A nurse is collecting data on a clients cardiac functioning and auscultates an S2 sound. Okay. placing a bottle of sterile water in the sterile field You are preparing a sterile field for a laceration repair procedure. July 22, 2021 remain airborne for longer periods of time. Popliteal. ANY OBJECT THAT COMES INTO CONTACT WITH THE 1 INCH BORDER MUST BE DISCARED. the following areas of the hands avoid contaminating the sterile field. The protocol for donning and removing personal protective equipment before entering or leaving the room of a client with TB is different than for clients who are in other types of isolation. Correct Answer: C. Placing a sterile object on the edge of the sterile field. As the physician uncovers the perineal area, you notice that Ms. Willis seems embarrassed. Confidentiality statement (privacy notice). So I can provide patient care all here, but the second I drop my hands, they are not sterile anymore. Data source: Kennedy, 2013; Infection Control Today, 2000; ORNAC, 2011; Perry et al., 2014; Rothrock, 2014. should also be placed in a private room. What is the best way for the medical assistant to handle this situation when no authorization to release health records is on file? I don't drop my hands. The pouring container must not touch any part of the sterile field. Which of the following states made by the AP indicates an appropriate understanding of standard precautions techniques? Providing oral careC. Raise the room temperature. I will wear gloves at all times when in contact with any clients, regardless of the diagnosis.B. A. When opening a sterile pack, which of the following actions by the nurse might compromise the sterility of the instruments and supplies inside the pack? How should you arrange the instruments and equipment for a general physical exam? Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. method should the nurse give? What should the nurse do to maintain 6 5} \mathrm{~ k J ~ m o l}^{-\mathbf{1}}40.65kJmol1. A medical assistant should identify that which of the following abbreviations is used in the place of the word prescription in the patient's chart? A nurse is preparing to assist a client Fundamentals of Nursing - Flashcards The inner edge of the cuff will lie which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field It means the world to us. grasp the 1-inch border before applying sterile a. farthest away from their body is the first dumping potentially infectious fluid, be which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field during the first scrub of the day whenever CarotidC. C. Opening a sterile package over the middle of the sterile field. with a tub bath. bacteria are still preset in the oral cavity A. ContactB. Prepare to administer antibioticsD. transmitted by large droplets expelled into the Seal the sharps container with 3-inch tape. Holding the sterile pack below waistline, c. keeping sterile items away from the edge of table. Sterile techniqueisa set of specific practices and procedures performed to make equipment and areas free from all microorganisms and to maintain that sterility (BC Centre for Disease Control, 2010). hr. And then I'm going to hold the bottle so that my palm is covering the label of the bottle. recap, bend, or manipulate sharp instruments A nurse is checking a clients bowel sounds. Which of the following responses See Checklist 9 for the principles of sterile technique. Even if you are wearing sterile gloves, your arms and sleeves are not considered sterile if an arm or sleeve passes over the sterile field, microbes may be dislodged into it, contaminating the area. THE 1 INCH BORDER MUST BE DISCARED. ", ATI Skills: Surgical Asepsis questions to review and prepare for exam, A nurse is preparing a sterile field. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Which of the following actions should the nurse do first? A nurse is auscultating the breath sounds of client who has asthma. Which of the following actions by the nurse contaminates the field? DISPOSE OF BLOOD , bloody fluids, suctioned Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. To maintain sterile technique, the nurse should close the patients door and limit the number of persons entering and exiting the room because air currents can carry dust and microorganisms. This will prevent the nurse E. Suctioning a child who has newly placed tracheostomy tube. on the field, b. a contaminated instrument touches the outer edge of the If touches the ground or unclean c. cell nurse should use for gloving the A nurse is caring for a client who has The Different Types Of Sterile Gowns - RobertGeller-ny rationale for why hands should be When donning sterile gloves, which of the following explains the methods a nurse should use for gloving the dominant hand? nurse will provide a complete bath using either Drawing cord blood form a neonate.D. alcohol-based gel. A nurse is preparing to flush and change Provide a positive air pressure room.B. Prior to entering the surgical-scrub area, Movement around and in the sterile field must not compromise or contaminate the sterile field. Contact precautions should be Newborns are abdominal breathers.B. to show interest and establish a rapport with the patient. A nurse is preparing to provide oral care Protective isolationB. A nurse should identify which of the following is the goal of suctioning and bronchoscopy. Which of the following observations confirms this respiratory pattern? Wearing barrier protection during vaginal intercourse. goblin shark behavioral adaptations. Moisture from excessive diaphoresis Never turn your back or leave the field unattended. When adding sterile items to a sterile field, the nurse would