Great! Due to the vast sums they sell for, theres a not-insignificant black market, with several fakes and forgeries being sold at any time. Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. Required fields are marked *. There are probably very few if any at all in opened rolls as these are usually pulled out and sold as singles or are sent in to be graded. ", I found an old 1943 s penny in Las Vegas this weekend. 1943 S minted uncirculated steel penny can be worth $16k but values are dropping. $6.99. These listings cover the verified coins submitted to NGC or PCGS for grading. 1964 Penny Value and Price Chart The 1964 penny value has a minimum of $0.15 regardless of whether it carries a mint mark or not. The information about the coin owned by Mr. Estes client appears here with the permission of Steve and Debbi Estes. And the four reverse designs from 2009 celebrated Lincolns bicentennial. This off-metal transitional error was accidentally struck when a few leftover 1942 copper planchets were fed through the presses at the Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco Mints. But although they're all stamped 1964, close to 2B of these coins were produced in 1965. I have a 1943 s penny it has 2 mint marks both s cant find out anything about it help please, I have a couple 1943 steel that have the 1943 mercury dime front and back not full coin print but a lot.the marks there you can see. This set is commonly sold in mass-market offerings. If you happen to spot one in your wallet or down the back of your sofa, keep in mind that the coin is only worth what someone is willing to pay. I definitely recommend getting it authenticated! , { Top-level specimens in grades of Mint State-67 or better can go for much more, sometimes hundreds or even thousands of dollars. And These pre-galvanized sheets were punched to make planchets, and the metal composition reduced the weight of these coins to 2.7g. And even though it's the only 1964 Penny with a mint mark, its value isn't that high. Rare 1964 pennies worth money! Original Price 37,143 The 1959 D version of the Lincoln Penny is worth on average $65.00 if in Mint State (uncirculated), while one in poor condition will have a value of just $0.01 . The coin is 19.05mm in diameter and 1.5mm thick. "acceptedAnswer": { The one-year experiment left a lasting legacy when the Mint inadvertently struck minuscule numbers of 1943 cents in bronze and a slightly greater number of 1944 cents in steel. Aproximadamente 15 centavos. Double Die Nickel errors occur when the die strikes the nickel planchet more than Rare Coins. I don't understand what you mean , my comment is awaiting moderation. 1943 saw a switch to a zinc-coated steel composition to help save copper for World War II ammunition, although the coin confused many people, as it was regularly mistaken for a dime. $12.95. Back to home page Return to top. Coin Value Chart: Typical Coin Prices, Values and Worth in USD based on Grade/Condition. Known errors. Keep an eye out for fakes and forgeries, such as zinc-coated copper pennies, regularly mis-sold as the real deal. 2022 | Valuable Coin Collecting & Numismatic Magazine. Welcome to the neighborhood! Memorial Cents arrived on 12th February 1959, marking the 150th anniversary of his birth. 1964 Penny Value and Price Chart - It does not stick to a magnet. But why were these odd coins made, what are they worth, and how does a hobbyist go about collecting 1943 steel cents? Conversely, all 1944 pennies should have copper. we have around 6,000 pennies. Another important quality is the date - only 1964 pennies can be part of this unique group. I've been collecting and/or studing U.S. coins since 1964 Author has 455 answers and 127.5K answer views 1 y They are silver in color. Refer to the images to correctly identify the variety of your coin. Only a handful of 1944 steel pennies were minted, which explains their pricing. 1943 Steel Penny Value: How Much They Are Worth Now - Gainesville Coins The PCGS certifying company has graduated only 3 pieces of 1943 Lincoln Steel Penny in MS68+ grade from Philadelphia, 2 pieces for Denver and 5 pieces for San Francisco. Yes! One of the main reasons was its confusion with the 10 cents in circulation at that time due to its silver appearance. Theyre visually similar but the tin cents are slightly heavier and will not respond to magnets. It will give you an idea of the amount of money that the coin is going for. Professional Coin Grading Services is a division of Collectors Universe, Inc. Get free numismatic news from leading coin experts, in-depth articles, market summary videos, surveys & more! They include 30 from Philadelphia (no mint mark), 7 from Denver (D Mint Mark), and 2 from San Francisco (S Mint Mark). I have a 1944 steel penny,that I got from my dad 25 years ago.who do I need to talk to about this? And. 1962 D US One Cent - $4,000 United States Penny sold at auction A copy in certified mint state (MS+) condition could be worth $110,000 at auction. Its thought that up to two dozen copies of the 1944 steel penny exist, but how was it made in the first place? 