Of course, I have no proof of this, but I was wild and loud and did stand out more than a little bit. All Rights Reserved. According to conspiracy theorists, the Dulce subterranean base is a seven-story compound beneath Dulce, New Mexico that houses human-animal hybrids, human-alien hybrids, and extremely advanced technologies. , Paperback If you look at a map of this area, you will find almost nothing north of the Petro station area aside from a few scattered trailers on private property. Later that night I went over to my friends house for some coffee and told her about what had happened. Gore Range Near Lake, west of Denver, Co. Function: Library and Central Data Bank 10. Download the free Kindle app and start reading Kindle books instantly on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Photo by: Christopher Nicol/Wikimedia Commons. - reader comment left on author's site.A sci-fi thriller from David Sloma.This is Book 6 in a continuing story (with cliff-hanger endings from book 1 to 4 (first storyline), and then from book 5 to 7, (2nd storyline).Books 5, 6, and 7 are now out, the running series is complete.A stand-alone prequel book is planned for later in 2020, likely in summer.The inspiration behind this book series? They have been here for a very long time, tunnelling, burrowing, making their plans for a takeover. Here is the basis of WHY many of the ancient monuments were built. Watch popular content from the following creators: DulceBaseFiles(@dulcebasefiles), DulceBaseFiles(@dulcebasefiles), ovni(@ovni750), The sister you never had(@jbee1111), ASCENSION(@contraportal) . Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Greyland: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) - Book 1 But according to the most bizarre rumors, this little town is just a cap on a gargantuan underground facility that is home to unimaginable experiments and technologies. Dulce is home to true UFO believers", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dulce_Base&oldid=1137701926, This page was last edited on 6 February 2023, at 00:48. Please choose a different delivery location. 5. 2005: Williams Field Bomb Target Range #6 is a one square mile area that was used for bomb practice in WWII. Gates Pass Base. This I began to find a little strange. Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, Colorado Creed, Colorado Datil, N.M. Los Alamos. Chocolate Mountains, California Tunnels to: Fort Irwin, California 6. "It looked like a human, a monkey and a frog," Valdez told the History Channel's "UFO Hunters." This article is starting to make sense of where all the dirt was coming from. Please try your request again later. Leon was "asked" to come work for a secret military unit and introduced to black budgets and deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B.s) - the world of the "shadow government" and the ultra-rich, who live in . At one point he even requested four keyboards in Russian, which Kevin had to special order. | Try Prime for unlimited fast, free shipping. If you want to watch F16s perform night maneuver training be sure to camp out on the flats between the town of Yucca and the ghost town of Signal. Kinsley, Kansas Function unknown Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, Colorado; Hutchinson, Kansas; Tulsa Kokoweef Peak, SW California Notes: Gold stored in huge cavern, blasted shut. He approached me, smiled, and started making small talk about Wikieup. I used to think that the stories of the government guarding this property were bunk, more Sedona woo-woo if you will, but while interviewing a good friend of mine for this article she confirmed that they were very real indeed. Cheyenne Mountain, an underground facility carved into granite rock,. Examples are: Cheyenne Mountain Complex. Arizona was 6th last year in total UFO sightings with Oregon being #1, according to the annual MUFON report. : #deepundergroundmilitarybases | TikTok Reviewed in the United States on December 17, 2015. With all the information that is out there in these days I found this book very interesting. I said that I really didnt know anything about it but found it interesting all the same. either way on this but I wouldnt be surprised if someone didnt get their stories mixed up just a little and confused this area with the Grand Wash Cliffs area or visa-verse, as these two locations are only about 20 miles apart. There are copious assertions stating that many of these D.U.M.B.s tunnels to other sites across the country interconnecting and creating a subterranean honeycombed network spanning the entire country. I marked the road and went back during daylight hours, but the road literally went no where. My friend happened to work at a trading post about a quarter mile down the road. There was also the guy who lives up there by the Beacon truck stop who has seen lots of stuff for years.. Im guessing that people get close to them all the time as they drive or walk over the top of them. I have family that still live there, my mom swears there are military things buried in the desert causing cancer, but.. There was an expansion that went on for about a year, maybe about 10 years ago. As stated in the article, Ive only ever personally had a few encounters with people who may have seen anything. 