The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is hands-down, one of the very best family guard dogs in the world. They dont make their own decisions, they know the difference from right and wrong and will protect the family when instructed to. In a similar vein, protection training must replicated the real world. We carefully tailor our training to what our clients need, while ensuring that it meets the spectrum of demand for personal & family protection dogs. And don't forget, personal protection dogs usually become life-long companions. This combination of high-grooming frequency and high-energy makes the Standard Poodle one of the most difficult dogs to maintain. Also, like all working dogs, the Giant Schnauzer is high-energy and will need frequent exercise if you want your pup to maintain a good attitude and morale. WE WELCOME ANY QUERIES AND ARE HAPPY TO PROVIDE FURTHER INFORMATION, SO PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Thank you so much Guys ! Rottweilers are highly adaptable. However, on occasion, this is not the case, and we recently sourced a number of Rottweilers that meet our very specific requirements to train as family protection dogs. Please keep in mind, if you want a protection dog that is already trained by professionals who have competed on the international stage, feel free to reach out to us. In appearance, the Beauceron looks similar to Pinscher breeds, with their slim, muscular physique and black and tan coat. We tailor each dog for each client. The solution is a regimen of upkeep training to keep the breeds dominant traits under control. Life Expectancy: 8-10 years. A number of breeds are commonly used for protection work including the Belgian Malinois, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Dobermann, Giant Schnauzer, and Cane Corso. Their size and reputation are often enough to deter would-be intruders and attackers. Top 10 Guard Dog Breeds - The Best Watchdogs for Protection - Pets World Rottweiler protection dogs have a complex instinctive and adaptive intelligence that makes them ideal for personal protection and guard work. Following thorough and careful assessments, we also occasionally take on clients own dogs for bespoke protection training. Toys can be very useful when providing enrichment to protection dogs, and they offer high value in supporting training and overall wellbeing. The truth is, Rottweilers have average aggression levels when compared to all other dog breeds. Temperament: Alert, obedient and affectionate. As they are untrained, it is hard to predict whether or not a guard dog will actually protect as and when required whereas protection dogs capabilities have been tested and proven during their training. Intelligence: Highly intelligent. Rottweiler Breed: Characteristics, Care & Photos | BeChewy Rottweilers are among the most low-maintenance dogs in terms of grooming. Guard Dogs: A guard dog is trained to deter assailants, criminals or animals that threaten the owner, family or a selected area of property. If effectively trained and handled, a protection dog is very safe. All of our Elite dogs come with extensive post-purchase aftercare, and this applies to anywhere in the world. Despite coming from a specific breed, not all dogs may be suitable for protection dog training. This is usually residential, and is tailored to your specific needs and dogs abilities. We are particularly selective and discriminating with which breeds we supply our clients. The "king of terriers," the Airedale is friendly and exuberantsometimes seeming to have no "off" switch, according to According to CNN, for people living alone,owning a dog can decrease their risk of deathby 33% and their risk of cardiovascular-related death by 36%, when compared to single individuals without a pet, according to the study. Sold to Heather W. of Boston, MA. Capo - Protection Dogs Worldwide Below are five more breeds that make good guard dogs. The result? We market our dogs as being elite, but what is behind this claim, and why are we better than our competitors? Genetics Can Play a Role. Just like a humans hair, a Poodles hair will never stop growing. Plus, there are even more benefits to owning a protection dog. They would stand by and comfort wounded soldiers until they received medical aid. ALL OF OUR DOGS ARE VET CHECKED, PEDIGREE, VACCINATED, AND HAVE A PASSPORT. Browse through some of our latest training and role play videos below! But keep in mind, some Doberman protection dogs have a tendency to only bond with one person instead of an entire family unit. Guard dog breed are special dogs that are used to protect people and belongings from dangers. No matter what your protection needs are, you should have found the perfect fit in this article. Are Rottweilers Good Guard Dogs? | Pet Keen We train our dogs to customers requirements. 