Solution 1: Check the Xbox status Check the Xbox status page. He has worked as a System Support Engineer, primarily on User Endpoint Administration, as well as a Technical Analyst, primarily on Server/System Administration. I am able to log in to microsoft / my xbox account using the SAME username and password on my computer but it just wont let me log into live on the console itself. Several affected users have confirmed that they managed to fix the issue by accessing the Storage Management section of the classic Xbox 360 interface and deleting the Xbox360 profile. Write Issue Detail Close. For all users, the Xbox Live membership is working normally as they can play Xbox Gold Card games and use online features with no issues. If there are problems with your account, the instructions will help you solve them. In this case, your only hope of resolving the issue is to reset every firmware & software component that might be triggering this problem. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Solution 1: Check the Xbox status Check the Xbox status page. After you see this occurring, release the button and wait until the power is cut off completely. From the Xbox Dashboard, go to Settings and then System Settings. Sorry there is a problem with the credentials you're using to sign in Xbox 360 Can't download 360 profile on a backward compatible game while using the Xbox series x. I couldnt sign into xbox live nor download my profile later on. Select Add a family member. xbox .com /en-US /xbox-360. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Sometimes this problem occurs due to some internal errors, and performing these three steps can get rid of that issue. Best Of 2022. Xbox 360 is still going strong after it being 17 years old as of now. You have now successfully removed the Xbox profile on your gaming device. Videos. So i im having this problem with downloading my profile, i did everything, i changed my password (it was between 10 to 16 characters long, i reinstalled my whole console i did everything and i still cant download my profile. - Xbox Live . I'm trying to download my Xbox live account to my 360 and it's telling me there's a problem with the credentials that I'm using to sign in. Since I couldnt find the method I used to fix the problem I was having online I thought Id post it here to potentially help others. The Xbox error code 0x80a4001a occurs when youre prompted for your Microsoft account password. The only problem with this is when I go to more security option s, there is no App passwords tab. Created by Anand Khanse, MVP. Type theemail addressorphone numberyou use to, Review theprivacy statementsummary, and then select, Check out how you look onXbox, and then select, Press theXbox buttonon your controller to return to the, Scroll left fromHome, find and select your. Xbox status Solution 2: Make a change to your avatar Select Child and enter the email address of the child account that you want to re-associate with the parent account. You can clear the system cache by pressing the Guide button, then go to Settings > System Settings > Storage/Memory - highlight any storage device . Website. Note: We are not affiliated with Microsoft in any official capacity "Sorry, there's a problem with the credentials that you're using to sign in." Solution 2: Check that your billing info is up to date If you see any services with alerts, expand the service, scroll down to Notifications, and sign in to receive a message when the service is up and running again. Check your account information: Double-check that your email address and password are correct and up to date. The current Microsoft account allows longer passwords, but these will cause errors when logging back into/setting up a 350 save file on newer consoles. Jun 12, 2022 . xbox:Problem with account ,i reinstalled my whole console i did It will open a prompt, where you must enter your Microsoft Account credentials. The problem is that I couldnt sign into my account despite my Xbox 360 clearly connecting to the internet when performing a network test in the system settings. Have tried everything and still same error. Turn your console back on again by pressing the console Xbox button once again. just revived an 11 year-old account with this tip. It competed with Sony 's PlayStation 3 and Nintendo 's Wii as part of the seventh generation of video game consoles. Sign in with the profile that doesn't work on the website, it will ask to send a code to the alternate email you put on the account. thanks. Check Xbox server status. Tried password with less than 16 characters. I'm sorry about the issue, Did you try resetting your Xbox (Microsoft) account password *****? TheWindowsClub covers authentic Windows 11, Windows 10 tips, tutorials, how-to's, features, freeware. There was a different one that described what was happening but it didn't help. If you see it, its confirmation that the power-cycling procedure was successful. Going Offline on Xbox One. To stop unwanted usage by scammers, Microsoft blocks all the logged-in devices if you change the password. Did this resolve the issue? Donate Clothes San Luis Obispo, **Topics related to all versions of the Xbox video game consoles, games, online services, controllers, etc. Now that you're console is in offline mode, try . Report abuse Was this reply helpful? If you updated all of your security info, that update will take 30 days. If you cant go .. @ Copyright Computer Digg Community All Rights Reserved. 