Why You Should Consider a Sono Bello Class Action Lawsuit I did not meet the surgeon until the day of surgery. They don't want to return any money. /Count 15 Be thankful you are not in this situation. i too went to Sono Bello except in Sacramento I am also a week post op and I'm still swollen and can't tell much of a difference in my "new body" If I don't lose what I was suppost to lose from my abdomen (upper/lower)waist and love handles I am going to consider a law suit as well I totally agree with you guys on the false advertising. Sono Bello: Reviews, Complaints, Customer Claims The Prolia Class-action Lawsuit: What You Should Know I went in for the last appointment only to find out that the office gal had already canceled my surgery and refunded my money. /StructParents 1 /Font 10 0 R I am now longer hiding this failure from people I know. [protected]. We are joining together to fight back! >> Contact us for a free legal consultation. Internet is very powerful! You will also get a copy my second opinion dated this May 2013 from Doctor Cameron and copies of my xrays with all my paper work. I was promised minimal scaring. The pain was unbearable. /Tabs /S /Title (Blank Page) /Annots [] get together people! >> I didn't meet with a sales rep for my initial consultation, I met with the actual surgeon who is doing the work. << The ridges and cliffs are so deep and many that even after this last procedure I've been advised that I'll require another just to get my legs and arms back to a more natural contour. I had a procedure at Sono Bello St. Louis, and would like to talk to you. I'm not at all opposed to doing what you feel you need to do to look better and feel good about yourself. >> /Parent 4 0 R /DA (/Helv 0 Tf 0 g ) /Parent 4 0 R After the swelling went down and I completed the Venus (velashape) treatments my legs only looked worse. Did you find a class action I want to join it also. 7 0 obj My name is Cherry [protected] or email me jdan11@icloud.com. Class Action /Count 2 I have contacted a few lawyers and was told that it wasn't enough to win a lawsuit. Brookfield Asset Management#Birch Mountain class action. September 13, 2018 / 8:45 PM Women beware! Is there a class action lawsuit for Sono Bello in OKC I want to join everything they said was a lie and they took so much money it was so painful and I have so many scars and two big ones on my back that are sticking out and discolored I also have diestasis in a ventricle hernia now because they damaged my wall and they said I couldnt prove it so it wasnt their problem, Your email address will not be published. /Resources 103 0 R When the doctor moved to my lower abs, I felt excruciating pain and told her so she could numb the area. When meeting with Dr. Volk about the revisions he was angry that he was not included in that revision decision and that I didn't deserve it. I called a year later, after all the sweeping was suppose to go down and revile my new body and it looked worse than before. That said, a few cases are opt-in cases, such as those that sue over wage and hour violations. endobj Anyone have experience with the location in Brookfield WI? 9 0 obj Then I told her how much I weighed and she never said that each area would now be a lot more than the $1, 249. They are horrid. Money Off a Class-Action Lawsuit endstream /PDFDocEncoding 16 0 R So glad i read these comments before scheduling a consultation. She told me that if I could pinch it, they could suck it out. People you need to do your own research and investigation before you will have somebody do invasive procedures on you. Learn More Featured Products view all Paraquat I had so much pain during the procedure I kept passing out. /Annots [] I think if there's enough people - we could go with a Class Action Suit for False Advertising, among other things. I agree. / CBS Chicago. /Type /Pages You guys are going to kill someone if you haven't already, the farthest thing from safe there is not to mention terrible results. I went to the Sacramento office in January. stream Worst experience of my life and total waste of money. The complaint against Sony in the Sony class-action case says, is a company that has created a legal mess by not only selling products that are defective, but I HAVE THE EXACT SAME COMPLAINTS AS ALL. I feel like I went to a car dealership and bought a very old beaten up car. From my experience BBB is useless. One excuse after another about my medical condition being a problem. I had to stop during the procedure because of the pain and was told I couldnt get my deposit back.. how is it ok for it to be that painful and be told to expect little to no pain.. how is that not false advertising?!?! Where do I sign up to be apart of the class action lawsuit? The cost to fix his errors will cost me roughly $15, 000 to $20, 000 dollars. A lawsuit filed in federal court seeks class action status -- and the inclusion of as many as 2,500 homeowners who signed agreements with certain local solar power companies. Scary when I think about it now. endobj I've done endermologie and botox, I get it. 29 0 obj Needless to say the outcome left me with hips appearing to protrude and the thighs were botched leaving dents and a non-smooth appearance. 