Some videos, like those consumed via VPN or while tethering, may be difficult to identify as video and therefore cannot be optimized. T-Mobiles network uses streaming video optimization technology. It has almost 1 million subscribers/users in United States. To set MMS in Sprint on iPhone, go toSettings> Cellular> Cellular Data Network> APN. Just fill in the bold items only and keep the rest of the fields unchanged. MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service. ******PureAPN may earn compensation from ads and affiliated links*****. Calls are billed in one-minute increments. Go to Settings, from Home on your phone. Your temporary access may end at any time, but we may begin offering access for purchase. Menu option and tap on Reset to Default. Conclusion:Here we provide the best of the available info on Sprint APN Settings and how to execute it. Assurance Wireless or T-Mobile use a variety of physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect our network from events that may negatively impact an Assurance Wireless customers' ability to use Broadband Internet Access Services. All devices sold by T-Mobile (and many that aren't) support automatic configuration of your network and data settings. For Android users, you please go to Settings>More>Mobile networks>Access Point Names>Menu> you can also check this youtube for step by step guide: You should then create a New APN and enter the MetroPCS APN Settings we have provided to you above So you can enjoy high-speed internet using Sprint SIM through this process. Password: MMS Proxy: Assurance Wireless service is not available in all states/areas and may vary by state. Wireless APN Settings Proxy: You can modify or change APN Settings on Sprint network by going through -. APN: cinet.spcs APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6 However T-Mobile offers content providers a way to opt-in to a protocol to help identify video downloads to ensure they are not treated as streaming video. For additional information on network management practices, see the discussion below in Network management for extremely high data usage and tethering and How does T-Mobile address network priority for Assurance Wireless plans and brands? And follow the next instructions. Reset Airtel WiFi Router In 2023, Airtel PUK Code Unlock 2023 Online Ways to Unlock Airtel SIM Card. Just fill in the bold items only and keep the rest of the fields unchanged. Your email address will not be published. Select the APN Profile that was just created. Perform a soft reset. Today in this guide I will provide you with Assurance Wireless APN settings & MMS configuration to boost connection speed. Plan Add-ons Some the APN 2023 Settings mention below. Password: Android is a trademark of Google LLC. Now Tap on Mobile Networks > Access Point Names. Proxy URL = Password: Now go to Mobile/Cellular Data Network. Choose Settings. To set Assurance Wireless APN configuration on iPhone navigate to Settings> Cellular> Cellular Data Network> APN & add new APN settings. The plans optimize data streams that are identified by our packet-core network as video; video providers may also choose to establish protocols to self-optimize their video. Select MMS. To open the menu, swipe up on the screen. Legal Center Once you get done with filling all these Assurance Wireless APN setting details for iPhone. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. MNC: 120 To ensure that smartphones have fair access to the network, Assurance Wireless and T-Mobile monitor mobile hotspot/tethering usage on a regular basis to ensure that mobile hotspot usage is both reasonable and fair. APN roaming protocol: IPv4 Assurance Wirelessis committed to protecting the privacy and security of our customers' personal information. In your iOS, select Settings and then Mobile Data. I have a galaxy note9. So, stay tuned and read on to know more and in greater depth. Additional information, including technical criteria for content provider participation in the video file download protocol, is found here. Im wondering whether anyone here has experience with Assurance Wireless (a no-contract Sprint brand), especially in terms of activating a new iPhone on their (Sprints) network. Bearer: Unspecified. Privacy Center MMSC URL = Here we are giving information on how to configure APN Settings for Sprint LTE 4G so that you can enjoy the internet on your mobile. Type of sign-in info: None UBA USSD Code 2023 Easy Banking Using Codes, Airtel Call History Details Check Online EPREBILL Airtel, Boost Mobile APN Settings 2023 For Fast Internet, Qlink APN Settings 2023: 5G Qlink Wireless APN For Android/iOS, Micromax Secret Codes 2023: Touch Test & Engineering Code, OnePlus Secret Codes 2023: Touch Check & Engineering Mode Code, ATT Unlock Code 2023 [16 Digit AT&T Network Unlock Code Free], Mint Mobile APN Settings 2023 4g/5g APN For Android & iOS, Jio SIM Not Working In 2023: Fix Jio Net Issue, Koodo APN Settings 2023 [4G/5G Internet Connection], Secret Code To Unlock Android Phone Password [Master Code to Unlock Android/iPhone], Realme Secret Codes 2023 [Touch, Test, & Engineering Mode Code], Motorola Secret Code 2023 Hardware Test Code & USSD Codes, Airtel Free Data Code 2023 Airtel Data Loan 4G 2023, How To Change Airtel Mifi Password? User name: Enter values as mentioned above. QLink Wireless APN Settings 2023 - 5G 4G LTE APN USA Verify there is a circle next to the remaining APN. In Settings, look under Wireless & Networks or tap the Connections tab. Assurance Wireless users shall thus follow the steps given below; to set up their devices and receive proper internet connectivity and signals: Android phone users who use the Sprint network, usually receive a message about APN settings; when they insert a new sim card. So when I make a phone call I have no access to data. Thereafter, select Mobile & Networks > Access Point Names. My associate has been with Assurance for a couple of years, using an Android device they originally provided, and wants to return to using an iPhone. Some plans may, however, also include maximum speeds for some services. Choose Mobile network. It looks like we ran into an error sending your email. If above steps to reset the APN did not work, you can manually enter the APNs: For Non-T-Mobile devices, use the For T-Mobile devices, see your device How-tos> Settings> Network> APN & data settings. Was this helpful? MMSC: Open the Access Point Names or APNs menu. Here are the Sprint customer care numbers. APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6 Whether It looks like we ran into an error checking your coverage. Depending on the extent of network congestion, these customers may notice more frequent impacts to some video streaming, file downloads, and other high-bandwidth activities. Username = Now tap on Wireless and networks > Select Access point names option. Proxy URL = : Walmart Family Mobile 4G LTE APN Settings, West Central Wireless 4G LTE APN Settings. Also, if you are a Sprint user, then also you can use the Assurance Wireless. Assurance Wireless is a govt benefit program supported by the federal Universal Service Fund for low-income earning people. After restarting your Android phone you should also delete the cache of your browsers like Google Chrome & Firefox. Quick Jump: 5G APN Settings | Alternate Sprint APN | Sprint APN Android | Sprint APN iPhone Settings | Reset Sprint Samsung APN | Fix Sprint APN Settings Not working | Reset APN Settings on Sprint | Sprint APN Settings Greyed, Apply this on your phone (a guide is given below)-, Here is the alternate APN Settings for Sprint mobile phones -. WebSprint 4G LTE APN Settings for BlackBerry On the homescreen, swipe down from the top. They can not fix it. If you're using a Nexus device, go to Settings, then tap More, Mobile Networks, Access Point Names, and press the '+' icon to add a new APN. EnthusiastInquisitive-minded Ever-LearnerDreamerInnovatorPerseveringProgrammerCreator..!! Username: Before changing APN Setting please save existing settings. It is operated over the Virgin Mobile network and therefore the Virgin Mobile APN settings also work with Assurance Wireless. No. In the new access point name, fill the blanks according to the following table (MMS Fields). Select More/Mobile Networks > Access Point Names. Here are the APN Settings for Sprint which you need to apply if you think there is a problem accessing the 4G or 5G network or Internet. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Mobile Network. (Wikipedia). Enter an APN and try again. MCC: But most of the time users update their Assurance Wireless APN settings on their devices to get better internet service. If not, press the. Port: Where are these speeds available? .These services may affect the availability of network resources for broadband internet access services, including those from Assurance Wireless, in times of congestion. WebPlease set the APN according to the following instructions. Username: According to the different devices and SIM, You should have to set APN setting accordingly. We can't guarantee these settings will make an unsupported device fully functional on the T-Mobile network. In the new access point name, fill the blanks according to the following table (MMS Fields). If you have an iPhone and would like to use MMS, you may need to make further changes to your iPhone in order to update your MMS settings. If your total high-speed data usage exceeds your selected high-speed allotment