Both are spectacular in their own way. We will assist you at Alaska Air Cargo in Prudhoe Bay with shipping. Returning hunters abound and you can give them an opportunity to tell the story of their trophy or the one that got away. On the even numbered years (2024, 2026 etc), all of our hunts our based directly from out David River Base Camp. Guided Alaska Moose Hunt | Huge Alaska Trophy Moose 2021 Please call us for all of your Arctic Circle Tours, Lodging, Fuel & Air Taxi needs. The four herds found on the North Slope, from east to west, are the Porcupine herd estimated at 197,000 animals (2013 census), the Central Arctic herd estimated at 70,000 animals (2013 census), the Teshekpuk herd estimated at 33,000 animals (2013 census), and, finally, the Western Arctic herd estimated at 201,000 animals (2016 census). Most of our camps are accessed via float equipped Cessna 180. *Prices may change depending on new regulations posted on July 1st of every year*, Hunting License, Harvest tag, and Fishing license can be printed from your computer, Locking tags are mailed to you, they take approximately 2-3 weeks to be delivered. The town has two excellent Bed and Bed and Breakfasts. If you are wanting beer or any type of alcohol while out at camp you will have to bring it in. The nearby tundra ridges make for great vantage points allowing us to spot migrating Caribou in all directions. Caribou Hunt Logistics | Hunt Talk Be sure and make your reservations well in advance of your trip if you wish to stay there. 4 wheelers are used to access the hunting areas close to camp where caribou live and move through. Skins from these animals are used to make various clothing and native arts. The Arctic is known as one of the last true pristine wilderness areas in the world. Balboa Park Hits the Mark Scavenger Hunt. That experience only you can judge what it's worth. Bettles Lodge- Historic Arctic Bed and Breakfast, Bettles, Alaska Bed Alaska | Bureau of Land Management The first building in New Bettles was the Bettles Lodge. Guides AvailableIf you prefer to be accompanied by a Guide, Contact Us for a list of competent Guides available for your trip. All of our guides have dedicated themselves to perfecting these skills. 8 great scavenger hunts and tours near Bettles | Let's Roam Always wanted to but narrowing down costs seems difficult. With all of the opportunity, affordability, and animals on the North Slope, it is without a doubt one of the most prime locations to hunt caribou in North America. The price is good and the manager will work with us. Your hunt with Arrowhead Outfitters begins approximately 55 miles South of Deadhorse, AK; where we position our base camp. Only outfit I would trust to fly with in that area. The main lodge is 100% solar powered providing 24-hour electricity, running water and a wide range of amenities that are unmatched in Alaska's Far North. On odd numbered years (2023, 2025 etc), we access our hunting areas primarily by airplane where you will be flown out to a spike camp location with your guide to a camp that where trophy bulls have been spotted or expected. There are opportunities to fish in most of our hunting camps. It is a newer camp that is well-kept and directly across from the general store. Be sure and fly the river section you will be floating and look for bulls. Northwest Alaska Back Country Outfitters - About us Offering the best Dolly Varden and Sheefish fishing in the WORLD! Im here to help. If this is attractive then you must do your research to find rental agencies that allow their trucks to be driven on the Haul Road. Are there cheaper hunts? They have large freezers and shipping boxes that you can purchase to ship your meat. We recommend you research and reach out to a couple of them before your trip if you plan on sending your mount to them. Included in the hunt are bush flights to and from Fairbanks, camp gear, food, and one-on-one guiding. Camps usually consist of 2 sturdy expedition grade shelters: 1 for cooking and lounging in and 1 for sleeping in. The NWT is the premier trophy Mountain Caribou hunt in North America. JavaScript is disabled. Non-hunter: $2,500.00. Thread starter jpauli; Start date Mar 30, 2018; Mar 30, 2018 #1 J. jpauli New member. Also, anyone who has used Coyote Air for their transportation, what did you think of them? Hard to reach and probably booked up for 2008, but good to go nonetheless. Air Tamarac Outfitter. Hunters can access caribou migration routes from the road, providing an opportunity to hunt caribou without the need to fly on a chartered airplane. Outside in the dark, the wind whistles around the cabins of Charlie Lake Camp, insolently flapping a piece of loose tin on the cookhouse roof. Look in creek bottoms for places where caribou will bed down. Even though you are here to hunt, you will find that the landscape, great company, and abundance of nature will leave you with memories that last a lifetime. A typical mature boar in the area will