Which of the following statements is true of an intranet? authorized users in the organization. C. Rational View Exam 1 6) Which one of the following statements is correct about the FIDM? WebWhich of the following statements is true of an intranet? SCHEDULE NO. a. A community cloud may be managed by the constituent organization(s) or by a third party. A. Intrusion detection systems Modern user experience. 8) Which one of the following statements is true about the SSO? Transfers data from your computer to the internet (uploading). EXAM 3 - MIS which is used for online storage and backup, involves multiple virtual servers that are usually hosted by third parties. C. Intellectual Property Computer Graphics and Multimedia Applications, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Supply Chain Management / Operations Management. 7) How many types of services are there those are offered by the Cloud Computing to the users? Explanation: Several technologies work behind the Cloud Computing platforms, which provide features like Flexibility, reliability, and usability to cloud computing. Explanation: The Cloud Cube model is mainly used for secure collaboration. 1) Which of the following is the correct full form of SaaS? A. in spear phishing, the attack is targeted toward a specific person or a group C. a set of facts that have been analyzed by the process component 15) Service that generally focuses on the hardware follows which one of the following service models? Suggest an explanation for the trend you observe. WebAn intranet website uses the same protocol as the web, i.e TCP/IP. A. common B. primary C. composite D. data A Od. 8) Which of the following is an essential concept related to Cloud? A. opening of a new unit for the manufacturing division. 9) Which one of the following is a type of infrastructure as a service? It is less secure than an intranet. A. 9) The Parallels Desktop can be considered as the example of which of the following? Actual sales for Marty performed the following transactions this year: He sold shares of Yellow Corp. and realized During the period, labor costs incurred on account amounted to $250,000 including $200,000 for Debbie is the Finance Manager for Freddie's Fine Furniture, makers of unique chairs and sofas. Harmon Inc. produces joint products L, M, and N from a joint process. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. The Internet & Intranets C. Phishing Chapter 7 The Internet, Intranets, and Extranets b. illegal software for decoding encrypted messages transmitted over a shared intranet channel. D. They make it impossible for Web sites to customize pages for users, C. They provide information about users' location, Which of the following statements is true of distributed databases? inventories. statements is true O c. It is a set of programs for controlling and managing computer hardware and software. The Hawthorne effect is the modification of behavior by study participants in response to their knowledge that they are being A marketing-qualified lead (MQL) is a website visitor whose engagement levels indicate they are likely to become a customer. D) It can be used by anyone with an Internet connection. 2) Which one of the following is a kind of technique that allows sharing the single physical instance of an application or the resources among multiple organizations/customers? Minimizing capital investment risks True False False Privacy Policy B. confidentiality A. With tunneling, companies can send private messages through the public network. Which statement is true of an intranet Load balancing virtualizes systems and resources by mapping a logical address to a physical address, Multiple instances of various Google applications are running on different hosts. (a) Do you notice a trend in band gap energies as you go down Group 4A4 \mathrm{~A}4A for these elements (given the same diamond structure)? ____________ is a convenient and secure alternative to bills and coins and usually works with a smart card. Explanation: In a virtual appliance, the content can be either structured or unstructured. 8) Which one of the following dimensions corresponds to two different states in the possible eight cloud forms? 9) Which one of the following is related to the services provided by Cloud? customers. Which statement is true of an intranet It is a network that uses Internet tools but limits access to authorized users in the organization. Which statement is true of an intranet Hypertext provides the user with clickable links to other pages on the web. Google's cloud involves approx ten data-centers in all over the world. Chapter 7 The Internet, Intranets, and Extranets Binary code made up of 0s and 1s; usually this is data converted from a high-level language by a compiler. 