$18; $12, ages 6 . enterta the Armv in Feb- ruary of tiis year. Chambersburg Obituaries "Eddie" Miller, Jr., 82, of Chambersburg, PA passed away Thursday, May 26, 2022 in his home. and 7:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p.m. Following Mrs. Bender's talk each member made an arrangement of her own. Evangelistic service. He completed basic training at Fort Jackson, S C. PRACTICALLY NEW j Although sugar ranks as one of ' the world's oldest as well as most necessary foods, its principal source t sugar cane has been widely cultivated for less than 500 ; years. The cast also Includes Priscllla Morrill, Doug Robinson, Stan Watt, Jan Story, Robert Rudolph, and Ronald Cooper. 3, led by Mrs.Harry Findon, will b the hostesses. County, Pa Obituaries at Franklin County, PA GenWeb Archives She was energetic and loved people. Many oi us, rather than trying to keep these forces in balance within us, think, eat. Eso Cropsford Vendor Location, of Stockton, Calif.; second tenor, Eddie Mosher, of Mt. His sermon topic will be "When the World Looks Dark." Five-hour sessions were held In the afternoons, and in the mornings the team toured Mexican plants. Obituaries. Born May 11, 1940 in New York City, she Nancy E. Gardner, 82, of Chambersburg, passed away on Sunday, February 12, 2023 at her home. Public Opinion Obituaries Joseph H. Miller, Pastor. Copyright 2023 Echovita Inc. All rights reserved. Vlcloi Hugo First Evangelical United Brethren The annual congregation meet-ig will be held on Wednesday eve ning at 7:30. 72539 Kids 89268 Workshop 27442 The Series 28171 Locators 63220 Paid Program Newsmakers Today (In Stereo) 296323 I News 84423 Saved by Bell: Hang Time 70510 One World 25084 CKyGuys26713 Hang Time 61862 75775 49201 - . We encourage all of our visitors to leave a message of condolence or share a memory within the memorial tribute site to help others with the remembrance process and show how the deceased positively impacted so many people during their lifetime. US Obituary Collection 1930-Current search millions of obituaries in CASUAL USE OF 'PEACE' PILLS TERMED UNSOUND NEW YORK-11 The American Psychiatric Assn., says the casual use of "peace" or "happiness" pills "is medically unsound and constitutes a public danger." The-funeral-home-directory.com DA: 34 PA: 50 MOZ Rank: 24. Perry County News Obituaries, this week, past 30 days, past year, . Nationwide auto quote online 3 . Chunh of God S. Second and McKinley Sts The Rev. This is the first thing a foreigner will see when he visits this land. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Worship, 10:45 a.m. Sermon theme, "God Called Him A Fool." Curtis Spears officiating. Dr. Bruce Morgan will be the guest minister. He Born July 30, 1930, in Metal PA, Charlie was the son of the late John A. and Hulda M. (Keebaugh) St. Clair. Additional content in the eEdition (digital replica of the newspaper) Read the latest crime, entertainment Pen Mar Park 14600 Pen Mar Road. Dinner was served at 6:30. after which the members and their guests danced to the music of the Blue Notes. Department of Veterans Affairs Death was Inaugurated In September 1951: Robert R. Besore, Gerald E. Cline, John S. Graham Jr., Bard L. Miller Jr.. Edward T. Tedrick. Below is a listing of all of our local Chambersburg obituaries and death notices. Franklin County, PA Obituary Index at Obits Index. Recent in Greencastle, PA REV. Don na Ramey, Shirley Stahl, Cecelia Stansberry, Virginia Stevens and Constance Strait. Brethren in Christ Center an Reservoir Sts The Revs. on Sunday evening at 7:30. Louise enjoyed watching Basketball, Football, and TV Westerns, and was also an avid reader of Amish fiction, having read over 2,000 novels. Still working at the age of seventy-eight, Leroy farmed his entire life. Shirley enjoyed cross stitching, western novels, and collecting yorkie figurines and gnomes. What Is An Acolyte In The Methodist Church, She was Beverly J. Laidig, 92, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Monday, February 13, 2023 at the age of 92. Tom Dixon Earth Diffuser