squire 7 while some go over 8. Bettles Lodge & Birchwood Aircraft Services (air taxi into the Brooks Range and National Parks) are fully operational for 2022. Contact us today about joining one of our 2023 hunts. Hunters must advise us if they will be arriving later. Guests are housed in canvas Sibly tents, heated with a wood stove and furnished with cots. The hunting forums are a source of personal hunting information. JavaScript is disabled. Needless to say my .300 WSM roaring right by the tent brought my partner out in a rush. We get you in, we get you out. You must be an Alaska resident or hunt with next of kin to hunt Grizzly Bear without a guide. Ryan Clairmont is an avid outdoorsman who has spent the last 17 years serving his country. This location is also known for its huge salmon runs, which draw these huge coastal Brown bears. LocationBettles Lodge is located 35 miles north of the Arctic Circle, in the foothills of the Brooks Range along the Koyukuk River. There are no stores to purchase food and supplies after you leave Fairbanks, so you need to get everything needed before you depart. We wanted to avoid the Kotz. Surprises of Springfield Scavenger Hunt. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Before nightfall, you'll have your camp set up in one of the most remote areas of the world: the arctic tundra. Hmm. Breakfast and dinner will be provided by our Camp Cook. Wish I could help you as a voice of experience with BRA..but you'll have to wait until mid-September for that! You must also obtain a caribou Harvest Ticket for this hunt. Hunting opportunities in Greenland start under $5,000. bettles caribou hunting - Assuming you have all the necessary gear to go on the hunt (Which on this you can just about have a castle or go as light as you think you can 75 pounds of gear I think would be a minimum). Both bear and wolves can be harvested during our guided caribou hunts. The perfect hunting platform for fly-out fishing trips. This is a perfect opportunity for archery hunters to spot and stalk, but be prepared for many shot opportunities beyond 50 yards with archery equipment. Box 60142, Fairbanks, AK 99706 You can expect to harvest a bull in the 350 - 400 class with a few bulls a year going over 400. I'd check out Bettles Lodge/air. headaches that seemed to be rampant a few years ago and Bettles was a great route. Alaska Air Taxis, Bush Pilots and Charter Services The fly-in Alaska hunting trip you have dreamed of is simply a phone call away. Good luck. Fall bears are especially active as they fatten up for the coming winter.,, The closest caribou are in the 40 mile country hella long and expensive flight from Anchorage. Site by 49 Designs. Caribou Hunting Trips and Hunting Outfitters | Guidefitter One of the questions you need to ask is if they will pick your mount up at Alaska Air Cargo in Fairbanks. The majority of the flights were made . This would be my first trip to alaska, would like to do 2016. Northern Pike, and Greyling. Most flights to camp are an hour to an hour and a half. I'm not a plane expert but their planes looked well taken care of. The Arrigetch Peaks is a popular location for more experienced hikers and rock climbers. September 9 to September 20. Professionally Guided Fly-in Caribou Hunts in Alaskas Arctic. On average, well over 80% of the animals taken by hunters with Henik Lake Adventures will meet . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Our service to hunters is to fly you for a do it yourself hunt to a destination of your choice, which must be a spot that is acceptable for us to operate safely. bettles caribou hunting We are here to serve you, 365 days a year. Eight years in a row of favorable winters has helped trophy bull size & numbers. . DHO Rentals is the only rental company we have a contract with to transport gear from Fairbanks Alaska to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Alaska holds an abundance of opportunity for the big game hunter. Winds gusting as high as During the 1970s, the United States Congress recognized the uniqueness of the Brooks Range and set aside approximately 8 million acres of wilderness, designated as the Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve. Munroe Lake Lodge If hunting with a rifle, all hunters must be a minimum of five miles from the road to harvest a caribou. There are several options of hotels near the airport that provide shuttle services. moose/caribou in Tok area? | IFish Fishing Forum Until recently, nonresident and nonlocal hunters harvested about 500-800 . Inuit government calls to respect ban on caribou harvest in Atlantic Al Wright began flying in the 1940's. He was involved with various aviation endeavors including: Nenana Air Service, Fort Yukon Air, and Wien Airlines. NLRA05 Highlights of Bettles Lodge - Alaska Railroad from Anchorage . Hunters need to be in good physical shape for a caribou hunt, as walking in the brush and marsh areas can be very physically demanding. As we have to follow the strict laws of gravity, we ask that you keep your gear under 60lbs. Traditionally, The Lodge at Little Duck has stayed open one week longer than most lodges, and although the weather can be rather challenging, the hunting can be fantastic. Arrowhead Outfitters You are using an out of date browser. Before you depart camp, you must make sure you have your field gear including: food, supplies, hunting and camp equipment. 