A short piece of Picatinny rail was installed on the forearm to accept a MAGPUL bipod. From the perspective of an obsessive varmint shooter, the resulting rifle is a thing of beauty. CZ Model 550 22 Creedmoor Build with Bonus Rockchuck Hunt Necking down is a simple one-step operation with a neck-sizing or full-length sizing die. The powder seemed to build up pressure for no apparent reason. If you are looking at a new varmint cartridge, I highly recommend the .22 Creedmoor. That proves out how flat the trajectory is with this cartridge/bullet combo. If you have an appropriate twist-rate barrel, you can load the 22 Creedmoor with heavy 85-95 grain bullets. Copper Creek also offers load development packs with either Alpha or Hornady brass. 6.5 Creedmoor- Effect of Barrel Length on Velocity: Cutting up a bare muzzle). If you have any other specific questions just let me know. Why then is the new cartridge not being offered in a factory loaded round yet? I will probably be using 4350 as I have plenty of it, but ive got some rl25 and 26 as well. His load consists of an 80-grainBerger VLDat a muzzle velocity of 3,450 fps. New, properly-headstamped brass was ordered from Hornady and was used in all loads. That is pure energy being released into the chuck when the bullet hit (1237 foot pounds of energy). When varmint hunting, small caliber bullets going extremely fast, most always results in quick, clean, kills and DRT animals. Hodgdon H-4350 was touted as an early .22 CM favorite, but it managed only .52 inch with its best load; 37.5 grains at 3,087 fps. Everything fell into place rather quickly, so within a few months, I saw this build come to fruition and get out into the field in June of 2020. On the first day of what I call a research and informational hunt, we went afield with the rifle. Though gun writers cant seem to discuss anything else today, the round never really grabbed me. Along with his reloading dies, he also produces reloading tools and custom rifles. That was followed by a strange movement of air that tracked through the cold very far off, then stopped abruptly with a thud-like sound. Our full custom builds typically average between $4,500-$5,000. This combination produced this .29-inch group. This takes place not with the Swifts lightweight 55-grain bullets, but heavy weights that run into the 75- and 80-plus grain weights. Overall, none gave me the accuracy, velocity and lower pressures I was looking for. Remington Core-Lokt Tipped 6.5 Creedmoor 129 Grain Centerfire Rifle To my way of thinking, and also that of my associates who are worldwide-known custom gunsmiths, the consensus seems to be, "Why worry about light bullets in this cartridge when heavier bullets meet every possible need downrange regardless of the distance encountered?". We were fighting very strong winds, with gusts up to 35mph! A .498 G1 BC would make this an excellent long-range predator option. The thing that makes that rifle sing, besides the chassis design and precision turret system, is its 1:7.7 rifling that stabilizes long-for-caliber 6mm bullets with exceptional ballistic coefficients (BC). For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. We then fired both sets of 5 rounds and recorded the pressure and velocity for each round. IMR-4955 Enduron did its best work as loads approached maximum (an arbitrary term with this new cartridge), assembling a .39-inch group at 3,272 fps. 22 Creedmoor with 75s and 80s | Shooters' Forum The .22 Creedmoor is an excellent varmint round, for both small, to larger coyote sized animals. Add two grains of powder and velocity increases to 3,400 fps. John Whidden produces some of the most precise and well-built custom reloading dies you can purchase. These bullets turned those cans inside out. Rl26 is you can find it. Relatively slow-burning powders were chosen to accommodate the .22 Creedmoors overbore dynamics, leaning heavily on temperature stable formulas and/or those with de-coppering agents when possible. KEL TEC SUB-2000 . Bullet Choices for 22 Creedmoor Yes sir. I currently have H-1000, H4831SC,and Retumbo on hand, as well as federal 210-m primers and virgin Hornady 22 Creed brass. Having a slightly heavier bullet, while still keeping the ballistic advantage of a light bullet out to 500 yards, was the real sweet spot for