Home of the Sissy Split and The Mount Washington banana split that had six scoops of ice cream. 4 Must-Visit Flea Markets In Boston Where Youll Find Awesome Stuff, These 10 Unique Restaurants In Boston Will Give You An Unforgettable Dining Experience, 18 Reasons Living In Boston Is The Best And Everyone Should Move Here, Here Are The 9 Weirdest Places You Can Possibly Go In Boston, You May Be Surprised To Learn These 13 Famous People Are From Boston, 8 Famous Homicides In Boston That Will Never Be Forgotten, This Creepy Asylum Near Boston Is Still Standing And Still Disturbing, The Haunted Restaurant In Boston That Invented The Boston Cream Pie, Wikimedia Commons/Marcbela (Marc N. Belanger). Swipe or use your ← → (arrow) keys, Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close, Jenny Zigrinos new hour special Jen-Z to premiere with Comedy Central, V3 Weekend: Roll Call @ SoWa, Tiny in JP, The Big Lebowski in Somerville, Creed III Review: Michael B. Jordan knocks em out, Small Town Murder plots return to the scene of the crime at The Wilbur, Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre Review: This movie: Pas bien. A little further up Rte 1 was The Ship shaped like a sailing ship. And a graduation dinner! Well, its often not pleasant. Last I checked New England comprised more than 2 states. Loved Fontaines-! Here, shoppers could not only find a wide range of clothing and items from around the world, but also be treated to fashion shows, concerts, holiday exhibits, art shows, and a bakery that soon became famous for its blueberry muffins. Agree about Fontaines in West Roxbury. Sorry its gone missing! I lived up the street as well- on spring street until I moved to NH in 1987. upto Boston they took me to Pier 4 for my birthday ( Baked Alaska out of this world). A terrific restaurant that you should visit if you have the opportunity!! McIntyres in Rowley. Manchester, NH favorites Blakes restaurant and ice cream AND the Puritan Back Room, Makris Seafood in Concord, New Hampshire. Sigh plus cest change, Anyone remember where in Boston Justins was? Well, a number of local watering holes are surely up there, welcomingColonial rebel rousers as they helped organize The Revolutionand many of them still stand today, in defiance to the rapid development surrounding them. Certainly was by the end of the 30s. Today, that number has been cut to less than half. The chain of restaurants was born in the 1960s and spread to other New England states like Connecticut and New Hampshire. Does anyone remember the Scottish lion in Portsmouth NH? What about LockeOber in Boston? Here in New England, we develop pretty strong attachments to the places that serve us what, and how, we like best and boy, do we miss them when they're gone. Some Facebook comments have been lightly edited for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. What was the RedSnapper restaurant called before it was the Red Snapper? Others that have disappeared are theCoach and Six in Worcester, El Morocco (popular special event restaurant), Eastmans in downtown Worcester, Green Hill Lodge in Sterling, the Webster House, the White House (yummy cheese cake) and Big Boys (great burgers). Have childhood memories of Howard Johnsons from their Toasted Corn Muffins, Clam Roll to Ice Creamwas always a stop leaving Boston, heading to or leaving The Cape and anywhere in between along major roadways. That being said, you can check out all the responses from August and last week on our Facebook page or embedded at the bottom of this article. When I was a young art student, a treat was to go to one of Bostons Baileys locations for corn chowder and a sandwich. I also loved the different steaks. Largest salad EVVERR! Same menu, same everything, delicious popovers. Casey Wilder, Augustines, Route 1, Saugus. Despite its popularity, Chadwicks closed in 1998. Amrheins claims lineage back to 1890, making it a cornerstone of South Boston for over a century. Equally memorable were the Chadwicks birthday celebrations and since the whole thing worked on the honor system, it was pretty much always someones birthday. Yokens restaurant was just off the freeway in Portsmouth. Though now more a restaurant than a bar, you can still stop in for a drink. Boston bars and gyms have to turn on closed captioning on all their TVs The pizza