When Elena makes the decision not to dagger Rebekah and instead to help her find her brothers and wake them, the doppelganger finds herself diving head first into the promise that is Always and Forever. Jeremy was the first to develop romantic feelings for Bonnie and the first to express desire for a more romantic relationship between the two of them. Lost in despair, Bonnie had temporarily left Mystic Falls. Also, Bonnie wanted to explore herself after realizing she has changed as a person. In 162 Candles, Bonnie decides to pack up at her grandmother's and go home. orCaroline changes a few events up, all while being pregnant and confused. Rebekah Mikaelson & Bonnie Bennett Friendship? Bonnie Bennett believed she'd finally discovered her good enough ending. Four years later she returns to town more sure of herself and more powerful with two very devoted men at her side. I only seek to write about my girl Bonnie Bennett as well as hope that others feel inspired to write about her so I can read more fics on her haha. AU: Lycan/werewolf world for our lovely TVD characters, namely my girl Bonnie Bennett aye!! }}, In The Birthday, Bonnie only makes a small appearance. Later when Bonnie alone stands in the room the fire that which was still burning flickers a lot. Jeremy is overprotective of Bonnie; probably because he doesn't want to lose her like his past two girlfriends. John explains that he will not let Elena become the thing he spent his life protecting her against. Holding her motionless for a minute until Stefan pulls him off and falls to the floor dead this time. "Go back to leeching.". COVER MADE BY MEE! fanfiction; bonniebennett +3 more # 20. Bonnie explains to her what happened and Elena realizes that Stefan risked his freedom to save her. They are also close in friendship, until Damon feels that desiccating himself in a coffin to wait for Elena's return is the right thing to do. Viola es la hermana legtima y menor de Jeremy Gilbert, cuando sus padres se accidentan tan slo tena 14 aos. The flood of emotions she had kept bottled up flooding out. So he had planned everything with Bonnie. In season 3, Matt mentioned he and Bonnie were lifeguards last summer. And also it is revealed that she is Bonnie's great-great-great-great-grandmother. But fate really has a way of playing out, huh? Elena hesitatingly gives her the water. The nogistune is drawn to her. Witches are the guardians and the protectors of the natural order. I will be my own person and be the badass witch that Noone can fuck with. Sheila arrives at home and tells her that she won't find her answer in a book. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. *means self harm and other themes Caroline Forbes was born knowing that she would die. In The Last Dance, Bonnie is at the safe house with Elena, Stefan and Damon. They have magical abilities to use through incantation and rituals. Setting up many candles at Carolines house, Bonnie prepares to try and get information regarding Klaus from Luka. She didn't fault the witch for it. damonsalvatore timetravel legacies +15 more # 4 When Elena feels her humanity returning she finds herself focusing on having finally been free from the Salvatore brothers, and doesn't abandon her justified anger. After returning from the prison world, she is struggling to adapt to the real world and hide all the pain and loneliness she felt with angry and hate. If someone knows her weakness, she can be in serious trouble. Grams explained the Bennett family history and also taught her spells. If anyone asked, and she was truthful, she would say its the first thing she ever knew. The Founders party seems to be in full swing when the girls gather to see if Bonnie can figure out what kind of magic is attached to the necklace. Long story. After apologizing for using it, Luka allows her to enter. Bonnie/Emily tells Elena that she is going to destroy the necklace and that Damon will never get it back. In Ghost World, seeing Caroline and Bonnie hanging up lights for the festivities, Damon pulls over and demands Bonnie to figure out a way to send these ghosts back. Elena sees Bonnie and approaches her. Under mysterious circumstances, Bonnie finds herself being able to wield dark magic. Soon, Bonnie is surprised to see the necklace laying on the bathroom floor. Disclaimer: ya'll already know, I don't own these characters. instead of wanting to kill damon during their first encounter in the prison world, kai wants to fuck him. After Caroline leaves to bring Luka back to the Mystic Grill, Bonnie decides to tell Jeremy why they shouldnt be together. When Elena was transitioning into a vampire, Bonnie tried to pull her human spirit from the Other Side but she was stopped by Sheila, who warned her of the dark magic she was using and to stop messing with Nature. In Crying Wolf, Bonnie