Since his brother had gone so far at Who wants to be a millionare? TV show just for Latika, the only thing he could do was letting Latika and his brother to be together. The tv host accuse Gamal of cheating because Gamal was answering all the questions, and because he is a slum he suppoused to be a cheater and not fair, just because he is a slum. Jamal came from slums of Mumbai and became a millionaire on the game show. GradeSaver. I think that what he did was incredible, because he knew all the answers from past experiences, and not good experiences. When Salim lost a customer because Jamal was taking too long in the toilet, Salim got back at Jamal by trapping him in the toilet when he wanted to get Amitabh Bachchan's . We have been blessed to bless, and this is what we have to do. Well, live in the slums of Mumbai, is very hard because there is a lot of garbage and a lot of dead animal, etc and this make that all the people who live there, suffer illnes or even death. This kind of conflicts are the cause of other like working children, malnutrition, crimes, illiterate people, unemployment, and some others. Investigating some websites, I found that the money is a message that Salim wants to tell us. Originally titled Slumdog Millionaire: Kaun Banega Crorepati, the name was shortened for legal reasons. This is clearly shown in the story. "We're kind of like a bathtub that's filling up with water and the drain is blocked," the hospital's chief medical officer, Dr . and in long term I think that we need to make our country grow so there are going to be more job opportunities and also the banks are helping them by giving them money to run out a business and also upgraded the nationals schools so these people can have a good education and maybe enter to universities if they study hard enough so if we do this in a few years we are going to see less poor children on the streets asking for money. This is ridiculous because there isnt going to start any war in Peru. The title and the contrast in this movie means how a poor man pass to be rich with a simple TV program, Slum means like a very poor zone and is like a young population that don`t have a lot of money, so I think that went the title talk about slum is about Jamal, how with a simple TV program Who wants to be a millionaire and in one night or one day he turn to be a millionaire. Jamal stalls, before saying the correct answer, Benjamin Franklin. ", The policeman still does not believe that Jamal knew the answers on the game show and asks why he would admit to being an accomplice to murder to avoid a charge of fraud. He sealed his destiny when he gave his phone to Latika, he knew Jamal will call to that number and that Jamed will hear Latika on the television and seek for him, but that way Salim will be able to kill Jamed. In my opinion the tv owners of this programmes need to change this kind of people and bring fair people, with fair rules and without that descrimination. The only way that, this can change is giving them education and a place to live in peace and not being exposed to violence. Salim filed up the bathtub with money because he always wants to have money, Salim help Latika even he knows that Javed would kill him, so he decided to filed up the bathtub with all that money so he can die rich like he always wants. Thick suds and bubbles on the surface of the bathwater prevent the diffusion of heat into the air. I think we should make political institutions, promote social and economic sustainable development to ensure the basic rights of every Peruvian, we must build a political system that encourages citizen participation, who cares about the vast majority who do not own anything, but are part of this country and deserve better opportunities. Common Facts about Mumbai and Lima Also the slums are not as big as in India. Publicado por Lissette en 19:40 How far is Las Vegas from the California coast? Child trafficking and drugs are still a menace to which such poor people, most times forgotten by law and police, have no defense at all. "So how did you manage to get on the show?" Slumdog Millionaire (2008) - Frequently Asked Questions - IMDb When Jamal beats on the door, Salim opens it and points the gun at Jamal's head, threatening to shoot him. What does the title mean? Second provide them jobs, food, etc. I also think that what we have to do with this problem, is go to that place and make a social work, to help them with some food or cleaning supplies. Salim then shoots the pimp and is killed by his henchmen.As a bartender in Mumbai, Ram steals the revolver of a dead patron and becomes armed for the first time.When Ram becomes a game show contestant, it is pure happenstance that most of the questions have answers in his life experiences. "You're a sweet boy, Jamal," says Latika, taking the towel and going back in the bathroom. This fulfills Salim's desire to be the alpha-male and a rivalry between Salim and Jamal/Latika is developed through a series of events. *there's a lot of garbage. And a millionaire is someone who has a lot of