Maybe if you cant handle the kick, you should by a Mossberg plinkster. Charter Arms Lavender Lady .38 special revolver . Not all firearms are available in all locations. See a quick overview Read more , Nick's Corner vol 216 August, 2021 Click on the link to see Nick's Corner. It is pure junk. Its a great little firearm. CHARTER ARMS LAVENDER LADY, 38 SPL, 2" Barrel, 5-Round, Lavender Notify me of follow-up comments by email. If you use an alternative payment method, you will not earn CLUB Points on your order. Our headquarters are in Illinois but our contributors submit to us from across the United States from Maine to California, from Texas to Alaska and every state in between. Gee, I have owned to Charter Arms revolvers. Contact Us Mom's 82 and has arthritis. He got it at a gun show NEW paid a little more than he probably should, but still comparable to online prices. My wife shoots it like a pro as well by the way, Hey there just bought my wife the pink lady in .32 I noticed that 32 H&R rounds are very hard to find what i was wondering if anyone knew a good place to buy bulk and or how well 32 SW long work with the gun. Accessories for Charter Arms Handguns Accessories for Charter Arms Handguns Accessories for Charter Arms Handguns. Every cowboy needs a revolver. She unloaded the 44 rapid fire with no problem other than staying on target , it still jumps , but no pain and she actually enjoyed shooting it , same with the 38 . Right out of the box the trigger was smooth and the gun accurate. Cause Im definitely looking out for you. Charter Arms Lavender Lady Revolver - U.S. Armament Corp The 12 month average price is $354.91 new The new value of a CHARTER ARMS LAVENDER LADY pistol has fallen ($11.16) dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $348.51 . MSRP: $477.00 | Your Price: $364.14. Steps to Spending Your $25 Instant Credit Today, Fetching Application Details from Capital One. Add To Cart. If youre looking for a handgun that feels like itll last til the rivers all run dry, this aint it. Plus it is much more fun than boring black, you are right about that! Now Academy has issued a voluntary recall of the Charter Arms Lady .38 special revolvers due to customer reports, and Academy's inspection of the alleged faulty revolvers has led them to believe that the revolvers suffer from a manufacturing defect that results in and unsafe condition when firing. A look at the Chic Lady pink .38 caliber revolver from Charter Arms. Charter Arms The Pink Lady 38 SPL 5-Shot Used Trade-in Left Handed Revolver $219.99; Brand: Charter Arms; Item Number: . Its a great defensive gun, she uses it quite often at the range. Some guns, however, are simply too big and heavy, and have too much kick for the female hand. The Well Armed Woman LLC also participates in with other affiliate advertising programs. {"notice": "Notice--Pay Pal.
This item may not be purchased by using the Pay Pal method of payment. Charter Arms Pathfinder Lavender Lady, .22 Mag, 2" Barrel, 6rd Product Recalls; New Arrivals; This Week's Feature; New Charter Arms Lavender Lady SA/DA Revolver, .32 H&R Magnum, 2.0 Barrel, 5 Rounds, Rubber Grips: Sold. Once she decides on the gun that she wants to practice with on a regular basis, I am sure that she will get better. Please return The Pink Lady or The Lavender Lady . Checkout with your new Bass Pro Shops CLUB Card and earn points on your order. Our Price: $369.96. The demand of new CHARTER ARMS LAVENDER LADY pistol's has risen 48 units over the past . Another great gun that is affordable and one that wont disappoint! Sam didnt totally miss the paper; she nicked the top right corner of the left sheet. Charter Arms Lavender Lady Revolver 38 Special 5rd. <>>> Your new CLUB Card has been saved to your wallet. ["count"]=> Now you could say this epic fail is not a condemnation of the Charter Arms Chic Lady per se. {"notice": "Notice--Firearms.
Firearms are shipped only to stores and are sold only as equipped. This makes the Lavender Lady fun, attractive and much less likely to be "borrowed" by the gentleman of the house. Overall Rating * * * This website originates from within the United States. Charter has no plans to recall any of these models. None of the information is legal advice or the opinion of any professional or expert. ************ NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON.COM, the Georgia Weapons Laws book! All Rights Reserved. Like . My wife has the Pink Lady. Hyatt Guns sells Charter Arms Guns including models like the Charter Undercover and the Charter Bulldog. This is a very easy gun to shoot and is quite accurate. Looks like Im getting a Ruger LCR 38 Special this weekend. