Share the post "Hydro-Forming, Annealing, Neck-Turning by DJs Brass". It may not display this or other websites correctly. Then give Darrell Jones at DJs Brass a call at 205-461-4680. I approached Will at the Berger SW Nationals about a rifle I wanted to build. The final component on this rifle is a 12-4256 Nightforce BR with DD-1 reticle set in Leupold Quick Release rings. As I said in the beginning, many cartridge types are capable of winning but are not listed due to their low popularity, case design, or lack of quality components. The .284 Shehane Accurate and Forgiving Wildcat _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-6323545-2']); Then use the tuner and tune the barrel to the load. I think thats why Ive been able to build loads that consistently deliver single-digit Extreme Spreads with ultra-low SDs. Ballard Wins Back-to-Back F-Open Championships (For short-range benchrest, I was shooting a Bob Scoville carbon stock and Terry Leonard laminate). Base collar is gold metallic, followed by the red. He is always trying new ideas. It had 2000 as a straight .284 Win and then I set it back to .284 Shehane to form brass with. Does this really help reduce extreme spread? Using bullets from Sierra HP, Hornady V-Max, Nosler BT, Sierra HPBT, Swift SP, Hornady SP, Nosler AB, Speer GS-SP, Hornady RN. I recently shot my first 600-yard benchrest match. The K&M arbor with seating force gauge shows the need to do this. Share the post "Sunday GunDay: .284 Shehanes for F-Open Competition". 284 Shehane | Long Range Only Team members included: Doug Boyer, Josh Moore, Richard Nixon, John Roethlisberger, Coach Tom Majewski. (Eric Bostrom developed an almost identical unit at the same time. In addition to the 6mmBR-based cases shown below, Darrell can now hydro-form 6PPC cases from .220 Russian brass, and he also offers .284 Shehane. IMPORTANT: Contact Darrell for shipping instructions BEFORE sending brass for processing. 284 Shehane - donuts - Reloading and tuning - Cortina Precision Forum With availability of useful bullets ranging from 85 grains to 160 grains, the 6.5-284 has a lot to offer varminters, big-game hunters and long-range target shooters. Along with these popular cartridge types, DJs Brass can hydro-form 6 PPC, 30 PPC, 6 BRA, 30 BR, .260 AI, .284 Shehane and other wildcats. This was the first five rounds through it after I cleaned it after the last match. Crossed the scale at 11.7lbs. The 6.5X47 Lapua necked down to 6mm is also a great option for mid range matches. Ryan is using 54.0 grains simply as a fire-forming load. Great information and write up Cody. I think this dog will hunt!, Share the post "Sunday Gunday: December Pride & Joy Rifles". Gun builder Ryan Pierce of Piercision Rifles explains: Heres a 5-shot 0.191 group at 100 yards with my .284 Shehane fireforming loads. Hydro-Form Specialty cases (such as Dasher) $0.60 (sixty cents) each minimum of 100 pieces plus actual return shipping cost In second place was Team McMillan with 1553-53X: Paul Phillips, Derek Rodgers, Jeff Rorer, Brad Sauve, John Droelle (Captain), Ray Gross (Coach). Here is a striking camo-finished Elesio (Competition Machine) Tubegun chambered for 7mm SAUM. Once I get something that works well at 600 yards I go back in work around that by 0.1 grains. I contacted Darrell to hydraulically form 6mm Dasher from Lapua 6mm BR brass. WHIDSIZSN284SHE Product Manufacturer: Whidden Gunworks Whidden Gunworks Product Description: For precise, consistent OAL handloads, the internals of Whidden's sizing die are designed to keep your rounds . I think thats due to having more meat in the receiver area. I selected a Broughton 5C because, as my gunsmith says, They just shoot. New .300 WSM F-Class rifle, with stock finished by Forum member Cigar Cop. Q: You go 60-80 rounds between cleaning and the results speak for themselves. Why do you like the .284 Shehane? I use Hodgdon H4831sc powder, CCI BR2 primers, and pointed 180gr Bergers., Share the post "Accurate Cartridges The .284 Shehane, an Improved .284 