2014 A quick search will bring up this http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread603830/pg1 page outlining the personal testimony of the professed construction of a D.U.M.B. The first claims of the base's existence, according to HowStuffWorks, date all the way back to the 1930s. Using his home ranch to cater to the tourism industry, John offered backcountry jeep rides, horseback riding, and cookout dinners but for some reason soon ended up selling out to the U.S. Government. I think Greyland is a must read for SciFi lovers. Answers might cost him his life. In a larger city with a diverse population this might not seem strange, but Kingman, AZ in 1994? The Rise of the Phoenix: The Daimones Trilogy, Vol. Join Ben and Matt as they dive deep (underground) in today's classic episode. He stated that during the years he dealt with Mr. Campion at his computer store he noticed some strange goings on Blake Ranch Rd heading north out of the Petro station. I would regularly drive vehicles on the off grounds run during the graveyard shift and Oatman Road was one of those routes. Just like New Orleans in the late 50s and early 60s, it is my opinion that CO is now a hotbed of nefarious government ops. He looked at me and said something to the effect of oh, that makes a lot more sense now. I asked him to explain and he told me that hed been working a ranch up near the highway 93/I-40 junction. Great article and information. I recommend reaching out to people who follow the money markets, several whom have made tangible and documented observations regarding significant increased investments and market movements over the years in vertical movement/transportation (think: elevators), which could and would lend documentable credibility to the reality of DUMBs. It would be a few years later after I was stopped for a traffic speeding violation I would learn that I had been the target of a 3-year investigation for believed illegal arms and drugs trafficking. I don't want to leave spoilers for those who haven't read it yet so I will try to be careful. Supposedly this was going to be a tool with which to build a sales/marketing target objective. Weather.WEST VIRGINIA: Greenbrier Facility, White Sulfer Springs, West Virginia under the Greenbriar Resort.WYOMING: Riverton, Wyoming Function unknown Tunnels to: Salt Lake, Utah Denver, Colorado. 10. It's a real page turner even for an old long time deep researcher like myself. There is very little industry along the northern Arizona corridor. From what I understand, many of the tunnels still exist and one of them I know for certain begins beneath the Beale Hotel next to the Sportsman Bar on Beale Street. Needles, California Function unknown 18. Not related so much to underground bases but still in the vein of government spooks, there were a number of believed government agents who attempted to gather Intelligence in the town of Wikieup in the mid-1990s through the early 2000s. Like I stated above, I worked at our family-owned convenience store in Wikieup regularly for ten years. I was very disappointed in it. Kingman was home to the media spectacle which I witnessed as it related to McVeigh and Nichols. My biggest question on the subject would be this. The road to the top of that mountain is very rough and requires 4WD to get to the top, or a helicopter. The military apparatus itself forms these companies which are hired, profit is made during the construction process, secrecy is assured, and the installations are built. Still, much of the information got out and one can still find much of it bouncing around conspiracy websites today. Read instantly on your browser with Kindle for Web. rugged mountains, etc. According to conspiracy theorists, the Dulce subterranean base is a seven-story compound beneath Dulce, New Mexico that houses human-animal hybrids, human-alien hybrids, and extremely advanced technologies. 