Changing pads often can cut down on any odor. We break down why they don't and offer tips for soothing cramps regardless of what's causing them. If the flow is still too heavy, speaking to a doctor or gynecologist and seeking medical advice may be necessary. Either way, says Siriouthay, Periods shouldnt be taboo.. Spread your knees farther apart than you usually might, so that you have maximum access and visibility while you figure this out, or you can squat and sit like a frog on the toilet seat. Impact of currently marketed tampons and menstrual cups on Staphylococcus aureus growth and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 production in vitro. Pads come in different sizes for heavier and . Thats a lot of pros in the cups favor, but its not all rainbows and unicorns. You can also reduce waste by choosing tampons without applicators. Tampons vs. Pads: Which Option is Better for You? | The Pill Club - Favor How Many Women Don't Use Tampons? | FiveThirtyEight They must be thoroughly cleaned and dried before storing after your cycle. Theyre also great if your new to the world of menstruation or have a hard time wearing tampons. The directions inside the box will explain how to do that. Tampons, on the other hand, are designed to be inserted into the vagina during menstruation and absorb the menstrual flow. They are designed to stick on to your underwear and come in different sizes for heavy and light periods. Toxic shock syndrome is a life-threatening condition that happens from certain bacterial infections. Its for this reason that other internal, having-to-touch-the-blood methods like cups and sponges havent yet gone mainstream. For those with sensitive skin, irritation or discomfort may occur due to tampon fibers and material, which are often harsher than those in pads. The average menstrual cycle is between 21 and 35 days, and the amount of time you bleed each month can vary as well, usually lasting for about 37 days. Changing pads many times in a day is easier than tampons. There are several different factors that go into every menstruators product choice. How do you know which one is right for you? This pressure can cause your body to naturally reduce the flow of blood from your uterus. mess. Some use pads at night and tampons during the day. Ross A, et al. Theyre reusable and some last up to 6 months with proper care and cleaning. Tampons are inserted into the body and expand to hold the menstrual blood. Tampons come in a range of sizes, from light to heavy absorbencies; can be scented or unscented (though most gynecologists advise menstruators to choose unscented tampons), and can be made of 100% organic cotton or cotton/synthetic blends. She also sent a broader message that elite sport and menstruation can coexist. In 2011, when I was writing a book about menstruation, women through zero prompting on my part would share their period stories and ask me incredibly elaborate questions (mistakenly under the impression I know anything at all about whats going on). It took Siriouthay some time to figure out a menstrual care system that worked for her. If youre not comfortable inserting something into your vagina, thats totally okayyou can choose to use pads instead. It can take some time for you to experiment with what products are right for you. For this reason, it is important to change tampons regularly, as well as to use the lowest absorbency possible for your flow. Yes, a flow can be too heavy for tampons. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission Heres our process. I usually wear pads, just rather have the . Difference Between Pads and Tampons - WebMD Ultimately, its up to each individual to decide what works best for them and if tampons are a comfortable and suitable choice for their needs. By signing up to the Mashable newsletter you agree to receive electronic communications Theyre also less visible under clothing. Let's start by explaining what each one is. Let's stop playing and make it happen. Pads are directly placed onto the underwear and are designed to catch and absorb menstrual blood. We avoid using tertiary references. Disposable Tampons and Pads. Does pulling out a tampon make you feel like you're dragging out a placenta? And 70 per cent of women said they were comfortable with continuing to use the cups. Before you ask: Yes, it's worth the price. You may have a thick, white discharge that looks like cottage cheese. Insert the tampon: Gripping the applicator with your thumb and middle finger, push the smaller tube of the applicator with your index finger to move the tampon into the vagina. It is very common for people to struggle when first putting in a tampon, especially for those who were not properly taught how to do it. Then try a pad. Tampons are easy to use, but you do need to learn how to put them in. 3 toxic shock syndrome facts. DOI: Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, And finally, gender-neutral menstrual products are now a thing,,,,,, Menstrual Cups Work Just as Well as Tampons and Pads, How to Pick the Best Tampon Size for Your Needs. Jose Garcia, from Miami, Florida, posted his message on Instagram . Changing pads regularly also helps to control smells. If youre just starting out, you might find it easier to use an applicator which is a plastic or cardboard tube that helps you guide the tampon into your vagina., Tampons usually have a string attached to one end. Should I use pads or disposable briefs for my incontinence? 