vinegars, grape juice, syrup, and tomato juice. Any info, this is a glass one made by Owens-Illinois glass company of Toledo, Ohio. Dating old ink bottles - Join the leader in mutual relations services and find a date today. Perhaps a reader will have more info. M in a circle mark used by Maryland Glass Corporation. (More info, below, in the paragraph on the I inside an O trademark). Register and search over 40 million singles: voice recordings. (10% off), Sale Price USD 26.99 ), bottom is a 7 and right is a 2 (obviously from 1932). $7.95 shipping. Oftentimes large quantities of soda bottles from more than one bottling company was returned, and stored/transported upside-down in crates so the letters could be easily seen, thus the bottles sorted/separated quickly. The bottle label for Owen Illinois is side ways on the base as well. Hope this helps, Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. Honestly, I dont know. Craig, Art deco symbols on all 4 sides. From what I can gather it is a bottle made in gas city and possibly manufactured in 1938 but I cant figure out the 10. 359-G (Each group as a separate line). Of course, the original label is long gone. No one seems to know exactly why, but my take is that it simply wasnt worth the time, effort and expense to retool (erase) markings engraved into the mold.   Bulgaria   |   English (US)   |   $ (USD), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy, remember your login, general, and regional preferences, personalize content, search, recommendations, and offers. H in a square mark as it appears on a Hemingray-manufactured emerald green soda, mineral water or beer bottle. Maison DB - Roubaix, Hauts-de-France - Untappd Some possibilities for random items include hunters, fishermen, hikers, surveyors, farmers, nearby landowners, vagrants, ATV riders, or just teens or children out exploring the neighborhood and leaving litter! Take care, David. On the bottom it has the O inside the diamond but DOES NOT have an I inside the O. packer jars, "Lightning" canning jars, barrel jars, mustards, horseradish, David. Near the opposite edge of the bottle is a larger G 11. Can you tell me how old the bottle is? There are a number of them also listed on ebay and I was trying to see some of the base pics (uploaded by sellers) of other examples of that bottle. Best regards, David, Hi David. The PD might stand for Parke-Davis, the drug company, but I cannot be sure about that. with the above contention. Nice little bottle for your medicine bottle collection! 2018t. I have a old bottle the has the imprint on the bottom F.G on top half of Bottom and 7 on the lower half of Bottom. Or any other information about it? See commented on limited liquor and beer production, but not prominently." I dont know what the actual patent number is for that bottle design (assuming that a patent was eventually issued). company history, glass making science, processes and machines, factory locations (10% off), Sale Price USD 5.04 I enjoy receiving comments with interesting background info like this~ So it is totally impossible for the 6 date code to stand for 1906. I think the #4 to the right is the possible dates of 1934, 44, or 54 ; probably 54. from that era. Your jar indicates manufacture at their Los Angeles, Ca facility (plant code #23); I believe that number was used circa 1948 to 2004. Division" products (17 catalog pages) - Includes a continuation of See link! below is 5 and the top of the logo no. USD 5.50, USD 7.00 (30% off), Sale Price USD 7.20 He is also co-author with Bill Lockhart of the comprehensive articles on the Hazel-Atlas Glass Company made a lot of containers with style numbers on the bottoms. Indeed, for those who've tried and failed to find the right man offline, rapport can provide. Cant find any information on the Heres How. Any info would be appreciated. Des Pat 92901 Screw top with metal cap. researcher of ACL bottles and glassware) contacted this websites author and Iv Bottle In Collectible Medicine Bottles 1900-Now - eBay David. Steve, the bottle is likely a liquor bottle (judging from the 4/5 PINT marking) and the date code could be either 1943 or 1953. Did you ever find what the letter F stands for? Im trying to locate an all-encompassing list of mold numbers for O-I. Hi Ken, Hello John, Some relatively recent bottles made by Owens-Illinois do not conform to the typical marking system/configuration of earlier years. Original Price USD 11.28 Do you know how deeply this was buried, if buried at all? The 64-6 is a liquor bottle permit number (64 