Win", Tags: .284 Shehane, .284 Winchester, Erik Cortina, F-Class, F-Open, Improved, Ryan Pierce. The big bore shooters believe a heavier bullet flies better in unpredictable wind conditions. Darrell Jones offers this service for a variety of popular cartridges: 6 PPC, 30 PPC, 30 BR, 6 BRA (BR Ackley), 6mm Grinch, 6 BRDX, 6 BRX, .260 Ackley, .284 Shehane and of course the very popular 6mm Dasher. Since 2009, Forum members have posted photos and descriptions of their most prized firearms. Had 1000 pieces to fireform and didnt want to do all that on a brand new barrel. Powder Load Development - 284 Win vs Vihtavuori N165 - YouTube The barrel action rides in a Roy Hunter stock. But no, this was done with heavy 180gr Berger Hybrid bullets and the .284 Shehane, an improved version of the .284 Winchester. Trigger: I recommend and use Jewell triggers. My 284 Shehane is my favourite rifle, built as a mountain rifle for hunting further and deeper into the Alpine in the search of elusive Sambar deer, it has achieved its performance goals and then some. In 2013, Henry Pasquet won the IBS 1000-Yard Nationals shooting a .284 Shehane. After that I play a little with seating depth and look for a change. Ryan is using 54.0 grains simply as a fire-forming load. Over the span of 3,000 rounds, thats a $540.00 savings. Share the post "Is the .284 Shehane Inherently Accurate? We have 284 Winchester dies for sale, from great brands like Forster, Hornady, Lee, Lyman, RCBS, and Redding Reloading Products. with holes in the buttstock and forend. I had committed a big reloading No-No. Forum Member JimmyMac posted: Picked up my new 6 PPC today. There is no torquing (gun wobbling) when cycling the bolt. Shooter's Reference Load Data for .284 Winchester .284 Winchester - Manufacturer Loading Data Pistol Rifle Cowboy Bullet Type Primer Case Trim Length C.O.L . Forum member JHN did this job himself. YMMV, but this is what Ive observed. Multi-Discipline Versatility I asked people that shot both the Shehane and the straight 284 about the pros and cons. The new barrel on this rifle was tested using the same load. 1000-Yard Benchrest Guide within With N560 or Reloder 17 you can go even faster. pressure to certify for sale to consumers. Henry: I try to keep my charge weights consistent to one kernel of powder. Optimum freebore for the 230s is too long for the 185/200s, so you would be limited to using only 215/230gr bullets in that barrel.Furthermore, the recoil increase with heavier bullets is substantial, causing the rifle to be more difficult to shoot. Share the post "Sunday GunDay: We the People .284 Shehane F-Open Rifle". The .284 Shehane is a slightly modified wildcat that retains the same 35 shoulder as the parent case. Team member Jay Christopherson praised his team-mates and also gave credit to his rivals: Team Grizzly was outstanding for the LR Open Gold. Pretty much ALL of them told me that if they had it to do all over again, they WOULD NOT go with the Shehane and, instead, stick with the stock 284 Winchester! I spend the first part of my 3-minute prep period making sure my front rest and rear bag are in-line. That enhancement makes a BIG difference. I had a one custom die that would not size the bottom of the case enough. I would not go any hotter in the interest of case life. Accurate Cartridges The .284 Shehane, an Improved .284 Win With a 5-wide hammerhead front and a special 3-wide bag-rider plate in the rear, this 17-lb rig is ultra-stable in the bags, and tracks like a dream. On top is a Nightforce 42x44mm Competition scope in BAT rings. Home. Just call Darrell and hell make something work for you. Hard to imagine it still makes weight with a wood stock and a 36 power Leopold. He was 66 at the time. I use Widden dies. On the old F-Class targets I would have been content with a Leupold 8-25 LRT, but on the new target a scope with 1/8-MOA adjustments and high magnification is a must. This optic is ultra clear, reasonably lightweight (28 oz. Thats a $.25 per round difference, equivalent to a 