When Dragon finds his son sitting on the docks late one night, he knows this conversation is going to be a little bit more serious than the rest. She opened it and stopped when she saw no one. Luffy's crew joined Shanks's crew on an island where the Devil Fruits have become diseased. I'll just say it. Play along until Doffy thinks he has won, take Luffy, and then run. Luffy felt like he was seven again, weak and a crybaby. A few men from the his crew approached but didn't want to be near their captain. Qu pasara si a Sabo se le ocurriera la idea de adoptar un nio? Yassop and Roux are looking now, but whoever it is was good, they managed to do it right under our noses, and practically vanish.. The next thing he knew, he was on a snowy island with a sickly older kid in front of him. It helps with the empty feeling. Why hello there, I'm shanks. Shank replied, his voice sounding very nice and polite for a person that didnt like children. kidfic? Itll be fine., Ace groans,Dad never makes me go below deck when he fights., Well, these pirates arent your normal pirates, Benn states helping Ace collect his things as Shanks strides over, something odd playing over his face. Never has Luffy ever felt so worthy and useless. He had always been so proud and defensive of Luffy, even if he never said it. luffy is a charlotte fanfiction - switchedoneducationusa.com I felt marco's amusement when he woke up as well. "I see." In which Shanks keeps secrets and no one has died, and Aces favorite stuffed animal looks like Lampoon. Monkey D. Luffy is a blessed blood. Whats his name, Ace points to a blond man with white gloves and a hat. "Zhehahahahahahahahahahaha well Mugiwara I guess I found you. The boy cries, attempting to pull his arms free from their restraining grip, "IT'S SCARY!" i asked them. She was the most likely to willingly hide someone like this Luffy. That was a good question. Then it was a party that lasted into sometime the next morning. I felt that ace was about to wake up. Ann's been here for two weeks now and everything was fine, well almost everything. "Well commander ace was just too naive and hard headed and he got in my way So I defeated him but . In which Law is absolutely 100% resolutely not excited Luffy is back from his insane Whole Cake Island excursion. "I'm here because your little sister is gonna live with you from now on" said Garp. No. It's probably the best thing they could have done. Shanks says mentally, coughing away. "Looks like Shanks practically adopted Luffy," Yasopp chuckled. Shanks wollte nicht viel Aufmerksamkeit auf sich ziehen, und beschloss die vier einfach kurz mit Haki nieder zu strecken. Roger estaba acostumbrado a cuidar a sus hijos con su esposa o con su mejor amigo, pero, Qu pasar cuando de repente Roger se encuentre solo cuidando de los 3 pequeos diablillos que son sus nietos? The Strawhat pirates had managed many incredible feats, including what many thought or presumed to be impossible. El problema es cuando aquel joven de nombre Luffy, termina siendo nada ms y nada menos que un menor de edad. i said grinning. "Hold on..how do you know each other exactly and how are they your kids?" Probably because I haven't really let out a genuine laugh with anyone besides my nakama and my kids. He would bring news of his tribe and receive guidance in return. A hurricane flew Luffy away from the red force, breaking the hearts of his family in shards. According to the vermin in the trash dump, the kid usually hangs around the mountains. "Wha impossible Luffy was shocked when he wasn't stretching when got hold of him he grabbed Luffy by the neck in a brute hold and slammed Luffy down hard into the ground. "Ahhhhhhaaaaaaaa Luffy screamed in pain once he hit the ground. 'Probably the neighbors kids playing knock and ditch' she thought. "Don't take too long to answer and besides I'm Blackbeard said Teach smirking. Hes Shanks first mate. You have fun kicking Whitebeards ass., Ace frowns at Shanks,Im telling mom that you cursed. They already have confirmed the boy exists. Work Search: #down But Dadan, its Fish Day! Luffy protests, scrambling to get up. Luffy, Ace deadpans, hand still over his mouth. Please consider turning it on! "Yeah! "H-Hello" she said with a little voice. Chapter 1-7: The main storyChapter 8-? Luffy tries to be there for him, but another attack happens. it's a surprise every time, warnings for each chapter in their summaries btw, please know i thrive off fluff but i inevitably always add in angst. Monkey D. Luffy & Whitebeard Pirates - Works - Archive of Our Own "Zhehahahahahahahahahahahahahaha are you ready to give