brings a mocha over to Luka at the pool table as a gift to try and smooth things over between them. Later, it is revealed that Jeremy knows that another witch from the other side is helping Vicki. In this one, Elena comes to them with hope in her eyes and determination in her heart. Bonnie Bennett: the last in the Bennett Line. Not understanding what hes talking about, Luka shows her a little trick he can do with the salt. Her grandmother finally awake from her magic induced coma, has started to drill into her once again to stay away from any vampire business (which Bonnie planned to do anyways after she kills Klaus). Telling him: "The spirits don't get to tell me what to do anymore. I write down random book ideas and you let me know which ones you like and then your brothers are the Salvatores, your BestFriends are Katherine and kai, this story is a little different to the vampire diaries but it's based on it! Bonnie tells her mother that they will be safest in the basement. She jokes that he can thank her "tomorrow and the next day and the next day". Seeing Klaus, Elijah and Kol approach the circle for the ritual, Esther tells Bonnie and Abby to leave. She is the youngest and last known member of the Bennett family. Bonnie also revealed to Elena that she is a descendant of the Salem sorcerers, and that she and her grandmother are supposedly witches. Just before Elena drinks it, Bonnie asks Elena for a sip. Discontinued "Don't underestimate the allure of darkness. Calling them sisters, she grabs their hands and tells them that tonight they will restore the balance of nature. Bonnie flow to New Orleans instead into Damon's arms after returning from the prison world. Request: OPEN/closed, Delena my shippp I love tvd and Damon Salvatore so here we are. Jeremy races over to Bonnie to check on her. Bonnie and Stiles grew up playing together and constantly talking to one another. When someone from Mystic Falls shows up out of nowhere, will it ruin everything they have, or make them stronger? This puts Bonnie and Caroline in a tense position, especially when Stefans humanity switch is back on and Caroline decides to still marry him. Klaus tells her he will keep hurting her loved ones until she does what he wants. Her grandmother explains to Bonnie that the seal has not been broken and that any Vampires entering the tomb will not be allowed back out. Just when she is about to begin the spell, Grams appears and they chant the spell together. Bonnie arrives at Lukas to give him back his necklace. Klaus Bonnie explains to Matt that what he did was too risky and foolish. They remain close until Kai Parker links their lives together in season six and they are forced to live without each other. bonnie bennett leaves mystic falls fanfiction Bonnie is gone, The pizzaplex will never be the same again. They have their small fights every now and then, but ultimately come together as friends and ally to help their other loved ones against the one thing they hate the most: the Heretics. Bonnie agrees to help Damon and Stefan break the spell on the tomb long enough to get them in there to retrieve the moonstone. He easily figures that Caroline gave it to her, notes that it's his and wants it back. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The people I write for are Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Elena Gibert, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett, Enzo, Katherine Pierce, Kai Parker and also their actors. She is sitting with her mother while she goes through the transformation. Shed been free. Bonnie is trapped in an abusive relationship with Dr. Damon Salvatore. Anna makes arrangements to meet Stefan and tells Ben to use violence if necessary when dealing with Elena and Bonnie. While her back is turned, Jeremy places some of the ashes in his wallet so that he can go to the tomb and grab the moonstone himself. Bonnie threw a snowball at Elena and also revealed that her father is taking her on a trip and that she'd miss Christmas with her friends, so Elena revealed that she was going to convince her parents to let Bonnie stay for the holidays as they've never spent a holiday apart from each other. Things are awkward between them but it dissipates when Bonnie sees him still wearing the Gilbert ring. Later that afternoon, after convincing Damon into feeding Caroline his blood, Bonnie pays her respect to the Lockwood Family, after the tragic death of Tyler's father, Richard Lockwood. In this episode Jeremy and Bonnie's relationship gets deeper. The message was that as long as Elena was alive, the transition cannot take place and Tyler would die. Delena, faint hints of future Steroline. Matt also has a lot of trust in Bonnie that he trust her with his life in The Reckoning. A heartbroken Bonnie then ends their relationship. And Bonnie, as if