Completed meditation retreats:
2010: Steve Armstrong
2011: Ashin Tejaniya
2012: Patricia Genoud // Walter Koechli
2013: Ashin Tejaniya
2014: Ashin Tejaniya
2015: Alexis Santos
2016: Alexis Santos
2017: Alexis Santos
2018: Alexis Santos
Ashin Tejaniya's teaching we really love and support. We are translating and distributing his books and repeatively inviting him for leading meditation retreats. Ashin Tejaniya is very busy especially with his duties as a meditaton teacher in his native meditation centre Shwe Oo Minn in Myanmar (Burma). He is also often invited abroad (Asia, Australia, USA), where he leads courses. That is why it is not easy to find some gap in his schedule for another retreat in Czech Republic. His closest plans for 2015 are USA and England. In 2016 than Switzerland and Finland. We are trying to bring him to Czech Republic for 2017.
We are in contact with folowing teachers, who we are trying to bring to Czech Republic:
- Carol Wilson (USA)
- Patricia a Charles Genoud (Switzerland)
- Hor Tuck Loon (Malaisia)
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