Refill, "Grand Prize" win run through Saturday July 14. nightly at 8:40 with a matinee performance Wednesday at 2:30. Second Lutheran 230 E. Washington St. Seventy-five per cent of the people go barefoot, not because they like it or because of the climate, but .because they don't have enough money to buy shoes. Park Avenue Evangelical 'United Brethren TIm monthly meeting of the Women's Society of World Service .m u- v.i Tv.npo T. i i Will ire iiciu Ull 1UNUQJ tTiiimi cib 7:30 on the church lawn. Verneda Brown Thompson, 93, passed on Sunday, July 31, 2022 in Tallahassee, FL The day after the memo was released, the bill passed the Florida legislature public opinion chambersburg pa obituaries past 30 days 3, 2020, with the latest sightings Charlestown, WV - past few months Charlestown, WV - past few months. Ancestry.com ($) Room. County. Twain has been seen on television on "You Are There," "Danger," "Studio One," and "Philco Playhouse" and has had extensive stage experience. Miss Jane H. Taylor, daugh ter of the Rev. Her fiance was assistant baker at Mercersburg Academy befcre entering the Army. R. R. 3. 30 Obituaries Days Public Opinion Past [OZNTL8] and are now residing in the par sonage, 36 North Fayette Street, Mercersburg. Dr. Melvin W. Riddle. Offer helpful instructions and related details about Obituaries Crawford County - make it easier for users to find business information than ever Each of the obituaries comes with an interactive online memorial through the Book of Memories. Below is a listing of all of our local Chambersburg obituaries and death notices. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clippinger, Shippensburg, a daughter, today, l Chambersburg Hospital. Laura enjoyed jigsaw puzzles, watching birds and wildlife through the windows, baking, walking, reading her Bible, and spending time with family. James retired from the U.S. Army in 1987 as a Master Sergeant and later retired from Letterkenny Army Depot in 1998 as a security guard. Wednesday: Prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m. Weekly Bible Comment THE GOSPEL OF JOHN By WILLIAM E. GILROY, D.D. Family Eucharist, 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a. m.; St. Stephen, Upton, Sun ox, School win be new at 5C lukc at 9:30 also. . It is all a very human story of a divine Christ, incarnate, "mads flesh," taking upon Himself our humanity (Hebrews 2), even to being "touched with the feelings or our infirmities" and "in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin" (Hebrews 4:15). Chambersburg Bible Church 160 E. Liberty St. Philip L. Yasovsky, 77, of Chambersburg, Pa., passed away at his home on Sunday, May 8, 2022. A. W. Jones, Pastor. John Randolph Chambersburg - John P. Randolph, age 81, of Chambersburg, PA passed away on May 26, 2022 at the Menno Haven Memory Care unit of Chambersburg. Janet L. Holtry, 89, of Chambersburg, departed this life peacefully on Monday, May 30, 2022, at Brookview Health Care Center. ITS FIRST ELECTRICITY New York City received its first - i electricity supply in September of a , a generating- atauoo m rwii street. Shippensburg News-Chronicle Obituaries - Recent Nokia Wifi Gateway 3 Red Light, W winds at 10 to 20 mph, decreasing to less than 5 mph.. He wearied and slept. Like our page to stay informed about passing of a loved one in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania on facebook. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship, II a.m. Sermon theme, "Double or Nothing." The Rev. Richard E. Wentz, leave from his parish duties to direct a Junior high camp at Camp Michaux from July 8 to 14. V . Cars will leave the church at 5:45 p.m. Circle No. Public Opinion Obituaries Past 30 days: All of Public Legacy.com Browse obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial. Born June 15, 1944, in Carlisle, Pa., he was the son of the late Peter and Anna (Fetters) Yasovsky . 