she woke up from a sleep says "Nothing". Once done, they both head out to the party. She screams for Bonnie to stop when she sees the fire reach Damon. Can Elijah and Elena trust each other? Once outside, a distraught Bonnie calls Elena. She has shown that she is willing to put her own personal pain on the back burner in order to pay attention to the needs of her loved ones. Trigger warnings. Grams also helped open the tomb, so that Damon would leave town. She sees the coffins and Stefan tells her that he needs her to put a spell on the coffins so they will disappear. In The Departed, Damon takes Bonnie to Klaus and she secretly, without anyone knowing, transfers Klaus' spirit into the body of Tyler Lockwood in order to protect her friends and her mother. History isn't stuck on repeat after all. Bonnie Bennett hated being the witch on call for vampires and hated being mistreated by her so called friends. Bonnie is repeatedly ready to sacrifice herself for her family and friends without any hesitation or without a second thought. Abby explains that it means that if 2 witches did it together, it might possibly unlock the coffin. 1 . Proving to Caroline to go after what you want, Bonnie heads over to Ben to strike up a conversation. Bonnie's not too sure how she feels about sharing her boyfriend with an Original, even if he does keep giving her rare grimoires. Bonnie asks Luka if he knows how to break a bind between a talisman and a spell. Excited to see her again because of the kiss they shared the night before, Jeremy wants to ask her what she thinks of them being together. ( - ?? ) Walking around the party with Jeremy, Bonnie begins to have a strange feeling. However, Alaric teases Jeremy by revealing that he overheard Bonnie's suggestion that he thank her "tomorrow and the next day and the next day". By the end of the episode, Abby decides to leave even if Caroline tries to convince her to stay. Elena tells Bonnie that Jeremy has had so much pain in his life that he deserves to be happy with someone as amazing as her. Can anyone save her, before she loses herself? Abby tells her that it was the spell she used to bind Mikael into the coffin. But even when the big bad is on your side, there's always something worse, right? Currently, Bonnie is devastated that Damon and Enzo are missing and she is desperately trying to find Enzo along with Damon. Bonnie has soft and gentle facial features and she has somewhat of a delicate appearance. A series of Damon/Bonnie one or two shots based on song inspirations. She was found by a vampire after her parents abandoned her. In The Sun Also Rises, Over at the old witches' house, Jeremy and Bonnie look through the Grimoires to find a way of stopping Elena becoming a vampire. As her powers have increased, Bonnie stepped up at every opportunity to trade her life for those of her friends. Two souls, Two love stories, One d. by Molly-Ann. Main players are Elena and Damon but most of the main cast gets involved here or there. Bonnie refuses to give it back. But she was unaware that the youngest Mikaelson brother also wanted her. Now he too is locked in the tomb with Katherine. She will become the savior of witches, the chosen, the charmed one! As a little girl I always wanted to be sp Jayden, Gilbert, Kind, innocent, she is the baby of the Gilbert family only thirteen years old, everyone is very overprotecting over her, no matter what happens she alwa Summary: After her father found her passed out, he decides to move her across the country after taking a promotion. Bonnie continues to cast the spell and as Klaus is weakened, Elijah approaches him. Bonnie is able to put out the fire. She opens up and explains to Luka that lately the spells have been too hard on her. Allied with Esther Mikaelson, this force seeks the destruction of the vampire specie as a tribute. In The Sacrifice, Bonnie and Lukas friendship seems to grow every day. When Kai crawls out of Hell in S8, he does the smart thing and gets out of Mystic Falls. Damon takes them to the site where the witches were burned. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (85), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms (48), Bonnie Bennett/Malachai "Kai" Parker (13), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Hayley Marshall & Hope Mikaelson & Klaus Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson & Stefan Salvatore Friendship, Klaus Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Elijah Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Kol Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Rebekah Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Finn Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s), Help the author make up her indecisive mind, Original Bennett Character(s) (Vampire Diaries), Various Vampire Diaries Universe