Mike Schmidt appears in the Help Wanted game over room, although it is unknown where this image comes from as Mike survives all the nights he works at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. He prefers a basket of cash rather then a basket of exotic butters. The Aftons have a long line of children. As the youngest child, he was babied relentlessly by his mother until her death in 1980, when he was six years old. While some fans believe he is just a teen, there are several theories about his age and background. In FNAF 4, Michael is about 16 and 26 at the same time due to the minigames and the actual gameplay taking place at different times. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Afton met Henry Emily before the events in Help Wanted. One two.Michael forcing his brother's head into Fredbear. Orville Elephant Mangle | Although he was rushed to the hospital, C.C did not survive his injuries. The other ones are Mike Schmidt from the first game (in the. His nickname Nightmare Foxy is believed to represent him. What Do You Get When You Mix Lemon With Gunpowder? We know that Michael Afton had been residing in Saint Louis, Saint Louis County, Missouri 63126. The actors father is William Afton. Glamrock Chica | Michael, when he was still a living human, greatly resembled his father in appearance, to the point of being mistaken for him. Shadows "Veronica, Ian's coming to pick us up and take us back to my house.". Now then, on the road, Ian called his friend, whom some of you know quite well. He was thinking of how he was going to keep everyone safe. After surviving the Bidybabs, Michael slowly and carefully crawls through the Ballora Gallery, thankfully avoiding Ballora. Is it Safe to Eat a Turkey Frozen For 2-3 Years? He cannot "chew gum excessively", as he claims on the logbook pages. Foxy the Pirate | After returning home from his shift Michael once again watches the immortal and the restless while enjoying popcorn. But, as he checked on the funny robots, he noticed that one of them was missing. She's free now. In fact, Christopher Aftons son Michael was born on the same day as his sister Elizabeth. It is often believed that Mike is the Older Brother, though many fans still believe he could be The Crying Child . After beating V. Hard Golden Freddy mode, Michael Afton, speaks to his father William Afton. Ballora | Nightmare Fredbear | Date of death Animatronics He has a crush on Dakota Moore, the daughter of FNaF4 creator William Afton. In the child's own secret locked up box it holds toys, a plushie, and a . Lucky Boy | Michael may or may not have a flair for business in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, as his choices are influenced by the player. Michael Afton (also nicknamed as "Eggs Benedict" by the HandUnit) is the main protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location. These children were eventually rescued by Charlie's friends before any true harm could come to them. Funtime Animatronics Henry Emily, William's old business partner, was actually the mastermind behind it all. As a twin with his brother, he acted as a guard at the prison. The name "Eggs Benedict" is impossible to type on HandUnit's keypad since the letter B is missing. The Fredbear plushie seems unfazed by what he is doing, only asking what he has done "this time". Will doesn't even have a heart at this point and I can only presume he cleaned out his original remains from the suit and made fake ones. Rockstar Freddy | Glitchtrap | However, there's also the theory that Missing Children Incident happened before The Bite of '83, which, if true, would make it impossible for the brother to be Foxy. Freddy Fazbear | When you finish the Custom Night challenges on the hardest difficulty, you will be rewarded with a cutscene that shows what happened to Eggs Benedict after the Real Ending. He has three children and four grandchildren, and two of them died young. Weight Classic Animatronics The week ended in his ninth birthday, where Michael and his "friends" lifted C.C to put him into the mouth of Fredbear. Mike then proceeded to walk away leaving the girls by themselves. Springtrap | His eyes have changed from a dull cream color to completely white. Li'l Music Man | You running from someone? I'll have to call you back.". He is the son of William Afton, a renowned serial killer. Circus Baby | Michael is the second protagonist to die in the Five Nights at Freddy's series, the first being his little brother from. Hi. Mike's quest to find his father began after his transformation. Toy Chica | think this should go without saying, but just in case let's go over the facts: In Michael's Custom Night speech, he says that after Ennard ejected themselves from him, he was "forced to hide in the shadows" and "there's something wrong with me. Chica the Chicken | Michael manages the restaurant and finds animatronics and salvages them. He now has this crazy obsession with being immortal. Michael's amusement at his younger brother's terror quickly soured as Fredbear bit down, crushing C.C's skull and splattering the birthday crowd in blood. He also wears a purple long sleeved-shirt, blue pants, and brown shoes. The Man Behind The Slaughter How did Michael Afton die?