41, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order #40, Governor Chris Sununu Announces Stay at Home 2.0, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Orders 37, 38, Governor Chris Sununu Issues State of Emergency Extension, 4 New Emergency Orders, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Executive Order 2020-07, Governor Chris Sununu Letter to New Hampshire Business and Industry Association President Jim Roche, Governor Chris Sununu Announces Governor's Economic Re-Opening Task Force, First Meeting Scheduled for Tomorrow, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order #33, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order #32, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order #31, Governor Chris Sununu Letter to Education Leaders, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Executive Order 2020-06, Millions of PPE Delivered to New Hampshire, Governor Chris Sununu Approves NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence Grant Application, Secretary of State Gardner, Attorney General MacDonald Release COVID-19 Absentee Voting Memorandum, Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Orders 28, 29, 30, Current COVID-19 Situation in New Hampshire, Governor Chris Sununu To Establish Governor's Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery (GOFERR), Governor Chris Sununu Lauds Allstate as Company Announces a $2.3 million Payback to Granite Staters, Governor Chris Sununu Letter to Secretary Chao Regarding U.S. Finally, Mr. Gagnon was indicted on three counts of theft by unauthorized taking for knowingly obtaining or exercising control over three items: a Jeep SUV owned by Brian LaCroix of Peterborough; a firearm owned by Mr. Prest; and Mr. Prest's BMW sedan. NH AG NEWS RELEASE: Stacey Hayes Arrested for Medicaid Fraud NEW YORK STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL. New Hampshire Department of Justice33 Capitol Street | Concord, NH | 03301 The agreement will provide New Hampshire with $15.5 million over the next year to fund treatment and recovery services to people struggling with opioid use disorder. News and Events | NH Division of Motor Vehicles Read the full press release at Concord, NH Attorney General John M. Formella announces that Kayla MacArthur, age 29, of Berlin, New Hampshire, pleaded guilty in the 6th Circuit Court District Division Concord on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, to Theft by Unauthorized Taking, a class A misdemeanor. Concord, NH - Attorney General John M. Formella announces that Stacey Hayes, age 49, of Hudson, New Hampshire, has been indicted for theft and Medicaid fraud in connection with fraudulent claims for non-emergency medical transportation services. News Releases | NH Department of Justice - Attorney General of New New Hampshire Attorney General John M. Formella announces that Robert Gagnon, age 45, has been indicted on multiple charges in connection with the shooting of Carlos Quintong, age 44, in Brookline, and the murder of Robert Prest, age 83, in Lyndeborough, both on November 23, 2022. Similar scams have been recently reported in other states across the country. "That's been the focus of my administration from day one. Telephone: 603-271-3658. November 28, 2022, Contact: Please refer to the press release on the NH Department of Justice website. Portable Document Format (.pdf). Financial Analyst/Investigator Timothy E. Brackett and Investigator Eric W. Shirley, also of the Attorney General's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, investigated the matter based on a referral from Regency Home Health and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services' Program Integrity Unit. By doing so, MacArthur caused New Hampshire Medicaid to incorrectly pay Regency Home Health $1,300. ", "The opioid crisis has devastated too many Granite State families," said Attorney General John Formella. Press Releases | Laconia, NH Senior Assistant Attorney General Thomas T. Worboys and Attorney Eric S. Monty of the Attorney General's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit prosecuted this case. Press Release New Hampshire Man Charged With Trafficking Marijuana Opioids have caused more than 500,000 overdose deaths in the U.S. over the past two decades and in recent years opioid deaths have soared to record levels, around 80,000 a year nationwide, due to a continuing addiction wave now largely being fueled by fentanyl. Telephone: 603-271-3658. We are committed to bringing much needed funding to fight the opioid crisis in New Hampshire.". "Addressing this opioid crisis head on means leaving no stone unturned in redesigning systems from the ground up," said Governor Chris Sununu. Joining General Formella are the attorneys general of Arizona, Colorado, Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Northern Mariana Islands, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. A copy of the final report, as well as images and video recordings presented at the briefing, will be available on the Department of Justice website,, at the start of the briefing. Call us in Boston (617) 727-2200 Call us in New Bedford (508) 990-9700 Call us in Springfield (413) 784-1240 Call us in Worcester (508) 792-7600 Online All rights reserved. Google Translate cannot translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. Concord NH Attorney General John M. Formella and Director Elizabeth A. Bielecki announce that the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has received multiple reports of scammers contacting New Hampshire consumers by text message, impersonating DMV employees. Press Release - Endorsement: Marine Combat Veteran & Former NH Congressional Candidate Ward Scott Endorses Gov. - New Jersey Office of Attorney General The two-fold mission of the Bureau of Securities Regulation is to provide equitable regulation for the protection of New Hampshire Investors while facilitating responsible capital formation in the . Concord NH - Attorney General John M. Formella and Director Elizabeth A. Bielecki announce that the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has received multiple reports of scammers contacting New Hampshire consumers by text message, impersonating DMV employees. Michael S. Garrity, Director of Communications Jan 12, 2023. Gagnon Indicted for Shooting in Brookline and Murder in Lyndeborough For Immediate Release February 17, 2023. Press Releases Press Releases 2021 March 8, 2021 - Drug Arrest on Jewett St January 30, 2021 - Reported Gunshots 2020 October 9, 2020 - Belknap Mill Vandalism August 13, 2020 - Drug Arrest July 25, 2020 - Accident Rollercoaster Rd Fatal 2019 December 5, 2019 - Laconia Bypass Accident November 22, 2019 - Missing Person - Perez The New Hampshire Attorney General released an updated version of the Laurie List on Tuesday disclosing the names of 174 officers with sustained misconduct on their records. CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE - Today, United States Attorney Emily Gray Rice and New Hampshire Attorney General Joseph Foster announced the formation of an inter-office team of experienced, career prosecutors targeting the prosecution of opiate overdose deaths in New Hampshire. For Immediate Release The New Hampshire Attorney General's office released a . This request comes after attorneys general have received thousands of complaints from outraged passengers, claiming airlines have failed in their service responsibilities, causing significant frustrations and unnecessary challenges. Search Query Show . NH-SOS - About Securities Division - New Hampshire Secretary of State 04/10/2020: Secretary of State Gardner, Attorney General MacDonald Release COVID-19 Absentee Voting Memorandum; .
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