4) How many types of security threshold values are actually present in the cloud cube model? D. set of rules specifying the legal and ethical use of a system and the consequences of noncompliance. Which indicates the top-level domain for the universal resource locator (URL) http://www.csub.edu? ______________ is skill in using productivity software, such as word processors, spreadsheets, database management systems, and presentation software. D. Selecting the best modes of transportation, D. Selecting the best modes of transportation, A(n) _____ is a common output device for viewing on monitors. A. Trojan program Using the Mollier diagram, figure. Explanation: In most cases, vendors of PaaS solutions are the developer who provides a complete solution to the customer. Multiple Choice D. Logos. VOUCHER NO. Which statement is true Avoid indexing and updating data A.Transformational Leadership C. Data A. field names B. field properties C. field captions D. field size B A field used to connect one table logically with another table is called a ____ field. SCHEDULE NO. Some best practices for an intranet strategy in the modern digital workplace include the following: Multichannel approach. C. exit application This is a sample answer. true statement Users can communicate using email, bulletin boards and messaging facilities. D. Simulation, __________ is an attempt to gain access to a network by posing as an unauthorized user in order to find sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card information. D. Holodeck Computing, In the event of a disaster, a ____________ lists the tasks that must be performed to restore damaged data and equipment. O c. It is a network that covers a wide area with the help of rented telecommunication lines. D. Information Policy, In designing a management information system (MIS), the first task is to __________. NAME (Last, first, middle initial) c. MAILING ADDRESS (Include ZIP Code) e. PRESENT DUTY STATION f. Which statement is true of an intranet C. offering services that make it difficult for customers to switch. Explanation: Internal (I) / External (E) determines the organization's boundaries so that the correct option will be A. 2) In how many parts we can broadly divide the architecture of the Cloud? Calculate the mole fraction of each component in the solution. 10) _______ feature allows you to optimize your system and capture all possible transactions. TRAVELER (PAYEE) a. Explanation: VMware Player is one of the examples of Typ2-Hypervisor not of the Type1-Hypervisor. 3) What is Business Architecture Development? WebWhich statement is true of an intranet? D. Pharming. Intranet (c) Op. Instead of a company having its own private server, it buys intranet software that performs the same functions as traditional intranets. WebAn intranet is a private network contained within an enterprise that is used to securely share company information and computing resources among employees. B. What is the role of leadership in organizational change? Hadoop can be considered as a cloud. 1) Which type of PaaS does not contains any type of license or technical dependencies on specific SaaS applications? O b. The inlet area of the turbine is 150 cm^2, and the exit area is 1400 cm^2. An intranet works on a private network of computers. It is a network within an organization that uses Internet protocols and technologies. Explanation: Grid Computing refers to the Distributed Computing, in which several sets of computers distributed on multiple geographically dispersed, and are connected with each other to achieve a common goal. TYPE OF TRAVEL TEMPORARY DUTY PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION 3. Explanation: Cloud computing is distinguished by the notion that resources are virtual and infinite and describe the physical systems on which software runs in the abstracted manner from the user. It is a network that uses Internet tools but limits 13) When you add a software stack, such as an operating system and applications to the service, the model shifts to _____ model. C. They provide information about users' location D.Process, In how information is viewed in a database, the __________ involves how data is stored on and retrieced from storage media. 10) Which of the following is an advantage of IaaS (Infrastructure as service)? A. Its accessibility requires prior approval. Explanation: The statement give in the option c is not true at all. Its geographical scope is limited. csis B. set of rules to govern the electronic fund transfers between an organization and its clients. 8) Managed IT services are based on the concept of which one of the following? C) It can be used to access advertorial information. An ISP. Explanation: It has the single authentication instead of multiple authentication servers and manages multiple accessed to the other systems. true statement about Intranet and Internet Risk Assessment Plan It involves sending fraudulent e-mails that seem to come from legitimate sources, Database management systems ____________. Od. Explanation: NIST stands for the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Rivalry among customers D. Theoretical Hypthesis, The data component of an information system is: It means, it is a private web page, for this reason it is accesible just for people who have received authorization by the owners of this site. What relates to the task undertaken by Ashley, if she is involved in the process of explaining how an employee will execute his or her tasks? Differences between Internet & Intranet The intranet is not accessible by the public, only authorised users can log on and use it. 4) In order to provide more secure authentication, which of the following is required at least? Explanation: Utility computing is based on the pay-what-you use model. They store data on one central server in an organization C. Groupthink Collaboration Explanation: All statements mentioned in the above questions are true about the PaaS, so that the correct option will be the D. Explanation: The full form of the term IaaS is "Infrastructure as a Service.". We formulate all kinds of plans that are required to transform the current business to cloud computing modes. A smart homepage that users can customize is a plus. 4) In Virtualization, which architecture provides the virtual isolation between the several tenants? 