* Gaetke, Dan, 33, owned landscaping business and taught elementary school art; of Kansas City, Mo. Photos: TWA Flight 800 With help from the Navy as well as contracted fishing trawlers scouring the ocean floor, investigators were able to recover more than 95% of the * Maresq, Etienne, Planquary, France To honor this agreement made with the families of the victims of TWA Flight 800, the NTSB will work closely with a federal government contractor to dismantle the reconstruction and destroy the wreckage. In her Point Pleasant Beach home, Carol Ziemkiewicz says she draws comfort from a garden in Lyndhurst that was built in Jills memory. * Jensen, Suzanne, 31, associate at G.E. List of Victims Identified From TWA Flight 800 | AP News In April the city of Houston issued a proclamation honoring her work. Suspicions of foul play seemed to be confirmed when a number of eyewitnesses reported that they had seen what appeared to be a missile shoot up toward the airline an instant before the explosion. Alexander, Matthew, 20, a student at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C., traveling to Dijon, France, to study, of Florence, S.C. Our Transportation Disaster Assistance division and I have connected with representatives of TWA Flight 800 family groups to help ensure families of those who perished on TWA Flight 800 learned of our decision directly from the NTSB before our public announcement, said Bryson. Also scattered in the surf or deep below were the bodies of the 230 victims. TWA Flight 800, a Boeing 747, bound for Paris, France with 230 people aboard, crashed July 17, 1996, minutes after takeoff from John F. Kennedy International Airport. -- McPherson, It's not Hollywood and it does not happen overnight.". Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). We grew up together. I havent.. Its dedicated to memorializing the lives and loss of the 16 Montoursville High School students and 5 chaperones killed aboard TWA Flight 800. * Wolters, Bonnie, 44, of New York City, a bond trader engaged to be married to a judge who was not on the flight but had planned to join her in France next week. The aim, according to Francis, is to raise two of the four engines by the end of the week. Feeney, Vera, 56, home-care nurse, New Hyde Park, N.Y. (mother of Dierdre Feeney) However, advances in investigative techniques such as 3-D scanning and drone imagery, lessen the relevance of the large-scale reconstruction in teaching modern investigative techniques. "She was already, even at 15 she had lists of colleges and rankings and ratings so she was really focused on her future," Jez said. Cashman drew comfort by helping to build a monument to the TWA 800 victims atop a sand dune overlooking the beach at Long Islands Smith Point State Park. IDENTIFYING THE VICTIMS: HORROR AGAINST Chrysou K, Halat G, Hoksch B, Schmid RA, Kocher GJ. Also in the plane's forward section was its center fuel tank, which was nearly empty, according to James Kallstrom, the assistant director of the FBI. Ana Duarte Coiner) * Coiner, Constance, 48, associate professor of English and literature at State University of New York at Binghamton, of Binghamton, N.Y. (mother of When the NTSB moved the reconstruction to the Training Center, it did so with the stipulation that it would be used solely as a training resource and never as an exhibit or public display. HAUPPAUGE, New York (CNN) -- The Suffolk County medical examiner has released the first autopsy report on the victims from TWA Flight 800. The U.S. Navy and the FBI, in conjunction with the National Safety Transportation Board, launched an extensive investigation of the incident, collecting the scattered wreckage of the aircraft out of the Atlantic and reconstructing the plane in a closely guarded hangar. Will Dominion-Fox News lawsuit be different? * Gray, Charles H. III, 47, president and chief operating officer of Midland Financial Group, Inc., of Little Rock, Ark. Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. "It's like a car smashing into a brick wall at 400 m.p.h.," said Suffolk County Medical Examiner Charles Wetli. Twenty-three years ago, the borough of Montoursville in Lycoming County suffered an unimaginable loss. * D'Iorio, Christine Bailey, mother of four, waitress, of Prato, Italy (married to Pietro d'Iorio) * Chaillou, Jenny, France NTSBs TWA Flight 800 Reconstruction to be Decommissioned * Paquet, Ingrid, France The jetliner cracked and broke into several sections, then fell into the Atlantic. The plane, which crashed off the coast of Long Island, N.Y., on July 17, 1996, killing 230 people, is scheduled to be dismantled and moved to a at George Washington University crash reconstruction training facility in Virginia. * Gallagher, Claire, student from Montoursville, Pa. Jacques, 66, a French national who was a paratrooper in the Algerian war, managed the attendants; Constance, 49, an avid watercolorist, worked on his crew. * Krukar, Andrew, 40, an engineer at the Torrington Co. in Watertown, Conn., of Bridgewater, Conn. As with many tragedies, the rest of the world eventually moved on. Her Daughter Larissa Uzupis was one of the 21 people from Montoursville High School and one of the 230 people who boarded Trans World Airlines Flight 800 and didn't make it home. Just before he boarded the plane, he stopped to make one phone call. * Watson, Jill, 32, architect, of Pittsburgh; daughter of ThermoKing president James F. Watson (father was not on the flight) (married to Jay Anderson) ""The last thing he ever would have done was to go into someone's house and make them feel bad about their furniture,'' says his sister-in-law, Linda Johnson. TWA Flight 800 I dont think thats true, said John Seaman of Albany, New York, who lost a niece aboard TWA Flight 800 and went on to lead a coalition of victims relatives who campaigned for airline safety. * Haurani, Dr. Ghassan, of Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich. (married to Nina Haurani) (AP Photo/Ron Frehm, POOL)Associated Press. But one customer said the motives are far more complicated. But for victims relatives like Carol Ziemkiewicz, formerly of Rutherford, who lost her daughter Jill Ann in the TWA 800 fireball, it is still a troubling story of lives cut short an open wound of the heart that never seems to heal. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). * Ziemkiewicz, Jill, 24, TWA Flight 800 crew, of Rutherford, N.J. © Copyright 1996 The Associated Press. * Loffredo, Elaine, 50, off-duty TWA employee, of Glastonbury, Conn. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. * Teang, Rachama-Chan, France PMC 2023 www.northjersey.com. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Texas congressman who broke with GOP is censured, Hong Kong court convicts activists behind Tiananmen vigil, Election conspiracies fuel dispute over voter fraud system, Arizona governor wont proceed with execution set by court, Desperate mountain residents trapped by snow beg for help; We are coming, sheriff says, Look up: The 32 most spectacular ceilings in Los Angeles, Winter storms ease drought conditions in California, report shows, 19 cafes that make L.A. a world-class coffee destination, David Lindley, guitarist best known for work with Jackson Browne, dies at 78, Best coffee city in the world? * Lychner, Katherine, 8, of Houston (daughter of Pam Lychner) As the Emmy-winning executive producer of ABC Sports, O'Hara, 39, oversaw all the network's sports broadcasts, including ""Monday Night Football'' and ""Wide World of Sports.'' * McPherson, Pamela Cobb, 45, off-duty TWA employee, of New York City The But memorial gardens, while comforting, cant erase the scars of losing a daughter. In memory of the victims, Montoursville erected a statue of an angel with hands extended to a monument with the names of the town's victims. There was no conversation on the boat.. Benjamin, Joan After finishing her TWA training in the spring of 1996, Jill worked a few domestic flights. (son of Paula Carven) That investigation also led to the equally important development of our Transportation Disaster Assistance division and the legislation in place today governing carrier responsibilities for family assistance in the wake of a transportation disaster, said Bryson. Mercurio, Giuseppe, of Palo del Colle, Italy, produce-stand worker and part-owner of jewelry store near Bari, Italy (married to Anna d'Alessandro) Almost