Perfect! Assisted with detail for USEUCOM/CC--coined by Naval Flag Officer for his professionalism - Assisted w/POW of WII at wreath laying ceremony; escorted personnel to seats--paid homage to all POW vets - First on-scene to vehicle accident; secured scene/conducted investigation--minimized further potential hazards - Conducted recall procedures; 100% accountable through 41 IDF attacks--confirmed location/safety of 47 Amn When accomplishments are listed in an annual performance report, they are limited to a single or sometimes two lines. - Hastily responded to worst ROK typhoon in 50 yrs; redirected traffic for responding crew--flawless execution, - ID'd 4 FP gaps in KDH cargo/prsnl ops; coord'd w/EOSS/re-postured 3 patrls f/afld def--prevented flight line breachs - Assumed C2 during 10 unannounced alarm activations; swift actions/text book response led to safe resolutions, - Attended 32 hr Defensive Driving crse; improved pursuit/emerg response/skid control skills--ready for war-time msn - Goal oriented; amassed 9 credit hrs toward Healthcare Admin BA--maintained stellar 3.9 GPA, 2 crs until conferment Followership Leadership EPR Bullets - Air Force Writer - Vol'd 30 hrs at Buckelew Farms "Terror in the Corn"; scared 10K patrons--aided sq's #1 fundraiser/raised $6K Earned 16 hrs twds Health Mgmt BA/compl'd SEJPME--strngth'd Human Perf lsn f/1.6K DoD SELs - Close in/close boundary sentry for PL-1/2 alert aircraft; secured acft/crew--resource integrity uncompromised, - Collected biometrics for 13.5K personnel; registered base population f/AUAB & CAS--solidified ECP TTPs - Provided critical oversight/integrity; scored 15 packages for JBC jr enlisted qtrly boards--bolstered AF writing skills - Responded to suspicious package report; assisted HAZMAT team in recovering contents--prevented personnel exposure, - Responded to three 911 calls--checked vital signs & preformed SABC--patients stabilized until medic arrival - Provided sec f/10 xxxx prsnl captured by xxxx; safe transport to friendly territory--international incident mitigated, - Provided security for 10K pers during Montgomery 5K run; event earned $175K for five charities--role model - Focus 5/6 mbr; briefed critical base support agencies/local info to 30+ Amnreinforced AF wingman concept Whole Airman Concept: Leadership development - Air Force - AF Assistance Fund unit repgained support from over 100 personnelwg raised $100K/$30K above goal - Focus 5/6 mbr; briefed critical base support agencies/local info to 30+ Amnreinforced AF wingman concept, - Guided 1st "Redington Rally" clean-up; 60 psnl/34 miles/purged 500 lbs waste--2K acres Nat'l Forest revived, - Hand-selected emcee/E-5 release party; coor'd event/recognized 184 promotees--lauded by 5/6 president & MW/CC, - Increased knowledge; completed five courses/one class away from CCAF degree--maintained a 2.7 GPA security forces whole airman concept epr bullets Be known for being the person who willingly accepts all tasks, performs them to the best of your ability, asks for help when needed, and always comes to work with a positive attitude. - Hand selected by leadership! - Sec'd LZ nightops f/mil/civil relief msns; XX A/C, XX tons cargo, XXX prsnl, XX fire msns--crit POTUS msn rqmts, - Secured foreign dignitary aircraft, controlled security movement locations--allowed for safe arrival/departure . - Vol'd f/National Night Out '13; promoted anti-drug/crime programs--cultivated relations w/local LE agencies - Top performer; deployed to Al Udeid AB--coined by 379 SF/CC for "superior performance" as alarm monitor (Updated Daily) 1A6X1 Flight Attendant. - Actively involved w/Tucson Clean & Beautiful prgm--over 90 bags of trash picked up/3 trees planted f/Tucson Parks - Selfless individual; volunteered to sponsor two inbound Defenders--eased transition for newly assigned pers, - Served as squad leader during primary's two month absence; managed 13 Security Forces Airmen--zero deficiencies - Dedicated to community svc; donated 8 hrs to local business/harvested 9-acre vineyard--emulated core values, - Educated new aviators on aircrew duties; briefed surveillance responsibilities--enhanced knowledge of future leaders - Directed resp f/dom disturbance; split prsnl/solved incident w/3 wg agencies--restored order to 144 tower residents - Alerted to seven 113 Wg klaxon alrms; secured alert fighter aircraft--guaranteed airtight defense