2022 PROTECTION DOGS WORLDWIDE LTD . We are very proud of the ongoing care and support packages we offer our clients after they purchase a dog from us, which makes us a market leader in the world. They can quickly go from what looks like a monster poodleto just a monster. Our protection dogs are expertly trained and ready to defend you. Since then, theyve become one of the most popular police dogs (right along with the Belgian Malinois). According to the Canine Journal, Rottweilers rank among the top ten for most intelligent dog breeds. We source our dogs internationally, only selecting the best puppies from reputable breeders we know well and trust. Temperament: Cool, quiet, eager-to-please, and stable. Anatolian Shepherd This is one of the most popular herding dogs in the world. Protection Dogs Worldwide is currently working on developing a young Rottweiler called Puma, and she is showing exceptional potential as a family protection dog. We are very pleased and happy how everything turned out starting from the communication, We are very pleased and happy how everything turned out starting from the communication, information and update sharing to the handover process itself. Here are the different types of guard dogs: Watch Dogs: These dogs are trained to alert their pack to dangers by barking, pawing or whatever means necessary to make their owner aware of a threat. Unfortunately, years of poor breeding has diluted previously strong and highly driven working lines. Few intruders would choose to tango with one of these beasts. Like all canines, this dog breed loves protecting what they consider their space and territory. . So, make sure you have the time to spend with them. Temperament: Familial, gentle and rational. Developed as a guard dog, early Rottweilers shepherded cattle to and from markets. With a structured training program, you can hone your dog's protection skills and turn your dog into an excellent guard dog. Dont worry, you can stop cringing at human cruelty now, as the sport was outlawed long ago. With our protection dog trainers' knowledge of breeds, obedience training, and protection training, we can provide you with a dog that will make you feel safe and secure in any circumstance. They are trained to protect their handler and family on command, and within specific threat scenarios. It is not a dog for every family. 21 Best Guard Dog Breeds for Protection - Reader's Digest Weight: 80130 pounds (lots of muscle mass). Its best to brush your Rottweiler at least once a week and possibly more often during shedding seasons. We house train and sell some of the worlds most professionally trained protection dogs. Interestingly, the Boxers snout was intentionally altered (genetically) to be half the length of its skull. Our dogs do not just protect your premises from intruders, but they also respond to events such as carjacking. Boxer Boxers, with their protective nature, make excellent guard dogs when properly socialized and trained. At DDR Guard Dogs, we're proud to provide an insight into our highly professional and humane approach to training man's best friend as a home protector. Rottweilers have one of the strongest bite forces of all dog breeds. Failure to do this could result in an unhealthy, irritable or snappy dogand nobody wants a snappy Great Dane. Just check out Sylvesters dog, Butkus, in the photo below: Interesting Fact: The Bullmastiff (named Butkus) was featured in the original Rocky I & II movies with Sylvester Stalone. The work she did with Miranda was mind blowing! Protection, Obedience & Dogs Training | Protection Dogs Worldwide Afamily protection dogis a dog that has been brought up with a family since it was a puppy. A good Rottweiler protection dog will always be attentive, listening, and making sure youre safe. Unfortunately, years of poor breeding has diluted previously strong and highly driven working lines. To find out more about any of our protection dog training programmes, please email [emailprotected] We will be happy to help, and look forward to hearing from you. Rottweilers are one of the most popular dog breeds used for protection and guarding work. Control is key here, and all dogs at an absolute minimum must be able to leave a bite at an instant on a single word of command. Rottweilers can weigh up to 95 to 135 pounds and have jaws capable of delivering a powerful bite. 5. However, if you have a family or are nervous about more aggressive dog breeds, the Standard Poodle may be the perfect guard dog for you. Early History of Rottweilers : King Rottweilers : November 21, 2022 Also, keep in mind that this highly affectionate dog will need lots of attention and human interaction. Many will claim to supply the best family protection dogs money can buy, but we do not believe that this is the case. Early Rottweilers worked as beasts of burden, carrying wood and other products to market. Its important to note that Poodles are less aggressive than some protection dogs, making them thrive more as guard dogs than in roles that require them to bite. Theyre high-energy and need lots of exercise. It is near indestructible. 