3. Power. They fly a few hundred feet off the deck sometimes and put on quite a show. Also, this underground military base works in conjunction with the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center and the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. Creede, Colorado Function unknown Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, Colorado Delta, Colorado Dulce Base, New Mexico 4. I wish I would have gotten the exact location of where he was at as that would narrow it down greatly, but I didnt. He started out first by telling me that he used to own and operate a computer repair company in Kingman for over 15 years. DARPA is on the hunt for MASSIVE underground tunnels for - TweakTown Schnieder was killed two months later on January 11th, 1996. Leon was "asked" to come work for a secret military unit and introduced to black budgets and deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B.s) - the world of the "shadow government" and the ultra-rich, who live in a parallel society beneath our feet. Below is a synopsis of that interview. For instance, Google. Donald J. Trump, The Number "7", and a Roll of the Dice, Fort Huachuca. Musko engineers blasted out 1,500,000 cubic meters of stone in order to build it (4) (5). Catch a glimpse of the goings-on at the base from this picturesque view. I had some doubts about that so I arranged to speak with a long-term manager of one of the helicopter tour companies at the facility and he informed me quite the opposite. It caught his attention because nearly every flatbed car was carrying either a U.S. tank or an armored personnel carrier. I grew up out in Bouse on AZ72. Near Boulder, Co. in the mountains Function unknown 2. Found this article today 9/28/20 looking for info. He's also been published in a variety of other publications, magazines, and newspapers over his 30+ years as a writer, and won some awards. The site is up against a mountain range, and mountains are obviously quite secure. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. This shed looked only big enough to hold one vehicle. This provokes larger questions in general and causes me to ask myself if our world isnt being controlled by brilliant unseen forces who scientifically mastermind stages of our species development, or if events simply dont unfold naturally and we attempt to make sense of them by constructing a molded paradigm based on our fears and observed reality. There are a few guidelines to minimize those who would use The Phoenix Enigma as a platform for their own marketing but nothing crazy. Or maybe he has and it has just gotten lost in the woo-woo that is Sedona. [11], Dulce Base legends have been noted for their similarity to the Shaver Mystery. Dreamland (Data Repository Establishment and Maintenance Land) Elmint (Electromagnetic Intelligence), Biological weapons research and genetic manipulation/warfare storage, Cold Empire, EVA, Program HIS (Hybrid Intelligence System),BW/CW; IRIS (Infrared Intruder Systems), Security: Above ground cameras, underground pressure sensors, ground and air patrol 2. These were people whom I knew in a small town of 300 people, somebody told them something. It simply means objects flying around which can not be identified, and the Sedona area sees more then its fair share of UFOs. Telluride, Colorado Function unknown 12. NEW MEXICO 1. Moonbase: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) - Book 4 These trucks also had a private armed escort, he knows because at one point he witnessed two of the SUVs stop and block the road behind the trucks when a vehicle began following them into the desert. We did a little bit of recon on this guy ourselves and discovered that he was well known within the gun show circuit, especially Tucson area. In talks given in 1995, he said that there were 129 active deep military bases in America and two more under construction, He confirmed (at that ime) that there existed a minimum of two underground bases in each state. Crater Lake, Oregon Tunnels: possible to Cave Junction 3. The Doorknob Sacrifices; A Black-Sun Ritual: 12 Celebrity "Suicides" related to Pedophilia Cover-up. This is due in part to the lack or natural resources and available water, as well as the brutal winter storms. 'Did I really see that?'" We will preorder your items within 24 hours of when they become available. BTW, this is known as the military-industrial complex. A secret military group prepares to launch a counterstrike to avert the catastrophe in space before it reaches Earth. Joe Richardson. It covers the entire continental United States and extends through Central America and Brazil into Argentina. Our payment security system encrypts your information during transmission. ), Arizona, CALIFORNIA 1: 29 Palms, California Tunnels to: Chocolate Mts., Fort Irwin, California (possibly one more site due west a few miles) 2: Benicia, California 3. Cordova, New Mexico Function unknown 4. The only development of any significance is a high voltage transfer station which is located between two big hills in the bottom of a shallow valley. How? This topic quickly gets into aliens, UFOs, and withheld off-world technologies. But since this conversation, Ive only come up with three possible explanations. Eventually, Kevin inquired to the stranger as to who he was in more detail after all the man was quickly becoming a good customer. With some public media direction, it wouldnt have been hard to convince people who didnt know me that I was capable of any atrocity they could have thought up and deployed. He's given many live readings (including some on Halloween) and was a runner-up in a "poetry slam" where he had to write a poem on the spot to the given topic, then recite it on stage - talk about pressure! Once again, dont necessarily read this to mean aliens, I specifically wrote UFOs. This is Book 1 in a 7 part story. 