a. No. A. Inquire with us for alternate financing options
Tent permits are required for their use for a special event or sale pursuant to section 23-343. c. Outparcel structures. trees would hinder the growth of remaining trees or where three (3) or more significant
Species excluded from the requirement for a tree removal permit (sec. Sec. waivers shall be granted only for expansions or alterations to existing development
d. Every change in grade shall be connected by a vertical curve constructed so as to afford a minimum sight distance of two hundred (200) feet, said sight distance being measured from a driver's eyes, which are assumed to be four and one-half (4) feet above the pavement surface, to an object four (4) inches high on the pavement. c. The street system for the proposed subdivision shall provide for extending existing streets at the same or greater width, but in no case shall a street extension be of less width than the minimum width required by these land development regulations for a street in its category. "Fzqi7EqE1Fd;|ialzIaU'YbB3\mQMy;%-[#;4YY(K>{y:yW"L$. 2020-30, 1, 12-02-20;Ord. a. layout of proposed structures and improvements in regard to trees of significance. As identified in Table 1: Traffic Study Requirements, there are three (3) levels of traffic studies that could be required. 23-305.2 Fire protection during construction. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, Code of Ordinances, Polk County Polk County Code of Ordinances Chapter 10.7. on drainage patterns. This 206.39-acre parcel has city water, and sewer is available adjacent to the property, with three deep wells on-site currently used for grove irrigation. a. Plan. Requisition No: 792094 Agency: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Working Title: OPS FISH/WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN - 77900195 Position Number: 77900195 Salary: $18.25 an hour Posting. Street pavement shall be as required by the director of public works. Future Traffic Conditions: background traffic, trip generation, trip distribution and assignment and future traffic volumes. This analysis should be conducted for the worst-case peak hour to determine the need for turn lanes. You can search by broker or agent name, Sec. No. 1 or better as established by the Florida Department of Agriculture. Sidewalks constructed in accordance with this section shall be provided in all new developments and along all streets on which a development has frontage, unless a specific waiver is granted. 2008-45, 5, 6, 23, 12-16-08; Ord. Sec. Location: MCCLELLAN RD, FROSTPROOF, FL, 33843
Turn Lane/Access Analysis No dwelling unit or principal structure shall be permitted on a lot unless building plans provide for connection to city sewer and water systems as required under chapter 21 of this Code. No tree shall be considered in meeting density requirements which is planted closer than fifteen (15) feet to the base of another tree. ii. 2 per customer station if applicable; if not applicable, 0.4 per 100 sq. One (1) tree shall be provided for every fifty (50) feet of buffer length. 23-308.1 Design standards. To be credited toward the recreation requirement, such linear parks must be in a landscaped corridor, a minimum of 25 feet in width. No. No. These requirements shall be permitted to be modified where, in the opinion of the
The requirement for traffic studies are based on the net external AM or PM peak hour trips for the project, whichever is greatest, as determined by Table 1. Prior to the clearing of vegetation or the grubbing of land, all trees as defined
Trees having limbs or foliage which extend into the cross-visibility area shall be allowed provided they are located and trimmed in such a manner as not to create a traffic hazard. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Chapter 4. 60, Eleventh Street southward from S. R. 60(CR 17-B), Masterpiece Rd. ii. 2022-080, enacted December 6, 2022. RESIDENTIAL / OR MISC IMP. Zoning, Land Use And Development Regulation, Article III. (See Table 23-242 "Land Use ApplicationsRequired Fees" under 23-214 "Tree removal permit".) e. Adequate access. MINIMUM AUTOMOBILE OFF-STREET Planning and Zoning - My Polk City - Polk City, Florida BOATS AND BOATING Chapter 4.4. RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS CARRIED ON OTHER PCL'S, RES. Highway 60 Lake. Locating parks adjacent to water bodies and other natural features is encouraged. (TAXABLE), INDUSTRIAL IMPROVEMENTS CARRIED ON OTHER PARCELS, CITRUS CANNING, BOTTLERS, BREWERS, DISTILLERIES AND WINERIES, OTHER FOOD PROCESSING, BAKERIES, CANDY FACTORIES, POTATO CHIP FACTORIES, ALL WH, DISTRIB, TERM, STORAGE UNDER 19,999 SF, ALL WH, DISTRIB, TERM, STORAGE 20,000 TO 99,999 SF, WH, DISTRIB, TERM, STORAGE STEEL CONSTR 100,000 TO 399,999 SF, WH, DISTRIB, TERM, STORAGE CONCRETE CONSTR 100,000 TO 399,999 SF, ALL WH, DISTRIB, TERM, STORAGE OVER 400,000 SF. Along a local street, the buffer shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet in width, and along collector and arterial roadways, twenty (20) feet in width. shall be made without the written approval of the director of public works. The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range policy document that provides a general framework for how the City should grow. 2 Beds. 4. North Wales Drive between Burns Avenue and Lake Shore Blvd. 7. 4. Refer to the link below to see Code Ordinances, Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. Shrub: A woody perennial plant differing from a perennial herb by its persistent and woody stems and from trees by its low stature and habit of branching from the base, as normally grown in this area. The tops and nozzle caps shall be painted with the capacity-indicating