during a billing cycle, you will not have access to data for the remainder of that billing cycle. WebSprint Corporation (Boost Mobile, Virgin Mobile USA and Assurance Wireless) CdmaOne CDMA2000 1xRTT, 1x Advanced, EV-DO Rev 0, Rev A WiMAX 800/1900 MHz FD-LTE, 2500 Tap Mobile Network. In some instances, video optimization may also identify and treat downloads of video files as if they were real-time video streams. We will be expanding to new areas in the future, so please check back with us soon. These are also the 5G APN for Sprint. Dial *#06# for your IMEI/MEID Number. Once you have the APN Settings done, you will be able to enjoy a fast and fascinating mobile internet on the Sprint LTE 4G network around the United States! Goodbye also !! Restart Android to apply new Sprint 2 APN settings. Use It, Don't Lose It Now tap on Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Cellular Network. You need to restart your device in order to fully set up your Assurance Wireless internet settings on your Android device. Manage Settings Verify and update the following settings for the Data APN. Required fields are marked *. Android Assurance Wireless APN settings Open the Access Point Names or APNs menu. You can now avail of the high-speed internet provided by the Network providers with just updating the right APN settings. How to Configure Sprint APN Settings iPhone & Android - Phone Enable Use this APN for LTE and replace the one from my mobile operator T-Mobile constantly works to improve network performance and capacity, but there are physical and technical limits on how much capacity is available, and in constrained locations the frequency of heavy loading in relation to available capacity may be greater than in other locations. Sprint 4G LTE APN Settings 2023 - 4G APN Settings For example, applications which automatically consume unreasonable amounts of available network capacity or are designed for unattended use are prohibited as they may interfere with our ability to provide a good service experience for the majority of our customers, cause capacity issues, and/or degrade network performance. Server: To set up Sprint MMS on your android, go to. See Terms and Conditions (including arbitration provision) for additional information. Touch Mobile network. Username: The streaming video optimization process applies to all content identified as video regardless of the content itself or the website that provides it. T-Mobile engineered its network to provide consistent high-speed data service, but at times and at locations where the number of customers using the network exceeds available network resources, customers will experience reduced data speeds. Awesome. Your email address will not be published. Your plan includes access to the technologies, features, and services that were made available and indicated as included when you first activated your current rate plan. Proxy: How to Qualify APN Protocol: same, just leave it to the Default one. Also, to check if the settings are working, look at the signal bar. Tethering data is included in this calculation. MCC: Press Advanced and enter the following details. For customers on limited high-speed plans, optimization also helps customers stretch their high-speed data while streaming video. Applications or services that would interfere with T-Mobile's delivery of a customer-chosen plan or feature, e.g. Go back to save the APN and exit to the main screen. What terms and conditions apply to Assurance Wireless Broadband Internet Access Services? Multimedia message port: Touch Access Point Names. If you have any queries, do leave them in the comments section below.Declaration:Updating yourAPNsettings does not guarantee that your MMS (multimedia/picture messaging) will work. To ensure the best possible on-device experience for the most possible customers, and to minimize capacity issues and degradation in network performance, the T-Mobile network prioritizes on-device data (except that of Heavy Data Users, as described above) over tethering data at times and at locations where there are competing customer demands for network resources, which may result in slower tethering speeds. If applicable, your data plan may feature a designated allotment of high-speed data, after which your data speed may be reduced or your data access may be suspended for the remainder of the billing cycle. Change the other fields as below. So with these APN Settings applied, your issue related to Sprint APN Settings not working, or Sprint 5G issue will go off. 1-888 321-5880, What is Lifeline Customers have a select amount of how much high-speed data they receive under their service plan, and, where permissible, may purchase additional data. Sprint APN Settings for Android & iPhone 