-----We believe that education is essential for every people. He is the son of William Afton, who is the main antagonist of the . Foxbot | He seems to have no care about his brother's depression, as he torments him even in his own room. Henry: I hate you because my child went to heaven! One user on Reddit suggests that Afton will be 78 years old in 2021, making him only forty during the fourth game. Also, what are the years the games take place? There is only one thing left for me to do now. On Night 1, Michael got a job as a technician at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, and HandUnit greets him. One-Shot Scott Cawthon | Lefty Mariominous Freddy Frostbear Phantom Animatronics | Chipper | There are multiple scribbles in the book drawn by Michael implying he enjoys drawing and is extremely talented at it. What is Michael Afton real name? He is haunted by Nightmare animatronics and a part of his soul has become the Logbook of Mike. During Evan's final moments, Michael apologized to Evan for his actions. This page may contain MAJOR SPOILERS, and/or speculation! Michael Afton is the first child of William Afton, and is the elder brother of Elizabeth Afton. Afton has three children, who were born in Corsica, Pennsylvania. Their youngest child, Evan, was bullied by Michael because of his mothers death. While they were driving away, Lizzy saw a faint, purple figure with a knife behind them. Infected S.T.A.F.F. If youre wondering how old Terrence Afton is, then youve come to the right place. Michael Afton | Heroes Wiki | Fandom In the Custom Night minigames, it's shown that he has a fairly light skin tone, darkish brown hair that seems to be combed over, and blue eyes. The rest of what is said in the minigame, presumably belonging to the spirit within the Fredbear plushie, with lines such as "I will put you back together", seeming rather strange for him to say. The Brother (Five Nights at Freddy's) | Villains Wiki | Fandom The people around him continue to wave cheerfully. It is theorized that Schmidt is the maiden name of Mrs. Afton. Lizzy then picked up her phone and called Ian. She reveals that his help was actually part of a plan to use him as a host body to escape the rental facility. Unlike the other murdered children, the state of his soul is currently unknown- though his plushie "Friendbear" stays around to torment Michael with the constant reminder of his actions. Then two technicians enter the building and send Ballora to the Scooping Room, where Michael is located. ", "You guys look like you need help. Now Jason had applied for a job as a security guard at the restaurant. Afton, whose real name is [REDACTED], is a major character in BlueyCapsules. In the Survival Logbook, Michael is shown to be sarcastic, making various comments about Fazbear Entertainment's lack of safety or care for its employees the book also shows that Michael is paranoid while on the job suggesting he sleep with one eye open. He, after completing the maintenance tasks, eventually discovers the Scooping Room, where the animatronics' plan is revealed, as he is disemboweled and the animatronics steal his body to escape. He is the protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 1, which is confirmed by Michael's Freddy and Foxy illustrations in the logbook. It's so annoying how we have every Afton child appearing in the new fnaf encyclopedia except for Michael when he's supposedly the closet thing we have to main protagonist/character for fnaf. Later on, in The Fourth Closet, Elizabeth reveals that it wasn't Sammy who was kidnapped, but rather Charlotte. Nightmare Mangle | After beating Golden Freddy mode on Very Hard, another cutscene will play involving Michael. The actor was born on 23 February 1915. Michaels character, Chris, is 9 years old. Michael Afton took up the name Mike Schmidt to work at the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, presumably to avoid any questions about his identity. Charlotte Emily | The younger brother wouldn't have seen this, as he was unconscious the entire time he was at the hospital, and even then, pills aren't made to help severely fractured craniums. He is an undead being who must hide in the shadows. So I am re-uploading the series with the hope of continuing it further. After working at Fazbears Fright, Michael begins to suffer from nightmares. Dnd Spells FAQ. His pants have also changed from a vivid blue to a dull teal color. As for his age, he was born in Beaverdale, Pennsylvania. The ultimate guide has already confirmed that there are elements of the books that are canonical in the games, one of them is the death of the mci in 1985, elizabeth does not die for a few weeks after that event, the books also make it clear that he was 5 at most because he was going to kindergarten, it is only necessary to do subtraction to . Fazbear Entertainment | Michael Afton | Death Battle Fanon Wiki | Fandom During the course of The Fourth Closet, other children were kidnapped by Afton. C.C. Sadly, the actor died young. After entering the access code, Michael receives a chip from her upper armpit so that she can communicate with him after they have picked it up. Sensitive and timid with an intense fear of animatronics, he was an easy target for his asshole older brother and spoke exclusively in emojis. While he is generally a heroic character in his adult appearances, he also appeared as the main antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 4, which takes place in his teenage years. Born in London, England. His nickname is a reference to a type of food named "Eggs Benedict". Michael Afton (also nicknamed as "Eggs Benedict" by