Big deal. Once that happened, their play list was cut in half and they played just classic rock. Id probably say that a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff of organizing the events was more on my plate. Radio persona Dare was born on 27th August 1968 in Tennessee, the United States of America. He even took out his wallet an plunked down a large amount of cash to help with whatever only cash could do (gas, food for volunteers, etc.). Its by Dan Gordon, who did the screenplays for Wyatt Earp and The Hurricane. How does terrestrial radio even stay open for business? Im in shock over here. His on-air image is just that an image. 2. For a few years after his 1990 return to Kansas City, Glazer kept an apartment in Los Angeles. Johnny Dare Biography, Age, Height, Wife, Net Worth, Family I mean, they fired David Lawrence and he was the king of Kansas City radio for several years.. I quit listening when Tard started talking so much. You didnt just fuckin meet me yesterday. They had no evidence. Johnny Dare Braves the Missouri River - YouTube It lasted about a year; Glazer and Jeffs OP Stanford and Sons made it seven years before the brothers moved it to the Legends. He put together a treatment for his life story he was 28 at the time and fired it off to hundreds of Hollywood agents. Hes a self centered baby with a temper. You may wish to switch to the. You fail to mention that Johnny ranks #2 with Men 18-34, Men 18-49, and Men 25-54. You would think we could find a better show by now! Johnny is related to Michael David Dare and Penny Johnsondare as well as 3 additional people. Right. He hasnt been called that in over a decade. Radio has reached a plateau, stabilizing in its adjustment to digital life. Thats a $40 ride. Homes - Celebrity - Entertainment - Actors. I would like to be around to see what kind of change that will be. This talent helped him to get the opportunity of joining the famous radio station 98.9, The Rock, which is situated in the Kansas . There were women everywhere. Request Line: (913) 576-7989 Toll Free: 866-989-ROCK Text Line: 49891 *Msg & Data Rates may apply . Its an honor to make you chuckle out loud, Paul. Oh, and btw since you are hung up on 6+ numbers, you fail to mention that the KMBZ morning news is #1 . The April 29 Incident stemmed from and interview with pornographic film star Dave Cummings in which Cummings described the events of the "2002 Wildlife Productions Anal Contest" in graphic detail. I had a friend in high school who was shotgunned on the road for getting involved in Mexican gang stuff. Truth be told, hes been propping up the station for years. I mean, theres no way its a hundred. He listened for five seconds, rolled his eyes, then hung up without speaking again. Who knows and who really cares? He gets big-name guys. His fans growing at a faster rate, with each passing day, due to the popularity, he still retains. Yes, it was criminal because the stuffs illegal. Johnny Dare Halloween Display 2014 - YouTube I just couldnt listen for much at a time. And how about that Murphy story? When he was released, in 1988, he stuck around Hollywood, working on more scripts. Dan [York] looked at me one day and said, Look, youre talented, but sometimes you gotta do something else to make your dreams come true. So I flew back to Kansas City in 1990. Chocolate Becky emerged from the bedroom and started to gather her things. I spent too much time in L.A. chasing bimbos, going to Hollywood parties, staying up until 4 in the morning drinking, hanging with celebrities, Glazer said. What do you think of Jeremy Renner? Turning the story into a movie is a goal that has occupied him on and off since sometime in the 1980s. 50% are in their 40s, while the average age is 50. This site should not be used to make decisions about employment, tenant screening, or any purpose covered by the FCRA.The records were matched using first and last name only. At the age of 50, Dare still looks like a young and handsome hunk and maximum girls still want him as a boyfriend because of his charismatic looks. Dare is also the narrator on the truTV series, Full Throttle Saloon[5] which focuses on the Sturgis, SD based bar of the same name. Apparently you stopped listening a long time ago. [7], In December 2004, the Federal Communications Commission proposed fines totaling $220,000 against Entercom Communications for alleged indecency violations during multiple broadcasts in April and May 2002 of the Morning Show on KQRC-FM in Kansas City, Kansas, and KFH-AM in Wichita, Kansas. They had careers in the