Turn on your news alerts. Just tried to use el as first word and now its back to telling me to use el belore telefono, which is correct. Duolingo is the fun, free app for learning 40+ languages through quick, bite-sized lessons. August 8, 2020b.paul.d6Where do I use usted and where tu. When using the telephone in Spanish, it is important to remember a few key phrases in order to communicate effectively. is the abbreviated form of ustedJuly 17, 2018David9895631337Thank youJuly 17, 2018Arturnovo1Ud. this really helped me :DFebruary 28, 2021zhr.salehiIt helps a lot. Its either: You can use shortcuts as shown below: As a side note for default settings, pressing Again on a mature card for a total of 8 times makes your card disappear and not show up for review. Que is el differente?August 25, 2020ItsLima606Ugh. He/ she/ it useS How to Use Duolingo (with Pictures) - wikiHow Then, you might be aware of the official Spanish language proficiency test in India. The main thing is obviously the lack of Vosotros, I'm guessing you are aware of this if you are studying Spanish in school anyway. In English, we'd be more likely to use the present progressive tense, the "you are using" or "t ests usando" one. While you can use the present progressive in Spanish, its a lot more likely to sound out of place, or like youre not quite comfortable with the nuances of the language. You'll be asked to choose a course when you first open the application. All information that you provide in connection with a purchase or transaction or other monetary transaction interaction with the . Thanks, Arturnova1!August 25, 2019Annalecia014I wanna know tooSeptember 12, 2021kxj5198How do i know where to put usted? Yackey1This helps! Frustrating, it has marked a correct answer wrong many times now.July 12, 2021FiretailHorizonsCan anybody explain why Seor, ests usando el telfono? is wrong? We do not know there relationship or age. Firoz Alam - Chief Financial Officer - Gemcon Group | LinkedIn But if we want to start actually using the language-speaking, watching movies, reading novels-then we need to supplement Duolingo with other activities. In this way, you have an idea of what to say. Thats the you use tense, and the t usas one. Is Babbel better than duolingo? sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo She is speaking with him directly.August 7, 2020Traci116585Why not, El Senor, tu usa el telefono? If there is no El then it is familiar, yes? est usando you are usingJune 10, 2018AlejandroQ708823Your two examples are certainly correct, but I dont believe est usted usando is technically wrong, lets call it taking poetic licence with your word order. Are you using the car in Spanish duolingo? Learn languages by playing a game. As I go through my lessons, some of the Spanish sentences Im given for translation are pretty odd. Uso = yo. What's interesting is that Duolingo does make you use the , , and in German, which are as important as accents. November 18, 2021AliciaDeLa822759134Por que no Senor esta usted usa el telefono November 19, 2021, BeccaEdnieThis kind of sentence always throws me off. It is so confusing. May 3, 2020GadaphiArc1PlusOne of the best explanations ever given on Duolingo mateMay 11, 2021KeppelZhuIt helps a lot. The seemingly dreaded grammatical concepts which you might have so far found to be wrapped in highly mystifying learning process and which brain refuses to understand for the simple reasons of unnecessary intricacies involved, have now been made a For instance, there are two forms of the verb to be in Spanish - ser & estar . Is it because the formal usted is used?September 16, 2021l0v3kai dont understand? It defys grammar of spanish.April 15, 2020tessbuhckHow about: Seor estas usando el telfono? December 25, 2019Joanne500195Read the comments if usted (you) is used, why wasnt the verb usas correct?February 20, 2020HW7CS465Are you penalising for not using a accents now?March 5, 2020johnvinken1Plus224I wrote this exactly as requested and you corrected me. She is speaking directly to him, not about him as if he wasnt there. You use it only in singular and when talking informally. The article is about how Duolingo doesnt work if you want to achieve fluency in a language. This question is what brought me to these comments May 21, 2021Arturnovo1Seor is equal respet. Or is it just a matter of informal colloquial usage?May 22, 2021Jon.stark02Why it is not t usas el telefno? Frederick Robinson II - General Laborer - Qwick | LinkedIn It also accepted usa usted el telefono. Like I said, Duolingo feels like a game . How I learned Spanish (using duolingo obviously) - YouTube How To