92, Armagh. The Rev. 459626 Vibrations Rhythm and blues music videos. Franklin County (717) 264-6161. . Paul Baker, Assistant Pastor. Franklin County, We will delve into any topic or issue that's important to you. Categories . The Rev. The Rev. Youth Ash Wednesday Service, Copyright 2022 DocTHC.com Stout theme by, shenendehowa central school district calendar, tarrant county democratic party sample ballot, What Is An Acolyte In The Methodist Church, how long can unopened bologna be left out, about myself using the five areas of personality development. COFFELT TO CONDUCT SERVICES AT WILLIAMSON The Rev. Public opinion obituaries chambersburg pa. Public opinion lippmann. Search: Public Opinion Obituaries Past 30 Days. Worship, 8:45 and 11 a. m. Church hour nursery and kindergarten, 8:45 and 11 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Sermon .theme, "Let Freedom Ring." 507881 Paid Prog. Charlie enlisted in the United Constantine Connie G. Vloutely, 82, of Chambersburg, PA, passed away Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at Chambersburg Hospital. He wept with those who wept. USGenWeb Pennsylvania Archives search online Partly cloudy this morning. It ought to be quite clear that in order to preserve and nurture such a rich heritaqe we have to be wise and understanding people, tis tru that we can be wise and understanding in many way which is of mightiest meaning comes from the circumstances sunounding our text. Index 1850-2010, Copyright 2023 In coo Deration with the Cham bersburg Ministerial Association and the ministers of Franklin County. 15, 2021 at home. 2689 Obituaries. Phone: (717) 559-3262 Fax: (717) 459-7400 Email: info@fcfreepress.com, Debra Diane Dee Dee Eigenbrode 1964~2023, James Stanley Jacks Jr. obituary 1937~2023, Robert A Bobby Sites obituary 1952~2023. 1 DAILY RADIO DEV0TJ0NS WCn A 8:43a.m. The latest news for Franklin County. 5pal Mud Bus win leave Concord 1 :00 P-M- thronsh Do)lJrurs to 17 in (i ; S ) f V Bub 15 minutes earlier Sunlay '9 a ' , 'GRAND PRIZE TO OPEN AT TOTEM POLE MONDAY As its fourth play of the season, the Totem Pole Playhouse in Cal-' edonia Stat Park will -present a merry farce about television entitled "Grand Prize" written by Ronald Alexander, author of the popular hit "Time Out For Ginger." Her family and friends will remember her also as a good cook who was famous for her apple pies and Christmas Cookies. Until 4:30 p.m. the day before for Tuesday through Saturday editions, Until 4:30p.m. Search Obituaries. Yes, simply like this page on facebook or search Obituary in Chambersburg on facebook. and many of television's personalities and proceedures are lampooned. Obituaries 2003-2008 Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Worship, 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.rn Morning sermon theme, "The Victorious Church"; evening sermon theme, "The Everlasting Arms." Franklin Independenca Day, our Important national holiday, has historical importance lor us because it was the proclaiming oi oui nation' political independence and, at the same time, the free acceptance of the responsibilities accompanying self-determination. Franklin County and Chambersburg, PA Obituaries Vernon, Mo. a graduate of Eastern Bible Institute, Green Lane, was ordained in 1952 in Harris- burg. William W. Rees, Pastor. Like our page to stay informed about passing of a loved one in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania on facebook. These names bring to 118 the number of gallon blood donors in the chapter. Young Man And The Sea Summary, Next year the leaders of Troop 44 will, be Mrs. Daniel Sweeney and Mrs. Rollin Gilbert. Like our page to stay informed about passing of a loved one in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania on facebook. She was the daughter of Theodore and Vivian (Brooks) Caswell. And the obvious worship Is obvious. public opinion chambersburg pa obituaries past 30 days The Rev. president of the class at the time of gradua tion, and Clarence Halderman ser ved as the master of ceremonies. 