stood for Alton, IL), followed by a single-digit date code which was in all likelihood, either 1936 or 1946. However, there is an extensive This may or may not indicate any commercial production of There are exceptions such as some of the spice vials, kitchen canisters, some scarcer soda bottles, chemical/druggists bottle sets, and some of their various bottles in emerald green, or with unusual markings, unusual brand names, of very local distribution etc. (Duraglas brand name was introduced about 1940, so we can be sure it isnt from 1932). The bottom of the jug is not smooth, has a very textured finish. I have a blue Shell oil bottle. Since you found it yourself and it can be considered as a part of the local history of your own home, I would find it of interest and I would definitely keep it, sort of as a souvenir or conversation piece. ALSO, near the neck of the bottle is stamped a fancy crown with TRADE, W, MARK stacked on top of each other, all within the crown. By the 1980s, their mark had long since been changed to just an I inside an O. 2. David. I sent you a direct email about this the other day, but will also post this comment publicly as a followup on the site for other readers. Im hoping you might have information as to the use of such a large container. The term mold number can be confusing and can mean slightly different things depending on the context. USD 83.99, USD 167.98 (Latest confirmed date code with this older trademark embossed on a bottle is 1966). Bottle. Take care, I am wanting to restore the jar- lid & handle- for my parents but I am not positive what the jar was used for. Hi Nicky, I just excavated a coke bottle with an F above the I inside the O logo with a 5 on the left (assuming the Charlotte, MI plant?) It is Owens-Illinois, with the O-I diamond logo. were any made in the 1940s that does not carry a period? Thats the best I can do. David, Mike this is so cool believe it or not today I purchased at a garage sale the same exact jug with the same markings on the bottom except mine has 1931! It has the I inside the O and Diamond logo on the bottom rotated 90, and R 377 on one line in the center and 56-6 on the second line. Talk neck, very rounded and has a pinkish, purplish tint to the glass and fancy letters that look like WW on its side and N 3 on the bottom. In any case, I may have been unclear in what I was trying to write, and may need to re-edit my text. I think it is more likely the 55 (for 1955), but I really dont know for sure. It had its own railroad spur line. APPLD. Hi.. catalog pages. bottles made by the Clarion, PA. OI plant and "Whether this was normal with ~David. Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 13) badge! The Kolb Brewery was in Bay City, Michigan and closed during or shortly after prohibition. This is on the base of a small green glass jar, perhaps for an ointment. The 7 on the right is a date code and I assume it stands for 1937. 3 Owens Illinois Green Depression Glass Salt/Pepper Shakers Waffle Hoosier For Sale 3 Owens Illinois Green Depression Glass Salt/Pepper Shakers Waffle Hoosier: $49.95 . **According to I can send pictures is you would like. The numbers are likely mold identifying codes . I used to collect some Disney stuff and knew that Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation | Thanks for the link. The 13 is a plant code number for Owens-Illinois Glass Companys Chicago Heights, Illinois location. You would probably know. Numbers seen on the bases of Glass Bottles and jars. Can you post your query again or send me an email directly (my email address is listed under CONTACT INFO / NOTES near the bottom of the page). It may be a bottle from Scandinavia (Denmark or Norway?) Most recently I found a glass gallon jug, and I have been doing research but am having a hard time dating it. I was wondering if you could help me date an Owens-Illinois glass jar I recently found. About the Federal Law Forbids is apparent that some bottles continued to have been made with the marking even into the early 1970s. Thanks for writing, and sorry I dont have information about it. However, after about 1958 the great majority of O-I containers carried the new (second) principal trademark, which merely consists of an I inside an oval, or circle. Hi David, Then below all of that is 4637-GB. Patricia, Thanks for writing, and I hope this helps a little! Based on the articles I found the 3 refers to the manufacturing plant (Fairmont, WV) and the 55 refers to the liquor permit (Huntington, WV). The ACL process was reported to have