This he did in 1977, when he took up the post of Rector of The Edinburgh Academy, a job he did with distinction until his retirement in 1992. 21/02/2023. Sundays were focused around Sunday lunch where inevitably family or visitors turned up. Father was not a figure I ever wanted to challenge but I really thought his main guru Swami Ghanananda was a saintly man. It was seemingly only thanks to the efforts of the owner of the Express, Lord Beaverbrook, and his contacts in Mexico that his release was secured. The culmination of that combination being the production of that famed team of 1963. David went on to chair the second phase of the commissions work on the future of direct grant grammar schools (1970). In 2000 she married the writer Andrew Barrow, who survives her with their son. Old Marlburians. In 1963 he and other members of staff took 114 boys from 3 schools to the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro in relays! He is survived by his wife, Jenny; three children, Hugh, Luke and Tanya; and a granddaughter, Polly. Roger and Audrey returned to England in 1962 and set up home in Woodbury in 1963. Guy was always interested in medical education, becoming VTS Course Organiser for GP training in South and Central Birmingham in 1980. Constructing such an ambitious project in the 1970s, when annual inflation at one point reached 25%, stretched the management capabilities of a local authority to the full, and by the time the project was finished in 1979 it was way over budget and schedule. Father was apparently sitting on the roof at Widdington in Devizes. He narrowly missed out on a Blue as a skilful scrum-half, with a wondrous reverse pass, and as a wicket keeper, but won a Half-Blue for Fives. Marlburian Club Magazine 2021 by rawdesign - Issuu His father, Henry Brooke, was home secretary in the 1960s under Harold Macmillan and Alec Douglas-Home, and his mother, Barbara (nee Mathews), was a councillor and public servant; both became life peers. That he chose to join the war effort was a decision he would never regret, as it led to the exciting experience of liberating North-west Europe from Nazi rule on one occasion, a task he undertook single-handedly on nothing more than a borrowed bicycle. He was the youngest of three children born to Captain Charles Reid Peploe and his wife Catherine Mary MacFie in The Brookside, Bedhampton, in Hampshire, and he grew up alongside his brother David Claud who was sadly killed in the Second World War, and his [], John L. Wilkinson (LI 1954-58) passed away on 14th October 2022, after a courageous struggle with complications following a stroke. I even remember him doing the shot putt when we were doing the 5 Star Awards; at the same time he was tickled pink when our burly discus thrower, deciding he would see to it that a new junior high jump record would be set, put the bar up to maximum height, and then threw a Shell boy over it!World Cup Marathon winner in San Sebastian in 1993, Richard Nerurkar, who trained with Bruce when a member of Common Room (CR 1989-91): At Marlborough Bruce created the perfect training environment for me. His charm, speaking ability and his uncanny resemblance to his ancestor, Josiah, made Piers the ideal spokesman for the Wedgwood brand and he travelled throughout the world as Wedgwoods international ambassador. He turned on Ceefax every day, read the business pages and was very aware of any changes in the tax system. During the 1961 Bay of Pigs fiasco, and while working in Havana, he was arrested by the Cuban secret police and accused of spying for Washington. That year, he went to Singapore to join the Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery, which was manned by British gunners and with which he was serving at the time of the Japanese attacks on Singapore.As the Japanese army closed in on the British at Singapore in January 1942, Geoffrey Rowley-Conwy was a formidable character and he fought a strong fight boosting morale with heavy attacks directly on Japanese mortars instead of troops. His career in the RAF ranged from post-war fighters and jet trainers to the Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft. He was the author of A French Reference Grammar (which is still in print) and a revised editon of the Concise Oxford French-English Dictionary. William became part of his doctrinal team that developed the NATO cold war strategy and battlefield tactics and was at the heart of planning and execution of Army operations in the first Gulf War. The Headmaster was Basil Garnons-Williams, a former housemaster of C1, also on the staff was Reggie Fair (B1), Master i/c Cricket. When he retired from the