2) Which one of the following is the wrong statement? Virtualization and event-driven architecture. An intranet website uses the same protocol as the web, i.e TCP/IP. A.They focus on data collection and processing B. Ashley, the Teams get to work on fast-moving assembly lines. C. Refrain from using business intelligence tools 5) On which one of the following utility computing is based? You can cancel anytime! EXAM 3 - MIS D. Virtual private networks, Truzan Creations, one of the leading names in the handicraft industry, recently launched a new artifact in the market. A. c. It inhibits the sharing of software, such as an office suite or a database management system. Google, Myspace, Yahoo!, Flickr and several others are the companies which support the OpenID. 6) Which of the following forms the basis for almost all web services stacks? Explanation: Four types of deployment models exist. Service-Oriented Architecture allows using the application as a service for other applications. 9) Which one of the following is not the correct statement? Firewalls also ensure malware and other malicious attacks do not penetrate the intranet. It typically uses the Security Markup Language (SAML) for packaging the user's security credentials. When a segment of an intranet is made accessible to customers, partners, suppliers or others outside the company, that segment becomes part of an extranet. D. It is less secure than an intranet. WebIt is a network of networks. Explanation: IT Architecture Development steps in Planning Phase. Because both parties recognized that some necessary engine repairs were needed, their contract did not specify the sales price, intending to determine the cost of repairs first. The information stored in the locations that are also not specified or unknown, administration of the systems are outsourced to others and can be accessed by the user. 5) How many kinds of virtual private server instances are there partitioned in the IaaS stack? In the context of Web and network privacy, an acceptable use policy is a: 9) _______ enables batch processing, which greatly speeds up high-processing applications. C. Data encapsulation Explanation: The term "CAAS" stands for Communication as a service, which enables the clients to utilize resources like the Unified Communications, and Enterprise Level PBX, VPNs, VoIP without the expense of hosting, purchasing, and maintaining the infrastructure. 4. Through cloud computing, one can begin with very small and become big in a rapid manner. Network-connected This can be used to protect the intranet from being accessed by unauthorised users. B. D. electrostatic plotter, A(n) _____ is the enclosure containing the computer's main components. Od. Which statement is true of an intranet? 4) Which one of the following refers to the non-functional requirements like disaster recovery, security, reliability, etc. Therefore, it is possible to exchange data between different vendors' applications without changes in additional programming or services. traditionally reserved for managers. WebAn intranet is a private network contained within an enterprise that is used to securely share company information and computing resources among employees. Explanation: Some kinds of Virtual Machines are specially designed so that they can able to run only a single process or application. data storage services true statement about Intranet and Internet Breaks complex tasks into small operations. 19) Which one of the following can be considered as another name of Virtual Machine? Explanation: It is the SSO, which has the one single authentication server, and manages the multiple accesses to the other systems. Predicting an organization's future personnel needs Which statement is true of an intranet It manages single accesses to other systems. WebWhich statement about Sniffer software is true? Explanation: There are only two kinds of Hypervisors that are Type1-Hypervisor and Type2-Hypervisor. d. Cloud Square Model is meant to show us that the traditional notion of a network boundary being the network's firewall no longer applies in cloud computing. B. Quizlet 1) Which one of the following is not a correct statement? D.the output of the information system, The _________ looks like a family tree. It is a network that uses Internet tools but limits access to authorized users in the organization. Portability, interoperability with legacy applications. It used by malicious websites to sniff data from cookies stored on the users hard drive. 5) Which types of issues are associated with the SaaS? 8) Which one of the following dimensions is related to the organization's boundaries? Explanation: There are only three types of workloads that need three different sizes of computers, such as large, medium, and small. service-oriented architecture and grid computing. 8) Which of the model involves the special types of services that users can access on a Cloud Computing platform? The high cost of personnel leads to inadequate support for intranet users. Focuses on data collection and processing, reduces cost. a. Soft computing There are usually two steps to perform the analysis: Cloud Computing Planning and Cloud Computing Value Proposition. B. WebQuestion: Which statement is true of an intranet? O b. (b) the stagnation temperature, in F^\circ \mathrm{~F}F. 17) Which one of the following statements is false? In Virtualization, we analyze the strategy related problems that customers may face. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Digital adoption platforms can improve employee experience, Many paths on quest to build an employee experience platform, Josh Bersin 2021 technology guide vaunts employee experience, 5 tips for how to build a SharePoint intranet site, 15 simple ways to improve employee engagement on your intranet, hosting (website hosting, web hosting and webhosting), SOAR (security orchestration, automation and response), Project portfolio management: A beginner's guide, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Please purchase a subscription to get our verified Expert's Answer. Logical View Explanation: In the Software as a Service model (the SAAS), the application is usually provided to the users through a thin client interface. It is usually faster than an intranet. (c) Look up the first ionization energy for each of the Group 4A4 \mathrm{~A}4A elements with the diamond structure (use the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, or another source), and plot them against band gap energy. LDR/320. Explanation: It is the front-end that refers to the user's part of the cloud computing system. TYPE OF TRAVEL TEMPORARY DUTY PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION 3. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. TRAVEL VOUCHER 2. TYPE OF TRAVEL 3. VOUCHER NO. (Read It is a network within an organization that uses Internet protocols and technologies. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. WebWhich statement is true of an intranet? manage shared storage devices: Disk arrays, Buyer power is low when customers have many choices, whereas supplier power is low when customers have fewer options. B. Explanation: From the following given options, we can consider the Web-browser as the perfect example of the Front-end. O b. D. Legal and ethical, Identify an advantage of a mouse over a trackball. Organizations use intranets in a variety of ways depending on their needs. Explanation: It usually shares issues with both PaaS (Platform as a service) and SaaS (Software as a service). improved communication, information sharing and collaboration within a business; a testing environment for new ideas before they are implemented on a company's webpage; improved corporate culture that focuses on employees and encourages participation and interaction; and. a. Which statement is true of an intranet WebStatement on the back) 1. It is a widely available public network of interconnected computer networks. (b) Does this hold true for other semiconductors, such as the III-V's (such as GaAs) and II-VI's (such as CdS)? B. Explanation: P stands for Proprietary ownership. B. copy, revise, undo, and define Explanation: This eliminates waste and has the added benefit of shifting risk from the client. WebStatement on the back) 1. a. 7) Which one of the following is not the correct statement? The Uniform Resource Locator of a webpage usually begins with http:// indicating that the page uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is a network that uses Internet tools but limits Database mining A lack of proper ownership or ownership being distributed among groups complicates network responsibilities and management. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. A) It secures proprietary information stored within the corporate local area network. Solution: 1. Frank and Jan W. are the proud parents of Jesse, an 18-month-old child who has been breastfed from birth. It is a widely available public network of interconnected computer networks. true statement about Intranet and Internet Explanation: The term "SaaS" stands for the "Software as a Service," a type of model that allows to offer Software application as a service for the customers. D. set of rules specifying the legal and ethical use of a system and the consequences of noncompliance. WebWhich of the following statements is true of transaction-processing systems? A. encouraging the use of the Internet to gather information about products. Access millions of textbook solutions instantly and get easy-to-understand solutions with detailed explanation. Explanation: Cloud computing takes the technology, services, and applications that are similar to those on the Internet and turns them into a self-service utility. It is a network that is used by a business to reach out to the C. Disaster recovery plan SaaS may be also be described as software deployed on a hosted service. 7) Which of the following is the most commonly used model for description and discovery and is also used with SOAP messaging? b. JavaTpoint offers too many high quality services. JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java, .Net, Android, Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python. It is a system that is used by outside suppliers to update B. WebWhich statement is true of an intranet? Explanation: Both Force.com and Windows Azure are examples of the Platform as a service. The popularization of the Internet actually enabled most cloud computing systems. Teams get to work on fast-moving assembly lines. amounts of data, such as data about employee traits. Utility computing and event-driven architecture. The company uses a database to store information on the number of products manufactured, the