1. Just dont!. The data (probably) doesn't lie. Follow her on Twitter @wear_a_helmet. This can also happen from using pads, but it is much more rare. I had my periods when I was 13! One possible explanation is that your body may be reacting to the increase of pressure in your uterus when the tampon is inserted. From Super Light (half to a full tampon), Moderate-Heavy (2-3 tampons), to Maxi 24 hours (10 tampons), and levels in between, you can find exactly what you need for every day of your period. There could be a few reasons why your tampon is not absorbing blood. One version popularised by the fount of all quality urban legends: the world wide web claims theyre chock-full of asbestos, thus making you bleed more so you need to buy more tampons. With maxi pads, you can never feel 100% confident that your pad won't show or that it won't leak. Pads and Tampons (for Kids) - Nemours KidsHealth We take your words seriously. So my bulky menstrual pad and I sat in the heat on the side of that crystal blue water as my friends urged me to jump in. I don't understand what guys are afraid of when it comes to this. Its users choice, said Siriouthay. Choosing the right menstrual product can be particularly challenging for people with heavy flows. If youre going to try menstrual sponges, be sure you buy natural sea sponge, as some retailers sell synthetic sponges that are dyed and not necessarily safe. Intrauterine devices (IUDs) can cause side effects. Lastly, there may be religious or cultural concerns that discourage or prohibit the use of tampons. from Mashable that may sometimes include advertisements or sponsored content. No woman alive would be unaware of those will I still be a virgin if I use tampons? concerns. I prefer pads over tampons for a variety of reasons. (2018). For feminists who spend any time online, the idea of period talk being forbidden is hilarious. Theyre less likely to cause irritation than synthetic products. Maxi pads can shift or bunch up and cause accidents that we really can't afford to have! A place where period activism is out, is proud. Free bleeding is having your period without wearing tampons, pads, or any other fluid barriers. These are not the same sponges you wash your dishes or tub with! Your email address will not be published. Sometimes, pads are called sanitary pads or sanitary napkins. We've listed out some of the pros and cons of each product to help you decide for yourself. On her off time, she's probably watching Ru Paul's Drag Race, traversing NYC for the best donuts, or, most likely, enjoying time in her favorite place in the world: her bed. Its also possible that you could be using the same tampon for too long. You dont need to be a tampon user to see the obvious pros of tampons. Some have extra material on the sides (called "wings") that fold over the edges of your underwear to better hold the pad in place and prevent leaks. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); By clicking 'Sign Up' you agree to receive marketing emails from PUBLIC GOODS. I ended up finding out on my first visit to the gynecologist that my vaginal opening is pretty small, which explained to me why tampons never felt right. Theyre more cost-effective in the long run. If you need help, tell a parent. Nonfoux L, et al. Tampons and pads both offer effective protection against menstrual flow, and which you choose depends largely on your own personal preference and lifestyle. Most don't. In high school people didnt talk about periods much, but when they did it was always about tampons. No, free bleeding does not make your period end faster. Firstly, you might be using a tampon with a lower absorbency than is required for your menstrual flow. It is important for individuals to experiment with different menstrual products and discuss their experiences with their health care provider to determine which product is right for them. It served as a quiet tale of tampon use. When you insert a tampon, make sure it is inserted far enough so that the string is below the opening of the vagina. An extension of this are vaguer tampons-make-you-sick fears. Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Answer (1 of 23): Actually, neither! Because you can see it, it's also easy to remember when you have to change it. Dont ever leave a tampon in for longer especially all day or all night. How do I use tampons, pads, period underwear, and menstrual cups? (2019). A lot of Nigerian women prefer pads because they are easy to use, and they offer external protection. Tell the person you're dating that you use pads and watch their hopefully attractive face twist in revulsion. Like pads, tampons come in different sizes for heavier and lighter periods. With only 2% of the population using tampons, she provided information about options. Yet for all the clamor, pad users are actually in the silent statistical majority. "Super" generally means that variety is for heavy flow. Many girls start out using pads, but might want to use tampons when they do sports or go swimming. Wearing period panties might be a good way to transition to free bleeding if you want to try it out but are hesitant. Ultimately, it is your choice as to which type of protection you prefer. Pads come in a number of different sizes, from light