The premiere episode will air following the series finale of Power. Patricia demonstrated a consistent habit of long-distance calls from home, then had an obvious gap while claiming she. Convicted murderer seeks new DNA tests in '94 murder case Rachael Ray Ending After 17 Seasons: Its Time for Me to Move On. Patricia Rorrer's home phone record did not show her call to the Katrinak house three days prior to the kidnapping because she'd already made the trip to Pennsylvania to see Andrew. They released a list of cases affected by it. Most prosecutors wouldn't even take such paltry evidence into court today. The article also notes that most inmates earn around 19 cent an hour at their jobs and must pay $5 each time they need medical attention or medicine. Died along with his mother, Joann, as a victim of his father's jealous ex-girlfriend, Patricia Rorrer. . Neely said the first officer on the scene didn't believe Rorrer committed the crime. In the Katrinak case, they did new (at the time) DNA testing to match the hairs found in the car to Patricia. Four months later, when their bodies were found in a lonely patch of woods, the police would launch a three-year investigation leading to the arrest of Patricia Lynne Rorrera young mother who had never met . It's possible he was just a big baby/growing faster than average, but if there's some indication that they were alive for some time after their abduction, then it would seem to be an entirely different kind of crime than was first thought. At the states request, the instructor wore a wire during a phone conversation with Patricia. Did investigators look for phone calls between Andrew and Patricia prior to December 11, 1994? ", "An unusual feature about the gun, he [Rorrers ex-boyfriend] stated was the fact that you fire one shot out of the gun, and the gun would jam. Well, that really caught our attention of course.". Watch Reasonable Doubt Online | Season 5 (2022) | TV Guide When O'Reilly started doing the research, she believed Patricia (Patty) had been . For this week, I looked into the defenders reasoning as well as Patricias whereabouts today. An exterior door to their basement had been wrenched open, the lock hasp's screws literally ripped from the wall. There was at least one hair strand that contained enough skin tissue for a nuclear DNA match and it corroborated the mitochondrial match. The episode indicated that Andrew Katrinak informed police that Patricia Rorrer had made the phone call to his home three days before Joann's disappearance. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Knowing that they were not killed the day they were kidnapped, but instead held for potentially months, blows the fact that she didn't make a phone call for a few days out of the water. Patricia Rorrer has been portrayed as a bully, petty thief, neglectful horse owner, and heartless killer or a sweet, caring friend railroaded by authorities desperate to solve a double-murder case that snagged worldwide interest. And their phone line had been cut someone had not wanted the Katrinaks to be able to call for help. By that time, we had both moved on and I had no romantic feelings for him. Four months later, when their bodies were found in a lonely patch of woods, the police would launch a three-year investigation leading to the arrest of Patricia Lynne Rorrera young mother who had never met either victimas the monster responsible. 99.99 or whatever it was. We take wrongful convictions to heart. Keith Morrison investigates the horrific 1994 murders of Joann Katrinak and her infant son Alex, the tangled relationships surrounding the crime, and the ongoing claims that Patricia Rorrer was wrongfully convicted. MEMORANDUM BY BOWES, J.: Patricia Lynne Rorrer appeals the PCRA court's dismissal of her fourth PCRA petition as untimely filed. She just stayed in touch with everybody, Kathy Barber said in her interview on NBCs Murder in Lehigh Valley: Keith Morrison Reports in 2017. Startling new allegations surround one of Lehigh County's most notorious murder cases. EPISODE 1. It's not often there's a laundry list of clear signals, but it's fun to iterate them when there are so many. At 6 a.m. on June 24, 1997, police arrested Patricia at her modest house in Linwood, North Carolina, and took her back to Pennsylvania. Patricia L. Rorrer was taken into custody from the Linwood home she shared with her boyfriend and 1-year-old daughter on June 24, 1997. further reading: True Detective Season 3 and the West Memphis Three. Prosecutors said Rorrer beat Katrinak, shot her and left her and her baby for dead in the woods in Heidelberg Township. Patricia Rorrer being escorted by the police | Photo Credits: People Magazine. Two-Part Special Premieres Sunday, March 5 at 8/7c; Features Exclusive First-Ever Interview with Inmate Patricia Rorrer (Silver Spring, Md.) So lets get going on the recap of the Forensic Files episode A Woman Scorned, along with extra information drawn from internet research: Joann Marie OConnor was born on Oct. 11, 1968, the youngest of Sarah and David OConnors four children. That hang-up, they said, was the last straw. State law requires that patrons