1, eff. (d) A tenant may exercise the rights to terminate the lease under Subsection (b), vacate the dwelling before the end of the lease term, and avoid liability beginning on the date after all of the following events have occurred: (1) the tenant provides a copy of the relevant documentation described by Subsection (c) or (c-1) to the landlord; (2) the tenant provides written notice of termination of the lease to the landlord on or before the 30th day before the date the lease terminates; (3) the 30th day after the date the tenant provided notice under Subdivision (2) expires; and. If the writ is disobeyed, the tenant or the tenant's attorney may file in the court in which the reentry action is pending an affidavit stating the name of the person who has disobeyed the writ and describing the acts or omissions constituting the disobedience. 91.006 - This regulation works in your favor. 7, eff. September 1, 2011. 1399), Sec. 576, Sec. Sec. (c) Except as provided in Subsection (d), in the event of the death of a tenant who is the sole occupant of a rental dwelling: (1) the landlord may remove and store all property found in the tenant's leased premises; (2) the landlord shall turn over possession of the property to the person who was designated by the tenant under Subsection (a) or (b) or to any other person lawfully entitled to the property if the request is made prior to the property being discarded under Subdivision (5); (3) the landlord shall refund the tenant's security deposit, less lawful deductions, including the cost of removing and storing the property, to the person designated under Subsection (a) or (b) or to any other person lawfully entitled to the refund; (4) the landlord may require any person who removes the property from the tenant's leased premises to sign an inventory of the property being removed; and. texas property code reletting fee texas property code reletting fee (b) The tenant shall notify the landlord in writing of any change in the tenant's primary residence address. Jan. 1, 1996. A reasonable time for purposes of this subsection is presumed to be not later than the seventh day after the date the request is received by the landlord. 1, eff. In any litigation under this subsection, the prevailing party shall recover reasonable attorney's fees from the nonprevailing party. 9, eff. Sept. 1, 1999. 1198 (S.B. If a landlord removes any of the items listed in this subsection for a bona fide repair or replacement, the repair or replacement must be promptly performed. (f) If the tenant decides to pay a fee in lieu of a security deposit and the landlord purchases insurance coverage as described by Subsection (e), an agreement required under Subsection (c) must clearly specify the following terms: (1) the fee is being paid only to secure occupancy without a requirement of paying a security deposit; (2) the fee, unless otherwise specified, is not refundable; (3) payment of the fee, unless otherwise specified, does not eliminate, release, or otherwise limit the requirements of the lease, including that the tenant must pay for: (B) damages for which the tenant is legally liable under the lease, other than normal wear and tear; and. (d) A landlord of a tenant who is liable under Subsection (a) may obtain or exercise one or more of the remedies in Subsection (e) if: (1) a lease between the landlord and tenant contains a notice, in underlined or boldfaced print, which states in substance that the tenant must not disconnect or intentionally damage a smoke alarm or remove the battery without immediately replacing it with a working battery and that the tenant may be subject to damages, civil penalties, and attorney's fees under Section 92.2611 of the Property Code for not complying with the notice; and. (b) If a dwelling unit was occupied as a residence before September 1, 2011, or a certificate of occupancy was issued for the dwelling unit before that date, a smoke alarm installed in accordance with Subsection (a) may be powered by battery and is not required to be interconnected with other smoke alarms, except that a smoke alarm that is installed to replace a smoke alarm that was in place on the date the dwelling unit was first occupied as a residence must comply with residential building code standards that applied to the dwelling unit on that date or Section 92.252(b). September 1, 2017. or TAR (Texas Association of Realtors) form, then it comports with property code law and means what it says. (a) A landlord shall disclose to a tenant, or to any government official or employee acting in an official capacity, according to this subchapter: (1) the name and either a street or post office box address of the holder of record title, according to the deed records in the county clerk's office, of the dwelling rented by the tenant or inquired about by the government official or employee acting in an official capacity; and. (A) a door lock not in the doorknob that: (i) locks with a bolt into the doorjamb; and, (ii) is operated from the exterior by a key, card, or combination and from the interior by a knob or lever without a key, card, or combination; or. (b) A tenant