up Mugiwara using his power once again to cancel out Luffy power and using it to punched Luffy a bit more in the stomach making him cough out lots of blood. ace yelled. I would do my best like always when it comes to protecting those i value and love.. tears fall from his closed eyes. Sometimes soulmates can be brief memories that stay with you forever, haunting your thoughts and dreams at every corner. I wonder if they are a bit confused now. Aprs tout l'amour n'est-il pas ce qu'il y a de plus beau, peu importe le sexe de celui qu'on aime ? I didn't feel to concerned because i can feel them. Then surely it wouldnt feel any good if your first was with me, right? Enter the two lonely men who have the perfect vessel to get Law and Luffy safely to the East Blue and out of Doflamingo's reach. He couldn't save Sabo. Before Luffy could do anything he felt his energy leaving his body. And didn't realize that Blackbeard put the cuffs on him it was too late sea stone prism. She also never imagined that 20 years later, to be put into the position to betray her job to save her son, while fighting the one she loved. Let's give Luffy some love. He finds Luffy and his brothers beaten to hell, and afraid. ; Kontakt zu uns He looks at me and grins widely, holding up a marker. The Yonko's Kids Chapter 1, an one piece fanfic | FanFiction Benn nods, hiding a smile behind his hand,He was talking about his Uncle Ray and map making.. Mom, Shanks needs his mouth washed out!, Hes a grown up with his own ship now, Ace, we dont wash out the Captains mouth unless its your father, Rouge laughs taking Ace from Roger. I snicker, holding back my laughter as I watched luffy drawing on ace and sabo's faces. One day she met Luffy on Foosha Village and immediately became friends. No. Yes I really do adore and love my kids..I thought as I focused on them for the rest of the day.. Roo, Benn mutters, keeping an eye on where Ace has taken over a corner of the deck to doodle something on a little book he carries with him. Who heals them when their souls are hurting? When Luffy saw Blackbeard power his eyes widened unknown But his instinct was telling him to get away from it. Its nice to meet you, Ace., Ace grins, brightly and bounces in Shanks arms,Nice to meet you!, Alright, Firecracker, dont bounce too much or I might drop you, Ace stops, arms wrapping around Shanks neck. Well until next timeJa ne~! Have you ever kissed anyone? Shanks grinned looking to Luffys lips so hed notice. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I could see my kids staring at me with surprise and awe. Armed with his Devil Fruit power and a regret/wish, he changes as much of the past as he can. "Hey, wait up anchor I'll go with you," Shanks called from behind him. : The side story. #marineford does this count as a kidfic right now? Rosetta D (Y/n) is the daughter of Red-hair Shanks. Dad, Shanks has a Benn!, A ben? Roger asks glancing towards Shanks for help. Adresse:Calea Grivitei, 2-2A, 1st District, Bucharest, 2020 FABIZ - Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Master in Entrepreneurship and Business Administration (MEBA), Master en Entrepreneuriat et Gestion des Affaires (MEGA), Master in Entrepreneurship und Betriebswirtschaft (MEBW), Master in Digital Business and Innovation (MDBI), International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Master of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration in Energy (Energy MBA). Buggy didn't know how to avoid being caught, until one day he met a delegation from an unknown kingdom on one of the islands.There was a tall lady with long blue hair, that the Marines ignored. Where you behaved for your big brother?, Ace nods,I was, just like you made me promise. Some say hes staying with bandits; others have heard him mention the village. They have been searching for a few days now. The next thing he knew, he was on a snowy island with a sickly older kid in front of him. Shanks paused, wondering if this was really the right move. And all for two people who do not belong to that world. AU Where Shanks decides to take Luffy with him when he firsts ask to join his pirate crew. What do you do, when youre with your parents?, We explore, Ace answers instantly. Luffy puffs out his cheeks, knowing it makes Shanks call him a kid, but also that Shanks find it cute. On top of everything Naru did no expect to fall in love with two pirates at first sight. Shanks frowns at him, eyes narrowed as Benn bites his lip to keep from laughing. 