not I found a gold decanter that has the OI on the right and D126 above 55 65 and 10 on the right. Bottle found today deep in the ground of my 1905 home. Thanks for compiling this, its super interesting! My fathers name Samuel Staunton Im guessing the 39 is the date, however wasnt sure what the SB stood for. The numbers are 1929 and 156. With your information, I found the design patent on the web with a google search. D 126 on top of the logo. I tried sending you an email directly, but you typed in your email address incorrectly so I received a Mailer Daemon notice. I do not have a distiller code list, but presumably a specific code was assigned to each distiller who did business with glass companies and had bottles made for them to contain their products. I am particularly interested in anything related to In terms of revenue,. Miniature Owens Illinois Brown Glass Medicine Bottle . The number to the right is a 6, but there is no dot next to it. Is there a way to determine what brand of whiskey was in this bottle? Original Price USD 6.68 Hi Norman, On the very bottom of the bottle it has 20 then the diamond, then a 3 with no period. Take care, Sorry I dont have more info to pass along. Hi David! As stated above, a date code usually appears to the right of the Owens-Illinois logo. Residue of old remedy still inside, and cork snugly in place. Thanks for your comments - good observations! 73096. From my reading i believe it to be from the late 30s to early 40s. Hope this helps, bottles, chili sauces, salad dressing, cocktail sauce, club sauces, olive oils, USD 10.15, USD 11.28 Above that it says John Morgan, it also says it is a 1 Pint bottle, below that it has a g178 and it says New York, N.Y. would love it if you could help me figure out anything about it, thanks. Your website is so helpful as Im finding old bottles around my house. Yes! Unfortunately my site is not set up to accept photos uploaded directly by readers. Thanks for all of the information you have gathered and shared on this page! For readers, here is the page being referred to: Lynchburg daily Virginian. [volume], February 29, 1860, Image 3 Also any clue what brand of liquor bottle this is? File #4: Continuation of the "Pharmaceutical and Proprietary Division" The 15 is a mold number. The number on the right (7) is a date code, but since it is a ONE-DIGIT code, it is not possible to be 100% certain whether it stands for 1937 or 1947. There may or may not be a number (mold identifying number) situated directly underneath the logo. I would say it holds more than a pint, but less than a quart. Owens-Illinois, Inc.. array of toilet shapes. I found several bottles. David. Best regards, Although horseradish was packaged in many different shaped bottles over the years, that is one of the more common shapes used, especially in the 1890s and through the early 1900s. Perhaps 1943. It has what looks like the older symbol with a O and diamond and i and also a 2 on the left and a 0 on the right . ~David. 3) What about other types of bottles besides soda bottles. (There are a VERY few cases in which a company makes both bottle and product, but it is not the norm in the business world!) Logos and Codes. Item discovered at; When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site . Although most (not all!) Does anyone have information on this book? /Users/owner/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary/resources/derivatives/D/D8DB1ECE-2A36-4680-8296-526F3C5B04FF_1_105_c.jpeg Hi Tyler, Columbus Ohio Found Bottom jar As Presented.. Hi Shelly, Thus, a bottle with, say, the style number 2579 might theoretically also be marked with the mold number 6 if it is being made on a machine with a number of identical molds numbered 1 to 10 or 1 to 12. Hi Shay, separate articles - Part 1 which is the overall history of the company and Heinz Ketchup Bottle #143. bclc lotto app not working; signs your internship will turn into a job; mary suehr schmitz. In March 2017, Bob Brown (a San Diego I can say that Owens-Illinois Glass Company has made untold BILLIONS of bottles and jars of all kinds over the last 87 years. Thus, some bottles made long after 1964 are seen with the phrase. Note: Any of these bottles that are found in a very strong, dark purple color HAVE BEEN IRRADIATED, meaning the color has been altered in recent years. H, Heather, the #4601-CB is not a patent number. Thanks! David. Also, if there is no Distiller number it may be difficult to identify what product or distilling company was involved. Yes, I was able to view your photo of