He was voiced by Steven Yeun, who portrays Glenn Rhee from The Walking Dead, Nathan Park from Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters, Wan from The Legend of Korra, Bo from The Star, Little Cato from Final Space, Speckle from Tuca & Bertie and Invincible from the titular Amazon Prime animated series. The host of the comedic game-show Garfle Warfle Snick, but he's not what he appears. Keith has embraced his role as a Paladin to near extremes and places high value on the stakes of the team's mission of defending the universe. He's relieved he didn't accidentally kill Keith's character but relief mixes with irritation at the knowledge that he's just set the party back. No information This also coincides with his, Unlike the other Paladins, Keith's birth date was not revealed on social media, but instead first published in. Honerva lying to them about the circumstances of Lotor's death and using them to power the Robeasts. Issue 3 of the comics is notable because it's narrated by Lance himself, and presented from his perspective. Acxa | The original series was the No. Summary: Keith hates weddings. Acxa is a calculating, intelligent leader and Prince Lotor's top general. He eventually retires as Black Paladin to marry Allura and become her king consort. Keith wears black pants that his shirt overlaps; his boots are white with black and red accents. He had to win his lions trust by protecting it. Originally named by. Casual When the two get sent to a wedding on a diplomacy mission, Keith is not happy. Keith's hair is described as a mullet. Keith's Galra heritage was hinted at a few times during Season 1: his ability to activate the Galra technology on the Balmera with his handprint, his fighting style being remarked upon by Zarkon in their first duel, etc. Initially, the plan was for Keith to have teeth that looked like fangs and white hair that he dyed different colors. However, as seen during his battle with the Galra Emperor, Keith's determination also allows him to connect more deeply with Red, unlocking previously unknown weaponry. Instead, it was first revealed in The Paladins Handbook. The official logo was released on February 8, 2016[3] while the entire first season was released on June 10, 2016. Inhalt ist versteckt. The diminutive Pidge is the youngest of the team at 15 years old, and is also a technological genius. In fact, he married her and became the King of her people in the animated series. Apart from piloting the Red Lion and Black Lion, Keith utilizes this equipment: Zarkon battling Keith, in "The Black Paladin", Keith's specialty lies in close-combat with martial arts and bladed sidearms, using a fighting style said to be more Galran than human. His ability to access genetically-encoded Galra tech is what revealed him as having Galran heritage. Shiro Lance Pidge Hunk Allura Coran This shows that despite his typically reckless demeanor and approach that Keith is a capable guerrilla fighter and tactician of considerable skill. Starring: Jeremy Shada, Tyler Labine, Bex Taylor-Klaus Watch all you want. Voltron: Legendary Defender Let's Go Luna! Keith is a hothead so don't you dare try to steal his Voltron: Legendary Defender Boys' t-shirt! The sharpshooter and marksman is 17 years old. No comment on that question.". Keiths birthday was October 23. Keith (Voltron: Legendary Defender) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom If this guidebook is in your hands, it means you were recently freed from . Together, Keith, Allura, Shiro, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk, must fight with Liu Kang and his ally's against Shao Kahn and Zarkon. Keith embodies the Red Lion's elemental affiliation of Fire in his hotheaded personality, fierce instincts in battle, and often incendiary humor and remarks. Little is known about him at all, not even his name. [1][2] He gains a scar on the right side of his face after fighting "Shiro.". Occupation He may be a cocky and complex personality but the defenders absolutely cant do without Lance. Acxa is a former general of the Galra Empire serving directly under Prince Lotor. von Rin Chan. That one was Keith. Keith was known to have been close with his father, and now having known his mother, he is far more at ease with his heritage, feeling at peace at last. This story gives readers a There's a bond and complete trust between the two. Keith's latent leadership abilities came to surface along his journey, though he is less decisive and more aggressive as a leader than Shiro, though he is quickly calming down into a