Council in 1972, he was Controller of the Books, Art, and Sciences Division. With the Second World War at its height but the prospect of the dreaming spires of Oxford ahead of him, Angus Mitchell could so easily have taken advantage of the option to defer serving his country and embark on his studies instead. Read More For Patrick, a lover of lewd limericks, this was likely an amusement.Modernizing the business came with its challenges. Tony followed in his father's footsteps and continued the fight against injustice. They had three children, six grandchildren and six great grandchildren. He married Marion Walker in 1949. There will be a Memorial Service for Piers at Barlaston in the Spring.Martin EvansFormer Marlburian Club Secretary. Travers Cosgrove, born October 9 1920, died December 27 2013.Click here to read a full obituary which was published in The Daily Telegraph. He was there from 1945-49, which of course included the famous winter of 1947. He worked for a number of years for Hambros Bank in London and Essex. John died at home in Victoria, BC after a courageous battle with cancer. By 1926, his father had moved to Versailles, France as chaplain to the British community. He almost immediately joined the newly formed Ulster Defence Regiment in a full-time capacity, becoming the Adjutant and Operations Officer of the 3rd (County Down) Battalion (3 UDR) based at Ballykinler. Current parents please take note! Many people were shocked to see such a vital man somewhat depleted and in a wheel chair. Tony is survived by his children, Ruth, Paul, Ian, Hugh, and eight grandchildren. The President, Steven Bishop, represented The Marlburian Club. The placid Paisley silk-weavers who were the ancestors of Rear Admiral John Hervey would have blanched at the daring tasks his twentieth-century naval overlords asked him to do.As a commander of nuclear-powered hunter-killer submarines, Hervey was one of a select body of modern British buccaneers who in the 1960s and 1970s stealthily explored the Arctic, gleaning high-quality intelligence on the then Soviet Unions sea-power when, Hervey later explained, they think no-one else is around.It meant trailing the Russian vessels up close so close that with the limitations of the sonar equipment the British boats carried, together with the restrictions on its use that silent snooping imposed, the risk of collision and an unmarked, deliberately forgotten, watery grave was ever present.The rewards were deemed worth the risk. In retirement in Reading, Berkshire, and subsequently at Huntly, Aberdeenshire, he recruited sapper veterans to attend the post-war annual reunions at sHertogenbosch. Although she never had such a prominent role as she did with North Wilts she was again a highly valued member of the Second violins. For the strings this is quite untrue. But this did not prevent him from playing a very active part in many activities in the town. He met his wife Caroline at a meeting of Chelsea Young Conservatives and they were married in 1969. One of his C2 contemporaries was Alex Moulton, the inventor of the folding bicycle, who gave him the slightly barbed nickname Jesus John.In 1938 the name turned out to be both prophetic and appropriate when he went up to Jesus College, Cambridge to study Classics, then Divinity. Flogging continued but father would have missed the pinko politics. Attlee sent a card, in his own hand, wishing the Labour candidate well 'in an obvious Conservative stronghold.' He retired as a consultant physician from the Royal Liverpool Hospital in 1988 and enjoyed an active retirement fell walking in the Lake District well into his eighties and was still playing squash until a year before he died. We were still running two years ago on the Downs. Marilyn - known to many as Bo, was born in Trowbridge, about two miles from where we are now, on the 11th June 1939 - one of a twin and the youngest of six girls. Donald Lynden-Bell CBE FRS (5th April 1935 5th February 2018). June 30, 2022; destrehan high school graduation 2022 He also became an honorary chaplain to the Polish Air Force following his involvement in commemorating the Polish 304 Bomber squadron, who had been stationed at Dale in WW2. He ran free across the fields, fished and swam in Emborough Lake; cycled along numerous lanes and delighted in studying the birds and wildlife. Roger Elwyn Nott-Bower (C2 1940-45) died suddenly at home on 27th September 2014. They lived together for several years before marrying 11 years ago. The Confessions (and Regrets) of an Old Marlburian Tuesday 31st January 2023 | Wykeham Hall | 7.30pm. Peter R Davies (C3 1953-56) died October 2022. The bulk of his career