So what do you think? Now streaming on: Powered by JustWatch. I was originally led to them when I asked John Wren-Lewis ' opinion on spiritual groups worth visiting in the United States. The Finders - A Film by Lucca Films - Directed by Tracy lucca The Finders 02:13 The Finders Monica, a small town mayor, risks everything if she exposes a powerful child trafficking and blackmailing organization, The Finders, who mistakenly try to steal her son during a kidnapping assignment. Title Ship In A 1997 Speilberg Movie Crossword Clue FBI releases 'Finders' file with Tallahassee ties to child abuse case The children from these encounters would be given communally to group. Read more: All you need to know about Succession season 4. Some of its episodes have been nominated for Emmy awards. Ultimately it provided tantalizing clues about Satanism, pedophilia, and the shadowy intelligence work of both the FBI and CIA. The Finders, The Family, Epstein & NXIVM: Is IT ALL Connected? Publication date 2016-05-23 Topics The Finder, Solari report, child abuse, child trafficking, child abduction, corruption, globalism, pedophile rings Language English. Finders Keepers documentary - Home - Facebook The official and media consensus was that the entire issue was a miscommunication blown out of proportion, and that the Finders were simply a 1960s-esque alternative lifestyle community with unusual education methods. The Finders is the first installment in the new Mace Reid K-9 Mystery series. There is the admission that Isabelle Pettie, the wife of Finders leader Marion Pettie, worked for the CIA during the Cold-War era (Pettie also admitted that his son worked for the CIA-linked, Iran Contra-era Air America), and that it was her visas to North Korea, North Vietnam, Russia and elsewhere that had been approved by the State Department. Originally, Ammerman and Houlihan (real name later discovered to be Michael James Holwell) claimed that they were transporting the kids to a school for gifted children in Mexico. From 1984 until 1987, an investigation into the schools daycare supposedly uncovered not only underground tunnels, but also, thanks to controversial recovered memory therapy, detectives went public with accusations about constant sex abuse as well as occult activity. Clements proved persistent, and in November 1993, the Department of Justice sent out a memo requesting that the Finders be re-investigated to see if they had any ties to U.S. intelligence. The U.S. Customs Service, the Washington Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), and the FBI became involved in the attempt to identify the two men based on suspicions of interstate criminal activity including the possibility of child pornography. SYNOPSIS: When the beloved Mayor's son is almost kidnapped, she finds the very institutions she thought were there to help and protect her - are now out to get her. On February 6, the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. conducted a search of a warehouse in Northeast Washington. Staffing & Recruiting Company in Phoenix | The Finders At its heart, the conspiracy theory holds that the Western elite is dominated by pedophiles who resort to amoral acts in order to hold onto their considerable power. Finders Member Says Group Doesn't Perform satanic Rituals, Abuse U.S. Representative Charlie Rose (D-N.C.) even met with Clements to discuss the case. Corporations and groups listed to somehow be connected to the cult are as follows: Since the vault publishes FBI documents sometimes in mass, it does not always create a coherent story line. The Vault is our new FOIA Library, containing 6,700 documents and other media that have been scanned from paper into digital copies so you can read them in the comfort of your home or office. U.S. Customs Special Agent Ramon J. Martinez claimed in amemorandumthat during his participation in the searches of two of the Finders properties in Washington he witnessed evidence of the Finders intent to traffick children and other potentially criminal acts. Design a site like this with Lessons from History and the Prophet Jeremiah, The Most Important Truth about the Coming New World Order Almost Nobody is Discussing. Tweet. In the spirit of Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King, they believed in complete passivity when faced with . COINTELPRO and CHAOS were both designed to weaken the anti-war and black power movements in California via infiltration, while MKULTRA dosed unwitting American citizens with LSD in order to see if they could be brainwashed into committing crimes. The statement from the Metropolitan Police Department conflicted with accounts from the police in Tallahassee, Fla., where the children were found, unwashed and hungry, last week. Mission: Joy - Finding Happiness in Troubled Times. Jesus Christ is the Only Transhuman the World Has Ever Seen or Will Ever See, What Happens When a Holy and Righteous God Gets Angry? Regardless of the intent behind the documents inclusion, it serves to further associate the Finders with the so-called moral panic scandals of the era, which I would argue distracts from the issue of intelligence ties to the case. webcast. I believe the great awakening is upon us, and there is no better time than today to expose the evil that lurks in darkness. The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine The Mark of the Beast? He was known as the Game Caller and claims to have been a student of life. The same group that the FBI considered dangerous and guilty of obtaining children for unspecified purposes seemed to melt away by 1996.[9]. We write articles, record podcasts, and film documentaries about the real issues. 7. . Another suggestion is that the Finders were an elaborate blackmail scheme designed to ensnare the elite of Washington, D.C.