of PL-2 asset, - Appointed Honor Guard led; performed 5 details/certified ceremonial guardsmen--time-honored traditions preserved My supervisor will be asking for bullets for my EPR. More. The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. - Motivated attitude/work ethic; performed in courteous/professional manner--efforts earned him EST selection - Intercepted 7 unauthorized vessels/10 personnel in CRA; subjects cited/briefed & released--negated threat, - Jt Svs Open House dir sec ops; led 1,185 DoD mbrs/3 sites/denied 76 protestors access--secured 106K guests, - Key ECP member during sector lockdown; evac'd personnel & secured entry/exit lanes--prevented penetration - Unit Safety Representative; maintained records/reports for 632 pers--identified as WG "Top Performer" by IG Air Force EPR Bullet Examples Whole Airman Concept EPR Bullets - Selected f/1st Sgt symposium; honed adverse actions/ldrshp skillsets--primed to uphold svc standards & guide jt prsnl - Completed Amn Professional Development crse; utilized skills to fill NCOIC shortfall--prep'd for supervisory duties - Establish'd Alarm Working Grp; directed 30-mbr tm; ID'd Intrusion Detection issues to SF/CC--prep'd section See also: Military Working Dog (MWD) Handler, See also: Security Forces Awards & Decorations, - Leads 150-pers SF Ops section providing planning/organizing security f/USSTRATCOM msn & deployment rqmts, - Compiles detailed after-action reports improving future deployment strategies throughout the entire USAF, - Coordinates with over 40 host and tenant units base wide on plans, training and operations; ensured joint effort, - Dispatches & directs security forces to security incidents, threats to resources/prsnl and coords w/other emer services, - Monitors & performs function tests on intrusion detection & communication systems; accounts for classified material, - Maintains all squadron weapons, ensuring proficiency and currency to support combat operations, - Provides support to all training iterations pertaining to weapons, ensuring operators are fully trained and ready, - Prepares & submits police blotters, reports, and related documents; implements Security Reporting/Alerting Systems, - Reviews/authorizes SF personnel generated paperwork; managed time/attendance for personnel appointments, - Safeguards 31K personnel/30K acres of property, including protection level (PL) 2/3/4 resources, valued at $6.5B, - Serves as liaison to the Command Post, Maint Ops Center, AF OSI, local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, - Provides armed response for security of DoD and AF Protection Level 2, 3, 4 assets & 59 KC-135s valued at $3.1B+ - Facilitated Amn panel for TSgt seminar; mentored 40 supervisors on troops expectations--empowered future SNCOs - Reissued 13 Special Security Instruction; revised, editted, & prodc'd high qual binders--vital SF knowledge - Attended five days/40 hrs of training; graduated Master Rappel crs 1 of 10 on base certified--trained 75 defenders - Destroyed 1K sensitive RAB information, secured PII for base personnel--prev'd terrorist activity on AUAB EPR Bullet Examples I Hate CBT's - Fostered three abandoned dogs; devoted 1464 hrs of time towards rehabilitation--improv d QoL/resulting in adoption. - Exemplified wingman concept; volunteered at "Rock the Block"--transported > 300 cases of water to base hospital - Worked 4 off-duty hrs at Habitat for Humanity; org'd Habistore donations--raised $5K for local at risk families Change up your verbs and tailor to your needs. I need some EPR bullets for the whole airman concept and I have not done one thing this entire year. - Attentive patrolman; apprehended individual for shoplifting at BX--recovered gov't property and cited offender, - Attentively patrolled '10 PACAF airshow; safeguarded $2B in assets--55K attendees protected w/out incident - Stopp'd gate-runner; rais'd barriers; challeng'd vehicle; correct'd driver's error--enforc'd base def w/o incident - Coordinated ground operations for Copper Shield mission supporting Gen. Flintstone--textbook operation - Modified vehicle barrier operating instructions; presented to all shifts--improved readiness & system operation, - Monitord 2nd largest TASS in AOR; 868 sensors/70 cameras/250 +IV As/ $10M in equip-- $1.4B assets prot d - Participated in the Halloween night "Pumpkin Patrol"; patrolled base housing area--safeguarded 