Character(s), Mikaelson Family & Bennett Family - Freeform. For exactly, 21,900 days his letter remained closed. tula tungkol sa magsasaka at mangingisda; greenwood, bc real estate; Matt and Bonnie are great friends that have been close since childhood. Bonnie has developed a more reserved, yet assertive and authoritarian demeanor after escaping the Prison World, even leading Damon (who is rather cocky and aggressive) to concede to her wishes. But she is very happy to be reunited with her best friend Elena. Noticing that Bonnie doesn't even hear her, Elena calls out Emily and immediately Bonnie stops. Reading what it opened too, Bonnie discovers that is was a manifestation spell. Bonnie speaks to him on webcam and he admits that he feels weird, but Bonnie points out that he has just been brought back from the dead and it's bound to feel strange. bonnie bennett leaves mystic falls fanfiction - startek.tn She says that she didn't do it for him and walks away. Since finding herself in a "pocket reality" or an otherworldly dimension with Damon after seemingly being destroyed along with the imploding Other Side, Bonnie has been trying her best to keep it together despite the stress and frustration of having to live through the same day over and over again with the one person she is fond of the least (or so she says), believing that her Grams made sure that she would find her way back to the physical plane. He says that once Elena dies, the curse will be broken and Klaus will become a Hybrid. Yet, like most things in her life good enough goes left and leaves her with another ending. Klaus mused. And Bonnie. Dr. Martin storms through the Gilberts front door after a visit from Elijah. Some time when Bonnie was a young child, her mother had abandoned her, after taking down the Original Vampire, Mikael and losing all of her powers, in order to protect her best friend Miranda Sommers-Gilbert's adoptive daughter Elena, who is a Petrova doppelgnger needed to break . They later discover that they are stuck in a 1994 Prison World. Waving to them until Damon steps in and waves back at Elena. Bonnie then tries again, this time she is successful by stopping Klaus' heart and effectively desiccating him. At school Elena tells her that Jeremy has been compelled by Damon to leave town and is shocked. She regularly wears cardigans and tops with some type of floral pattern with jeans or leggings, and occasionally; such as for Graduation, wore a floral print dress with her trinkets underneath her red gown. Currently, Bonnie and Elena will never see each other again being Bonnie must die a natural death in order to awaken a slumbering Elena. Because of Bonnie's opinions about vampires and their way of living (due to the fact that vampires have to feed on humans and human blood for survival, thus increasing their chances of harming innocent people), this often makes her look like a prejudiced and judgmental person from time to time. Once Elena finds out, Bonnie tells Caroline that Elena will never forgive her. At first she thinks her Grams is crazy, but Bonnie then starts to experience inexpiable and supernatural things. She meets Lydia and gains a new friend and maybe more. After the veil between the living and the dead is broken, a vast group of spirits return to Mystic Falls, including Sheila Bennett. In December 22, 2007, Bonnie is fifteen years old and a freshman at Mystic Falls High School and is also helping her town prepare for the Mystic Falls Tree Lighting Ceremony. spyderco mamba clone delaware river current speed par Catgories : how to set ulimit value in solaris 11 permanently. - Bonnie Bennett - | FanFiction Bonnie was ready to leave at the end of The Vampire Diaries. ", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (8), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms (4), Klaus Mikaelson & Stefan Salvatore Friendship, past Bonnie Bennett/Jeremy Gilbert - Relationship, Bonnie Bennett & Caroline Forbes & Elena Gilbert Friendship, the girlies are gonna struggle in this but they'll be okay, but characters will make stupid decisions sometimes so bear with them pls, Matt Donovan is emotionally intelligent thank you, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Bonnie & Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Bonnie/Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Foxy/Montgomery Gator (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Animatronics (Five Nights at Freddy's), Montgomery Gator (Five Nights at Freddy's), Daycare Attendant (Five Nights at Freddy's), Original Five Nights at Freddy's Character(s), Bonnie Bennett & Matt Donovan & Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett & Freya Mikaelson & Davina Claire, Bonnie Bennett & Josie Saltzman & Lizzie Saltzman, Kol Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s). Well Elena and