panty liners to long and thick overnight pads, and in a number of different materials, including synthetics, cotton, and banana leaf or bamboo. Tampons are often the dreaded marker of womanhood, but you'll soon learn there's nothing to be afraid of and they actually make life much easier during your time of the month. According to a 2017 report from Period Helper a Chinese . Where they differ are . Theyre reusable, so theyre good for your wallet and the planet in the long run. Menstrual pads are apparently an extremely confusing product for young men, according to one of the latest viral trends sweeping TikTok right now. Finding the right size and type for your flow takes some trial and error (i.e., there will be accidents). Firstly, pads are generally more comfortable to wear than tampons due to their design, allowing for more airflow and wicking away any moisture. Many period products contain plastics and harmful chemicals. The risk of toxic shock syndrome is higher with tampons. Just as Americans are often horrified to arrive in Australia and discover that we mostly go applicatorless, for many women even those who have read the Female Eunuch there just isnt a desire to get closer to ones uterus lining. Each of these options is reusable, meaning they have less of an environmental impact than disposable pads and tampons. An applicator is a plastic or cardboard tube that guides the tampon into the vagina. Tampons vs. Pads: The Pros and Cons - Seventeen One study found that women had to change the cup, on average, 2.8 times less frequently than when using tampons or pads, and that it leaked 0.5 times less often. Others may feel more secure and less exposed with pads, since tampons are internally worn and can be difficult to locate if they are accidentally forgotten inside. Push the tampon into your vagina using the applicator or your finger, depending on what kind of tampon you have. To take the tampon out, pull gently on the string attached to the end of it. If you do prefer pads or tampons, however, Siriouthay said there are a few things you can do to make your period more sustainable. Tampons are cylindrical inserts that go inside your vagina, whereas pads are absorbent linings designed to stick to your underwear. Pad and tampons might seem like two different species, but both are equally bad when it comes to their affect on mother nature. The tampon is put inside the vagina and absorbs the blood before it comes out. If this happens, just remove them as soon as possible. Remove the applicator: Remove the applicator and discard it in the trash. Required fields are marked *. They're also great if your new to the world of menstruation or have a hard time wearing tampons. ", Cosmopolitan UK: "A doctor answers all your questions about Toxic Shock Syndrome. For example, if you are a regular swimmer, tampons will be a better option than pads when you are on your period. They believe those who choose pads are weak, anachronistic, regressive. Free bleeding can be cause for concern, especially if you are going out into the public. If youre prone to waking up to sheets that resemble a crime scene, then the biggest pad with wings is probably at the top of the list. Reusable products arent for everyone, however: Menstrual cups can be difficult to insert for menstruators who arent as comfortable touching their own vaginas, and period panties require easy laundry access. Unlike tampons, pad users wear them outside of their vaginas, usually using adhesive to stick them to underwear. By: Author Olin Wade (Remodel or Move Stuff). Last medically reviewed on September 11, 2019. Try out different options to find what works best. But they still can't get lost in your body. Early tampon commercial starring Courtney Cox. Many female swimmers will also take ibuprofen or a similar anti-inflammatory medication to help manage pain and discomfort caused by the period. Many girls wonder: how do you put them in? Do whatever it takes to make you happy and the people around you. Vagina Quiz: What Do You Know About Down Below? Tampons vs. Pads: Is One Better Than the Other? - Healthline You cant feel them when theyre in properly. The upfront cost is more than regular underwear. Allergies can also cause irritation, discomfort and other symptoms, so if you find that this is the case then its a good idea to consult your doctor. They're also less visible under clothing. Tampons are associated with an increased risk of a rare condition called toxic shock syndrome. Outside of Pete Evans-style medical information, a range of cultural and social reasons continue to dissuade tampon use. It can't travel to other parts of your body, like your stomach. Many users of the product are proudly tolerant or indifferent to the feminine hygiene choices of others. Washing clothes and linens in cold water as soon as possible can help keep blood stains to a minimum. Note: All information on KidsHealth is for educational purposes only. More U.S. women use pads than tampons, according to a survey of 739 women conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). You should still remember to change the pads regularly., Cons. Pads can be thought of as a safer option than tampons, as pads do not come with the same risk of TSS. They can rip or pull apart when youre removing them. Finally, if it is difficult to locate the opening of the vaginal canal, this could