the HandUnit) is the main protagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location. Shadow Bonnie | But, if Mike were the FNAF3 guard before his quest to find his father, Mike is still a zombie in FFPS. He is the younger brother of Michael Afton and son of William Afton. Michael Afton's appearance isonly shown twice in Sister Location. He is the youngest child of William Afton, and the younger brother of Michael and Elizabeth Afton. So hed be in his 20s in FNaF 1, and his 60s by FFPS. Companies One-Shot Patient 46 In the first cutscene, he looks like a normal man, wearing a purple shirt and blue pants. Michael Afton, also known as Eggs Benedict or Mike, is William Afton's eldest son. Victoria Snodgrass | It was at this time that his older brother began to lash out against him, in a combination of grief, jealousy over his and Elizabeth's closeness to their mother, and an eagerness to gain the attention of their father. The Blackbird | The Puppet Grimm Foxy | Michael Afton (also known as Mike Michael Afton (also known as Eggs Benedict, Foxy Bully and The Brother) is the main protagonist in Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator, possibly the main protagonist Five Nights at Freddy's 1 and Five Nights at Freddy's 3 and one of the two protagonists of Five Nights at Freddy's 4. Made up Characters Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Whether youre wondering How old is Michael Afton, we hope youll find some interesting facts about him. Gray-blue I've been living in shadows. The job he wanted going into it was a security guard. During Evan's birthday party, Michael and his friends decided to pull a prank on . It's suggested that Michael may carry a large amount of guilt due to the fact that his own father caused the horrific events that led to the loss of so many lives, his guilt could be a motivation to why he feels he personally needs to finally put an end to his father's horrible legacy, this represents Michael as a very virtuous person someone always looking to do the right thing. His appearance in the mirror in the "real" ending appears to be a blacked-out image of Rick Astley from his infamous 1987 music video "Never Gonna Give You Up". As well as this, other reasons included unprofessionalism, and odor. Michael is shown to be a sadistic and manipulative trickster, who never ceases to emotionally and psychologically abuse his younger brother. How to choose a moving company when moving? Michael Afton | Five Nights at Freddy's Disney Wiki | Fandom He also seems to have lost his nose, hair, and almost all of his bottom and front teeth. In his monologue in the Custom Night cutscene, Michael revealed that he was hired on his father's request to blindly find and free his sister Elizabeth, and seemed happy when saying Elizabeth was "free now", further showing his affection for her. Freddy in Space 2 Roxanne Wolf | The Mimic | Dee Dee | Elizabeth Afton, Fazbear Frights/Tales from the PizzaPlex Soulbrawler | CC has the ability to "awooga", meaning his eyes can pop out of his head whenever he's freaked out. Lewis | How Old Is Michael Afton in 2022? Webnews21 The insides of his suits show no remaining heart organ, just a face, and some lungs. He's not the same anymore. Recurring Nightmare Freddy/Freddles | Security Breach: Fury's Rage Then they talked about it some more with Mike and he and the girls went outside. Mike Schmidt is never seen in-game, except for his blue eyes when he is stuffed in the Freddy suit during a Game Over. What he saw in there, is a story for another day. Psychological abuseStalkingIdentity fraudTampering with private propertyArson by association. Glamrock Animatronics [REDACTED] Afton He gets the job and goes under the fake name Mike Schmidt. After about a week, I am finally able to present my new theory. FNAF World He can still hear in his sleep and I don't want him saying that. Pings (ask if ya wanna get pinged): @Hakunetsu @Smartperson666 @Ash4ash @MIku vaporeon @Chibi Funtime @EndrManiacWiki @ @Crystal Sea14 @D.E.V. At webnews21, we bring the trendy news of the globe regarding politics, entertainment, education, food, and health. In the fifth cutscene, he looks much more decrepit than he did in the past cutscenes, with his skin looking more greenish-brown in color, half of his hair missing, and a strange glow in one eye. Jason, now a new security guard at Freddy's, took his usual rounds. Michael Afton is one of the main protagonists of the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise, serving as the main protagonist of the ScottGames era of the games.. Michael Afton was born in the late 1960s. In the movie, he is the main antagonist. Consider what Michael says as Springtrap emerges from the wreckage of Fazbear's Frights: She's free now. He goes back through the Funtime Auditorium, and into Parts and Service, to see a lifeless Circus Baby. In FNAF 2, which either takes place in 1987 or 1994, he would be 17 or 24 (Fritz Smith and Michael Afton are not the same characters) At the end, an animatronic named Ennard leads Michael into the . While he has been killed a number of times, his sole focus has been on murdering children. "Now dad was taking this stuff called Remnant to keep himself alive. After pulling into the driveway, Ian and the girls got out and proceeded to enter the house. Not only that, but the victims of the Missing Children Incident are confirmed to be very young. Afton has survived