10 Best Dog Breeds for Protection - The Spruce Pets The 25 Best Guard Dog Breeds for At Home Protection - Digital security alarms can help with your safety and securitybut nothing compares to the comfort of a fierceRottweiler protection dogas it stands guard over you, your family, and your home. As a company, protection dog training which prioritises suitability for family environments is our bread and butter. But even though these dogs are great at guard work, the breeders never intended them to bite. But even though these protection pups have a fair quantity of braun, theyre full of brains as well. The Beauceron has been used as a protection dog since the earliest recorded days of its existence. According to one study, chihuahuas are actually far more aggressive than Rottweilers! Top 18 Guardian Dogs - Inside Dogs World - Inside Dogs World German Shepherds can be trained to listen to dozens of commands, as well as be trained to act on those commands at a moment's notice. Theyre also a large breed and can grow to nearly 100 pounds. The dogs remained behind after the collapse of the Roman empire in the town of Rottweil to protect cattle herds. With so many companies offering personal protection dogs for sale, there is plenty of choice. Breeds like the Mastiff and Boerboel, for instance, have been trained to guard family and farms against terrorism across Africa. The Bullmastiff was originally bred for the specific purpose of guarding wealthy peoples properties. Happy birthday to you 1 year #rottweiler #dog #happy #rottweilerpuppy ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. They are known for being quick witted and highly trainable. This depends on what sort of family your providing to. This has led to temperamentally unsound dogs we would not view as being appropriate for family protection work. Rottweiler Protection Dog for Sale | Integrity K9 Services So, it will need to be frequently groomed. All rights reserved. Here are several aspects to consider before deciding whether to have a Rottweiler as a guard dog or not. Interesting Fact: Boxers were purposely bred with short snouts so they never have to let go of their enemies to breathe. Youll often find them classed with other protection dog breeds like:German Shepherd protection Dogs,Doberman protection Dogs,Belgian Malinois protection Dogs,Dutch Shepherd protection dogs, andCane Corso protection dogs. TikTok video from Protection Dogs Worldwide (@protectiondogworldwide): "#protectiondogsworldwide #doberman #belgianmalinois #rottweiler #germanshepherd". THIS CAN BE FOR FAMILY & PERSONAL PROTECTION OR SECURITY. Thanks to years of dedicated breeding efforts, the drive to protect is hardwired in Rottweilers, and it's a feature considered an admirable characteristic for guard dogs. However, when undertaking such a serious responsibility, it pays to research which options may be most suitable. Our trainer, William Ellinger, is super experienced in Rottweiler training and has spent years with this breed training them in various capacities, as guard dogs, protection dogs and service dogs. Descended from the mastiffs of the Roman legions, the Rottie can be a gentle playmate and companion, despite its reputation for being dangerous. Afully trained Rottweiler protection dogcan become your most loyal companion. We love her like a family member and she isRead more, A huge thanks to the whole team at protection dogs worldwide for our Doberman girl. Entered your yard? Plus, youll learn about the heritage of these dogs and catch a glimpse into what its like to have one of your own. If you may be interested in seeing if Puma, or other Rottweilers we train in the future are the family protection dog for you, then please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more. So, your Rottweilers calm demeanor could simply be the end result of a combination of the genes they have inherited. These breeds include American Bulldogs, German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, and Dutch Shepherds. With the U.S. military, Rottweilers have had a history of being messenger dogs. A Roman Rottweiler can weigh up to 95 pounds on average. 