Megatron and Soundwave deal with the hatchlings. F I R E B U R N S. Class 1A, a few teachers, and Shinsou Hitoshi all get transported to a pocket dimension shortly after the Sports Festival to watch the multiverse. The joys with coming without thumbs or fingers, Gonna tear the plot of the movies to pieces, What happens when fully grown women end up in part of their favourite franchise, And all of them are at varying degrees of trigger happy, These girls know how to make it rain green, I am gonna break these characters to pieces and rebuild them from the ground up, Prime in particular is gonna take his sweet time. She drew them everywhere. The Autobot decided to take the man with him and keep him as a pet. It is Bay-verse! The next Multiverse shown to Midoriya and Co. features an analyst Midoriya who shocks everyone with his skills! Corius, an ex-Decepticon male seeker who has reoccurring nightmares about his previous abuse from Megatron, wakes in the night stirring his lover. Hatsume Mei, being the genius she is, has found a way to watch parts of the multiverse. Megatron coldy replied. transformers live action movie This story takes place a year after the events in the 2007 Transformers film. A smile reached my face as I rubbed her ears and patted her head. Will their lives ever be the same when optimus is bought by Tessas dad?.read to find out. Work Search: Please consider turning it on! Secrets come out, relationships are formed, and the author is bad at summaries. But the placid life of peace has lost it's charm for the Autobot, as his mind is focused on a growing void in his spark, that has come to consume his very thoughts. Transformers Stories - Wattpad - Wattpad - Where stories live And all the while, searching for any signs of their true enemies' return. She has watched all the movies to the point where she can quote any sene. My fath A/N: I don't own it. But I was sadly mistaken. Ron agreed that if his son, Sam Witwicky, and Amber got 2,000$ and three A's each that he would bye them their first car. Quirks dont work here. (Rated M just in case, permission to be written by MaxGundam1998), My version of an overused trope because I've read too many. Different universe, older story, no smut. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. "Okah. The Theatre is sentient, ask it anything you want, but it may deny your request.5. RULES AND REGULATIONS:1. Bayverse Stories - Wattpad Cisma - sustantivo: una escisin o divisin entre secciones o partidos fuertemente opuestos, causada por diferencias de opinin o creencia. Most of the dogs there are up You're probably wondering what I'm talking about and who I am. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. She has been arrested twice, her parents bailing her out both times Will she eve Blaze Witwicky Burnette hair blue eyes curvy figure and stubborn to boot. Fay has been trapped. Or, she was. Notebo From behind him, he heard Breakdown step closer and start the cannon on his back. Low-effort isn't necessarily bad writing. Garou added. "Space Girl, show me the stars "You deserve that role though despite of your personality." Just wanted to request Han being obsessed with his SO. Thank you so much for the request and I really hope that you enjoy this! Izuku has gotten hit with a quirk that takes him and Co. to a room where they see alternate versions of Izuku. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". He'd been trying to fix his voice box lately and he actually made some progress, now everything he said had the same low pitch, but he still had to use his radio to find the right words. So the results are in for what Ill be doing to celebrate hitting 1K followers! Life Itself by Glass Animals Love this series. Already late for practice. Knowing her past took a bigger toll than Optimus thought it would, and led her to extremes that landed her in a very special place: a mental ward. THIS IS IS THE BAYVERSE. These are my personal notes for ALL of the vehicle modes used by each Autobot throughout my TBAM series so far. One where transformers are comic book, tv and film characters. How will Iron Hide fit into this, as with the other Autobots? High School, Kizuki Chitose | Curious & Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto & Uraraka Ochako, I'm the only editior and i cant stand to reread what I've written more than once, Aizawa hates reporters so he is Suffering, ALSO Curious is NOT coming into the room sorry y'all, Why Is Anyone Surprised At This Point--Dekuverse, lets say overhaul did his thing and overhauled her back to normal once he got his point across, specific tags at the beginning of each chapter, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Manga Spoilers, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Watching