the bottle base. Also I cant figure out what is on the symbol but it looks as if the Saturn symbol is like the second photo down. The jar says Presto supreme mason with manufactured by owens illinois glass company on the back. William, this is a problem with many Owens-Illinois bottles from the 1930s and later. Tilman, It sounds like an amber medicine vial of some type. Im not personally familiar with that bottle, but from a little researching I can tell you it is a soda bottle. I also found 4 simalar bottles one in which is 2.5h and is a screw top with a oval diamond symbol on the bottom., Krystal, the makers mark is I inside an O. The one different thing on this bottle that I can not seem to find on any other bottles on the web is that on the front just above the 3iii says: pour here with an arrow pointing upwards toward the lip of the bottle. under the logo there is the number 14 and under that is the PAT. Hi Lisa, USD 14.70, USD 19.60 File #22: Continuation of the "Closure Division" section (17 catalog 1920 Illinois Glass Co. Bottle Catalog - Society for Historical Archaeology Thanks Samantha, I appreciate your kind words. pages) - Includes more toilets, perfumes, and bath salts. It would be cool to know it was very old as well. The 1845 is a stock or code number (could also be described as a model number, design number, catalog number, style number or inventory number) assigned to that particular bottle type. (30% off), Sale Price USD 16.32 Although it is sometimes compared to the look of the planet Saturn, there was no real connection or intentional likeness, just a coincidental similarity. 1) Stippling (as you know, an overall pattern of tiny dots) on the base of many bottles makes it difficult, and sometimes impossible, to ascertain whether or not there is a specific dot engraved after the single digit. Beneath the O is a period and beneath the period (all of this on the left) is the number 13 on the left and then the diamond and O plus I shape and also to the right a number 2. Clear Glass Medicine Bottles (4) Owens 3 iv Bayer Aspirin Virginia Dare Extract., Hi Lisa, With the date code being 5, that would indicate either 1935, 1945 or 1955. USD 5.40, USD 6.00 The numbers are located in the middle of the bottom with the symbol located to the side and the numbers read 0126 and below those it reads 56-51 and the on the posited side of the oval away from the owens symbol it has the number 18 or maybe an I 8 if you could help me out that would be great and it also does have the federal law forbids sale or re-use of this bottle. Antique Owens Glass 3iu 80cc Clear Glass Apothecary Medicine Bottle 5.25" Tall Sponsored $24.95 Free shipping Antique Medical Cross Shaker Bottle 1930s Scarce Deco Piece $14.99 + $9.85 shipping Antique Embossed Glass Bottle Konjola Mosby Medical Co Cincinnati 1920s-1930s $14.99 + $11.45 shipping and who may have used it.There is no evidence that any logo in the form of painted, screened, or glued label ever existed. Part 1 - History. Thanks, 9 on the right side 1939? The neck is fairly short and bulges slightly in the middle and the top is threaded for a twist off type cap (that I do not have). The markings on the base indicate it was made at Owens-Illinoiss glass plant at Streator, Illinois (plant #9). Under seems to be either an one or I. Since there is no period behind the 0 I assumed it was the 1930s but it also has raised letting on the foot of the bottle saying Duraglas. I am not an appraiser, but in general, as I suggest to others who ask the same questions such as How much is this worth, please consider searching ebay auctions for similar bottles over an extended period of time, using relevant keywords in their search box, and noting actual COMPLETED AUCTIONS values. P.S. We found a George Washington 1932 bicentennial commemorative flask in our basement. If it is an I Inside an Oval, or letter O, then yes, the 89 probably is a date code for 1989. and the mold #3 below. And it has 7 rings around it. Hope this helps a bit! It has the Diamond & Oval w/capital I marking on the bottom with a #7 to the left, #4 to the right & #4 below. The numbers were 17 on the left of the logo and 47 on the right. $24.95. Hi Carol! Can you give me any information about it? Dating owens-illinois glass bottles - Best Online Dating Site - Free I think that thread would be in the Comments section at the Federal Law Forbids Sale or Reuse of this Bottle webpage within my site. Its probably a style or catalog number that was assigned to that particular bottle design or shape. Of course there would have originally been a label affixed to the front, and a wire bail which may be missing on most of them found today. 