of the bar sign-in when they come to the bar. Joe Berlingers documentary series Wrong Man shows what long form documentary journalism can achieve. Patricia is and has been fighting that she is innocent from the very beginning. These hairs being found in the otherwise cleaned car was also odd. There was also a 2017 Dateline Keith Morrison episode which covered some of these facts. The state police dropped him as a suspect. Both sides agree Joann hung up on Patricia. Another case is Patricia Rorrer, who has been in prison since 1998, convicted of the murder of a young mother and her 16-week old son in Pennsylvania. Patricia Rorrer has been in prison since 1998, convicted of the horrific murder of a young mother, Joann Katrinak, and her 16-week old son, in Catasauqua, Pennsylvania. I was able to email with Patricia via the PrisonConnect platform around Christmastime. This explosive case is back in the spotlight, reopening old wounds and creating new ones. Season 9 aired from August 7, 2015, to November 6, 2015. She was born on July 27, 1942, in Henry County, Va., to Edward Rorrer and Susie Morrison Rorrer. One she was out buying feed for horses. Pulled hairs don't grow roots. He was sentenced to life in prison. A young mother and her infant son suddenly went missing just before Christmas in 1994. Patricia's investigators are petitioning to DNA test the single strain of hair found in Joann's hand. One she was at a tanning salon. Image credit: Episode screen capture from Forensic Files. But if Andrew wanted to find his wife and his son, why on Earth did he wait until 10:30pm before notifying authorities? Patricia was wrongfully convicted and we will show you how! In the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County. Her defense was essentially that she and Andrew Katrinak had remained friendly, so she wouldn't want to hurt him. ", "Due to the fact that she sustained one gunshot wound to the face, and then approximately 19 blows to the head led us to believe that the gun probably had jammed. They were hardly decomposed after a mild winter. The case rocked Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley and resulted in the conviction of Patricia Rorrer, now 53, the ex-girlfriend of Katrinak's husband. Was this on unsolved mysteries too? After a very early failed marriage, the 24-year-old Joann scored a new husband in Andrew Katrinak, 38, whom she met at a club. Crime 2017. I really never thought of it again.. Back in March of 2017, Investigation Discovery ran Murder in Lehigh Valley: Keith Morrison Investigates which questioned the conviction of . But none of those charges ever stuck. After one bullet didnt kill Joann, the gun locked up, so Patricia had to beat her to death, according to the prosecution. When their bodies were found four months later, police sought the clues to find their killer. Brad Jackson was able to describe what his daughter Valiree was wearing in incredible detail, down to the color of her socks. Patricia defaulted on her mortgage and then returned to North Carolina, where she eventually moved in with a boyfriend named Brian Ward. Read More:Where is Jacqueline Crymble Now? $4.99/mo. Since 2010, Tammy has been researching the 1994 Katrinak murders in Catasauqua. How would an intruder find it? In his dissenting opinion, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas acknowledged the case might not have even been heard by the Supreme Court had it not been for the media that reinvestigated it. While the police are still investigating the murder of your wife and child? They DID NOT match the bullets that killed Joann and her son. 1 talking about this. A medical examiner said it was impossible for the two bodies to have been in that wooded area for 4 months (December to April when they were found). He recalls that Patty also had an alibi. Police treated Joann's car as a potential crime scene, and their investigation turned up several blonde hairs on the head rest. Innocent nonprofit Wrongful Conviction. But investigators conceded they had no solid evidence against Andrew. At 17, Patricia dropped out of high school and married landscaper Gary Gabard. After all, one of the key pieces of evidence recovered from the crime scene and Joanns vehicle were dyed blonde hair strands. Patricia Taylor Allanson, the Deadly Magnolia, was released from prison in 1999. The Ex Files: Directed by Rob Rosen. Patricia also pointed out that when author Tammy Mal started her research and speaking to me, she was not an advocate at all but she reversed and ended up advocating for Patricias innocence. The $60 Murder. They theorize that Andrew Katrinak framed Patricia and that the hostile phone call between Patricia and Joann actually took place not on Dec. 12 as Andrew said but rather on Dec. 7. And the kidnapping scenario became more plausible when you factor in the privacy of the alleyway behind the Katrinak house. Sounds like prosecutors made the right call based on this. To date, the PA courts refuse to let me test this evidence which will prove my innocence. State police and the Philadelphia division of the FBI appealed to the public for leads. Patricia Rorrer was tried