industry. Through the years I have had quite qualified sources on Dares contract. Johnny Depp's House in Los Angeles, CA (Google Maps) But shes always been big into the booze he brought his thumb to his mouth and lifted up his pinky and I guess its caught up to her finally. TKC couldnt buy pussy with a million dollars cash in a whore house. That guy has more class and done more for our community than any other talk show host can claim! My dad was about to give the Stanford and Sons restaurant to my brother, Jeff, and I came back to help run it.. Before starting his anchoring career with Kansa City's KQRC-FM station, Dare served for nation music station named KBEQ. He served four years in various California prisons. The actor . Maybe you can catch Bones passed out some night when she runs . I was on the Today show. Glazer was sitting in his cluttered, unglamorous office at Stanford and Sons, the Legends-area comedy club that he owns. In the parking lot afterward, discussing Dare and his show, Glazer said, Look, credit to Johnny: Hes the most successful media personality in the history of the city. Especially when the schtick gets old and repetitiousa la Mike Murphy, Tard? You have to understand, during that period, Stanfords was the most happening spot in the city, Glazer said. It will be interesting to see if he can adapt like Howard Stern did or refuse to change and update and fade away to nothing like Randy Miller. I think they should change up some of the cast. During his 1980s Hollywood days, in Glazers account, he dated a number of beautiful, semi-famous actresses, including Priscilla Barnes (who replaced Suzanne Somers in Threes Company) and Sandahl Bergman, a KC native who played opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger in Conan the Barbarian. For better or worse, The Johnny Dare Morning Show has been waking up Kansas City since 1993. Program Director Bob Edwards addressed questions about unexpected . The Rock is falling apart theres no question and who knows what theyre still paying JohnnyHe was a franchise player on that station They used to pay him $800,000 plus bonus. I think at the end of his current agreement Johnny will retire. He has a girlfriend., Well, fine, I get that now, she said. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. Get the latest from The Pitch delivered directly to your inbox. I have always found that most that complain about others are usually unhappy with themselves. Now, as he enters his twilight years hes 60 it has become his dominating passion. His friendly dachshund, Junior, was resting beside him. Im sure if he interviewed Jeremy Pivens it would be the same thing. Hope for the Holidays, Bikers for Babies and all the other things he does show his true character. You gotta be kidding me. Loved Johnnys feel good stories and some of the funny stuff but understand the talk too much critique. Glazer became a vocal cheerleader for Westport as an entertainment district. I dont want her in the building. The movie is all thats left for me. Glazer is now a columnist on the local blog Tonys Kansas City, where his writing is increasingly nostalgic and reflective. And with rock and roll, they pigeonhole themselves even further and play either classic, hard rock, alternative, but not all three. I dont want to go to Grandmas house and do midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. Dare has done a pretty good job of it but based upon the numbers, his and the stations string appears to be running out. You are going to be the guy whose greatest regret in life is that you didnt get your movie, about you, made. He replied that hed written a book about his life as an outlaw and that hed bring her a copy of it the following week. Im calling security., The woman re-entered. Used copies are plentiful on Amazon for $0.01, plus shipping and handling.). You never know what might happen when Johnny, Jake, Gregg, Kyle, and Nycki fire-up weekdays from 6 till 10am. The Academy Award-nominated actor lives here. Johnny Lever's house address is 151/152 Oxford Tower, Yamuna Nagar, Lokhandwala, Andheri West Mumbai, India. Thats why the movie is so important to me, he said. Yet after more than20 years of success and huge paychecks captaining98.9 The Rock, Dare and the stations ratings areplummeting, revealing that the emperor has few clothes. To spite his sons, who were planning to open a Stanfords offshoot in Overland Park, Stan opened his own comedy club in Overland Park and called it Stanford Glazers Comedy Club. And if its a black comic, we might do Hot 103 Jamz. find those