1. Training is essential to keep the dog from "owning" its family. Meet Joe - Protection Dog Trainer at Protection Dogs Worldwide Joe is passionate about working with dogs, especially Rottweilers and German Shepherds. Rottweiler Zorro Home Invasion at Our Client's Home. If you want an enormous guard dog that doesn't require as much work in the exercise department, doesnt bark as often as many other breeds, and doesnt maul intruders too badlythe Bullmastiff might be for you. Rotties are big, and most of them weigh in at 50 to 60 kilos (about 110 to 130 pounds); they are . Various dog breeds can be trained to fulfill these roles. Most dogs enjoy having access to and playing with toys. They arent very large (only 2437 lbs.). No need to stoop down to say hello to the tallest dog in the world. Welcome to Protection Dogs Worldwide! However, Rottweilers have a strong inclination to dominance. The breed was so fierce, people in Europe began using them for a cruel blood sport called bull baiting in which the Bulldog would fight against an actual bull. Warning! Temperament: Dominant, assertive, confident and energetic. To this day, Rottweilers are often aversive to being touched around their necks, 2.Rottweilers are intelligent and highly trainable. To prevent that from happening, we recommend the following tips: Theyll need lots of exercise and can be physically demanding of their owners. Around the world there are any number of companies and dealers prospective clients can source a protection dog from. Home of the Best Trained Personal Protection Dogs Dog Gallery Call now Ask us about Capo +44 (0) 793 0408 458 Available Dogs Astra family protection dog Doberman Elite Ben family protection dog Doberman Cannon family protection dog Rottweiler LUCAS family protection dog German Shepherd Ellie family protection dog Dallas is an amazing Doberman male dog,very well mannered good behaved dog. The Best Guard Dogs, According to Experts - Newsweek We have a goal: To ensure that every protection dog we have the privilege of working with, becomes a permanent, beloved, trusted and happy member of his/her family. A Rottie owner shouldn't allow the aggressive tendencies of this pooch to reign over its behavior. We work with the new owners to perfect their dogs obedience, as we believe this not only aids a stress free relationship, but also builds a strong bond with the dog. In fact, their mental prowess is comparable to that of a German Shepherd or the Belgian Malinois. A dog which is loyal, trustworthy, obedient and courageous whilst still remaining calm and level headed under pressure. No matter what type of protection dog you obtain, make sure it gets the training and socialization necessary to ensure safety with family, friends and other dogs. Through bite training, we teach your Rottweiler to bite on YOUR command. With all that information, youre armed to make a great decision when you choose your guard dog. We are very pleased and happy how everything turned out starting from the communication, information and update sharing to the handover process itself. And these dogs ancestors are renowned in history as a warrior class dog. THIS CAN BE FOR FAMILY & PERSONAL PROTECTION OR SECURITY. This makes the Beauceron a formidable foe to intruders (or other animals) who would cause you or your family harm. They can also protect their family during natural disasters, state of emergencies, pandemics, and civil unrest. Breed Overview Group: Working (AKC) Height: 24 to 28 inches at the shoulder Weight: 65 to 100 pounds Coat and Color: Short, smooth, sleek coat that comes in red, blue, black, and fawn Life Expectancy: 10 to 12 years 07 of 10 Rottweiler (Rottie): Dog Breed Characteristics & Care - The Spruce Pets A family protection dog is far from the stereotypical guard dog. Interesting Fact: The American Bulldog got its name from the blood sport of bullfighting. From last many years, the most common pet animal to rely on for safety purposes are guard dogs. Guard dogs are extremely protective and are frequently used as army protection, police and sentry duty. Malinois Belgian Shepherd How to raise Rottweilers as guard dogs. They should also be active and know how to allow their dogs to exercise their intelligence with puzzles, regular obedience training, and even tracking. Temperament: Bold & strong with alpha tendencies. Rottweiler Guard Dog Traits Height: 22-27 inches (at shoulder). We seek to determine this at a very early stage, and only work with dogs who have passed a rigorous assessment process while still young. Protection Dogs - Personal & Family Protection Dogs for Sale UK They love their families and are extremely protective by nature. Other suitable breeds include the Rottweiler, Belgian Malinois, Giant Schnauzer, Boxer, and Great Dane. A dog that is both fierce and focused, which makes German Shepherd protection dogs one of the best guard dog breeds. These dogs have a high physical requirement for activity and must be allowed walking/jogging time on a daily basis. Trainability: Medium to High trainability (training must be a balance of firm and fun). New and exciting premium range health products for dogs of all breeds and ages. And theyre famous throughout the military and police force, having been employed in history making operations like the take down of Osama Bin Laden. They have an