Human DNA Found in Hot Dogs and Meat in Vegetarian Sausage is that the scientists found no correlation between price and quality. What is a Detox Bath and How do You take One? There were also issues with the nutritional content listed . In light of the news that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has, Pork substitution was an issue in products across the price spectrum being sold at a wide variety of retailers. Remember the last time you were in the produce section of a grocery store? As for specialty picks, the study suggested Taverrite's pork sausages and vegetarian option Gardien. complete list of products Clear Food regards as high quality. So what does this mean to you? 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To be clear, the presence of human DNA does not mean there is human flesh in the hot dogs. According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, Americans spent $2.4 billion last year on hot dogs and another $2.74 billion on sausages. However, no kosher dogs tested contained pork. Americans spent $2.5 billion on hot dogs, $2.74 billion on dinner sausages and more than half a billion on breakfast sausages last year, the report said. Researchers analyzed 345 hot dogs and sausages from 75 different brands sold at 10 retailers, and found human DNA in 2 percent of its hot dog samples and two-thirds of the vegetarian samples . And most of our top guys have seriously dry skin. MORE: 5 Gross Guy Habits That Are Good for You, The study comes from Clear Labsa food analytics startup based in Menlo Park, CA which used "genomic technology" to investigate hot dogs on a molecular level. They're still, as with most things in life, best in moderation. Hot Dogs and Processed Meats as Bad as Cigarettes? The study comes from Clear Labsa food analytics startup based in Menlo Park, CA which used "genomic technology" to investigate hot dogs on a molecular level. "In most cases, pork found its way into chicken and turkey sausages," said Clear Food. For non-meat eaters the results are particularly eye-opening: 10 percent of the vegetarian products tested contained meat (chicken in the veggie breakfast sausages and pork in the veggie hot dogs), and four of the 21 vegetarian samples had "hygienic issues." DNA from 7,300-year-old skeleton Bess' found in Sulawesi cave uncovers mysterious human lineage ABC Science / By science reporter Belinda Smith Posted Wed 25 Aug 2021 at 12:00pm, updated Wed 25 Aug 2021 at 2:02pm The cave in which this skeleton was found was earmarked for development as a water park. They analyzed 345 hot dogs from 75 brands, and found human DNA in 2% of the samples, and in 2/3rds of the vegetarian samples.. Sign Up for the Latest Health News and Tips, Home - Most Popular News Human DNA Found in Hot Dogs. Imagine how many apples could test positive after being handled by half the people shopping in the grocery store, he says. Most consumers would be pleased and surprised to find out how clean and sanitary these plants are. 3. Found ten per cent of vegetarian hot dogs and sausages contained meat. There's a concept that'll haunt you if you think about it too much. At least not enough to worry about. As one example, in the mid-nineteenth century, rumors suggested that butchers used dog meat for their hot dogs. Hygienic issues occur when some sort of non-harmful contaminant is introduced to the hot dog, in most cases, human DNA, said Clear Food in theirstudy. Vegetarian Hot Dogs Found to Contain Traces of Meat And Human DNA Human DNA in Hot Dogs! - The Alternative Daily Overall, the company found nutritional label inaccuracies, pork substitution and some unexpected ingredients, including chicken and lamb in its hot dogs. Fact Check: Did they find human DNA in hot dogs? - The Florida Times-Union According to the data collected by Clear Foods it has been found that out of 345 hot dogs and sausages being analysed, two percent has traces of human DNA. This dental device was sold to fix patients' jaws. The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council estimates that in this country alone, we consume around 20 billion hot dogs annuallyor 70 hot dogs per person every year. Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus (where it is called nuclear DNA), but a small amount of DNA can also be found in the mitochondria (where it is called mitochondrial DNA . ", After reviewing the company's website and research, Milkowski claims that while the founders have a molecular genetics background, "as far as I can tell they do not have any expertise or scientific training around food or agriculture." But this is not a "contaminant" but a "non-aesthetic idea of something in our food that the average consumer feels may not be pleasing to them.". What is DNA? 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For most of us growing up, it was one of those irresistible rumorslike how some rock songs have satanic messages if you play them backwardsthat aren't true but were endlessly fun to repeat. Wake up to the day's most important news. That's right, human DNA. In general, we consider human DNA a hygienic issue that degrades the quality of food more than a public health concern," Sasan Amini, also a Clear Labs cofounder, told HuffPost. It also found human DNA in 2 percent of its hot dog samples and two-thirds of the vegetarian samples. Well, we did want to find out," Clear Labs Cofounder Mahni Ghorashi told Huffington Post. Do Hot Dogs Contain Human DNA? Men's Health That's right, human DNA. Video provided by Newsy, and other processed meat can cause colorectal cancer, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. In 2014 Americans spent $2.5 billion on hot dogs, another $2.74 billion on dinner sausages, and over half a billion on breakfast sausages. Lawsuits claim it wrecked their teeth. The report comes amid unrelated research released by theWorld Health Organization on Monday that finds eating hot dogs, ham and other processed meat can cause colorectal cancer. It sounds horrifying. Butterball, McCormick, Eckrich and Hebrew National received the top scores for quality hot dogs among major brands. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. So, sorry, there arent any pig anuses in hot dogs. In other words, yes, your hot dogs are going to have a little human DNA on them. I would imagine if you used the same technology to discover what was on cereal boxes in the grocery store aisle, you might no longer trust what is in other food products as well, Campbell says. Flashback: Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury, 3 Simple, Natural Ways for Detoxing Your Body, The Herbal Remedy to Kick the Smoking Habit & Repair the Lungs. As in, homo sapiens. If you can stomach it, take a look at this video demonstrating how hot dogs are made. But there were plenty of impartial meat academics happy to weigh in. A report found some evidence of human DNA in a small percentage of tested hot dogs, a study shows. Two-thirds of that human DNA was found in vegetarian hot dogs, according to the study. Hot dogs have never been seen as prime cuts of meat, but a new study has found human DNA in some samples. All that really means is that Clear uses genetic sequencing to figure out just whats in your lunch. BDO is the worlds largest and most comprehensive online health resource specifically targeted to African Americans. Not least, the fact that 10 percent of the vegetarian mock-meat products tested actually contained meat. Human DNA. Oh yeah, sometimes a worker loses a finger or two in the goop vats. "It is unlikely that human DNA is harmful to consumer health. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Then, long links of hot dogs are cooked in a smokehouse, cooled by being passed under a. And they're not wholly unwarranted," the report said. Is that even possible? "Most consumers would be pleased and surprised to find out how clean and sanitary these plants are. ", "It's entirely possible that the human DNA found could be linked back to the company's own staff," Riley said in a statement on Tuesday. Overall, 14.4 percent of the hot dogs and sausages tested by Clear Foods were problematic, the company said. Hope you enjoyed your lunch, Hannibal Lecter. According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, Americans spent $2.4 billion last year on hot dogs and another $2.74 billion on sausages. Or lips. Theres a concept thatll haunt you if you think about it too much. But "people" is an ingredient most would expect limited to Soylent Green. "It's always a good idea to make sure that ground meats of any kind are well cooked.". Two-thirds of the human DNA was found in vegetarian products. Especially when it comes to hot dogs. Around 3% of hot dogs and sausages analyzed contained pork where it wasn't listed, ten percent of vegetarian dogs included animal DNA, and most shocking of all 2% of samples contained. A report by California startup Clear Food. Interestingly, two-thirds of the samples with human DNA were from vegetarian hot dogs, indicating that the meat-free options had more hygiene issues than the regular sausages. Occasionally human workers are involved in the process, but they're wearing so much protective gear you'd think they were handling plutonium. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. I have been in numerous plants that make hot dogs and other processed meat products across this country, he told us. How do they assure there are no false positives?, Milkowski adds: Certainly their information can make some juicy headlines and promote their organization, but I personally do not trust any of it., (As of this writing, reps at Clear Lab have not responded to requests for comment.). Woot! Clear Food is the consumer outreach arm of Clear Labs, a B2B food analytics startup based in California. A spokesperson for Clear Food said that human DNA "degrades the quality of food" but is less of a public health concern. Department Illegally Seizes Privately Owned Bees Resistant to GMO Poison, Breakdown of GMO Labeling Laws in Each Country (Global Map), What Theyre Not Telling You About Monsantos Role in Ukraine, Toxic Weedkiller Dicamba Drift Damages Crops Across America. Major brands including Butterball, Boar's Head, Hebrew National, Oscar Meyer, Jennie O and Trader Joe's all received high marks. It does, however, score products based on hygiene, safety and accurate labeling, ABC News reported. First of all, let's all take a deep breath. They analyzed 345 hot dogs. Sean Gallup/Getty Images By Tina Hesman Saey July 16, 2021 at. In light of the news that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has officially listed processed meats such as bacon and sausages as cancer-causing, this is probably the least of your worries if you're an avid hot dog lover. Are Farmers Being Manipulated Into Buying GMO Soybean Seeds? As in, homo sapiens. Clear Food says its testing found human DNA in two percent of all hot dog samples. While it may be the time of year when horror stories are passed around, the researchers believe that what theyre finding traces of isnt from chunks