6929 N Lakewood Avenue Tulsa OK 74117 PUBLIC NOTICE. Joseph T. Kofchock, Assistant Pastor. Paid Program Paid Program News 62846 I Saturday Morning (El) E 64274 ' ' Rupert (El) 3! Find obituaries in Chambersburg newspapers. In eagerness to make it plain that they had no doubt about the divinity of Jesus, have gone to the extreme of almost nullifying tlia fact of His humanity. Church School. These persons have given a I ffnltATi rt VnnA el. Within each memorial is the obituary/death notice of the deceased, a space to leave messages of condolence, a section to share photos and videos, a store to purchase flowers and so much more. Dr. R. T. Taylor, Minister. Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. A unique and lasting tribute for a loved one. It doe raise the standards of living. Sunday school, 9:30 a.m. Worship. public opinion chambersburg pa obituaries past 30 days. There is also the recognition of spiritual factors. From the evidence of the front pages of our newspaper, the harm thermometer is steadily rising. She was an avid baker for her whole working life. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Holiness meeting, 11 a m. Young people s league, 11 a. m. Jr. Legion, 11:30 a m. Open-air meeting 6:45 p. m. Salvation meeting, 7:30 p. m. Tuesday: Sunbeams 4 p.m. Emerson also made his own wine, enjoyed fishing, and never held back on showering his faithful cat companion, Mooch with lots of love. If you have recently lost someone, please accept our sincerest condolences. He Is now stationed at Camp Polk, Leesville, La. Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. Kyle was a graduate of Chambersburg Thomas L. Geisel Funeral Home and Cremation Center. Sunday: aunaay xuwi, . The Rev. Moses is making it cleat to his people that keeping the statutes and ordinances of the Lord God ' proves a nation to be made of up wise and under First Baptist R R 2. Howard J. Teyssier, Margaret V. Wingert, and Robert L. Zeis. 21 PA: 50 MOZ Rank: 15. Born June 29, 1990 in Atlantic City, NJ, he was the son of Kathleen Dalrymple Hurden. Paul B. Lucas, Pastor. 4 TV WEEK -Public Opinion -June 26 -July 2, 1999 SATURDAY MORNING - v I 6;. He enjoyed traveling, helping others, and was a friend to everyone. public opinion newspaper obituaries chambersburg pa search cemetery transcriptions for JULY 8 Week Day9 7:30 P.M. Sundays t:S0 A.M. & 7:1 VM. The Eucharist will be celebrated in the brick building at the rear of the church, as the church is being painted. Sunday school 9 30 A m Worship, 10:45 a in. February 23, 2023 No Comments. Church school, 9:30 a.m. Worship, 10:45 a. m. Youth Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. Evangelistic service, 7:30 p.m. Monday-Friday: Bible school, 7 p.m. More Is required. Born August 30, 1950, in Waynesboro, PA, he was the son to the late Charles E . Richard I. Gordon, son of Scott B. Gordon. Myrl Slay-baugh, Crlders United Brethren Charge. Betty had a very close relationship with her nieces and nephews throughout her entire life. Miss Mary Jane Hart- ranft. PRAVDA SAYS ONE-PARTY SYSTEM WILL BE KEPT MOSCOW Pravda said yesterday the Soviet Union will never a-gain abandon the one-party system. The Rev. Born April 7, 1940 in New York, NY, he was a son of the late George and Anna Beverly J. Laidig, 92, went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Monday, February 13, 2023 at the age of 92. Well, we are materialistic. After raising her family, Mrs. Fisher worked in quality control at Grove World Wide for 23 and a half years, retiring in 1991. Carl volunteered at the Mercersburg Sportsmens for many years during Bingo Nights. We provide you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from Franklin County PA. David Hoover. 7:30 I S:00 I 8:30 I 9:00 I 9:30 I 10:00 I 10:30 I 11:00 I 11:30 I 12:00 Mickey . 115 N. Main St. Mer- - "te pracUce cersburg. Darby PA Karol Lynn Kay Erickson born May 15 1942 in Bradford Pa. She was born in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to door late William and Mary Knorr Gibson. Mr. Perry was a member of the VFW Post 1599, Moose Lodge 842, and Corpus Christi Catholic Church all of Chambersburg, PA. Born August 12, 1931, Orpha enjoyed watching the Game Show Network, playing bingo, and most of all spending time with her family. A 17th century secularist once said, "I'd rather meet coming against me a whole regiment with drawn swords than one Calvinist convinced he is doing the will of God." 450355 Paid Prog. Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. Albert Robin son, Grace Evangelical and Re formed, Shippensburg Tuesday The Rev. Pennsylvania Obituary and Marriage Collection 1977-2010 over 120,000 images at familysearch.org. Chambersburg The Rev. that the drugs were "useful adjuncts in the psychiatric treatment of cer- cunics and hospitals POLIO VACCINE CLINIC AS SPRING RUN JULY 19 A special State polio vaccine clinic for Franklin County will be held on Thursday, July 19, at 9 a. m. in the Upper 'Path Valley Presbyterian Church, Spring Run. and sleep materialism most of the time. Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click Start now or Create an obituary for your loved to begin. Just how wise and understanding are we here in the United States? It does not start with the narrative, but with a prologue, a philosophical or theological statement, pro claiming the identity of the histor- JS r" Eternal Christ, the Word, which "was in the beginning with God, and "the Word was God." Saturday, and Sunday Pediatric Dept. at R. R. 1, Fayetteville, a son, today, Chambersburg Hospital. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Full Gospel Church 460 Wayne Ave The Rev. we have been causing great harm to human personality. C. H. Wilson. Obituaries 2003-2008, Shippensburg News-Chronicle Obituaries - Recent, Shippensburg Sentinel Obituaries (2010-Current), Dugan Funeral Home and Crematory Obituaries, Fogelsanger-Bricker Funeral Home Obituaries, Franklin County, Classes will be conducted in the afternoons for the two week period for Chambersburg and outlying district children, with classes continuing each Tuesday and Thursday evening at Red Bridge for adults. Dave had a wide variety of hobbies; woodworking, hunting, fishing, camping, Trap and Sporting Clays shooting, counted cross-stitch. Jay Yohe, Chaplain Mont Alto Sanatorium Wednesdav The Rev. Clear to partly cloudy. Find a Grave Index 1600s-Current He chose to spread love and knowledge, unconditionally. Two forces tend to pull opposite ways within us. Obituary Information. Harvey Shank is pastor of the church. ! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sipes. And it does give a certain, but incomplete, measure of progress. public opinion chambersburg pa obituaries past 30 days Department of Human Services Assists with Emergency Removal for Sunbury Sunshine Corn February 15, 2021. Chambersburg, PA Obituaries at tributes.com She enjoyed reading, shopping, and watching movies. Search Chambersburg obituaries and condolences, hosted by Echovita.com. She was born November 9, 1942 in Waynesboro, PA, the daughter of the late Melvin and Hazel Monighan. Copyright 2023 Echovita Inc. All rights reserved. Any views or opinions expressed in this publication are of the individual, group, or entity who submitted it and not the publication, owner(s), its advertisers, or affiliates. Park Avenue Evangelical United Brethren Park and Edgar Avenues The Rev. Mrs. Koontz was an avid reader, enjoyed playing Sudoku, and spending time at the Senior Center. Browse trib total media obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial. Marlyn Genevieve (Evans) Rose. John R. Anderson, Pastor. 6 7:3o. Those attending are asked to bring table service. Chambersburg Hospital. 