28 0 obj 1 Laws A class-action lawsuit settlement involves a large group of plaintiffs with a common claim against a defendant. My thighs look horrible, huge indentions as if they removed a huge chunk from the back of my legs. /CropBox [0 0 612 792] I had the same problem with sonobello in Scottsdale. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] It was a BLOODY nightmare! However, it's difficult to correct liposuction as bad as that which was performed on me. The surgeon's stitches left lumps in my bikini area,again leaving me feeling ugly. You saved me from a visit and I have already been ripped off by another one of those med spas. /Parent 12 0 R /Parent 13 0 R endobj So bc some of the people lied , the real people get screwed , why not accept a client until they bring you the forms , emails , before and after pics , receipts first before taking them on as a client, so we can start a class action suit , bc this destroyed me emotionally, financially, traumatized me , & embarrassed me. >> Class Action Lawsuit Sono Bello - Juris Laws I cant even wear shorts like I use to because Im soo self conscious about how my legs look. S/he did not have the financial resources to purchase the entire company. 27 0 obj Im trying to find a lawyer in Illinois my mini facelift what a mss and I am still trying to get my ears right so its been a year and a half who knows what kind of lawyer to help me I cant wear my earrings or tie my hair back too embarrassing please help ! Lets get it going ASAP! ComplaintsBoard.com is a leading complaint resolution website on the Internet. Instead, Sono Bello does mass advertising (which shouldn't be necessary if you're as good as you say) and runs people through like they are buying a used car rather than having their body operated on. When I returned to see what they could do about it they had me do some procedure that was supposed to smooth out the lumps and bumps. /Resources 74 0 R OK .my dumb butt just had the abdomen liposuction procedure done and I am sick with fear after hearing everyone's complaints ..I always research reviews etc before buying products for my family but didn't do a very good job on this which is crazy. The last time they tried to pretend to help me, it didn't go very well. Please help spread this message! /Annots [] /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis] /Annots [] I have done the venus Treatments and followed all their instructions. The more emails we get, the better chance we have for a class action lawsuit against Sono Bello! I also had to skin removal where I have so much deformity that I feel like somebody needs to help me and fix it so I had my surgery during the time of Covid, which was unfortunate because I had two of the liposuction liposuction that I had paid for, were supposed to be Laser and burn , and instead I had Laser and burn the first surgery and on the second house he didnt use the laser and burn like he was supposed to. When I woke up after the procedure the nurse was trying to put my clothes on. Had I seen Dr Volk first and had he been honest, I would have just put that $6000 toward a tummy tuck that year instead of being angry, depressed and disappointed in my decisions all this time. /StructParents 0 /CropBox [0 0 612 792] Or how much did they pay them to do so? I look more deformed. /Contents [40 0 R 104 0 R 105 0 R] It would cost more to go to court. /StructParents 4 I feel like I look deformed. I'll be calling you today. /Tabs /S Please include me in any class action that is being filed against them. /Type /Page She then said if I did not stop complaining she would stop the procedure. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Please go and complain at that site. I feel like it was a butcher job. I worked hard to save my money to get what I wanted and Sono Bello DID NOT deliver! Either way you should definitely file complaints with the BBB, the AMA, and your states Attorney General. First, the doctor I chose when I booked what was supposed to be 'Smart Lipo' was not the doctor that was there to perform it. I am very disappointed in the results and the fact that I was lied to about what results could be achieved with the "Venue Legacy Sculpt" procedure. The lawsuits allege that a company or individual violated securities laws and are brought on behalf of the class. Patients are awake during the entire process, and I TRY DAILY NOW. Two weeks later, a man named Robert S. attempted to purchase the Blue Man Group from Erickson. To Use This Coupon: GETHEALTH, This is disgraceful.. Sono Bella should be ashamed. Is it still available? << /brokenbar 168 /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine 172 /logicalnot /.notdef /registered /macron They are very guilty of false advertising. /Tabs /S Id like to write a more thorough one when I have more time. Everyone says it looks awful. I wish you all the best of luck! They sent me a low ball offer that will not cover the liposuction procedures I will be requiring to complete the work. I wanted to get rid of the fat on my chest. endobj << I was going to have the face lift. Yes. There advertising is false. He finally decided I couldnt take anymore, because of the pain. I ask her if the procedure could really get rid of the fat on my arms and she said "yes, we can get rid of it." /Parent 12 0 R << You will see that I have done my part to lose weight. You may call me at [protected] or email me at sixfootqn@gmail.com. I posted a negative Yelp review and had a rep reach out