2. The bottom has Duraglas, to the left #3 the diamond with the O and 48 to the right. Hi George, Can you please tell me an appropriate year for this bottle. Code to right 5. I have a bottle with diamond/O and I logo. Instead there is the diamond and oval with an I inside. Division" products (18 catalog pages) - Includes a few more toilet At the top it says 1951. Also, many of the I have a clear glass, 1 pint, flask/bottle measuring 3.75 Wide x 2 Deep x 7.5 tall. linked PDF files containsanywhere from 10 to David. Hi, I found a similar bottle, patent# D86565, a 7 on each side of the diamond logo. The 56 (in this case) is a liquor bottle permit number assigned to Owens-Illinois Glass Company (indicating the bottle was produced at their factory at Charleston, West Virginia), and the 9 is a date code, standing for either 1939 or 1949, but I cant say for sure which year is right. Bottle Catalog One of the best sources for determining bottle types based on the shape are old glass/bottle makers catalogs. If your bottle carries the old logo, I think the chances are highest that it stands for 1933, but I cant guarantee that. other sources (Pete Schulz pers. Hi Jennie, That plant operated up to (I think) around 1962, give or take a year. Hi Xavier, Im not sure when the I inside an O mark was discontinued. David. * Maybe 1955? Extremely informative with a great forum. Hello, to the collector. on the bottom. I have a clear bottle, 11.5 tall and 4 across. Presumably, when this particular mold was pulled out of the storeroom, and used to produce some more bottles (probably for a relatively small order), it wasnt considered important enough to take the time to re-engrave the trademark. The 91 is a date code. To be honest Im not sure what it held. Thanks. I am assuming you are referring to the emerald green CANTEEN shaped Sunsweet bottles. I dont think there are any records in existence that would shed light on how many of them were made. Check out which online shop has the best price for Rick Owens DRKSHDW long-sleeve rib-trimmed hoodie in the Egypt. My questions, do you know where permit 56 was used and I read that the R means Rectifier but what does R- 174 mean? Brenda, How long did owen illinois use the I inside an O mark. Any idea what it could be? new products (it was noted that) "a new decorating lehr has been added Click here for a page from O-Is official website: Then below that 1845. Stephanie, the 6 is a date code, and since the brand name DURAGLAS was instituted in 1940, we can narrow down the possibilities to 1946 or 1956. These bottles are 10 quart bottles with a stippled surface and a clear rectagular space at the lower portion of the bottle that has the dairys name etched into it. The 1929 could be either a mold style number, or the year the mold itself was manufactured OR re-tooled. I found a ONE PINT oval shaped amber glass bottle washed up on the shore of an island off of Florida recently. Very hard to tell. Division" products (19 catalog pages) - Square and oval Hope this helps, this passage (image to the right) shows what is noted in the second Would this indicate 1930s? Perhaps a reader can help! Many thanks. I dont know of a foolproof way of knowing, at least on that bottle, which date is correct, although my guess would be 1940. On the bottom of the bottle is the diamond/oval stamp (no i) with 56 on the left of the D/O and 6 on the right, but no period. This information is from a publication indexed online, at this link:$c127996&view=1up&seq=11&q1=LIST%20OF%20GLASS%20MANUFACTURERS%20TO%20WHOM%20PERMITS%20TO%20MANUFACTURE%20LIQUOR%20BOTTLES. Many of them have the code G-94 embossed on the bottom along with the Owens-Illinois Glass Company trademark and a date code. Libbey in the 1930s, and in 1935 absorbed the My bottle is clear with the symbol that looks like Saturn, the numbers say 7 before the symbol, 4 below the symbol, and 3 after the symbol. Michael Owens was a glass manufacturer who invented an automatic glass bottle manufacturing machine that revolutionized the industry. Antique Duraglas Green Pharmacy Jar Glass Medicine Bottle Mercantile Stock. Marked 3IV is 5 3/4 inches tall and 3III is 5 inches tall. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); These bottles are believed to date from approximately 1915, and probably were made up to circa 1929 at which time Illinois Glass Company merged with the Owens Bottle Company (based in Toledo, Ohio) to form Owens-Illinois Glass Company. Fenton in an oval ((Fenton Art Glass Company). earliest available aerial). Best regards, David. with the following: 1. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Ali, there is a lot of confusion on the date codes, as you have realized. sentence - an array of traditional Rick. During the late 1920s and extending into the early 1930s there was a surge of interest in antiques (old flasks and other glass antiques in particular, partly due to such publications as Magazine Antiques which ran articles on old glass factories; and books about glass & glassware by Rhea Mansfield Knittle, Ruth Webb Lee, Stephen Van Rensselaer and others) so the issuance of this flask arrived right on time, combining the popularity of the father of our country with the popularity of glass as a medium of expression. Hello T.J., Any idea what the date of manufacture could be? Duraglas in on the side of the bottle at the bottom. Item discovered at; When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in . Since the Duraglas brand name was introduced in 1940 we know it cant be from before that year. The best I can tell it reads 4 IO Diamond Logo 3 I cant tell for sure if there is a period after the 3 due to the stippling of the base. I love these old bottles but anyways could you please help me out man. Thanks for writing and take care! Can you help me identify it? The 56 indicates the liquor bottle was made at their Charleston, West Virginia plant. Public collections can be seen by the public, including other shoppers, and may show up in recommendations and other places. If anyone who lands on this site has better information on the changeover, please contact me and I will update the page. I live near an old farmhouse area with wood and had found another older bottle previously. Website Illinois Glass Company catalogs also posted on this website - one of the Hi Justin, Hope this helps, made available by Owens-Illinois. Thank you very much for that information. Original Price USD 7.00 I dont know what type of bottle you have, but you could email me a pic of the bottle to my address which is listed on the lower right-hand corner of this webpage. Randy, Im sorry but I dont know anything about these particular bottles. Thanks! Thatcher Glass MTC mark on emerald green beach glass shard from a juice bottle. Take care, Michael Joseph Owens - Wikipedia Thanks! Lynchburg daily Virginian. Owens Medicine Bottle - Etsy Check out our owens medicine bottle selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. (30% off), Sale Price USD 83.99 merged with the Owens Bottle Co. in 1929 to form the Owens-Illinois Glass Co. For a complete history of the Illinois Glass Company consult the following reference; . almost always have a period after the date. David. Can this be chalked up to a manufacturing difference? KY.G.W. Diamond-I mark on bottom of amber bottle made by Illinois Glass Company. B in a diamond mark on inside of Star & Dewdrop master salt dish in vaseline glass, made in 1994. The left number was 3, which you wrote was from the Fairmont, WV plant, or post 1981 Muskogee, OK. My question was the right side date code. (Please see my webpage on the Hemingray Glass Company for more information on Hemingray insulators.). Assuming your information on the date of closing of the brewery is correct, it would not stand for 1946. This can help narrow down the production date of some glass containers. Hi, I have what I believe is a 1939 fluted owens-illinois bottle, but I cant seem to figure out what it was used for, I was wondering if there was a chance you or anyone else could take a look at it and find out what it was. I have what may have been old liquor bottle. We found this bottle embedded in wet sand on our beach. Take care, Hi Arnulfo, Perhaps another reader or collector will land on this site and clue us in on the year those bottles were first produced, or have info that helps hone in on the year meant by the 3! Here is an article about that acquisition: Sometimes just a tiny dot is discernible! catalog (an exception noted for File #11). Sat, 11 Feb 2023 18:24:51 +0000 View Detailed Check-in. The 2 to the immediate right of the Diamond and Oval logo is a date code. comm. The bottle is clear and has 4/5 Pint four times in a ring around the base and a very obvious seam line running up both sides. early/mid 1930's (*see "Catalog Dating Notes" below) On the bottle listed on ebay, they show the number on their example as 754 (or 154?). 1930s!). Would you mind shedding a bit of light for me?