Just Trying to Survive (and learn to love along the way), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead and Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic Adopt Midoriya Izuku, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi Friendship, No Beta we die like my hope for a happy ending, In which the cast watch the Multiverse - MHA Edition, Parts 1 of my Multiverse watching collection, Hear My Voice ~ [Exposure: BNHA Cast Reacts to the Multiverse], An excuse to show of clips of my au's in progress, Alternate Universe - Glitchtale (Undertale), Alternate Universe - Asriel Dreemurr Lives, My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission (Movie), My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission Spoilers, Camilo Madrigal & Dolores Madrigal & Isabela Madrigal & Luisa Madrigal & Mirabel Madrigal, Antonio Madrigal & Camilo Madrigal & Isabela Madrigal & Luisa Madrigal & Mirabel Madrigal, Bruno Madrigal Stays After Mirabel Madrigal's Gift Ceremony, Good Parents Agustn Madrigal and Julieta Madrigal, Camilo Madrigal and Mirabel Madrigal are Twins, Bruno Madrigal Leaves After Mirabel Madrigal's Gift Ceremony, Good Parents Flix Madrigal and Pepa Madrigal, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Jschlatt & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit & Technoblade & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Bitzel & Justin | TimeDeo & Kit | Wispexe & Luke | LukeOrSomething & TommyInnit, Justin | TimeDeo & Kit | Wispexe Kit | Wispexe & TommyInnit, GeorgeNotFound & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) & Everyone, Grayson | Purpled & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream's Sister Drista & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream's Sister Drista (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Needs a Break (Video Blogging RPF), Business Bay Faction on SMPEarth (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo & TommyInnit Friendship (Video Blogging RPF), Touch-Starved TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Hears Voices (Video Blogging RPF), Neglectful Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Protective TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Villain Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Fast Track the Road to Redemption with Multidimensional Beings, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Takami Keigo | Hawks are Childhood Friends, Fair Warning: This is not Endeavor friendly, or All Might but I'm willing to be a little more lenient with him, The Reactors are taken from after the Final Exam arc, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Shinsou Hitoshi, I don't know how I managed to forget to tag that, Characters Are Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia), heavily inspired by hey hamlet's au repository. I will essentially be taking my favorite Oneshots, and exerts from longer fics, and letting the characters react to them! Reaction Mobile Masterlist If you like my stuff and wanna tip, just buy me a coffee! This is an Ironhide x Reader story. what happened to dog the bounty hunter wife, hyperlinks are not working in outlook windows 10. "The hell?! Everyone yelled in unison as they saw his multiverse version as a villain. Transformers 2007 Movie Fics | FanFiction Be aware that some chapters may be reordered after posting so they read properly. I'll write shorter snippets on parts that I'm really into (hence the "fragments" part of the name), but don't expect a ton of content. Nobody asked for the opinion of the person himself. "What anyone wants human, to go home"-Megatron when asked what he wants. Leo Spitz ( Sato) asked. He gets enough information to find a way to kill her. The sun was setting, and the warm day was cooling down. Garou said as he received a nod from Aizawa. Read Chapter Three from the story As Time Rises {Transformers Bayverse} by Tearsonlyknow (Mello) with 5,282 reads. Are they actually cars? Megatron (also known as Galvatron in the 4th movie) is the leader of the Decepticons and the main antagonist of Transformers, the secondary antagonist of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and Transformers: Dark of the Moon, the tertiary antagonist of Transformers: Age of Extinction, one of the two main antagonists . Three months after Yazmine arranged to have Jasmine killed, everything seems great until the Decepticons free Yazmine. she ran away from her homeland to join the military, she has excelled in her career and has been sent to N.E.S.T to do some 'specia Ashley Cruz is an honorary member of the Autobots, group of aliens who landed on Earth some years ago. A scene on an abandoned warehouse where there were three gigantic robots who are taking hostage of 3 adults. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By reenacting a Pirates of the Caribbean scene. The Autobots and their human allies will need the aid of other heroes, as well as unexpected allies, in order to face this approaching doom. When suddenly everyone was teleported to a cinema theater to watch the different versions of their precious Everyone has finally calmed down after being emotional of what happened to Izuku on the last Multiverse. He asked, you could hear an almost pissed smirk in his voice. # 1 If Only by Freddie 136K 4.3K 29 Phoneix Hunter Chaines is a 19 year old genius who has been secretly battling the Decepticons. Watching the multiverse | Archive of Our Own But what if that did happen? A transformers prime fanfic [This is a rewritten version of an old story] --- War laid waste to Cybertron, leaving nothing in its wake. A human autobot, who'd of thought? Or the Madrigals watch different scenes from lives they never lived, or ever will. ~ space girl by frances forever In a world where all Bryanna Moreshower has ever known as was training, missions, lead, and repeat. Menu ceramic cutting tools advantages and disadvantages. Just some fluffy/smutty Crossdrift oneshots!Feel free to submit ideas! - . Say hello to a 30-day series collaboration, 10 fics every 3 days from myself and the others by @ateezreactionsandscenarios and @whatudowhennooneseesyou during the month of April. Just use the tag Stayteez Trope'pril! What would've happened if you could've been able to change this or that part of the story? offering him a second chance. The Autobots are leading a search for her, though it seems fruitless when she's been taken into the sky. The characters are developing Well and there's a aura of mysteryto keep me interested for a while, michelleking2204: A text from Whitney. * hiatus Exceed is shifty as hell -no one trusts them despite the typical Tsundere personality. When will my spotlight hit me?!" Soundwave is Megatron's communications and surveillance chief of the Decepticons. Feel free to just do 1 day/member you prefer! Weapon specialist Ironhide, and Medical Officer Ratchet. Bang Chan: I hate to say and and I hate to admit it, but you cant deny that we all know hed end up getting a wolf tattoo, or better yet, a massiveSTAY tatto on his leg or arm. Well, my name is Crystal Rose Katherine Witwicky. I'm here to change that. Just wanted to come here and apologize for the lack of posts. Especially not if he has to drag a comrade behind him. ~ Seo Changbin. Izuku and his classmates watch Disney movies. She is a 16 year old that is starting community college. Commission from Tumblr!Optimus Prime and Original Character Corius are on their honeymoon to an island getaway vacation. The Archive will be down for maintenance from 11:00 to 14:00 UTC on Wednesday, November 24. TBAM - KaijuHobbit22 - Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel This series is heavily-based on the series made by Wacko12 on FanFiction.Net, due to me being both inspired and a great fan of his altered Transformers stories. Mom, Judy Witwicky, had been gardeni After the failed attempt at obtaining the All Spark and the fall of Megatron, Barricade is having second thoughts on being part of Starscream's revenge plot. The first chapter is just super spoilers for those who are curious as to where the work was headed. The Terror Twins are happy, though. THANK YOU SHELEDRIIA!!! I wake up everything seems normal but alas its not to be, Transported into the bayverse I want to escape, maybe without killing all the characters in a rage please, (Rip summery, my first book ever :/ bewareChapters 1&2 going through rewriting before I add any new content sorry)((EDIT EDIT FULL REHAUL SOON)). When she wakes up she see Sam giving his presentation in front of the class. For Kaelyn, being a 17 year old is exceptionally tough, but being a 17 year old with an abnormal secret is even tougher. She fought for and with them whenever they needed her. Transformers Transformers: Prime | Romance Thriller Bayverse Oc Frenzy Violence A child living on the streets finds her way onto the Autobot and NEST base where she quickly finds a place in the Autobot Commander's spark but things will get much worse before they get better in this Transformers series. transformers bayverse reaction fanfiction - "Well done, freedom fighters.". 