[6]. The documents are scattered throughout the three published sections in no coherent order, and are interspersed with news reports from the time ranging from the initial arrests and the child custody issue to the 1993 inquiry into CIA connections with and protection of the group. The Vault. This one all started with a strange case in Florida. This cult was alleged to be involved with international child trafficking, Satanic worship and mind control techniques. About two weeks after the initial investigation began, it was suddenly announced that the MPD and Tallahassee police were dropping all charges due to insignificant evidence. According to Clements, the Customs Service dropped their case against the Finders at the behest of the CIA. Initially, Bryan Carberry and Clay Tweel's documentary is as alarming as it is amusing. THE FINDERS By Tracy Lucca 75 min | Drama | United States | 2016 NY Premiere. And when those circumstances and people find themselves a film crew, a truly bizarre documentary is born. Don't Pick Up the Phone. The story is further complicated by the fact that it takes place in three basic stages: the initial 1987 investigation spread across multiple states and law enforcement agencies; a subsequent 1993 inquiry into allegations of a CIA coverup and interference in the 1987 investigation; and the emergence of Customs Service documents detailing new aspects of initial searches of Finders properties which was followed by the publication of hundreds of documents from both investigations to the FBI vault in 2019. These clues initially led police to believe that the Finders were a survivalist group. 'The Finders' Movie (2016) by Lucca Films Production. It is an Investigatory Thriller following an unlikely hero and his four-legged companions. In all these situations, its been said that no one ever saw the child abuse against victims and therefore prosecution was difficult to prove. They all seemed extremely hungry. I can tell you that weve got a lot of people scrambling, and that wouldnt be happening if there was nothing here.. When the men failed to give proper identification or explain who the parents of the children were, they were arrested and the children were brought in for questioning. The Finders were founded by a mysterious man with military connections nicknamed "The Game Caller" who believed in turning his life, and the lives of those around him, into a constant game or experiment. A doctor examined the children and determined two of the six to have physical indicators of sexual abuse. The videos are disappearing from the group. The Finders Cult In contrast with other historical human trafficking rings covered in the independent press, including those I havepreviously discussed, the Finders scandal presents as something of a phantom. News reports across the countryheadlinedallegations ofritual abusefor approximately six days after the initial arrests, before a tidal shift by both the media and authoritiesbeganon February 10. His wife Isabelle was confirmed to be a member of the CIA for 21 years. The nude children were described as extremely dirty and had been living in the van with the two men from the Finders. What Happened To 'Finders Keepers' John Wood After He Won - Ranker After a brief run-in with the law, a number of conspiracy theories about the group started circulating. Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people. The Finders trail would ultimately lead to allegations of a cult involved in ritual abuse, an international child-trafficking ring, evidence of child abuse confirmed and later denied, and ties with the CIA, which was alleged to have interfered in the case. This report from the New York Times was confirmed in 2018 when 75 pages of Tallahassee police reports were finally released to the public. Meet Our Team - The Finders The most infamous of the Satanic panic cases occurred in Los Angeles at the McMartin preschool. Robert Gardner Terrell, who said he owns a District of Columbia house that police said was used by members of the group, claimed, We . On February 7th of 1987, the Washington Post ran a story on the Finders. The Finders case came out during the height of the so-called Satanic panic of the 1980s. Cover of a report on the CIA-run Finders produced by Ted Gunderson. Many of these groups seemed like shell companies used by government agencies, including the CIA. Following the disappearance of her son, Noreen Gosch began conducting her own investigation. The publication sparked a storm of attention, but virtually no corporate press coverage aside from a piece byVice, which framed any interest in the subject as a conspiracy theory. The Finders After decades of research on the science of true happiness and fundamental wellbeingDr. The documents are scattered throughout the three published sections in no coherent order, and are interspersed with news reports from the time ranging from the initial arrests and the child custody issue to the 1993 inquiry into CIA connections with and protection of the group. A man named Skip Clements allegedly communicated the U.S. Customs documents and other records to then-Florida Rep. Tom Lewis (R) and North Carolina Rep. Charlie Rose (D). Are you already a subscriber? The Finders group was found to have multiple properties in Washington, D.C. and a farm in rural Madison County, Virginia. This cryptic statement did not garner much attention back in 1987, but given the groups strange connections with China (including basing their philosophy on Lao Tse), many Internet sleuths now think it likely that the Finders were buying and selling child pornography as well as children from shadowy concerns in Hong Kong. Initially, Tallahassee police were concerned that the children might have been kidnapped and were being trafficked across state lines. More horrific still was the findings of a doctor in Florida, who found that some of the six recovered children from Tallahassee showed signs of sexual abuse, including