was then spent at Canford School, teaching history, politics and religious education. John Cloudsley-Thompson was a naturalist, soldier, adventurer and a pioneer in the study of desert wildlife. "Patrick achieved this on a bicycle and would frequently cycle up to a doorstep and lean over the handlebars to ask householders their voting intentions. Time spent on Dartmoor made him a keen naturalist, with a passion for collecting and breeding butterflies and moths. They established a home in Bracondale, Norwich, where they hosted many guests and friendsincluding Rogers children and grandchildren from around the world. John was at Marlborough college when the second world war was declared in 1939, and, after having finished his education in Trinidad and Ontario, sailed back in time for his 18th birthday to join up. One of rewards was to enjoy a garden party at Buckingham Palace and being made a member of Common Room. Then, three months after the murders, on Sept. 4, 2021, news broke that Alex Murdaugh, 54, had been shot in Hampton . Piers devoted his life to keeping alive the high-regard for the distinctive blue and white pottery that bears his name and embellishes tea-tables and china collections worldwide. Born in the Argentine, 16th April 1921, Angus was the youngest child of Angus and Vera Stewart. If you rang A2 6451 IN 1940, you might have got Herman Goering. Balme, a master at Harrow for 33 years, with his colleague Mark Warman immediately published Aestimanda (Up for discussion), which took Greek and Latin extracts and presented them as subjects for literary debate, directly increasing the appreciation of classical literature within everyday classroom teaching. old marlburian deaths. David Donnison - Wikipedia On his return to the UK he joined the Civil Service Selection Board based in London. old marlburian deaths - Johns sudden, and untimely, death means a huge loss to his many friends from the College, the town and to ex-pupils far and wide. My mothers diary reveals they were talking until 3.30 am with Count Trauttsmandorf in Alpbach. Full obituaries can be seen on The Times, The Arvon Foundation, and the English Chess Foundation websites. In 2002, he was made an Honorary Fellow of the Singapore Academy of Medicine and in 2004 he was awarded Singapores Public Service Star for his numerous contributions. Roger was born on 3rd October 1921 in Rothwell, Northamptonshire. He did all he could to bolster his great predecessors artistic renown. He delighted in their successes. The granddaughter of General Lord Freyberg, VC, the postwar Governor-General of New Zealand and one of the most highly decorated soldiers in the British Army, Annabel combined huge moral courage and considerable intellectual gifts with a cheerful bohemianism and an enormous gift for friendship. Full obituary, A teacher of outstanding ability, with all the gifts of intellect, personality and character John Dancy (Master 1961-72) Head of House and Secretary of Rugger at Kings School, Wimbledon, an Open Exhibitioner at Magdalen, Oxford and with a DPhil arising from research into Paramagnetism, Frank came to Marlborough in 1957 to continue his research and - almost immediately - head the Physics Department. In his retirement, he volunteered at the local hospice, among other things. In 1985 they moved to West Wales where he became Vicar of St. Brides-with-Dale-&-Marloes. From Marlborough he went up to Jesus College Cambridge to read medicine. My father recalled seeing a German bomber fly over the playground after a raid - possibly lost.". He was often instructed by a firm of solicitors called Steel & Shamash and one day the instructing solicitor was Deborah Bowker. Helen and Kenya married in September 2008.Helen was a fabulous cook who often adapted recipes; she was very widely read and knowledgeable with an encyclopedic memory. old marlburian deaths. He was also most kind and generous with his time within the community of Marlborough and had many loyal friends. In 2003 Roger and Audrey moved to Skinners Cottage in Bovingdon and continued to be part of village life. Diana first came to Marlborough College with her husband, Antony Reynell, as a master and head of classics. David Donnison. He edited a celebratory book, Nature in Norfolk, a Heritage in Trust, for the Queens Golden Jubilee in 1976, and was named Honorary Vice-President in 1977. Robert taught first at Magdalen College School from 1958-65 where he was Senior English Master. Ours was a very happy and warm relationship. Two years later, he married Susan Winifred Denham with whom he had two children, a son; Christopher, an aviation firefighter; and a daughter; Charlotte, an