everyone knew one of the students.. Because this was his last trip, O'Hara planned to mix relaxation with business. Remembering TWA flight 800 victims This year marks 25 years since a plane explosion killed 16 students and five adult chaperones from Montoursville high school. TWA Flight 800 ""He called me from the pay phone in the airport and asked me to marry him,'' Snow says. (sister of Brenna Siebert, cousin of Stephanie Gaetke) * Braman-Mosberg, Rosemary, 47, off-duty TWA employee, of Hoboken, N.J. PAM LYCHNER DESCRIBED HERSELF AS A ""very weak person'' before she was attacked in 1990 by a man who had already been twice convicted for sexually assaulting other women. At 8:02 p.m. on July 17, 1996, Trans World Airlines Flight 800 left from John F. Kennedy International Airport bound for Paris. * Lychner, Shannon, 10, of Houston (daughter of Pam Lychner), * Manchuelle, Francois, New York, N.Y. Some people say time heals all wounds. * Loo, Patricia, 55, retired researcher for the pharmacological firm Ciba-Geigy, of Springfield, N.J. (married to Ruth Brooks) "That center part of the aircraft is of interest," said Francis. Cashman, an electrician, jumped on his fathers fishing boat The Rogue on the night that TWA Flight 800 blew apart and crashed into the Atlantic. * Estival, Alexandre, * Feeney, Deirdre, 17, New Hyde Park, N.Y. (daughter of Vera Feeney) * DeLange, Sylvain, Paris EVEN AFTER THE MYSTERY OF what happened to TWA Flight 800 is eventually solved, images of the 230 passengers who died in the crash will endure. Officials believe the crash was caused by an explosive, a missile or mechanical failure. * Hill, Susan, police detective in Portland, Ore. * Nibert, Cheryl, student from Montoursville, Pa. Zara, Jean The suspension prolonged an already arduous search. Los Angeles, Civilians flee embattled town of Bakhmut as Ukrainian pullout looms. An exasperated Lychner finally fought back. "You would see ripping, shredding and tearing of bodies" from a bomb in the cabin, he said. Breistroff wanted to make sure that Snow, a New Yorker, would follow him to France as he pursued his dream one final time. * Orman, Alan, New Hyde Park, N.Y. For Montoursville, a 4-square-mile speck of a town in central Pennsylvania with just 4,600 residents, the loss of 21 residents was a shock to the system. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Richey, Brent Remains of 15 victims were never found. "I believe they were all totally unconscious or dead by the time they hit the water," Wetli told The Associated Press. "It's been a long time. Wreckage of TWA Flight 800 to be destroyed 25 years after crash * Rio, Celine * Fry, Carol, former school board member, Montoursville, Pa. The National Transportation Safety Board determined the cause of the explosion was likely a short circuit that ignited fuel vapors as the pilots were shifting fuel to better balance the airplane. "The plane was going at 400 m.p.h., it suddenly changes direction, the fuselage is open so all this air and pressure is going into the cabin, and there's a sudden decompression.". * Aikey, Jessica, student from Montoursville, Pa. (daughter of Sandra Hazelton) One major change that resulted from the planes downing was that airlines now are required by federal law to set up a toll-free hotline for victims relatives to obtain information after a crash and to assign groups such as the Red Cross to care for those relatives. Among the families of the 215 victims whose bodies were recovered, about 80 have sought the official explanation of how and when they died, Wetli said. He said the explosion remains a mystery because "we still don't have the parts of the plane that we need to look at. He said most have massive injuries, adding that it would be "irresponsible and inhumane" to allow families to see the victims, or even to see photographs of their bodies. The Charbonniers were only two of several veteran TWA employees on board Flight 800. SMITHTOWN, N.Y. Autopsies reveal that most passengers aboard the ill-fated TWA Flight 800 died almost immediately in the air, sparing them the long plunge into the ocean after the plane broke apart in midair, a coroner said Thursday. * Jones, Ramona, 61, retired hospital