60% savings for the .284. I use a bore guide when anything goes down the barrel. There are many improved variants of the original .284 Winchester: 7mm Walker, .284 Shehane, .284 Ackley and so on. Tuning Loads for the .284 Win Improved Cartridges I talked two stock makers into making them. Hydro-forming by Darrell costs $0.60 (sixty cents) per case with a minimum order of $60. Henry: Youre never too old. .284 Shehane Load Development I copied and analyzed many articles, especially on the .284 and the Dashers. Dale also threaded the barrel for a Woolum Accuracy tuner. That takes time, costs money (in bullets and powder), and consumes precious barrel life. Typical load for a Shehane is around 57.0 grains of Hodgdon H4831 SC. By blowing the sidewalls out 0.010, the .284 Shehane picks up about 3.3 grains of extra case capacity. The 284 Shehane is a moderately blown out 284, with 3% extra capacity over the parent case. And F-Class guys if youre shooting a .284 Win-based case in F-Open you should definitely read Henrys precision reloading advice. Long-Range Only F-Open Cartridge and F-class cross the coarse shooting. Henry: For my .284 Shehane at the Nationals, I loaded 52.5 grains of Hodgdon H4350 and Federal BR-2 primers behind Berger 180gr VLDs. We offer new reloding data for: .284 Winchester, with bullets: 140 grs / 9,1 gram Nosler E-Tip 150 grs / 9,7 gram Hornady ELD-X I chose this action based on BAT Machines impeccable reputation. 284 Win on Quickload One of the most popular features of our Shooters Forum is the ongoing Pride and Joy thread. All this being said, if a man wanted just one caliber for F-Class, long-range benchrest, and hunting, I would still suggest the .284 Win. Without revealing any trade secrets, we can say the Darrell has very special dies and Darrell doesnt use a mallet or hammer he has a system that is much more consistent. This is the .284 Winchester rig that Charles Ballard used to win back-to-back F-Open titles in 2008 and 2009. ALL Bulletin content is copyrighted, 2023 It was a family affair this year for the Klemm clan. Best powders in most barrels are Varget and H4350, I dont use double-based powders such as Reloder 17 and the Vihtavuori N500 series because of their unpredictable performance day to day (greater temp sensitivity). It is a no-brainer for long range F-Class or Prone or 1000-yard Benchrest., Scotlands Grant Taylor. Do you have a gun youd like to see featured there? Henry: I had true Heavy Guns with 5-inch fronts and 3-inch rears. The front rest is a SEB Max (see above). The "old" 284 Winchester on the right is loaded to COAL of 2.8 inches. BAT Machine M Action If you need formed brass for a new build (gun not yet fired), let me know and I will size the brass to fit within .001 of a PT&G GO gauge.. Compared to the original Master Class F-Open stock, the barrel sits about an inch lower. 284 Shehane | Long Range Hunting Forum Best bullets for the 6mm Dasher are: Vapor Trail 103gr, Berger 105 Hybrid, 108 BT, and 105 VLD (hunting). After hydro-forming your brass, Darrell can also neck-up or neck-down the cases to meet your needs. Typical load for a Shehane is around 57.0 grains of Hodgdon H4831 SC." By blowing the sidewalls out 0.010, the .284 Shehane picks up about 3.3 grains of extra case capacity. I figured if I get it up to 2935-2950 fps that will be a point or two saved in a several day match. I used a Fulghum (Randolph Machine) front rest with an Edgewood bag made with the low-friction 3M material. Typical load for a Shehane is around 57.0 grains of Hodgdon H4831 SC. By blowing the sidewalls out 0.010, the .284 Shehane picks up about 3.3 grains of extra case capacity. It was fitted to my action by Dale Woolum of Woolum Accuracy. Henry worked hard, learned fast, and pursued accuracy with a vengence. The price starts at $60.00 per hundred for standard cases or $75.00/100 for magnum size. Do you trickle to the kernel? Without, I would probably still be shooting double-digit (10+) groups at 1000 yards, and I sure wouldnt have my name on a National