evidence of anal penetration. In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine. When a young woman goes missing and police and media fall silent, her family calls upon a group of online detectives in order to find her and bring awareness to the racism present among . The reports also suggested that the groups membership included approximately 40 people. Are The Finders just an innocent alternative-lifestyle, communal type group as they claim or a devious proctor of children for pedophiles and the elite? The mothers were found and contacted. Officers noted that the youngest ones had no diapers on and had been taught that the ground outside was their bathroom. Facebooks Jordana Cutler Appointed Head of Controversial Israeli Ministry, Sparking Censorship Fears, How British Intelligence Sabotaged Cambridge Analytica Scandal. I contacted Martinez in 2017 and confirmed that he authored the document and that it is genuine, but to date, he has otherwise refused to go on record to comment on the matter with me. Before moving further into analysis of the available evidence, its important to recognize a number of problems we face in understanding the information published in the FBIs Vault. Our Process Grow Your Team The Finders were an obscure spiritual group based in Washington D.C. [1] Under the leadership of Marion Pettie it "flourished underground for decades" [2] and appears to have received protection by the US deep state after interest from US authorities. Watch Finders Keepers (2015) - Free Movies | Tubi That March the State of Florida dropped all charges against the pair. Finders Keepers (2015 film) - Wikipedia key makeup artist (11 episodes, 2012) Kathy C. King . The children were accompanied by two well-dressed men. The story of the Finders rarely mentions drugs, but the use of sex and rituals conforms to the mental control techniques that were used by Charles Manson and others, including Temple of Set founder, Satanist, and former Lt. WASHINGTON In February 1987, an anonymous phone tip was called into the Tallahassee police department reporting that six children were dirty, hungry, and acting like animals in the custody of two well-dressed men in a Tallahassee, Florida park. The FBI eventually learned The Finders group had traveled to places like North Korea, Russia, and Vietnam (which were at the time considered no travel zones) by searching passport travel records. So what really happened? The FBI Declassifies Files on The Finders and McMartin Pre-school Child A site called simply "What is my movie?" was created to showcase some next-level fuzzy search and deep search technology. The U.S. Customs Service, the Washington Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), and the FBI became involved in the attempt to identify the two men based on suspicions of interstate criminal activity including the possibility of child pornography. Derrick is the only journalist to interview Finders founding member Tobe Terrell, in more than 25 years. Finally, prior to the case in Tallahassee, MPD officers reported that cult rituals were taking place near the 3900 block of W Street NW, and the evidence for this included eyewitness accounts and the discovery of several stones formed in the shape of a ceremonial circle. Not long after Mrs. Gosch went forward with this information, she received photographs of what appeared to be her son tied up and for sale in an underground pedophile brochure. The story told by the new documentary Finders Keepers is almost too weird to be true. The Finders were an obscure spiritual group based in Washington D.C. [1] Under the leadership of Marion Pettie it "flourished underground for decades" [2] and appears to have received protection by the US deep state after interest from US authorities. One apparently went potty directly on the floor in the questioning room. The two glaring differences between Youngs group and the Finders were religion (Youngs cult used an idiosyncratic form of Christianity rather than Satanism) and race (the Finders were all white, while Youngs cult preyed on fellow blacks). The Finders were an intentional community that had its heyday in the 1980s. The speed with which the public narrative about the Finders changed raised more than a few eyebrows.[2]. Epigenetics Exposes Darwinian Biology as a Religion Your DNA Does NOT Determine Your Health! Both have tragic backstories (one is addicted to drugs the other addicted to fame . The statement from the Metropolitan Police Department conflicted with accounts from the police in Tallahassee, Fla., where the children were found, unwashed and hungry, last week. When two members were discovered with 6 small children. THE FINDERS - Chelsea Film Festival There were electrical switches in the school that did not work for that purpose, but rather sounded alarm alert systems. The Biggest Bombshells from the Finders Document Dump! Other photos showed adults and children covered in blood. . The New York Times reported on that day: Local police officials announced here today that six children found last week in Florida had apparently not been kidnapped and that there was no evidence to show that the secretive group that has been raising them is a cult involved in child abuse. Derrick Derrick Broze continues his research into the cult known as Derrick Broze continues his research into The Finders cult. They were on a trip away to wean the youngest from their mothers. As described by theTimesand theChicago Tribune, the children were placed in police protective custody after threats were received at the shelters where they had originally been housed. Our next documentary is focused on The Finders cult. The mothers claimed this was done for hands-on educational purposes and the meat of the goat was eaten. On February 4, 1987, two men dressed in suits and ties in the company of six bug-bitten, dirty, hungry children were arrested in Tallahassee, Florida, on charges of child abuse after a concerned citizen called local police. They claimed they knew the men well and trusted them, and that the children had not been kidnapped. The U.S. Customs Service also became involved as there was evidence of the group being involved in the production and distribution of child pornography. Six weeks after being arrested by Tallahassee police, Ammerman and Holwell were released from custody. Watch Derrick Broze continues his investigation into The Finders cult. Martinez echoed Clements in saying that he believed that the U.S. intelligence community was involved with the Finders.