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Undercover Lite Lavender Lady 53840 | Mountain Munitions and Firearms If link doesn't work, copy and Read more . Content creation Academy . Just like anything practice makes perfect. ","catentryIDs" : "118210"} 1) Continue and have the firearm(s) listed below automatically removed from your shopping cart: 2) Cancel and the item listed below will not be added to your shopping cart: 1) Continue and have the items listed below automatically removed from your shopping cart: 2) Cancel and the firearm listed below will not be added to your shopping cart: The Lavender Lady is a duotone double-action revolver from Charter Arms, based on the popular Undercover Lite model. My hubby bought me a CA Pink Lady (hammerless) for Christmas. Description. Copper is my favorite color. This article is nothing more than an opinion, my wife has had one of these since they first came out. Please refine your selection. "catentry_id" : "118210", stream This makes the Lavender Lady fun, attractive and much less likely to be "borrowed" by the gentleman of the house. Right gun, wrong caliber. Charter Arms Lavender Lady Double-Action Revolver - .38 Special + P. This SKU table contains a list of all SKUs available for the product. Virtually weightless (12 oz), the gun performs well with no difficulty. {"notice": "Notice--Bulk Item Packaging.
Please note that this item ships in its own packaging, so the contents may be identified. IMPORTANT NOTICE19 September, 2022 Charter Arms does NOT sell firearms directly to consumers. A forum community dedicated to Georgia firearm owners and enthusiasts. Charter Arms 38 Special Guns for Sale - Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore Safety Description. Charter Arms Handguns for Sale - Buds Gun Shop Basing the recall on customer reports and product inspections,. Charter Arms Lavender Lady .38 special revolver review Market Price: $516.14. Charter Arms 9mm. Your session is about to timeout due to inactivity. She is going to be taking her class sometime in February. Whatever else you can say about the advisability of carrying a lightweight snub-nosed revolver, the Charter Arms Chic Lady is a real gun that looks real pretty that shoots real bullets that conceals real easy that doesnt cost a real lot of money. And? Details; Shipping; Compatible Items; CHARTER LAVENDER LADY 38SPC 2" . Well actually, the bright colors makes it much easier to see in my dark purse or backpack. Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 866.686.7424 Frequently asked questions . Buy the biggest, heaviest gun you can carry that wont make you give up on the whole idea. Junk. CAUTION! Classic Browning Light Twelve Auto-5 Review: Busting Clays With the Old Humpback Shotgun. According to the notice, anyone who bought The Pink Lady or The Lavender Lady revolver should stop using it immediately! and return it to the nearest Academy store or contact its customer service. The Lavender Lady's light weight combined with its rubber, finger-grooved grip, make it an excellent choice for the . The Pink Lady is my go to carry gun in the winter time due to the heavier clothing that I wear to keep warm which conceals the gun nicely! REMEDY/ACTION TO BE TAKEN: If you purchased a Charter Arms Lady .38 Special Revolver between February 2012 and July 2016, STOP USING IT IMMEDIATELY! Lightweight, rugged aircraft aluminum frame. I did quite a bit of research before purchase. I am a small woman but he isnt and he didnt even enjoy shooting this gun. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! int(1) ["post_type"]=> Charter Arms Chic Lady - Lavender Revolver | 53849 38 Special +P, 2", Double/Single Action, Aluminum Frame, Black Rubber Grip, Fixed Sights, Lavender Pink/Stainless, 5 Rds. Once returned, Academy will send the firearm to Charter Arms for inspection and it will be returned to the stores location after it is certified safe for use. Also, customers will receive a $25 gift card for the inconvenience. It has the look, feel and weight of a higher-caliber revolver, allowing you to gain proficiency while using re . Although the information on the website has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, it is provided on an "as is" basis without a warranty of any kind. Customers returning a defective pistol in-store should return it unloaded and in a case and then ask for the manager on duty. Charter Lady revolver recall - Georgia Packing Our desire is to allow our writers and readers to tell their stories, no matter what the story is, as long as we believe a) it will benefit or interest gun owners and b) conforms to ethical journalistic methods and practices. Final star withheld because it doesnt feel like the Chic Lady can go the distance. The Chic Lady is excellent value