to me to contact him. /Parent 12 0 R I wonder how they got so many people to lie on tv. I had drank lots more water and was exercising my arms to help them. When I was being prepared I asked for something for nausea to prevent that from happening to me. 855.300.4459 Home Lawsuits Featured Lawsuits view all Pennsylvania Child Sexual Now I have "dog ears" hanging from my hips, and the way the incision to remove the extra skin was closed, the dog ears have little "nipples" hanging from them! /Resources 86 0 R I asked why then did Bailey say that if I could pinch it ya'll could suck it out and why did Dr Pittman agree? I will wait the time period of when my results are supposed to be completed. How to Determine If You're Required to Pay Taxes on a Class I've decided to pick myself up, lose some weight and see a reputable surgeon. It is unconscionable how Sono Bello apparently is swindling, who knows how many consumers out of "thousands" of dollars at a time. That doesn't even include the mental harm he did. A lead plaintiff must show the court that all members My inner thighs are discolored. Please go make a formal complaint with the BBB site! The nurse asked me if I wanted to schedule another appointment. Have you had any luck with the lawyers? The nurse didn't remove all my stitches and it got infected and left a very ugly scar. I kept yelling at him to stop.My stomach is deformed like yours and there is area's he forgot to do. Ive had it done and the revision my abs were fine and together before surgery but they damaged my wall and now I have a ventricle hernia and I have distacis from it I told them about it and they said well you cant prove it if youre joining a class action please let me know I want to join. /ArtBox [0 0 612 792] I am embarrassed. I really - REALLY meed to talk to you - did you get an attorney - I need to know how that went. Because of this issue, S/he could not proceed with the case. /BaseFont /Courier /Annots [] /Annots [] I certainly welcome reasonable and professional advice. I still have nightmares. :( She said, "NO" She got mad. Shameless for you to hock your Herbalife here, shameless. Hi, Im 3 months in and still no change at all, and yes I was charged a different amount then what I was told. /Annots [] %PDF-1.4 endobj I would stay away from this place. /CropBox [0 0 612 792] /Names 5 0 R They push you into thinking your buying a new car (body) but you leave with a car with bad body work. February this year. Class When I went in everyone was very nice. << Submit a complaint and get your issue resolved. It would cost me over $6000 to redo what Sono bella has messed up. My email is kycxpx@yahoo.com I was awake the entire time, was given one shot of Morphine- which did absolutely nothing. Im upset because I never expected this company that have those commercial About no pain no downtime. OF YOU DO! May 2, 2022 Apple Watch Screen Defect Class Action Lawsuit Consumers are complaining that their Apple Watch, which retails for approximately $400 to $1,400, Staff Jul 8, 2021 Disability Insurance Class Action Disability benefits make it possible to live a normal life after a traumatic accident. Next time go to the Internet and google that particular Business Entity and the doctors and read their reviews. >> /Kids [31 0 R 32 0 R] The company left an official comment to this complaint. I am canceling my Consultation for tomorrow. I also went to Sacramento, but I was given the run around for six months. I was crying and telling Doctor Alter of Sono Bello in Pineville NC the whole time that he was hurting me. She also talked me into getting my upper and lower abs also. I asked her if I should go to another surgeon? Dr. Gael De Rouin suggested I just to it with out pain medicine. Check out this list of class action settlements closing soon to find out if you qualify! >> Are you in a class action lawsuit against Sono Bello ? I do not drink, smoke or do drugs. << I have not figured out the correct coarse of action to take for retribution and exposure of this practice. Why couldn't they have done that when I had my first appointment scheduled? I had lipo on my legs in 2016 in Scottsdale AZ and its ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /Type /Page A friend went to Tijuana for nose job and died. It's time to call an attorney and sue them. 19 0 obj He just kept working and singing to the radio like he was enjoying conflicting pain on me. I had no idea. Im watching an infomercial right now and have been considering. /Rotate 0 Required fields are marked *. endobj /Parent 12 0 R But, it should NOT be a sales person making determinations of what is best before even seeing a surgeon. I want to join a class action suit against Sono Bello, they will not give me my refund for the deposit that I put down for a procedure that I never had, I never saw a doctor and I sent certified letters, emails and phone calls requesting my $2,568.00 refund with ZERO RESPONSE from them! Its been a little more than 2-years since the first class-action lawsuits were filed in Texas and California federal courts pitting owners/leasees of diesel pickups and SUVs against General Motors, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler Automobile Group (FCA) focusing on the vehicles defective Bosch CP4 high-pressure fuel-injection pumps.CP4 failures have Now I think I will stick with going to a