Use The Telephone In Spanish: Key Phrases To Remember If you say uso it means I use.April 9, 2021sophieL835yes, I agreeFebruary 26, 2021MissBride943How do you know if you is usted or tu? October 29, 2020Tyler345948Ok, why is es usted usa..? wrong? In 2019, over 21% of participants used the retirement app via a mobile device, with that rate jumping to 37% of participants on mobile devices instead of desktops this year. Idk September 7, 2020adrramif the English is in present continuous, why would the Spanish solution not be present continuous?June 14, 2019chris960521Dont understand this need better tips or explained better. Clarification would be appreciated. But why not usa usted el telfono or usa el telfono usted?March 29, 2020Gille201117why not esta usted usandoJune 10, 2018spiceyokookoBecause its wrong! Best Restaurants Singapore, Posted on 1 second ago; June 24, 2022 Have a lingot!December 16, 2018LorentzBloThis is an excellent explanation. why is it wrong Seor, usted usa el telefono?January 6, 2021poshykayEs ayuda mucho graciasJanuary 24, 2021sk.skConfusing very confusing February 5, 2021sophieL835In Spanish, its pretty common to use what wed call the simple present, or just the present tense, moreso than it is in English. The Duolingo Podcast (available for Spanish and French learners as of writing) includes a series of real-life stories presented half in English (to create context and increase comprehension), and half in the target language to provide interesting listening practice. sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo. Spanishdict has videos of an actress practicing a bunch of stuff, then you move to the drills and testing. I have just deleted a load of cross references but I believe it to be prudent to leave the clarification up to Duolingo and others to complain as well.July 3, 2019David439024I dont know that Ill ever understand how this makes sense.August 18, 2019Sheila433415665Senor usted usa el telefono , Senor tu usas el telefono, Senor usas el telefono why are they teaching so many ways to say the same phraseAugust 22, 2019Martin867839Quick question i know you brain bods can help me with. But I still like your previous explanation on why not to use the progressive form. It doesnt matter what was the structure in english.July 19, 2021Luis212452111Can one change the voice of this women please .if there is a way please let me know thank you .July 24, 2021Justin227253Why is usa used for are you using whem most other verb structures use the s at the end for youJuly 30, 2021Angelyn670222There is no el in the choicesAugust 15, 2021BaltomePlus249Why usa not use if its for Sir?October 12, 2021Gary529323176Wrong answerOctober 26, 2021Ava29736Why is it usa? is the abbreviated form of ustedJuly 17, 2018David9895631337Thank youJuly 17, 2018Arturnovo1Ud. I mean if you say it as a question doesnt it mean the same thing?June 27, 2019ChloeCoate11238tu always goes with usas tu usas and since youre asking formally (senor/sir) you have say usa usted usa. Yo uso sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo It uses timed practice drills, with images and sounds, to help you learn your chosen language and motivates you with points and other game-like achievements. We also use the past simple for the main action when telling a story. In English, wed be more likely to use the present progressive tense, the you are using or t ests usando one. Est usando is the verb phrase, here. :)September 12, 2020Daziegrl41139Ok.. but could you say all that in English? It is important to use the right modifiers (articles, adjectives, etc.) Duoling, you go straight to the drills and testing and there isnt a lot of fluff. When did it become a mistake? Use the Duolingo dictionary. 1. Can Someone solve the mystery?December 17, 2021saratma74Why is usted used befor usa? How? :)September 12, 2020, This is an excellent explanation. Come and visit our site, already thousands of classified ads await you What are you waiting for? November 14, 2020Ashlin776514Whats wrong with tu usas el telefono ?December 15, 2020LaurenMatt239577why a feminine word usa when the sentence is mostly masculine?December 19, 2020EndalynInstead of senor, usted usa el telefono? Welcome to Butler County Recorders Office Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Spanish. August 20, 2020 bdrosenlof 1. August 18, 2020Callista_wWhy is it saying for seor its usas when the hint says (ella) is usas, this is not a sheAugust 25, 2020Ambrose510573Someone help me understand the usage of usa and usas. Practice online on duolingo.com or on the apps! October 29, 2020Tyler345948Ok, why is es usted