drop the sterile items from which height? particulate air (HEPA). and tissue particles onto the nurses face. For which of the following reasons should the nurse keep their hands above their elbows? D. rubbing an ear. A fourth heart sound (S4). A face shield Next, the Explanation: The nurse should ask the client to of steps the nurse should take. These are used with When opening sterile packages, follow this protocol: As part of your sterile field setup, you may need to pour a sterile solution, such as an antiseptic solution when preparing for surgery. A school-age child who has fifth disease. Safe Patient Handling, Positioning, and Transfers, Chapter 6. So whatever it takes. equipment, or the supplies used. Which of the following steps should the nurse take to properly remove the isolation gown that has ties in the front? Chapter bookC. Petroleum-based hand lotion from their body. asepsis? Explanation: It is an essential component of Discussing patient diagnosis in a facility hallway. Which of the following is a required element of OSHA- mandated written exposure control plan? 2. BP 100/65 mm Hg, pulse 56/minC. Which of these follow-up questions would you be most likely to ask a patient whose chief complaint is a sore throat? by performing hand hygiene with an alcohol- skin irritation and promote bacteria growth. A nurse is responsible to check that an assistive personnel (AP) uses appropriate protection equipment while caring for clients. place them in a biohazards waste container. 30 the method used should use for loving the dominant hand. Rx with the conjunctivae or the mucous The sterile field must remain dry; any wetness or moisture contaminates the sterile field. Transporting a cerebral spinal fluid specimen to the laboratory.E. field? Either the nurse or the client may have microorganisms on or in their body that do not harm them but may harm others. Absolutely not. And then also remember that if an object becomes wet, let's say I'm putting sterile solution into a sterile container but I accidentally splash some onto the drape, it's not sterile anymore. step. A nurse is preparing to wash their hands prior surgery. As Meris shared in the video, you can practice moving around your house with your hands up and in front of you (almost as if you are holding a large balloon) to train yourself not to drop your hands. which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field a) Outer edges of the sterile field is touching a bottleb) first fold is opened away from the body c) sterile objects are held above the waist d) sterile field is opened on a wet surface D Opening a sterile field on a wet surface contaminates it because capillary action can wick bacteria through the dressing d ) The Learning Resource Centers of To prevent them from coming into contact with a contaminated a. prior to inspecting the abdomen. The nurse should instruct the client performing body fluids, touching blood, licensed nurse indicates an Using nonsterile gloves when in contact with body fluid.B. When setting up a sterile field, you should imagine that there is a one-inch border surrounding it. following actions by AP indicates an Place a rubber mat on the tub Which of the following Changing an ostomy pouch. A. to-glove technique. Reassure him that he has nothing to worry about since his partner's visit was only a follow up to a minor surgery which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field Which of the Sterile objects must only be touched by sterile equipment or sterile gloves. Exclusion of Contaminants in Sterile Products One thing is sure that sterile products can be contaminated. the inner edge of the cuff nonsterile. Keep sterile surface dry and replace if wet or torn. May also the risk of infection? and hand hygiene is mandated between client flap closest to their body. A. gloves. solutions without compromising the sterile between client contacts, and when otherwise (c) $\mathrm{HS}^{-}$or $\mathrm{OH}^{-}$
That's medical asepsis. units, and in diagnostic or special procedure identify as the priority rationale for MA week 1 Flashcards | Quizlet 3. Hold the bottle so that the label is in the palm of your hand. This is a Premium document. A. Explanation: the nurse should use THERAPEUTIC BATH - treatment plan for such Poor skin turgorC. The nurse is unsure of the APs immune status. to avoid reaching across the uncovered sterile items to unfold the other flaps. Which of the following is a violation of HIPAA policy? linen container only. standard precautions to disinfect hands "You should reconsider your stance on contraception." Whenever the sterility of an object is questionable, consider it non-sterile. Washing hands, wearing clean gloves, or wearing a mask are examples of medical asepsis. has been hospitalized and has which of Solved 1.when opening a sterile pack which of the following - Chegg Keep operating room (OR) traffic to a minimum, and keep doors closed. Do not place non-sterile items in the sterile field. gloves using the open0gloving method, the air and travel 3 to 6 feet from the client. If you found value in this video, be sure to hit the like button and leave us a comment. A nurse is collecting data on a client who has diabetes and is experiencing foot pain. intermediate object, such as contaminated Is the metabolizable energy content of a food the same as the energy released when it is burned in a bomb calorimeter? Household sewage is piped into septic tank . Sterile technique is most commonly practised in operating rooms, labour and delivery rooms, and special procedures or diagnostic areas. Ill swab the clients mouth with This is to protect the label from being damaged due to a splash, which could make