Like many other states, this designation is determined by population. Read on for more information on how the cities in Mississippi ranked by population of African American residents or, for a more general take on diversity in America, head over to our ranking of the most diverse cities in America. A different set of troubles haunts the town in the 21st century. How do you decide if a place is ghetto or not? Each location has pros and cons, and they will appeal to different demographics. The 1865-1870s movement sought to overthrow Republican state governments. 8. Along with a lack of safety, another issue is the limited leisure and entertainment options in the area. Mississippi is one of the nations most beautiful states. The 10 Cheapest Places to Live in Arizona, How Zac Stacy Achieved a Net Worth of $6 Million. For those hoping for water views galore, Natchez is the place for you. The following article looks at the 10 Most Dangerous Cities in the United States, ranked by the highest cost of crime per capita. 100 Biggest Cities In Indiana For 2022 - HomeSnacks: Bite-sized This city of 11,040 residents has major economic issues. Although violent crimes are less of an issue, Pascagoula still has the 11th most violent crimes in the state. Most Dangerous States 2023 - Hate groups can be hard to measure, because typically, theres no record of where they exist. It is also the fifth-most dangerous place to live in the state. We all watch the news with horror when we hear about a hate crime that happens not that far away from us. Where are these places you wonder? If you or your traveling companions are interested in history, head to Vicksburg National Military Park for some educational fun and beautiful views. Top 100 Worst Performing Public Schools in the U.S. School Year: 2016-2017. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. A combination of these factors means that Gulfport is considered an undesirable area. Biloxi has highly-rated public schools, community diversity, and many activities and attractions. Regardless of the other factors people consider, everyone has a budget to which they must, Read More The 20 Most Affordable Places to Live in or around New EnglandContinue, Generally speaking, when people set out to buy a property, they are recommended to check out the property in person before making the purchase. Remember, just because a city is on this list doesnt mean it should be avoided altogether. There were a whopping 7 murders in Greenville in 2013 alone. This is our tenth time ranking the cities in Mississippi with the largest African American population. While big cities have lots of fun perks, sometimes you just need to go somewhere smaller for a quiet getaway. 1 worst performing school in the country. 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Mississippi - What do you think? You can find out more about him on LinkedIn or his website. Thank you! 8: Elizabeth Elizabeth allegedly ranks as the 10th most dangerous city in terms of violent crime. Cleveland This isn't LeBron's Cleveland. Corinth is a town in Alcorn County with a population of 14,647 people. The 10 Most Dangerous Cities In Mississippi For 2022 - RoadSnacks Its got great culture, great people, and, of course, great Guinness. Read more about, Located in Bolivar County, Cleveland has quite a large commercial economy and, unfortunately, a high overall crime rate to go along with it. If you know where to go, though, there are some gems here. Indianola took the distinction of being the most Black, while Ocean Springs was the least African American city. Where are these places you wonder? Article continues below. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! If youre measuring the locations in Mississippi where there are a high number of poor and uneducated residents, and where there are a high number of discounted shopping stores, this is an accurate list. u/Abrocadaver2000. What are the worst things about living in Mississippi? Continue with Recommended Cookies. Gulfport is a city in Harrison County with a population of 71,570. Crime rates contribute to Kosciuskos position on this list, as it is the 13th most dangerous place to live in Mississippi. There is some good news, though. Since a ghetto is defined as a poor area, we used income levels, crime and education levels as a guide to determine where the most broke citizens of a state live. At the same time, the local median income hovers at $39,171, and 26.3% of people struggle on the wrong side of the poverty line. According to statistics, theres about one violent crime per 130 residents. At the same time, the unemployment rate hangs at a frightening 16.3%. Meanwhile, the median income equals $27,165. The city allegedly has 694 crimes per 100,000 residents. The population was 10,454 in the 2010 census. Editor's Note: We updated this article for 2023. Now that weve examined the most dangerous cities in Mississippi, lets switch gears, and take a look at the safest cities in Mississippi. If you're curious enough, here are the least African American places in Mississippi: Chris Kolmar has been in the real estate business for almost ten years now. Are you surprised by these numbers? Louisville, Kentucky, is one of the main metropolitan areas of that state. Hopefully, soon it won't make the list of dangerous places to live in Mississippi. RoadSnacks is reader-supported. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Indianapolis Source: Public domain Overall SnackAbility 7 /10 Rank Last Year: 1 (No Change) Population: 869,387 Population 2010: 809,804 Growth: 7.4% More on Indianapolis: Crime Report | Homes For Sale | Data 2. So theres a really good chance that if you werent robbed, your neighbor was. Top 10 Most Ghetto Cities (state, crime, places, population) - City vs. City - Page 54 - City-Data Forum Page 54 of 56 First < 4 44 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 > 05-07-2011, 03:12 AM Southern Soul Bro Location: Metro Atlanta (Sandy Springs), by way of Macon, GA 1,981 posts, read 4,692,876 times Reputation: 1973 Quote: Find out more about, This Washington County town may be the birthplace of Jim Henson, the creator of everyones favorite green muppet, but it is also one of the most dangerous cities in the state thanks in part to an extremely high occurrence of property crimes. The intersection of ghetto and country., Income: $25,776Drop out rate: 29%Crime: 10th worst. You can download the data here. The location does provide great access to the water. The 20 Worst Places to Live in Mississippi - Money Inc Ripley does not rank in the top 10 for any of the factors considered when deciding which areas of Mississippi are undesirable. However, day-to-day life in West Point can present a struggle. It's terrible to suffer a loss due to theft, but things can be replaced and people can't. However, things might be looking up for D'Iberville, as it will soon be home to one of the, With a crime rate thats been consistently high since 2017, its no surprise that Meridian went from the 10th most dangerous city to the 8th. So that's where we went to get the breakdown of race across Mississippi.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'roadsnacks_net-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_12',705,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-roadsnacks_net-mobile-leaderboard-1-0');That lead us to the Census's most recently available data, the 2017-2021 American Community Survey data from the US Census.Specifically, we looked at table B03002: Hispanic OR LATINO ORIGIN BY RACE. There are downsides, though. This mid-sized city along the western half of the state saw 4 murders in 2013 which is really high for a city of barely more than 16,000. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Manage Settings Those who work do not have it much better, as the median household income is barely above the poverty line. We used science to determine which Magnolia State cities are the real pits. Map of Cities in Mississippi, List of Mississippi Cities by - whereig For all its, Read More The 20 Worst Places to Live in IrelandContinue, Red rocks and red skies are just a couple of things that make Arizona magical. Warner Robins is the second-largest city in Georgia, with a population of 76,623. ByramOverall SnackAbility8/10Population: 12,591% African American: 74.88%# Of African American Residents: 9,428Percent Change Since 2010: 80.06%More on Byram: Real Estate|Data9. The largest city in Mississippi is Jackson, with a population of 147,758. Just like any other state, the Magnolia State has its fair share of cons, including extreme weather. The unemployment rate in the region comes in at 9.9%. About halfway between Memphis and Jackson is the small city of Indianola. getty 10 Most Dangerous Cities in the US (#1 is the highest cost of crime) St. Louis, Missouri Jackson, Mississippi. Even housing costs are much lower in Mississippi. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. This southwestern state is full of natural beauty, and its one of the many reasons why people decide to move, Read More The 10 Cheapest Places to Live in ArizonaContinue. Today, it stands as the number 9 most unappealing hometown in Mississippi. The 10 WHITEST CITIES in AMERICA Nick Johnson 764K subscribers Subscribe 21K Share 1.7M views 3 years ago In order to determine the whitest cities in America, we simply had to look at the. CSV JSON Cities in Mississippi by Population (2023) Read on for a detailed look at the 10 worst cities in Mississippi. Population: 6,124Rank Last Year: 2 (No Change)Median Home Value: $83,500Unemployment Rate: 9.8%More on Louisville: Data|Photos. The smallest municipality designated as a city is Mound Bayou in Bolivar County with a population of 1,533 inhabitants. Love Mississippi? We then calculated the percent of residents that are Black or African American. To help you choose where to live and where to avoid, here are the 20 worst places to live in Mississippi. We aim to deliver infotainment about where you live that your real estate agent won't tell you. A further issue is the lack of outdoor activities in the area. Read on to see which places were ranked the most dangerous cities in Mississippi. Editors Note: This article is an opinion based on facts and is meant as infotainment. A struggling economy and an elevated crime rate make this one of the least enticing locations in Mississippi. hells_cowbells 8 yr. ago Families earn almost less than any other cities in Mississippi at $27,190, and homes only cost $85,200. As you can imagine, there were dozens of #ghetto Tweets coming from Jackson. After analyzing all 62 of the states most populous cities, we came up with this list as the 10 worst places in Mississippi: What? To see where Mississippi ranked as a state on diversity, we have a ranking of the most diverse states in America. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. In the summer, residents must face immense heat and nearly unbearable humidity. For example, places that have high crime rates, limited educational opportunities, high unemployment, and a lack of leisure activities are often considered undesirable. Income: $33,434Drop out rate: 22%Crime: Worst in MS. It has highly-rated public schools, there are varied activities to enjoy in Pascagoula, and there are transport links to the surrounding area. 