2023 Sprint apn settings foriPhone or iPad for the folks that have an iOS device, go to the Main Screen > Setup > General > Network > Mobile Data. If you're using a Samsung device, tap Settings, 'More networks', 'Mobile networks', then Access Point Names. Restart your phone if the connection didnt reset. Now, restart youriOS to apply new 1 APN settings. Then fill in the blanks according to the following table. T-Mobileconstantly works to improve performance on its network and to pursue advanced and next-generation technologies and services. T-Mobiles network does provide2G connections in many areas. Proxy: In those cases, T-Mobile and Sprint post-paid customers who choose certain rate plans, Metro by T-Mobile pre-paid customers, and Assurance Wireless customers may notice speeds lower than customers on some other T-Mobile branded and Sprint branded rate plans, which are prioritized higher on the networks. To provide the best possible experience for the most possible customers on their Assurance Wireless-branded plans, and to minimize capacity issues and degradation in network performance, T-Mobile manages significant high-speed data usageon the vast majority of its consumer offerings through prioritization. Tap on Mobile Network & SIM option. Check that Mobile Data is turned on. Thus, one of the ways to configure your device with Assurance Wireless is; to add Virgins APN Settings to your device. Password: Sprint LTE 4G If you have any queries, do leave them in the comments section below. Tap Mobile networks. Whether you have an iPhone 11 or iPhone X, iPhone XR, iPhone Xs, XS Max, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, or even older iPhone 6S, these settings will definitely work. Want to know about Assurance Wireless APN Settings? Alternatively, you can reset Sprint APN Settings. This is a service provided by Virgin Mobiles USA. APN:cinet.spcs Username: Sprint apn settings Step by Step Configuration. Just read on : When using the Sprint network on your Samsung Galaxy series devices, you will have to setup the Sprint APN settings. To set/configure Sprint manual APN -Access Point Name on your android, go to. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. "Broadband Internet Access Services" refers to services that provide the capability to transmit data to and receive data from all or substantially all Internet endpoints. APN = sprint Required fields are marked *. Here are the Assurance APN settings to make sure mobile data is working fine on your handset and works for all handsets like Samsung, Xiaomi Mi, Nokia, Google Pixel, OnePlus, Vivo, Huawei, and TCL Mobiles. Phone Unlocking Check My Phone Help Me Find My Device ID Choose your phone below for instructions, or see a list of compatible phones. On the device, go to the Menu. Press Add on right top corner. IP type: IPv4. Assurance Wireless Tap Mobile Network. WebInternet and Picture Messaging: Access Point Name (APN): MMSC Server: Short Message Service (SMS) SMS But if you dont fill in the Assurance Wireless APN section then the new settings will not work on your device. Go to settings and then tap on Mobile/Cellular and enable it. In the Settings, look for the Wireless and networks option to proceed further. Change the other fields as below. Go to Settings > Mobile Networks. Now confirm the action. If Android has already set values for 1 for any fields below leave them. If you still cannot access the internet after successfully configuring Sprint APN on your device, let us know by leaving a comment below. This will be the case in the vast majority of times and locations. The Assurance Wireless Fair Usage commitment is how we ensure that the highest number of customers have the best possible experience for the most common uses on T-Mobiles network. Rates are subject to change without prior notice. Assurance Wireless provides support primarily in English and reserves the right to provide English documents. See your rate plan for video optimization details. Not Working? APN Settings What Is USSD Code? Check out Assurance Wireless APN Settings 2022 Apple iPhone, Android mobiles and iPad. For Assurance Wireless-branded customers, a "Heavy Data User" uses more than 35GB of data in a billing cycle. Charleston, IL 61920-9907, Questions? Touch the Assurance Wireless APN if one is available. To provide the best possible experience for the most possible customers, T-Mobile implements network management practices on a content-agnostic basis, such as caching less data, prioritizing data usage, and video optimization. Some qualifying video providers may choose to self-optimize their video content, see listing. Restart Android to apply new 1 APN settings. Sprint APN Settings for Android & iPhone Very heavy data at times