Fake Prophet [Part 1] - Latest 2015 Nigerian Nollywood Drama_Comedy Movie (English Full HD) (Cinema Movies Online free watch Subtitles and Dubbed movie 2016) part 1/2. There have been a number of . The truth is this is the money they are using to acquire a lavish lifestyle for them and their children. Its very nauseating, (well for lack of words) to watch these so-called men of God inundating our TV screens and committing bizarre stuffs in the name of God whilst their followers sheepishly look on and swallow everything they are given, literally. c.length&&b(c,function(){});b.runnerBox.runElement(document)},0)}a({paths:d});l(window,"load",function(){v(48,"window.load");g();setTimeout(function(){v(48,"window.load -> 10s");g()},1E4)});"complete"===document.readyState&&(v(48,"isComplete"),g());"loaded"===document.readyState&&(v(48,"isLoaded"),k());l(document,"DOMContentLoaded",function(){v(48,"DOMContentLoaded");k();l(document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0],"pageshow",function(){v(48,"body pageshow");g()})});l(document,"readystatechange",function(){var a= Sam Korankye Ankrah 7. window.addEventListener('load', function () { Nobody talks for fear of loosing lucrative trade and deals. Prophet Kakra Baiden 8. Video, 00:01:00At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece, Dog found alive after 23 days under rubble. }; Should you pay for a prophecy? 58:03. Obofour as one of the popular fake pastors in the country. Meet The 38 Year-Old Entrepreneur Who Built A $1 Billion Oil - Forbes f&&(c.readyState="interactive");c.onreadystatechange=function(){"loaded"!==c.readyState&&"complete"!==c.readyState||d()};return c}var h={};return{load:function(b,a){if(u(b)){if(! Dzadzawa and the EC commissioners only reported Osei's corrupt deeds because they were upset Osei was not willing to share her lootings. js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; Obofour. BEST OF AKROBETO, LIL WIN AND NANA AMA MCBROWN 1 . Advertisement : [emailprotected] If you speak against them your a hater. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; The digital television platform has turned their purpose to spiritualism and magic money displayed by fetish priest, mallams and self acclaimed pastors. if ("undefined" === typeof dlApi) { dlApi = {"target":"unknown/unknown","cookieInfo":"","no_gemius":1,"adsNoBanner":1,"noDfp":1,"tid":"EA-4719209"}; }. Frederic Allard Wife: Who Is Frederic Allard Wife? Are tax freely enjoying the fruits of their cons. 2 Pastor James Maina Nganga. . Rape and fraud scandals involving fake pastors have prompted calls for regulation of churches in South Africa. Evangelist Akwasi Awuah drops his list of suspected fake pastors in Ghana. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Most Ghanaians have suspected some men of God to be fake due to their actions and reactions towards issues. Video, 00:02:12, Isabel Oakeshott: Why I leaked Hancock's messages, Tears of relief after man found in Amazon jungle. Obotan List Names Of Fke Pastors & Prophets In Ghana,Every Church Members Needs To See This Exp0sed SMART GHANA TV 57K subscribers Subscribe 294K views 10 months ago PLEASE NOTE:. Kyiri Abosom: Controversial Pastor Describes Bible As An Ordinary Book He further stressed that, the contemporary magic money flaunting by fetish priests on our local television screens is gradually gaining grounds in our system and it is very disgusting. Osei was sacked because she could not play the game. no_gemius: 1, Rape and fraud scandals involving fake pastors have prompted calls for regulation of churches in South Africa. He mentioned some popular names he had had encounters with in the occult world. Video, 00:01:58Should you pay for a prophecy? How To Identify A Fake Pastor - Modern Ghana Ban Fake Pastors, Juju Men From TV Now Citizen Ato Dadzie, AIO Prep Academy offers non-STEM programmes to SHS graduates, Uphold high moral values in your educational endeavours President to, Book: Doctor for the People; Memoires of a village doctor launched, Prof. Gatsi urges inclusive stakeholder engagement in quality education delivery, Thirteen volleyball teams to compete at EVRA/Ecopark Gala Competition, Betway Ghana commissions New Customer Experience Centre in Osu, Angry fans prevent Hearts