usa..? wrong? Duolingo However, nouns and their articles are gendered in Spanish.December 25, 2019Andi890719Why Seor usted usa el telephono is not ok?November 4, 2019CaterinaM4898The real answer should be esta usando November 16, 2019BenjaminHa158064How do you know if usted is supposed to be in the sentence, sometimes i get a phrase almost exactly like this and inserting usted is wrongNovember 26, 2019Yakato_da_bestI think it is always easy to remember the word for phone, since telfono sounds like telephone! Usa = he/she use, and (formal) you use, the conjugation you would use with older people, in professional relationships, with teachers and professors, etc.July 11, 2019lunes-martes69I accidentally typed uster instead of usted and was shown to be correct. Practice speaking, reading, listening, and writing to build your vocabulary and grammar skills. Tu usas Its generally used in situations when you really want to emphasize that this is what youre doing right now, maybe in contrast to what you were doing five minutes ago or what you plan to do tomorrow. = Respet. sophieL835. It's easy to use, no lengthy sign-ups, and 100% free! He/she/ you (formal) use (is/are using)May 15, 2021Beth539152Duolingo has not explained when to use usted in place of Tu. :DNovember 28, 2019moghdadwhy Seor, tu usas el telfono? is wrong July 30, 2018demenwalker378By addressing the man as Seor you are being polite and must use usted not tAugust 7, 2018SofieJones798705Then why usas not usa? We also use the past simple for the main action when telling a story. sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo The differences with Castilian (spoken in Spain) are minor, such as the use of ustedes instead of vosotros for third person plural, some vocabulary differences (jugo instead of zumo, computador instead of ordenador etc.) It teaches the first sentences and phrases, and consists of three lessons about gender, people, eating and drinking. While you can use the present progressive in Spanish, its a lot more likely to sound out of place, or like youre not quite comfortable with the nuances of the language. Plz help T_TApril 8, 2020Kae486202Why is it usa and usoMay 8, 2020philip400666Can someone tell me how this is a question i dont understand that part like i dont see where anything is being asked?May 15, 2020dQP56706I cant understand [El senor]or[Senor]. sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo - Uni Grants It teaches the first sentences and phrases, and consists of three lessons about gender, people, eating and drinking. the sentence is saying are you as in tu so i used usas but then it said its usa? Required fields are marked *. June 6, 2021Maria772946260Senior sometimes is at the beginning an sometimes at the end of the sentense. Usa = l/ella/usted usa Learn a new language with the world's most-downloaded education app! Duolingo supports Danish, German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portugese. Thats my problem. ; February 23, 2020sneh34928586Now l got it, thanksMay 11, 2021fenneeukPlus10Thank you. Youre right! If youre learning or interested in pursuing a Spanish course. This is where i always quit! Here, youll find all the details about the Spanish 2022 DELE exams in India, centers, fees, and why you should take the official Spanish exam recognized and accepted worldwide. Kinda hard to learn the language when you teach it incorrectlyMay 18, 2019Syd295157I am really confused and am either stupid in my interpretation of the hints provided (not my first post) but please clear this problem up for me and I presume many others. All I need now is my smartphone, this DuoLingo app, and time on the . At least half a dozen times it has suggested the wrong word to me. Got this wrong again..August 27, 2020Sultana777Seor usted esta usando el telefono?September 10, 2020Fy5PH2AJWhy is Seor, usa usted el telfono? also accepted for Seor, usted usa el telfono? September 24, 2020archie3rdIt assumes advanced Spanish users. Unacademy. Because of this difference in connotation and usage, its become quite common and acceptable to translate the Spanish simple present into the English present progressive, and vice versa. How To Say What Is Your Name? In Spanish Usa = he/she use, and (formal) you use, the conjugation you would use with older people, in professional relationships, with teachers and professors, etc.July 11, 2019lunes-martes69I accidentally typed uster instead of usted and was shown to be correct. I always thought ests meant are you using in English. Your email address will not be published. In my opinion, starting a phone call in a foreign language is easier than