acupuncturist. He combined an interest in GP training with an emphasis on evidence-based medicine and audit. Generous of spirit with a wry sense of humour, John sat on several charitable committees, was a tireless fundraiser for a variety of causes in racing and, in particular, was a big supporter of the Racing Welfare charity. U.S., Obituary Collection, 1930-Current - Meanwhile their student passengers were open mouthed with shock; the lights turned green and the traffic began to honk and hoot, although whether with applause or frustration was not clear! In the early 1970s, he was a prime mover in organising a day of show jumping at Ascot that raised 250,000 to help save the Grand National. Robin Brodhurst (PR 1965-70) died January 2023. After commanding the 23rd Light AA Battery and R Searchlight Battery in Egypt, in 1943 he became second-in-command of the 1st Heavy AA Regiment, based in India. However, 133 of his troop joined him in a plan to sail to Sumatra in a 66-tonne diesel-engine launch but before they could sail, the local commander of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) took him and the launch under command in order to search for other British or Commonwealth troops who may have reached Sumatra. In 1969 Conon joined the National Film Unit in order to make films about New Zealand and New Zealanders way of life in greater depth. Since his early years Roger was an avid follower of the capital markets and invested wisely and well in the shares of a number of different companies. Sir Rodney Touche (SU 1942-46), a British Baronet, journalist,adventurer and author of Brown Cows, Sacred Cows died on 13th May 2017, aged 88. He was admired and respected by all the lawyers whom he dealt with; the customers knew that he listened and that they were going to get a fair hearing. He had younger twin sisters. Dismissing any doubters as to the sweaters authenticity, Geoffrey said that he was sure it was genuine because of the curry stains down the front.He loved playing at the beautiful cricket ground at Shobrooke, playing for the club for many years. He was probably one of the few British businessmen to have negotiated personally with members of the Argentinian junta. Marlburians: meaning - WordSense He met his third wife, Kathleen Partridge, at an archaeology lecture. Stanhope painted six stories from the Old Testament and six from the New Testament, all panels in tempera of approximately 531/8 x 681/2 inches (135 x 174 cm). Fittingly we sealed a 3 year unbeaten record in inter-school cross country matches at his alma mater, Wellington - no mean feat given the disparate bunch of individuals he inherited as his squad.Jeremy Barton (C1 1977-82): Bruce was a coach who believed in coaching his athletes to coach themselves; as I progressed into competing as an international distance runner, more often than not I would explain to Bruce what training I planned for the week ahead and he would respond by saying it was precisely what he had been thinking. Janet continued in this post until 1991 and her successor writes of her sharpness of intellect and admirable administrative skills. One of his entrepreneurial endeavours which kept the estate viable was the conversion of part of Bodrhyddan Hall, built in the 17th century, into furnished flats. In the end by the time although we were totally different we were in our late 60s , my grandfather, father and I, doing similar things like making deathbed wills. He left a wife, Jeannette, and two grown-up children, Kat and Nick. He became Director of Treasury at Intercontinental Hotels. Imogen Craddock (PR 1971-73) was born in Tabora, Tanzania (then Tanganyika), in 1955 where her father was a surgeon working for the British Government. I was in the top ten and Bruce shouted encouragement. Just make your paragraphs twice as long. He was for six years the newspapers chief reporter before becoming a Middle and Far East expert. A sculptor, painter, drama-director, musician, linguist and writer of verses, he is the subject of both a website and book, The Book of Bain: Verses, Orations and Essays, edited by Justin Wintle and published by Plumbago Books and Arts, London. Though not a household name, in astrophysics he was one of the leading names of his generation. After LNER was nationalised in 1948, he worked for British Railways Scottish Region until 1955 and then for the Western Region. He was a leading arts and leisure administrator who was head of arts and recreation for Swindon (later Thamesdown) Borough Council for 22 years. He added that "While the Conservative candidate won, Labour's Denys Hodson did do much better than expected in that 'Conservative