also explain why insertion is difficult. Its important to note that not all cups are reusable, so be sure to read the label if you prefer a reusable cup. Dear Chris, You're not so strange. ", OB-GYN University of Colorado: "How To Insert A Tampon. Like tampons, theres the environmental factor, though reusable options are now available (more on these later). They believe those who choose pads are weak, anachronistic, regressive. You cant wear pads as easily when youre swimming. Many young girls/teens after starting their period have to use pads in the beginning, so in their mind, they connect "wearing pads" with the shame, embarrassment, awkwardness, etc they associated their periods with in the beginning. (2017). Carry disinfecting wipes with you in case blood gets on other surfaces. These little cotton cylindrical pads that fit inside your vagina are currently the most popular menstrual product. On the other hand, with pads you don't have to worry about the risk of getting toxic shock syndrome when you use it overnight. The answer to this question depends on the individual. Where to Buy Tampons Online Right Now, Amid the Shortage - SELF Aside from the fact that picturing a hymen as a kind of football banner needing to be ploughed through is indicative of truly horrendous sex education, such an image perpetuates the harmful myth that virginity is all about an intact membrane. Review the pros and cons for pads and tampons and decide which one works best for based on your lifestyle and personal choice., Cleveland Clinic: "Are Scented Tampons and Pads Bad for You? Its extremely important to change your tampon every 4 to 6 hours. Tampon usage also retains an ick factor. That, by eschewing the more discreet option, renders them less feminist, less empowered, less hip. Everyone has their own preferences and comfort levels and not wanting to use tampons is just as valid as wanting to use them. I was too embarrassed to say that I had my period and I hadnt yet learned to use tampons. There are so many reasons I, and millions like me, choose the pad. It really depends on the person and what they prioritize in their menstrual care, said Siriouthay, who tests menstrual products. They can stain if you dont rinse them right away. Toxic shock syndrome is a rare infection that can happen to girls who use tampons. How often should I change my pad? We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. But when the sticky backing pulls at your pubes, its back to tampons again. Tampons can be more convenient for menstruators on the go. You can choose tampons made of non-plastic materials, like 100% organic cotton, and pads made of quickly regenerating materials like bamboo. Additionally, it could be that the act of putting a tampon in is calming to some people and may temporarily reduce the activity of the hormones controlling your menstrual cycle, resulting in a lightening or stopping of your period. Here's what the different period blood colors mean and when to see your doctor. Most Americans who have their periods use pads, not tampons, or diva cups, or Thinx underwear, a heroic new underwear that lets you bleed into your pants. Many people with vaginas have been brought up to experience shame around our menstruation. Some tampons dont have applicators, and menstruators simply push these into their vaginas using their fingers. Some tampons have tampon applicators, thin plastic applicators or cardboard tubes that help users insert the tampons. And they challenge our cultures emphasis on unsustainable, single-use products. On this occasion, however, a happy consequence of Yuanhuis comments is that she has shed light on options. If youre just starting out, you may have to try a few sizes to see which one fits you the best. In this article, well break down everything you need to know about the differences between pads and tampons. Others find menstrual pads less comfortable. Yet walk into your hip start-up's office bathroom or your school nurse's bathroom and (if you're lucky) you'll find a free bucket of tampons. "Why do you want to wear an adult diaper?" Aside from the benefits, some women may prefer a menstrual cup over tampons because they find it to be more comfortable, they are eco-friendly, and they are free of harsh chemicals. If you do this, you increase your chances of getting a serious medical condition called toxic shock syndrome (TSS). Do guys prefer pads or tampons; irish word for lion; scary growling sounds; jsm bad cable . If your period is heavy, you can change your pad more often. However, some brands of pads can contain synthetic materials and fragrances, which can lead to skin irritation or hypersensitivity reactions depending on the users skin type. Consider your comfort, budget, convenience, and any other variables that matter to you when choosing your products. You cant wear them in thongs or G-strings, if thats your thing. Of all the props, Raccacoonie made a mint. Nemours Children's Health and KidsHealth are registered trademarks of The Nemours Foundation. How Often Should You Condition Your Hair? Some women prefer menstrual cups because they are a tampon alternative that can be safely worn up to 12 hours. Tampons, Pads or Menstrual Cups? What's Right for You? Just throw one in and you're good to go for a few hours, whether you're swimming, playing sports, or sitting down to take your final exams.