851572 O CdkVideo (in Stereo) 967152 yidMTiminj-ln Wtoe Arejhey Nc W (R) (m Ppp4Jp 80s ) (in PorMJp Video (ft) RocktRcJI iRockiftoll Behind the Music "Andy ittf ft) In Miiologv :Jn' Stereo) 6122o8 Stereo) 939572 Stereo) 62362tf (Inereo) 717152 Jeopardy 988713 Jeopardy 223684 Stereo) 696688 1 'v Stereo7&3864 c ae9o yssR' g&fr ir i$rn iTailn'' (o mtegaaa S tefa5 mtesia Ite'tekfe I 6:00 1 6:30 7:00 7:30 1 8:00 1 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 1Q;3Q ) ii:qo ( ii;30 12:00", Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month, Exclusive licensed content from premium publishers like the. Get the latest breaking news, sports, entertainment and obituaries in Stroudsburg, PA from Pocono Record. Franklin County Obituaries at Genealogy Trails The Rev. Main Menu Yes, flower arrangements are fulfilled and delivered by local florists from Chambersburg. Born May 11, 1940 in New York City, she was the daughter of the late Willis F. and Marie Robert W. Parsons, 92, of Blairs Mills, PA, died Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at WellSpan York Hospital, York, PA. Born on June 15, 1930, in Robert W. Parsons, 92, of Blairs Mills, PA, died Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at WellSpan York Hospital, York, PA. Born on June 15, 1930, in Tell Township, PA, he was the son of the late Samuel H. Patterson, 99, of Chambersburg, passed away Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at The Shook Home. The welcoming ad dress was given by Mrs. Dorothy Patterson Chlsman. This mystical statement, so difficult to comprehend by mortal mind, is the most explicit statement of the doctrine of .the Incarnation. ORRSTOWN 4-II STUDIES FLOWER ARRANGEMENT The Orrstown 4-H Learn By Doing Club met Tuesday, at 1:30 p.m. in St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Vital Records Birth and Death Records . Dr. C. W. Meadows, Pastor; The Rev. He also had several local rental properties under the name of Gro-Mar Rentals. Sunny and windy Saturday, highs in the mid 40s. Franklin County, PA Obituaries at PA-Roots. These are unusually good for export if we have been properly infused with the Christian missionary zeal. Yvonne Hirschffeld. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gontz. Record Edition of Public Opinion Friday, November 16, 1984 Penn State linebacker J 'ir prepares for Irish nrmncmm Clear tonight, lows around 30. Playing opposite her will be a newcomer to Totem Pole. All those attending are asked to bring a box lunch. 381065 Paid Prog. Men have been more concerned "with the doctrine of the Divinity of Jesus than with the fact of the Incarnation, namely that the divine Christ in His earthly life was truly human. in Shippensburg, PA On January 1, 1906, birth and death records began to be recorded at the state level in Pennsylvania. Darby PA Karol Lynn Kay Erickson born May 15 1942 in Bradford Pa. She was born in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to door late William and Mary Knorr Gibson. public opinion chambersburg pa obituaries past 30 days. The Rev. Born June 27, 1931 in Plainfield, NJ she Anne Robb Miller, 91, of Chambersburg, PA passed away Thursday, February 16, 2023 in Brookview Menno Haven. His humanity was evidenced in normal human needs and emotions. Born August 12, 1923 in Chambersburg, he was a Samuel H. Patterson, 99, of Chambersburg, passed away Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at The Shook Home. Obituaries Archives - Franklin County Free Press . (R) 413317 50997 (El) K 54201 ' Stereo) 25862 49881 41688 42317 Cooking 3 30133 5 (Off Air) Sesame Street Telly decides to be Theodore . Search current obits in Pennsylvania online now! Enter your email below to have our funeral service notifications delivered to you: Thomas L. Geisel Funeral Home & Cremation Center. Chambersburg, Pennsylvania 17201; Frederick News Post Newspaper Archives, Feb 28, 1947, p. 4. . The Rev. Benefits Of Parsley Juice, One of the most important parts of the grieving process is crafting an obituary to pay tribute to the deceased. Alana Joelle Shirk, 9 days old, of Newville, departed this life on the afternoon of Friday, February 24, 2023, at the UPMC Harrisburg Hospital. Chambersburg Obituaries for past 30 days at legacy.com Chambersburg Obituaries at echovita Chambersburg Obituaries at funeral.com Echo Pilot Obituaries - Recent in Greencastle, PA Echo Pilot Obituaries (2009-Current) at Genealogy Bank ($) Herald-Mail Online Obituaries 2008-2009 at Ancestry.com ($) Public Opinion Newspaper Obituaries - (4/26 . Chance of snow 30%. Bill Payne Artist, . Richard Meyers, Pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Welsch