and places of competing network demands can affect the network performance for other customers. As you have recommended above, try always to create a new APN instead of editing existing ones. MMS proxy: You can simply configure APN settings for all iPhone models (iPhone 4, 5, iPhone 6, 6+, 6S, iPhone 7, 7s, and the iPhone 8,9, 10, X 11, 12, 13, 14 iPad Mini, Pro) devices. Unless part of an opted-in customer service,Assurance Wireless or T-Mobiledoes not block lawful traffic based on content or subject. Are you having trouble accessing the Internet on Sprint or you can't send or receive MMS on Sprint mobile phone? Server: Then Also additional guide for Sprint APN Settings Reset to default. Customer Stories, About Us Required fields are marked *. When network loading goes down or the customer moves to a location that is less heavily loaded in relation to available capacity, the customer's speeds will likely improve. These are the Spring APN Settings you should use: Name:Sprint Editorial Staff at PhoneGnome is a small team of Tech enthusiasts. Does Assurance Wireless Provide 4G Internet? Then follow the step by step to configure the Sprint APN USA for your iPhone. Step 1: The first thing you have to do is enter Settings on your iPhone device. Step 2: Now you have to enter the option Mobile data . Video instructions for the Spring APN settings: Test the data connection and/or MMS by accessing the Web or sending a picture message. Check Availability Multimedia message proxy: To set up Sprint MMS on your android, go to. Add Access Point. You can also contact the Sprint Support website. Select Access Point Name. Proxy: MMS UA Prof URL: Select New APN. In addition, Assurance plans use video streaming optimization when connected to the cellular network to deliver a DVD-quality (up to 2.5 Mbps) video experience with minimal buffering while streaming and reduce high-speed data consumption. Server: MMSC port: advanced 5G use cases) may provide noticeable network experience benefits, like significantly increased speeds, lower latency, or other performance improvements., Assurance Wireless Make sure you have the right data settings so services like the internet and picture messaging work. Why Should I Change My Assurance Wireless APN Configuration? Select Properties To reset your settings to default, choose your device manufacturer below. WebReseat the SIM card and ensure Mobile data is on. Broadband Internet Access Services are subject to the Assurance Wireless Terms and Conditions at You can configure your Assurance Wireless devices with the Virgin APN Settings if you use the Virgin Mobile services thus. Upgrade to TextNows New GSM Network Password: Customers should check their rate plan for specific video optimization information. Assurance Wireless customers with questions about network practices or policies may contact customer care directly from their device by dialing *611 from their handsets or by the methods listedon our contact page. Data used for Assurance Wirelesss customer service applications do not count towards customers' usage for this calculation. For coverage information relating to specific geographic areas, see our coverage map. Name. How can customers who have concerns or questions about their Broadband Internet Access Services contactAssurance Wireless? APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6 APN: sprint You can even get 5G internet speed if you have a 5G device. Assurance Wireless is a telephone service subsidized or government benefit program for underprivileged communities supported by the federal Universal Service Fund. There tap on + option to add new APN. APN: sprint So it also allows users to apply different APN settings for Assurance Wireless. To find it on Apple: Go to Settings Tap General Tap About Scroll down and locate the IMEI/MEID/ESN number. Here we will provide automatic and manual APN configuration for Sprint. Sprint APN Settings | WhistleOut Profile name: Sprint 2 If you are a Heavy Data User and use a device as a mobile hotspot for the majority of your use over an extended period of time, Assurance Wireless may contact you to discuss your plan and your options. Maximum MMS size (KB): 2048, Access Point Name (APN) = sprint Assurance Wireless APN Settings 2023 For Android & IOS Now, navigate to the Access Point Name option and tap on it. This customer experience may be sufficient for extremely limited data applications such as some messaging. Your email address will not be published. Then, you can definitely be happy because here we are going to talk about the same. MMS port:Blank Phone Guides Virgin offers BYOD (bring your own device) services. Mobile Network. Thus, your job is complete.
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