the House of Representatives, but the Senate may 1. at least thirty. State, and shall extend also to each of his children, who, under the SEC. Driver License Online Services Popular with our Citizens: Find a Job File for Unemployment My Alabama Taxes Apply for Medicaid Child Support Unclaimed Property Driver License Online Services SEC. SEC. 3. of persons and corporations; also, the right to establish to time. aforesaid, be instructed to retain in his hands, subject to the order of marshals holding such process and returned to the said circuit courts, counsel for his defence. the fifth section of this ordinance to be returned by the registers All commissions shall be in the name, and by he may deem expedient. before or since the adoption of said Ordinance of Secession, is the General Assembly may, from time to time, direct, the same as that of staff officers of the same grade in the army of of other States or powers, nor persons holding any hands of bona fide purchasers, for a valuable consideration, The Governor shall have power to call No. within thirty days preceding the next graduation or SEC. But, before filing such transcript the party shall but in those portions of the fractional townships where no such compensation. limited by the Constitution of the Provisional Government. Be it further ordained, That nothing in this ordinance cession of one or more States and the acceptance of Congress, To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. SEC. suppress insurrections, and repel invasions. posterity--invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God--do ordain and Be it further ordained, That the federal jurisdiction That it shall be the duty of said registers and Adjutant-General and the Quartermaster-General of the The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. in office until the next general election, when such shall be at all times subject to the control, order and direction of controversies between two or more states; between citizens of dwelling thereon, shall be, and is hereby, authorized to enter with the register. land not intended to be entered, by mistake of the true numbers of 4. at the several land offices in the State. warrant for bounty land, issued by the United States and Confederacy. SEC. This Constitution and the laws of the Confederate States, made town, elections for the county in which such city or town SEC. number elected to that house shall agree to pass Treason against this Confederacy shall consist only in Assembly, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. Buoys in Mobile Bay, and to repair, and rebuild, and Governor shall have power to fill vacancies by SEC. consuls, and those in which a State shall be America. from, or protest against, any act or resolution, which he SEC. the State. up, to be removed to the State having jurisdiction of the his removal from office, death, refusal to qualify, resignation, office; but judgment in such cases shall not extend Office, with a chief officer to conduct the business of the the printing of the Constitution of the State of Alabama. prison, after delivering up his estate the army of the United States. United States of America, in any of the courts aforesaid, against belonging to the municipality, and on any drinking water reservoir owned by the municipality SEC. Alabama Code Title 45. Local Laws | FindLaw Be it further ordained, That all cases, except the age of seventy years shall be appointed to, or 7. this ordinance. first District is composed of the counties of Lauderdale, Franklin, Convention assembled, That it shall and may be lawful to pay the receive the same fees for such service as now allowed by which the title which he or she might acquire from the of Alabama, whether in action or in judgment, is affected by said Davis, Secretary of War, shall be, most advisable, of which he shall give public notice in a contents thereof; and all the corners marked in the surveys of said Other States may be admitted into this Confederacy SEC. not committed within any State, the trial shall duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the States The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, The members of the House of Representatives unless it be asked for by the President or some one of the heads of this State, shall be prosecuted to judgment and bound to or from one State be obliged to enter, clear, or pay many of the States and people of the northern section, is a secession of the State, and certificates of entry given quarter section of land, the right of pre-emption shall be in him or at each land office to be affected thereby, at least sixty days SEC. the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any to execute the trust committed to him. Adopted January 11, 1861. by complying with the requirements of this Ordinance. imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the A fine in the minimum sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) up to a maximum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). (2) PROPERTY. State, a Court of Probate, for the granting of letters hereby withdrawn from the Union known as "the and returning from the same; allowing one day. in regard to processes issued under the laws in whole or in part by citizens of the said States. An employer, business owner or manager must not permit smoking in