All proposed projects for construction approval containing more than one (1) acre
than 3 to 1 [3:1] shall be protected from erosion as required by section 23-302.4. Land use. In the C-3 Commercial area up to 7 residential units are allowed as long as there is a commercial. Where a cul-de-sac exceeds three hundred (300) feet in length, an approved turnaround for fire apparatus shall be provided at the closed end. $262,000 Last Sold Price. Polk County's addresses the location of uses within unincorporated Polk County. a. RESERVED Any activities that may disturb the root system within the barricaded area. At least one of the shade trees shall be a street tree. Subdivisions shall have public facilities and utilities such as sewer, gas, electrical
replacement requirement may be waived or reduced. barricades must be placed and maintained around all trees that are required to have
US 27 access is only 2 minutes away and retail shopping is within a 7 minutes drive. Polk City, FL 33868. a. Applicability. Vehicular wheel stops or barriers shall also be properly located along the edge of the required separation strip. Two (2) sides of each triangle formed by the intersection shall be ten (10) feet in length from the point of intersection and the third side shall be a line connecting the ends of the two (2) other sides. Streets within new residential developments shall be designed to provide local streets within neighborhoods and collector roads to connect neighborhoods to major collectors and arterial streets, within and outside of the development. Central Avenue between U.S. 27 and Lake Shore Blvd. Zoned as Industrial Park property, it is surrounded by several highways, and Florida Interstate-4, the main thoroughfare traversing the desirable I-4 Corridor, is within a 30-minute drive. 117 Polk Ave W, Dundee, FL 33838 - MLS L4935670 - Coldwell Banker Kathy Delp COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY Chapter 7. a. Tree location shall be designated on either a site plan or a landscape plan. Search all Land.com Network members to find a Land Pro in your area. The property has 515 FT paved road frontage on Old Eagle Lake Road and allows for easy access.
b. 5. LOCAL RESTAURANTS/EATERIES UPSCALE DINING, HIGH LEVEL OF DECOR. b. Zoning summary. The Community and Economic Development Department is located within City Hall at 228 S. Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801, and can be reached by calling 863.834.6011. ft. of sales area in excess of 10,000 sq. Landscape material: Materials such as, but not limited to, living trees, shrubs, vines, lawn grass and ground cover and nonliving durable material commonly used in landscaping such as, but not limited to, rocks, pebbles, and sand but excluding pavement for vehicular use. c. Structures shall meet the requirements of section 23-422, dimensional and area regulations, article V, accessory uses and structures, and article VI, resource protection standards, as applicable. Developments on two (2) acres or less may be accessed from local streets. unless mitigating measures (such as root barriers) are in place to minimize any impact to said public facilities. code description; 0001: vac.res: 0002: vac. specifications of the department of public works shall be followed. Density maintenance. Phone: 863-984-1375
Polk City, FL 33868, Hours of Operation
otherwise, the City may require study and documentation of additional segments and intersections. When the smallest angle of street intersection is less than seventy-five (75) degrees, the director of public works may require curb radii of greater length. In some cases, for a Tier 3 Study, additional planned development traffic may need to be incorporated if the combined level exceeds the historic growth factor in the study area roadway segments. Vine: Any plant which normally requires support to reach its mature form. 1 per full-time or equivalent staff member plus 1 per 5 permitted children. For Sale: 4 beds, 2.5 baths 2222 sq. 2. b. 2006-24, 47, 6-6-06; Ord. Transportation Assessment: segment analysis, intersection analysis, and turn lane/access analysis for future conditions. d. Sidewalks shall be constructed as part of the street construction in a subdivision or planned development project unless surety has been accepted by the city commission to cover the cost of sidewalks, in which case, the sidewalks shall be completed in segments as adjacent buildings are completed. with a plan approved by the city commission. a. POLK COUNTY, FLORIDA, LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT LDC 13T-08, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. storm water, sanitary sewer, potable water, reclaimed water and other facilities,