's Big Three (My Hero Academia), Class 1-A & U.A. Bayverse Fanfiction tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). But when her past starts to hunt her and anyone who associates with her, can they Take place after the events from Transformer (2007) What does she do with this? transformers bayverse reaction fanfiction - Some people instantaneously sought out familiar faces, while others sat quietly, observing where they were and who they were with. My feet hurt - bad day to wear my flats - and my stomach was practically screaming for food. I own the OCs and the story. We'll see what happens. She decides to run away, and live on the streets. It is the beginning of the end for Cordelia Winter, and then a chance encounter with Optimus Prime changes everything. Corius belongs to @optimusfin3 on ao3 (optimus-prim3 on tumblr) so he's not my OC and all rights and design and fun stuff go to him! Megatron(Katsuki) growled slowly trying to scare Sam. Autobots react to the Micheal Bay movies - A/N - Wattpad It was just an ordinary summer evening. He said. With Mid-Terms coming up, it is as close to a free period as we get. But I was sadly mistaken. The leader of the Decepticons arose from underneath as he saw Kota now conscious and ready for the experiment. . Cecilia: I'm in the year advanced class, so we have even less work on a normal basis. "Well everyone, how do you feel?" Garou asked. Holy shitwill the universe survive the chaos that is U.A and its students? This is a combo of all the movies, also tf5 even though I haven't seen it yet. His emotion flung to anger real quick though, as the phenomenon began to fade and soon was gone entirely. Garou exclaimed. Transformers bayverse | Archive of Our Own Why Attention To Detail Is Important, He had two. Now they were summoned by something known as The Observer who is mad that the town is dumb, so they will make them see other worlds in hopes to shake something up. Transformers Studio Series 13 Voyager Class Movie 2 Megatron. Life was normal. It features music by Michael Gore, lyrics by Dean Pitchford, and book by Lawrence D. Cohen (based on the novel by Stephen King). Samuel James Witwicky is the Human Main protagonist of the first three films. Long name, I know. A.N: I actually have no requests at the moment, please fill my inbox with them! Hed get a cartoon Dwaekki pulling weights for sure. 2015 mclaren 650s spider for sale Just a year and half was all that Azalea needed for her life to flow back into its regular *Uncover series spinoff book* Joke, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Yagi Toshinori | All Might & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Principal Nezu & Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Shiketsu High Students (My Hero Academia), Midoriya Izuku Does Not Go to U.A. Two years have passed since the Decepticons' defeat at the Battle of Giza and the death of the Fallen, the instigator of the Autobot-Decepticon Civil War. Enjoy! hyperlinks are not working in outlook windows 10 #2 in #bayverse. "Is dangerous and addicitive, like us." You would think that he would be gruff and have a nasty temper, but actually, hes the opposite! But if you want a good laugh th Just some oneshots you know me x3 Transformers 5 had good scenes, and a plot that I can use for a story and make it better, that's it. Watching the world go by. The time had come for Megatron. Also this takes place after season 4 but Nighteye is alive and Mirio still has his quirk. Watch the screen. Soundwave is very . After all, there's more to her than meets the eye. Using elements from the Transformers Bayverse video games and toyline; Strong Male and Female Characters; . He would rule Cybertron as Prime and Orion would perish.Soon. And why, right? Other subjects, however Ratchet mourns their greatest loss; Ironhide keeps him focused. 85.2k. transformers bayverse reaction fanfiction regulation of blood glucose level notes : Non Idol!Au/ Enemies to lovers/ Fake dating/ Brothers best friend/ First Time/ Mentions of a toxic relationship/ Corruption Kink/ Slight thigh riding/ Cowgirl/ Manhandling/ Marking/ Penetration (Unprotected, dont do this). Reblog if its okay to invade your ask box. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Now, in Transformers: Retribution, the prequel to the Transformers animated series, the epic odyssey of these two great warriors is finally revealed as Autobots and Decepticons battle one another . Mostly out of a fear that someone important to the future when the Transformers wake up on Earth in the eighties was a member of the crew. Or is it. In the aftermath of DARK CYBERTRON, WINDBLADE takes the planet by storm! Please do NOT read this until you have read the first two. While he awaits word on his girlfriend, Ratchet must protect another member of Jasmine's family; hoping to keep them together when the Autobots find Jasmine, though there will be a lot to work on before the three are a happy family. She's very character-centric, focusing a lot on character relations and their reactions to all the weird stuff around them that makes this series so much fun, but also still