was the size of the table. Kevin Bresnahan, Loved when my parents took me to the European. One of our familys favorite restaurants. This was supposed to be its death knell; instead, its popularity increased. In a city brimming with Irish pubs, J.J. Foley's is perhaps the most authentic. (Well, that and the giant turkey that overlooked it all from the restaurants iconic highway sign.). No one has equaled their coffee ice cream. All different kinds. Backyard Betty's: One of Southie's liveliest drinking and dining spots has served its final boozy shake and order of table-side wings. We already have this email. We felt so grown up! Dorry ONeill, Oh Dinis!!!!! Favorite gone-but-not-forgotten bars and nightclubs in Boston: The They still had the great pizza and salad along with many more choices. Bittersweetthank you. Lobster, prime rib, the Arabic platter, the baked Alaska. Dj vu! Historic Taverns - Massachusetts Society (Its clam chowder recipe continues to circulate online, still in demand after all these years). The first time I had a Lobster Out was in Dinis. Willow Pond Kitchen on Rte 2A in Concord, MA. Around early 80s, the owner was a real fisherman and wed often see an enormous catch in the walk-in frig. There was a Yokens in Danvers , Mass in the early 70s . And if you were lucky after shopping Filenes basement and were good a trip to Baileys ice cream for a Sunday . Baileys. And in that, the Cask has a secure place in Bostons history. Glad Dinis and Too House were mentioned by others. Hot fudge dripping over the sundae. Really loved the ice cream and clams. There was a candy store in the front that something special for everyone. Originally called the Copley Caf, which opened in 1912 alongside the hotel, this Fairmont Copley Plaza bar has undergone several transformations over the years. Oldest Bars in Boston - History of Massachusetts Blog The food was fine (think burgers, tuna melts, and BLTs), but the ice cream was always the draw. And the English Tea Room on Newbury Street! My dad always got finn Haddie we kids would pronounce it. We love the pop overs and their Delmonico potatoes and prime rib. Two more to add: Flagstones in Newington, NH and Els Anyone remember The Newbury Steak House on Massachusetts Ave.? I never forgot Anthonys !! So sad it closed always wished it would open again. The Layette House on Rte 1 Foxboro. Great memories. For doughnuts Johnsons Dairy Bar on Route 4 in New Hampshire forget the town now but it was between Concord and Exeter. I remember a few great, now gone restaurants as well. Ive hit them all and have such fond memories. There used to be a fried clam shack in what is now called the Pavilion at Saybrook Point, right across the parking lot from the Fort Saybrook Monument Park in Old Saybrook, CT. And Dinis on Boston Common! The marble counter and heart shaped backs on the chairs, the outstanding hot fudge dripping onto the saucer from the metal ice cream dish. Many of my favorites already mentioned but have to add Buttricks Ice Cream, Cottage Crest in Reading,the old Carrolls Diner in Medford, Arnies Fireside in Dedham & Beef N Ale Boston next to the Music Hall/Wang Theatre. I was hoping someone would mention SANDYS at the entrance to Buzzards Bay on Cape Cod. The old Joe Tecces on North Washington Street in Bostonfirst date with my husband in 1975! Jayne Rossi-Elliott, First date with my husband, 1970. Susan Finstein Brine, First date with my husband in 1982. Julie Kerbel, Yes, Joe Tecces! The rooms were big, the drinks were big, and the food was big (the standard-size sirloin was 18 ounces, but much larger cuts were available as well). That is one restaurant my husband and I really miss! Thanks for subscribing! When we came back Brighams was great but you didnt give mention to Baileys in Harvard Sq! I really miss the Negimaki! Just imagine a gigantic Family Tree of New England eating establishments,with The NoName as the trunk..the amount of branches past present & future would astound you. Try another? And the Wurst House in Harvard Square. JJ Foleys is a true Boston icon, opening its doors in 1909 and establishing itself as a South End institution well before the neighborhood became the bustling slice of gentrification that it is today. Various train cars had different themes, Victorias Station always served great steaks and other