for what it is, but I dont like what it is. Written by a Georgia lawyer, Kurt Martin, and a Georgia firearms trainer and lecturer, Dan Cavallaro. Charter Arms Lavender Lady .38 Special #53840 MANUFACTURER: Charter Arms; FAMILY: Chic Lady Series; MODEL: Lavender Chic Lady; TYPE: Revolver; ACTION: Double / Single Action; CALIBER/GAUGE: 38 Special; Specialty Sports & Supply - Handgun Brands How this will play out is anyones guess. Copyright 2023 Charter Arms. Now Academy has issued a voluntary recall of the Charter Arms Lady .38 special revolvers due to customer reports, and Academys inspection of the allegedfaulty revolvers has led them to believe that the revolvers suffer from a manufacturing defect that results in and unsafe condition when firing. Sign In or Register to access your lists. Even on the nightstand at night. After my Dad died earlier this year, the family bought my Mom a Lavender Lady in .32 H&R magnum. I have now had the gun about 8 monthes and have put over 600 rounds through it. We promptly left the range and went to the gunsmith who shot a few round of our ammo, then a few Federal and a couple +P rounds. Sometimes the cylinders would lock up after being fired once or twice. When the affiliate link is clicked on the site ( to purchase an item, that person will be buying the product directly from the seller (not from The Well Armed Woman LLC). So easy that it can be cleaned in as little as 10 minutes. But replace the stock grips with pachmayr or similar soft grips and big difference . (ex'88Sx+)A!!|loz67!\ iZ(bMxrkq9?K. When I dress Western, nothing beats the classic good looks of my Smith & Wesson (S&W) 586 .357 revolver. But do most grown women really want pink guns?? SHELTON CONN marking. Charter Arms Pink Lady Double-Action Revolver | Bass Pro Shops You will need to save your CLUB card in order to purchase this item. You alone are completely responsible for your use of a firearm. We were unable to fetch your Capital One account information. Charter Arms Pink Lady Undercover Lite Charter Arms Chic Lady Double-Action Revolver, Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information. You can filter the list of items shown by selecting attributes. Manufacturer Number: 52340 Caliber: 22 Magnum Model: Charter Arms Pathfinder Rounds: 6 Unit of Measure: Each Reliability * * * * ["price"]=> Now with this vague recall announcement, the two items taken together should prevent me from ever owning a Charter Arms product. Charter Arms Lavender Lady 22 WMR (22 Mag) 2in Stainless Revolver - 6 Once returned, Academy will send the firearm to Charter Arms for inspection and it will be returned to the stores location after it is certified safe for use. Also, customers will receive a $25 gift card for the inconvenience. Without giving too much away, I'll put it this way: Wife was anticipating finally getting a chance to shoot her new gun and now we're putting it up for sale. I liked the coloring (not pepto, not on the grip where it just looks filthy after handling in the store) and the fact that it had an internal hammer option (I tend to pinch my thumb), but now I have major buyers remorse. Charter Arms 53620 Boxer 38 Special Caliber with 2.20" Matte Stainless Finish Barrel, 6rd Capacity Matte Stainless Cylinder, Anodized Finish Aluminum Frame & Finger Grooved Black The following recall notice is posted in all Academy stores as well as on their website HERE. In the recall notice, they recommendthat Pink Lady and Lavender Lady revolvers be returned to a local Academy Sports store or by calling theAcademy Sports customer service line to set up a return if there is no store in your area. Short Range Proposition Designed as a concealment weapon, it is unlikely the Pink Lady will ever be used at any greater distance than across the room and more likely at arm's-length. I couldnt even pull the trigger one handed and it kicked like a mule. Since there's no use in owning a gun you can't handle, Charter offers the ladies a compact, lightweight .32 H&R revolver that is easier to carry and more enjoyable shoot. Charter Arms' Lavender Lady is an aluminum-framed, 5-round, DA/SA revolver. An affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to you save 19%. This high-grade cast aluminum revolver features a two-tone finish, in lavender. Im a woman, I love my Chic Lady Pink hi-polish stainless gun and recommend it to any woman wanting to get into target shooting. Gun ownership among women, for fun or personal protection, is increasing. Robert: I still have to take the wife's S&W 642 out to the range for a proper trial but our milk-jug-shooting experiences from a few weeks ago lead me to believe the flaw may not be with the Charter per se but with the whole lightweight