3. You can clear the system cache by pressing the Guide button, then go to Settings > System Settings > Storage/Memory - highlight any storage device . During the next startup sequence, keep an eye out for the Xbox animation sequence. Youre just adding yourexisting profile to the Xbox console. Solution 1: Check the Xbox status Check the Xbox status page. Kevin has written extensively on a wide range of tech-related topics, showcasing his expertise and knowledge in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. im gonna leave this post up cause ive seen others with the same problem. Basically, I recently got back into 360 gaming and was trying to connect my account to xbox live. Typo in my gamertag. It also happens when you turn on two-factor authentication in your Microsoft Account. and our Opening All settings - Xbox. Go online, update the security information on your account. I was on the phone with Xbox support, and tried clearing all my caches, deleting my profile, I tried downloading to different storage devices and consoles, editing my Avatar (seriously, it's on the Xbox's support page) but nothing worked! Check the Xbox status page. Once the startup sequence is complete, attempt to play the backward-compatible game once again and see if the issue is resolved. Error 80159018 occurs when you try to download your - Xbox Support Whenever this problem occurs, it is typically due to two main causes Theres either a scheduled maintenance period or theres some kind of unexpected outage issue (a DDoS attack or an unexpected problem with the servers in your area). "Sorry, theres a problem with the credentials that you're - Reddit If you change the password on the Microsoft website though that should do the trick. When tryingto play a game, especially Xbox 360 games or youre downloading your profile to your Xbox console, you may get the error message Sorry, theres a problem with the credentials that youre using to sign in. xbox live sorry there a problem with the credentials Check your Xbox Live status: Sometimes, Xbox Live may experience downtime or maintenance that can affect account sign-in. Finally, insert the USB drive and redownload your Xbox Live profile. In simple terms, click on the Sign in button that is visible in the error message. Continue with Recommended Cookies. "Sorry, there's a problem with the credentials that you're using to sign in." You can clear the system cache by pressing the Guide button, then go to Settings > System Settings > Storage/Memory - highlight any storage device, then go back to your controller and press Y. After pressing delete make you that select Delete profile only NOT Delete profile & items otherwise all your save games will be deleted. Otherwise try the next solution. Related post: How to remove Xbox Live Sign in Error 80048821. Add custom text here or remove it. You have now successfully removed the Xbox profile on your gaming device. If the core services are down, your game ownership will not be validated, so you will not be able to play the backward-compatible game. This password can be created by going to your Security tab > Click on " More security options " > Go down to " App Passwords" > Then choose " Create a New Password " > Finally, plug it into the password section of your log-in. THey told me that should have no bearing on whether or not I am able to play live. Finally navigate to Settings>System>Storage>All Devices>System Items. Show More. If youve previously confirmed that the problem is only occurring locally and it isnt caused by a server issue, temporary files are likely being responsible for the apparition of the Sorry, this profile cant connect to Xbox live on this console error. Solution 1: Check the Xbox status Check the Xbox status page. Next, one you see the guide menu, navigate to Settings > System > Settings > Network. xbox live sorry there a problem with the credentials This has been an issue for over a week and I'm about ready to tear my hair out if i don't get to play mw2 online soon. Also, it could be that the region youve designated in your account doesnt match the region youre in. I have also found many other posts on forums with people having the same problem and not being able to get their problems resolved. If you are still unable to resolve the login . The credentials problem cannot be solved by simply eliminating passwords and usernames. Its just "Sorry, there is a problem with the credentials that you're using to sign in. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. To resolve the issue, you need to remove and re-add your account on your console. To do this, go to Settings > System > Storage, then select "Clear local Xbox 360 storage." Try a wired connection: If you are connecting to Xbox Live via a wireless connection, try connecting your console to your router with an ethernet cable to see if it improves your connection. I would have never known to do this, I have no clue why but this worked. Error 8015190A occurs when you connect to Xbox Live You need a Microsoft Account with recent versions of Office, including Office 365. Its giving this message and when I looked up the solution, I found threads saying that it has something to do with being in a family of accounts or something of the sort, but the problem is that the account isnt connected to a family? He also has experience as a Network and Communications Officer. News, reviews, previews, rumors, screenshots, videos and more! Essentially you just turn reacquiring billing on or off on your Microsoft account for xboxlive or gamepass. They may be able to provide more specific guidance based on your situation and help you resolve the issue. After you manage to get there, go to. After you arrive at the correct Network menu, navigate to Network Settings and access the Go Offline Option. Enter the email address of the child account that you want to re-associate with the parent account. Select the account that you want to remove. hey, so every time I try to download my account on my Xbox360 this shows up and it says "801540A9" when i look that up it says something about gaming on the Xbox one. Performing a soft factory reset. Tried everything else in the thread and this is what worked, thanks! Select Clear System Cache, and select Yes to confirm, then restart your Xbox console. Go to Profile & system > Settings > Account. News, reviews, previews, rumors, screenshots, videos and more! When he is not writing about Microsoft Windows or Office, Sudip likes to work with Photoshop. In case you think this scenario might be applicable, visit this link (here) and verify if any core services are currently not operational or are functioning with limited capabilities. Following this navigate to Settings>System>Storage then select the hard drive or memory unit and press