employee; West Hartford, Conn. * Karschner, Amanda, student from Montoursville, Pa. CAPTION: A flower shop sign on Highway 25 outside East Moriches carries sentiments felt by many along the south shore of Long Island, closest land to crash site. Previous reports of commercial airline disasters have reviewed incidents occurring at takeoff and landing. * Torche, Melinda, 47, TWA Flight 800 crew, Mission Viejo, Calif. * Uzupis, Larissa, student from Montoursville, Pa. * Van Epps, Lois, mid-50s, English teacher at Edgemont Junior and Senior High School in Scarsdale, N.Y., of New York City THE COINER WOMEN WERE A talented twosome. Of the 230 passengers and crew believed killed in the crash of TWA Flight 800, searchers have found 100 bodies so far, and the Suffolk County medical examiners office had positively identified 46 by Sunday evening. * Meade, Sandra, 42, TWA Flight 800 crew, of Camano Island, Wash. * Puichaud, Elizabeth, France. Ralph Kevorkian, 58, of Garden Grove, Calif., and Capt. Customers have virtually disappeared from Larry's Crab House, a festive restaurant with a deck and volleyball court adjacent to a marina on Moriches Bay. "You get a little used to it," he said. * Gough, Capt. Background: TWA Flight 800 did not take off until around 8:30 p.m. Just after 5 p.m., Jill phoned her mother in Rutherford. * Krikhan, Margot, 51, a bookkeeper at the Montessori School in Washington, Conn., of Brookfield, Conn. * O'Hara, John, 39, executive producer at ABC Sports, of Irvington, N.Y. (husband of Janet O'Hara, father of Caitlin O'Hara) NEW YORK Andy Krukar boarded TWA Flight 800 with a diamond ring in his pocket, planning to place it on his fiancee's finger at the Eiffel Tower during a romantic weekend in Paris. * Berthe, Maurice, Belleville, France At 8:02 p.m. on July 17, 1996, Trans World Airlines Flight 800 left from John F. Kennedy International Airport bound for Paris. So far, Wetli said he cannot rule out a bomb as the cause, but he said he has found no evidence of one, such as metal and bomb parts trapped in bodies. Sitting beside him on the plane were his wife, Janet, and their 13-year-old daughter, Caitlin, who recently won the French prize at the Middle School in Irvington, N.Y. Its still raw, he said Just talking about it now makes me feel like it happened yesterday.. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. * Anderson, Patricia, 42, of Warson Woods, Mo. He attracted an unusually eclectic, though uniformly wealthy, clientele, including Richard Gere, Mick Jagger and Yves Saint Laurent. People should know that.. * Siebert, Brenna, 25, veterinary clinic worker in Jefferson City, Mo., of Holts Summit, Mo. ", Ziemkiewicz reached for a stack of letters from Jills friends, then another photo album and more pictures. This year marks 25 years since a plane explosion killed 16 students and five adult chaperones from Montoursville high school. * Penzer, Judy, 49, artist and muralist, Pittsburgh and Lawrence, N.Y. * Babb, David, 13, of Volant, Pa. (nephew of Clara and Namik Ersoz) Two Coast Guard crew members who spent two days and nights pulling bodies from the ocean were so traumatized by what they had seen and touched that they were in serious emotional distress, according to local watermen who know them. Literally, it was the shock., Jill Ziemkiewicz had just turned 23 in 1996 when she suspended her dream to be a landscape designer and signed up to become a TWA flight attendant after noticing an ad in a newspaper. Dale Russakoff is the author of "The Prize," published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. * Dupont, Guy, France Steven, 57, TWA Flight 800 pilot, Stratford, Conn. JED JOHNSON, 47, WAS FAST BECOMING one of the most acclaimed interior designers in the country. To report an incident/accident or if you are a public safety agency, please call 1-844-373-9922 or 202-314-6290 to speak to a Watch Officer at the NTSB Response Operations Center (ROC) in Washington, DC (24/7). Her husband, Philippe, is president of Eastern Industrial Minerals in Brunswick, Ga. On board were 16 students and five chaperones from Montoursville Area High School in Lycoming County, Pa.
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