Championship trophy. My good friend at CRS Custom Rifle Stocks in Aaronsburg, PA made and painted the stock. He was interested in building a rifle with the new Master Class Low Profile F-Open Stock, created by Carl Bernosky and Alex Sitman of Master Class Stocks. Big Mistake! Straight .284 or Shehane you cannot go wrong. And he tells us Those guys in Montana are keeping me very busying hydro-forming the 6BR Ackley (6 BRA). I have a 29 barrel also though since its a setback. He loaded Sierra 100gr Pro-Hunter bullets, and took this nice Roe Buck at 240 yards through a gap in the foliage. Norm Harrold (above) won the 2018 USA F-Class Nationals shooting a .284 Shehane. Well, guess what that relay I shot a 200-19x, and the next relay I shot a 200-17x (these scores were on the old, larger F-Class target). Heres another handsome .284 Shehane F-Open rifle. Duane decided to use a BAT M action for this rifle, and I think that he could not have made a better choice. [The load was] 180 Hybrids with 54.0 grains of H4831 SC. This sports a suppressed, 26 MTU 1:7.5-twist barrel. When I do clean, its simple. As much as I like the .284 Win, for long-range competitions I like the .300 WSM even more. The extra boiler room is enough to drive the 180s at 2900-2950 fps with H4831sc, with long barrels. On Saturday my .284 was absolutely hammering, but Sunday I started noticing a hard bolt lift. been shooting mine for years with a 25 inch 9 twist the 160 class will make 2950+ pretty easy but the 180 class even with a full case of rl-26 will start trashing brass pretty quick once you start getting near 2900 fps. [The load was] 180 Hybrids with 54.0 grains of H4831 SC. Henry also runs a combo tuner/muzzle-brake. Vihtavuori has added new loads to the available reloading data, and this time we're also offering data for the .284 Winchester! From this point we worked up in half-grain increments until pressure signs developed at 2950 fps. He covers sighter strategies and techniques for record fire, and he also explains, in detail, how he dopes the wind and judges hold-offs based on mirage. To my surprise 57.0 grains of H4831 was now shooting 2975 fps! Second I visited his shop during the SWN in February and liked what I observed and how he approached things. NOTE: Charles Ballard always employs eye and ear protection when shooting. The gun gets transported in a Pelican Hard case when I travel. Other good options are: Kelbly, CG Jackson (good 2-Stage) Anschutz (best 2-Stage for Bat and Kelbly actions), BixN Andy, and David Tubb. Jason Cohens We the People patriotic .284 Shehane F-Class rifle. Seeing is believing! All hydro-formed cases are annealed at no extra charge after the forming process. This is one sport where you can be a champion in later life., Click on Rifle Photos to View Full-screen Versions. New Arrivals | 1967Spud Reloading Supplies Ltd Now that Lapua and Peterson has released 284 Winchester brass, this could alleviate the need to neck up 6.5 brass. The rear bag also has the new 3M material on contact surfaces (photo at right). This has proven to be a valuable tool in my load development. Share the post "Save Time and Bullets Fire-Form with your Fouler Shots". Expand Case Necks and Anneal brass (Call for Price) He posted: Went to local paint shops, some cost a two-month work income, some said guns were a no-no. Ya, I figured why not I had some old barrels laying around so I just chopped 2 off the back and 1 off the front and chambered it up as a Shehane. All these components have been a successful combination that has worked flawlessly in my other rifle. About his two guns he posted: All I need is a can of bear spray. Im getting 2930-2950 fps with spreads in the 3-5 fps range. My .284 barrel now has 1,036 rounds, and by all indications it will shoot well to 3,000+ rounds. After record fire begins I shoot very fast, holding off for the wind. It takes a great rifle to approach that goal, but it is also up to the shooter to learn and experiment as much as possible in order to achieve success. I was able to easily get 3200 fps with 105 hybrids and H4350. Here is why: You have to shoot a 30 Cal Magnum with a 240gr bullet to equal the performance of most 7mm chamberings with the 180 Berger VLD. Here are the team members, with Grizzly President Shiraz Balolia top left and coach Trudie Fay in the middle. 