2023 Beyond the Kill. There is a General Store in Prudhoe Bay that carries odds and ends including clothing, but it is pricey. This is a spot and stalk style hunt where you and your guide will be glassing from a high vantage point close to camp. 1 on 1. If you recommend some other way let me know also. Ptarmigan and waterfowl hunting is also open during this time of year and are fun to chase once you are successful with your caribou, if time allows. Summer in Bettles, Airplane Wrenchin' - 24hourcampfire Theyre a very good reputable fly-out operation, and if you get a hold of them soon, you probably won't have any trouble booking. Is that cost everything, getting their and all or just the air service? Creating a unique experience, Bettles is far from the beaten path, a real Alaska Lodge with plenty of character and characters! Prior to departure, our team will focus on your safety and preparations for the highest likelihood of success. Went out with BRA three years ago. Home - Wright Air Service Sneaking through brush choked draws, glassing from naked hillsides, and hiking along turquoise blue streams makes this a fantastic hunting adventure. Veteran-owned and operated transporter. Not able to. so who did you wind up going with after all of the research? Sourdough Air Service DBA Brooks Range Aviation is a Part 135 Air Carrier.We are not a licensed Alaska Big Game Transporter. Hunters must be smart about how far they get from camp when going after caribou. Longer trips of up to 2 weeks end in Noatak Village. Caribou & Moose Hunt Bettles Alaska Peak Adventure Media 178 subscribers Subscribe 49K views 6 years ago Travel with Wild By Nature Outdoors far above the Arctic Circle to hunt Caribou and. Bettles Wiseman Coldfoot e Unit 24A, Remainder Caribou - General Hunt Residents and Nonresidents - Harvest Ticket Required 0 5 10 20 Miles U:\wc\huntarea\arcmap_gen\caribou\hcb24a_re.mxd 4/27/2017 skt Source map: Alaska Shaded Relief AREA DESCRIPTION: Unit 24A, remainder. It may not display this or other websites correctly. All must be organized and packed according to Arrowhead Outfitters LLCs size and weight limits. iNWS Alert The paddle boats traveled up the Yukon and onto the Koyukuk River to arrive at Bettles. At times, delays of several days may occur due to severe weather keeping our airplanes grounded. Most hunters will stay within 1 2 miles of camp and many will hunt much closer. What is the best way to ship antlers and cape back? Definitely found the 40 Mile terrain much more bowhunter friendly than the North Slope. When did u go? This is a great option because you get to fly directly to and from Fairbanks. 8-day DIY Caribou hunting adventures on the Ivishack and Echooka rivers. On several occasions, we have gone days without seeing a bull, to only then have literally over a thousand animals migrate through the valley in a single day! Hunt Area Closed Area Controlled Use Area Management Area National . You cant go wrong with him. Boom. sounds like FedEx will ship . There are 2 of us wanting to get in to 26A for the 2 Caribou Non Resident hunt this fall. Pensar a incluso pensar tambm em acessibilidade. HOW TO CONTACT US: Office: (907) 669-2280 Email: Website: . The lack of cover forces a hunter to utilize the terrain for stalking. Alaska I offer personalized 1 on 1 and 2 on 1 big game hunting trips lasting 10-12 days. Some pics of 2013 caribou hunt with Brooks Range Aviation out of Bettles. Gordon, who had been a newspaper writer like his friend Jack London the famous author, established a trading post at the junction of the John River and the Koyukuk River. Guiding is not a job for us, its a passion. 2026 - 8 day Spring Brown Bear Hunt . What you provide (not included in price): Flight to Prudhoe Bay Alaska ($1,000 $2,000 Depending on the airline, deals, etc), Out-of-state hunting license ($160), Caribou harvest tag and locking tag ($650), and out-of-state fishing license ($45) ** must be purchased before arrival to Prudhoe Bay. If you dont want to make the straight ten hour drive from Fairbanks to our camp, we recommend staying in Wiseman, Alaska; a short 14 miles north of Cold Foot, along Dalton Highway. Meat can be checked as luggage on Alaska Airlines as long as it is in a leak-proof container and frozen. We showed up in Bettles on Aug. 23rd and were not scheduled to fly into the bush until the 25th (Just how flight logistics worked out) As soon as we got to Bettles we were met by the pilot and he said if you guys can be ready in 3 hours I can get you out today!