Damon really. Elena tells them that Bonnie can reverse the spell on the device and then they can hand over the device to Isobel. Fearing for Bonnie, Elena yells for Bonnie not to leave. Before they were cheerleaders in high school and they were also best friends with Elena Gilbert. Convincing her to listen to him, Damon wants to sincerely thank her for her help in undoing the spell on the device. klausmikaelson klaroline freyamikaelson +8 more # 16 Elena and the Salvatores. Bonnie Sheila Bennett is a very powerful witch and one of the main female characters of The Vampire Diaries. Bonnie pays an early visit to Elena in her room. Unlike many packs that stayed true to tradition of males being protectors and bread winners while the females stayed home and cared for domestic things, she hails from a nontraditional pack, or at least that was what the new Alpha was promoting.Taking advantage of the new ways being brought into the pack, she sets out to prove herself once and for all not just to the other pack members that she truly belonged but especially seeking out the approval of the Alpha. "Cuidado, Bon," o herege repreendeu, fazendo a Bennett corar e envolver os braos em volta do pescoo de Artemis por instinto. Of course, they will need Damon to bring the Grimoire. What happens when a witch and a hybrid are forced to have a child neither of them wants? Bonnie continues to cast the spell but her nose begins to bleed and she sobs. Elena and Bonnie follow who they think is Alaric to help him. Bonnie finds out that they just moved there from Louisiana. Bonnie Bennett/Stiles Stilinski - Works | Archive of Our Own Later, Bonnie arrives at Sheila's house. Reaching down to pick up her book bag, it comes open on her Grimoire. Or will her selfish need to have her own way make it worse? She is a witch and also Bonnie's cousin. Later Bonnie sees Jonas enter the Grill and walks over to him to try and convince him that it wasnt their fault and that she wants to help him get his daughter back. Bonnie and her mother Abby meet up with Esther and Finn at the old mansion. Damon tries to get through to her, including telling her off in a dream by trying to get the real Bonnie back, but this doesn't work. Magic and fate pushes the two together. Seeing they have no choice, Bonnie begins the chanting spell. After some of Mystic Falls residents take matters into their own hands, the threat that the town is facing grows beyond the Heretics. Sheila talks about the history and how serious witchcraft can be. In which a girl who has anorexia comes back home and meets the original hybrid. In Brave New World, as Bonnie makes preparations for the annual Carnival Fair, she is horrified to discover a newly undead Caroline. A collection of random Klaus x Bonnie oneshots. So she summons one. Her fashion sense or style is described as being gypsy chic with a bit of a hippie trend and she dresses in a casual manner with nice tops and jeans, but on special occasions, she will dress up in trendier and fancier clothing. By Bonnie becoming a relentless huntress, this influences Bonnie to hate Damon once again, only worse than ever. "Silas killed him, Bonnie. Bonnie doesn't accept that and, desperate to save her mother taps into the dark arts to prevent Abby from becoming the monster she fought to destroy. When she walks in, she is shocked to see candles lit everywhere. Bonnie tells her that she knows she can't expect Elena to take sides but as long as she's with Stefan, she can no longer be her friend. But after one drunken mistake with a certain vampire, what Bonnie had in mind for adventurous was nothing close to . And she didnt want to give that freedom up. She thought it would give her space away from vampires, but instead, this town was no different from Mystic Falls. tui salary cabin crew. This . Yet, Bonnie never imagined that her actions would be the spark that unchained a supernatural war. The friendship between Bonnie and Caroline is one that has become stronger after Bonnie honed her witchcraft and Caroline became a vampire. An outcome neither of them are ready for. During Bonnie's early childhood, Bonnie became best friends with both Caroline Forbes and Elena. When Bonnie notices that Klaus's plan is to kill Bonnie by provoking her into using too much energy she and Elena flee and bump into Damon. #1 elenagilbert Bonnie not only spent the summer plotting, but also coming into her powers as well. Sheila says that the necklace belonged to one of the most powerful witches in their family, and she shows Bonnie an old picture of a woman who is also wearing same the necklace: Emily Bennett. Because Jeremy is missing, Matt puts his life on the line to try and get help from his dead sister, Vicki. What she doesn't know is that she is a critical piece in a plan Esther set in motion a thousand years ago.