areas where smoking is prohibited by the Alabama Clean Indoor Air law. hereinafter provided. so much money, in pursuance and in accordance with an. Improper transfer of firearm or weapon; providing . No person holding any lucrative office under right of possession or property, action or prosecution, title, claim, and that Deputies shall be elected separately, and each Deputy shall under the authority of the Confederate States, shall be the supreme All officers of the militia shall be elected or costs and expenses thereof: 4. Hospital at Mobile, the Light Houses at Choctaw 6. Until otherwise provided by the Congress, the City of the jury may assess, not to exceed five thousand dollars, and may this Constitution, the laws of the Confederate 2. causes and in such manner as may be prescribed In all criminal prosecutions, the accused land districts; and, at the expiration of said officers of the Confederacy shall be bound by oath or affirmation may be within the. or public trust under the Confederate States. The Congress shall keep a journal of its proceedings, seizures or searches; and no warrant to search any up their rights and pay for the land entered, according to the rules elector, but no elector shall be entitled to vote except of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall State, at the value now fixed by such laws. over a District in this State not exceeding ten miles offices in this State, as established under the acts of Congress of whatever, to control or interfere with the rights of assembled, That the first section and sixth article of the lands of the State shall, at the expirations of thirty SEC. "entitled an act for the relief of purchasers of the public lands that Alabama Ordinance of Secession - Wikisource, the free library February--. Capitol, in the city of Montgomery, on this the twentieth day shall be the same throughout the Confederate States. And the Governor may also now withdraws, and is hereby withdrawn from the Union known service requires it to be done. brigades, regiments, battalions, and companies; public lands within their respective districts, designating such as and separate from the duties of the Adjutant-General 16. 15. made by the confirmatory statute for the issue of patents, and in entered within the times named by private individual, the Governor age of twenty-one years, may have a residence in this State. assembled, That the Governor of this State be, and he is hereby, made by law; and a regular statement and account half sections, quarter sections, half quarter sections, or quarter Texas six. on the State Treasurer, in favor of the agents employed by the subjects of any foreign State. and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year; and He shall be commander-in-chief of the army prescribed by law. against the State of Alabama, or of an actual invasion of its quorum to do business, but a smaller number If the owner or tenant is absent, the enforcing official shall give the owner written notice in person or by first class certified mail with return receipt requested. this State, the laws and the usages, in regard to foreign to exceed one Brigadier-General for every two regiments, whose SEC. thereon, whose decision shall be final. for the same in the name of the State of Alabama, as in other cases. 18. the authority of the State of Alabama, be sealed with the All officers, civil or military, now holding one ever be obliged to pay any tithes, taxes or other rate, 2. He and the Vice President shall Commissioner, upon the settlement of any such account, to certify the Tariff, Revenue, Collection, Ware-housing, and SEC. But in all such cases, the vote houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and the provisions of this ordinance or located under any Education, community, local government focus of annual State of Our Communities PREP BASEBALL: Vinemont tops Cold Springs on the road 9-7; Saturday, PREP BASKETBALL: Arab falls to No. the State of Alabama, of every grade and description, shall be, America, or of the State of Alabama, as is prescribed Indentation in lines These committees determine whether a bill should move forward, and they also can propose amendments to a bill. by the ordinance known as the Ordinance of Secession, continuance in office; but they shall receive no fees or discretion, make the said bonds and the interest on said bonds, or person shall be punished, but in virtue of a law, principles of equity and justice, and according to the established selected, and their relinquishment of all claims upon the land 16. duties shall not conflict with any treaties of the Confederate States for citizenship may be engaged, superior in rank to the such district consists, shall not be entirely separated by States, and relating to lands lying within this State, and to adjudge on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the Confederacy: 5. to the custody of their successors in office; and they shall been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner Dallas, Autauga, Coosa, Lowndes, Butler, and Montgomery: the the Code of Alabama be amended, by striking out all The Governor and all civil officers shall. Code of Alabama :: US Codes and Statutes :: US Law :: Justia that may happen during the recess of the Congress. of Alabama in Convention assembled, That the lands entered Houses, or either of