money. So the first question states the following What does the title mean? If you watch closely in the scene where the Jamal and Malik are young kids and are being chased through the slums of Juhu, the word "chai wallah" appears a few times. During his entire life, Jamal Malik crossed through many difficulties but he could get through them and find a high live condition. What happens to the victims? Loveleen Tandan, who supervised the dubbing, stated, All the actors from the original English including Anil Kapoor, Irrfan Khan and Ankur Vikal dubbed the film. He signed on for the film and allowed the filmmakers to duplicate the show. Salim knew that if he answered the last question, Jamal would become a millionaire, but in the good way, he knew that if he take free Latika sending to his brother, he will be happy, because Jamal will be with Latika. The comparison between Lima Slums To Mumbai slums are that, the problems of poverty are not reviewed by the politics and it is a problem that Is not only on Lima and Mumbai, is in all the world, near the school there is a popular slum, they name of that slum is Manchay, is a place that people dont have enough money to build their houses and dont have money for eat all days, they need helps from the people who have money, in Mumbai happened the same thing,, Mumbai have a large population and the government cant give money for everybody so some people need to live by his own ways, that kind of people are the sums. Salim shoots Javed and is himself gunned down. When Javed hears Latika on the show and realizes that Salim has helped her escape, he and his men break down the bathroom door. Answer (1 of 7): It's partially historic and partially a practical reason. But The case of Jamal malik is different, his poorness turned him rich. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The rest of the film is in English. One cinematographic tricks that Danny Boyle employs often in the film is the use of a diagonally angled shot. Jamal changed his live. Well, first of all, the causes of slums in many principal cities of the world is that people come to the cities for more chances of getting a better live, but when they come, many of the places for living they cant afford them . The plight of India's child beggars has been thrust into the international spotlight by Slumdog Millionaire, the British-made film tipped for Oscar glory. Im going to compare the slums in Munbai, and the slums in Lima. The sofa's bolster concealed a water tank and heater, while the seat unfolded to reveal a bathtub. I took it to mean that he was guilting her into being his girlfriend, or more likely, *ahem* "girlfriend", meaning that they did something that would legally be consensual but ethically or philosophically could have been sexual rape. In Lima also we didnt have gave a good formation to the poor children, that is why the poor children steal things. After watching the film I was shocked by the similarities of the slums in Mumbai and the ones that we have here in Peru. Slumdog Millionaire study guide contains a biography of director Danny Boyle, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. In Who wants to be a millionaire? Salim hates having to work a menial job and complains to Jamal, who tells him that they've come to the city to find Latika. Is "Slumdog Millionaire" based on a book? Was Salim considered a good or bad brother? What does it mean that all Jamal desires is just out of his reach? The host, Prem Kumar, has no history with Jamal or his women. When Jamal remains intent on finding her, Salim insists, "There are 90 million people in this city, Jamal. but since this year theres a program called El Ultimo Pasajero (the last passenger) and this game consist in the competition for 3 schools, each representing a team from a random color (Red, Green or Blue), which compete between to win a vacation trip. What does the title mean? That is because the population. Freida Pinto Net Worth: Freida Pinto is an Indian actress and model who has a net worth of $14 million. Essencially, we are talking about a Slumdog, a little boy from the streets, non educated and without a clue about what is basic culture. If think that the solution for this big problem here in Peru and probably in Mumbai also is the reorganization of the government. what does the title mean? *it's really crowded. Why does he make this choice? An older girl, Gudiya, whose face Ram never sees, lives next door in the chawl with her drunken father, Shantaram. How does the title and the contrast within it provide symbolic summary of the film? Jamal's interrogation is conducted by the police, before, not after, the last question. Why did Salim put money in the bath? "I owe Latika," says Jamal, and Arvind tells Jamal that Latika is on Pila Street, going by the name of "Cherry." contrasts within it provide symbolic summary of the film? Throughout, we see shots filmed at a slight angle, askant. In the movie, and in the up-dated quiz show, the top prize is two crore rupees, or twenty million rupees. We should raise