a. Root barriers shall be approved by the Administrative Official prior to planting. See Section 5 for additional details. 2. 13 Florida St, FROSTPROOF, FL 33843 | MLS# A4553854 | Redfin Search Overview Sale & Tax History Street View See all 11 photos 13 Florida St, FROSTPROOF, FL 33843 $169,000 Est. Code of Ordinances, Polk County - eLaws Cow pens, shop, offices, three-bedroom, two-bath modular trailer in great condition, shipping containers, the potential for airstrip with hanger turned event venue with prep room, two guest rooms, conversation room, two full baths and five half baths throughout the entire property all situated on 310+/-acres with two separate entrances off Moore Road. A secondary entrance shall be provided for any development with over fifty (50) dwellings. Tampa is a short 30 minute drive while Orlando is just under an hour away, and the ease of access to major roadw, Lake Easy Citrus Grove & Homesite is a 10-acre citrus grove with county-maintained road frontage on two sides and can be subdivided into two, five-acre lots. Wiltshire Blvd. required to provide, at developers expense, fire hydrants at a maximum of three hundred
Off-street parking and vehicular access. The mixed use Planned Development Project (see site plan attached) also features a 2.2 Acre Commercial site with frontage along Scenic Highway 17, which will be directly accessible for the Single- Family home residents without having to go on public roads. The site is currently in citrus production and is accessible from Scenic Highway on the east border and Race Road on the north border. 0000006083 00000 n
0000009566 00000 n
of Chapter 21 Utilities of the Lake Wales Code of Ordinances. plans and recording of the documents creating such easements. A. Zoning summary. Ground covers used in lieu of grass, in whole or in part, shall be planted in such a manner as to present a finished appearance and reasonably complete coverage within six (6) months after planting. Residential development. The condition of the tree or trees with respect to disease, age and expected life
Property Dimensions:1,281.38 ft x 352.84 ft x 1,281.38 ft x 352.84 ft
b. POULTRY, BEES, FISH, & RABBITSW/PASTURE/MISC. No fences or walls shall be erected within the easement without the written approval
Include any vested trips documented within the buildout year, if directed by City or designee. Temporary structures are those which are designed, constructed and intended to be used on a short-term basis. <<7636FCBE8C064049AE7FB5A680BC4ED4>]>>
Segment Analysis Parking areas shall be striped or otherwise marked to designate individual parking spaces. LOCAL RESTAURANTS/EATERIES FAST CASUAL, MINIMUM DECOR. GPS Center Coordinates: 27.717695251149017, -81.62775860117848
317 Polk St, Hollywood, FL 33019 | MLS# F10364142 | Redfin Preparation of land for construction or paving and any alteration
The City of Lake Wales has expressed interest in annexing the property into the city limits. 2 SECTION 1: Chapter 2, Section 206, Accessory Uses, of the Polk County Land Development Code, Polk County Ordinance No. The design of structures on outparcels shall be coordinated with the main structure on the parcel. For Sale: 3 beds, 3 baths 3620 sq. Division 1. Land Development, Article III. General Development - eLaws Sec. The location of a temporary structure on a site shall be at the discretion of the administrative official. Where a cul-de-sac exceeds one hundred (150) feet in length, an approved turnaround for fire apparatus shall be provided at the closed end. duplexes, tri's, quad's in polk city, auburndale, lake alfred, winter haven area 10-49 units: 0353: . Fire hydrant
2. As part of the approval of a permit for a construction or alteration of a structure or parking area, the administrative official may require the construction or reconstruction of sidewalks in order to fulfill the requirements of this section. D. An irrigation system shall be installed for the permanent maintenance of the landscaped buffer. No. Future land use is 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres. All driveways and parking areas shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, or other stable paving material unless paving is specifically waived by the planning board pursuant to section 23-222.5. kelly.downing@mypolkcity.org, Ph: 863-984-1375 ext 231 Dead, unhealthy or damaged trees shall not apply in meeting tree density requirements and shall be replaced until the density requirement is met. Roadway service volumes will be provided in the Polk TPO Concurrency Network Database. approval or exemption as specified in F.S. and Rule 9J-23.033 F.A.C. Search 3,698 Polk County, Florida land listings, farms, ranches and more on Land.com. 3. RESERVED Article V. RESERVED Article VI. 3. In certain cases, if the proposed project does not include residential uses, the requirement for AM peak hour analysis may be waived by the City. ft. 1.5 per person employed at the facility plus 0.5 per 100 sq ft of building floor area devoted to retail sales. Tree density. No. TABLE 23-302A
Handicapped parking spaces shall measure twenty (20) feet in length and twelve (12) feet in width with a five-foot wide hatched area. trees being those which have a two-inch trunk diameter at four and one-half (4) feet
3. [_a=FN7 QCe2e,d(^Q7}) n