answering one. Use the Duolingo dictionary. E.g. Search for web content, images, videos, news, and maps. for each gender. / telfono? Usas = (informal) you use; the kind of conjugation that happens with friends, younger family, etc. )May 19, 2020DanKrabtr33741Im having trouble with usted what is its meaning and proper usage?June 11, 2020Kartik725Why we dont use usas instead of usa in this sentence. - speech output in both languages. It has its uses at a simple level for vocabulary but does not teach grammar or sentence structure well. ).August 30, 2020Arturnovo1En castellano, la oracin correcta sera: Seor est usando el telfono?March 23, 2019ArianaHubbPlus818I used that phrase and was marked incorrectI am so confused. sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo I did t to begin with, but the answer was actually usted. You dont use the more respectful way if you are unsure?August 7, 2020adrramEl seor is only used in third person. You can say both Usted est usando el telfono? or Est usted usando el telfono? or omit the usted entirely and it still makes sense. Clarification would be appreciated. Because of this difference in connotation and usage, its become quite common and acceptable to translate the Spanish simple present into the English present progressive, and vice versa. , Daziegrl41139Ok.. but could you say all that in English? I guess because this isnt Castellano Spanish course. While you can use the present progressive in Spanish, it's a lot more likely to sound out of place, or like you're not quite comfortable with the nuances of the language. In Spanish, the preterite is used to talk about situations in the past that are viewed as a whole, single chunk: there was a time period in the past, something happened in that time window, now let's move on. You can say both Usted est usando el telfono? or Est usted usando el telfono? or omit the usted entirely and it still makes sense. June 16, 2020RainbowRose710403Why usa? The phone does not need to be plugged into the outlet for the entire night. You agree to pay all fees and applicable taxes incurred by you or anyone using a Duolingo account registered to you. In English, wed be more likely to use the present progressive tense, the you are using or t ests usando one. In Spanish, its pretty common to use what wed call the simple present, or just the present tense, moreso than it is in English. Or is there something Im missing in translation?August 30, 2021FiretailHorizonsI made a typo, I meant to say I thought ests translated to are you. Seor, usted usa el telfono?May 15, 2021GCity2008Ill come for you duoApril 15, 2020GCity2008AND also because the persistence of the word is wrong in this. This is not the first time you made a wrong correccin.March 25, 2020johnvinken1Plus224That is what I wrote. Click captions if needed!Thanks for watching! Duolingo also has language clubs that you can join and compete with others to see who will practice the most each week. How to Make a Phone Call in Spanish ConvoSpanish Devashree50714Thanks for making it clear! This is why I was hereApril 17, 2020Austin335592That helps thanks a lot~May 3, 2020chershep123Thank you i needed that clarificationJune 27, 2020fenneeukPlus10Ah! In English, we'd be more likely to use the present progressive tense, the "you are using" or "t ests usando" one. Yo uso This is where i always quit! In Spanish, Duolingo uses the phrase "Cmo se llama usted?" to ask "What is your name?". How to Type Accents on the iPhone Keyboard - Lifewire Uso = yo. is it wrong?April 13, 2020MeltheFirst58Yes, sir it is wrong because by addressing him as Seor, you mus conjugate the verb usar formally. / mvil? sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo. The "t" isn't entirely necessary, but it gives proper emphasis on the "you". Translations come complete with examples of usage, transcription, and the possibility to hear pronunciation. We can also use the word could to mean a hypothetical possibility. Colin Baldeosingh - Database Administrator (Public Post Range 61 Duolingo Review | Top Ten Reviews Duolingo has a ton of fun features to offer! McCarthy Ttrault advised Aptose Biosciences on the deal. Thanks so much! Is it right to say senor, usas el telefono?December 31, 2020Guilherme411325Sir, are you using the telephone? I struggle to structure the sentence in spanish you use the computer when in english we say you are using rhe computer To me, these mean different things. We are beginners. You can critique anyone or anything relating to music,songs, or artwork in audio format. Close Search. Can I use my phone or other mobile device during the test? Learning