"And yeah, I didn't know I was going to go that fast so I grabbed the fking rope and I tried to make a goddamn funny video for people but this is where I made a mistake. David Dobrik Sued for $10 Million by Ex Vlog Squad Member Jeff Wittek The Jeff Wittek accident footage is wild, no idea how David Dobrik comes back from everything that's happened. Terms of Use Jeff Wittek shares video of near-fatal David Dobrik vlog - PopBuzz Never miss a story sign up for PEOPLE's free weekly newsletter to get the biggest news of the week delivered to your inbox every Friday. Where Is Paul Murdaugh's Ex, Morgan, Now? Jeff himself made this clear. He shared a photo and video from the hospital at the time, showing his bruised right eye. Vlog Squad member Jeff Wittek revealed the accident occurred while David Dobrik was driving an excavator. Eventually, Jeff got on a rope attached to the excavator as David controleld it. For once David shouldnt have hired people for content and instead gotten some actual professionals. The public apologies, however, did not go down well on the internet. "The fact that he is a scumbag friend, a fake friend, now that . It looks like this is the accident Jeff was referring to in June 2020, when he wrote on Instagram . The YouTuber has uploaded a censored version of his latest episode. The camera then jumped to Dobrik's perspective, who says "Oh, s---.". Ethan said that there was a video of Jeff's wittek's eye injury up close and it was supposedly gorey, is there a repost anywhere? What happened to Jeff's eye? I put friends in quotations because I could never imagine putting my friends in harms way like this. What's the worst that could happen if I swing from a rope over a one foot deep lake? F the system lets do things our way! JEFF WITTEK'S Uncensored INJURIES from his PATREON - YouTube Wittek then details how members of the Vlog Squad - the name of the LA friends who work with . A few clips showed Wittek face down in the water, and Vlog Squad members screaming and rushing to his aid. Ill have permanent brain damage; Im not attempting to give folks advice. The uncensored video is only part of the bonus episodes and will not be available to people who opt for an official Patron membership. your username. So I grabbed the f---ing rope and I tried to make a goddamn funny video for people. The tractor, driven by David, pulled tubes and wakeboards around the water and, at first, everything was relatively safe. By Daniel S. Levine Jeff Wittek (@jeffwittek) / Twitter Its called antisocial personality disorder, or psycopathy; not all psychopaths are murdereds and serial killers. I was expecting too see the footage of his face getting bashed in because people were saying it was "gorey," and "bloody," and his eye had apparently popped out. Why'd Alex Murdaugh Allegedly Kill His Wife & Son? The revelations about Wittek's accident come amid controversy within the Vlog Squad involving allegations of rape and assault, including from a former Vlog Squad member, Seth Francois, who recently spoke out about experiencing sexual assault while participating in the filming for a prank video. The official Patron is for $5 and gives the members an early access to the videos. Jeff Wittek Accident Footage: What Happened To Him ? What Is There In Meanwhile, the VIP Patron is for $20. Ans- In a Utah Lake, when Jeff was swinging on a rope that was attached to a crane. Wittek claims Dobrik was driving the excavator during the accident. ", He added, "This was where I made a mistake. David Dobrik Sued for Excavator Stunt Gone Wrong, Man Claims He - TMZ document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); David Dobriks former friend and collaborator is suing the YouTube star over a near-death stunt that landed him in the hospital in 2020. Jeff revealed in the Skotcast episode that he used humor to get by during the tough times. On her off time, she's probably watching Ru Paul's Drag Race, traversing NYC for the best donuts, or, most likely, enjoying time in her favorite place in the world: her bed. The YouTuber was in an accident that injured his face when filming for David Dobrik's vlogs. "I got in an accident and broke my face and skull in a few places. The video resurfaced after Jeff Wittek said he was injured while filming for Dobrik's vlogs. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. He literally had Jeffs life dangling in front of him and pushed it too far. This is such a stupid fucking idea I dont know how these guys thought it would be okay. He has already published two apology videos, first on March 16 and another on March 22. Viewers have suggested that Dobrik may have put his friends in uncomfortable, unpleasant, or even dangerous situations for entertainment. Seventeen picks products that we think you'll love the most. Kopf jumped off the rope and Wittek jumped on. Jeff Wittek Accident Footage-FAQs-Q.1 Why is he popular? Where to watch Jeff Wittek's uncensored Patreon video: Accident footage Where is Anthony Cook From "Murdaugh Murders" Now? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Jeff Wittek - Wikipedia Just pushing other peoples limits for his own gain. About a year later, Wittek is now telling that story as a part of his How I Broke my Face series. /r/h3h3productions is the home for Fupa Troopas and Foot Soldiers alike! Its just an emotional thing. Press J to jump to the feed. How the Vlog Squad's Jeff Wittek found fame through controversy, from Jeff Wittek Accident Footage {2023} Read About It Here! "This is where I made a mistake. Its the most unfortunate thing ever. YouTuber Jeff Wittek has finally revealed that he injured his eye while swinging from an excavator which was being controlled by David Dobrik, a YouTube star with more than 18 million followers who was at the helm of the Vlog Squad, the YouTuber collective that Wittek was part of. IceCreamNarwhals 2 yr. ago. Vlog Squad member Jeff Wittek recently started releasing a tell-all video documentary about his experiences in the YouTube collective, specifically sharing how he suffered a major eye injury last year. In the video, Jeff explains that, a few months into the pandemic, David Dobrik wanted to make a comeback to YouTube after not posting for awhile his idea was for the Vlog Squad to do a series of crazy stunts for a new video. My last video is a testament to that. Press J to jump to the feed. David Dobrik Says Jeff Wittek's Accident Was 'the Worst Thing' - Peoplemag The video wasn't gorey. Jeff's Eye : r/DavidDobrik - reddit Jeff Wittek is seeking $10 million in damages to cover the cost of wage loss, earning capacity loss and hospital bills he attained as a result of the accident. In the conversation, Wendy is seen saying Id sell it now. He got a staph infection which ended up eating the bone marrow in his hip. Wittek said when it was his turn to go, Dobrik allegedly began swinging the excavator too fast, which caused him to slam into it and get seriously injured, according to TMZ. This make me feel physically sick. Carolyn Twersky is an associate editor for Seventeen covering celebrities, entertainment, politics, trends, and health. It showed more about the lead-up to the accident, including clips of Wittek and two friends and fellow Vlog Squad members, Natalie Noel and Todd Smith, learning to skydive. The accident actually occurred in 2020 and Jeff, who detailed his recovery and rehabilitation . He shared footage of a prank showing the group of vloggers placing an excavator vehicle in a lake and . I forgot the biggest fking idiot I know was driving it.". Jeff, who doctors said was literally inches from death, shared the graphic uncensored images and footage of the incident on Patreon, charging up to $20 . It was a stunt gone wrong that left a serious injury. Jeff Wittek confirms he won't sue David Dobrik after life - Dexerto Wittek first met Toddy Smith, a Vlog Squad member, in 2017 in New York City at an American Express brand deal event. The end of the video showed previews of the next installment of the documentary with interviews with some of the people who were there. reddit.com. Ans- Summer 2020 Is Rick Boogs Related To Rick Rude? In April, Jeff revealed that he had been in a near-fatal accident after an excavator prank pulled by YouTuber David Dobrik went horribly wrong. ", Then, Wittek goes next. . The truth about Jeff's accident has now increased conversation about David Dobrik's behaviour, the Vlog Squad and all the allegations against them.. Back in March, Jeff was confronted by Trisha Paytas and Ethan Klein on the Frenemies podcast, when they grilled him about the allegations and reports of sexual assault against former Vlog Squad member Durte Dom, and his now-privated 'My Truth' video. Dobrik addressed these issues in his second apology video, which focused on the rape allegations. The scariest part of jail, according to Jeff, was getting in trouble. I forgot that the biggest f------ idiot I know was driving it.". Riverdale Has Dropped Its Final Season Trailer. A representative for Dobrik did not immediately respond to PEOPLE's request for comment. He COULD have been charged with manslaughter had Jeff been inches closer to the excavator. Why Billie Eilish Deleted All Her Social Media, Miley's Backyard Sessions