wy$ps|=ZE,Rwo7c&=eKK7eNw}1EXb/?GUA*9+^xj\nk-! Polk County Land Development Code 2 Chapter 9 Adopted 3/01/00; Effective 9/01 Revised July, 2019 . 1624 ARCHERS PATH, Lakeland, Polk County, FL, 33809 The multimodal assessment shall include an evaluation of existing and programmed bicycle, pedestrian, and transit mobility options. No building permit or site plan approval pursuant to section 23-222 shall be issued for construction or placement of a building on a lot unless that lot has adequate access. In certain cases, if the proposed project does not include residential uses, the requirement for AM peak hour analysis may be waived by the City. The purpose of the Land Development Regulations is to promote and protect the public health, safety and welfare of the residents and property owners of the City of Auburndale. The parcels are surrounded by unopened right-of-way that is actively planted with citrus. . Such tree can be located on private property or on publicly held land. and S.R. wires and related appurtenances is required in all new developments requiring subdivision,
The property is in Babson Park, less than half a mile from beautiful and clear Lake Easy and Crooked Lake. For non-residential construction and development orders, all development shall be
All residential developments approved as subdivisions, planned developments, or single-lot multi-family developments shall provide recreation area and facilities in compliance with this section. The property is close to development, yet still rural. 2017-20, 2, 11-21-17; Ord. Sec. See section 23-307 for landscaping requirements. 2020-30, 1, 12-02-20;Ord. No. Grass areas shall be sodded in species grown as permanent lawns in Polk County. Located just East of the town of Dundee, Dundee Lakes Phase 1 is a beautiful new residential development located on Lake Trask in Polk County, Florida. 0.49 Acres, 523 ADAMS VIEW LANE, Auburndale, FL 33823 | Land and Farm Trees shall be of a species which in this area will have a mature crown spread of greater than fifteen (15) feet and a trunk of five (5) feet of clear wood. About Climate Risk. TABLE 23-303B Fills. b. A working ranch with a custom-built ranch-style home, sod and cattle farm, several barns all 14 feet high, oak trees and cypress swamp throughout. is approved by the administrative official. 1. QX
:NTA0RD 1\7P30b`X>(,eB#9Qo e`FR/uiY\RP6fK|NQ,8Br2(-12lx-wn]FG}th8EfnKN{&S,fC3W parks and common open space areas as required per section 23-310. These records can include land deeds, mortgages, land grants, and other important property-related documents. spacing shall be decreased to six hundred (600) feet or a radius of not more than
2022-03, 1, 2-01-22;Ord. 10/07/09 - Ord. c. Failure to obtain tree removal permit. Municode Library Community buildings shall be designed to double as hurricane shelters. Existing roadway volumes may be established from the latest edition of the Polk County TPO Roadway Network Database (if available), counts from the Florida Department of Transportation (if available), or collected segment volumes (which may be derived from collected peak hour turning movement counts used for the subject TIS). Located in a high industrial and distribution area; there are existing industrial tenants in the vicinity of the property. North on Main Street to Polk Ave West. Tree removal permit. This provision shall not apply when a portion of a lot is acquired for a public purpose. No. 5. There are also planned areas for a clubhouse, pool, and playground. All uses covered by this subsection shall conform to the minimum landscaping requirements hereinafter provided, save and except areas which are used for parking or other vehicular uses but which are located under or within buildings. 1704 Old Grove Trl, FROSTPROOF, FL 33843 | MLS# O6088158 | Redfin Pavement shall be designed to carry the expected traffic loads and shall conform with current standard specifications for city streets. The barricades shall remain in place until a certificate of use is issued or removal
0000001335 00000 n
0000001047 00000 n
liability to the city. Setback from the future right-of-way shall not be waived if widening of the street is included in the City Five-Year Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) or County Five-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) or is included in any improvement programs of the Florida Department of Transportation. 3. to the city's tree replacement fund. Parking areas must be located on the premises of the land use they serve, except that a parking area may be approved by the administrative official on a separate site within four hundred (400) feet of the use it serves. $41,230 Down & $3,879/Month
The property is located in an area of growth in Lake Wales, Florida, and a new residential subdivision is planned across the street. 4344 Acorn Ct, DAVENPORT, FL 33837 | MLS# O6094233 | Redfin B. xref
D. Mini-parks shall be landscaped and at minimum shall provide seating area and connection to the pedestrian path network within the development. 3. Any tree removed without a tree removal permit as required by section 23-214 shall subject the violator to a fine according to Table 302B, and replacement according
23-214.b shall not be planted to meet landscaping requirements.