stronghold'; and while the nation returned a Labour government.. Rackets - Marlborough College Three days later, Murdaugh's father, 81-year-old Randolph Murdaugh III, died. For select detailed obituaries, please see the links on the right. Conon Fraser (CO 1943-48), author and former TV presenter, film maker, and long time member of PEN, died last month after a long battle with heart and lung failure. Among the best he sent out from his base in Arundel, Sussex, were Shirley Heights in the 1978 English and Irish Derbys, Ragstone in the 1974 Ascot Gold Cup, Shadayid in the 1,000 Guineas in 1991, and three St Leger victories with Moon Madness (1986), Silver Patriarch (1997) and Millenary (2000). At St Johns School he was instrumental in setting up the Year 10 interviews that precede work experience and he also gave much help to the Learning Support programme for students on courses at Swindon, who were in work placements. Marlborough College, Bath Road, Marlborough, Wilts SN8 1PA. There were trips to Switzerland to interview various suspects and offers of Mercedes. Announcement. One wrote: "a kind man who was interested in the wellbeing of those he commanded. He went up to Oxford, where he befriended Christopher French another shy studious man, who at that time remained below the radar. He was Head of Chambers for a number of years, gently steering us along with a benign dictatorship, always being prepared to give his time and expertise to help and guide younger members of Chambers. He then returned to Nigeria, this timeas Deputy High Commissioner in Kaduna. Antony Laurence Easterbrook was born in Torquay on 20th March 1929 and was educated at Marlborough College where he was captain of both the athletics and rugby teams. Robert was amost talented Director of Drama from 1970 to 1990, having acted as Head of English from 1968-1969. He was also an excellent university administrator.Ebsworth was a Fellow of Kings College and Christs College, Cambridge, Faculty member at Princeton, Crum Brown Professor of Chemistry and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Durham. He was a keen bicycler, regularly cycling to the park at Guindy where he used to chase the deer on his bicycle. On his 100th birthday he was to note: I have had an interesting life but now I live in complete tranquillity, which I enjoy. It is reported that he spent his afternoons in the summerhouse, surveying the garden and listening to the radio.Sources Wikipedia , The Daily Post Wales and The Times Obituaries. Thanks to his ayah and other house servants he was bilingual in English and Hindustani but quickly forgot the latter after arriving in Britain in 1929. Davies moved around with his eastern thoughts and when I last saw him aged 21 he seemed to be following a fellow called Puck Subud. He met Ray Budden and, between them, they developed the paralleloscope, the Plotter Fire Control Field Artillery, He also worked on the Radar Field Artillery No.1 Mk.1, on a Decca radar adapted for ground surveillance and issued to 115 Locating Battery. Saturday, October 29, 2022 1:58 PM. He was also active in a number of voluntary and charitable activities.Born on 28th May 1948 to David and Joy, Ant joined an eclectic group of boys in Preshute where his qualities of friendship and humour were much appreciated. A true global citizen, he spoke fluent French, Italian, Spanish and Mandarin. Contact. He had a mobile phone and many of us had a number for it. Looking back on her career here a colleague wrote When you consider how difficult things must have been for Janet in her early days one should recognise the immensity of her contributionJanets musical life did intersect with the College. You can imagine her surprise when she saw his passport showing that he was in fact under 21, which was almost as great as my surprise when I found that my birth was registered when I was 15 with fathers rank as solicitor They could not have reckoned on the internet which showed that they were married in 1954 when I was seven and the date in my mothers diary is marked as a conference. Music was another important part of his life. OM. In recent years he criss-crossed the globe, for instance spending a weekend in Chile whilst on the way to New Zealand and South-East Asia.However, at the core of his life was his family. He also enjoyed having a bonfire and a lot of garden and household rubbish disappeared. During this time his journalistic work increased, writing articles, short stories and travel articles. We were all very happy to live in the shadow of the next generation. DAVID Donnison, who has died aged 92, was one of a group of outstanding academics who played an