Are Hitting Disney+. "Sorry I haven't posted any new pics of the mullet this week," he wrote at the time. Trending streaming, TV, Movies and pop culture news, features and more. However, one can view it by subscribing to his Patreon page. Jeff gets flung around on rope by excavator operated by David Dobrik. Jeff Wittek has conveyed a sensible view and unscripted video of the genuinely close difficulty that almost killed him. Q.3 When was Jeff Wittek hit by a crane? YouTube took it down, Yo thanks everybody has been talking about that one and I couldn't find it, I dont understand why you guys want to see this so badly? A lot of this comes down to greed, they like to keep the circle "small" so everyone gets a bigger cheque at the end. The clip is part of his documentary series Don't Try This At Home. He really is running a circus, isn't he? The 31-year-old revealed that he had sustained a life-threatening injuryand blames Dobrik. He made reference to this in a podcast. The website gives you different membership options, and you can choose the one that fits you the best. Jeff Wittek. Here is the video where he tells the story. He continued selling drugs after relocating to Miami, Florida, and was eventually arrested in 2011 for possession of marijuana, cocaine, and a controlled substance, as . I sincerely hope people dont do this if something happens to you, Jeff himself has released the video uncensored and is charging for it. Jeff released the uncensored video of his accident on his Patreon page. YouTube star Jeff Wittek shared a new video to explain how he suffered serious injuries while filming a video last year. David Dobrik is facing backlash after new footage shows fellow Vlog Squad member Jeff Wittek . Footage Show Dangerous Stunt Gone Wrong . Jeff is currently a hospital patient. I only begged that he not hold me responsible for getting my face bashed in. Wittek released the first part of his Don't Try This at Home series on Sunday and is expected to release the third part soon. The news comes after months of speculation, rumors, and hearsay about what actually happened. The . At one point, the group comes up with the idea to climb a rope attached to the excavator and swing from it as Dobrik controls the tractor. But David setting that speed on high was the end all be all. Photo: getty images (2) Vlog Squad member Jeff Wittek is opening up about a stunt he tried for a vlog last year that left him severely injured. I guess he injures his friends for sport. Copyright 2023 PopCulture.com. Jeff wittek excavator footage #justiceforjeff - YouTube MrBristowHD (@MrBristowHD) April 22, 2021 These were some responses after the . The description reads: I willbe posting behinds the scenes or extra content that doesnt make it into the videos and podcast. I mean when you consider his team is Natalie and those 2 assistants the lack of foresight really isnt surprising. I dont even blame Jeff for being reckless. Although Jeff had previously discussed his injuries on his Youtube channel, they are not included in the case. Jeff Wittek just released footage from the day David Dobrik almost killed him. Show this thread. After the incident, the video titled "SHE SHOULD NOT HAVE PLAYED WITH FIRE!!" Wittek talked about fights, the struggle to abide by the rules, and getting bored because he was in a cell all day. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He has not yet made a statement about Jeff's accident. David Dobrik is being sued over an accident involving an excavator that resulted in fellow YouTube star Jeff Wittek incurring near-fatal injuries.. Wittek, a former member of Dobrik's Vlog Squad . He stated: Almost passed away. Its merely an emotional issue. In addition to riding other items there, David asked his pals to swing from the machine by fastening them to a rope. Honestly, having it spin at a slow enough speed wouldve been okay to be on that swing. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. As Jeffs buddies sprinted to save him, you could see him slam against the crane and plunge into the ocean. Corinna did fine even though she got spooked rightfully so. "And yeah, I didn't know I was going to go that fast. Jeff Wittek's latest YouTube video shows exactly what happened to cause his mysterious eye injury, and David Dobrik had more-than-something to do with the accident. . THIS is the stomach-churning moment a Youtuber's stunt goes horribly wrong, leaving him with a broken skull while his friend thought he was dead. The accused Vlog Squad member declined to comment to the outlet, and did not respond to PEOPLE's request for comment. "It's as real as it gets," Wittek tweeted. 