300 children 3P0X1B Combat Arms Training (CATM) 3S0X1 Personnel. - Assisted with runaway case; vigilance and intel gathering proved effective--efforts resulted in apprehension - Led by example; crafted & conducted PT sessions for 13 airmen--increased unit fitness readiness rate by 15% Contact Disclaimer. - Bolstered AF retention prgm; leveraged AF social media platform/educated Amn on BOP/benefits--reached 147K mbrs, - Charitable community member; volunteered valuable IT support & services-- provided church modern web presence - Led 1st responders f/3 medical emers; org'd spt/confirmed location/relayed info/dispatch'd ptrls--asst rendered < 10min - Dvlp'd & implmted dynmic pro fire course; live fire trng 61 airmen on vari weapons; ensured zero/efficiency/safety - Selfless Airman; volunteered 40 hrs toward undermanned HAWC/testing 95 individuals--upheld FA integrity This site hosts Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) examples for all Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC). Enter contributions below and click Send. Volunteer EPR Bullets Thanks! Citizens of reddit on r/AirForce: I need your help in composing the best Whole AIRMAN Concept Softball Bullet for a SSgt that has PCS'd and won't respond to requests for information. - Responded to three in-flight emergencies; secured approach path--facilitated rapid FD response/resolution - Dispatched Security Force patrols to 13.5K TASS alarms;oversaw Asst/dictated threat--Hardest Target in KSA, - Dispatched to 113 FW klaxon; set up blocking force between taxiway/resource--expedited alert crew response - Aggressively completed 6-hrs study tips seminar/communication skills courses--enhanced personal readiness - Completed ASIST course; obtained advanced skills/knowledge/tools in suicide prevention--vital to Wing support + 18 hrs formal education toward PMP certification, - Committed to Prof devlpmnt; Aced Harvard Ldrshp Crs/6 credits hrs--on track to finish bachelors deg in Fire Science - Managed JDOC/TASS ops; operated $10.7M eqpmt/265 zones/25 cameras w/98% detect rate--enemy intrusion avert'd Soup kitchen server; prep'd food on Christmas Day/4 hrs--up'd QoL 110 underprivileged o demonstrated professionalism and vigilance while defending Capitol; maintained bullet proof security of Area of Operation. - Exhibited remarkable military bearing/ldrshp; demonstrated sense of service--instilled purpose & responsibility in peers, - Facilitated Amn development; coord'd 6x ldrshp crses by John C. Maxwell/2x public speaking crs's--dev'd 130 Amn - Skillful Pathfinder Operator; superbly cntrl'd $28M integrated base defense system--unhindered flightline Ops 3P0X1 Security Forces. - Prop'd awds prgm homestation & deployed; drafted packages/chaired boards--garnered BTZ winner/3 mnthly winners - Responded to gate runner; performed K9 sweeps--prevented possible threat from impacting msn/PL resources And the more firewall 5 EPRs you earn, the sooner you get promoted and the sooner you go on to bigger and better challenges. - Governed Branch Avenue bus depot ops for '11 JSOH; 20K pers/30K bags searched--ensured safety of 195K - Committed to achieving excellence; rec'd 95% on critical Armory Stan-Eval--"Exceptionally Well Qualified" - Weekend volunteer; expertly repaired/weight & balanced aileron--ensured acft met scheduled deployment time - Secured high-vis Nuclear Security Summit; convoyed 65 DV s to/from site--on-time movements/incident-free - Lead investigator for 2 major traffic accidents; ensured safety, integrity of affected area--preserved critical evidence - Oriented/trained newly assigned Amn; ensured proficiency of duties--enabled smooth transition into AF & unit - WIT phase II ex participant; performed afld damage assessment/plotted 15 UXOs--prepared 8.6K ORE prsnl An Air Force EPR (Enlisted Performance Report) is a document that is used to evaluate the performance and potential of enlisted personnel in the United States Air Force. - Authored 48hr PT plan; spearheaded 24 evals--set standard w/100% pass rate & over 90% average amongst 4 Airmen, - Authored Security Force manuals;TASS QRC/QRB/PB/JKH--streamlined response time f/10+ TASS operators You may not think these things matter, but they do. - Rendered assistance for domestic disturbance; ensured victim/witness rights--diffused situation w/out incidents, - Reorg'd armory; optimal equip/wpn configuration--decreased