important part in shaping social policy during the 1960s and 70s, and, in his case, well beyond. Before that he had won a Scholarship to Winchester College where he excelled in Mathematics, Classics and Cross-Country Running and Rowing amongst other sports. He was a fine tenor and trained for the operatic stage but was never a soloist. "Cressy." Royal Marine Light Infantry who died 22/09/1914 CHATHAM NAVAL MEMORIAL United Kingdom Old Marlburians' 1917 dinner, Bailleul By Moonraker, 6 August , 2011 in Other Great War Chat Share Followers 0 Moonraker Old Sweats 6.4k old marlburian deaths - He grew up in Danbury, Essex, where he recalled his mother reading him Greenmantle. Neave Brown (C1 1945-48), who has died aged 88, was the architect of what is widely considered the finest housing built in Britain in the last 50 years. After turning 40 Angus joined a firm called Save and Prosper, and over time was promoted to Head Office running the sales force so he ended up spending his working days in an office a thing he had vowed never to do. Professor Colin Prentice, born December 13 1934, died February 1 2014.Click here for the full obituary on The Telegraph website. He continued working full time until January this year, nearly 18 months after his treatment started. He joined the Royal Navy in 1944 and served aboard HMS Zealous on the Arctic convoys. Evelyn Ebsworth (B2 1946-51) was born in Richmond, Yorkshire on St Valentine's Day, 1933. Old is a 2021 American thriller film written, directed, and co-produced by M. Night Shyamalan. Marlburian Club | Marlborough College Alumni Loving music from an early age he first auditioned for the choir of Kings College in 1930 but, on this occasion, was sadly unsuccessful. One friend writes: We met first at Madingley, a course run by the Alberni quartet and, although we lived far apart, kept playing together, and going on courses, until last year. It was Spartan. John, who was my uncle, communed with the sea as well as the land. Bill Freeman died in June 2012 after a short illness. Eight schools led the way over the next 12 months in which SMP was established - Marlborough College (where Quadling was Senior Mathematics Master), Sherborne School (where Cundy was Senior Mathematics Master), Winchester College (where Jones served in the same capacity, and Thwaites had taught until 1959), Battersea Grammar School, Charterhouse, Exeter School, Holloway School and Winchester County School for Girls. As one would expect of him, he took great care to write as clearly as possible. Lubbock ( a Bob Hope character) was on his 5th wife when I knew him. A childhood friend of his was Diana Pratt, who had two daughters. She sang with and contributed to many significant and special choirs, such as the Bach Choir in London; and left a personal legacy of choral []. He retired in 1987 after a distinguished career in which he made major contributions to the practice, teaching and administration of medicine in the region. The marriage was dissolved in 1956. old marlburian deaths - Captain Asbury was Secretary of the International Military Staff at NATO, Bursar of Marlborough College (1976-84) and a Governor of Wellington College (1984-91). Always fun to be had when he was around. During school holidays in the early years of the Second World War he volunteered for night fire watch in Hereford Cathedral. You can read his full obituary here. Carolina Panthers founder and former owner Jerry Richardson dies at 86 Although my grandfather fought throughout the whole of the Great War as an officer his brother uncle Jim, the former MP and barrister, held in contempt for his activities . He had joined the club on turning eighteen, following in the footsteps of some forty members of the Playfair family, and won the R&As Jubilee Vase in 1954. En 3 minutos recibirs en tu email COMPLETAMENTE GRATIS todo lo que necesitas para aumentar las ventas de tu empresa. He trained as a parachutist and, in the early 1950s, served in Egypt with 33 Airborne Field Regiment. He was a devout Christian and lived a long and very happy life - he leaves behind a legacy that won't be forgotten. The magazine text is fully recyclable. Sir Aurel Stein, for instance, carried 29 cases from one sealed chamber over bleak wastelands and ice-clad passes of Chinese Turkestan, which cost him the toes of his right foot.Hopkirk read all there was to read and visited where possible all the sites. Piers Rogers, father to Samuel (B1 1992-97) and Scarlett (NC 1993-98, and brother to Neil (B2 1963-66) died 3rd January 2023. You could fill an entire page with a list of his big-race successes.
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