3. and our Ive got the vid of the dude with the professional camera, There you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__k7db46-HY&list=PLfpPm1nbpxrFvVpvLTEr13ZA_9N6Xn9TU&index=5, I swear to god I see another one of this I'm posting a picture of my shit. I can't tell u how much it means to me. Dobrik has also been accused of mocking and abusing other collaborators in the past. . He said the uncensored footage was "extremely traumatic" and he did not want his family to see it, according to the screenshots. In the second . Jeff Wittek celebrates one-year anniversary of his crane accident with Heres how to subscribe to his Patreon page. Jeff Wittek "blackmailer" denies $40k ransom for David Dobrik accident David Dobrik is the YouTuber who is being sued, while YouTuber Jeff Wittek is the one who is suing him. NOW WATCH: 31 activities to keep you busy during quarantine, on hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic, by former Vlog Squad member Seth Francois in February. r/h3h3productions on Reddit: Anyone notice that the post in the screen recording says 2 hours ago,. Footage from the second episode of YouTuber Jeff Wittek's series "Don't Try This At Home" shows that David Dobrik was involved in the accident that left Witteck with serious face injuries last year. Jeff Wittek shared a post that included four photos commemorating the first anniversary of his crane accident. "I got in an accident and broke my . The internet was shocked when on April 22, Jeff uploaded the second part of a YouTube documentary showing the aftermath of his accident. Until the tragic accident, David included Jeff in several of his vlogs, and the two were extremely close. Jeff Wittek swinging from the excavator shortly before his accident. Then, the screen goes black and Jeff is seen hanging by his foot in the water and everyone is running toward him. TW: Ive never felt so angry at a dumb ass influencer before. I feel so bad for Jeff, my god. Early life. What's the worst that could happen if I swing from a rope over a one-foot-deep lake?" Wittek said in the narration. They clearly dont wanna pay for trained professionals or even medical staff by the looks of it. Hes always been irresponsible at his friends expense for YOUTUBE videos. Several clips have resurfaced since March, including Dobrik seemingly filming people without explicit concent, or pranking his peers with animals they are afraid of. In an episode of his podcast Jeff FM titled . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Scan this QR code to download the app now. ", David Dobrik was swinging Jeff Wittek around while driving the excavator with ONE hand. This subreddit is for fans of the show so I'm warning you with peace and love all hate watchers will be tossed! Jeff Wittek Is Suing David Dobrik For More Than $10 Million Over The Near-Fatal Excavator Stunt Months After Calling Him A "Fake Friend" And A "Scumbag". Vlog Squad's Jeff Wittek said he began to 'resent' David Dobrik after So, after jumping out of a plane with fellow member Natalie Mariduena, Jeff met up with David in Utah where they had an excavator in the middle of a lake. The video clip (Jeff Wittek's accident video) showed Dobrik handling an excavator on a body of water, with Corinna Kopf dangling off a rope while Dobrik allegedly controlled the machine's movement. . Jeff's Patreon page allows you to choose from one of these three options: Official Patron, All-access Patron, and VIP Patron. I'm more alive than ever. Doesn't put himself in danger, just those around him, like a ringmaster. Jeff Wittek Discusses Accident Involving David Dobrik That Almost The footage was later published on YouTube in April 2021. I would fing do anything to take that day back, he said on his Views video podcast. 'He Is A Scumbag Friend': YouTuber Jeff Wittek Opens Up - Newsweek Its unclear if Wendy told the YouTuber she wouldnt sell the video to someone else, but she maintains that she isnt blackmailing Wittek. Jeff Wittek YouTube. Later Wittek says as a result of the accident, he's suffered wage loss, loss of earning capacity and racked up hospital bills. However, Jeff stayed strong, and he made it out. Kate Fowler. The next posts showed the extent of the injuries, with multiple stitches on Wittek's face, and photos of him from a hospital bed wearing a neck brace. Not justifying what they did, but people cant solely blame David, plus who even would allow him to operate an excavator? This generated a conversation about Dobrik, and the power dynamics at play when creating content as he was the apparent leader of the crew.