three fires and a spring suit. Minireenas | Michael could potentially be counted as the sixth if Elizabeth in the death minigame is counted, but depending on player experience, this could come before or after Michael's reveal. I am not showing it because I plan to make it into a YouTube video, same as my last theory. Ive tried to understand but the lore seems to be merged with theories and confusing. He seems to be a fan of the show "The Immortal and the Restless", even going as far as to bring out a bowl of popcorn for the occasion. Deceased Cheap Wardrobe Hacks: Clever Ways to Make the Most of Your Storage Space. In the fourth cutscene, his skin becomes a darker greenish-brown; his eyes are also now completely black. Official @WINGS O' FIRE cereal, If Ballora is Mrs. Afton, does that make Molten Freddy Michael's mom , What if Freddy was the night guard And we played as him And the other 4 animatronics are night guards to And we have to survive against Michael Afton And if Michael Afton jumpscares you get stuffed Out of your suit Or Michael Afton might jumpscare a different animatronic. BlueyCapsules Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. His younger brother, C.C., became a teen. His father, William Afton, is the co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment. Afton Family However, in the Fake Ending of Sister Location, he chooses to accept the Exotic Butters basket in spite of its uselessness, showing that Michael is a grateful person and can be content with what is given to him, even when he doesnt get what he wants. The water cup in the office is the one thing I can't really explain, but I have some guesses: It was put in there beforehand along with the drawings of Lefty and the rockstars, regardless of whether you purchase them, to keep up Henry's facade. ", It is theorized that Michael is the protagonist in FNaF 3, and FNaF 2 (as Fritz Smith), as implied by, Michael is one of the only human characters in the series seen outside of minigame cutscenes with the other being, It's implied by the creator Scott Cawthon that Michael will be the protagonist of the upcoming, Michael Afton, along with the novel version of. Rockstar Bonnie | Youll discover the age of the actor, as well as the other members of his family. Afton Family Michael Afton was a technician for Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, security guard for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, and son of serial killer William Afton. Nightmare Bonnie | Nightmare | But being the 'smart teenagers' that they were, they told Evan to stay there and walked into the other room. Their father, William, was an infamous serial killer. Upon closer examination, the first three lines spoken in the Night 6 minigame, where the child passes on, are highlighted in grey text, revealing it is Michael at the child's bedside apologizing. Michael comes to his little brother's bedside, and apologizes in a brief statement. Heat weakens the remnant's power. The sound of Michael running in Funtime Auditorium and Ballora Gallery. He lies on the ground, presumably dead. While he is generally a heroic character in his adult appearances, he also appeared as the main antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 4, which takes place in his teenage years.Here, he is the Crying Child's emotionally abusive older . Now then after that conversation, Veronica and Mike decided to go to sleep. The audio that plays when Michael pukes Ennard up. William Afton Cassidy: I wanna kill him but I can't because I'm in a stupid suit. He hugged her and she noticed a bruise on his face. William was still 31 (because of floating timelines) and his wife was 30 when she died. PJ Heywood is the voice actor of William Afton. He is shown to have an artistic talent in The Logbook as he is good at drawing. Starting out as a cruel bully, after accidentally killing his brother, he decided to atone for his mistakes by becoming a technician at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental so he could save his sister's soul. Personally, I think Michael was a lot older than any of us thought in FNAF4. In SL, which takes pleace in 1995 and he'd be 25. If this ambiance was genuinely Will's heartbeat, then wouldn't it always play in every game? His brother is Michael Afton , sister is Elizabeth Afton , and mother is Mrs. Afton . There are a total of 8 cutscenes. Scott Cawthon later confirmed that this was for dramatic effect. I've always figured 14. Bidybabs | Baby Crawlers Eventually, his body has a spasm, and he regurgitates Ennard's remains into the sewer. For the longest time, Michael Afton was thought to be the same entity as William Afton, but it was figured out in the V. Hard Golden Freddy cutscene that he was not. In the film adaptation, he plays Vincent the third. When asked what he would like for his end of the week bonus, he circles the money basket with emphasis, meaning that like anyone else, he would've rather had a basket of cash than any other meaningless prize basket, showing that Michael has his priorities straight and is a responsible person. And how the hell could you help us? He's dead now- Character information Full Name Terrence Michael Afton Gender Male Age Teenager (his age was not confirmed as far as I know) Birthday (Not sure if it was confirmed either but I assume somewhere between 1964-1970 Birthplace Somewhere in England (I think it was confirmed they live in