American Fare. Also if we got anything wrong, in location, history, or context, please kindly let us know at editorial@vanyaland.com. Surrounded by cobbled narrow streets near Faneuil Hall, Union Oyster House feels like a step back in time. I too miss The Town Lyne House. They were as good spot to actually rest while driving g long distances, Great ice cream, my favorites were the coffee flavor and the rum raisin. We went to The White Rabbit every week for dinner. The Three Judges on the border of New Haven and Woodbridge, CT. I believe another should be added to this list. The Boston-Area Bars and Restaurants That Have Closed (Or Are Closing Marios or Manero across from Westport Ct train station was my dads haunt after commuting beck from NYC on the 5:25 or 6:10 evening train. If only I could go back in time to those wonderful days! I miss Anthonys Pier 4 (popovers), Locke Ober (curried shrimp, and salads with their perfect roquefort dressing) and The English Room on Newbury St. (their signature salad dressing, warm sticky buns, and a seafood or was it crabmeat -casserole). )and sayBoss,my sisters boy(or brother in law,or whatever) is coming over from the old country,can you find him a job?So,the new arrival would start at the bottom, maybe washing dishes,and over time would work his way up ,becoming a cook on the line. Answer (1 of 9): The laws in Massachusetts require that bars stop serving alcohol at 2 am. There Baked Stuffed Shrimp was to die for and they had what they called The Hot Hamburger which was a hamburger in a bun with fries covered with gravy! Ahhh, Red Wing Diner. Locke-Ober was a Boston dining institution from 1875 until 2012. A tiki bar with stand-up comedy and an award-winning pupu platter? They have a restaurant in Sanford Maine now , unfortunately no stuffed obstetrics or dessert but still good. The grilled and buttered rolls were delicious!! Here are the other restrictions related to selling alcohol in the state. Apparently he was quite the kidder. The Town Lyne House. Chadwick's, Waltham, MA Chadwick's was a wildly popular ice cream parlor that also served pretty good sandwiches. It was a hit from the start, and before long the stores popularity soared to the point that on some busy days the police had to be called on for crowd control. Ever notice how many businesses, even very old well established ones, close after being sold to new owners? Were a bit fascinated by the fact that New Order played whats now a BU dorm laundry room, The Doors played some weird Brighton apartment complex, and Led Zeppelin played whats now essentially a 7-11. We asked you in Augustand again last weekwhich restaurant you miss the most, and what you loved so much about it. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/visiting-the-last-surviving-howard-johnsons. Here are the now-closed restaurants Boston.com readers miss the most We asked what restaurant you miss the most, and, more than 3,000 comments later, here's what you said. I miss them both. 11 Marshall St, (617) 367-0055 WARREN TAVERN, Charlestown Warren Tavern is the oldest tavern in Massachusetts and the most famous watering hole in the United States still in its original building and location. Here are 12 places that we still miss: How many of these do you personally remember? The walls featured murals of a traveling muffin man making his rounds. Thankfully, many still survive throughout NE. But its nowhere near 50 feet tall; Id guess 15-20 from driving by there recently. Somerville Brewing: One of Somerville's most beloved spots for creative beers and snacks has served its last pint. And their 3 lb back stuffed was great. Good call with Hob Knob???? Compiled between July 11 and July 15, 2016, with profound fondness and sorrow for the dearly departed watering holes of our youth: Boston Classic Restaurants - Boston Classic Bars - Town & Country Many restaurants here have been in business for many decades or even a century. Baileys in Wolfeboro, NH. They made a mean lime rickey too. Thar she blows!!! My mothers favorite uncle, Henry Meyer (who died when I was 3 mos old), worked there as a bartender for many years back in the 40s. The food was so yummy, whatever you ordered. The deli food was out of this world and if you were a people watcher late in the evening was great for that. Follow John Hutchings on