leader of great skill, as noted by the Black Lion who only allows born leaders to partner with it. Keith's Galra heritage allows him to tap into and utilize Galra technology that is specifically encoded to their species, allowing him to infiltrate their bases. Watch Voltron: Legendary Defender | Netflix Official Site It has some bullet point facts about the Voltron. [5], Appearing the most loyal of the generals to Prince Lotor who both trusts and idolizes him, she is offended on his behalf when he is not spoken to or addressed properly, and this is a rare time her temper arises. By this point they had destroyed several planets for their quintessence while robbing the regeneration cubes from Olkarion. As one of Lotor's generals, Acxa wears custom armor designed to fit her body in the standard black, blue, gray, and red-orange colors designating her team. Defend the Universe (Succeeded) Defeat Zarkon (Succeeded) Later in the series, Keith joins the Blade of Mamora to better understand his Galran half and so Shiro can return as the Black Paladin and leader of Voltron. Beginning June 15, 2017, the comics were released on the DreamWorksTV YouTube channel as "motion comics" with animated panels and voice acting from the main series cast. the 1984 cartoon Voltron: Defender of the Universe. Kolivan | He then spent two years in the Quantum Abyss, where time passed differently for him and his mother compared to the outside world. Spoilers for Seasons 1-4 are unmarked. Since returning from the Quantum Abyss, Keith's ability to connect to Black's consciousness directly seems to be indicative of his newfound maturity. He is quick to give sarcastic quips and blunt commentary. Kacxa | Shipping Wiki | Fandom Keith is notably fond of the outdoors, finding the quiet of the forest and wild lands to be enjoyable. Strangely, despite not appearing Galran on the surface, Keith's eyes are similar in color as the average Galran's skin tones. [1] This legacy holds to his piloting as a Paladin, making him one of the most skilled pilots on the team, and trusted with dangerous feats such as safely navigating a field of ricocheting asteroids or flying near a black hole.[9][8]. He does eventually return to the team and take up Black after discovering Lotor's secret plans. When he passed the Trials of Marmora, Keith has part-Galra heritage as the Galra knife evidenced. In Voltron: Legendary Defender, romance wasnt really on too many characters radars. Friends/Allies [6] After finding Shiro on Earth along with Lance , Hunk, and Pidge, he joins Voltron as the Paladin of the Red Lion to fight against the Galra Empire. Running time When it turns out Shiro is a clone under Haggar's control, Keith returns as the Black Paladin. This can be seen when he was able to see directly through Black's perspective, bringing out the Ephemeral Wings to fly from several galaxies away within moments to rejoin the other Paladins. However, season one episode three reveals . Following his brief and tumultuous experience as leader piloting the Black Lion, his decision to leave Team Voltron only occurs so that "Shiro" may return as the Black Paladin, as Keith constantly compares himself to Shiro, who guided him in his youth, and feels the older man is a better leader than himself. This was confirmed in "Bloodlines" when he rescued a Blade from a Galra base who turned out to be Keith's mother. Keith S Story Voltron Legendary Defender Ready To Pdf Yeah, reviewing a book Keith S Story Voltron Legendary Defender Ready To Pdf could grow your close links listings. By the time season six ended, Keith was 21. He eventually retires as Black Paladin to marry Allura and become her king consort. [3], Allura describing the Red Lion, in "The Rise of Voltron", Keith is described multiple times as the hothead of Team Voltron. While initially very loyal to the prince, she and her fellow generals turn against him when Zarkon labels them all criminals of the Empire. Once all separate issues are released, each storyline is complied into a paperback volume (abbreviated "TPB" for "trade paperback"). Keith Kogane When Shiro disappears at the end of Season 2, Keith reluctantly takes over as paladin of the Black Lion and leader of Voltron. Keith Akira Kogane, known as Chief Akira Kogane ( , Kogane Akira Chfu) in the original Japanese language Beast King GoLion, is a fictional character in the media franchise Voltron and leader of the Voltron Force, who made his debut appearance in Defender of the Universe.