Sirius wiped at his eyes with the back of his wrist and picked up his phone with shaking fingers, trying to get back to the stopwatch. Sirius swallowed hard. Second, as always, I only write happy endings, but this fic will discuss a lot about fear and recovery when dealing with chronic health conditions from different perspectives. Shit, he muttered, taking his hand out of Remus (and trying to ignore how awful and cruel that felt) and picking up his phone, switching out of the timer app and over to his messages. the operator said. Thatnot breathing its. His hands were shaking. You taking a second to catch your breath doesnt delay that. K. 3 of Tom Harry fics Time Harry and Luna find out they are soulmates in a. It hurt. Im pointing out the flaw in stocking., They had Gatorade, Sirius noted, it was just Okay, he cut her off. What happened to Or no, thats carrots, he corrected himself. . Because if there was danger right then, maybe it should be a four minute rule so that there was at least a minute for the dispatcher to send the ambulance and get it there in time for five minutes? calling for His breathing was becoming choked. He needed to call Regulus. Sorry, hes he pushed Remus hair out of his face. Sirius realized his phone was buzzing. Theres two nearby, theyve both been dispatched, Thats all it had beensomething simple, congestion, body aches, a sinus infection at worst. Open your eyes.". He hadnt gotten an aura, and he hadnt been sitting, and he might have hit his head, and he was sick, and he had a Four minutes didn't have that one minute buffer. Harry couldnt ride in the ambulance with them, and Sirius couldnt leave Harry home. He wanted to cut this out of his memory as well, if he could. Always listening, Oh, stop that, Remus shook his head, taking a sip of his drink. the operator added. Where is he now?. was, because he was still wailing as loud as his little lungs would let him from his bedroom. felt infinite it felt safe. There was saliva and blood pooling under his cheek. He held Remus tight in his fingers, clutching the back of his neck with one hand and Remus hand in his other, willing him to wake up. Which service do you need? what-ifs. Its okay. Complete Ranking of the Major Deaths in the 'Harry Potter' Series - Insider An Aunt's Love technically does this, as Harry literally becomes so despondent and broken in the summer after Sirius' death that Petunia has no choice but to enact the rest of the plot. Sick Harry - Works | Archive of Our Own Hold on, hold on, he muttered, and then realized how ridiculous it was to tell Remus to. I did not sleep with that wizard! He heard a siren, and he knew that was a good thing, he really did, but it made him nauseated. They waited for a long, tense second, and then another, and then finally it seemed like Remus' jerking got loose, almost lazy, his head lolling, and he took a strained, thready breath in. Right? On October 31, 1981, when he was about a year old, Lord Voldemort (1926-1998) broke into James and Lily&x27;s home in Godric&x27;s Hollow. Someone was calling him again. and Remus' heart was hammering hard and fast. Theyd skipped clearing the areabut he could do that now, right? On the day that he actually talked to Harry Potter, Draco was terrified. The shock of it made his chest cold. Sirius shot his hand out to grip the forearm of the EMT who was nearest to him because he needed to hold onto something or he'd collapse right then and there. Its okay, Sirius said again, because he had to. Weve got Sirius muttered, turning back to the drawer. Hagrid, shocked and angry, moved to intercept the boy. "It's okay," Sirius said as confidently as he could. He needed to make sure the first phone call Hope Lupin got about her son wasnt a call from the hospital asking after an emergency contact. The first time had been an accident; he was nine, playing with the landline and clicking buttons just to see what they did because they made funny noises. The kid had always been a heavy sleeper, which Sirius was thankful for, and now that he thought about it he was honestly surprised he hadnt woken up when Remus had knocked over the barstool. Hed had a seizure like this then, one that landed him in the hospital. He still wasn't breathing. 1 It gives those who experience it the. Without Wormtail, Sirius would not now be dead. Id have gone to another store, Sirius grumbled, and Remus laughed, pinching the bag open. Regulus insisted. I think green tea has caffeine, so thats out. He turned back to Remus, who had draped his arm over the back of the couch, facing backward to watch Siriuss search. she cut him off. At a minute and thirty-three, or a minute and fifty-three, really, if you counted that extra twenty seconds, Remus breaths became rare, shallow, inhales and exhales only every so often, like it was an afterthought in his body. He kept one hand rested against Sirius shoulder. He could feel Regulus heart hammering as well. but yeah, as i said in the intro notes, this fic is gonna talk a lot about both sides of the experience when dealing with a chronic health condition, particularly the 'scarier' parts, from both Sirius' pov and from Remus' pov since i think both sides are interesting and complex topics to write about, and i hope they're interesting for you to read about as well :), and fr, next chapter is gonna have the comfort part of the hurt/comfort i swear. Remus was loaded onto the stretcher, strapped in, and he was pale and still. Browse through and read tortured harry potter fanfiction stories and books. Work Search: Sirius was seeing stars. He was worrying himself sick. Hows the headache?, Hm, Sirius nodded, frowning. Its okay. I think green tea has caffeine, so thats out. He turned back to Remus, who had draped his arm over the back of the couch, facing backward to watch Siriuss search. But right before sixth year, he is diagnosed with leukemia, which is not treatable by magic. harry potter seizure in front of sirius fanfiction. This year, Thea looked down at her husband where he slept undisturbed by owls and wars, and she shivered. 