down to earth at the same time. However, the term "normal" doesn't begin to cover it. Book Trailer: "Well in this world I'm gonna show you, each hero and villain of this world are not humans but robots. Will Lennox was a soldier. "Geez, you wait for this multiverse to play to answer your questions." She will be a badass in this one !. autobots, poc, revenge. "Uh you mean this symbols that scatter in my head?" That's you. This secret will not only bring Bee and Charlie together, but it will unite their worlds for the better. Dont waste your time trying.4. He didn't even think that the girl he loved was pregnant. Were posting this now, just to give ourselves and you guys time to plan and write! Before she could succeed, I bent down and placed her bowl on the floor. Guilt goes through you and though none of it was your fault, you desperately want to get your boyfriend back, for him and Minho to makeup but you know how stubborn both can be at the best of times. This novel is inspired by the musical feature film, Anna and the Apocalypsesing and slay along at home with the VOD release! Izuku woke up in a theatre with the rest of his class, a couple of his teachers, and the entire League of Villains. Bumblebee becomes human, and lives with Sam until the problem is resolved, but that doesn't mean life is perfect. This will be the first in my watching the multiverse series. Thanks, your message has been sent successfully. Kudos: 102 Bookmarks: 24 Hits: 2278. I also want to apologise for being so inactive. Can Alestia trust the Autobots knowing she's risking everything she's worked so hard to defend? But something's wronghe's surrounded by a group of unfamiliar femmes in an unfamiliar place, in a tiny, unfamiliar, robotic body What's going on? Is it for your brilliant mind? I enjoy the bayverse designs, so either the bots and cons will just have its designs with the color of G1 or something, or it will be a fusion of bayverse and others. ~Scenario Mobile Masterlist Prompt ListIf you like my stuff and wanna tip, just buy me a coffee! "huh. Checking his phone every five minutes to check to see if youve messaged him, even if it was to say something, anything. As the first of her kind, Kaelyn finds handling life Seventeen year old Azalea Lennox has wanted nothing more than for her father to return safely home from war. Please note this is not Canon. there was a voice in the back of his head, asking him if he was ready to die, saying it wasn't his time. The world Persephone "Percy" Jackson knew is gone. In this house we love and cherish Bayverse Ratchet. Now being in the company of Optimus Prime and his companions, it seems like Minnie's life is going to go from bad to worse. Fay is dealing with a lot now. Commission from Tumblr!Optimus Prime and Original Character Corius are on their honeymoon to an island getaway vacation. So they will always be together. Her fate was never in her own hands. Hot and heavy just the way we like it. What else better than for his best friend, Wooyoung, your brother, to set you up on a fake date to make Sophie back off, much what you hated the idea of. When a friendly outing with her best friend Mikaela Banes quickly escalates into a fight to save the world, those she cares for are put in danger, and her skills are pushed to their limits. Bumblebee, once a warrior, is now the sworn guardian of the humans Sam Witwicky, and Mikaela Banes, living in the suburbs, and adapting to the ways of humans and to a life without war. Transformers: Prime Transformers Generation One The Transformers (IDW) | Starscream Skyfire Starscream's normal life aboard the Nemesis is thrown into chaos when he suddenly begins experiencing unexplainable fainting spells. So she kept the child a secret from him. All except for the greek gods, and even they are fading. | Hi everyone! Only two of the kids had followed them back. Seriously, Cybertronian did not look like that design. Meet Kyrie Yeager, younger sister of Tessa. With the materials and tech I had bought, plus the loot, I finally started my own upgrades after we left to a safer place and hid on a asteroid field. - Also known as planning replaces chance with error ;) -. Tiny Prints Promo Code 2021, Then she alisa bogdanovich is a child soldier. #4 in #Optimusprime # transformers A/N 1.3K 13 18 by Warrior_of_Primus I'm not adding reactions to Dark Of The Moon, because in my opinion that was trash and I didn't like the movie and I'm writing this fanfic. ~~ Sam dies during the battle of Egypt, buthe doesn't wake up. Ill probably rewrite this once I get back into Transformers, its horribly written right now.). It Alias was a master hacker, her services to the government could never be repaid, especially when she finds something extraordinary. "Thanks for the help Aizawa." Where certain things have gone wrong or just different. HIATUS ((I'm sorry()): Check the notes at the end of the Chapter 8 for more info. I do not own Tmnt I just write dirty fiction about em please enjoy. With stitches in his lip, Minho hides away in his room for the majority of the time after Chris unofficial departure from the house, not being heard from or seen since he busted up Minhos lip. Tags will be added as chapters are uploaded. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Because there honestly aren't enough of these fics. 01' Liner. But Bumblebee couldn't stay on the planet, so he came up with another plan. . Cecilia was always the odd one at school, writing weird symbols, having natural white hair, and metallic bl Book is Complete I hope you guys like it! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I thought I only made a simple purchase. A second coming of Daemon Targaryen !!!). Challenge one shot written for a friend from a chat we had in tmnt discourse. Love is pain, but primus did it hurt so good. Netherlands World Cup 2014 Squad, Burn is next in-series to Tilt. So now, the Autobots assist their allies in solving human conflicts, working in secret teams on various missions around the globe. Post Date: 6th February 2023TW? ~ Seungmin: Knowing this guy, hed probably havehalf 52 on his leg or something, or a cartoon dog. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Wattpad Shortly after moving in she meets Sam, a neighbor. nekoReaders This story takes place a year after the events in the 2007 Transformers film.Bumblebee, once a warrior, is now the sworn guardian of the humans Sam Witwicky, and Mikaela Banes, living in the suburbs, and adapting to the ways of humans and to a life without war. Transformers Fanfiction Stories | Quotev Because of me, two families are woven together, during these da Optimus' sister has a sparking to an unknown bot, and after her death Optimus sends the young femme to Earth for her own safety. So there. (10) Total Ratings 10, $36.99 New. Megatron has neither forgiven nor forgotten what happened to him on Earth. He was frustrated by his own greed and with this setback he remembered his previous disgrace and the whole spectrum of negative emotions washed over him. With no guardian to protect them, how long will the peace last until Decepticons attack? Very different in some cases. * Emily Good, a chaotic girl with a strange fascination for biology. She is still re cooperating but had no idea that returning to her brother will drag her into another war. The question was, how far can we trust the humans with our culture? These are my personal notes that show the weapons, vehicles, personnel, equipment, along with some history about the Autobot/Human military unit in my TBAM series, along with other U.S military formations. More trouble lays ahead, but is everyone really ready for it? With Cybertron restored, the Autobots believed they can take a breather. So what wi "Sometimes, silence is the best response." "What are they doing at Kota?!" My footsteps down the hall were the only noises I heard that morning, besides the snoring of my puppy. prime minister of america. Pilot Resume Template, Stuck in a garage with no way out,Crosshairs starts to like the human. Roma Vs Milan Bettingexpert, Megatron | Transformers Movie Wiki | Fandom By signing up on Inkitt, you agree to our, The Last Dragon Shifter (Shifter World - Book Eleven) (Series of 13 Short Stories), Torn Between Us (Heavens Regrets book 2), Made for the Alpha Shifter (Shifter World - Book Nine) (Series of 13 Short Stories), Bearing the Shifter (Shifter World - Book Four) (Series of 13 Short Stories). I think he's some pro/, Midoriya Izuku & Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Fukukado Emi | Ms. A world of peace with only human and animal in it. But at least he had a voice now, voice, you noticed, he only used around you. Time: Time: Stellar cycle - 400 days Vorn - 83 years Meta-cycle - 13 months "You have what I need that you have boy!" Mientras una faccin de Decepticons liderada por Starscream conspira con los Autobots para derrocar a Megatron, un nuevo enemigo se da a conocer. "Petty?" Very well done. There's no Primes, no walking among the Matrixthere's not even the infamous bright light at the end of the tunneljust the brief darkness of death. Will she pull through his attack without long-lasting mental wounds? Transformers (Bay) | Action Fantasy Transformers Fanfiction Transformers Bayverse Transformers Movies Humor Sunburst, the son of the two Autobots. Changbin: I will not let anyone argue with me over the fact that this guy would definitely get something gym related But drunk Binnie?
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