Instagram @jlh1918. ONCE Ballroom: This indie-focused music venue and lounge in Somerville has hosted its last show. Also in the early sixties my parents would take us out for fried chicken at the Chicken Coop, we loved it as kids. The Boston-Area Bars and Restaurants That Have Closed (Or Are Closing), Spring 2022 Tracking eating and drinking establishments that won't reopen by Stephanie Carter Updated Apr 27, 2022,. My family would go to Custys every year when my uncle came up from N.C. Though its a solid, year-round neighborhood drinking and dining spot, it turns into a complete madhouse on game days during baseball season. It fronted onto Daniel Webster Highway, so thats where they put their farm stand and business was good. The Brook Manor! Their pecan rolls were to die for. But it was hard to match the unique charm of the original, whose hallmarks included long waits, 20-seat communal tables, and sassy/surly waitstaff. Whiskey's: Long a favorite among eager students and Back Bay twenty-somethings, this down-and-dirty party spot and sports bar has closed after an epic run on Boylston Street. Brighams in Arlington Heights. scoops of ice cream, carried to the table on a silver platter by multiple busboys, who would pretend to struggle with the weight. This is in no way a better in the old days post; were just pointing out that musical magic took places in many unmarked graves around the city. From the Chinese palace Weylus to the giant (and rather unhappy-looking) bull at Full of Bull Roast Beef, restaurants and other attractions including a mini-golf course that featured a 50-foot-tall orange dinosaur competed for attention as vigorously as reality show contestants. Bids tavern in Norwich Connecticut fabulous place for sandwiches dollar beers the supreme grand slam I especially liked their cheeseburgers. Victor and Anna Charpentier purchased the farm and restaurant in 1954, and they ran it until Victor died in 1966. I think it was called The Robins Nest. The Newbury Steak House was a firm favourite. We loved going to Durgin Park for the food and to interact with the tourists who were invariably nice, interesting, and often clueless about what made Boston, well, Boston. Also the prime rib of course! The food was exceptional and very popular place. There is a Maneros in Palm City, Fla. and its the same family as in Westport. Anyone remember the name of the restaurant on 3A in Plymouth, Ma. Every year my parents would take me there on my birthday. Dante: The Royal Sonesta's Restaurant Dante has closed after 15 years. I always ordered the same thing for dinner: escargot followed by baked stuffed lobster. Parsnip: This upscale Harvard Square restaurant, housed in the multi-level space that formerly held Upstairs on the Square, opened in late 2015. That gypsy lifestyle taught him a lot,but when he had experienced enough of it,he opened his own place,and had great success. It did quite well in the 50s but later on less well and she was becoming older and she had others running it for her. Among Brighams claims to fame was popularizing or perhaps even creating jimmies as an ice cream topping. As Boston has grappled with a public health emergency coupled with myriad restrictions, local restaurants and bars of all stripes have tried to combat the challenges of 2020. Well,in their@100 year existence, this scenario played out again and again; a fisherman would come to the owner(Jimmy, Nick,Tony,etc. The Seventh Inn in Park Square which I believe was initially Sanae. Bison County: Waltham's go-to spot for fine barbecue has smoked its last rack of ribs. They were an Italian restaurant served huge plates of Italian food and their desserts were good too. My father in law would take us to lokobers in Boston and we would get baked Alaska for dessert. Miss them all. ! Ricky Buster McHavaham, The Hilltop Steak House! I managed to puncture my hand with one of the claw spines, and had to use the napkin around my hand to finish the Lobster. It was a Greek diner, and they made my favorite Chicken/Broccoli/Ziti ever super lemony, super garlicky. Photograph: Courtesy Oak Long Bar and Kitchen/Richard Mandelkorn. Still miss my favorite restaurant. Always high quality. This was in the 70s. Both were on Main Street in Hyannis! We were stationed at Hanscom Field in the late 1960s & would drive to