snubby class of weapons. And thats what they get. Custom Grips Charter Arms Bulldog, UnderCover, Pink Lady, Pathfinder Pearl White. Caliber . Charter Arms 40 S&W. Charter Arms 41 Magnum. Please specify "Data Issue . My wife and I both tried the Charter Arms Undercover..and didnt like it, and also didnt trust it. (1) Charter Arms Undercover The Old Glory 38 Special Revolver $ 416.00. Money was about to change hands when I asked to remove the zip tie and check the action. Black Rubber Grips with Finger Grooves. Academy Sports issued a recall notice for Charter Arms Lady .38 Special revolvers sold between February 2012 and July 2016. Shortly after, Daniel Defense one of Academys suppliers learned about the sporting good giant hiding the rifles from shoppers views they placed Academy on a do-not-sell list. $357.99.38 SPL SINGLE/DOUBLE 5 ROUNDS 2" BARREL. This is a GREAT gun! Known for their low price, sturdy frames, and simple design, Charter Arms has continued to make quality, affordable revolvers under a variety of models. Im not a huge fan of the overly-ornate script on the Chic Ladys barrel, but people who love this gun, love this gun. I shot it out to 50 yrds & got paper all day long. that some of these Charter Arms Revolvers may have a manufacturing defect that could result in unsafe conditions while operating the firearm. Its still a gun and you still know you have to be smart and responsible with it, but holding something pretty and lightweight that seems made with you in mind is a lot less unsettling than being handed a dark, heavy, masculine looking piece of metal. This ultra-lightweight 5-shot .38 Special features a 2 barrel, fixed sights and traditional spurred hammer. Series. $357.99. She still prefers her old 2-inch Colt Cobra with rubber grips..and the results she continues to get. 704-394-0387. . I totally get the concept: using bright dare-I-say girly colors to make a weapon more socially and personally palatable for people who are embarrassed about, or frightened of, firearms. Charter Arms Revolvers for Sale - Hinterland Outfitters {}, {address.stateOrProvinceName}, {address.postalCode}, You can unsubscribe at any time. }. 2. Model # 53240 | Charter Arms Charter Arms Lavender Lady Double-Action Revolver | Cabela's Compare. The Charter Arms revolver feels relatively cheap, from the less-than-entirely precise way the barrel slots home (or leaves da house) to the spent cartridges clinging onto the barrel for dear life as you attempt to extract the brass. You can prepare for conflict (trigger finger-wise) while the revolver is still concealed and then shoot through your garment if it needs be. Whos going to practice on a regular basis with one of these? The last to times I had to pay shipping myself. "ItemImage" : "", I cant speak for most, but if youre new to shooting and really girly it actually can be really appealing; especially on the rare occasion they get it right looks-wise. See a quick overview Read more , Nick's Corner vol 216 August, 2021 Click on the link to see Nick's Corner. TRUE. Charter Arms New Revolvers for Sale Online Once Academy receivesthe revolver, they will send it to Charter arms for inspection, if determined to be safe the owner will be compensated a $25 gift card for the inconvenience. (Photo: Charter Arms). Type : Revolver. bool(true) The Chic Lady is the firearms equivalent of a doctors mask: one use and done. I would guess this recall is due to this sort of issue. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. Also the trigger pressure was horrible. 678958538403. The things we do for you. "ItemThumbnailImage" : "$Prod_PLPThumb$" Personally, I wouldnt be shooting any weapon from too close. The Lavender Lady is a duotone double-action revolver from Charter Arms, based on the popular Undercover Lite model. Case sensitive with a minimum of 6 characters & one numeral. Source Article from "Finish_|_Lavender Aluminum":"31" The 38 and 44 , with the stock wood grips are rather ouchy ,especially for my girlfriend . Manufacturer model #: 53840. Shop at Access to this website may not be legal outside of the United States. Charter Arms Accessories - Grips, Lasers, Lights - Ergonomic synthetic grips are textured for positive handling, plus this handgun is finished with fixed sights. Don't let the looks fool you the Charter Arms Lavender Lady .38 special revolver packs a lot of punch and is based on the company's . % Charter Arms Pink Lady Specifications Model: Pink Lady Caliber: .38 Barrel Length: 2 Ammunition Capacity: 5 Rounds Charter Arms Pink Lady Usage & Features What features does this gun have that appealed to you? To quote the late Warren Zevon, it aint that pretty at all . I would recommend this weapon carried on and off