2016 F-Class Open Canadian Championship, Silver Medal (tied for first on score), 2015 F-Class Open National Championship, Silver Medal, F-Class Open National Championship Teams, 2015, 2014, 2013, Shooting Team Member, Over 15 wins in Regional and State Championships in Palma, F-TR, F-Open, 2017 U.S. National Development Team Member, Share the post "Sunday GunDay: The Modern F-Open Rifle". The case issues seem to be with previously softer batches of cases. Thats where the .284 Shehane comes into play. I loaded 44 rounds using 55.0 grains of H4831sc. Darrell tells us: Many of my customers take this brass and load it as is and go straight to a match and shoot some very nice groups., With Darrells hydro-forming service you dont have to buy any special dies or other equipment. No bad reports about the new lots and the new box I have fireformed seem just as tight. This includes Tikka T3X and many Tikka and Sako rifles. My face rests on the stock and my shoulder is placed firmly into the buttplate. Q: Henry, you have been a Forum member for many years. The Vortex Golden Eagle HD scope showed the mirage I needed in order to make timely wind-hold decisions.. _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']); .284 Winchester - Wikipedia What is not to love about the 284 Shehane? 284 Shehane Mountain Rifle - Precision Defence Industries | PDI I use the Omega powder trickler with a Sartorius GD-503 lab-grade balance to achieve that. This is a very popular option for F-Open Shooters. This is my second season shooting F-Open. After sizing, the case mouths are cleaned with a spinning bronze brush. Just five years ago Forum member Henry Pasquet (aka HenryP) got started in 1000-yard benchrest shooting. The price for a 'Big Dawg' in Rutland laminate is $545. I push out to 600 yards and do a ladder test in round-robin format. BC rules in the wind. Fortunately, the Range at Raton saved some of its most challenging conditions for the final match of the championship. For some cartridge types, I can pre-form cases to assist in fire-forming a wildcat cartridge. In a match with only two sighters, Ill make a wind call and try to hit the center with my first shot. Unless you really get some exotic woods they all seem to blend together. You Better Believe It". The event was well-attended, with excellent turn out for both the Mid-Range and Long-Range cycles. Why 284 Win dominate, why not 284 Shehane? | Shooters' Forum Team LBB: Jay Christopherson, Erik Cortina, Tom Hendricks, Pat Scully, Coach Bob Sebold. 6.5-284 (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 196 loads. My old straight .284 load at 2890 fps had ES spread in single digits for 10 shots. Just before Nationals, I tried going up and down one marker. Sort By: Items Per Page: Item Total: (21) 0 - 21 7mm (.284) Neck Sizer Die With Zip Spindle 005-046044 | Hornady $33.45 In Stock 284 Winchester (.284) Match Grade Die Set 005-544303 | Hornady $104.99 In Stock Ballard won the NRA Long-Range Regional, setting a new National Record in the process 200-23X at 1000 yards. He posted: Some like synthetic and some like wood I have both. The stainless Blake barrel is chambered for the .284 Shehane wildcat, and sports an F-Class Products tuner on the end. I only test, keeping a notebook with all the info. You are using an out of date browser. I have a 29 barrel also though since its a setback. Here is why: You have to shoot a 30 Cal Magnum with a 240gr bullet to equal the performance of most 7mm chamberings with the 180 Berger VLD. Once you get it formed I would push it faster than that or I wouldnt even bother with the Shehane. Let DJ do the work for you! Mike Wilson (3 Time IBS Record Holder; 2013 and 2014 1000-yard IBS Shooter of