anyone looking at the .22 Nosler, .224 Valkyrie and the .22 Creedmoor. That growth continues as of this writing, as the cartridge has now gone mainstream with hunters and shooters alike. Cache Carlson was on the phone and he was telling me about his next build. David Hillis, Jr. Hey guys, I'm brand new to Gunhive and I came by references to the 22 Creedmoor. The first group is just touching the lands and then backed it off by .010 for each of the next 4 groups. Loaded ammunition is available with bullets in the 70-75 range leaving 24 barrels at velocities around 3400+ fps, a bit more conservative than personal hand-loading, but still making it a very flat shooting, low recoiling round delivering impressive results., Jeff says the 22 Creedmoor will also work for PRS with heavier bullets: I built the 22 CM to be a dual-purpose gun, or actually a 3-purpose gun. ALL Bulletin content is copyrighted, 2023 AccurateShooter.com. All powders tested shot close to or less than .5 MOA with at least one combination. The 22lr muzzle energy is the kinetic energy of the bullet as it leaves the muzzle. I doubted these bullets would expand on smaller burrowing rodents, but after shooting water-filled aluminum cans at 200 yards, that notion was erased. Soon after that there was a soft but distinct snapping sound in the dead still morning air of a suppressed shot. We re seeing around 2 grs less powder with 88 s vs 80 s. Impressive cartridge. A full case of h1000 was around 3350 i believe and i think that was around 46grs. The Timney Trigger was adjusted to break at a crisp 1.53 pounds. Whether the .22 CM will ever go mainstream, I cannot guess, though the Creedmoor name does seem to carry considerable sway. Ramshot Hunter My first kill was in a rocky area out in the desert near an alfalfa farm, where the farmer was having issues with the rockchucks coming in and eating/digging up his chip potato field. I had also discovered the .22-250 Ackley Improved closely mirrors the .22 Creedmoor (CM) dimensionally. FPS and bullet weight (grains) work together to create the rearward force that drive the weapon's cycling. However, we need to caution everyone reading this data sheet not to exceed the SAAMI Maximum Average Pressure (MAP), listed at 62,000 psi, for the .22 Creedmoor. And we increased our internal volume slightly to work better with the slow-burning powders [such as Reloder 26 or H1000]., 22 Creedmoor for Varmints Video from the Varmint Fields of Eastern Oregon. Cartridges Abbreviated By Manufacturer: (C) = CCI; (H) =Hornady; (R) = Remington; (W) = Winchester. Keep in mind these results are only for this particular load. He concluded it worked best as a varminter, but could also do PRS duty, provided it is loaded under the 3200 fps velocity limit common in PRS matches. When we met up with them, Smith and Willcuts were stacking extra gear and getting ready to start a march across some deep snow uphill to retrieve the coyote and assess bullet damage. The Bullet Ballistic Coefficient for CCI Stinger Ammo is .084 compared to the BC of the Remington Golden Bullet of .125. Redding was kind enough to send us a full 3-die set for this reloading project. Increasing that charge to 42 grains resulted in 3,443 fps, but a larger .66-inch group with a slightly lower extreme velocity spread. With a rifle zeroed at 50 yards this 22lr bullet drop chart shows how each cartridge compares at distances of 75 yards, 100 yards, 150 yards and 200 yards. the .221 Fireball, the 22 Creedmoor, the .22 PPC, the .222 Remington Magnum, the .223 WSSM, the .224 Valkyrie, and the .224 Weatherby Magnum. The charge is low and i expect to end up in the 42-43gr range but its new brass and a new barrel so trying to find a charge weight and FPS wouldn't help right now. Barnes Vor-TX TTSX 6.5 Creedmoor Review | Field & Stream With a rifling twist rate of 1:7, bullets up to 85/90 grains become viable in my .22 CM. It has worked flawlessly for us so far. Although H4350 works well in the .22 Creedmoor when using mid-weight bullets, it does tend to cause pressure spikesearlier than, say, RL26when you are using heavy-for-caliber bullets like the Sierra 90 grain and 95 grain MatchKing. 