who is a servicemember or a dependent of a servicemember may vacate the dwelling leased by the tenant and avoid liability for future rent and all other sums due under the lease for terminating the lease and vacating the dwelling before the end of the lease term if: (1) the lease was executed by or on behalf of a person who, after executing the lease or during the term of the lease, enters military service; or. 475, Sec. (3) the tenant is entitled to any defenses to payment against the insurer as against the landlord. Jan. 1, 1984. Jan. 1, 1984. The tenant has the burden of proving that the misuse or damage was caused by another party. (f) The landlord is not obligated to provide batteries for a battery-operated smoke alarm after a tenant takes possession if the smoke alarm was in good working order at the time the tenant took possession. (b) Except as provided by Subsection (a), a dwelling to which this subchapter applies includes: (1) a room in a dormitory or rooming house; (3) a single family house, duplex, or triplex; and. from Statutes.Capitol.Texas.gov website.85 % of read more VENUE. Sept. 1, 1993; Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 1420, Sec. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. If the acknowledgment is not signed, there is a rebuttable presumption that the notice was not made available to the applicant. (e) A landlord who violates this section is liable to the tenant for actual damages, a civil penalty equal in amount to the amount of one month's rent plus $500, and attorney's fees. (c) The expense of rekeying security devices for purposes of the use or change of the landlord's master key must be paid by the landlord. Renumbered from Sec. 5, eff. Sec. (3) if the dwelling unit has multiple levels, at least one smoke alarm must be located on each level. Sec. 92.008(b) to (f) and amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. Unless possession of a firearm or firearm ammunition on a landlord's property is prohibited by state or federal law, a landlord may not prohibit a tenant or a tenant's guest from lawfully possessing, carrying, transporting, or storing a firearm, any part of a firearm, or firearm ammunition: (2) in a vehicle located in a parking area provided for tenants or guests by the landlord of the leased premises; or. 576, Sec. (2) more than once during a rental payment period. RESIDENTIAL TENANT'S RIGHT OF REENTRY AFTER UNLAWFUL LOCKOUT. Code 92.019 (2023).) Redesignated from Property Code Sec. 12, eff. (k) If a tenant in bad faith files a sworn complaint for reentry resulting in a writ of reentry being served on the landlord or landlord's agent, the landlord may in a separate cause of action recover from the tenant an amount equal to actual damages, one month's rent or $500, whichever is greater, reasonable attorney's fees, and costs of court, less any sums for which the landlord is liable to the tenant. 92.2611. January 1, 2008. (2) the tenant and the tenant's dependent move, wholly or partly, because of a significant financial loss of income caused by the tenant's military service. Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 1, eff. 9, eff. (As a point of reference, the Texas Apartment Association's standard lease sets reletting fees at 85% of a month's rent. Venue for an action under this chapter is governed by Section 15.0115, Civil Practice and Remedies Code. Payment of the fee, charge, or other sum of money by a tenant does not waive the right or remedies provided by this section. 689, Sec. Added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. 650, Sec. 13, eff. The tenant must also state orally under oath to the justice the facts of the alleged unlawful utility disconnection. (3) "Smoke alarm" means a device designed to detect and to alert occupants of a dwelling unit to the visible and invisible products of combustion by means of an audible alarm. 1, eff. (d) The writ of reentry must be served on either the landlord or the landlord's management company, on-premises manager, or rent collector in the same manner as a writ of possession in a forcible detainer action. Senate Bill 1588 modifies Section 209.0064 of the Texas Property Code, which requires written notice of a delinquent account be sent to property owners by a property owners association that administers a subdivision development before the property owner can be made liable for the fees of a collection agent. Sept. 1, 1997. 576, Sec. A landlord may not require a tenant to pay for other repairs or replacements of a security device except as provided by Subsections (b), (c), and (d). 1, eff. (b) If more than one tenant is a party to the lease, not later than the third business day after the date a landlord receives a written request for a copy of a lease from a tenant who has not received a copy of the lease under Subsection (a), the landlord shall provide one complete copy of the lease to the requesting tenant. 92.0135. PROVISIONS GENERALLY APPLICABLE TO LANDLORDS AND TENANTS Sec. (c) After receipt of the notice provided under Subsection (a), the landlord shall provide a copy of the written lease agreement to the person who provided the notice on written request of that person. If a landlord spends the equivalent of the reletting fee to re-rent the apartment, then that is a legitimate charge. 