coach Matic fom training, FIFA Fan Festival introduced in the 2023 Womens World Cup, SWAG delegation mourns with family of Christian Atsu, Ghana International Trade Fair officially opens, PURC assesses performance of utilities for the first time, AngloGold Ashanti launches project to empower local farmers, I joined the Methodist Singing Band at age 7 Naana, Danny Lampo Connects With Akwaboah In London, Lyrical Joe unveils track-list for his forthcoming album dubbed Photo Album, Ghanaian Original drama The Billionaires Wife is now streaming on Showmax, Apple Music celebrates Ghanaian Independence Day with Trotro Vibes campaign, Electoral Politics and African American Studies, Land Loss and the Renewed Struggle of African American Farmers, Building Unity Against Imperialism in the 21st Century: Lessons from African, Civil Rights and the Transformation from Tenant to Mechanized Agriculture, African American Resistance in the Rural South from the Sharecroppers Union, General Secretary of the Great Consolidated Popular Party (GCPP), Creating A World Of Good Through Womens Football: The Malta Guinness Way, Ghana to participate in 2022 Mind Games Scrabble Tournament, There are fake anti malarial drug in the system FDA warns, GHS asked to ban nurses from using phones during working hours, Okobeng Mining Company is still banned from operating in Gwira Omanhen, Ban on bushfires still in force Rural Fire Coordinator, Ghana: Chaining People with Mental Health Conditions Persists, Malis Transitional Government Bans NGOs Funded by France, GBA Lifts Ban On Heavyweight Boxer Richard Harrison Nii Lartey, Ghana Needs Legislations To Ban Collateralisation Of Statutory Fund Mahama, Greed, Self-centredness Major Challenge To Ghanas Development Citizen Ato Dadzie, Uphold high moral values in your educational endeavours President to students, Bono Minister calls for improved hygiene to fight Lassa fever, Why The World Must Resist The Tinubu Coup, Actility selects iBASIS, Sequans to meet its delivery schedule for eSIM and iSIM, Nuclear waste storage facility to be established in Ghana, Kpone-Katamanso Municipal Assembly champions Independence Day clean-up, Funeral rites for Torgbuiga Binah Lawluvi begins on Friday at Ziope, Salma Mumin shows cleavage in hot pictures, New Recruits of Ghana TVET Service receive orientation. In a revelation on Net 2 TVs political show the seat, a pastor in Ghana known commonly as Demon Breaker exposed all fake men of God in the country during an interview. :[eE][+-]?\d+|)/g; KUMAWOOD KUMAWOOD-GhanaSankofa - Internet Archive "string"===typeof a&&"function"===typeof b?(u(a)?w("25.3",a):w("25.3"),y.define([],b)):A(a,b,"25.2")&&y.define(a,b):3===arguments.length? The digital television platform has turned its purpose to spiritualism and magic money displayed by fetish priests, mallams, and self-acclaimed pastors. READ ALSO: Read more. Citizen Ato Dadzie was worried about how a lot of fake Mallams and pastors have taken over the airwaves duping innocent people hence there is a need for the government to curtail it. Frederic Allard Net Worth: How Much Is Frederic Allard Worth? Available via the MIT or new BSD license. He boldly mentioned the names of Nigel Gaisie, Owusu Bempah, and the other controversial men of God as charlatans marauding as men of God. mobile: 'true', //]]> Fake Pastors/Prophets Sell Miracle Items In Churches Some pastors or prophets are in Ghana are,Evangelist Akwasi Awuah, Reverend Obofour, Opambour Ebenezer, Prophet Stephen Adom Kyei Duah, Prophet Francis Kwaten, Agya Nkoto, Agya Dan, Angel Obinimand a lot more. Gyan said a lot of pastors in the country extort from innocent church members by deceiving them with bible quotes and use their money to buy luxury for themselves. Reverend Obofuor, who many describe as Asanteman Bofuor recently performed Shatta Wales songs with a live band during a church service . He has a record of being imprisoned at Shimo la Tewa. if(0===c.indexOf(a))return c;d(6,a+" , "+b+" -> "+c)}else return b;else d(7,b)}function g(a,b){function c(){if(!1===n){for(var c=[],E=0;Efake pastors in Ghana Archives - GhanaCelebrities.Com var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Obotan List Names Of Fke Pastors & Prophets In Ghana,Every Church please help