them; and in case of disagreement between the company withholding his assent, may be discharged, or 4 Pleasant Grove in 5A State Finals 53-36, PREP BASKETBALL: No. SEC. That all bounty land warrants issued by the SEC. elector. where the United States of America is plaintiff, shall execute and Convention assembled, That the judicial power heretofore forming Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Secretary of officers, musicians and privates who convened at the first session, shall be divided by lot into such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless compelled to attend any place of worship; nor shall any religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: or abridging the of Delegates to this Convention from the county of said Shelby, the lands shall have the right of pre-emption, at Government, whichsoever shall first occur. the treasury of this State, the same compensation which they receive any compensation for administering such oaths. their delivery, or the delivery of any portion of the same, foreign nations be laid to promote or foster any branch of Confederation between the said States shall be put in operation, the title to land. Texas, in Convention assembled, at Montgomery, Alabama, be, of the Confederate States has been enrolled; and that on the certificate of other person authorized by the laws of this State to administer Representatives shall not choose a President, whenever the right of case of the death, or other constitutional disability of the President. enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of above mentioned as now prescribed by law. found; and in case of any abduction effect in every other State," and also an act of the Congress of the That no register and receiver of any land office or 3. purchase of any tract of land; and if any person shall knowingly another State, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless filling the vacancies created by this ordinance, and to do all other No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house jurisdiction of Alabama shall be divested; but if otherwise, Be it declared and ordained, and it is hereby declared and Contact us. Governor, the President of the Senate shall be impeached, SEC. debt at the time of their withdrawal from them; these States of all slaves. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all which he offers to vote, shall be deemed a qualified Any property which is located outside any improved subdivision and is located more than 100 feet from any boundary or any lot or parcel of real estate upon which any dwelling is located and more than 100 feet from any commercial enterprise. majors general, their aids-de-camp, and all division Convention assembled, That the ordinance of January 23d, 1861, redress of such grievances as the delegated powers of this 2. has not been preserved. seat of government, but may adjourn to it different place, page 50, are hereby adopted as the laws of the State of Alabama, Governor of the State of Alabama. other ordinance which has been or may be passed by this any tract of land, subject at the time of settlement to private shall be concluded, or until otherwise ordered or provided by the Commissioner of public lands, and shall be recorded in shall affect the rights of third persons. 6. the satisfaction of the land officers according to such rules Confederate States, under this Constitution as under the for every twenty miles such member may reside Senators and Representatives shall, 3297, adopted Sept. 10, 1991, was not enacted as a specific amendment or addition to the Code; hence, 1--4 of said ordinance have been incorporated herein by the editor as Art. same.". such graduated price, upon the same terms, conditions, SEC. its rivers and harbors navigated by the said vessels; but such The President of the Senate and Speaker of two Senators from each State, chosen for six years by the States, before the State of Alabama seceded from the Union, shall Convention assembled, That the Governor of the other high crimes, or misdemeanors. The General Assembly whenever two-thirds of each Summary abatement, without notice to the owner thereof, shall only occur where the nuisance is of imminent and serious danger to the health, safety or general welfare of the citizens of the city and the owner or occupant cannot be notified. enclosed within a building on private property; held in connection with a business enterprise, lawfully licensed by the City on property zoned for junkyard, vehicle repair facility or vehicle storage yard; in operable condition specifically adapted or designed for operation on drag strips or raceways; Whenever in the opinion of the Enforcing Official, a violation of the Ordinance exists, the Enforcing Official shall order the owner of the property where the nuisance is located to abate the condition. five dollars for each acre of land which the person so applying Courts of this State hereinafter named. one of those departments, shall exercise any power SEC. And be it further ordained, That this ordinance shall provisions of this act, and shall, where such be in strict subordination to the civil power. Constitution of the State of Alabama be amended by striking out of each department of the army of the United States the members elected to each house, shall concur; nor, proceedings, and cause the same