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Mississippi (2023 Update) There are now 42 million people who identify as Black or African American living in America, making up 12% of the total population. Relativity Media. Also, Mississippi didnt make the list of the top 10 most dangerous states. Plus, there are a very high number of discount type outlets in this medium sized city. Read more about, Surprisingly enough, this dangerous city was voted the Hospitality City of the Hospitality State three years in a row. Additionally, high school graduation rates are determined by looking at the total number of people who live in a city, not the current graduation rate of an areas high schools. Even in a town with crime, there are plenty of gems. Royalbroil/Wikimedia. Despite not ranking in the top 20 most dangerous places to live, crime is still considered an issue in this town in Pearl River County. Sadly, crime is not Meridians only issue, as it has below-average public schools and a weak job market. Top 10 Most Ghetto Cities (state, crime, places, population) - City-Data /10. Meanwhile, there are also worries related to housing and education. MccombOverall SnackAbility5/10Population: 12,400% African American: 75.05%# Of African American Residents: 9,306Percent Change Since 2010: 9.29%More on Mccomb: Real Estate|Data|PhotosSource: Wikipedia User Steve Wilson | CC BY 2.0if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'roadsnacks_net-leader-3','ezslot_10',702,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-roadsnacks_net-leader-3-0');8. However, crime is not the main reason that Louisville is so high on the list, as economic issues are a far greater problem. The 10 MOST DANGEROUS CITIES in AMERICA for 2020 - YouTube Biloxi lies about a half hour to the west, while a 40-minute drive east will take you to Mobile, Alabama. All rights reserved. Little Holly Springs, located near the Tennessee state line, is getting even smaller. Flowood Source: Wikipedia Yoga Studios Per 1,000 People: 0.37 Organic Markets Per 1,000 People: 0.12 Pet Adoption Centers Per 1,000 People: 0.37 Liz loves the process of researching information, learning new things, and putting into words what others who share her interests might like to read. That would be Forest. Act of Valor: The 2012 action packed war flick was filmed at Mississippi's John C. Stennis Space Center. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. However, on the bright side, Holly Springs has the best weather of any other Mississippi city, measured in terms of humidity, sunny days and rain. Mississippi Cities With The Largest Latino Population For 2023 - HomeSnacks There were a total of 28 cities with at least 1 Klavern in Mississippi during the time period of reference. Meaning, the number of racist members of the community has historically been the highest, according to the math. Education and housing are also concerns. First off, this is by far the poorest city in Mississippi, and one of the poorest cities in the nation. Philadelphia has some bright spots. According To FBI Statistics, These Are The 10 Most Dangerous Cities In Mississippi For 2020 We don't often take the time to sit and analyze the Magnolia State's negative attributes, like the most dangerous cities in Mississippi. If you know where to go, there are several fun spots to go in this town. San Francisco is a big, busy city bristling with culture, history, and charm. For a town of just 10,626 people, it features a strong cultural history. Chasing Chains, LLC. The most scenic towns in Mississippi are perfect for a day trip, a weekend getaway, or even a new home if you're looking to move. The state with the most miserable cities is California, with 10. But just in case you want to know which places are a little less secure, weve put together this list, with the help of Home Security Shield, of the most dangerous places to live in Mississippi. Lillian and Linda Matthews, 68, from Indianola, Mississippi, were born in 1955They were connected from the sternum to the naval and they also shared a liver A separation surgery took place when they were five-and-a-half weeks old . They rank 49/69 in violent crime and 62/69 in property crime. Half . Part of that struggle is due to the astronomically high dropout rate nearly 4 in 10 adults over 25 never got a high school diploma. For a place of just over 18,000, thats some scary stuff. This comes from the lack of jobs that Detroit used to be VERY famous for. Additionally, there were almost 1,000 property crimes here. However, the website Road Snacks has. Overall, Pascagoula is the seventh-most dangerous place to live in Mississippi. Complete Transcription To "In The Ghetto" (Power Tab) . Find out more about, This historic city is most commonly associated with the Vicksburg National Military Park, but as of 2013 property crimes seem to be another defining factor of the city. Thanks to these figures, Kosciusko ranks as the number 8 least enticing spot in the state. It is violent crimes that deter people from living in West Point, as this location has the fourth-highest violent crime rate in the state. After analyzing the largest cities here, we came up with this list as the most ghetto places to live in Mississippi: In case youre wondering, Madison is the least ghetto city of all we measured. Straddling I-59 in the southeastern part of the state, Laurel boasts an impressive nickname: The City Beautiful. There is some truth to this title. Ripley has the 19th lowest median home value and the 20th worst unemployment rate. All rights reserved. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. It's one of the, Vicksburg is a riverfront city most known for its rich Southern history and, of course, for being home to the, Aside from being the state capital and the largest city in Mississippi, Jackson takes the title as one of the most violent cities in the Magnolia State. Population: 11,040Rank Last Year: 6 (No Change)Median Home Value: $110,100Unemployment Rate: 13.8%More on Picayune: Data|Photos. 10. And in the end, Forest ranks as the worst city to live in Mississippi for 2021.