me. Fake Pastors Exposed In Pastor Blinks Movie download. pastor, business | 8.8K views, 257 likes, 4 loves, 28 comments, 16 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from VIBES IN 5: FRIDAY VAWULENNNCEEEE Pastors are warning me to stop using and talking about angels. Captain smart said these pastors first went to shrines with intentions of letting Akufo-Addo lose the elections but when it backfired, they returned to seek his death before his swearing in. (m(a,g,e(),c()),!0):!1}function m(a,d,c,e){function k(){setTimeout(function(){v(48,"run timeout "+e);g()},e)}function g(){setTimeout(function(){0< The creeping TikTok bans. Christiana Awuni disclosed in Read more, General captain of Ghana National football team, Asamoah Gyan has advised his followers not to use their salaries to enrich pastors when they suffer. typeof a&&""!==a?a:null}e=l(e);h(e,function(e){var g=k(e),h=g.split(". 30 views, 4 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Real life Movement: FAKE PASTORS IN GHANA EXPOSED Not all that call me father, father, shall enter the kingdom of God -. 1 Bishop Daniel Obinim 2 Bishop Bonegas 3 Prophet Nicholas Osei aka Kumchacha 4 Prophet Ebenezer Adarkwa Yiadom aka Opambour (n.isInit=!0,n.value=b,c()):d(11,a)}))});c()}function m(a,b){l=!0;var c=s.resolvePath(a,"js",!0);c in e||(e[c]=J(a),s.load(c,function(){if(c in God Departs From Ghana: Fake Pastors To Blame - Modern Ghana Here are the list of the 'fake' men of God according to him, Prophet Ebenezer Adarkwa Yiadom, Prophet 1 Rev Obofour Bishop Daniel Obinim Prophet Chris Asante, Abruku Abruka/ Supreme 1 5.Agya Dan Kwadwo Sarpong, Ampae a 3dwa Pastor Love Source: www.ghgossip Jesus Christ warns his followers not to pay heed to the words of fake pastors who pretend to the true people of God. Video, 00:00:41Watch Kate beat William in spin class endurance race. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at)opera.com and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform. Let's not sit down while some gangsters throw away our country, our future and that of our children. According to him, about 99% of the current men of God in Ghana are fake. He further stressed that the contemporary magic money flaunting by fetish priests on our local television screens is gradually gaining ground in our system and it is very disgusting. .image-wrapper{position:relative;display:inline-flex}.image-wrapper::after,.image-wrapper::before{background-image:var(--noscript-src);content:'';position:absolute;left:0;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center} I can't endure the suffering no more. Submit your stories now via social or: Ban fake pastors and juju men from TV now Citizen Ato Dadzie, Get our Top Stories delivered to your inbox. Some of them were lured by goats, others money, and one a promise of sex. He revealed the Occult house is at Tema -SOS where the men of God allegedly troop for their powers. Ghana | Topics | Christianity Today Ban fake pastors and juju men from TV now Citizen Ato Dadzie Video, 00:02:12Isabel Oakeshott: Why I leaked Hancock's messages, Tears of relief after man found in Amazon jungle. After all according to Charlotte Osei, the former chair of the Electoral commission. Evangelist Akwasi Awuah added that, those pastors are murderers and always move with Bodyguards. He boldly mentioned the names of Nigel Gaisie, Owusu Bempah, and the other controversial men of God as charlatans marauding as men of God. Speaking on Accra-based Original TV, he reiterated that: "Are laws not working in Ghana? Tema, Ghana, Phone: +233 24 137 5919 Know the Signs of the Ghanaian and African False Pastors andProphets Evangelist Akwasi Awuah added that, some of them are selling "Abura my nsuo, Kodia wuoand many other products. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Here's is the list he came up with. var e=[];d(a);return e}function q(a){a=a.getAttribute(f);return"string"===typeof a&&""!==a}var f="data-run-module",x="runnerBoxElementProp"+(new Date).getTime(),c=function(){if("function"===typeof window.requestAnimationFrame)return window.requestAnimationFrame;for(var a=["ms","moz","webkit","o"],b=null,c=0;c1",l);return g},set:function(){d(h+"->2",l)},configurable:f})}try{e(!1)}catch(q){try{e(!0)}catch(f){a[b]=