[8]. In the tunnels, pentagrams were found carved into the walls and on plates, along with 100 animal bones. NEW! The Finders (Mace Reid K-9 Mystery, #1) - Goodreads Other instances of extortion exist as well, such as parents who tried to contact anyone in the group were sent letters describing sexual acts involving their family member that included drawings or pictures. Derrick's work has ripped The Finders case from obscurity and catapulted the disturbing case into the minds of the Truth community. Hence, suspicions of kidnapping and trafficking rapidly lost credibility, though issues of abuse remained. Notice the Freemason/Satanic symbol used by Gunderson on the cover of his report on The Finders.. The DOJs investigation resulted in a verdict of no evidence of CIA interference and no evidence of criminal activity on the part of the Finders, and it represented the official and legal end of the story. Her work has appeared in many media outlets including Consortium News, where she co-hosts the CNLive! Find a movie you forgot by only describing it using this scary - BGR Previous members are on record saying they feared retribution from the cult for leaving. Finders Keepers: The Spiritual Sister Documentary to Tiger King However, the circumstantial clues about them are staggering.[3]. The owner of this preschool was indicted; the trial lasted six years and then in 1993 all charges were dropped due to lack of evidence. However, documents that have emerged over time beg significant questions as to the validity of the official narrative. The POV show has the most serious pure documentary stuff; it is a longstanding nonfiction television program that airs on PBS. On top of this, Youngs history included other cult activities in Michigan and Puerto Rico stemming all the way back to 197. Stemming in part from their protests, as well as the prospect of CBSs 48 Hours producing a segment on the Finders story (which never aired), the Department of Justice announced it would investigate allegations of CIA interference in the 1987 investigation in late 1993. Bizarrely, a map relating to the McMartin Preschool scandal is also included in the publication for no known reason, since at this time the cases are completely unrelated aside from both having contained allegations of satanic abuse. Patch Adams And Pedogate: The Finders Cult Connection The 10 best movies of 2023 so far | Digital Trends Very little can be said with certainty when it comes to the Finderstheir mission or origin story. Just when renewed attention was being focused on the Finders, the group seemed to disband for good. While the documentary follows the women of the Padilla family, there's one absence. Read More: Finders Keepers is a story about a bitter rivalry between two men who are in some ways two sides of the same coin. We respect your email privacy The original strong allegations of sexual abuse of at least two of the six children were eventuallycontradictedby Florida authorities. These and other corroborating details add credibility to Martinezs claims regarding having witnessed other documents that indicated international child trafficking, as well as his assertion that he was told that the case had been deemed a CIA internal matter.. In October 2021, journalist Derrick Broze sat down with Tobe Are you ready for open & honest investigative journalism? Get notified if it comes to one of your streaming services, like Netflix, on Follow. The Finders: CIA Ties to Child Sex Cult Obscured as Coverage Goes from Sensationalism to Silence, transporting the children to a school for brilliant children in Mexico, hundreds of Finders investigation documents, Media Ignore Seymour Hersh Bombshell Report of US Destroying Nord Stream II, Openly Pro-Israel Tech Group Now Has Control over UKs Most Sensitive National Security Data. You're an important part of the resistance. Los Angeles / Altadena, United States. The Finders - Full Documentary - YouTube Yet, when one looks closely, the documents also corroborate significant aspects of Martinezs allegations and substantiate questions regarding the Finders links with intelligence. The Finders Documentary - DC Trip | Indiegogo Houlihan and Ammerman first told police that they weretransporting the children to a school for brilliant children in Mexico. Their links to the D.C. area have led authorities into a far-reaching investigation that includes the Finders - a group of about 40 people that court documents allege is led by a man named Marion Pettie - and their various homes, including the duplex apartment building in Glover Park, the Northeast Washington warehouse and a 90 acre farm in rural Questioning of the children lead to some interesting results. We have also recently published the 5-hour video from Freemason insider and whistleblower Altiyan Childs, who calls Freemasonry primarily a sex cult and the oldest religion in the world that involves most of the Globalists who run the world. ), used the Finders case to draw attention to the fact that the Customs Services Child Pornography and Protection Unit had seen its arrests fall by a fourth between the late 1980s and early 1990s. A secrative group with suggested satanic ties.
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