1943 P D S Wheat head Lincoln 3 Penny Set. The PCGS3000 reflects the opinions of PCGSs coin price experts with respect to indexes developed by PCGS for specific coin categories. The publics rejection of the 1943 Steel Lincoln Penny. There are instances of MS-65 Full 5 Step versions of the 1964 D Nickel selling for more than $500 at auction. Rob Paulsen Coin 1944 Steel Penny Value Guides (Rare Errors, D, S and No Mint Mark). !, W/H COA & STAND! The 1943 steel cents are quite common, and more than 1 billion were struck for circulation. Hello new to site, I have 2 1943 pennies one stamped with s another just 1943, was wondering if there is any worth? Word eventually gets around if a dealer sells overgraded coins, or takes advantage of less knowledgeable sellers. Ive done the Magnetic Test Plus Letter With Authinticy From SHARK & MORGAN AMERICAN MINT PLUS This applies within and even beyond the numismatic realm. need help identifying. Apart from its distinct metal composition (including semi-metals like antimony), the 1944 steel penny is a wheat penny. It would help if you considered picking up these coins at a crack in quantities of 50 or more. Visit eBays rare coins and search 1994 Steel Penny. 10 Most Valuable Wheat Pennies Worth In 2023, 1981 Quarter Value, Error List, & Investment Outlook, 1957 D Wheat Penny Buyers Guide, Value, Errors, 1944 Steel Penny Value, Best Grades, Mint Types, 2021 Morgan Silver Dollar Value, Release Date, Mint Mark, 1951 D Wheat Penny Value, Top Varieties, Errors, & Outlook, 1928 Buffalo Nickel Value, Mint Types, Errors, 1920 Wheat Penny Value (No Mint Mark?) coinage., a coin which Heritage describes as having rarity and appeal that remain timeless. Likely, a few steel planchets (a plain metal disc used to create a coin) were leftover from 43, when steel could be used instead of cash. They may be copied and reproduced without restriction as long as, 1943 Steel Penny Values Chart 2023 (Up to $348,000). How to tell if you have a 1974 aluminum penny - Quora PRO-TIP: The 100% best way to check the latest values of the 1944 . It weighed 3.11g instead of the expected 2.7g. Don't be the last to know about the latest deals ] After all, low-grade coins with valid errors could score hundreds of dollars! 1944 S Steel Penny Value 1944 S Steel Pennies are the rarest of the bunch, with only 2 known copies. Theres only one mint type for the 1944 Steel Penny. We do our best to provide precise spot prices; however, during times of market volatility, prices may not be to-the-minute accurate. If you believe that you have a rare coin then you may be able to make a real mint. There are few vintage coins as widely collected as the 1943 steel Lincoln penny. I have So Much to List. If you are fortunate enough to live near an expert dealer, try to get to know them and you will learn a lot of useful information that will help you get more out of the hobby of kings, or as others put it, the worlds greatest hobby. Often they are reprocessed (stripped and recoated) pieces assembled in plastic display cases. In 2010 this coin was worth $118k In 2022, only $3k! In this article you will learn in a simple but profound way what a 1943 Steel Penny is, list of rarities that make them highly valuable for collectors and most important which are the most expensive. 1964-D 1C, RD (Regular Strike) Lincoln Cent (Modern) - PCGS 1964 penny no mint mark | eBay ; The 1943 copper cent with approximately 20 to 40 made and some 12 known to exist today, this coin can command a price of around $150,000 to $200,000. Is a 1964 penny copper? - JacAnswers To make these coins, a core of carbon steel was electrolyzed to coat it with 0.013mm of zinc. Some steel dies from the previous years Lincoln Steel Penny were used to manufacture 1944 copies in steel. The "D" mint mark on the coin indicates that it was minted in Denver. 1943 d steel penny uncirculated | eBay Hence, these are relatively common coins and are worth relatively little collector value in circulated grades. In low grades, a 1943 or 1944 penny is only worth its face value. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So those 40 or so steel pennies from 1944 ended up being quite pricy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Not sure what they r worth. Above the bust, you can read the legend In God We Trust, behind him (i.e. 1943 D Penny for sale | eBay I have a true 1943 penny that doesnt stick to a magnet and steeel pennies that are steel and do stick to a magnet and I have different variations of 1943 pennies that are like experimental 1943 pennies that look brown and steel my email is [emailprotected] please email Ill send pictures and well talk on phone free after. 1964 Lincoln Copper Penny With L in Liberty On Edge Error No Mint Mark (Rare) $400.00 Free shipping 1964 D Lincoln memorial penny with error on L in Liberty. The tails side (reverse) has changed at least four times, but the heads side (obverse) honored Lincoln since 1909. However, many in the public were less than thrilled with the alternative composition. More than four million coins are said to have been minted by the Denver Colorado Mint in 1969. 1962 P very rare Lincoln Monument penny. 