listeners that like this and that, etc., like you said. KANSAS CITY, Mo. Times change and people either change with them or get left behind. When the lifestyle got too hot Glazer claims that there was a $5,000 bounty on his head he returned to Kansas City. show johnny the door and save some money! As your personal chuckler, I highly recommend it. When he was done, the venue was about three-quarters full pretty good considering its been raining all day, he said. The Glazer brothers had taken over Stanford and Sons and had gone after a younger crowd, adding a dance club and a pool room. Crazy people., Jeff addressed his brother: Who the hell is she that she can come in here and dictate anything or say anything about whats going on here?. So, other than the occasional late Saturday afternoon/early evening listening to Prairie Home Companion or The Fish Fry, I havent listened to terrestrial radio, much less the DJ youre talking about. Dare helped grow the day-long festival into one of the largest single day concerts in the country. He had it on 98.9 for a week or two last year, and for real man-every day between 2:07 and 2:11 they played Fight.for PARRRRRTY!. People can say all they want about Craig Glazer, but, fuck, the guy has been in the spotlight for four decades now. But at some point, you gotta look at whats coming next.. The home was also previously owned by famed celebrity attorney Marvin Mitchelson who pioneered the concept of palimony, calling it "marriage with no rings attached. Connies sister was married to this Mexican guy. It was a great idea at the wrong location, Glazer said. Unfortunately, the generation that is listening to the music isnt the same generation that owns and programs it. Johnnymay not have a wife to accompany him in his place, but he has a dog who never leaves him alone. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. He records advertising spots for Stanford and Sons (always closing with his Think about it! catchphrase) and shows up as a radio guest on 98.9 the Rock, Mix 93.3 and Q104, alongside whatever comic is performing at Stanford and Sons that weekend. Never was much of a fan, but juvenile co-workers where I used to be employed controlled the radio, and 98.9 was their pick. I just had this story that wasnt even made yet. On average he is paid 100 thousand dollars including salary and bonuses. He is host of The Johnny Dare Morning Show the morning show for 98.9 The Rock in Mission, Kansas. P.S. Radio stations specialize is breaking down these ratings to lure advertisers.. Federal prosecutors acknowledged that he was mostly sharing the drugs with friends and girlfriends, not buying in large quantities to distribute and not selling. The Johnny Dare Morning Show - Facebook The first 100 pages of The King of Sting detail this period of Glazers life, though beyond Glazers word, the truth is hard to verify. He has accumulated this amount with his talks in the radio stations. And by the way, the fact that The Rock had a half share uptick in October is pretty much meaningless in the big picture scheme of things. The Hawk's Nest tower, where John B falls in the fifth episode, is the Palmetto Park Island Observation Tower. Whats she up to now? (The station had already made arrangements to repair the damage) Stackhaus later resigned. Though Johnny is most popular for anchoring a Kansas City-based radio show named "The Johnny Dare Morning Show," this amusement personality also hosted the television series "Full Throttle Saloon." In 1984, Glazer was busted for money laundering. On the last Monday in June, Glazer was sitting on a white-leather couch in the living room of his Fairway condo, wearing And 1 basketball shorts that nearly reached his ankles, and a matching white And 1 shirt. Edwards went on to say that he watched Johnny read posts from fans and the messages have lifted his spirits. On this Wednesday, though, his black Lotus sports car was parked next to the entrance of Entercoms Mission offices, and Glazer was waiting with comedian Nick Vatterott to go on Johnny Dares morning show. I know youve dated beautiful women. Ive always been focused on starting the news cycle in the morning, so we post Craigs stuff at the end of the day kind of a thought for the day type of thing. Hes younger than Johnny. Johnny Dare was born in Memphis, Tennessee in August 1968. This eventually spawned the Hand Up Campaign, spreading the message year round.[4]. 