reputable plastic surgeon. (I'm gay. /florin /fraction /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /minus /perthousand /quotedblbase /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft I've had 2 surgeries - the second to make up for no results of the first. Try HERBALIFE! Not the other way around. After reading these comments and com paints I decided I will live with what I got and be thankful! I also did not sign papers until after medication. So If you would like to meet in a public place, I will give you a disc of all the pictures that sono bella took of me( a very nice nurse gave them to me). They had also allowed me to urinate all over myself and left me laying soaking wet covered in urine. I wore my support garments 20 hours out of the day. 6 0 obj >> /CropBox [0 0 612 792] Published: 23 Mar 2022. In a statement, Sono Bello said, "This was our error and we've apologized to her for the inconvenience. Sonobello Class Action Lawsuit. He didn't care at all, he has a cold heart and I felt as though I was in a TORTURE CHAMBER! /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] SonoBello is the biggest rip off ever. However, I do have 5 emails listed here that I will be contacting today. Class Action Cases. [protected] im still the same fat miserable person i was before surgery still look same now, We need to start a class action suit, I lost all my money, butchered & deformed and gained back double weight within 3 months ! endobj Does anyone know if there is a class action lawsuit? I lost 30 pounds before deciding on the procedure to firm up my middle, and my middle is still not firmed up. They won't fix it unless I pay the full amount of another tummy tuck which is crazy! << Needless to say, it looked horrible. 18 0 obj I feel almost deformed because I didn't get the results I was promised.i am embarrassed that I paid so much for the procedure.i thought So o Bello was legit!. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] I too have had work done me on my chest I am male they were taking fat out ND they did but now the right side is smaller than left way smaller. Erickson never disclosed that he had ever been employed by the BM Group. /ITXT (2.1.7) In order for you to join the depuy knee replacement class action lawsuit, you must have proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that you sustained injuries from the I showed her the clump of fat on my left ab, my shelf below my belly button, one flabby breast and the other one with a larger areola and lower. I have not had the best experience after my summer Bella I had liposuction on my hips my arm hit my back arm, my abs, my stomach and my upper stomach I spent over $17,000 and I have a stomach that looks like a big riding path with big lump of fat lots of pain And not to add. Classic. My husband could not get my pain pills, the doctor pharmacy had to contact the doctor several time. endobj endobj While the attorney was attempting to file the lawsuit, S/he noticed that there were many errors on the application, which greatly affected the case. Class Action Lawsuit Sono Bello. Playstation Class Action Lawsuit - Legal Axe 2021 which they had to remove fat from my stomach. She was able to cash it at a local bank. Biggest regret of my life and Im super embarrassed for not standing up for myself and being more aggressive in saying no to the surgery. ***. I spent $8000. I never trust free standing surgicenters. I too had a horrible experience. << A class-action lawsuit typically ensues when a large percentage of the population qualifies for damages. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Proudly powered by WordPress I'll keep you posted. endobj It is okay because damages will be included. He had received numerous death threats from Atkins Corporation employees and had been threatened by members of the Atkins Corporation during the time he lived in Florida. Which made me very upset! 2 0 obj Diesel Engine Failure: Bosch CP4 Lawsuits Roll I'm sure if their were more people coming forward a suit could be brought up. This is where the story starts to get interesting. /ITXT (2.1.7) I think you will but you can always try it for a month or two first. deb. I had Lipo on my abdomen. I feel so stupid for what they were telling me I believed it all. really if this is all true, get together and do something! It is not enough to simply put together a compelling litigation brief, nor is it enough to simply file in an acceptable legal filing form. 10 0 obj I was swindled out of $11, 000 and now have a lumpy looking abdomen..like I ate a bag of rocks! /Contents [83 0 R 84 0 R 85 0 R] /Parent 12 0 R Well, I was disfigured by Dr. Valenzuela out of Sono Bello's King of Prussia clinics. endobj endobj How this doctor is allow to do a surgery with the client screaming and crying to the whole procedure because is feeling everything is being done through her body. That was not the case. So now I'm $6000 in. I would definitely like to participate in a class action lawsuit against Sonobello if anyone knows of one already filed please share the information or if My concern is the multiple states of this company, I'm figuring that they are independently run by different Doctors. << It's been two weeks and I've been blogging about my experinces at lydia78.livejournal.com.
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