[4][5]. Kurzbeschreibung . While Keith normally appears to be completely human, he has displayed Galran traits such as yellow sclerae, feline pupils, and sharpened teeth during moments of extreme stress and emotion. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/voltron_legendary_defender, https://voltron.fandom.com/wiki/Keith_(Legendary_Defender), https://aminoapps.com/c/voltron-legendary-defenders/page/item/keith-kogane/zjM8_BxUwIBKdWpENkR0vq5Wwx6xWX2jWY, https://voltron.fandom.com/wiki/Allura_(Legendary_Defender), https://yourbootyisyou.tumblr.com/post/173834420113/voltron-character-heights, https://voltron.fandom.com/wiki/Pidge_(Legendary_Defender), https://voltron.fandom.com/wiki/Lance_(Legendary_Defender), https://voltron.fandom.com/wiki/Hunk_(Legendary_Defender), Top 10 Most Expensive Collectible Mechanical Pencil you can buy on eBay. Only then will they be awarded with a bayard and the true title of "Paladin". Some fans expected Keith and Allura to eventually end up together because they did in previous versions of the story. On the surface The Paladin's Handbook, a Voltron Legendary Defender tie in guide, looks to be a just a bit of harmless fun for kids. Voltron: Legendary Defender Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Druids | Voltron Wiki | Fandom When the team lost Shiro, the black lion chose him to become the team leader, and they formed a bond as well. [1] For all his seriousness, Keith is hardly stoic. Antok | Beast King GoLion by Toei AnimationVoltron: Defender of the Universe by World Events Productions Club 57 Wiki. The trouble was that the producers were afraid it would make his Galra heritage too obvious. [12], "Exclusive: 'Voltron' EPs discuss Keith's growth, love, Shiro's autonomy, and shifting dynamics", "Netflix's Voltron Ending: Season 8 Finale Explained In Detail", "VOLTRON Recap: 'The Blade of Marmora' Puts Keith Through Hell", "The Myers-Briggs Personality Types Of Voltron: Legendary Defender Characters", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Keith_(Voltron)&oldid=1084786735, This page was last edited on 26 April 2022, at 15:53. Paladin is the term used to describe individuals chosen by a Lion of Voltron to pilot them. Not too long ago, I was a regular kid from Earth. voltron: legendary defender characters keith She plans to turn Lotor in so Zarkon will spare the generals' lives, but he escapes and flees, leaving them behind in a Sincline Ship. The power unleashed by Red's upgraded cannon was enough to inflict critical damage to Zarkon's central base and large portion of his vast armadas. Keith is quick-witted, making many deadpan remarks and observations at other's expense, particularly Lance's, who believes Keith is his rival. Nadia Rizavi | Scorpios tend to be passionate and stubborn, but also obsessive and secretive. [8][12] He is a skilled and aggressive martial artist able to take down Garrison technicians in mere moments with a few powerful strikes. The Keith as fans know him in Voltron: Legendary Defender could have been very different. Voltron: Legendary Defender characters He functions as a Paladin of Voltron, piloting both the Red Lion and the Black Lion. Hes the only paladin to form some sort of connection with three of the five lions. Alias(es) This can be seen in his wariness of the local Arusians, taking a while to warm up to the friendly aliens before trusting them completely. Work on the series began as early as the year 2014. Main Heroes Lauren MontgomeryJoaquim Dos Santos Keith | Shipping Wiki | Fandom In his Paladin armor, Keith's uniform mirrors his fellow Paladins but with red accents to match his Lion. The rest of his hair reaches the base of his neck, wildly flaring out in curved strands that tend to sit on top of his coat collar or armor. He has stepped down as a Paladin to work for the Blade of Marmora, only to later regain his rank as the leader of Voltron. In the original GoLion series, this reveal was a massive plot twist. At the start of Voltron: Legendary Defender, Keith was a dropout from the Galaxy Garrison, despite being considered the most talented pilot of his generation. Zarkon has noticed that Keith's natural fighting style resembles that of the Galran's own during their first duel. Chapter Text "Coffee Draws People . Before Keith became the Red Paladin, he was an orphaned at a young age because his mother, Krolia left Earth when he was an infant to continue her mission with the Blade of Marmora, and Keith's Father died when Keith was very young. Because his surname, or even his own fathers first name, was never revealed in the series, fans have surmised that he must have the