and convicted of two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of kidnapping in March 1998, in Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas, for the murder of Joanne Katrinak and her infant son. Read and download theDen of Geek Lost in Space Special Edition Magazineright here! The prosecution alleged that Patricia called the Katrinaks house from a pay phone in Pennsylvania. Patricia had won a prize at an out-of-state horse-riding competition less than two weeks before the murders, and she allowed herself to be photographed. "The DA threatened if he ever said that to anybody he would never work in law enforcement again," Neely said. When I gave samples of my hair, the doctor took a total of 39 hairs, but only 35 can be accounted for. WATCH: ID Examines 1994 Lehigh Valley Double-Murder - Peoplemag Patricia L. Rorrer was taken into custody from the Linwood home she shared with her boyfriend and 1-year-old daughter on June 24, 1997. All of us could be wrongfully convicted. Around April 1995, the cold and badly decomposed remains of 26-year-old Joann Katrinak and her 3.5-month-old toddler Alex Katrinak were recovered from the woods in Heidelberg Township, Pennsylvania. After watching the latest Starz episode of Wrong Man (a great investigative show), I started thinking about the Patricia Rorrer case again.. Rorrer was convicted of kidnapping and murdering Joann Katrinak and her 3-4 month old son Alex in 1994 by forcing them our of their home and driving them to a wooded area where they were shot and killed. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. The couple moved into Andrews sturdy brick house at 740 Front Street in Catasauqua, Pennsylvania. This had been taken just 11 days before Joann's disappearance. She had money put aside. Convenient Suspect on Apple Books The Ex Files - Reasonable Doubt (Season 5, Episode 7) | Apple TV Powered by VIP. I can't recall if the long distance calls were talked about in the show. I am innocent of these crimes, and I should not have lost the best years of my life in a prison cell. Until next time, cheers. Murder in Lehigh Valley: Keith Morrison Investigates | Apple TV More importantly, the 3 month old baby was the size of a 6 month old, including to have a cranial diameter bigger than 99.99% of all 3 month olds. (180) 2017 13+. Prosecutors also claimed DNA hair evidence found in the car matched Patricia's hair at the time (using what was considered valid DNA methods). On Thursday, December 15, 1994, Joann Katrinak and her three-month-old son, Alex, went missing from their Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, home. Shes attracted the help of writer Tammy Mal (full name Tammy Malinowski OReilly), author of Convenient Suspect, a book about the case. A second helping of justice will be served. But thats just some of the ammo on Team Patricias battleship. With Lynnanne Zager, Joann Katrinak, Alex Katrinak, Patricia Rorrer. She had a suitcase packed, Devine said. Artificial intelligence and machine learning education and literacy: teacher training for primary and secondary education teachers; Chapter 2. The Irish-Italian girl had full, fluffy dark hair, olive skin, and a pretty face. Obviously her husband Andy would be the main suspect (and his smirking after Patricia was found guilty was galling) but the Wrong Man team spoke to him and seem convinced that he was being truthful. TV-MA | Mar 1, 2020 | 53m. Is to get Patricia a fair trial that will prove her innocence, and give justice to Joann and Alex who died a horrific death. It seems Patricia's own daughter and baby Alex Katrinak were very close in age. Meticulous primping. So I was convicted of 2 counts of first degree murder and 2 counts of kidnapping. In TV clips, Andrew didnt come off as anguished. It is believed she may have received over 3,700 pills in less than a year. I was so excited that I called everyone, and Joanne picked up the phone and she said Andy is married, and I said I know, then she said we have a baby, and I said yea I know, then she said dont ever call here again. If Patricia drove it back from the murder scene after she shot Joann and then beat her to death, luminal would have lit up the interior. Please watch the show Wrong Man which also found new evidence that supports my innocence. The six-episode documentary series examines the cases of three different inmates who are serving life sentences on murder convictions but who claim innocence. In April 1995, the family buried Joann and Alex in a single bronze casket after a funeral mass at a Bethlehem church. Unseasonably warm weather in late December suggested that the victims were there since they were killed. By the mid-1990s, Patricia was known for being both warm and caring as well as aggressive and loud. Episode 7. No activity on her bank account or credit cards took place after the day she went missing, so investigators dismissed the theory that she took her child and bolted. We need to know who killed them! Is to get Patricia a fair trial that will prove her innocence, and give justice to Joann and Alex who died a horrific death.
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