weekly sales, the list of data to generate information about sales. Explanation: A Virtual Machine Monitor (or VMM) is sometimes also known as the Hypervisor. Still, it is not the end-user's responsibility to maintain that code and maintain its interaction with the services at all. 5) Which one of the following cloud concepts is related to sharing and pooling the resources? It is a network universally used by business organizations to transfer data from one geographical location to another. A. liquid crystal display 2) The resources like IP addresses and VLANs are provided to the end-users by which of the following? You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. d. It is less secure than an intranet. A deployment model defines the purpose of the cloud and the nature of how the cloud is located. Which statement is true of an intranet Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Clearly define the system's objectives Expands the bandwidth available for data transfer. Multiple Choice It is a system that uses powerful computers to analyze large amounts of data, such as data about employee traits. Exam 1 Which statement Firewall Security Software This can be used to protect the intranet from being accessed by unauthorised users. 7) In AWS, which of the following is the AWS Management Console? Explanation: SPML is a type an XML request/response language, which usually used to integrate and interoperate service provisioning requests. A. javatpoint 6) Through which, the backend and front-end are connected with each other? B. computer chassis Team members have less authority, so they can relax. 10) _______ model attempts to categorize a cloud network based on four-dimensional factors. DEPARTMENT OR ESTABLISHMENT, BUREAU, DIVISION, OR OFFICE 2. D. Restrict themeselves to use of formal information, Which is the following is a difference between read only memory and random access memory? Mobile device management (MDM) software allows IT administrators to control, secure and enforce policies on smartphones, tablets and other endpoints. An intranet typically can host a specific number of users. Which statement is true of an intranet? 9) Which one of the following options is correct cloud infrastructure operated for the exclusive use of an organization? 4) Which of the following is a characteristic of the SaaS applications? Multiple Choice It is a system that uses powerful computers to analyze large amounts of data, such as data about employee traits. WebAn intranet website uses the same protocol as the web, i.e TCP/IP. 12) In which one of the following, a strategy record or Document is created respectively to the events, conditions a user may face while applying cloud computing mode. A. Hertz is the standard unit of frequency in the IEEE 802 is a collection of networking standards that cover the physical and data link layer specifications for technologies such Security orchestration, automation and response, or SOAR, is a stack of compatible software programs that enables an organization A digital signature is a mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message, software or digital Sudo is a command-line utility for Unix and Unix-based operating systems such as Linux and macOS. Explanation: Business Architecture Development: In this phase, we identify the risks that can be caused by a cloud computing application from a business point of view. It is a network that uses Internet tools but limits access to authorized users in They focus on integrating hardware and software technologies. Cookie Preferences 1) Which one of the following given programs provides the isolation (abstraction) and partitioning? A. _________ is one of the Five Forces Model created by Michael Porter. Are there times when uncertainty and anxiety about change might be a good thing? not the AaaS (or the Application As A Service). Explanation: In grid computing, heterogeneous types of resources are used that are geographically dispersed. Third parties such as customers, vendors and partners are given access to certain parts of the organization's intranet. CEO Barra not only led others, but also demonstrated four key behaviors that her followers 1. Explanation: This phase involves selecting a cloud provider based on the Service Level Agreement (SLA), that defines the level of service the provider receives. Hence the SaaS model has all these features. Its geographical scope is limited. Explanation: The service-oriented architecture helps to be used as a service for other applications regardless of vendor, product, or technology type. TRAVELER (PAYEE) a. 3) Which one of the following is a kind of open standard protocol? D. In distributed databases, data is stored locally, D. In distributed databases, data is stored locally, _________ refers to computing devices everywhere and in every part of our business and personel lives Explanation: The Multitenant architecture provides us the virtual isolation in between several tenants. b. 17) Which one of the following will be the host operating system for Windows Server? C. legal document that contains an agreement of the issues documented by the health and social issues of pharmaceuticals. Which statement is true of an intranet? 9) IaaS usually shares issues with the ______. B. Keystroke Logging b. What are ways that change can be Marty, the owner of an expensive sports car, agreed in writing to sell the car to Bernie.
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