same last name as the previous versions of his character. The Keith as fans know him in Voltron: Legendary Defender could have been very different. At his waist, Keith wears a brown utility belt with a silver rectangular buckle in the center and two lighter brown pouches at either hip. Voltron: Legendary Defender Characters' Heights and Ages Debut. According to an interview with producers Lauren Montgomery and Joaquim Dos Santos, he went through a major design change before the series went into production. Orphaned at a young age before enlisting in the Galaxy Garrison, Keith is somewhat of a lone wolf. Den of Geek: Is the Paladin's Handbook Canon? After noting similarities between it and one that Ulaz wielded, Keith began to suspect he was part Galra or being used by Zarkon to track the team, causing him to become more reclusive from his teammates and more sympathetic towards Galra rebel fighters. While his fathers choice of Keith won out, Krolia originally wanted to name him Yurak. Due to the Season 2 finale and the Voltron origin story in Season 3, we were explicitly told that Haggar was once the Altean alchemist Honerva and that Lotor is indeed her biological son. Despite his tendency to jump into battle, Keith can be quite calm and cautious at times. A year passed when Shiro returned to Earth, making Keith 19 at that point. This can put him in situations far beyond his comfort zone but cause him to achieve impressive feats. Origin The first comic was published on July 13, 2016. Voltron: Legendary Defender - Wikipedia Keith | Acxa | Voltron: Legendary Defender Wikia | Fandom Keith is also skilled with explosives and diversionary tactics, as he was able to distract Galaxy Garrison personnel with multiple calculated explosions in order to clear the way to bust Shiro out of quarantine. Following Netflix's original releases online, the show was later televised on certain channels such as CHRGD from 2019 onward. The Voltron Website describes Keith as an orphan. I know who I am. Over the course of the series, however, Keith was the paladin who spent the most (literal) time in space, making him age differently than his teammates. Fanon Status of Relationship Former Enemies/Current Allies FANON Type (?) A lot of information about the characters comes from outside materials, which is where we infer Keiths name to come from. Due to his mother leaving him as an infant and his father's death when he was still a small child, Keith had some serious barriers that he kept up around his friends and teammates, which initially impeded his abilities as a leader during the first few missions as the head of Voltron. Voltron: Legendary Defender Canonical? Klance | Shipping Wiki | Fandom Theyve adapted The Umbrella Academy, She-Ra, and just a few years ago, Voltron. Pidge | Pidge was also male in other versions of Voltron, e.g. Keith is the only Paladin who's human race is never revealed. Voltron: Legendary Defender is a Netflix original web television series produced by DreamWorks Animation and World Events Productions, and animated by Studio Mir with a combination of drawn and CGI animation. . There were, however, a few differences. He functions as a Paladin of Voltron, piloting both the Red Lion and the Black Lion. According to an interview with producers Lauren Montgomery and Joaquim Dos Santos, he went through a major design change before the series went into production. Despite his gifted natural connection to the Red Lion, Keith was able to tap into and connect directly to the consciousness of Black. Ten thousand years ago, Voltron saw its last battle against the evil Galra . Afterwards, Keith continued to practice many other forms of martial arts until he turned 18 and enrolled in the United States Marine Corps, spending several years as a reconnaissance specialist. But like fire, Keith's impulsive and explosive tendencies can be harnessed as a valuable tool and weapon to ensure the survival and victory of his friends and innocents. Voltron Force Main article: Voltron Force Keith Kogane became a fugitive by the Galaxy Alliance after Voltron was decommissioned. An alien who Lotor befriended at a planet he stayed at in "Shadows". Current Black Paladin (Currently) Red Paladin (Formerly) Garrison Pilot Cadet (Formerly) Member of the Blade of Marmora (Currently) More Voltron: Legendary Defender Wikia. Keithis a character from theNetflixTV series Voltron: Legendary Defender. 