of human flesh, but rather from poor quality control standards that are resulting in human DNA entering the products in the forms of saliva, skin fragments (such as dry skin flakes), hair, and broken fingernails. In response to The Hot Dog Report's findings, Janet Riley, president of the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council stated that Clear Food "has said very little about its sample collection procedure . One study found that wieners, bacon and other processed meats probably contribute to cancer, and now news of this study comes out. The Absolute Best Crackers for Healthy Snacking, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. That could very well leave skin cells or other DNA sources on equipment, Campbell says. But why bother with store-bought snacks when you can make healthier homemade versions, Calling All Dippers and Chippers! It's not like somebody found a pinkie in a Hebrew National. Regionally, the top 3 specialty and regional hot dog brands were Gardein, Taverrites and Field to Family Natural Foods. Like Davey Griffin, Ph.D., a professor and meat specialist at the Department of Animal Science at Texas A&M University. The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council has attempted to reach Clear Food multiple times for further explanation on the report, according to Riley. Processed meat causes cancer, red meat could too, says WHO, According to a report from a research division of WHO, processed meats cause cancer, and red meat likely does, too. Clear Labs, a nonprofit group that analyzes food at the molecular level, looked at 345 hot dog and sausage samples marketed under 75 different brands and sold at 10 different retailers. U.S. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. And they "provide limited information on their methodology. The Hot Dog study found human DNA samples in 2% of the 345 hotdogs and sausages that it looked at. Human DNA found in hot dogs, according to report | For most of us growing up, it was one of those irresistible rumorslike how some rock songs have satanic messages if you play them backwardsthat arent true but were endlessly fun to repeat. Clear Foods also analyzed vegetarian hot dogs and sausages. The study indicates that many people could be eating pork without realizing it, although kosher hot dogs were found to be safe. The genomic analysis involved 345 different hot dog or sausage products from 75 brands, purchased at 10 different retailers in the US. Its not like somebody found a pinkie in a Hebrew National. DNA is not on the FDA's list of product defects, so the agency would likely decide what action needs to be taken on a "case-by-case basis" if it confirmed the report's findings. Researchers highlighted the pork, which was found in beef and turkey hot dogs, as a particularly problematic result, given that some religions forbid the consumption of pork. Traces of Human DNA found in Hot dogs | Science Times In other words, yes, your hot dogs are going to have a little human DNA on them. Analysis: Some Hot Dog Brands Contain Human DNA Well, it is true that human DNA was found in about 2 percent of hot dogs that were analyzed in one study, reported. Oaklander, M., This Could Cut Your Health Costs by $25,000 a Year, Study Finds, Time web site,October 13, 2015; Human DNA Found in a Small Sample of Hot Dogs and Sausages [2]. Scientists may have tracked down the small percentage of DNA that might give modern humans the qualities unique to the species. Do they have appropriate laboratory quality procedures with both positive and negative reference sample controls in their analyses? about Take The Gallon Of Water Challenge! The article "Is There Really Human DNA in Hot Dogs?" Heres another analysis that will either put everything in perspective or send you into a spiral of food paranoia. The company analyzed 345 hot dog and sausage products from 75 brands and 10 retailers, and said they found "human DNA in 2% of the samples, and in 2/3rds of the vegetarian samples.". What are they going to tell us? The Clear Labs hot dog study found human DNA samples in 2 percent of the 345 hot dogs and sausages. Pork was found in 3% of samples, mostly in products advertised as chicken- or turkey-only, a discovery that is likely very disturbing to those who avoid pork due to religious reasons. Two-thirds of that human DNA was found in vegetarian hot dogs. Hot Diggity Dog: 14% Of Hot Dogs And Sausages Contain Unlisted The study comes from Clear Labsa food analytics startup based in Menlo Park, CA which used "genomic technology" to investigate hot dogs on a molecular level. But a word of warning - the scientists only looked at one sample of each product, so it's hard to get a clear picture from that limited information about the overall safety and accuracy of an entire product line or brand. Some minor adjustments to your diet might be exactly what you need. What is DNA?: MedlinePlus Genetics Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, about 7 billion hot dogs will be consumed in the U.S., and on the Fourth of July more than 150 million hot dogs will be consumed alone. In addition to the human DNA, 67% of the hygienic issues detected in the samples were caused by vegetarian products. It did not . First published on October 25, 2015 / 10:20 AM. about 7 billion hot dogs will be consumed in the U.S. The answer may be found in overlooked DNA Date: October 8, 2021 Source: Lund University Summary: Our DNA is very similar to that of the chimpanzee, which in. Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. While, Before you gulp that daily glass of OJ, check out these 9 other surprising foods packed with vitamin C, an essential nutrient required for the development and maintenance of scar tissue, blood vessels, cartilage and more. Andrew L. Milkowski, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Wisconsin, says hes suspicious about the quality of (Clear Labs) information., After reviewing the companys website and research, Milkowski claims that while the founders have a molecular genetics background, as far as I can tell they do not have any expertise or scientific training around food or agriculture. And they provide limited information on their methodology. Sixty-seven percent of hygienic problems found in the report were from vegetarian products. How is anything from the bodies of a hotdog worker getting into the mix? "It is unlikely that human DNA is harmful to consumer health. Researchers found issues with 14.4 percent of analyzed samples. .css-1pm21f6{display:block;font-family:AvantGarde,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;margin-bottom:0.3125rem;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-1pm21f6:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-1pm21f6{font-size:1rem;line-height:1.3;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-1pm21f6{font-size:1rem;line-height:1.3;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-1pm21f6{font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.3;}}The Absolute Best Crackers for Healthy Snacking, 18 Healthy Snacks That Actually Keep You Full, 15 Surprising Health Benefits of Chia Seeds, Tasty High-Protein Snacks to Keep You Fueled, The 15 Best Protein Powders for Smoothie Making, The Healthiest Fast Food Menu Items at Chains, 37 Calcium-Rich Foods That Aren't a Glass of Milk. DNA from cave dirt reveals details of Neanderthals and other - CNN Do you really know whats in your food? We may earn a commission through links on our site. Well, as you hopefully already knew, hot dogs arent something you should be eating at every meal. Eric Spitznagel is a frequent contributor to magazines like Playboy, Esquire, and the New York Times, and was employed for over two decades by the Second City comedy theater, where Stephen Colbert was his Secret Santa _twice. "Theres the old saying, 'You dont want to know how the sausage get made.' Initial attempts by USA TODAY Network to reach out to the company independently have proved unsuccessful. So what does this mean to you? In products not supposed to contain them, 10 contained tracesof chicken meat, 9 pork, 4 beef, 3 turkey and 2 lamb. This content is imported from youTube. What percentage of grocery store fruits and vegetables have a little human DNA on them? And for most of the Internet, it was enough reason to go into full-on panic mode. Hot Dogs Contain Human DNA, Veggie Dogs Contain Meat: Study Report: Human DNA found in hot dogs - USA TODAY What are they going to tell us? So, sorry, there aren't any pig anuses in hot dogs. Clear Food also found other problems with the hot dogs, including mislabeled ingredients, which could raise concern among religious and vegetarian groups. However, areport uncoveredsome startling findingson what peopleare really eating when theybite into a frankfurter. And if this new research is in any way factual, 1.4 of your yearly hot dogs have bits of people in them. In effect, almost all U.S. hot dogs are made with just meat.". Where Did The Human Dna In Hot Dogs Come From - BikeHike Ten percent of vegetarian products contained meat. — -- The food that's a staple of American cookouts is getting some scrutiny for some unexpected ingredients. Probably not, right? Yes, humans work at meat processing establishments, he says. Challenge yourself to drink one gallon of water DAILY at least for 30 days! Human DNA Found in Hot Dogs - and 10% of Veggie Dogs Contain Meat But it's definitely disconcerting news for all those who are trying to cut down or avoid eating meat products by buying vegetarian options. Human DNA Found in Hot Dogs - Doctors Health Press Difficult economy and loneliness forces some retirees to move in with family, New drug could slow one type of vision loss, 20,000 people may have been exposed to measles at Asbury University revival. DNA from 7,300-year-old skeleton Bess' found in Sulawesi cave uncovers Human DNA. They also discovered human DNA in two percent of the samples. Altogether, 75 different hot dog brands from 10 different retailers were studied. Vitamin Status. If you crunched the numbers, it was admittedly alarming. It happens. Gardein was the top specialty or regional brand. Do they have appropriate laboratory quality procedures with both positive and negative reference sample controls in their analyses? Still, it's always nice to use a little science when making your shopping decisions, so go forth and gorge yourself on hot dogs. Only a tiny fraction of our DNA is uniquely human - Science News "Imagine how many apples could test positive after being handled by half the people shopping in the grocery store," he says. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. As for the top dogs, Clear Food recommends national brands Butterball, McCormick, Eckrich and Hebrew National. We talked to the actual experts in meat science, and got the real story, Is there any food more maligned than the lowly hot dog? How is anything from the bodies of a hotdog worker getting into the mix? Substitution issues are much more problematic. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information.