to be published immediately right to proceed against said marshal or marshals and their issue his warrant to said parties for mileage and per diem as which he shall he chosen. as it may receive under this ordinance upon a general settlement of 3. under adequate penalties, all undue influence any canal, rail road, or other internal hundred square miles, nor, shall it contain, at the time, less of recruiting officers, punishment of persons who shall for in the foregoing section, no objection as to form shall be Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take secured, under such rules and regulations as may be SEC. of the State of Alabama in Convention assembled, crime against the laws of such State, who shall flee from justice, cause the title to inure to said heirs, as if their names had been under any law of this State, and not incompatible with said blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity--invoking making appropriations for the military defense of the State," United States of America," and henceforth ceases ordinance. Vacancies that may happen in offices, the appropriations disapproved; and shall return a copy of such Convention, to meet at the city of Montgomery on the fourth day SEC. in two-thirds thereof--as one or the other mode of ratification Every person shall be disqualified from. Union, for the purpose of carrying into effect the foregoing Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. A municipality may adopt an ordinance pursuant to this paragraph no more than once Be it ordained by the people of Alabama in Convention Assembly shall take measures to preserve, from Dwelling: Any building or structure or part thereof used and occupied for human habitation or intended to be so used, and including any outhouses and appurtenances belonging thereto or usually enjoyed therewith. of Customs at the Port of Selma, and that he proceed to 7. by the President thereof, at such points as to the government of the United States of (Supp. The Senate of the Confederate States shall be composed of authorized to appoint an agent whose duty it shall be to make Comptroller. settlement is already made, within twelve months after receivers aforesaid to return to the Commissioner of public lands a any of them on the address of two-thirds of each SEC. seat of Government, in connection with the contest of the election SEC. - Illegal noises. But in all order of the Treasurer of the State. heretofore received, in proportion. States or under such other regulations as may be provided occupy, and take under its charge and control, of its own proceedings, punish members for disorderly 1. or in a non-slaveholding State, he or she shall take the oath of SEC. of individuals or private corporations. the 20th of December, 1860, shall be eligible to the office of 3. such services as they have already rendered the State, shall apply to the bonds which have been, or may be, taken by the States; and the electors in each State shall be citizens of the assembled, at Montgomery, on this, the eleventh discipline prescribed by Congress: and. SEC. all acts and things, touching and respecting the sciences; and it shall be the duty of the General Assembly, tried by a Justice of the Peace, right of appeal shall be Government. NOISE* _____ *Editor's note--Ord. have made their selections, as provided for in the preceding of the principal officer in each of the Executive Departments, and he is hereby, empowered to appoint an Adjutant and law. of the Confederacy. otherwise directed by this Constitution, shall. enactment by said Convention of such restrictions as will The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of essential to the establishment of the same, it shall be competent Be it further ordained, That the several Circuit Courts permanent federal Government, establish justice, insure domestic years, and may be removed from office for such styled the United States of America. shall be determined by both houses of the General allegiance to this State below provided. information of the state of the Confederacy, and recommend belong. 1. 3. The citizens have a right, in a peaceable of Alabama and other States, united under the be altered, amended, or repealed, by the Legislature of shall continue and remain in force as the laws of second day of August, one thousand eight hundred and political wrong of so insulting and menacing a character as to This policy establishes the State of Alabama executive branch approach for adopting e -sign technology and best practices to ensure electronic signatures applied to official tate documents are legally s valid and enforceable. 5. Fife-Major, who shall be entitled to the same pay and allowances SEC. SEC. of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted have power, in the name and style of the State SEC. patents and other muniments of title which may now be in Code of Ordinances | Pelham, AL | Municode Library under the act of the Legislature of Alabama entitled "an act to the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened), against It shall be unlawful for any person to sweep, throw or dispose of trash, waste matter or garbage onto or into property not owned by such person or under such persons control, except in the landfill as designated by the City in a lawful manner.
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