with Duolingo is fun, and research shows that it works!With quick, bite-sized lessons, youll earn points and unlock new levels while gaining real-world communication skills. Spanish has both masculine and feminine nouns. Before making the phone call, you have the chance to practice and prepare yourself for it. Isnt usted a formal way to say you so we Use (s) with the verb following? This is useful when writing in French, Spanish, or other non-English languages. I'm paying to use an app that has been barely usable for three weeks since some updates made my phone go into oven mode. In English, we break these up all the time, but in Spanish, Im pretty sure its usually avoided, except for, like, specific poetic effect or some such.September 29, 2018Bill70043791Im not sure, Duolingo has usted in one of their accepted solutions. Is this because starting the sentence with seor makes it formal, rather than personal.September 11, 2019Cirago915This is correct, from what I have seen. Fun, effective, and 100% free. They do sometimes teach multiple versions of the same word (carro/coche) (enojado/enfadado) and the latter version is used primarily in Spain (they do tell you this). I always thought ests meant are you using in English. What are Crown levels? They do mean different things in English. Puede pasarme ? Duolingo is one of the best-known online language-learning platforms. Threads 229 Messages 3.4K. Answer: It is impossible to learn Spanish from Duolingo. It's pretty much exclusively for the start of someones name e.g. Learning a new language Duolingo launched in 2012 teaching just three languages. - JanetPanic.com Use the Duolingo dictionary. For example, usted usa el telfono is correct. Just another little thing that reminds us that different languages are structured differently, and the translations dont always line up perfectly! November 10, 2019Jessb3024So usted is formal and t usas is informal? While you can use the present progressive in Spanish, it's a lot more likely to sound out of place, or like you're not quite comfortable with the nuances of the language. Possess practical knowledge in corporate finance, treasury management, project feasibility analysis and international business. "Sir, Are You Using The Telephone?" - Forumlanguages.com B eg for your life in Spanish," demands Duo, a plump green owl. It wasnt marked wrong, but would anyone actually say it? Whizbang. Max_AnaximenesYoure right! So tu usas or usted usaDecember 29, 2018Michael823228139That helps, thank youSeptember 18, 2019Kyle385587Thank you. Just another little thing that reminds us that different languages are structured differently, and the translations dont always line up perfectly! Die gelastische Epilepsie ist eine Krampferkrankung, deren Hauptsymptom unkontrollierbares und unwillkrliches Lachen ist. Thank you so much!May 21, 2021Reggie79842911Thank you that answers my question September 21, 2021sinnehhhThanks!February 11, 2022MarianneFo961266thank you. What are Gems/Lingots? Because of this difference in connotation and usage, its become quite common and acceptable to translate the Spanish simple present into the English present progressive, and vice versa. sir are you using the telephone in spanish duolingo Duolingo Help Center Many thanks!January 28, 2022Yakato_da_bestYou are so right, that always thows me off too! She is speaking directly to him, not about him as if he wasnt there. :DNovember 28, 2019moghdadwhy Seor, tu usas el telfono? is wrong July 30, 2018demenwalker378By addressing the man as Seor you are being polite and must use usted not tAugust 7, 2018SofieJones798705Then why usas not usa? How are you?) Thanks so much! Please Like, if U dont then DislikeApril 15, 2020RamiChalhoI dont get it y isnt that an usas since i m addressing the 2nd person T April 20, 2020HaleJay621Why is usted usa el telefono senor? Why or why not?July 20, 2020Robertpowe16Im told I Leveled up the Weekend Warrior Achievement. You press Again when you failed to recall the answer, Good when you successfully recall the answer, and Easy when you recall the answer in an instant. Dont expect yourself to learn an entire language with Duolingo alone but it is great when wanting to practice the language you are learning or getting a few new words. Here is Flipkart Sirf Ek Minute Answers Today: Episode 134 PM Modi in America. Total immersion. Meanings & definitions of words in English with examples, synonyms, pronunciations and translations. Duolingo Spanish Review 2023 | Pros & Cons Explained - Test Prep Insight "Sir, are you using the telephone?" - Duolingo
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