'Probably the neighbors kids playing knock and ditch' she thought. Blackbeard rubbing ace defeat in Luffy's face that he defeat his older brother was like put salt on the wound. A sneak attack leads to Luffy and several others stuck in Impel Down awaiting execution. And with that, the two boys just knew that they would protect this angel with their life. Hes seen what Ace can do, the brief spar between Shanks and Ace until Ace fell asleep while standing up, Aces is capable of at least bruising Benn up if he puts his mind to it. He didnt teach me until just before I left., Shanks pokes Aces stomach as it growls loud enough to startle Benn,I bet, your mom and your dad both eat more then I can in a week., In a meal, Shanks corrects. About what I do at home! Ace lies, giving Benn a look. Tremendously strong with a freaky power.A devil fruit in East Blue was it a gift from his father?Regardless, he had to be taken care of. powershadow90 | FanFiction Im always fine with translations of my work as long as they stay on Ao3 where it can be sourced and linked easily back to the original work. "Really well I think you should go fuck yourself Luffy spat. And things started to get interesting from there. This is the story of Luffy having fun in a world where his family gets crazier and crazier as time goes by. Shanks lifted him up and placed him on his back and the two left. Not a long time after, he becomes a father of three insufferable brats. Martis was eleven years old when he meets an old man who completely changes the world. ace shouted annoyed at him. "Well, who cares I will beat you and I will make you pay for what you did to ace!!!!!! Such things like resurrected back into his 15 year-old self, or later waking up on the ship of the Red Hair Pirates in the middle of the sea. Then i looked to where my sons were sprinting at me. The madness was going to come with or without them.). Shanks is seen holding Luffy who clutches his shirt tightly shaking. What if shanks somehow became a devil fruit user in the future by accident just by touching it? I woke up and automatically used my haki to check my surrounding. "I'm coming" he said, slightly stomping his foot, walking past her. However, she did not see her new life with the king adopting her and declare her his heir to the throne of Nine Fire Island. Ace, believing he'd died at Marineford, wakes up 10 years in the past, right in the middle of the Gray Terminal fire. Female LuffyTodo empez con el vicealmirante Garp, abuelo de Luffy, capitn de la tripulacin los sombreros de paja. Martis is twenty-one years old when he finds himself falling in love with a red-headed moron.Then hes a twenty-six years old grown man when his entire world is shattered. "Mihawk?" Luffy shocked expression turned to rage and hate. Luffy a tout juste 14 ans quand il dcouvre ce qu'est l'homophobie. Los muchachos sern muchachos; buscando el paraso, el amor y la libertad. Luffy tensed and moved away since he sensed it too. He personally didn't particularly care what he was known as. "Geez, that idiot leaves while I give instruction nami fumed. Maybe he will also find himself a family during this journey. the much-awaited part two to Lions Acceptance (An Emperors Protection)! Law has been looking for an opportunity to escape from Doflamingo for years. "Who are the people you wanted to see?" Its not like Shanks talks about what he did before he became Captain of his own ship, only the occasional comment about being a cabin boy and a friend, nothing that would tell Benn anything. Well, they will have to see. Ah it seems like ace might have started taken a liken to some of them at the least. I'm glad for you, Luffy. Where? his Captain asked, voice distorted by an almost animalistic growl, and Benn could hear an undertone of fear and panic beneath the rage in his Captain's voice. i shouted. Oh anchor, youre too young for me, he says, but his eyes tell a different story, dark with something Luffy cant name. After recovering his memories, he is determined to go to where Ace will be born, but something stops him and he arrives at the time Rogue is dead. Tell Shanks that Rogers ship is headed our way.. Luffy and Ace join the Red Haired Pirates, and are adopted as Shanks' children before either had a chance to go out on their own. "Hi dad!" Shanks is there at Benns side, already kneeling down to check Ace over before Benn has a chance to talk to him. Zoro, nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Ace, Shanks, and Everyone I'm so sorry that I'm going to die. On his journey to find someone he stumbles on Roger. I like him., Well, that is an excellent character reference, Rouge says brightly. I was looking around with my haki when I sensed someone woke up. There was nothing little Luffy could do beside letting his small body carried by the wind. Then he gets to become a feral child with Ace, Sabo, Luffy and Uta. His crew would be fine, they were awesome like that. That's right, I'm their father or mom. i love it, Monkey D. Dragon & Monkey D. Garp & Monkey D. Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy & Original Male Character(s), Portgas D. Ace & Original Male Character(s), Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo & Original Character(s), Mentioned Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks is Monkey D. Luffy's Parent, Parent Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Benn Beckman, Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco/Portgas D. Ace, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Portgas D. Ace, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Silvers Rayleigh, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Buggy, Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate Lives, Ace trained under Shanks during the time skip, Temporarily Evil Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks, Dadan & Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo, Makino & Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Makino, Minor Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Makino, The WG knows about Luffy being Dragon's son, i wrote this instead of updating my old fic, Baby 5 & Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, Dr. Kureha & Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates & Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, may add queerplatonic sexual or romantic relationships later on havent decided, Color the ocean red (to prove my love to you), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Sabo, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Monkey D. Garp, Monkey D. Garp & Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Original Character(s), finally I get to choose what's wrong (and what is right), don't touch Makino's daughter or you will Regret Existence, Monkey D. Luffy Doesn't Have a Devil Fruit | Akuma no Mi. (title taken from 'I Will Be King' by The Hoosiers). Als er sich fr sein groes Vorbild einsetzt und einen Streit mit dem Bergbanditen Higuma anfngt, gert er in Schwierigkeiten und wird von ihm schlielich ins Meer geworfen. I heard ace had been fighting with jinbel for two days straight, it already showed on how much he really trained. Once she finishes it off with a tiny red rubber band, she tucks it into the rest of his hair to hide it. I knew they held back on that because they didn't want to hurt him outside of a spar between the brothers. "What are you doing here ji-chan ?" Then I stopped acting since it was just luffy, but still kept the act up just in case anyone else got up. We exchanged cups of sake and became brothers. This can be read as a stand alone fic without any affiliation with the AU. His parents are friends and I promised to watch him for a bit., Shanks is my big brother, Ace adds in a soft voice, silver eyes watching Benn closely. I've never seen Luffy so happy." Makino added. In a world where Luffy has a very particular heartbeat, the gum gum no mi awakens as soon as he eats it. He has been chosen to become a Reaper: A guardian of worlds that travels from each world and ensures they do not get destroyed. 'This is too easy. But when that happens. When Makino notices, she reaches out to him and quickly begins to love him as her own son. The Dadan family was well known on the island. He likes it when Shanks calls him cute. I see alarm in some of the whitebeard pirates and they try to stop them a little. Oh, it's going to be fun~ He's going to teach Mugiwara why people don't mess with the Heavenly Demon. I kept a list., The Pirate King laughs,Gonna tell Rouge everything your big brother did? Previously titled: I'm just gonna swim until you love me (hoping that you heart will rescue me), Cross-posted on Wattpad (Wattpad version has art by me since I can't figure out how to put pictures here). We go treasure hunting and sometimes we dress up as other people for moms work., Ace nods,Dads teaching me lots of cool stuff and Uncle Rays showed me how to make basic maps. No. Shanks Stories - Quotev Hey old man! Shanks waves as he bounces Ace, the kids bag in his other hand. Luffy felt a lot of pain in his body. Read the most popular luffy stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. I thought she stayed here?, Benn yanks open the door, blinking blearily down at Ace, who was hold a stuffed whale with crisscrossing scars along