Margaret Keane is known for her iconic "Big Eyes" paintings. +12 Are Velvet Paintings Worth Anything - Asian Paint Card Without seeing the painting in person it is impossible to know whether it is an attractive original picture in good condition in a good quality frame. Etching and aquatint. I am going to examine my old pictures. If the surface is made up of tiny regular dots of colour then it's definitely a print. Answer: There are a number of Cyndi Nelson prints on ebay. Answer: If you feel that you have a valuable item you could seek advice from an art dealer or auction house in your local area. It hangs in the Tate Gallery in London. Thanks Carl! It looks like an oil, but also looks like a print. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on March 18, 2019: Sorry Abbi, but this is not a service that I offer. Elvis Presley Velvet Painting Wood Frame 11x 14 pre-owned. Question: I have an original Whistler etching, a dry point entitled 'Droulet the Sculpteur ', dated 1859. Answer: If you refer to the listings of prices achieved at auction by various artists on the website (this is free to use at present) you will see that there are around twenty artists listed with the name Baillie. However, if you have one of the many, many prints in circulation, the value may well come down to the quality of the frame and is likely to be less than 100/$70. Visit the velvet painted folklore shop. Sometimes these pictures mimic the style of established artists, but are either unsigned, or signed with a Western sounding name. A great memorable quote from the Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby movie on - Ricky Bobby: Mr. Dennit, with all due respect, and remember I'm sayin' with all due respect, that idea ain't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin gettin' it on. It will not be cheap, even lesser condition covers with writing, tape, and or heavy soiling can bring a cool $1,000, high quality copies can fetch upwards of $3,000. Question: I have a copy of Philips Wouwerman's oli painting "The White Horse". Alternatively, you can buy, or borrow from a library, a reference book of artist's signatures. The Pop artist was known for his bold paintings with comic book-style themes. i simply need some guidance , for example the email address or the website of someone who can guide me, and if you can provide me with such address i would me most obliged. Unless you are selling a more contemporary painting or a lower-value item, I would personally prefer to try a formal auction house first. Question: My watercolour picture is dated 1886 by Alfred Scott Broad. thanx again and voted up. Selling and valuing online since 1997. Any help would be appreciated. Original Price 55.00 Current Bid. Answer: Any item is only worth what someone else is prepared to pay for it. It is framed and the back label says Victoria & Albert Museum London 1820. Vintage Velvet Paintings | Chairish Is it worth anything? Vintage velvet paintings, which experienced a particular rise in popularity during the late 20th century in the United States, are known for their playful dose of chic personality. Frida Kahlo hand painted canvas. Question: I have an old etching. A sketch of a man in a 200 year old church might presumably have been left there at any point in the church's history. carriethomson from United Kingdom on September 16, 2011: WOW Amanda what a brilliant hub!! This painting measures 14.5 inches tall and 23.5 inches in length. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on November 19, 2012: Hi Catine48, thank you for your great comment. no to both, probably 70s good condition, just dusty. My mother passed awy earlier this year and as agreed I have inherited one of her paintings. Paintings do sell on eBay, but ask yourself this: If you were a collector, would you risk too much of your hard-earned money on a painting you have never seen in the flesh? 13" (33 cm.) As a first step you could identify a professional picture restorer who might be prepared to take on the work if you were to buy the picture, and get an estimate. However, a close examination will soon sort the prints from the originals. Hi, I recently came across 4 pieces of art that I would like to research. here's some beads I just swooped thanks to an order I got today . Could it be of value? Ernesto Sanchez Velvet Painting Indian Native American Spirit Buffalo 28x40. Theres no reason a fuzzy-textured painting of some dogs playing poker cant meet that standard, so toss it up on the wall and share it if it makes you happy. Question: I have an oil painting, but cannot distinguish the signature. Shop small For decor details, keep it planet-friendly by shopping from independent, UK-based creators. Answer: You appear to have a limited edition print by Dovard Taunton. Meanwhile, you could try googling 'B Giovanni Christ Painting' in images, to see if you can see something similar to your picture. Certain limited edition prints are worth more than normal prints. Our open positions are: - Nail Technician focused on pedicures. On the back it has CE+HE written in pencil. Crochet and Velvet Bracelets Duo | EBTH Amanda Severn (author) from UK on December 13, 2012: Richard, you e-mailed me via HubPages to ask if I could help you with regard to an oil painting by C. Zimmermann. Velvet Paintings | Kijiji - Buy, Sell & Save with Canada's #1 Local Answer: Frederic Sackrider Remington is one of the best known American artists, and his artworks make enormous