50% of these people are married, and 50% are single. Gil and I assume thats your real name and I applaud you for that but this dismay real name too, and if youre telling me JD has never wronged another human being and you worked with him for any length of time at all, I have one thing to say to you: He could not have been more mean spirited and abusive to Murphy Wells and these other people weighing in are not missing the mark. So these interests clarify that he has a comfortable lifestyle and is not afraid of spending the amount he earns. In the 90s, when I was in Westport, it was a situation where I literally couldnt keep up with all the women, Glazer said. Why dont you get a drink and watch Dunkleman, and well wrap up in here, Glazer suggested. Recently, The Rock radio station has introduced a single day concert, the Rockfest which have gained lot of popularity and has become one of the famous concerts due to Dare, hosting it. Say what you will, but I guarantee that there are more with nice things to say than the latter. KANSAS CITY, Mo. ", The commission's official notice ran 28 pages, including 18 pages of transcripts for the four alleged violations. Johnny Dare Wiki, Bio, Married, Wife, Girlfriend, Salary - wikinetworth HD radio is free but you have to pay SiriusXM for the privilege (you can negotiate with SiriusXM for lower rates if youre willing to put in the time). He pleaded guilty. Have to agree. He started his career as a co-hoster in the Kansas City with the Z Network. Enjoy some of their best bits, parody songs, and recent . In days gone by The Rock reportedly billed as much as $8 million a year in advertising. Best The Johnny Dare Morning Show Podcasts (2023) It was, like, crazy, though. M-F 6am - 10am. smoke14kc. The Johnny Dare show is a guy thing. Some of his cast mates like T have gotten a little old. Johnny Dare's - Restaurant - Old Westport - Kansas City 64111 - Menuism You are right on one count, Johnny remains a local celebrityjust not as big of one as he was even a few years ago. Johnny Dare, a popular radio host at 98.9 the Rock, thanked fans for their support Friday as he deals with a medical issues. I wont wear pom poms though. Im trying to do this interview.. Johnny Dare reminds me if David Lee Roth, 60 years old and still trying to pick up 18 year olds. (October 2011) Johnny Dare (born John William Caprefoli) is an American radio personality. The person behind that image getting older is just a fact we all have to deal with, as we age we change. For better or worse, The Johnny Dare Morning Show has been waking up Kansas City since 1993. Tune in to 98.9 The Rock, Kansas City's Rock Station, Monday-Friday from 6a-10a for The Johnny Dare Morning Show!. Trust me on that. There were rumors that he was dating his co-host, Carrie Coogan. Not a 6+ family reunion show. It was just disappointment after disappointment, Glazer said. Look what the cat dragged in, Jeff said, and behind him walked a curvy blonde who looked to be in her early 30s tall, tight jeans, ample makeup. The third result is Johnny Joseph Dore age 70s . Frankly, its all too easy to put out a positive image to the public professional athletes are encouraged and taught by the NFL to do exactly that that doesnt stop them from beating their wives or girlfriends or shooting up Westport. Seriously? Hard to imagine, but 22 years ago Kansas City's preeminent, high profile dirt ball - for all practical purposes - was essentially created. It was a typically stream-of-consciousness outpouring from a man who winds stories of sexual conquests around recollections of business success tied to ruminations on fame. Said T is just an act on the radio. He wrote that he was unable to explain why anyone would chew them up. Johnny Dare has been on the radio in Kansas City for decades. Then it takes you through my years as a special agent for the attorney general in Kansas, and on from there.. He had been talking, as he often does, about The King of Sting, the memoir he co-wrote, which a company called Skyhorse Publishing put out in 2008. Please make your own determination of the relevance of these court records. Oddly enough, the Fox is starting to play alot of the bands that used to be 98.9s territory. Hmmmadd technology in there, as well. We interviewed our tech expert, Jaime Vazquez, to learn more about accessible smart home devices. Thats a much more interesting story, and its certifiably true, as numerous court hearings will attest., Dan York, a vice president of production at Universal Pictures during Glazers swashbuckling Hollywood days, said, Craig pitched me this Outlaws story, which I related to because I grew up in South Texas and was familiar with the strange phenomenon of