duty. Charter Arms Lavender Lady .38 Special #53840 . Im not going to give an intruder the chance to take my weapon. Charter Arms Lavender Lady Revolver 38 Special, carrollton, Dallas Charter Arms 53841 Undercover Lite Lavender Lady DAO Double 38 Special 2" 5 Black Rubber Stainless MSRP: $477.00 | Your Price: $349.12 In stock Purchase Now Charter Arms 53851 Undercover Pink Lady Off Duty Double 38 Special 2" 5 Black Rubber Stainless MSRP: $482.00 | Your Price: $355.53 In stock Purchase Now *D*Charter Arms Undercover Lite Lavender Lady, .32 H&R Mag, 2" Barrel I have owned a 38 special undercover since 1976,shooting hundreds of rounds through it and have not encountered any problems. | "displaySKUContextData" : "false", Its A Good Way to Blow Your Hand Off and Two Other Reasons Not to Carry a Gun In A Handbag, Soldiers Who Shoot People Suffer More PTSD Than Soldiers Who Dont, Kiger Updates the 9c Compact With the New Kiger-9c Pro 9mm Pistol, Gun Review: Smith & Wesson Model 317 Kit Gun .22LR Revolver, New From ShaloTek: P320 Compensated Slide, The Pink Lady is my go to carry gun in the winter time due to the heavier clothing that I wear to keep warm which conceals the gun nicely! Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Suggested site content and search history menu. Pistol Parts for Charter Arms for sale | eBay Incredibly lightweight, this revolver makes it an ideal concealed . Basing the recall on customer reports and product inspections, the retailer says some of the handgun may have a manufacturing defect that could result in unsafe conditions while operating the firearm.. Chambered in 38 Special, the Lavender Lady's frame is distinguished by an anodized aluminum lavender finish that contrasts nicely with its 2-inch stainless steel barrel and stainless steel cylinder. Friend got a rimfire version of this for snubnose practice. "seo_url" : "", The Nylon 66, a relatively inexpensive rimfire with faux woodgrain, was the first successful synthetic-stock firearm. If you continue as guest, you will have to wait to receive your physical card in the mail to use your Instant Credit. [ PDF July 28, 2016 PRODUCT SAFETY WARNING AND RECALL NOTICE Charter Arms MANUFACTURER: Charter Arms MODEL: Lavender Lady TYPE: Revolver ACTION: Double / Single CALIBER: .38 Special CAPACITY: 5 FINISH: Lavender FRAME: Aluminum GRIPS: Black Rubber GRIP TYPE: Synthetic BARREL: 2.0" SIGHT TYPE: Fixed Sights WEIGHT: 12.0 oz. Definatley not made for a real woman. I did spend a little extra for the 4 inch barrel. I carry a S&W 638 and yes, I'm female, and yes, it took some practice to get accurate with it. Phone or Email: Notify Academy that you have an afflicted Charter Revolver by calling Customer Service at 1-888-922-2336 or emailing }. . Attention LadiesThis pistol is for you. Prior law enforcement experience with S&W and Taurus 357 never had any issues. Your CLUB card has been saved to your account. This gun is very easy to clean and maintain. This one came with something wet in it but it wasnt apparently lubricating oil. Series . ["post_type"]=> Its buyers arent looking for a range toy or a self-defense system they can practice on a regular basis or a gun their great grandchildren will carry. The tough, aircraft-grade aluminum frame is anodized with an attractive lavender finish; the cylinder, barrel, and working parts are made of stainless steel. Smith & Wesson Model 586: Reviewing A .357 Revolver With Class. . Check out with Sezzle and split your entire order into 4 interest-free payments over 6 weeks. ","catentryIDs" : "118210"}, The .38 Pink Lady From Charter Arms, of course - GUNS Magazine Yes, well, there is that. FREE SHIPPING on Over 250,000 Products. CHARTER ARMS 2. You can contact Customer Service by calling 800-300-1723. And? You have entered an incorrect email address! Charter Arms - Mks Supply 38 Special Handgun Deals Posted August 8, 2016 in Daily News, News, Pistols by Patrick R with 44 CommentsTags: Academy, Academy Sports, charter arms, Charter Revolvers, Lavender Lady, pink lady, recall. My husband bought me the pink lady dao(hammerless) as a Christmas present. Fixed. Never let it be said that I have anything against pink guns. "partNumber" : "1754673", Get offers and news!! Charter Arms Gun Parts for sale | eBay Real oil brought it back online but it hit two feet high and some to the left at 25 yards and notably away from point of aim at closer distances. When I was working in retail firearms sales I saw a few instances of Charter Arms revolvers that had cylinder timing issues that created a fairly dangerous condition. Charter Arms will return the firearms to original factory specifications, as guaranteed by Charter Arms' lifetime warranty. ","catentryIDs" : "118210"},