amounts at auction. Answer: You could try signing up to Ask an Expert General Questions Antiques Appraiser LadyTanya65, Certified Appraiser Satisfied Customers LadyTanya65 is online now Related Antiques Questions Found an old oil painting. I am not sure if my painting is worth that much. plus expert appraisal, valuation, FREE sale advice and brokerage services, a FREE price/value guide, FREE sale prices, values, wish list and more. If you love art, as I do, paintings on the wall will always bring pleasure. We collected 23+ Black Velvet Value paintings in our online museum of paintings - Question: I have a signed limited edition number 48 of 480 of Cyndi Nelson's "We've Only Just Begun" it is signed by the artist and dated 1987, is this a print worth finding someone to auction it for me? [2] 8 Chinese Bowl Crochet and Velvet Bracelets Duo. Try using a different browser or disabling ad blockers. Locally based auction houses, art dealers, and art appraisers are all easily discovered by researching on the internet. Etchings can be particularly difficult to identify. How my h is my painting worth its a bowl of pears by AF BONNARDEL. Question: We have an extremely old painting. He worked in a variety of mediums, and his oil paintings typically achieve the highest prices, many selling for thousands of dollars. If it is a framed picture, then it is possibly of someone notable, or at least of importance within the church community. The 1964 composition was painted on a four-foot square canvas and had previously garnered $1.7 million at Sotheby's in 1995. Paintings by this artist don't often come to auction, so it may be difficult to get a completely accurate valuation. You should be able to get a feel for the range of prices typically achieved. What do you think? Sites that purport to give accurate appraisals via email can in fact only give you an indication of a typical auction price for that specific artist. I'm a great believer in enjoying art rather than fretting about its value. Try selling it at your local sale room or on eBay. Brushstrokes are not so obvious on a watercolour as on an oil, but you should still be able to see variation in the surface of the painting. March 5th 2023 @ 8:45pm EST. If, however, you feel strongly that your picture is a hidden gem, seek further advice from an art sales professional such as an auctioneer in your local area. (40% off), Sale Price 38.10 Disqus. Answer: It is difficult to suggest a likely value for these paintings without seeing them in person. We also offer tips on how to find valuable art at garage sales, flea markets and thrift shops. THOMAS DUANE CROCKETT on January 02, 2019: I have a Bohner and a Struenk. Discover art prints, glassware, candles and soft furnishings on sites like Etsy and Instagram. Answer: If you refer to the website, you will find that the artist Marcos Hernandez Garcia (also known as Socram) has only one auction listing. Please go to the Settings from the Mobile app for more details. Velvet painted folklore with a side of 3D printing. The dealer has a living to earn, overheads to cover, and all stock is an investment in time and money. They are not, however, high value items. If, however, your research has reached a dead end, you could perhaps approach an auction house or art dealer in your local area for their advice. could you help me in this matter and i would really appreciate it. It's a wrap canvas no frame. One does not need to own either to learn, and we should all be open to learning. Please follow the advice detailed above, and if you are still needing help, I can recommend the Webanswers web-site. Look for one that specialises in works of art for the best advice. Voted up and useful. It's an outdoor scene with houses, trees, pond, sea with a white sailboat. For this reason, I have to tell you that it is extremely difficult to identify an unsigned painting unless you have additional information, such as a framer's label or some kind of provenance. as they include images which are useful for comparison purposes. If you live in or near a big town or city, search the internet for your nearest auction house or salerooms. [citation needed], Edgar Leeteg (19041953), often considered the father of American velvet painting, did his best works between 1933 and 1953. Answer: As I'm based in the UK, I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with auction houses and art dealers in your area. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on May 29, 2020: Roy Briggs, the picture that you discovered is probably a vintage print of a well known painting. if you can provide me with any email address, then i could send you a photo of both paintings. Ricky Bobby: Mr. Dennit, with all due respect, and remember I'm sayin When not writing or walking her snorty pug Penny, she enjoys yard sales, flea markets, and badminton. Here you are! Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. The World's Most Obsessed Velvet Art Collectors Want You to See the Please bear in mind that the sticker on your item might have been applied long after the artist completed his work. Do remember, however, that auction houses charge commission on sales, so the prices listed won't necessarily be the amount paid to the seller. Pastels have been around since at least the 15th century and many famous artists have used them to great effect. None of it is worth enough to get appraised or go to an auction house. This site brings to you the mysteries that happen when paint touches velvet. Oil-style prints have a very uniform finish, even the ones with fake brush-strokes. It is used in the form of a stick or a pastel pencil. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on September 21, 2016: Hi GenAllen, thank you for your email. When they first emerged on the market in the late 1950s, she let her then-husband take credit for her work. This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. Question: I have a 1963 '7 Tubes' painting by Lamar W. Dodd. At Chairish, you won't have to sift through less-than-stellar paintings. Velvet Paintings | Mercari Answer: If you are looking for a valuation for insurance purposes you need to find an accredited valuer in your area who can provide you with the correct paperwork. As described in the article above, there are many options for selling art. How Much Are Vintage Andy Warhol Album Covers Worth? Typically when you talk about the vintage vinyl record and cover market, condition is of the utmost importance, but Warhol covers seem to be immune to this. My art collection consists of a few works from local friends, none of whom are famous, but all of whom are talented. As I have mentioned in the comments above, I do not offer a research service, and this article is intended to point you in the right direction to do some research of your own. The Dogs Playing Poker series. Answer: Philips Wouwerman (1619 -1668) was a Dutch painter who specialized in hunting, landscape and battle scenes. There are a huge volume of oil paintings in circulation that have been painted on production lines in art 'factories'. Simply great information with honestly and directness. Question: I have a painting by W. Amadio. A 19th century French tortoiseshell cased gold etui, the hinged lid af Amanda Severn (author) from UK on September 14, 2015: Hi zhzh, unfortunately I have had to delete your comment as you included an email address, which anyone reading this page could use. Because early prints are such a specialist area, you should have them valued or appraised by a professional whenever possible. Pierre-Auguste Cot | The Storm | The Metropolitan Museum of Art Never assume that all prints are worthless, as this is definitely not the case. Plus, the frame itself could be valuable. Answer: If your painting proves to be a genuine painting by the American artist Alfred Thompson Bricher (1837-1908) then it will indeed be a valuable item. Answer: There are quite a number of artists named Whistler, so there are no guarantees that your item is by James McNeill Whistler(1834-1903) although the date does tie-in, and he was certainly an active producer of high-quality etchings. Velvet Paintings - Fine Art America What is the price? Use a magnifying glass to look at the picture in greater detail. Other than that you might want to get a subscription to a website such as which gives the option of buying a researcher's time. He came back to Hawaii briefly to bring his mother to Tahiti, where she lived with him for the rest of his life. Most black velvet paintings were sold through tourist stands and shops in Mexico and the artist's are generally unlisted or unknown. The Art of Experience", "Velvet Underdogs: In Praise of the Paintings the Art World Loves to Hate", "It's curtains for the Velveteria velvet painting museum", "Chinatown's new Velveteria gallery is a velvet painting paradise", Velveteria, The Museum of Velvet Paintings in Portland, Oregon,, This page was last edited on 3 January 2023, at 01:44. An exhibition in Detroit's Mexicantown takes an in-depth look at the black velvet painting tradition in Chicano communities, from renderings of a Nahuatl legend to portraits of Elvis and Zapata . comments powered by It looks like the original frame with the artist's info and seal on back from The W.R. MacAskill Foundation. $45.00 $15.06 shipping or Best Offer Elvis Presley The king black velvet original oil painting handpainted signed art $175.00 Free shipping or Best Offer 16 watching Elvis Presley Size 24"x18" . First, make sure it an original rather than a copy or a print. Polychromatic woodcut "Oniji Otani" by Toshusai Sharaku (1794) Image courtesy of Wiki Commons. Alternatively, you might try posting an image of your painting on a web-site such as WebAnswers where there are people waiting to give advice for free. Ernesto Sanchez Mexican Artist Paintings For Sale - 2 Listings Its an abstract painting in greens and oranges, with decoupaged actual shamrocks embedded on the canvas. It is very easy to check on past auction results, so no-one should put their trust in an unknown web-site without doing some research first. All the materials are intended for educational purposes only. Velvet Underdogs: In Praise of the Paintings the Art World Loves to What's It Worth: Painting on Velvet - YouTube Contact Supplier Request a quote. If you are able to identify the surname of the artist but don't have a first initial, try comparing your painting with the work of other artists with the same surname by entering the name and the word "images" into your search engine. We offer free art appraisals (for original oil paintings) on our website at Velvety soft upholstery in a chic sandstone gray upholstery takes neutral to another level. Good luck! It very much depends on artist, provenance, condition and rarity. Edgar Leeteg lived a full and unorthodox life and he will always be remembered as Leeteg of Tahiti: The Father of Black Velvet Painting. I'm even considering sending