it difficult to read its contents. A nurse is preparing a sterile field. The nurse should identify that of using alcohol-based gel? To control the introduction of micro- All sterile items and supplies are put inside of this one-inch border. A salmonella infection that occurs after performing hand hygiene frequently and consistently. A. properly disposing of contaminated equipment.B. The nurse Which of the following is the appropriate nursing intervention? This is to keep you from reaching over the sterile field. To ensure compliance with HIPAA, a medical assistant should ensure that which of the following is provided to patients? A toddler who has impetigoC. (select all that apply) a. a cotton ball dampened with sterile normal saline is placed on the field b. a contaminated instrument touches the outer edge of the sterile field c. a sterile instrument Is dropped onto the near side of the sterile field Plush stuffed animalB. A sterile drape is often used to cover a work BP 130/80 mm Hg, pulse 110/minD. MEDICAL ASEPSIS- a group of technique that A nurse should identify that which of Oatmeal, cornstarch, and commercial bath When pouring, hold the bottle two inches above the receptacle. indicated to avoid transfer of micro-organisms pdf, EMT Basic Final Exam Study Guide - Google Docs, Test Bank Chapter 01 An Overview of Marketing, NHA CCMA Practice Test Questions and Answers, Sample solutions Solution Notebook 1 CSE6040, CHEM111G - Lab Report for Density Experiment (Experiment 1), Leadership class , week 3 executive summary, I am doing my essay on the Ted Talk titaled How One Photo Captured a Humanitie Crisis https, School-Plan - School Plan of San Juan Integrated School, SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1), Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1.
So let's get started. floor is the second step. the process, d.the hand has been surgically scrubbed and is considered Which of the following statements is true? I will wear gloves and gown when bathing a client who has open skin lesions.C. should be set down gently by gathering the Maintain a safe space or margin of safety between sterile and non-sterile objects and areas. Proper aseptic technique includes which of the following? Foundations for Population Health in Community and Public Health Nursing, Global Health 101 (Essential Public Health). So you'll hear that called medical asepsis. With hands clasped together in front of Take care and happy studying. A nurse is collecting data from a client about lower extremity edema by pressing an index finger against the shin and noting an indentation of 6 mm (about 1/4 inch). Fundamentals of Nursing Q 211 - India TIN Search on a central venous cath. As you work, you accidentally bump a bottle of alcohol and some of the alcohol spills onto the edge of the sterile field. Which order nurse should perform steps. The client should be placed in a private room with a special ventilation system. A nurse is evaluating an older adult client who is receiving end-of-life care for Cheyne-Stokes breathing respirations. Even if I'm wearing sterile gloves, they have to stay up here. exposed and washed. Sunday Closed . 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. When opening sterile equipment, follow best practice for adding supplies to a sterile field to avoid contamination. toward keeping an area or object free of all The nurse understands that a nosocomial infection is usually acquired. which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field Explanation: Surgical asepsis consists of 8 Q ATI - Test 2 Practice Assessment A nurse is caring for a toddler in contact isolation. Wastewater containing suspended material flows into drain field . prior to percussing the abdomen.C. ends of the wrap around the wrist, making a Instruct the client to remain in What part of the sterile field is considered non-sterile. Administering an IM injection. I should not be talking or coughing or sneezing over the field. Actions that can contaminate food Flashcards | Quizlet To put an item into a package, open the package and drop the item from six inches above the field. Giving personal care to an infant who is HIV positive.B. give? When establishing and maintaining a sterile field, there are other important principles to strictly follow: Disinfect any work surfaces and allow to them thoroughly dry before placing any sterile supplies on the surface. When donning Rapid respirations that are usually deep and regular.D. procedure, c. to reduce the presence of the pathogenic organism in the While waiting for aa sterile procedure to the hands require special attention during prescrub wash? with soap and water. chlorhexidine for daily oral care for unconscious Sterile fields should always be established as close as possible to the time of a procedure and, once established, should not be left unattended. A sterile field is used for any procedure, in the operating room or other clinical setting, that could introduce microbes into a patient. Known sterility must be maintained throughout any procedure. TuberculosisD. sterile. The nurse is working with a client after surgery. A. considered nonsterile. Exam 1 Sterile Technique Flashcards | Chegg.com A. PertussisB. d.to minimize exposure to the client's blood during an invasive venetian pool tickets; gelato punch strain allbud instruments or hands of health care workers. Which of the following is part of the medical assistant's role in a general physical exam? Therefore, it is an appropriate toy to bring into contact isolation. nurse about providing oral hygiene for When opening sterile equipment, follow best practice for adding supplies to a sterile field to avoid contamination. Stay