1964 Penny Value Guide (Incld. Rare Varieties) - document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. any advice you could help me with would be nice ,also accouple of 82 small date . Steel Wheat Pennies were minted in 1943 and 1944. PCGS is not responsible for the accuracy or authenticity of Ebay listings. The 1943 steel penny with no mintmark is usually worth between $3 and $10. Wed stick to graded options with clear provenance and be wary, especially if a deal seems too good to be true. That year was planned as the only year when pennies would have zero copper in them. 1959 D Penny Worth - Whats the value of a 1959 DLincoln Penny? This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. 1943 D Lincoln Wheat Cent/ Penny ** ww2 steel war Cent * (#255985247490) See all feedback. In Canada, a penny (minted 1858-2012) is a coin worth one cent, or 1 100 of a dollar.According to the Royal Canadian Mint, the official national term for the coin is the "one-cent piece", but in practice the terms penny and cent predominate. These sales are of course few and far between, so a more reasonable expectation is somewhere around the $225 to $275 USD mark. Ed. Could someone tell me what I have? I have a 1943 steel penny .Is it rare to have the wheat & other marks on the back of coin upside down from the front? What is the value? The steel used on these coins was fairly low grade, infused with carbon, and topped with zinc to add a touch of luxury. } The maximum price achieved for a piece of this year and mint was $6,000, in August of this year 2020. These steel versions are the $6k maximum value coins. "@type": "Question", BONUS: To assist our loyal readers in obtainingmaximum return on investment(ROI) wheninvesting in rare coins, we will provide the optimal coin grades when recommending an asset (i.e., MS61, MS64). Most steel pennies are worth between 20 cents and 20 dollars. This global conflict saw the United States military's involvement from 1941 through 1945. Then they are sold via general-readership newspaper and magazine advertisements. He brought the coin to two dealers, who found no reason to doubt it, and from there it went to Walter Breen, the most prominent authenticator of the time, who pronounced it genuine.. Email, and we will attempt to ID the coin and provide an estimated value. Its zinc-coated steel composition makes this coin resemble a dime more than a typical U.S. penny. Year: 1964 Mint: D Type: Jefferson Nickel How do I know if my 1943 steel penny is worth money? Mr. Estes sent the coin to NGC for grading, and it came back as an MS61. If you think you might have found an elusive 1944 steel penny, heres what to do. 1943 d steel penny uncirculated | Coins & Paper Money, Coins: US, Small Cents | eBay! Confusing which is which between the two years could cost you dearly in your coin collection. Good condition $49.00 + $4.50 shipping 1964 D Lincoln Penny RARE L Liberty on edge Error $1,800.00 + $4.70 shipping Hover to zoom Image not available Have one to sell? 1964 D Lincoln Memorial Penny Coin Value Prices, Photos & Info PCGS puts the number at seven and has only certified one example, an MS 62. Also can i get it cross over from another company to weight it,because when i weighed it my self at home,it weighed 2.7 grams. Ironically, the transition back to the normal bronze composition in 1944 reversed this situation! Check out the price chart for the top coins in this series. & Walking Lady Liberty Authenticity Us Bank Note United State ( Space Force ) 2 dollar. 26,000, 37,143 Year: 1959. I am in the process of it being sent to pcgs. Alternatively, you could use a magnet to check out the steel content contained within. In July an AU example garnered $23,000, and an AU-53 coin sold last January for $37,375. Diameter: 19.00 millimeters Weight: 2.70 grams Mintage: N/A Mint: Philadelphia Metal: Zinc-coated Steel Auction Record: $180,000 MS64 06-20-2021 Heritage Auctions Condition Census Narrative Watch Video Send Us Feedback Show Related Coins and Varieties (4) Condition Census What Is This? Yes,it's true,no 1964 steel Cents exist that were intentionally issued. I suggest re-reading this article: all these facts I have stated are direct quotes easily found if you care to read again? Learn how your comment data is processed. The steel penny will be lighter in color (almost a silver type color) while the penny will be more bronze. About 10 examples of this coin are believed to exist. Last year the price for this same quality was no more than $2,000, it was $1,586.This value is normal if we take into account that PCGS only has 1 coin in superior quality, MS67+, and two copies in MS67.In MS66 graduation the variant has reached $780 during 2020. Keep a coin scale handy to conveniently distinguish those 1943 tin pennies from their 1944 steel cousins. DOLLARS IT LOOK LIKE (CC) UNDER THE EAGLE TAIL. Email us at or call 212 416 4552. Jaime Hernandez: The 1964-D is common in circulated grades up to MS64. Mint and a Rare S over S RPM Lincoln Error Cents a Big Set of all different Coins . I have two 1944 penny's one with D mint one with no mint. However, the trio of business-strike Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco 1943 Lincoln steel cents constitute a very popular one-year short set. 1944 pennies were made using the leftover steel sheets from 1943. Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. The 1943 steel cent was produced during the height of World War II. The woman then met with Mr. Estes, who could immediately tell the coin was real based on his decades of experience as a coin dealer and expert numismatist. I have a 1944 D penny which appears to be steel plus something else but does not stick to a magnet. Rare 1964 D Penny - Etsy Transitional errors can happen when a coin's composition changes, but the old dies are used. ): Not sure if its worth something. In MS 66, one of these 1944 S Steel Pennies sold for over $370,000. There is only one piece in the maximum graduation, MS67+. This rare variant of the 1943 Philadelphia Lincoln Steel Penny consists of a double coinage on the back.The highest value obtained for this variant was $2,150 in 02/2020 for a piece in MS67 quality. 1943 Lincoln Wheat cent, steel composition. AND 1893 1 OZ GOLD TWENTY. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. But lets focus on steel pennies. Im fairly confident that if anyone has a 1943 silver coloured wheat penny thats magnetic, itll be the most common found thus worth 4-20 cents. . Two of these materials were diverted, among other sectors, from monetary production to the manufacture of ammunition and artillery: copper and nickel.Therefore, in 1943, other materials had to be tested for the manufacture of coins other than the traditional copper and nickel ones. Walking Liberty half dollars. 1960's D Penny Steel/Silver??? Help!!! - Coin Talk They were minted in 1943 and 1944. Only the 1943 pennies were planned in steel. Heritage has sold several such coins over the years. DDO/DDR. If you think you might have found an elusive 1944 steel penny, heres what to do. So when steel pennies popped up marked 1944, they attracted interest among collectors, resellers, and speculators. 1964 D Penny - Features, Errors And Value - Craftbuds A 1944 D Steel Penny in AU 53 sold for over $37,000. How much is a 1964 penny worth? The specific coin attracted 25 bids from keen coin collectors and then sold for $2,010 to the winner on Sunday, October 10. What Are The Different Penny Errors and How Much Are They Worth? The coin was sold for $58,201.50 on January 4 to an online bidder. It was. This may come as something of a surprise to the many who believe these coins are quite valuable. Of the 217,660,000 1943 Lincoln Steel Pennies minted in Denver, only a few, out of 4,000, are double-minted with the initial/mint mark (D).This double minting is very easy to discover since the second D is more displaced from the first. The 1964 D version of the Jefferson Nickel is worth on average $250.00 if in Mint State (uncirculated), while one in poor condition will have a value of just $0.05 . In 2021 it was updated taking a more modern approach to things. My email is [emailprotected] I would appreciate any help. 1943 D & P Steel Wheat Penny "War Time" 6 coin lot . The best place to purchase a 1944 Steel Penny is eBay or Heritage auctions. 1- 1943 penny and 1-1943-s penny. He was born on 12th February 1809 and assassinated on 15th April 1865. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. A coin in average condition has an estimated value of at least $77,000. But once the war was over, the mint quietly recalled these steel pennies. Theyre official coins made with permission from Congress and were all coined in 1943 and 1944. The specific coin attracted 25 bids from keen coin collectors and then sold for $2,010 to the winner on Sunday, October 10. This is what makes the coin different to the Lincoln Memorial and Wheat coins, which were both minted in Philadelphia. These zinc-coated steel planchets represented an efficient and affordable way to make the 1943 pennies while rationing copper for the war effort. 1964 D Penny - Collecting Coins Numismatic collector with a passion for history, particularly Spanish history. Sorry, if the penny fails to stick to a magnet, its a fake. Top Rated Plus. Their value lies in their novelty. Have a rare coin but are unable to ID it? PCGS has more than 48,000 copies registered in MS60 or higher grades and halves to 24,000 copies registered in MS65 or higher grades.However, most of those registered units of 1943 D-steel pennies are in MS65 to MS67 grades. Here you can see 2020 prices in different grades: It is not difficult to find the 1943 Denver Lincoln Steel Penny in medium or even high qualities. In high grades (MS67, MS68), Proofs, Uncirculated (MS+) or Mint Condition can be Worth until $21,275. Most 1943 steel Lincoln pennies arent worth much above their face value (one cent). I have a 1944 penny which appears to be copper. . During World War II, the Allied Forces needed many essential resources to help optimize success in the war. If it sticks, you could be in luck. I found a 1964 Silver in Color Lincoln Penny with all my 1943 Steels , Come to find out its a Rare 1964 D, On a Dime Clad Planchet . ", 1958D wheat cent rainbow toned unc us coin Lincoln wheat penny #48 | eBay 2.) Alternatively, you could use a magnet to check out the steel content contained within. Scarcer than the 1943 Lincoln Steel Penny is the 1943 Lincoln Penny made from copper, with an unknown coinage. As is the Denver minted coin with a error of 2 Ds for the mint mark . Die errors include filled dies, die cracks, and die doubling. Their steel counterparts are much more common. In MS66 condition they become scarce with possibly under 1,000 available combined between raw and certified examples. However, by altering its composition, its weight was also reduced 13%, from 3.11 grams to 2.7 grams.