the Willow Pond Kitchen just for the fried clams. We would go there from West Roxbury for their fried clams and bring their pizza home. This is an old question for Boston's LGBTQ community. It was an occasional outing from our family home in Burlington . My friends and I used to hang out at The Pewter Pot AND Senior Pizza. The dessert slices were huge; my mouth waters just thinking about it! And Chadwicks we always celebrated my kids birthdays there. My whole family would meet for dinner there, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents. However, his son Edward Filene took over and became the first person to introduce the idea of "bargain basement" pricing to the consumer. Great coffee, wine & beer bar. My go to was Harvard Sq, probably the first to go due to rent prices. Swampscott . The most affordable family restaurant. Topsys/Fontaines in West Roxbury, My all time favorite, Valles Steak Houses, Bickfords (late night, early morning breakfasts), Vallees, Freds Seafood (Randolph) Friendlys, Hilltop, The No-Name & the pewter pot, also Woolworths . As a kid until I moved away after 22 yrs, I lived up the street from Fontaines and never In addition to all of these? I have a couple Old Lord Fox glasses my mother some how came home with . The floor was covered in small white tiles, which added to the ambiance and also helped make the place cool. I do remember that I enjoyed the food. Other employees would ring cowbells and blow noisemakers. Cheers Faneuil Hall: The Faneuil Hall location's bar was a replica of the one that appeared on the set of the TV show. Stillit I ever got back to Massachusetts, it would have been well worth going to several times! I agree, always looked forward to the one before you crossed the bridge to the cape. The ClamBox has taken its place with my family. What about Mug N Muffin. The best veal parmigiana! When you were a regular to Durgin Park you had your own waitress! And wed wait! Ah, yes, I remember it so well. We are lucky enough to still have many wonderful eateries from which to choose, from Kellys Roast Beef to Louis Lunch, and we appreciate them all. Post 390: One of the Back Bay's most popular spots for expense account dining and corporate gatherings has turned off its fireplace for good. McGreevey's: The Dropkick Murphys-affiliated sports bar has shipped out of Boston for good. The gleaming stainless diner was a family stop on every trip to-and-fro Providence and Portland Always a thrill to be the first to spot the big red DINER sign Finding a table always toward the right, passing truckers straddling stools at the long pink counter. Owned by Borghild Anderson. Prints & Photographs Division John Margolies/Library of Congress. Sad to think of these iconic restaurants are no longer around. Potatoes were chopped very fine and the flavor was out of this world! OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. Have been trying to run down the recipe. also Warmuths they had a great B deck saladthere are so many that are gone and I miss them all. Miss those dress up dinner nights. Lords in Wells Maine unbelievable stuffed lobster, had an extra tail inside and the dessert in the pastry with ice cream was delicious. The food was delicious. Maybe its just as well, as I have been living out West for 47 years now. Also recall the Dinnerhorn in Portsmouthnot too far from Yokens. When it was not busy we could just sit up there for hours. However, the Saugus location on Route 1 was truly vast, with a dining room that could accommodate well over 1,000 diners. The iconic Chicopee Hu Ke Lau closed its doors after 53 years on April 6, 2018. Dcor included a large-wheeled 19th-century-style bicycle that hung on the wall, and for a while, a Superman cape could be found hanging in the phone booth in the back. One time my friend and I decided to grab dinner at Durgin Park and the mens Russian Chorus from Harvard was beautifully serenading the diners! I cant remember the name. Everything about Hilltop Steak House in Saugus, MA, was as over-the-top as its sign. Thats certainly something worthy of a toast. Yokens, Hilltop, Valles, The Modern and Greenwich Turkey Farm in Nashua, and the Hanover House in Manchester and last but not least, the China Dragon in Hooksett. The clam chowder was phenomenal and made with quahogs. The space is now occupied