it to his museum in Europe but of course that entails so many would-be disasters. MID CENTURY OIL PAINTING CARLOS LOPEZ RUIZ VINTAGE PAINTING . Unfortunately, as stated in the article, I do not offer a valuation service, but in any case the information provided is insufficient to give you any kind of guidance. I suspect that your item may be some kind of print or other reproduction, but the only way to be certain is if you show the item to an auction house or art and antiques dealer in your local area. K Yoshii is also a listed artist, and you will also be able to get information on the website I have suggested. If you wish to insure it, you could get an ad hoc, verbal valuation from a local auction house. The average art buyer is not generally interested in religious art, however, if the work is indeed an antique, and perhaps by a 'listed artist', then it could well be of interest to a museum or some other collector of old masters. Original Price 63.00 2 Bid s. Register To Bid. Pre-Leeteg velvet painting has a serious history. Arguably the best-known velvet artist, paintings by Edgar Leeteg are much more valuable than the kind seen at flea markets. Since American travelers werent hopping over to the islands, the next best tiki-like trip was to go to Mexico. Should I bring these items to an auctioneer or can I just take photos and send it to them. If you go on to ebay you may well find, as I did, that there are examples of ELPEC brassware such as toasting forks etc. Beside doing the auction results database. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on October 28, 2017: Hi Sari Mati, Thank you for your kind comments. They can also include more exotic or avant-garde themes. Question: I have inherited a painting by Ferris. The original version of 'The White Horse' is in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. A 19th century French tortoiseshell cased gold etui, the hinged lid af, with fitted red velvet. short list of artists' monograms is available online, What Makes an Antique Valuable? The paintings that have passed through auction to date have been valued at around $200. As I have stated elsewhere, I'm not able to provide a valuation service. Auctions normally charge a commission fee for their services. I do not, unfortunately, offer any kind of valuation or appraisal service. You could try searching online for auctioneers, then contact them via email to see if they would be able to assist you. How can I find the value of these paintings? Alexandre-Franois Bonnardel (1867-1942) is a listed artist, noted for his still-lifes. Courtesy of Wiki Commons. It might have appraised for $3,000, but no one is buying it for that - because as little faith as I have in humanity, no one has taste this bad. The art is out there. Never be afraid to haggle with a dealer, and you can always take your item to more than one. Started in Portland, OR and now located in Downtown Los Angeles in historic Chinatown, this one of a kind attraction is a must visit for fans of Retro, Tiki and Kitch. value. Nail Artist/ Nail Tech Job in Fort Worth, TX at Velvet Studio Question: I have an old oil on canvas painting of a river scene by a William Miller, or Meller. The French Impressionist artists Edgar Degas and Pierre-Auguste Renoir both produced wonderful examples of this art form. Question: I have a Henri Royer painting of the Eiffel Tower Street View. You might also take a look at the free auction price listings on the site where over 30 examples of MacAskill's work are listed together with the prices achieved. In fact, it was only a print, but it was a very good one. You need to ascertain which M. Guerrero painted your picture, then research further with the correct information. I'm glad you found this hub helpful, and good luck with researching your art collection. Answer: If you look at the auction listings for this artist on, you'll get an idea of the spread of prices achieved for works by this artist. Equally, even if it is unsigned but is of an interesting subject, such as a political cartoon, it may well be of interest to a specialist collector. Use an online image search or reverse image search to check whether your painting is a copy of an existing artwork. How much is a Snoopy Black Velvet Painting worth? 375x472 0 0 45 Best Magnificent . Amanda Severn (author) from UK on April 06, 2012: Hi Bradvv60, this article is intended as a guide to help others research their own items. This service is free to use at present, and provides a useful insight into the possible value of your item. If you are looking to sell this item you might try approaching a local auction house or art dealer for further advice, or you could list it online yourself. Question: I have a Rene Charles painting that is titled "Cottage by a River". [2] Marco Polo and others introduced black velvet paintings to Western Europe, and some of these early works still hang in the Vatican Museums. Questions About Antique Velvet Paintings What is a black velvet painting? If you do indeed have a valuable painting on your hands, then a reputable auctioneer will be only too pleased to help you to get the best price for your item. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on October 26, 2014: Does it have a signature, or any labels that might give a clue? All rights to paintings and other images found on are owned by their respective owners (authors, artists), and the Administration of the website doesn't bear responsibility for their use.