high school buddies getting involved in the pot-smuggling trade in Mexico. The Johnny Dare morning show talks too much about sex for me. But now its at the point where I just want to get the monkey off my back. Because youre trying to demean Rick Schroder., Its always big me, little you with him [Glazer], Dare told his audience. The Kildare County High School is the Camp Road Middle School located at 1484 Camp Rd in Charleston. Follow up story please. Lawsuit says the man who wanted to save the Gusto Lounge - The Pitch Im sick and tired of hearing Stone Temple Pilots, Rob Zombie, Metallica (the old stuff), etc. And I dont mean an casual, LOL. Change is inevitable. Dare also took part in many other talk shows as a guest. Thats just unbelievable. He returned to the topic of the movie, his movie. Afentra has been number 1 in all money demos for three years and the same with Lazlo. By continuing with us, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. She invites their family over one day, and all of a sudden theres 20 Mexican kids running around here in my living room. Tkc Breaking News!!! Johnny Dare Fans Demand Nycki Pace Join the Show Spokeo is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). I hope you find her and she is willing to talk! Friday well do NBC 41, and sometimes WDAF Channel 4. Spokeo is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). We have a script. How they are distributed and what methodology is employed. Admin, if you make it happen, that one will reach over 200 comments! Craig needs to be a younger guy, so Im thinking maybe somebody from the Twilight movies for that role, he said. Ratings rise and fall, my 30 some years working in radio has taught me that ratings are nothing but a tool for sales people. I left town in the early 70s and didnt return until the early double-aughts, whereupon I immediately bought a new car. And I think the music is having a negative effect on the station and Johnny is talking too much. The incident on May 2 similarly stemmed from an interview with pornographic film star Ron Jeremy, particularly their discussion of Jeremy's ability to "self-fellate", and his graphic descriptions of sexual encounters with an obese woman. Because Im fuckin not. I work in sales. I do know this much, those demo breakdowns are both weak and suspect. However the plain fact is that in these broad measures Johnny and the station have fallen drastically. And as a matter of fact, there are a number of other facts pertaining to radio ratings that you apparently are totally unaware of. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. They like pretty much everything. As for KY102, the station personalities got old, the format got stale, and one day they were gone. @b_sanders50 Johnny bought land.and is now trying to clear it. This is also the former home of 1930's "Dracula" star Bela Lugosi. Now she looked tired and annoyed. If you wanna post unconfirmed ratings numbers and prattle on about your expertise, contact me and well talk on the record. You really have NO IDEA what you are talking about. Anyway, he said, we tried to write the script based off the whole book, but it just didnt work. I stopped listening because every day they talked about the same topic- whether they meant to or not. We don't know the exact reason behind this, but maybe this is associated with his personal life and the search of the perfect lady in his life. Will you just stay in here and be quiet?. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. Ive been listening to for bit. The records below may not pertain to the individual that you're looking for, and may or may not pertain to the same charge. So, do I think I was indicted because people wanted to knock me out of the mayors race? The host, and voice, of The Johnny Dare Morning Show is off the air at 98.9 The Rock, and in the hospital. 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In 2000, Glazer began taking shots in Christophers column at then-Mayor Kay Barnes and floating the idea of his own mayoral run. Unlike many forms of studying a market and conducting a survey, these radio ratings are a very inexact science. You come in here and throw a cigarette on a customer, Jeff started. Hearne: Johnny Dare Co Host Murphy Wells Bares All (Comedian Brian Dunkleman, of American Idol fame, was working the theater, about 10 feet from Glazers office.) Glazer went on: I mean, you dont know, youve never met her before. Our building is at the northeast corner of Shawnee Mission Parkway and Metcalf, right next door to Target shopping center.