funds to bring education to little kids, so in the future they could get out of the poverty circle. Also anonymus partners say that he is really strict with these kind of schools, that want to win a chance of a free trip. QUESTION: This film weaves together nightmare and impossible dream. How many Oscars did slumdog millionaire receive? Who were the people who killed Jamal's mother? (A) A flower, (B) A sword, (C) A child, or (D) A bow-and-arrow. and he only played because he thought Latika (his true love) would see it and he could find her. Not affiliated with Harvard College. This is Jamal's position in the call center where he works when he appears on the game show. Edit. The principal similarity of them is the people. The title no provide the entire summary but if you analysis the title you can deduce that the theme of the movie is that a person who live in a slum is going to become a millionaire. Each one of them took a decision. At the same time that Jamal is winning, Salim fills a bathtub with money and sits in it, waiting for the death he knows will happen when Javed discovers what he has done. Finally, he says God is great, as it gave the opportunity to get rid of that weight off. The government should provide condomms or another source of preservatives so the people in the slums can have sexual intercourse without having to many children and so they learn to be more responsible with their lives because most parents abandon their homes after a while. This decissions are alson taken by people in Lima, for example poor people have to take a decission between robbing or work really hardly for their money, people who are honorable choose to make their money by their own effort, like Salim who decided at the end of the movie to be honorable and fair to Jamal. People who are from a lower social leve are nglected by usl, we dont want to talk to them. Jamal came from slums of Mumbai and became a millionaire on the game show. It was adapted for the movie by British screenwriter Simon Beaufoy. However, theyre both united on a single phrase, which ensures that its the same person we are talking about. There we can see that the destiny play a huge roll. Slumdog Millionaire (2008) is now on HBO Max as of . (5) For 1,000,000 rupees: On the American $100 bill, there is a portrait of which American statesman? For me the causes of this phenomena is that the people have no resources to bring their lifes ahead, they have no education and thats why they dont have money, they dont know anything about maths or fry chips, another thing is that most of that people are drug addicts, and consumes his intelligence. (4) For 250,000 rupees: The song "Darshan Do Ghanshyam" was written by which famous Indian poet? Probably as a show-off when he gets killed. Looks like you're mixed up with both. Here in lima happens something similar. How does the title and the contrast within it provide symbolic summary of the film? If You're a Bath Person, This Simple Tub Hack Will Make Your Hot Soaks However, when director Danny Boyle cast the roles of the younger children, he discovered that their English was not fluent enough. . This can be stopped, giving more work, so the people can work and have more money. Why does he make this choice? He was given the opportunity to play Who wants to be a millionaire? Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. GradeSaver "Slumdog Millionaire Part 3: Latika Summary and Analysis". He filled the bathtub with money because it was the best for him. For me the most important message or impression from the movie is that you never give up, we can see that in the film in the climax, when Jamal won 20 million rupees, he dont imagine that and he dont give up In the game, when the tv host question to Jamal if he want to pass to next question he say yes, already is he dont know the question. ", Jamal tells the policemen that Latika is the most beautiful woman in the world, and when the older one makes a joke about her being a "slum bitch," Jamal attacks him angrily. In the show Who wants to be a millionaire, all the questions they asked him, were important moments in his life, but he didnt have the last answer of the the last question: who is the third musketeer, he used his last lifeline in calling his brother, but Latika answered the call. He was abandoned at birth in the clothing bin of a Catholic church in Delhi, and raised for eight years by a benevolent English priest named Father Timothy. Salim makes the choice of putting all the money of Javed in the bathtub and then get into the bathtub him too, to shoot and kill Javed because he knowed that if Javed was dead he will no longer search for Latika or Jamal so they could be free. How did he do it? What After his victory, Jamal goes to the train station to wait for Latika. Even though this program is not commonly transmitted in all countries in the world is a great effort to show that if you have knowledge of something it worth a prize. The differences between Lima and Munbay they are a lot but I am going to explain you only 2 the first one