England + they are British) Occupation The actor was born in Beaverdale, Pennsylvania. William Afton | We need to run.". Soon after, Springtrap appears and the screen goes black. Michael Afton is one of the main protagonists of the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise, serving as the main protagonist of the ScottGames era of the games. After the bite, the child begins to die. The answer will surprise you! DJ Music Man Glamrock Endoskeletons In the Survival Logbook, Michael is shown to be sarcastic, making various comments about Fazbear Entertainment's lack of safety or care for its employees. There are countless fans who want to know. Before Ian could say anything, Lizzy said, "Ian, Mike just told me that my dad punched Evan in the face. After the Bite of '83, Michael was not heard from for the several upcoming years - he continued being part of the Afton household. Michael T. Afton, 1943 - 2013. Plushtrap Chaser | Michael Afton is the main protagonist of Sister Location, serving as one of the technician's for the animatronics and isknown as Eggs Benedict (due to HandUnit's keyboard malfunction). However, as the minigames progress, his skin gets progressively more rotten due to Ennard hiding in his body. Lizzy just stood there in shock. Scrap Animatronics Biographical Information Chica Defense Network | Michael speaks with a robotic voice in the final cutscene. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Official subreddit for the horror franchise known as Five Nights at Freddy's (FNaF). ", "Fine but only because he's my favorite besides your sister.". "Shit. Chris Aftons diary also included a drawing of the naughty Nightmare Fredbear under recent dreams. But Mike is a zombie at the point of FNAF3! Her death caused him to seek more validation from William as his only remaining parent, though William didn't really seem to notice or care. His sister is often his sole defender from near-constant bullying, but even she tires of his constant tears and panic. After beating a Custom Night preset on Very Hard mode, a cutscene plays the event after Ennard wearing Michael's skin from the Real Ending. Michael Afton | BlueyCapsules Wiki | Fandom If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. He works at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Five Nights at Freddy's 1 1.2 Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location 1.3 Transformation 1.4 Five Nights at Freddy's 4 There is an IV stand, a basket of flowers, and prescribed medication that randomly appears beside the bed. Were you looking for information on Michael's Father, William Afton or his sister,Elizabeth? Crying Child ", "His," said Ian, "But not now. Mega Brow | After 5 nights of working there, he was scooped by Ennard as it used his skin to blend in with the humans and escape. Thank you all for watching Part 1: If Michael Afton died instead of Chris Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sD0vEnBvKnk&t=283sPart 2: Michael Afton g. This should be impossible as Mike survives all 7 nights. The dreams feature nightmarish versions of Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken, Foxy the Pirate Fox, Fredbear and Spring Bonnie, Shadow Freddy and Balloon Boy. Discuss Everything About Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki | Fandom He was born to Elizabeth and William Afton. Mangle | As seen from the Real Ending, the reflection of a simple, black silhouette in a dirty mirror is all that can be seen. In the television series, Terrence is the deuteragonist. Also, when there's a ventilation error, he begins having blackouts, a sign that they do harm him in a way that they wouldn't Michael. Nightmare Foxy | He has a sister named Clara Vincenza Afton. "I should be dead, but I'm not". Some people argue that Michael Afton passes out if the heat rises to a high enough temperature, but remember: Remnant is what is keeping Mike alive. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In 1983, Michael begins to bully his little brother, jumping out and scaring him while wearing a Foxy mask. The bite victim (AKA Crying Child,) is the son of William Afton . There are fewer people around him, and one of them is hiding behind their house in fear. Part 2: Michael Afton gets his revenge || The Afton Family Lolbit Animatronics Probably some guy, or one of the bullies in FNAF4 IMHO. How can scammers use your phone number to hack your Instagram? He is the youngest child of William Afton, and the younger brother of Michael and Elizabeth Afton. But I'm not. On Night 3, Michael returns, checking on Ballora and Funtime Foxy. Twisted Animatronics One day before the party, Mike locks the child in the Parts/Services room, the child banging at the door sobbing. The other daughter is Elizabeth Afton. RWQFSFASXC | Chat us for guest posts and personalized ads. Why would dad do this? Scrap Baby | Based on the above I can only guess it symbolizes Michael's anxiety about meeting with his father again. I'm going to come find you. However, his childhood was filled with drama and heartbreak. He was born in Beaverdale, Pennsylvania. His brother locks him in his room, pops out of various places wearing a foxy mask to terrify him, and locks him in the Parts and . His daughter, Elizabeth, was born six years ago. Regardless, if the theory still had legs to stand on, it wouldn't make sense, as William is shown to be an uncaring, neglectful, and possibly abusive father.