'Voltron: Legendary Defender' Season 7 What's the - Fandom ANALYSIS OF VOLTRON: LEGENDARY DEFENDERS CHARACTERS' AGES As the leader of the legendary group, Keith's lion forms the head and he is 18 years old. Four short black horns protrude from her scalp near the back of her head. In truth, Keith is prone to self-consciousness and fears being rejected by others due to his parents' loss as a child, feeling that he was abandoned, and he tends to keep people at a distance and shut them out before they can reject him first to protect himself. That choice didnt just highlight a difference in cultures, but also provided a nod to an earlier version of the Voltron story. Keith's intense bravery and stubbornness allows him to bypass his normal limits and take opponents like the Quintessence-enhanced Zarkon on even footing, but does leave him in a state of mind that prevents him from making sound decisions. Five unsuspecting teenagers, transported from Earth into the middle of a sprawling intergalactic war, become pilots for five robotic lions in the battle to protect the universe from evil. Het Also Known As Acxeith, Kexa, Akeith Tropes Friendship Moment Keith and Acxa have a heart-to-heart after Keith saves her. Though Keiths age was never explicitly stated in the show, The Paladins Handbook did label him as 18 to begin the series, which coincided with him being considered in his late teens when the story began. Keith is a Paladin of Voltron, originally piloting the Red Lion before becoming the Paladin of the Black Lion following Shiro's disappearance. Keith/History | Voltron: Legendary Defender Wikia | Fandom She comes from the planet Altea, where her kind have long lifespans of up to thousands of years. Keith, however, is a special case because he doesnt have a bond with just one, or even just two, lions. Zarkon's Forces (Emperor Zarkon, Witch Haggar, Commander Sendak, Lieutenant Haxus, Commander Prorok, Thace, Varkon, Druids, Commander Ladnok, Commander Trugg, Commander Morvok, General Raht, General Herreh, Warlord Ranveig, Quartermaster Janka, Commander Branko, Commander Gnov, Commander Sniv, Commander Bogh, Lieutenant Hepta), Lotor's Team (Prince Lotor, Acxa, Ezor, Zethrid, Narti), Others (Varkon, The Archivist, Dayak, Macidus), Pets (Laika, Cova), Robeasts (Myzax, Drazil, Prorok, Zarkon's Armor, Sincline). Indeed, Keith's single-minded drive during battles is reminiscent of the Galra Empire's motto in battle: nothing will stop him but triumph or death. Videos If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Shiro Ezor | A skilled martial artist, Keith is extremely capable on the battlefield as his Bayard takes the form of a katar that can slice through solid steel with ease. His black gloves are fingerless and expose part of his hand before strapping together over the wrist. [1] He has uneven-cut bangs that tend to sweep to the left of his face, length averaging just under his eyes, but framing his face slightly longer and curled at his cheekbones. During the course of the series, he begins to form a comradeship with his teammates, and begins to develop feelings for Princess Allura and vice versa. Now I am a Paladin of Voltron, and I might just be part alien, too. He uses a bayard that turns into a sword (katar) that can slice enemies, even solid metal. Keith is a prodigy pilot who relies more on instinct and natural talent than on learned skill alone. In the case of Netflix, a lot of those pieces of existing material come from comic books, graphic novels, and animated series. Voltron Watches Voltron - Chapter 1 - Archive of Our Own He spent most of his time after his expulsion living alone in a shack out in the desert and searching for the source of strange energy he felt, leading him to explore a nearby range of mountains. Fan Casting Voltron: Legendary Defender Season 1-8. 1 Keith; 2 Lance; 3 Shiro; Explore Wikis Universal Conquest Wiki. She functions as the loyal second-in-command of Lotor's team and leads the generals when he is not present, often correcting them or reminding them of their duties. [4] Her weapon can be set to stun a target instead of killing it. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He retreated to the desert to search for a purpose and consequently felt the energy emitted by the Blue Lion, leading him to remain there and investigate the surrounding caverns full of lion carvings. Previous Keith is ambidextrous, as he switches using his Bayard and shield between both arms, sometimes in the same episode. Also known as [9] Keith is equally able to accept that one evil is not the representative of all of its kind but does not fault Allura's shunning of him for his Galran heritage and only uses it as fuel to prove he has a rightful place on the Voltron team until they make amends. She is only part Galran. Keith saw a few of those changes to his character, but he still retained his leadership skills and his loner attitude. The commander of the Altean force that the Paladins encounter in the Alternate Universe, who wants to obtain the transdimensional comet in order to spread Altean "peace" to all realities. Following his reunion with his mother, Keith matured considerably over his two years in warped space. Thanks! Voltron & Risca Legendary Defenders of the Universe. Based on Galaxies Paint You Blue - Chapter 1 - Catrakewl - Voltron: Legendary Keith is a Paladin of Voltron, originally piloting the Red Lion before becoming the Paladin of the Black Lion following Shiro's disappearance. The Myers-Briggs Personality Types Of Voltron: Legendary Defender But if there's anything in the entire galaxy he'd hate more, it'd be attending said wedding with Lance. Genre Additional bylines can be found at The Movie Network, The Things, Game Rant and Screen Rant. He is not overly confident but is aware of his skills and strengths to trust them and ask others to do the same.[1]. The teleport was a last resort and . Having finally discovered the reason why his mother left him was for his protection, Keith finally made peace with his past on Earth. He is capable of handling the Red Lion not because of their shared ferocious and rebellious natures, but because of his instincts and respect for Shiro as a leader. Voltron: Legendary Defender is interesting because many of the characters - including the paladins - dont have their last names revealed in the series. Below is the current roster of Voltron Paladins:[5]. Keith Keith is fond of the outdoors because of how quiet nature is. Other/Recurring Heroes Keiths Marmorite blade, when fully manifested, bears a resemblance to the. [11] The comic book version of Keith depicts him as 26 and a very asocial character in the beginning. With his ancestral weapon Keith is shown to be adept in not just double-edged swords, but also the single-edged backsword-styled blade favored by the Galran fighting style, common to both the Galra Empire and The Blade of Marmora. Voltron: Legendary Defender Production Information Genre Sci-Fi, Action, Comedy, Fantasy Network Netflix Release date June 10th, 2016 Also known as VLD, Voltron, Legendary Defender Created by Lauren Montgomery Joaquim Dos Santos Based on Beast King GoLion by Toei Animation Voltron: Defender of the Universe by World Events Productions Keith likes the outdoors because of how quiet it is. All of the paladins had their birthdays revealed on social media except for one. PDF Read Free Keith S Story Voltron Legendary Defender Ready To Keith was originally only known to be in his late teens. Luckily for Keith, Allura came to terms with her own suffering and feelings towards the Galra, making amends with him by stating that she considered him and the Paladins her new family, and what is important in a person is who they are, not their blood. 1 Alle Kapitel 6 Reviews. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/VoltronLegendaryDefender. Voltron: Legendary Defender has been wrapping up many of its mysteries in recent seasons as the series nears its end. Voltron Legendary Defender: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Lotor Netflix developed Voltron: Legendary Defender from the same concept, but a few changes were made to modernize the series. Allows Keith to interface with Galran technology so he can open locked doors in Galra structures and activate Galra computer consoles; other non-Galran characters must use Shiro's prosthetic arm or the hands of Galra Sentry robots. Story added by lukeashernido on February 28, 2023. . Gina Jackson (Legendary Defender) | Voltron Fanon Wiki | Fandom Netflix It can be seen that he no longer is as anxious or aggressive in his leadership style, able to master control over himself enough to see through the eyes of the Black Lion, a feat only displayed among the current generation of Paladins by his predecessor, Shiro. Keith/Gallery | Voltron: Legendary Defender Wikia | Fandom Keith's Father is the human father of Keith, having rescued Krolia when she crash-landed on Earth and become her lover. United States He has laughed freely at Hunk's jokes and enjoyed the food fight during training, throwing plates of goo onto Allura and Coran's faces while laughing wildly, and over time, warms up to the team to crack friendly jokes of his own.
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