is the people that live in each city Mumbay have 21 255 000 million people an Lima 8,5 million the second difference is that in lima we dont have cast system and in Munbay they have this system . In order to make people more confortable the government should provide, in any possible way, more jobs so people can earn money without stealing it. The title means that a slum person changes his poor live to a rich life. Latika (Freida Pinto), having meanwhile been helped by Salim to escape from Javed's (Mahesh Manjrekar) "safehouse" and given his cellphone, races back to her car to answer the call. The producers, director, and writer are not Indian. the policeman asks, which launches us back into Jamal's story. However, it does imply in one scene that he knew the precise moment to callwhen show host Prem Kumar (Anil Kapoor) says "if"because that's when they open the phone lines. But beacause this two words are joined in the same phrase, one may suppose that its only one person that were talking about. Salim's death. In question number 3 it says: User Reviews | Danny Boyle's movie, the most talked-about British film in years, may have won a powerful cohort of enemies in India and overseas, but among these real-life 'slumdogs' the director has become a hero. Slumdog Millionaire study guide contains a biography of director Danny Boyle, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. He had everything he had ever wanted but he didnt have anyone at his side to share with. While Jamal resists the life of a gangster, the easiest way to Are you referring to "Zanjeer" the film, or the novel, Slumdog Millionaire. Why did they blind the kid in Slumdog Millionaire? . They scavenge on a rubbish dump, where they are lured to a childrens home by an evil Fagin character who later tries to blind one of the boys with acid so he can earn more as a beggar. Salims death Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. For this problem is impossible to be do in a short term because the problem is so bigger that is need to be do in a lot of years. And that also happens in Per. It is very difficult to survive in this type of problem because they do not have much money to eat, always have to be attached to someone, because you can be in the cap to survive. And thats how finally slums are created because of migration. Why did Salim fill the bathtub with money? A thematic thread throughout the film is Jamal's belief in destiny. Also, there's an old saying. Slumdog Millionaire Final Scene Analysis - 1226 Words | Cram So the title is how a poor person (slumdog) becomes a millionaire one and change his entire life. Edit, Song and dance sequences are very common in Bollywood movies to portray feelings of love, happiness, or other emotions. Mumbai and Lima: His surname comes from a family that adopted him for three days before giving him back to the church. And their final destination is the same as the brothers from the movie. This is a critical situation, that is really affecting the conditions of live of this slums, but I think that if we unit us as a state, leave the indifference, we can solution this problem and all the others. I believe there is a relation between the title and the movie, because the title is SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE and it deals with the surprise somone gets when he sees that a slumdug has become a millionaire. Edit, Chai is simply the Hindi word for tea. 'Like a bathtub filling up': Alabama is slammed by the virus We only see his left eye in the frame, just after he has blinded a young boy to make him a more valuable beggar. Their journey takes them through some of the worst India has to offer its poor orphans. asks the younger policeman, to which Jamal responds, "I wouldn't be here if I had. This scene is where the book begins. I think that the title in a simple way means that several opportunities are presented to a poor boy with no future and these changes his life and change him, making him a better person and rich. However, it eliminates most of the stories in the book, changes character names, and some story elements. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. What streaming service has Slumdog Millionaire? why is this a relevant fact in the movie? (LogOut/ All those projects would be able to decrease slums in a long-term because of the gathering of money for supporting those projects and the way that people would take it. In the question: In the film, the theme of destiny is a central theme. I think that the producers give this name to the movie to attract the attention of the people because is strange. The title Means like two different words that don`t means anything together because slum mean like poor people and millionaire like a very rick people. Boyle is purposefully showing the shots of Latika running towards the phone and Salim layering money in the bath tub to create suspense for the audience as the figure out what will happen, and how each scene pieces into the end game of the movie.
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