1 seems unlikely as one would imagine that a stolen credit card being used at regular intervals over a 3 year period would most assuredly draw the attention of law enforcement, and seeing that it was a government credit card I cant see the U.S. Government allowing this to occur, especially to the tune of $30,000. by Sarah Laskow November 30, 2016 Men in an. Please feel free to check out the submission page. If you look at a map today, there are no industrial operations, businesses, or installations in this area what-so-ever with the exception of this high voltage power station. While part of him was at peace, his Human-half buried deep within his soul was screaming. He was, however, asking all the locals about tunnels under the desert leading to underground facilities. He exited the highway and parked next to the tracks. The site is located 22 miles east of Florence, Arizona, just south of the Florence-Kelvin Highway. The Grand Canyon Caverns lay 80 miles to the west and is a natural cavern once utilized by the U.S. military during WW2 to store munitions, and supplies. When new books are released, we'll charge your default payment method for the lowest price available during the pre-order period. Bennewitz, who earned a Ph.D. in physics, became convinced that cattle mutilations around the area were the result of extraterrestrial intervention, according to HowStuffWorks. Using your mobile phone camera - scan the code below and download the Kindle app. The area does seem an ideal location and much circumstantial evidence does exist to point to something in this area. As you can see, this is a very real subject involving quite real technology. For me, this leaves Scenario 2 which begs just as many questions. These five deep underground military bases were designed to help sustain both life and government in the event of a catastrophic disaster, whether natural in nature or caused by man's ego.. There is no development and there certainly arent any military bases or facilities. How close can you get to the D.U.M.B.s in Wikieup??? [2] 2 Cocaine Bear Isn't the Only Animal Getting High 3 Amazon Has So Many. If anyone out there has anything to add or possesses any pieces to this puzzle and would like to share, please feel free to contact me. : Valdez made more wild claims in other interviews, including sightings of black, silent "sophisticated spacecraft" and the discovery of a fetus inside a dead cow but not a calf fetus. Asteroid Ryugu Has Dust Grains Older Than the Sun. The vehicles turned off onto a secondary road and continued up to what appeared to be a parcel of private property. Cave Junction, Oregon Function: Suspected Underground UFO Base Levels: At least one Notes: Suspected location is in or near Hope Mountain. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. The above scenario, only he was a government employee and he was just having a little fun in the Kingman area. DARPA is on the look out for a new underground military tunnel or base, putting out a request for university-owned or commercially managed underground urban tunnels. It was quite surreal and strange to tell you the truth. TEXAS 1. Denver International Airport (also a detainment camp) Function: Military research, construction, detainment camp facilities Levels: 7 reported Tunnels to: Denver proper, Colorado and Rocky Mountain safehousing, Colorado Springs, Colorado (Cheyenne Mtn.)6. Levels: Multi-level Tunnels to: Unknown Notes: Located on Oakville Grade, Napa County, Ca. Now for all the Steven King readers out there, youve probably already noticed something a little strange about the name of the aforementioned microbiologist, for the rest of you well fill you in. He had responded to a call one particular evening and while towing the gentleman back to Kingman, AZ got into your typical conversation. He is the scientist to escapes from the underground government facility after lockdown procedures have been implemented due to a deadly viral cotangent outbreak. He's already been wounded in a previous battle with the Greys and it's not over yet. Levels: Multiple Tunnels to: Delta, Colorado & Riverton, WyomingVIRGINIA Mount Poney Near Culpepper, Virginia Function unknownWASHINGTON 1.