the Year. The .284 Shehane Accurate and Forgiving Wildcat Products. Ryan is using 54.0 grains simply as a fire-forming load. It was fitted to my action by Dale Woolum of Woolum Accuracy. That all paid off when Henry won the 2013 IBS 1000-yard Nationals this summer, finishing as the Two-Gun Overall National Champion. My target seating force on the K&M dial is 20-23 units for Dashers and 35-40 units for the .284 Shehane. All of the above information is based on my personal experience and it is meant to help new shooters choose the right cartridges for F-Class matches. Do you shoot a popular wildcat (such as the 6 BRA), but hate the hassle of fire-forming all your own cartridge brass? After my first string this load started hammering. Always be ready to learn something new. That is almost exactly where I run my 26 7 Saum with 180s and RL 23. Thanks Cody! Load development for me starts with each new barrel. We can turn your case-necks and trim the brass to your specs. It had 2000 as a straight .284 Win and then I set it back to .284 Shehane to form brass with. That enhancement makes a BIG difference. I chose Bryan for two reasons first, I have shot with him a few times at National matches and he is approachable and very helpful. Henry: I had 20/10 vision when I was young, but am down to only 20/20. This allows me to use the center as my primary hold. The action is from the first rifle I purchased with my own money 21 years ago (700VSS). The rifle now sports a 24 Brux barrel chambered in 6mm Creedmoor, with aftermarket PT&G Bolt and DBM metal. My painter said awesome! and he was able to airbrush the stock with a little yellow and brown to give it that vintage paper look. Birchwood Casey Shoot-N-C 17.25" Sight-in Target - 5 Targets Straight 284 win and Shehane | Long Range Hunting Forum Powder Load Development - 284 Win vs Vihtavuori N165 - YouTube 0:00 / 15:59 Sign in to confirm your age This video may be inappropriate for some users. The .284 is the parent cartridge for the 6.5-284 Norma as well as the .450 Bushmaster and .475 Wildey Magnum. I was thinking of ribbons on the front in red and blue but we could not get the layout right. Shehane Tracker - Savage Shooters However, in most barrels, it cant push the 180s at 2900-2950 fps velocity levels*. The barrel with which I shot my record was removed after that match so I dont put too many rounds on it before the Nationals. I asked the guy in the yard about it and he said it had been returned because it had too much figure for the job the customer was working on. This rifle project began several years ago. NOTE: If youre skeptical of those single-digit chron readings, click on the Video Playback screen below to view Ballard test-firing a load that delivers an ES of 5 and SD of 2 for five shots. The key here is both calibres are going to shoot around the 2850fps mark accurately with good case and barrel life. For shooters who are not sold on the .284 Winchester, I give you a real-world ballistics shoot-off. But I was hooked after that match. Darrell says: Simply send me the brass you need or have it dropped-shipped to me along with a fired case that has not been sized. Loading Procedure: My CCI BR-2 primers are seated with a RCBS hand priming tool. I figured if I get it up to 2935-2950 fps that will be a point or two saved in a several day match. That enhancement makes a BIG difference. A 284 Shehane at 2900f.p.s. [The load was] 180 Hybrids with 54.0 grains of H4831 SC., Scotlands Grant Taylor. Cost Comparison: .284 Win vs. 6.5-284 Ray keeps Jewell triggers in stock so the only piece left to acquire was the scope. It has already demonstrated great promise, scoring second place in its very first match, a 320 at 1000 yards in Wyoming. Here are the initial powder tests for the Shehane. You Better Believe It, .284 Shehane Winning Wildcat for F-Open Competition, Sunday GunDay: .284 Shehanes for F-Open Competition. What 7mm to build - 280AI or 284 Shehane - This rifle has a 1.55, round BAT LP/RE action, fitted with a Bartlein barrel