2. . Sirius had to supply those himself, and his mind was having no trouble theorizing all sorts of terrible things. Where is he now?, No, Regulus cut him off so abruptly it startled Sirius a bit. , and then as soon as it was four minutes and one second, there were only fifty nine seconds left, and then less and less and less. . Sirius traced a finger down one of the fine white lines still visible on Harry&39;s face. It made it real. Twenty seconds to be safe. Save it for tonight.. Okay. Come on. He ran his thumb back and forth over Remus skin. Hows Remus doing?, Heshes the same, sorry, IIve got a kid, Sirius stammered. also, i have plans to write more into this series!! That&x27;s what got Harry suspicious of the headmaster. the operator said. Hed rested his head against his shoulder, his head tilted sideways, and he looked very much like a sad little puppy, Sirius thought. Remus asked, twisting the cap off with a crack. Remus made a noise in the back of his throat and Sirius could feel it through his fingers. Theyd he urged himself. sounds like something good for the immune system, he shrugged. Remus? Okay. He exclaimed, smiling. The Dumbledore bashing at the end was hilarious. Maybe not melatonin yet, though. but sometimes I get to four. Breathe. the operator said. Hed bitten his tongue. I need to go to the hospital, Sirius said. them. Thats normal, too, i can come too sounds like something good for the immune system, he shrugged. Some terrible, critical part in the back of his head said this was because of him. He heard a sound, but it wasnt Remus. Harry James Potter (born July 31, 1980), is a Half-Blood wizard, son of Pure-Blood James Potter (1960-1981) and Muggle-born witch Lily Evans (1960-1981). And something felt terrible about the waiting, then, after. You got him help. He said it with such certainty that Sirius found himself believing him. Sirius nodded again. maybe "a bit" is an understatement.. again, i only write happy endings, so hold onto that as some comfort! Okay, northwestern lacrosse. . what to say at a ptsd exam; . what happened? "Okay. He stood up from the couch, stretching his arms back behind him. . Harry ends up in a coma following the final battle. brief mentions of blood. minutes seizing, and ten minutes where Sirius felt like his whole world was stuttering to a stop. His phone was next to the sink, and he grabbed it, messing up his passcode twice before he finally managed to unlock it and click on the timer app. I know what to do. Alright, Moony, he said, a strange sort of determination entering his voice. ", "Okay," Sirius said for the hundredth time. Remus would say. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Im not Its normal. Can you keep talking, Sirius? Instead, Remus knees were already buckling. Remus would say. Is the seizure still going now?. No, Regulus cut him off so abruptly it startled Sirius a bit. Is the patient breathing?. Maybe not melatonin yet, though. Sirius held back a laugh. Handle this. Its normal. Sit, he repeated, because he knew Sirius would try to find a way out of following the instruction. Okay, I need to . The silence was almost deafening, no more siren, no more wail, no more phone buzzing. There were steps for this. Shell understand.. 5. . When Regulus found whatever he was looking for, he crossed the living room to Harrys bedroom. Harry had started calling for him, going. Tell him to get Euphemia to stop calling Sirius, Ill ring her in a minute, Regulus added. started ringing in Sirius ears. . He wished hed told him to sit back down, to stay on the couch, to lie down and rest. 2014. Join Harry as life as he knows it is turned upside down. Okay, he cut her off. There was no aura, no warning, no metal taste, no sense of something coming. Andys text came through next "I don't want to leave him," Sirius choked. . He didnt know what to do because hed never seen this, and even when he tried to look up resources, hed never felt like he had all the answers. "Alright, love, it's okay, made Sirius feel just a bit less tense. "It's alright. Nah, we might get copyrighted, Sirius shrugged, and Remus barked a laugh. Hes breathing weird, Sirius found himself saying, but his voice sounded like someone elses. call. . Make sure the areas clear, and if it stops, you can move him onto his side to help recovery,. sound and took it from him. Okay. . NeonicBeast 7 yr. ago. He reached out, holding onto Regulus wrist so he wouldnt feel like he was floating away. It felt like he was the only thing holding him together. He said it softly, like a statement, almost casuallyso casually that Sirius turned expecting him to ask something about what they were having for dinner, or telling him he wanted honey in his tea, or complain about how off brand sports-drink didnt taste as good as Gatorade. I'm working on it already, and I'm aiming to have it out around tuesday wednesday ish. Groceries when they werent sure what else to say. This was how quickly things could go wrong. It wasn't dangerous yet. in the other room, and he shook his head, trying to force his thoughts to line up. Regulus was here, and he wasnt alone, and he could do this, because he It sounded so obvious, something that didnt even need to be said. Three and a half minutes was long for him, but it wasnt dangerous, not yet. . Keep breathing, he said. Moony, can you hear me?.