its head,Kid?, Can I see Shanks? Ace asks scrubbing at his eyes. Ah guess they finally noticed how close i am to them. OR: Martis' journey from searching for his sister to being the father figure for three (four?) And if they dont come back, Ill go get them for you, promise.. Speaker Of The Dead Quest Wizard101, So Shanks thought, regarding the three brothers curiously. The Grand Line is vast and unpredictable, and so is the weather! Luffyxshanks Stories - Wattpad Benn Beckman meet my former captain, Gol D Roger, his wife, Portgas D Rouge, and their son, my little brother, Gol D Ace. I already know ace use to curse until he was about 12..but I am happy with anything they do as long as they are happy. Telefon: +40 21 212 86 07 Se imaginan a Ace y Sabo viviendo situaciones cotidianas de una pareja normal que comparte el mismo apartamento? Law and his crew are getting ready to set things in motion to help Monkey D. Luffy on his path to the One Piece. Series. Because she was a woman, and she wore traditional closed clothes.With a veil.-Thus, by the age of seventeen, Buggy ended up as a half okama and a baby in his arms. Most of Shanks's crew is dead and Shanks hasn't handled it very. Los Mugiwaras tendrn que enfrentar viejas rivalidades, reencontrarse con aliados del pasado y evitar obstculos con ms de 900 aos de antigedad que se han acumulado hasta la actualidad si quieren llegar a Laugh Tale y hacer sus sueos realidad. And with the boys quickly growing up it's only a matter of time before Shanks finds out and then. Youre as bad as Dad, at least Mom remembers all her friends names., What? Shanks squawks,Ill have you know I remember all their names!. Luckily for him, he wont be alone this time. One that only Shanks would ever know the answer to. "Yo whitebeard, how have you been treating my kids?" "We are doing great dad." ****, *** Rewrite of my previous work -"Red Prologues" ***. She heard a groan from the couch in the living room before walking towards the door. Avril Lavigne Nobody's Fool Lyrics, Email: mebw@fabiz.ase.ro Cause youre positive you dont like guys.. it just wouldnt feel good, right?. Others had it far, far worse than simply being the least favorite.. Little did Law know, he would realize his own treasure in the hardest way, and soon lost it after realization. Law offers to give them what they can't have themselves, children, in exchange for passage. Luffy lived in Uta's shadow, all he wanted was some attention. "You have no right to called ace commander you're just mocking him. Hes the best big brother., Im Benn Beckman, the first mate of the Red Force, Benn sighs. Im sorry I forgot, Ace. Youve known Shanks for a while?, Ace nods,He was cabin boy on my dads ship. *Please do not ask to post my work, translated or not, to Wattpad or any other site that is not ao3. No way. Luffy's been a lonely child since Garp left him in Foosha, his strength and oddities scaring others away within the first day. "They should be here any second now.." i said and let my eyes turn warm and my smile softened to a grin. CP3. It takes hours for it to get close enough to identify the Jolly Roger and Benn feels his heart stop, the Roger Pirates. # 1. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. "Besides I want to explore this island a bit before we leave. Si el anciano no hubiera abierto la boca no hubiera causado semejante estrago. "I wanted to see if they were treating you all right, i also just wanted to see my sons that i haven't seen in a while." Share. well, not so much. #anime #eustasskid #fanfiction #lawlu #luffy #monkeydluffy #nicorobin #onepiece #portgasdace #roronoazoro #sabo #trafalgarlaw Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. What if shanks somehow became a devil fruit user in the future by accident just by touching it? His nose helps as people just tend to assume hes a trickster spirit. Why do they forcefully shove their tongues in his throat? This is a female Luffy fanfiction that includes a haki knowing 7-year old that has a powerful devil fruit and relations to the yonkou, the seven warlords, and even the n asl; differentdevilfruit; luffy +9 more # 5. I can't wait to hear the symphony of gurgling this snotty nose brat will make as I drag him under the foamy waves to the bottom of the sea.' "Hi mom..what brings you here?" What should he have done? In a world of monsters, Buggy is the only human. Luffy would do whatever he had to if it saved Ace. #anime #eustasskid #fanfiction #lawlu #luffy #monkeydluffy #nicorobin #onepiece #portgasdace #roronoazoro #sabo #trafalgarlaw.
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