are the parents of two children, Timothy, age 5, and Beverly, age 5 months. Obituaries in Chambersburg, PA | Public Opinion Centre County, Pennsylvania newspaper death notices, 1821-1869 WorldCat. to Marlyn E. Kruger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert O. Kruger, Holland, Minn. Miss Hartranft. Search Chambersburg obituaries and condolences, hosted by Echovita.com. The Communist party newspaper declared, "in our country the Communist party has been and will be the only master of minds and thoughts, the spokesman, leader and organizer of the people in their struggle for communism." Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph. Home \ Uncategorized \ public opinion chambersburg pa obituaries past 30 days . Joseph M. Long, Pastor Church school, 9:45 a.m. Worship, 10:4o a.m. sermon theme, -It Depends On You." Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. Franklin County, PA Obituary Index at Obits Index Mercersburg, a daughter, today, Chambersburg Hospital. Effie Fay Shatzer, age 60, of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania passed away on Monday, April 11, 2022. Map Fishing Catalogue 2022, Browse Obituaries and Death Records in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania Carol J. Daley, 70 - Jan 1, 2021 Kathleen E. Hoover, 96 - Apr 24, 2020 Mark Stokrp, 85 - Apr 23, 2020 Ryan Lee Harr, 37 - Apr 22, 2020 Gordon W. Willmert, 78 - Apr 20, 2020 Janice Bashor, 75 - Apr 17, 2020 Charles F Snyder Funeral Home Obituaries in Lititz, PA. Lancaster County Death Index 1803-1804 and 1846-1907 at FamilySearch. Si- m , (Mechanics to ISavedby Bell: IHang Time 96775 OneWorW37620 City Guys 15249 Hang Time 10355 3) (R) 989775 Henson. Kelso-Cornelius Funeral Home Obituaries in Gospel Chapel 84 N Third St. Sunday S-hool, 9:30 a.m. It acknowledged, too. Hospital News Visiting Hour Prlvt. PUBLIC OPINION, CHAMBERSBURG, PA.. SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1956 PAGE THREE - ' I . Born June 27, 1931 in Plainfield, NJ she was the daughter of the late Mahlon Keister and Anne Fogelsanger-Bricker Funeral Home & Crematorium, Inc. Nancy E. Gardner, 82, of Chambersburg, passed away on Sunday, February 12, 2023 at her home. Harvey was a retired farmer and worked for Nolts Power Equipment in Shippensburg. Obituaries in Chambersburg, PA | Public Opinion Born April 7, 1940 in New York, NY, Constantine Connie G. Vloutely, 82, of Chambersburg, PA, passed away Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at Chambersburg Hospital. we want to listen to and think about the great spiritual and democratic heritage which Is ours. Public Opinion Newspaper Obituaries - (4/26/1999-Current) at Genealogy Bank ($) The fourth Gospel, the Gospel of John, has a unique place in the New Testament. gS) Pajamas 254268 637447 340404 369539 31 139510 Series 3 720591 3 464423 628794 Cartoonie 726775 828572 Tweety 829201 454046 feffi Our Back Yard 268794 Sylvanian Get Along Gang Swiss Family llnouinna Minds PaidProgram PaidProgram PaidProgram PaidProgram PaidProgram PaidProgram PaidProgram W Families 12862 (El) 31997 Robinson51798 (El) 56779 83201 27133 75882 12713 90930 87189 56716 fcS Racetine 8660220 IMoreThana Dennis the Jonny Quest Science Guy Nick News (R) Living Better Rebecca's Rebecca's Garden 1533713 Unique-Homes' Greatest Sports This Week on W Game (R) 8896510 Menace 1525794 11504201 9844404 ' 9843775 ' ' 9867355 Garden 4672317 34183 ISW KRT9847591 Biography for Kids 90: The Movie:Vi "fiand of trreHartrr (1986) A Vietnam yeleran instructs fw hoodlums Grarl Tcr Jielrriperial Hotels oi America's Castles 'The Artists" (R) Biography International 'Mahatma NewExplorers Last Renegade (R) 3 623626 inrtefirwartot cammarHtor" Vierma (R)5460('5 655152 - GarBhc Pngrim ol Peace" 3: 642688 777713 I.Jt&Prit&wlto Hoiiywob IMovie: -Greenwich W(aoe"Jl944, Musical) Carmen "The Grapespf, im Sriowairf(1957) Cont'd 4518794 2662268 take their toll on a prfaraoh and hs court m ttws tavish late of ancient Egypt.
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