chambered for the .284 Shehane (an improved version of the .284 Winchester). I initially had the standard rear stock until Tommy Shurley and Mike Hearn came out with an adjustable rear plate. The .284 Win gives better barrel life with only giving up a few inches to the 7mmRSAUM. The bolt carrier will most likely be slamming into the back of your action as well, which is obviously bad. PMA Rod Guide Tikka T3X (.682"-.690")- 6.5 PRC - PMA Tool The Lawn Ranger The .284 Win is currently dominating in F-Open competition. These upgrades make it a thoroughly-modern Henry lever gun for the 21st Century. New reloading data, including new caliber .284 Win! - Vihtavuori Winning F-TR Rifle and Load: The 6.5X47 Lapua was designed for 300-meter competition, but as soon as it was released, it was adopted by F-Class, benchrest, and tactical shooters. 7mm Cartridge Guide Jerry said go for it and, as it turned out, the rifle delivered the velocity I wanted, plus extraordinary accuracy to boot. Report by Emil Kovan In fact, Henry was eager to share everything he knows, so that other guys can fast-track their learning process. Norms F-Open rig features a McMillan Kestros ZR stock and Bartlein barrel chambered for the .284 Shehane, which has a bit more case capacity than a standard .284 Winchester. PLEASE CHECK YOUR BOLT DIAMETER BEFORE ORDERING. Every long-range shooter can benefit from some of tips revealed here. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; If you look at that 5-round group you might think it was shot with a 6 PPC or maybe a 6mmBR. How does this improve rifle performance and how do you set the tune? Q: Tell us about the combined tuner/muzzle brake on some of your barrels. NOTE: After cases are hydro-formed by Darrell, every case is washed, cleaned and re-annealed. Here is the wifes quilted Maple 96 Mauser 6.555. Shooters may experiment with either shooting style to find what suits them best. Dies for an Improved .284 Win Cartridge Youve proved them wrong. Complete game changer! Share the post ".284 Shehane Winning Wildcat for F-Open Competition". Gun builder Ryan Pierce of Piercision Rifles explains: Heres a 5-shot 0.191 group at 100 yards with my .284 Shehane fireforming loads. Dont lose your accuracy by having carbon build up and close off the clearance required for the most accurate bullet release through a muzzle brake. Note: Extra charges apply for neck-turning and neck expansion operations, or specialized cartridge-forming operations. Single digit ES (Extreme Spread) is the goal. Also, most custom die makers want you to send them two or three cases, each fire-formed three times. Typical load for a Shehane is around 57.0 grains of Hodgdon H4831 SC.". After speaking with Mr. Tierney at the 2006 US F-Class Nationals, I decided the .284 Win would be the chambering for the new gun, despite several shooters telling me I would not be able to obtain the desired velocities. You can make enormous progress in a few seasons. With the latest high-BC 7mm bullets, the original .284 Winchester is proving tough competition for its 6.5-284 offspring. I loaned my Dasher to another shooter two years ago and he got second at the 600-yard Nationals. Gun Handling and Recoil Big accuracy windows allow loads to perform well in different conditions and geographical locations. I did trim the Berger VLDs to the shortest bullet length with a Hoover Trimmer, and then pointed the meplats just enough to close them with a Whidden pointer. This eye-catching F-Open rifle was crafted by Blake Barrel and Rifle in Arizona. This gun hammers with 105gr Berger Hybrids., Courtesy Forum member Dan H., here are two red-stocked Dashers plus an Anschutz 54.30 (Benchrest Stock) to make it a trio. Last year (2017) at the SW Nationals I took a VERY casual survey of all the 284 Winchester (and Shehane) shooters I could find and asked them about the pros and cons of doing a Shehane vs. a straight 284 Winchester as I was about to build a 284 of one variety or the other and wanted to get an idea which way I SHOULD go.