instinctive pack mentalityand when properly trained, they only show aggression towards threatening outsiders and dangerous dogs. Guard Dogs - Top 10 Best Personal Protection Dogs In The World! We look forward to many many years with him. Lets dive deeper into each one of these characteristics to give you a better picture of the Rottweiler as a personal protection dog. Why? These dogs are well-known for their bold, fierce, stocky and muscular appearance. You might be surprised to know that the Rottweiler breed does extremely well in the alertness and intelligence department! Their size, loud bark, and protective nature have the potential to make them excellent protectors. Here are some of the reasons why you should have Rottweiler protection dogs for protecting your family or property. They may have a powerful bite force, but they are generally good family pets as well due to their loyal and obedient demeanor. Do you know whether your dog comes from a show line, or working Czech German Shepherd Line? In fact, contrary to popular belief, the dogs were actually bred in Germany (not France, as some believe) primarily for duck hunting. A training regimen set in place to continuously strengthen the bond between you and your Rottweiler guard dog. Message. Temperament: Obedient, loyal, good-natured, steady and confident. Healthy foods appropriate for the Rottweiler to keep their belly full and satisfied. Merri Elite Family and Estate Protection Dog. Despite their size and intimidating appearance, Great Danes are highly affectionate, playful and gentle with their pack. Theyre also very good with children, passing the bar as one of the best family protection dogs on our list. It is always advisable to spend time with different breeds of dogs, as well as individual dogs to ensure that the fit is appropriate for all parties. They are also affectionate and . Unfortunately, years of poor breeding has diluted previously strong and highly driven working lines. The education of such a strong, big and intelligent dog is crucial for . Yes, they are! If you are looking for the bestRottweiler guard dogs for sale, youre in the right place. 14 Best Dogs for Protection - K9 of Mine - Home | Dog Training they require sociable companions that offer protection. The staunch-looking Corso is one of the more steady, focused and confident dogs on our list. However, its absolutely imperative to have proper socialization and training if you want to own a dog this fierce and powerful. THIS CAN BE FOR FAMILY & PERSONAL PROTECTION OR SECURITY. All of our dogs are trained to work around common distractions and remain focused on their handler and potential threats. All puppies are AKC registered and encouraged to be active and curious rather than timid or aggressive . The Doberman is also extremely gifted as a guard dog or watchdog. We understand that there is much more to the ideal family protection dog than its breed. On arriving at Protection Dogs Worldwides training facility their initial development is primarily based on obedience work to build reliability and dog-handler bonding. When that happens, the dog will attack even its owner. The Cane Corso easily makes room for itself among the best dogs for protection, often weighing in at over 100 fierce pounds. Energy Level: Very high (can become irritable or aggressive without proper exercise). Once appropriate dogs have been identified, they are taken to Protection Dogs Worldwide's training facility. Any trainer who is working with a Rottweiler must train these dogs patiently to mold them into adisciplined protection dog. Capo's purpose is to protect, where his family's safety is his main focus. In order to coexist with other dogs, Rottweilers must also be properly socialized so they dont show undue aggression. His medium-length coat is shiny, low-maintenance, and black with rust markings on his face, chest, and legs. 2022 PROTECTION DOGS WORLDWIDE LTD These include Boxers, Great Danes, Cane Corsos, and Boerboels. The rest of the year they shed moderately. Guard dog breeds differ in their appearance, instincts, heritage, temperament and size/power, among other criteria. This will determine their courage, trainability, and most importantly of all, stability of temperament. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); WE TRAIN OUR DOGS TO CUSTOMERS REQUIREMENTS. They are fearless, very protective of their flock, and make wonderful livestock guardian dogs. We believe the answer to this question is simple; A dog that has been suitably trained not only to live as a family pet but also as a guardian, who will respond to any threat on command without question. We are trainers and suppliers of bespoke Family, Business, and Personal Protection dogs. They have hair. Rottweilers often enjoy agility courses, and these are an excellent way to supplement their regular daily exercise walks.