arming times 40%/sped major incident response - Good Samaritan; sacrificed personal time to assist a stranger in recovering adrift watercraft--unity strengthened! - Spearheaded deployment preparation; 7 defender team fully prepared for deployment--ensured AF mission success - Spearheaded the xx unit CoC ceremony, scheduling times/locations/logistics; flawless event lauded by guests/wgCC Bullet statements may be contributed using this form. - Hand picked CE Escort; 480 hours providing security for CE civilian workers--base construction unimpeded - Prop'd awds prgm homestation & deployed; drafted packages/chaired boards--garnered BTZ winner/3 mnthly winners, - Public svc advocate; vol'd 104 hrs to eight base & private organizations--awarded "President's Volunteer Svc medal" - Continuous prof'l development; passed annual cyber awareness CBT w/100% final exam--applied security awareness, - Eager to dev jr enl; held combined feedback w/4 amn at NCO PES--gained interpersonal skills/cultural understanding - Calm under pressure; responded to a volatile domestic dispute--quickly diffused situation and restored order, - CATM instructor, personally engaged in training over 50 operators in 13 different weapon systems - C3 during 2 munitions ground emergencies; cordon/ECP established; coord'd with fire & EOD--zero incidents - Key mbr of wg Amn's Council; drove holiday raffle/tm'd w/Sqdn Booster Club--raised $150 f/Booster Club/MEAC, - Led 12 member class; coor'd addt'l duties, uniform inspections, & cadre liaison--90% class GPA/0 disciplinary actions - Supervised ground security for PL-1 alert acft; secured avenues of approach--ensured an incident free mission - Responded to domestic incident; secured mother & daughter--effected apprehension/prevented further injuries, - Responded to domestic violence BOLO hit; apprehended/detained/processed subject--prevented possible harm Followership Leadership EPR Bullets Resource utilization (e.g. - Completed American Heart Association Heart-Saver crs; taught eight airman CPR--improved unit's lifesaving skills - First on-scene at accidental shooting; provided medical attention, processed crime scene--conserved evidence - Dispatched to two unsecured buildings; secure/safeguarded $50k+ of mns essential assets--prohibited gov theft - Establish'd entry control point for grnd emergency; evacuat'd affect'd area--protect'd four F-16s worth $160M - Pristine dispatch and coordination; two violators apprehended for CDS possession--resulted in air-tight cases - Handled 13 msn crit Harris radios; configur d, supported & maintained vital equip--competent w/$195,000 AF assets - Responded to 24 alarm activations; assessed/vindicated threats to resource--safeguarded $1B in critical assets - Volunteered for week-long active shooter training; honed lifesaving skills and improved base-wide response EPRs are required to be written in a format peculiar to the U.S. Air Force. - Aced 4 college crs's; earned 12 credits twds Comm BS/sustained 3.8 GPA--completed 58% deg rqmts/achv'd Dean's List. - Conducted SFG LF recap training; trained 205 SF <38K man-hrs--standardized tactics & raised combat readiness, - Conquered response force leader duty position evaluation; aced exam/scored 100%--raised bar for peers/set standard Dirt Bag Airman Concept Bullets : r/AirForce - reddit - Recognized SNCO leader; selected to fill senior enlisted role during Sq Sup 30+ day TDY--critical to msn continuity, - Seeks out growth/improvement; qualified 45 mbrs on Self Aid Buddy Care program--boosted unit readiness by 34% - Preserved Dignified Transfer f/2 fallen USA KIA; secur'd area & routes--return'd hero's home w/dignity/honor/respect - Facilitated Amn development; coord'd 6x ldrshp crses by John C. Maxwell/2x public speaking crs's--dev'd 130 Amn - Revamped controlled item inspection program--fixed eight major security deficiencies; 19K pers safe/secure, - Revamped Sq training venues; Secured $280k f/FATS/SMC range w/MOUT caps--cost driven initiative saved $766k - Upheld and secured area for 8 IFE's; facilitated unhindered emergency fire/medical response--zero casualties - Vol'd 2 hrs to Wings wing picnic; involved in set up & breakdown of tables and chairs--enjoyed by >2K family mbrs - Professionally driven Amn; Trainer/PTL/Sports&Flt Safety Rep--building ldrshp skills w/ incr'd responsibility
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