869, Sec. For purposes of this subsection, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that the landlord acted without knowledge of the violation. The tenant selection criteria may include factors such as criminal history, credit history, current income, and rental history. Answered on 9/10/03, 6:42 pm. (3) Any one of the following events has occurred: (A) The landlord has failed to remedy the backup or overflow of raw sewage inside the tenant's dwelling or the flooding from broken pipes or natural drainage inside the dwelling. Amended by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 4, eff. (k) If the tenant challenges the claim for damages or unpaid rent and that challenge results in a determination by the landlord or by a court that the notice of indebtedness is incorrect, the indebtedness is void and the landlord may not file an insurance claim for insurance purchased under Subsection (e) in the amount of the voided indebtedness. Sec. Amended by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. (e) If the requirements of Subsection (d) of this section are met, a tenant may: (1) have the condition repaired or remedied immediately following the tenant's notice of intent to repair if the condition involves sewage or flooding as referred to in Paragraph (A) of Subdivision (3) of Subsection (d) of this section; (2) have the condition repaired or remedied if the condition involves a cessation of potable water as referred to in Paragraph (A) of Subdivision (3) of Subsection (d) of this section and if the landlord has failed to repair or remedy the condition within three days following the tenant's delivery of notice of intent to repair; (3) have the condition repaired or remedied if the condition involves inadequate heat or cooled air as referred to in Paragraph (C) of Subdivision (3) of Subsection (d) of this section and if the landlord has failed to repair the condition within three days after delivery of the tenant's notice of intent to repair; or. (b) A keyed dead bolt or a keyless bolting device described in Section 92.151(6)(A) or (B) in a dwelling must: (1) have a strike plate screwed into the portion of the doorjamb surface that faces the edge of the door when the door is closed; or. If the lease is in writing and is not in violation of Section 92.006, the tenant's proof of a knowing violation must be clear and convincing. (d) If the landlord closes the rental unit after the tenant gives the landlord a notice to repair and the tenant moves out on or before the end of the rental term, the landlord must pay the tenant's actual and reasonable moving expenses, refund a pro rata portion of the tenant's rent from the date the tenant moves out, and, if otherwise required by law, return the tenant's security deposit. (g) A tenant's right to vacate a dwelling and avoid liability under Section 92.016 or 92.017 may not be waived by a tenant or a landlord, except as provided by those sections. (a) A landlord may not remove a door, window, or attic hatchway cover or a lock, latch, hinge, hinge pin, doorknob, or other mechanism connected to a door, window, or attic hatchway cover from premises leased to a tenant or remove furniture, fixtures, or appliances furnished by the landlord from premises leased to a tenant unless the landlord removes the item for a bona fide repair or replacement. (b) If the landlord secures the replacement tenant, the landlord may retain and deduct from the security deposit or rent prepayment either: (1) a sum agreed to in the lease as a lease cancellation fee; or. (b) A person may specify in writing in an original lease that the person will guarantee a renewal of the lease only if the original lease states: (1) the last date, as specified by the guarantor, on which the renewal of the lease will renew the obligation of the guarantor; (2) that the guarantor is liable under a renewal of the lease that occurs on or before that date; and. Sec. (a) A landlord's duty or a tenant's remedy concerning security deposits, security devices, the landlord's disclosure of ownership and management, or utility cutoffs, as provided by Subchapter C, D, E, or G, respectively, may not be waived. Sec. Renumbered from Property Code Sec. 1, eff. 576, Sec. 744, Sec. Minimum notice for a tenant to request an early termination of lease (typically 30-60 days) Notice must be written and signed by all tenants involved in the termination. 165, Sec. (b) A tenant may terminate the tenant's rights and obligations under a lease and may vacate the dwelling and avoid liability for future rent and any other sums due under the lease for terminating the lease and vacating the dwelling before the end of the lease term if the tenant complies with Subsection (c). (j) When deducting the cost of repairs from the rent payment, the tenant shall furnish the landlord, along with payment of the balance of the rent, a copy of the repair bill and the receipt for its payment.
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