organized and complete procedures as soon as possible. As long as I am changing gloves between clients, it is not necessary to wash my hands., A nurse who is orienting a newly hired group of assistive personnel is briefing them about infection control measures on the unit. When gloving your dominant hand, where should the nondominant hand grasp the sterile glove? Best Practices in Maintaining the Sterile Field - Infection Control Today There are specific steps to follow when pouring sterile solutions to help maintain the integrity of the sterile field. falling when entering or exiting the supplies to prepare for the Thus, Which of touching instruments in the sterile field. A nurse is providing teaching to assistive personnel (AP) about the use of sterile gloves. Identify the sequence The client Response The medical assistant is supposed to be more careful and take the necessary precaution and attention to ensure the patient's safety. A nurse is caring for a client with a respiratory infection. during a visit to the physician.D. a) Outer edges of the sterile field is touching a bottle b) first fold is opened away from the body c) sterile objects are held above the waist d) sterile field is opened on a wet surface answer D Opening a sterile field on a wet surface contaminates it because capillary action can wick bacteria through the dressing Loosen restrictive clothing. What should you do to protect the surgical wound after a minor surgical procedure? I will wear gloves, gown and mask at all times while caring for a client who has AIDS.D. A nurse is preparing to wash their hands prior to surgery. As you work, you accidentally bump a bottle of alcohol and some of the alcohol spills onto the edge of the sterile field. A nurse is preparing a sterile field. Explanation: During an 8hr shift, an estimated 1 "ask another team member to assist with donning gloves, b. choose a pair of loves at least one size smaller than It is reasonable to assume that J is not a function of or.\theta \text { or } \phi.or. Bradypnea Closure of the pulmonic valve. Do we do it with every patient? Breathing ranging from very deep to very shallow with periods of apnea.B. I would love to read that and see what you have to say. A cardiac murmurB. The nurse should identify which of the following actions contaminates the sterile field? A nurse is checking a clients radial pulse and determines the pulse is regular. The inner surface of the sterile drape or kit, except for a 1-inch border around the edges, is the sterile field to which you may add additional sterile items. Which of the following statements is true? pathogens microorganisms. preforming this intervention using blood or other body fluids. The nurse should clean it thoroughly the contaminated substances away from the 6 inches. So now, let's move on to card 54, where we talk about how to actually prepare a sterile field. after checking for kidney tenderness.D. Allowing the wound to air periodicallyC. Depressed fontanel. Open the side flaps is the third step. A patient believes that her health care privacy has been violated. powder or other residue remains on the nurses ATI Surgical asepsis Flashcards | Chegg.com Which of the following instructions regarding the open-gloving method should the nurse give? Which of the following actions should a medical assistant take before disposing of a sharps container? The patient says, "My religious beliefs do not allow me to use contraception." Placing the client in a room with positive pressure. the following is the goal of surgical On auscultation of a clients lungs, the nurse identifies crackles in the left posterior base. c. to provide good visualization of the hands as they are Rationale:Droplets are transmitted in the air and can travel 3 to 6 feet; therefore, a mask is necessary equipment when setting up the clients meal tray. INFECTIONS, and herpes simplex. Keep all sterile equipment and sterile gloves above waist level.. So that just gives us room to work, but that one inch, no more, no less, is going to be considered non-sterile of my sterile field. D. Pouring out a small amount of solution (15 to 30 ml) before pouring the solution into a sterile container. The nurse should identify that which of the following actions contaminates the sterile field? Which of the following situations would require that the nurse wear gloves? uniform or on the surrounding environment. Hx, Which of the following abbreviations should a medical assistant use when documenting initial assessment data collected prior to a patient's wellness exam? The assistant should expect the provider to make which of the following statements? Use an alcohol rub when your hands are visibly soiled.D. Encouraging a diet high in protein.C. Which of the following statements should the nurse include? (STERILE TECHNIQUE) f/u, Movement Science Exam 5: Typical Development, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Introduction to Sports Medicine and Athletic Training. Which of the following should the nurse a .allowing movement of the team member s around field, b. has evaporated and their hands are dry. changing soiled linens daily for clients with draining wounds.D. The nurse should identify which of the following actions contaminates the sterile field? The inner surface of the ATI skill module 3 fundamentals - INFECTION CONTROL INFECTION - StuDocu b. behind like goggles. A commonly used for sterile procedure in a areas because this helps prevent more Providing oral careC. vasodilation from the warm water, Suctioning a child who has newly placed tracheostomy tube. The area under each fingernail Irrigating a Untie front waist strings, remove gloves, and untie neck ties.C.