22-250 Remington is its name, and speed is its game: This .22 caliber rifle cartridge boasts a muzzle velocity that can exceed 4,000 fps. More often than not, the fastest load is not the most accurate load. Powders between H4350 and H1000 should provide a winner. The advent of the 6mm Creedmoor immediately had folks necking the hornady 6mm down to 22 cal and upon doing so found virtually the perfect case capacity for heavy weight .224 bullets. Reloder 16 printed a .54-inch group at only 2,821 fps with 35.5 grains of powder and .64 inch with an added grain of powder at 2,910 fps (12-fps extreme velocity spread). bullets and fast twist rifling, usually 1:8 or even 1:7.5. Bullet range? Im going to find a CZ Model 550 and do a .22 Creedmoor build with it as the donor rifle. This is the main reason we chose to perform this testing with large rifle magnum primers. Sierras 77-grain Tipped MatchKing (.420 BC) is a design Ive come to depend on for long-range varmint shooting. 6.5 Creedmoor Ballistics Chart. Subscribe and Read More The latest generation in Remington Core-Lokt ammo is available with Remington Core-Lokt Tipped 6.5 Creedmoor 129 Grain Centerfire Rifle Ammo. So, we took the time to do a little testing to show the difference using a magnum primer can make compared to a standard primer when shooting .22 Creedmoor. (a mix between hornady 22 creedmoor and gunwerks 22 creedmoor) All brass has been sized to 1.910" Primers- CCI Br-2 (LRP) All bullets have been seated .005 . I find there are less FTF's and FTE's when I use at least 1255 FPS. I don't have my 22 CM yet, but I do have a 6CM and tried rl 26 with the 115's. Varmint/Predator Hunting: One of the best groups of the entire .22 Creedmoor load test included Bergers 85.5-grain Long Range Hybrid Target bullet over 42 grains of Alliant Reloder 26. While this certainly can be used for PRS and tactical competition, the 22 Creedmoor seems to be ideally suited as a high velocity varmint round something to replace the 22-250. My partner, Terry Fauth, the game keeper in the area for an outfit that raises ringneck roosters among other things, and I set up to cover about 500 yards of the shallow valley floor. In addition to their rifles, F4 also sells AR15 receivers, handguards, barrels, and Nightforce optics. Referencing QuickLoad data for Bergers 85.5-grain Long Range Hybrid Target bullet (supplied by friends at Capstone Precision), comparing Alliant Reloder 26, Norma MRP and Vihtavuori N560 velocities to what Ive produced in the real world, Ive easily matched projected maximum velocities. .22 Creedmoor INFO and LOAD DATA from Peterson Cartridge I started with 77-grain bullets and went to 90, where I entered ballistic-coefficients normally found in heavier 6mm bullets. Some hunters make good use of it for deer hunting via pinpoint shot . The bullet weight of CCI Stinger Ammunition is 32 grains; therefore its bullet weight is .07 ounces. All at once there was the crack of a fast-moving bullet almost crossing straight down the draw we were covering. Please check out their article on the .22 Creedmoor here https://www.primalrights.com/library/cartridge-guides/22-creedmoor, and you can check out their website here http://www.primalrights.com/. Send your results to help@mcarbo.com! Sierra bullets needs little introduction, as they produce some of the highest quality projectiles available today. Join other outdoor enthusiasts who already get great content delivered right to their inbox. 88s in mine were running 3550fps. So, it wasnt until the 6mm incarnation appeared that the Creedmoor name entered my orbit. This is a great thread! Running a fast twist barrel, the 22 Creed will stabilize heavier bullets at very fast speeds. . At 3,200 fps, the bullet requires 0.736 seconds in hang time to go 500 yards; moving out to 1,000 yards takes 2.002 seconds. Federal Premium Gold Medal 201 Match primers were seated. As most shooters know, Peterson Cartridge casings can handle more pressure than the SAAMI Maximum Average Pressure (MAP) lists as safe. Everyone was shooting full suppressors so we could visually track the bullets in flight down range through our scopes. Reference the Bullet Ballistic Coefficient Chart above. Anything in the 100 to 300 yard range has become a chip-shot, with my success rate being at least 90%. The 22 Creedmoor will likely be 1-8" twist, for the windy days and 243AI will be fast twist to hit 'em hard in close. ), assuring this outfit