by Yvonne's. Everyone treated like family. The Seawitch Restaurant & Shop on Route 1 Gone, Bel-Aire Diner, Route One North, in Danvers, MA. Dairy Bar along with great restaurant and craft brewery! Advertisement: "It's all gone,. But by then the end was in sight: Giuffrida had sold the business the previous year, and it did not fare well under later owners. Cuchi Cuchi: For 19 years, Cantabrigians flocked to this Central Square hideaway to enjoy globally-inspired small plates and creative cocktails. Fantastic home cooking. Im looking for the coconut macaroon recipe from Jordan Marsh or Filenes??? The HobBob Restaurant on the Boston Post Road in Madison, Connecticut served the most amazing fried chicken and shaved ham grinders! Pier 4 and their enormous Yard of Ale was a favourite of my parents when visitors came to stay. Legal Test Kitchen: A favorite of concertgoers at the nearby pavillion, Legal's Test Kitchen concept has hit the end of the road. You always had to rub the Buddhas belly in the lobby before and after you ate your meal. Patti Johnson Georgevich, Anthonys Pier 4 in Boston will always hold a special place in my heart. There is now a daycare center where it once stood, at the corner of Waltham Street and Concord Avenue. And one more treasured spot -The English Tea Room on Newbury fantastic menu for starving students, and their sweet salad dressing was amazing! Back in the day, this watering hole hosted prominent American patrons like Paul Revere, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, so stopping by here for a beer is basically a history lesson. The Yankee Silversmith in Wallingford, CT. I got moussaka and vegetables. It was named the Sand Bar and was associated with a miniature golf course. I became a serious seafood lover and cook after my year at Honiss. In the mid-1990s, amid flagging sales, Jordan Marsh closed its doors for good, with the remaining stores being rebranded as Macys. The four Boston gay bars that closed during the pandemic were a pointed reminder of changes the community has experienced for decades. By entering your email address you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receive emails from Time Out about news, events, offers and partner promotions. The Pewter Pot chowder was excellent. Grew up on the Northshore. What memories! Santa and Mrs. Claus would make an appearance. Still miss my favorite restaurant. Stoddard's: Tucked away in the Leather District, this retro. The Warren Tavern has been in its current location on Pleasant Street (near the Bunker Hill Monument) since 1780, making it the oldest tavern in Massachusetts. As a recent college grad, in the early 1970s, I worked in a nearby law firm and was on a tight budget and usually brought a sandwich from home. The waiters were all old men, and the pictures of movie stars who ate there were on the walls. Among the most famous of now-closed New England restaurants is Durgin-Park, a Faneuil Hall favorite for nearly two centuries before it shuttered in 2019. For 47 years, Johnny D's in Somerville was a popular music venue for acts ranging from the Dixie Chicks to Neil Young. In all, there were 16 gay bars in Boston and Cambridge, according to Pink Pages directories from 1993 and 1994. Most famously, John F. Kennedy launched his political career at the hotel and proposed to Jacqueline Bouvier at Parker's Restaurant. Union Oyster House dates to 1826 when it opened as the Atwood & Bacon Oyster House. Mocha chip my all time favorite. Staff writer for Only In Your State and freelance writer. ! Mary Kerr, Remember the European in the North End? Diners can still enjoy Dante de Magistris' fresh pastas and hearty Italian plates at Il Casale Lexington and Il Casale Belmont. 617-956-8765. Stoddard's: Tucked away in the Leather District, this retro drinking and dining haunta favorite of Downtown Crossing's after-work crowdshas shuttered its doors. Many times we asked for more Popovers. She was stellar and no matter how long between visits, she would come up to me and say Whats it gonna be tonight the roast pork or the broiled halibut thats how PRO all these waitresses were ! Yes!! We ate there a couple of times . Areas of the building date back to the 1700s, The Modern Hotel and restaurant Nashua NH, Oh their onion rings!
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