Y to access device options. I'm obviously not banned, becuase the agents told me on their side of things it looks completely able to go online. To fix Sorry, we cant get to your account right now error in Office 365 apps, follow these steps-. How to Solve 'This Profile Can't connect to Xbox Live on - Appuals This will send an invitation to the child account's email address. Xbox Live Xbox . News, reviews, previews, rumors, screenshots, videos and more! If you see any services with alerts expand the service scroll down to Notifications and sign in to receive a message when. Find top links about Battlelog Xbox 360 Login along with social links, FAQs, videos, and more. 2. Before you proceed with the indepth solutions below, you can as a quick fix perform and complete the following pre-checks, and after each task see if the Xbox Live error youre presently facing is resolved or not: Read: Xbox Error 80151006, Sorry, this profile cant connect to Xbox Live on this console. As soon as it says I'm successful in logging in, it begins downloading my profile before saying that my credentials are wrong, or something like that. 3 representatives couldn't help me but the last one knew just what to do. Once youre inside the Xbox Guide menu, navigate to Manage Storage and press, From the next menu, select your local profile and press the. On your Xbox One controller, press the Xbox button one then select the Settings icon via the newly appeared guide menu. To do so: Sign in to your Microsoft account and select the Family tab. If you have encountered the Xbox Live error message Sorry, theres a problem with the credentials that youre using to sign in on your Xbox console, you can try our recommended fixes below in no particular order (but first begin with the initial checklist) to resolve the issue on your gaming system. And disabled 2FA. You have now successfully removed the Xbox profile on your gaming device. During that time you can sign in on your console but there will be certain things you cant do with your account. If you see any services with alerts, expand the service, scroll down to Notifications, and sign in to receive a message when the service is up and running again. Solution 2: Troubleshoot your connection to Xbox Live Run the Xbox Live Connection Test. Submitted: 1 year ago. The Xbox Live profile stored on your console is corrupted. This post provides the most suitable solutions. Here are a few potential solutions you can try: Check your Xbox Live status: Sometimes, Xbox Live may experience downtime or maintenance that can affect account sign-in. . The only thing i can think of (which of course I already told the agents) is that I have done a security reset within the last week because I no longer have access to the old email which I used as my recovery email. For Xbox 360 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "I can't download my xbox live profile". Found 4 hours ago at Microsoft Press. hey, so every time I try to download my account on my Xbox360 this shows up and it says "801540A9" when i look that up it says something about gaming on the Xbox one. This will send an invitation to the child account's email address. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As it turns out, the Sorry, this profile cant connect to Xbox live on this console error can also occur due to some kind of file corruption inside your Local360 Storage folder. This works in most cases, where the issue is originated due to a system corruption. Select Close when done. Category: Microsoft Office. Try a wired connection: If you are connecting to Xbox Live via a wireless connection, try connecting your console to your router with an ethernet cable to see if it improves your connection. Then go to Settings>System>Storage>All Devices>Profiles on the 360 dashboard and delete the profile for that isnt able to sign in. Check the Xbox Live status page to see if there are any known issues. xbox 360 sorry there's a problem with the credentials 801540a9. my password is only 13 characters. The first agent I talked to had me do every troubleshooting method and none of them worked. . I'm trying to download my Xbox live account to my 360 and it's telling me there's a problem with the credentials that I'm using to sign in. Once you get to the Console Info menu, select Reset console from the newly appeared menu. Heres a quick guide on performing a power-cycling procedure on your Xbox One console: If youre still encountering the Sorry, this profile cant connect to Xbox live on this console error while trying to launch the game, move down to the next method below. Obinna has completed B.Tech in Information & Communication Technology. For more information, please see our I'm very thankful for this solution, and wanted to share my experience as well. The Solana Podcast Podcast 12 10 21 Deezer It powered down unexpectedly while playing and when i opened it again i got a message saying it shut down because of ventilation. . The full error message displayed is along the following lines; Xbox LiveSorry, theres a problem with the credentials that youre using to sign in. Check Xbox server status. Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide. Press J to jump to the feed. How to Generate Art from Text Using Simplified AI Art Generator? Microsoft account got hacked, support said they couldnt help me and I had to create a new one, how do I get minecraft back on my new one? Be sure to check the Xbox Status page regularly until you see that the problem has been resolved. Xbox 360 sorry theres a problem with the credentials 801540a9 1 760 205-9936. Sorry there is a problem with the credentials you're using to sign in Xbox 360 Can't download 360 profile on a backward compatible game while using the Xbox series x. After doing this you can press the guide button on your controller then attempt to redownload your gamertag. Sorry there is a problem with the credentials you're using to sign in Xbox 360 Can't download 360 profile on a backward compatible game while using the Xbox series x. Xbox status Solution 2: Make a change to your avatar
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