would shoot its very best. I just loaded some testers with the 80.5 with 40 grains of H4350 and did 5 groups of five rounds. Remington's "Deadliest Mushroom" comes with improved accuracy, flatter trajectory, and enhanced terminal ballistics with the new Big Green polymer tip. H1000 was very slow in my long barreled medium capacity cased rifles. Compare .22lr Ammo Ballistics between 27 different 22 lr cartridges. Similarly, choosing bullets with thicker jackets will also help prevent disintegration during flight. Magnum primers increased our pressure, on average, by 1,500 psi, #3. To help our customers, and anyone else who shoots .22 Creedmoor, we decided to create and distribute this data sheet. One that comes to mind is at 4:56 in the video. Barrel thickness can play a couple of roles: the shorter, heavier barrels can benefit from rigidity, which can enhance accuracy, and in heat dissipation. This is where I'd start. I am just kind of getting in to "long" range. RSCAR. The 22 Creedmoor round is just too darn good to pass up, and yes, I see the same pattern in future factory rifles developing. to be near 3900+, with my 25 Bbl. At the time of this writing, the .22 Creedmoor is still considered a wildcat cartridge since it has not yet been formally adopted by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute (SAAMI). Daniel Y The bullet carries a ballistic coefficient of .444 and stays very active well beyond 1,000 yards. Any help would be appreciated, and I know pressures from rifle to rifle vary. Accuracy was good but there was no speed with it. Patricks .22 Creedmoor, built by Dale Hegstrom of Little Crow Gunworks, includes a MAGPUL magazine well kit to hold a 10-round detachable magazine. KEL-TEC SUB-2000 Grip Frame Options & Magazine Options Explained, KEL-TEC Installation Service for M*CARBO Parts, Trajectory Chart 17 HMR, 17 HM2, 22 LR, 22 WMR. I suspect the rifle will be a target-grade turn-bolt with the chamber set back a bit for tight chambering of a bore rider with cut rifling. I haven't burned one up yet. 22 LR Bullet Weight: Weight of the bullet in grains, there are 7000 grains in one pound; the abbreviation for grains is gr. My 22creed is one of them. This was a large rockchuck, sunning himself on the top of some rimrock. [In this LOAD DATA Document] you will find four (4) common bullets, and four (4) common rifle powders used when handloading the .22 Creedmoor cartridge. 22 Creedmoor Versatile Varmint and Tactical Cartridge It took three years to see the first factory offered turn-bolt Valkyrie. This topic has been deleted. Bill reports: "Muzzle velocities ranged from 2,893 ft/sec at 24 to 2,598 ft/sec at 16 for a decrease in muzzle velocity of 295 ft/sec. The wildcat .22 Creedmoor holds half a grain more water than the .22-250 AI and is loaded to higher pressures. The group measured .26 inch center-to-center. Still, finding .22 Creedmoor load data proved hit and miss with plenty of spooky loads floating around internet chatrooms. We then took the same load and used standard large rifle primers instead. It is ready for varmints or predators, dealing with windy conditions or even pursuing pronghorn to deer-sized big game. Besides having created a ton of helpful articles on reloading, and shooting in general, Primal Rights also produces and sells some advanced reloading equipment and rifle parts. It carried a special short chamber and, by the direction of Satterlee himself, I was told I could increase my power charge by two grains as the barrel is designed to take some added pressure. Cache Carlson Bullet choice became more excruciating. The first was for the coyotes and varmints previously mentioned. In addition to the 6.5 and 6mm Creedmoor cartridges, now there's a new Creedmoor on the block, the .22 Creedmoor. We have also found that frequent rifle cleaning, to remove carbon fouling, can help prevent bullet disintegration. 22 Creedmoor and 88gr ELD-M Data - Long Range Hunting Forum PDF Ballistics - Hornady Manufacturing, Inc. This time, Eric Mayer met me and brought his video equipment. ELD Match 80269 2790 2564 2349 2144 1950 1764 1262 1066 . It doesnt take a rocket scientist to understand that this is going to be the start of something big in the ammunition development industry. 22lr Ballistics | 22 Long Rifle Ballistics - M*CARBO